Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1922, Page 9, Image 9

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Motif for Modish Affairs of the Week
THEY may he far aay from Omaha, but these olj frienH r eeing
lmot i nmi'h of cuh other it i( they were t home. Mr. William
Archibald Smith, vho i inakinR her home iif Lo Aneclc, ihU year,
i hotrn at a luncheon the other day for Mn. Joseph l'ulcar of Omaha,
&ien at Hie Hetty tfulton tea rooirn. The other gtiru were Mn. Walter
M. Selby, Mr. Kmc Harder, formerly Mii Kuth Caldwell; Mm. Harvey
Jacktnn and Mn. .. O. Hamilton.
Ocr lat week-end Mr. Walter M. Selby entertained Mi Kmm
Hoagland, who u a pupil at ttie Mjrlborouiih chool, of which Mr, Luther
Drake 11 acting principal. '
Mm. George Jlolilrefie, Mr. T. L. Kimball and her ilauiilMfr. Mi
Arabtlle Kimball, are at the Hotel Virginia at Long Beach, and this. ttk
Mr. William Archibald Smith i peniling there with them bciore their
departure for Omaha, ' '
Two other familie who are cloe friends and oitnt travel together are
Mr. and Mn. George Kelly and Mr. and Mr. Jay t'otter. Thev, too, are
"pending the winter at the Virginia and report gay time. They will not
he home before the end of March,
Mr. Joeph 1'olcar, who lu upent the pa-t month in Hollvwood, will
leave March II for two or three vtrW May at Long iieach at the Torrey
fine apartment before leaving for home.
In Honor of Miu Hagedorn. '
MU Helen Hagedorn wa honor!
Rurtt tat night at a ilinner-danre
uien by Mr. and .Mr. W. II. '
tinild at their borne. They had'
IS jritfkH. Wednesday Mr. Klj
Mr ArntMrong will Rive a lunch- j
eon at the Bramlm tea room, fol-1
lowed by the Orphcum matinee, for
mi Hagedorn, and Thursday he
will be honor guet at a bridge
luncheon given by Mr. James Han.
Icy. Saturday Mr. Thonia Dona-
l ue will give a luncheon at the Ath
letic club in her honor, and Monday
evening Dr. and Mm. J. E. Tulvcr
will entertain at a theater party-at
the 'Taking Show"
Birthday Party.
Mr. T. J. Dwyer enter!alned at a
children party at her home Tues
day afternoon from 4 until 7 o'clock
v honor of the fourth birthday anni
versary of her daughter. Kathrvn.
St. Patrick's favors and decorations
were used.
the Riiet were Kathcrine Hos-
ford, Chatham Redick. Louise Wag
tener, Jean Dudley Gallagher. Car
oline Byrne, Betty Fisher. Catherine
Donahue, Virginia Dwyer, Harriet
Beaton, Margaret Young, Virginia
Hoffman, Irma Catherine Byrne and
Susan Mary Dwyer. .
Miss Morgan to Speak at Club.
Miss'Anne Morgan will be the
guest of the Omaha Club. Sunday
evening at supper. She will speak
on condition in present-day France.
Miss Morgan will also give a public
talk on France Sunday afternoon at
the , Brandeis theater. The affair
Sunday evening is a further carrying
out of the plans of the club enter
tainment committee to make these
Sunday evening suppers interesting
and worth while. v
Mrs. Thomas Leigh
Heads South
Side Club 1
The South Omaha Woman's club
elected the following officers Tues
day afternoon at the South Side , li
brary: Mrs. Thomas Leigh, presi
dent: Mrs. M. H. Copenharve, vice
president; Mrs. Carl O. Patrick, re
cording secretary;1 Mrs. E. F. Ander
son, corresponding secretary; ' Mrs.
Julia Pulliani. treasurer; Mrs. N.. M.
Ciraham. chairman-program commit
tee; Mrs. Edward Burson, member
ship chairman; Mrs. O. C. Hodgen,
S house and home committee chair
Vnan; tlrs.- Ralph Marrs, chairman
Vf constitution and bylaws; Mrs.
Wtf.lis JA. Berger", auditing commit
tee chairman. .
The retiring president. Mrs. Sam
uel C. Shrigley, has served faith
fully and efficiently the constitutional
limit of two years. Under her lead
ership the club membership has been
increased from 70 to 147. . The club
is one of the most progressive in
the state federation.
My Marriage
Adale CarriMo'a Nw PbaM at
"Revelation of a Wife"
it'opvrtiht: lt;j,
Miller Park Circle.
Miller Park Mothers' circle .will
meet Wednesday; 3 p. m., in the
school auditorium. A china cup
shower will be given for the school,
each member being requested to
bring a cup. Business meeting and
program will be followed by tea.
George Crook W. R. C.
George -Crook Woman's Relief
corps will meet for. 1 o'clock lunch
eon .Friday at the home of Mrs.
Mane Baxter, 4509 North Twenty
first street. Reservations may be
made with Mrs, A. W. Boquet, Ken
wood 2157.
. . Garfield Circle.
Garfield circle,. Ladies o the G. A.
R., will meet Friday, 8 p. m., in Me
morial h.all, court house. '
Problems That Perplex
' Answered by
National Song. "
"Dear Miss Fairfax: Will you please
tell me the national hymn and its
author. Yours truly.
"The Star Spangled Banner" is
out national song. Francis Scott
Key was the writer of it.
Wondering: Boys don't make love
to girls in front of other girls if they
are sincere. Yes, a toy of high
school age could be seriously in love,
but he is not likely to be. From
what you say of the boy you like. I
1udge he is fickle and that you would
"do well to keep command of your
own heart.
Reader: As nearly as I can re
member the verse it goes:
Monday for health.
Tuily for wealth. .
W nine-day the bst day or U; "
Thursday for losses,
Fridsy for crows.
Saturday bo day at alt.
M. F. K.: I would advise you to
keep away from the (rtrl for awhile.
Give her time to decide whether she
likes you or not before you ask for
explanations. Ask the Red Cross
authorities in your town about voca
tional training.
Carl B.: You certainly have the
right to go with the girl you please.
You are under no obligation to a girl
unless you have proposed to her.
You owe her consideration and cour
tesy, but not your company unless
you like her.
Tiny Cousin: White 'roe repeat
ing your questions and enclosing a
stamped addressed envelope and I
will reply to you personally.
The Way Luck Served Madge and
Dicky Well.
I do not believe I ever have been
more embarrassed than I was
when the realization came to me
that I had introduced Dick to Dr.
McDermott as Mr. Graham. -while
the dapper little doctor knew me
only as Mrs. Black, the name I
:oolishly had put on the hotel reg
ister. My face felt as if it were
being seared with flame, and I could
only look helplessly at Dicky, hop
ing that in some way he could
straighten things out.
It was not altogether a blind trust
I reposed in Lim. Ever since my
wedding day I recognized that one
of my husband's pre-eminent qual
ities is his social tact, his ability to
handle any unusual situation gra
ciously and delicately. And as I
saw him, with no outward trace of
embarrassment, advance to meet the
rotund little physician with cordially
extended hand, I gave a little inaudi
ble sigh of relief. I knew that Dicky
would manage in some way to ex
tricate me from the humiliating pre
dicament my foolish precaution
against being followed by the mys
terious elderly foreigner had brought
upon me. '
"I am more than clad to meet von.
doctor," Dicky said heartily, stress
ing the adverb and the pronoun,
"and I feel that we owe you an ex
planation." There was nothing in the physi
cian s noncommittal professional ex
pression io maicate mat ne was
doing anything else that listen con
ventionally to Dicky's remarks, but
I caught a glimpse of his keen eyes
as they glanced at me, then fixed
themselves on Dicky aeain. and 1
knew the little doctor was reading
my husband and weighing what he
read carefully and judicially.
Bciore that, however, Dicky
went on, "do let me assure you how
much I appreciate your care of Mrs.
Graham. She has had a most un
pleasant experience, ' and it was in
deed fortunate that she was able to
obtain your' attentions."
Dicky Asks a Question.
The physician gave a deprecatory
wave of his plump white hand, but I
fancied that he was being favorably
impressed by Dickyv , I was watch
ing him intently, and I fancied that
I saw something a bit strained and
unusual in 'the scrutiny-to which he
was subjecting my husband It was
as if he were trying to read -something
which Dicky's features sug
gested. "Has Mrs. Graham told you of the
fright which was responsible for her
injury?" Dicky asked next, and as I
heard the naturalness of the deferen
tial inquiry I permitted myself a lit
tle smile unseen by the physician.
What tale my husband meant to tell
I did not -know, but that it would
be a plausible story I did not doubt.
The physician shook his head.
"She has not been.' in a Condition
to talk much," he said, but without
looking at mer-
"You Were Across?" -;, ;
"IN thought not," Dicky replied.
"In fact, she was so unnerved that
she had hard work telling me. She
came into town this morning on a
shopping trip, and was unfortunate
w A rkzS
V'- ' i 1
i I
. ; ; : : ni
'tune iiflie ll f rctiirti ti ahiiig-
r TF -m
f d Mr. lUrold (idt.nd will
it iih Omaha Saturday a'ttr i to
ii'fiiitli.' tiiii to Himlt dmana and
lie 'et Indie. Thry landed m
Anniiccinrut it nud,(f 'he birth
ff a oi u Dr. and Mr,V ). Heh.
ciiitreit of Hotlt, Ntb..''Maril
at the 1'ie.h) tetun hu-piul in
Umaha. Dr. , Jlvbrtitrcit tovk) hi.
medical training in thi it.
Mr. and Mr Paul Skmmr ,
fcturtied to'lhe I'niled Stair atter a i
evcral . t"onth. t-nir 'i the Kuro-,
pcatt fnfinirir. ' I hey are tnotonnn
through? the cat lt pre i-m. ),ite '
rf tlupir .return - u ' Omaha i In-1
dcfmft.. , .
MVfanil Miv I'.' II. M. DrariiH.n ;
l.ave .Wdne-day Kr San Diego,;
v luTtf fliijV plan to make their home, i
Mra. -Mciearmoii i well knov,n j
hire for the faithful -work which iie
I'd during; the war a lieutenant
in the motor ' torin and in the Lib
O ty Loan drive. s
runit 11s itxnrurw J
Mrh ll; a ltnlr4 make, geaultie ma.
IniKaay ra. repnnt.ive at lion, deep ri h
tone. This Wonder Utand" l tua di'
pair of inipeiiilu llspecially pilcnl
- u
Daby Grand
4 all at i" "
MOjsric Co.
So. JOUi,
II' , J
tl I ""TISnillTT? DrxalLaaaTMT
We Deliver
to Any Part
of the City.
Grocery Stock of the Washington Market
vrtr -Roinrr ftlnserl Ouk at the Table Supply
Values That Startle the City-Come Get Your Share
Connlers, tables and shelves ore bending under the ennrmnus weltiLI f lhliit .rf h' f J
Waslilngton Market slock. The sensalh.nally low prices should Invite l,u,l,.g lu l.ja. l r
canned good aro decidedly Iran than the can be duplico ted for In Ih. hi,le1e market lodar.
spite of the terrific selling of Monday nnil tnday the assortoient remain complete.
t rd Fr.l. KMA Brnrt-I'-.rh. Aprleota. Vrl Mo.te P-.r. ad lo,.l A- tberrle..
l-loma. HIrkbrrtM. H- lpbrrrlr. I.OBnn- 45, and BOe rlar, 3 for war
' brrrlra. 3c and 4 rfKlilT, at one prk'e ti&t
, at -. :156 Iac m
I.. Am a fnvn i Bollt Cocoit. flnrat iBIoe Hlhhon I'rachr..
Extraordinary Spedals for Wednesday and Thursday
enough to be caught on. that stalled
train in the tunnel. During the de
lay she was annoyed and frightened
by a man no, you can't give. "Jiim
that name, the time-worn 'masher'
better describes him who, when she
finally reached the station, kept ciosc
to her. Jit her attempt to get away
from hi'm she was caught in- -x,ie
crowd and received that'- blow- "c'u
the head-.', When she fcvived iii-tuc.
waiting. room and saw hinr 0(l.t?We,'
her one -thought . was to get a,"5a'y.
She 7securd -a- taxi and .came .bare,
and in her hsiH-liy'sterical condition
decided 'that she Would do the jo's-,
trich stunt and ' register , urtdir
another name than her .ouh. -'.T-hc
feminine mind, you 'k'nov-.dbctor,
moves in -a niysterious w-ay.
Even through'-"' my relief-at the
story Dicky had recounted there
came a flash of- resentment that -he
could not have, omitted the little hu
morous dig at feminine foibles which
he rarely foregoes when 1 am; the
subject vof his conversation.- Bi'it l
had no chance. to dwell upon it, for
Dicky was 'speaking again.
"Just what is best-to do I do. not
know. Perhaps you can advise me.
Of-, course, my identification is a
mere matter o form. : I can easily
do that." "
He drew- out his card case', paused
in the act of extracting his card, fix
ing his eyes upon the tiny bar with
red and blue. stripes-which Tlla no
ticed upon the elderly physician's
coat, and which told its .mute story
of heroic service overseas.
''You were across?5' he said. "Do
Mr-. iU-rccJith Nicholson, wife, of i
tlic widely- Known rloosier novciust,
is always a popular.:gtiest in Omaha,
and,. numerous affairs arc going ,o.
in IterVhuttOr-.tbis' yrep1ct' She, is the
house guest of Mrs. C. T. Ko'untze'
until. U'inirsday, when she. will visit
her sister, Mrs. J. T. Stewart. Tues
day .Mrs. L. F. Crofoot entertained
informally at luncheon and bridge at
her home complimentary to Mrs.
Nicholson, and this evening she will
be the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
XV. J. Foye at dinner. . Covers will
be laid for 10 and an Orphcum. party
will follow. .. .
Mrs:'-T;-T." Dwvcr -rctiirned:-Sa4ur-
dav from, a visit in- O'Neill, Neb.
A danghte'r was born March 9 at
the Presbyterian hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. M." 11. Harris:
you know, I believe. I have seen you
over there. 1 thought your face was
The little physician started vio
lently. '-.
''Dear, dear!" he said, and the. ex
pletive, evidently the - strongest he
ever used, seemed so incongruous
witlu.what I knew must be his record-of
service that I - suppressed a
smile -with -difficulty. "I should think
I had seen you, although I 'never
met you personally. But who of us
didn't know Graham of the air serv
ice. Graham, the ace? My-' boy, you
don't need any identification' with
me. What can I do to serve you?"
. . , . c
In Honor of Miss Campbell.
Mrs J. V. Campbell will enter
tain at a bridge luncheon at the
Rlackstone Wednesday complimen
tary to her daughter. Miss Almarine
Campbell, who has ; just, returned.
from abroad.
-Make Your Reservations Now!
for the Great
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
at the Brandeis Restaurants
Italian Renaissance Room
St. Patrick's Dinner :
Lobster Dinner. 1.50 Fish Dinner, 1.50 .
Steak Dinner, 1.50. Chicken Dinner, 1.75"? v ,,
Served from 5 :30 to 9 :00 . No other charge connected s
A la Carte, 9:00 to 2:30 a. m. . " :
Arthur Randall .and His Royal Orchestra will play. .
Irish Melodies
A Wonderful Dancing Team Will Offer
Interpretations of Irish Dances
Irish Singers Will Sing Irish Songs .
Favors, Caps and Follies will be distributed during dinner time
and after the theater.
Program begins at 7:30 and continues until midnight. It will be a
Great Night for all Lovers of Wholesome Fun.
Phone Douglas 6421 for Reservations. :
Mr. and Mrs. John Bckins returned
last Saturday front California, where
they 'spent the winter, .
Mrs.' C. W. Hamilton, jr., who' has
been in California the past month, is
expected home Ihursday. .
Mrs. Harry Hunsaker left last
evening for lier home in Denver.
She has spent the last w'cek:at' the
W. G. Brandt home. .: ;
W. H. Hall of Kansas C-ity ar--rived
Tuesday to join Mrs. Hail at
the home of Mr. and' Mrs." L. A.
Kerr, whose guests they will be for
the week.
Mrs. Frank Hamilton and daugh
ter, Exilona, left Sunday for New
York," where 'they will spend some
Value-Giving Store
(tor 1922 Purchases
and March Values on-;
1-7 1 T wm I
1 -IUU1,
f prese ijjt.. a- "gdlden '.opportunity -.;
Hoz :'ymto 'My. a new floor''
i Jampat 'a. price much lower
"'than'' we have heretofore
Lamps with beautiful mahog
. any standards and handsome
shades priced, each, at
?1350 ?gP5 ?2l
Three groups from which to
select - Make -your selection
early. '."
It Pays to Shop at Bowca'i '
mm t a t KlL 1 lalaL
- - iruTJWuVyrii"" - www
Pearl White Soap, large
tars, 10 for ......... 39
One Carload Idaho Finest '
; Potatoes, bushel ...?1.49
Me nana Kr jllaiile F'avor
Syrup lO
60e can Kara Maple Flavor
Syrup 30
ft. 15 cana Karo Staple FIvor
Syrup 59c
trn. Fancv Rome Beauty
Apples, box ....... $2.98
Finest Quality New York
Cream Brick Cheese,
per lb ...25
Snaar C ured Brrakfaat Bacon,
nrr Ih. ............... 17'!C
Itib 8011108" Beef, lb.
Cfaolre Stfrr Shoulder Sink,
prr lb 12'. :d
as .n
Candy Almost Stacked to the Ceiling
Box uoou box. pall upon pall, of delicious trmpllng candle, which we .ecu red In our
.,o.t i"lI atock purel nae of the Aotlonnl Candy Co. The rldlculoua low price, we ar.
oun" nn. upaet the cand, n-.rkct In Omaha.. Hit your aeed. whl.e thc.e price, prevail.
. . . . - i mka 1.' w I Tnhl.IlL
, no. i n.nnnnf Nflflfln-I. .' I oo MBrinnrwi uu- ......
j - - I ,,. 1i
........13C I per lb iavv iex-." ;
' ' SSe Orange Sllcca. per lb. 15c
per lb.
! wp SSLtiBBS II
II . Br.,-,,., ,uma ,'. ,- "'. ., " ' - ' r"-T " f ' . M
1 carload of California Roman Beauty .
Apples, good for eating, cooking and , '
baking; sizes 125, 138, 150 and 163;
per box $2.85
Extra fancy Wlnesap Apples, fine for
cooking or eating, 10 lbs 98
Extra fancy Idaho Kural White Pota
toes, splendid lor baking, peck 40
Extra fancy thin sEJnned Grape Fruit,
large size, 3 for 25-
Extra large size, 3 for 330
1 carload . of extra fancy Early Ohio Red
River Potatoes,- bushel $1.75
'Nishna Valley or Clover Blossom
- Creamery-Butter, lb. ..........' 41 g
Buy-Rite Brand Fresh Coffee, per lb... 35
10 lbs. ot Pure Cane Gran. Sugar ..... 53j
-Large pkgs. of Shredded Wheat Biscuit,
2 for : ., 25
Blue Bell Flour, per 48 lb. sack $1.99'
GoQch s Best or Omar Flour, per 4S-JD..
sack $2.19
Buy-Rite Brooms, 1.25 value, special.., 830
5,000 large jars of assorted flavors of
pure Frult.Treserves, usua-lly sold for
35c and 40? a jar, while they last, Jar 19k
Limit of 5 jaa-s to a customer. Lay in a supply
.:' ' for the spring now. , .. .' .'
l ib. pkgs.rad .Mule Team Borax, 2 for 350
14-oz. pkgs. ; of - 20 Mule Team Borax
.;: Chips, 2:-for ... ." 450
Large packages of Gold Dust, Star Nap
htha, Sea.Foamor.Rub:No-More Wash
ing Powder, -per pkg 270
Large packages of Rain Water Crystals 220
Es.tes Laundry- Tablets, small size, pkg. 230
(i.r-LaTge'size packages S9i
ilttlsrge bars of P. & G. Soap for .....' 53'
'jfejr Ux -at 100;.bars -.$5.15
5,000 lbs. of Fresh assorted Chocolates
and Chocolate Nougat Loaf, 65c val
ues, special, per pound
.3,000 lbs. of Fresh large white fluffy
. Marshmallows, usually sold at 40c to
60c a pound, special, lb.
" 2 lbs., for "
Borden's Sweet Milk Chocolate and Al
mond Bars, 6 5c bars for 19
Budweiser, good old Bud, per case of
24 bottles $2.75
Make Budweiser your Buddy.
Walter Baker's Cocoa-, J,a-lb. tins 270
3 for V.'...u;..r. 730
Walter Baker's Chocolate, .H-lb. cakes-. 230
3 for ....
50,000 10c cans of Grand Canon Spices,
- any Juird, 5 cans for 39
2,000. iS-os. cans of Gold Bond Black
JPepper, per can 230
Thse:'Spices are freshly ground and of the
!' ': - :' highest quality.
Vou want good Coffee,
and you will always
have it if you" use
M. J. B. Coffee. Uni
form in strength,
unsurpassed in fla-.
vor. Only, per lb.. . . 45
3 lbs- for : $1.30
1 solid carload of Hawaiian Sliced Pine
apple, finest quality in heavy syrup,
squat cans, 6 slices to the can, 3 cans
No. 2 cans of Broken Slice Tineapple,
3 cans for :
FOLKS: This is a real Pineapple purchase
better consider it.
MILK! MILK!.! MILK!!! ; !
1 solid carload of Apple Blossom Miji,
recognized as the purest, finest Milk . .
canned, tall cans, 6 for 550
12 cans for '990
Contains not less than 7.8 per cent butter fat,
and 25.5 per cent total solids.
HURRY A few Buy-Rite SceeUn left. One free with each $1 puithase made off of this advertisement.
ThirtT-thJrd and Arbor
2lth and Aram
Fortieth and Farnam
llh and Dorcaa
Vinton and Elm .
Z9oa Myerman Are.
litb Are. aad Learrnworlb
Itt and ft.. Sonth Sirt.
3 he Oracer of Iandec
1.1th and liarneld.
. nth aad I. Sti bouib bide
Malnnt tlill (Irorrr
rortlf tfl and BamUlAn-
XV b and tomirr.