Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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! '
Women Admire
"Cave Men;' Says
Home Adjuster
Vt irVi TU , Aliitje of
Mi)c!m Husbantli I'naMe
to Afft Sfhff, Vclfre
Torkfr'i Opinion.
Kitt Mm Mul!rn, in tlmgt o(
the domrilic relations drpjtrintfnt 01
I'ic bor of public c!fiie, rttt
ra UK opinion jr.icruay morning
' lltat oomrn, it rule, admire and rt
?rft "jve men." ---,. ,
Wonun, arcordinjj to h?r rffnt
Alum a lions. tU adviigt oi lim
Itamlt wlio lack hatlhonc, Site tn-
omurrrd concrete r thU morn-
ire ma wine snr coum. iti pro
priety, recl the names o( this do-
meiiic tragedy.
LacVi -Cavt Man" Tactic. '
; A man weighing nrfy .110 poud
aura at ,mis Mullens oflicc wall
a complaint that hi vife was cruel
to Him and he reiuet.'d that Mui
Mullen accompany him to hit home.
mat he might obtain poirsion of
hi j clothe. Miit Mullen tiulinl
a; wife of Amazon proportion, hut
wn te arrived at the home hc
hchcld a woman of 2S bound and
apparently of kittenish propensities.
j n- wqimrc worker reclaimed, me
clothe i for the sulwart husband.
'Thee persona have heen married
only six months.' sai Mim Mullen,
"he husband lacked 'cave man' tac
tics, lie started in wrong and die
'got his gnat.' I ant not advocating
treat- cm-rough methods, but m my
work I have observed that some do
mestic entanglements have been
caused by husbands being unable or
unwilling to command the situation,
in a dignified and proper manner.
They let the situation get away from
them. . .
flo Respect for Spineless. '
"Women respect 'cave men.' They
do not respect spimHesrmcn. I sized
up the situation I had this morning
and the only conclusion I could
reach -was that .the husband did not
assert himself. He did not stand up
for his rights. Me was not the type
that would strike a woman. A man
who would strike a woman is beyond
the pale of respect. '
"When I refer to the 'cave man.'
I mean "the man who dominates the
.situation . as . a husband should. A
wife should not. be ijiowed to wear
the ' ..well, you know. what I
mean,"' --
I) r&
Bl 00-
I mm:
! Nebraska Fraternal
i "Workers Will Meet
' r
t 1
I The Nebraska Fraternal Workers'
jX association, organized last month at
I Lincoln to promote good fellowship
I. among men and women representing
all fratefriaT organizations in Xe-
braska, will meet at a luncheon at 1
!.;?,! Saturday, April-1, in the Chamber,
" T ; ;of Commerce rooms.
.Ai-rlt- is expected that 'all district and
f't local deputies of fraternal societies
.?.) pytahinid 'vicinity' Will'Ve pr'cs-;
'l ' rut at the luncheon, where they w ill
, ht given the- opportunity of joining
,, i the association. ,. s.
"cH'' Officers. elected af the organization
'meeting 'at Lincoln are J..E. Widick,
.' "V'trtijcoln'r. president;'. Katherino Rcnj-
I - ijngton, umana, nrst vice, presiocnr;
j C M. Richards. Omaha, second vice
S prcsiden I J. J'. Cassiday, Lincoln,
f' t third-vkt president; W. J. Merry
, 1 field. Lincoln.' secretary; M. Lois
, "Roster, ' Ilavelock, Neb., treasurer;
'! C. N. Rathburn. Lincoln, chairman,
? and Sadie B. Thurbcr, Bessie L.
: Starboard. Anna Cassiday and C. A.
';'. Ray, members of the board of ' di
; ;' rectors. '
The association already has more
I than. 100 members. .
; I Students' Union to Be
I"': i Formed at Creighton
, ?7 '"A constitution for a students' union,
i ( v' modeled after those in use at Mich-
ji 'iigan and Marquette universities, has
, ; ecii drawn by a students commit
" tee, and will be presented ior ap
j.'proval. to students,1 alumni and
1; faculty of -Creighton university next
' Thursday night at a smoker to be
T given in the school gymnasium.
V The ' purpose of the union is to
V.VVorUrol all student activities which
i v arc not "purely academic. EventuaJ
;s' ly"a-"club house maybe built, it is
i ' i said,' where meetings will" be held.
All students of the university will be
' ! ' A: -members and any of the, alumni or
'. faculty w ho care to join may do so as
' associate members.
., The Thursday night program con
; " :. sijts of short talks by President Mc
i Cormick'-and Mayor Dahlman, box
'.ing bouts and a program by the
;-Elks' band. , .
'-.i'Air Congress Backers May
Get Back EArt of Guaraulcc
' S' Business men who guaranteed
' 'funds for- the International Aero
..-congress may or may not get their
.' V money back. When the books were
'" f closed after .the congress in Novcm
' bfcr a surplus after all expenses had
' been paid w as discovered. This sur
plus Amounted to $11,591.60 which,
'"'- if mostTjf the subscribers had their
j l way,-would be returned pro rata.
! 'The money-is in the hinds of Guy
I .Kiddoo, Omaha Trust Company,
t t v HaVry Claiborne, president of the
i " Aero club, aid yesterday efforts
. -would be made to gct.the subsenb
!' ' ers to agree to leave the money with
1 tlMr. Kiddoo as a fund for the promo
i L-Oon of aviation in Omaha. He said
I '?V. letters would fee sent to each sub
i . scriber- askins: if , he would rc
, f linquish his-share of the refund for
- this purpose. Mr. Kiddoo for the
.'.y. 'present, is holding the refund checks.
I '-? which have all tjeen .made out. until
the subscribers reply. '
. ' -' - r. ' , .
I ' ; Mites FrequenU Peddlers
- ; of Rumr Vife Says in Court
I- M'illiam Yandcrford : frequents
bootleggers and remains away from
' ' homa for -week! at a ' time. Mrs.
Lucy .L, Vanderford. charges in a
petition for divorce. ' . "
ifrt. Vanderford avers ner spouse
'earns ?200 a month and when he be
comes intoxicated
'"threatens her, " '
"Style Without Extravagance"
llllllli l
1519-21 Douglas Street
he , abuses , and
4 '
f I I
During the Week of March 13th We Invite You to
amidl Acs
' Y
For Women, Misses and Children
GIGANTIC Fashion, Book of the world's. most favored modes
for spring could in no way compare with the delightful exposi
tion of Authentic Styles in; Feminine Apparel to which we
most cordially extend to you a sincere invitation to view dur
ing the approaching week. This Greater New Store is -prepared
as never before to -serve you. '
That Are Brimful of Style Cleverness
Secure in ils lotig-waibtcd smartness, the new
Frock may be of kaslia, canton, crepe knit, taf
feta" or other favored fabric, with captivating
hints of color and style distinctiveness. Their
" appcaliiTp: prices are a dominant attraction.
For All Sport and Dressy Wear
For the new spring suit must convey only satis-
faction unalloyed to every wearer, so there are
jaunty box coats,' picturesque mandarin styles,
odd new sleeves, draped skirts and wonderful
new fabrics to accomplish the joyous cent.
Styles So Beautiful That Women
Pronounce Them Irresistible
"Wrappy coats of soft pliable wools, flippant fly
away capes that float jauntily in one's wake,
nice sensible wraps with- simulated sleeves and
warm chin collars, as well as sport coats in the
widest varieties. Triced in a most attractive man-
$24.50 to $150
$25 to $125
$25 to $195
Such a Fascinating Assemblage .
i Such a Garden of Colors
Hats that arc demure in brown shades or pastel
Jiflc;4-'Sliaps ' srraecfuU picturesque for dress
. ,' '. occasions, or close-fitting' ones ciiic in .Parisicnne '
: ; ;; jdeas.;: jlcrzbcrjr s Greater Millinery bltop will
"H prove '.Omaha's most .ilclightful spot to make
vteadwcaj5 selections. ":';'' ' .
Which Renders Style Contentment to ,
Milady of Critical Taste . . . '
The -new ifcrzbcrg models illustrate as never bo
t "y fore how an exquisite daintiness iriuy Itcrowc a
part of a woman's shoe without sacrificing its.
shajviincss and beauty after long wear. Kadi of
t he niany dainty models reflect the latest note of
distinction 'and good form. '; . .
$5 to $50
$5 to $25.
From the Simplest to the Most
Exclusive French Imports '
To the costume blouse belongs;thc honor of mak
ing harmony out of .former, evident dissentloa.
Designed and color-toned to blend with one's suit,
these intriguing new models achieve a complete .
costume of unfailing charm. - The values are all
that one might hope to encounter.
$2.95 to $24.50 v
In tHi QivM
Immensely Smart Are
These New Sweaters
Think of tbe occasions without number dur
ing the sports season when a sweater is the
roost becoming as well as the most fitting and
. comfortable 'thing one can possibly wear. Our
showings pre representative of everything that
,' , .. is new.
$2.95 to $29.50
Frocks and Wraps of Unusual Originality
For the wee tot of two or the flapper of sweet .sixteen this 'Girlie Nook"
is a most-attractive spot.' One-can hardly imagine the hosts of prctiy
wearables which we have .assembled for, Omaha's girlhood, and which we
anxiously await your approval. . . r
Milady's Every Need Can Be
Exactingly Supplied Here
The days of tbe obscuring galosh are no long
er with us, add the- cherished clocks on our
sheer silk hosiery are once more beautifully
in evidence.; Likewise those exquisite embroid
ered motifs and drop-stitch patterns more
lovely than ever. .
$1.00 to $5.00