8-A THE PEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. MARCH 12. VJ'X, flVin Brothers Opponents in Dye Finn Suit Mother Advancri ;.iii( lu! Start liuiinrM Strife Arlc Partnfrdiip .' nifd in Court. Tin Irotlirri are npHiuevM in a J'gal coiitrovrry invoivin the Standard ( li jutri am Dyeri con ccrn, 1445 47 South Thirteenth Mirrt. ft. - . - . - , 4 fie 0Ml","K uic xcumr ftnd Ernr.t litadik. GcorKC brought uit agaimt ICrne.t and two other brother. Anton and John, in district lourt. lie asked a ji.ohitiii ni a I partnership in which he at!rc lie and hit brother entered into when they tartctl the cleaning and 1 rii'tf ! buinc, and an accounting. George assert hi. tnotlier, Mr. Antonia llladik. had advanced all her savings, ahout $500. to Mart the busi res. All the brothers named were to throw in their labor and skill to build up a business; 1'nif-t wan to be manager, Anton wa to work in the plant, George was to do outside work, and John, the youngest, wa to work at another job and give his vases to the mother to pay bills. Worked Long Hours. The struggle in which the little family engaged to build the business ".o its present prosperous condition w.t revealed dining the trial be tore Distruct Judge Stuuffcr, which lasted almost a week. Testimony showed that the broth ers worked long hours for practical ly no wages for many months, and for a year or so young John turned his entire pay check over to his mother. The case finally resolved itself into a fight to prove there wan actually a partnership at the beginning. Krue.-t nd Anton, through their attorney, Joseph Votava, contended that al though the business was started as , claimed by George, through his at torncy, J. Dean Ringer, that there 'never was a partnership. y Judge Must Decide. John and the mother sided in with George. Mrs. Illadik testified she had given her savings for the benefit of all her boys. John tiled an an swer to George's suit, admitting all his allegations, then tiled a cross pe tition and answer which technicaljy made him a plaintiff with George in the case. It is now for Judge Stauffcr to de cide which of the twins is right. Ernest's name appears in the c;ty di rectory as proprietor of the cleaning concern. George and John no longer are working at the cleaning establishment. Gandhi Arrested ; on Sedition Charge Omaha Quintet Answers 1,656,000 Queries a Year -saV N mm w Counsnian Boosts $1 15 Tax Kelum of Dan Butler London, March 11. Mohandas K. Gandhi, the Indian nonco-opera tionist leader, has been placed under arrest. This announcement was made br the Indian office alst night, Gandhi was arrested at Ahmedabad, 310 miles north of Bombay, accord insr to a dispatch from Bombay. He is charged with sedition. No details were given as to the arrest but the announcement says there has been no trouble so far. Indian Government Near Collapse, Says Montagu London, March 11. (By A. P.) Edwin S. Montagu, in speaking be fore the Liberal club at Cambridge, his constituency, today, justified the policy he had pursued as secretary of state tor India ana ocaaren me flnrtrie of "cabinet solidarity m- . vnk-ed in connection with his resignation had never been the nil ing code in the Lloyd George cab inet: , "Mv disaoocarance," said Mr Montagu, "has nothing to do with Ihe doctrine of collective rcsponsi bility. It is an effort to preserve this government from the fate that must 1 attend it. "You know how dangerously near ihp government is to collapse, liie liberal members sec their colleagues disappearing one by one. The con uprvatives also have a lot to swal low. The 'die hards' have shown in the Indian, as in all other matters, a complete lack of political sagacity. They are the most dangerous ele ment in the political life of this. coun try, and to them the great genius presiding over the country's destinies has given my head on a charger. Bombay, March ll.-(By A IY Followers of Mohandas X. Gandhi, nonco-opcrationist leader, who is under arrest, recalled a recent article in his newspaper in which he asked - them to carry out "the whole con structive program with clockwork regularity and speed like the Punjab express" if he should be arrested. Circus Owner Slain in Home by Assassin Riverside. N. J., March 11. John Theodore Brunen, an amusement promoter and owner of the Doris & Ferris circus, was shot and killed last night while seated near a first floor window of his home reading. A full charge from a shotgun struck him behind the left ear. His wife was on the second floor when the shooting occurred and found the hnriv of her husband on the floor when she rushed into the room, i There is no clue to who fired the! hot. .. .. Mrs. Brunen's mother and the slain tnan's daughter had left the house enly a few minutes before the shoot ing to attend a motion picture the-j iter. In July, 119, the Brunen home1 was entered by two men, w ho held I up Mrs. Brunen and robbed the place of jewelry and money. According! to Burlington county authorities to day, the descriptions of the two men , resemble those of two of three men i een by neighbors Jo park a motor j car near the Brunen home last night ; before the shooting. . j World lUdks aVertlrlni Mark X.w York. Marrh 11. Jots M. Scroti of ths Kidio Corporation of America last nffht mad ft nir world's word of 49:-i ' words a minuto for receiving; continental re-le br wlrel-ss. and won the world's ! rnamplonsnip at the second annual radio snow. Scron & Chilean, i!8 rears old, j "Human Encyclopedias" at Union atation. Left to right: lcr, John Maiik, Mack Mu.k, Abe Martin, Herbert Dick. Five men at the information Je of the I'liititt railroad station' an rwer 1i5',(.M questions i year. This i ,1J,()(KM) inetion each or hiM about l.f-'U each for every working duv. The prrit question answerers are I.. II. Miller. John Maack. Mack Musk, Abe Martin and Herbert Dick. For 19 hour each d they are on duly at their desk in the main waiting room, surrounded by a but tery of telephone. About .',(' H) persons a day ak questions in person at the dok. Nearly .'.(Mk) other questions come by telephone. i!y far the greater part of the iucj tious are regarding trains, but thou sands of other are asked m the course of a year. Here arc some of t hiiii ; Sample Questions. How high is Tike's Peak? Is it cuinpulsory to wear pajamas in sleeping car.' What is the name of that city In Old Mexico where there is so much gambling? Did they have a tornado at Liu coin today? Will they water and feed my dog' sic on the train? What was the baseball score? How did the fight come out? My mother sent me a goose has it got here yet? flow fur is it to the Hawaiian Is lands and what time does the steam er leave San Francisco? What is the price of a ticket and when will the next train leave for Italy? Please tell mc which is the "lay down car? Can 1 walk upstairs in this sta tion or have I got to ride up? Can I take a canary on the train? Where is the fire? How did the election go? Where is the feed rack? 1 am going' to Bcllevue; pkaje lind out if it is raining there? On what side of the sleeper are the odd numbers? What do they charge for ice cream on a dining car? My husband has run off with our child, tell me how I can trace him? How many stamps on a letter to China. What is the whistlincr for? Where is there a good place to hunt ducks near Omaha? Rapid Fire Minds. The five "human encyclopedias find themselves bombarded with many amusing and some silly ques tions, they say. But, all in all, trie public makes its queries w'ith sense, brevity and snap. The five have been selected be cause of their rapid-fire minds, their large and wide information and their quick speaking;. They study constantly especially on the timetables of trains all over the country. Most questions about trains they answer instantly. L. H. M4. Allies to Take Up U. S. . Rhine Cost Demand Paris, March 11. The semi-offi cial Havas agency this afternoon said: "Believing' that the American memorandum establishes a new in terpretation of the treat? of Ver sailles, which document has not been ratified by the United States, the allied finance ministers have decided to refer the memorandum to their governments. An agreement, how ever, will be reached and signed late today, with reservations as to the American rights." The allied finance ministers met today to consider the situation cre ated by the memorandum handed to the reparations commission yester day by Roland Y. Boyden, the rep resentative: ot the united states with the commission, asking the payment of the $241,000,000. The memorandum, the text of which was made public, .states that the cost of the American army of occupation up to May 1, 1921, was about $241,000,000. It sets forth that the allied governments, with the ex ception perhaps of Great Britain, had received payment for their armies of occupation, and, that probably the British also .were covered by a pre ceding arrangement. Therefore, the memorandum states, the United States counts upon obtaining integral payment for the cost to May 1, with interest, before any part of the Ger man payments are distributed tor reparations or other objects."' Bank of France Cuts Discount Taris, March 11. The Bank of France today lowered its discount rate from 5;S to 5 per cent PULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO WationaltyVriczcL Branaea lnineBacK. County Aor Declarri IN'o Bank Drposlu or Invert . nirnti Listed ly Com lnistioncr. The personal tax ichedule return nude by City Commissioner D. tt. I'.utler for 1V.M has been revised by Harry G. (.ounsman, county asses sor. Mr. Butler' schedule as ub mined by htm reads: Tables, $10; chairs, $J5; rugs and carpets, $J0; davenports and couches. SJ5; beds and equipment, kitchen utensils, $10: other items. $10: 'total, $145, The address was given as apartment No. 110, Diikc court. Mr. Counsman made the follow inar atatcmpnt: "There is an exemp tion of $200 on household goods under the new law. Mr. lutler's schedule as rendered came within the schedule, so we set aside this exemption and added $50 to his schedule as the amount on which he would be assessed for personal taxes, On that basis he would pay 35 cents for state and county personal taxes in 1921 and $1.08 for city and school personal taxes for the same year. He listed nothing on the schedule except the household goods indicated. No entries were made for money in bank, investments in build ing or loan association shares or any interests in corporations or other enterprises." This further declaration was made by the county assessor: "f have looked over the records and I find that this was the first personal tax schedule returned by Mr. Butler for a period of years. Recently m the city council chamber Mr Butler at tacked the present system of tax as- sessors in connection with, a letter sent to the council by a woman who believed she had been taxed excess sivelv. I maintain that with this per. sonal tax record, Mr. Butler is not the person who should criticize the tax assessors. We are going to watch his personal taxes closer here- after. ADVERTISEMENT. Pyorrhea Can Now Be Cured Free Sample of Wonderful Guaranteed Home Treatment. Every sufferer from Pyorrhea, Bleeding and Ulcerated Gums, Loose Teeth and other sore and diseased conditions of the mouth, should ac cept this offer without delay. Send your name and address today to Moore's Laboratories. Kept. 5294, Kansas City, Mo., and they will mail you Sample Treatment, postpaid, ab solutely tree. Judge its merits tor yourself. Also free booklet and his tory of remarkable' cures. T. his sim ple home treatmet is endorsed by many Dentists and Doctors as being the mot efficient method known, to control these dread conditions. EM in .Yd PROSTATE GLAND, BLADDER, KIDNEYS. Thss thres organs ars rs sponsible for mors misery among msa than all othars eomblnsd. ' Pains in back, tired feellnr,. (sttlnc up at night, prematura age, less nsd vitality, are some of ths results of thss troubles. We bslieve we have ths beat treatment known to quickly correct thss dlsordsra. Costs nothing unlsss it dees the work, Seal BasM Mr HlBStrats keasjst. BOX 293 I, NASHVILLE, TENN. I W M k I ini i 1 1 i um i ui CbunovSeat Suburbs 70O ?60O495 The Art and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas Street 5 Cents Pound 20 Pounds for $1.00 Your clothing -washed in indi vidual compartments, with purt white soap' and soft water. No harmful chemicals used, j Prompt and Courteous Service The WhiU Linen Laundry. American Wet Wash Laundry 2808 Cuming St. HA 0881 IKiubezzler Itlami1 Brokers' Stories i for His Downfall IVmrr Treasurer of Dentil Jmtitute Siji Tretty Tic turn" Led Him Deeper ami Deeper Into Delt. riiilaJrlphia, March II, Tiettr picture. drwn by broken, whkh led him (!er(ier and deeper into debt in ttoik speculation ini a desire to fee hi mother in comfort, wis blamed for hit downfall 1 Walter A. I'njser. 27. former titant treai nrer of the Dr, Thomas W. Kvans Dental Institute and Museum of the Lnivenity of Pennsylvania, who it alleged to have emhcfilc! securities of the innitute valued st $1'0,JOO, After a lirarinr before a niaci-.trate I'ngrr was held in $30,000 bail for court. Meanwhile the Brand iurr return cd an indictment charging him with embezzlement a an officer of a cor poration, fraudulent conversion and larceny of $12,077. the amount of a check drawn on the Girard National bank before his flight. 11) days ago. Unger was captured in a Philadel phia rooming house Thursday. When ukrn le hruke dan foinj.leif ly uj e Said t hate t"IJ plice tlut h vt guiliy of lakiiiif the UmU ta pUv tlif fock iiiarkrf, i j I'vger w a aiMnt 'o Trade's , It. Kreei, tio, treasurer of the funds which were in th Mm u nego. table securities he U in strong loe, st the Cirard Niuoii.il tunk where be wit employed confidential fee. retirjr cf Mr Kecm, clu'mian of the board rf directors A desire to keen hit mother in the style she had been "ued ta actuated iiim, he told co- lice, ta t'irt flaying the instUt Unger is liable m a sememe of 14 years and a line of fi.JmJ under the indictment returned yesterday. Test. March II Hit. Ufirt ir, ths American b.rrn. roMrui ettut,Ht, Ua4-4 at tltana "si4tr ari.e ii tuluin-e i f l'r twek lis I bare iM ait fieni hr rainn. Mie he tta pledge eul lo aii4i tar tne-nnss. Civil War YtUruii.M, Haled Into Court for Treating Wife Hough New V"ik. March ll.-W.tium Clieter, '0, vfteran of the c'vd 4r, and at bfl put it, ft t preview ntairUL-rs. W4 tilled ilita 'Ull "1 IhooUyn today lv li' third wii.j Louise, !i year hit junior, because lie at ruugn, ... , Mr. Chester tet!ic4 r.rr ged spouse bad hurled teacup t her with tpced and accuracy of ami iu credible hi ue ol Its ear. 'J'hcn she induced MauiMrate Key rolds to upend sentence on tlie charge M disorderly conduct, al- tlmiiiih he declired she wmiUJ not lunrj living with him aitam. I hat suits me,' said I Ite.tcr. rr T7rtT7T75rtr7 I I 16th and Jackson Streets Ph 0 0 Stopped Again! How many times a day is your circulation baited? If the traffic of our blood Is continual arrested by the restricting bands of tight cloth ing, you are laying the foundation for ills and discomfort. Especially In your feet is the dan ger imminent. When your arch is bound down to the bard, unyielding shank of the ordinary shoe, circula tion Is retarded, and your foot mus cles become weakened through dis use. But the Cantilever Shoe has a flexible arch which bends with the foot. The circulation is unrestricted and the muscles left free to develop through exercise. At no point in the Cantilever Shoe is there any Interference with na ture. The forepart is carefully shaped to give the toes ample room and to hold tbem in proper position. The heels are placed so as to give ideal balance to the whole foot. You are comfortable and you keep well in Cantilevers! All guess work eliminated in fit ting your shoes now. We have Just installed an X-Ray machine and every shoe is now fitted by X-Ray without extra charge to yott. Slscs 2 to 11. Widths AAAAA to IE. For Men and Women. H0SIERV, SPATS AD BL'BBEBS. Sold In Omaha Only by CAXTILETEB SHOE SHOP. Moved to Sew Location, . 1708 Howard St. Opposite Y. W. C. A. Hid?. Write for Free Booklet. oenix for the entire family SELDOM Is one commodity with the i(gance, refinement and durability--bence ECONOMY of Phoenix Hosiery, shared by tho entire family. AND, very seldom will you find two stores located conveniently (as are I'HOKNIX HL'AIf QUART.KRS), where every member of tho family i provided with a THOROUGH rilOKNIX HOSIERY SERVICE. Buv Your Phoenix at PHOENIX HEADQUARTERS, where no "other' brands of hosiery are sold. TWO STORES 190S Farnara Street and 508 So. 16th Street Men Phoenix Headquarters 1 Kdrizman is the greatest piano value in the U. S. The New 1922 models are even superior to the great Kurtzmanns of the past. . You can now buy a brand NEW KURTZMANN UPRIGHT NEW KURTZMANN GRAND - - (TlMFffiD The Music House You c.n Tt MOsrJcjCo - - - $450 $875 419 So. 16th Omaha, Neb. There is No Substitute for Quality P article of Packard manufac ture. Millions of dollars, years of labor, endless experiment, scrupulous inspection all these have been given to make Packard quality what it is. In theTwin'Six you get this quality in its highest state of development. There is no shortcut to Twin 'Six excellence you cannot get it elsewhere. There is no substitute for quality. We have both the Packard Twin-Six and the Packard Single-Six on view at our showroom, where we shall be pleased to have you examine them in detail The new price of the TinSix touring is $3850 at Detroit The price of the Single-Six touring is $2350 ot Detroit SCOTT-BURY MOTOR CAR COMPANY 3016 Harney Street AC RARD ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. You can buy other cars that equal the Packard Twin-Six in size, in weight, possibly in appearance, perhaps even in power. But unless you buy the Twin' Six itself you cannot get Twin-Six performance. The source of such perform' ance in the Twin-Six goes deeper than size, weight, appearance or any surface indication. It goes back to the quality which is inherent in every I i I j Monday We Continue Our ! j Downward Drive on ! Furniture Prices a HASHING alonir with evcr-incrwiiiir momentum. wo outer the moml wt-ek of our "Downward Drive" with having on furniture that will lonjr be re membered. No need to go any lonjror without the things you need prices are down to bedrock and as always, you make your own terms. I I I o Queen Anne Dining Room Suite in rich walnut veneer, comprising 54-inch Buffet with Eurr walnut panels Dining Table with 48-ineh extension top and SIX Chairs upholstered in 1 1 Q Kf genuine Spanish leather a $200.00 suite.. ' Floor Lamp and Bate, Complete Comprising tall, ma hogany i i n I sTi c 1 base and pilk shade in tho Tudor stylo; $27.50 $1050 value, at. 50-Pound Mattress with roll edge and tufted top covered with good art tick ing; regular 114.50 for r7 AC only , Coniola Table with mirror, both finish ed in dark mahog any, a $24.50 value, for $1750 1 Beautiful Bedroom Suite A Queen Anne design in walnut veneer, comprising a large Dresser with 24x3G-inch plate mirror, a tall Chiffonier and full size bow foot Bed; a suite Qfi Rfl I wnll wnrth SSIKO flfl in this Rain nt : J)JOeOl ...... t-VU.,.U, ... - U-W H r r Step Ladder Stool This "Step Ladder Stool" is a great convenience sit at your table or sink while washing dishes or preparing a meal use it when hanging curtains or cleaning your mouldings: spe cial for Monday while they last Dandy Brooms $1.39 29 c i Solid Oak Rocker in golden fin ish with seat and back uphol stered in imitation leather. A ?10.RO value, for only mm "icy-Hot" Bottles S llandv Foot Mools 7!c Dandy Baby Swings 80s? MAKVO" Cedar Oil.... 49 Adj. Stair Gates SI, 98 Big Clothes Hampers. . SSI. t5 Large Clothes Hacks. .$J .98 Handy Kitchen Knives. . .129 "Mai vo" Cedar Oil Polish 49t Faultless Sweeper SI. 29 Well-made Iron. Board 1.85 4-piece Glass Mix. Sets..59t Galva nized Wash Tubs. 65c Willow Clothes Baskets 98c 10-qt. Galv. Water Pails, 19c 10-qt. Alum. Preserving Kettles, 98c 1 $10.95 r IB II atr- Sf i I I "iil. II I 1 w t. ... Ml I It" ' !i TO 1 .1 1 ' in1 t:i" I the t . i . i Mil ' ii I jTrrrrriiTini t u i., tr i-) I - I !U, V.I Ji; . m I MM of 83 acl mi ,th svl tol tlj a Davenport Table A Louis XVI design with 60-inch top, witn nana-rubbed manogany finish frame: a $34.50 table at, $19.75 i Handsome Dresser Well built I in genuine valnut veneer, with J French plate mirror; A 539.60 fo?:. $22.50 j As Alua js, You Make I Your Own Terms I I 6 ft