Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Auto Show Visitors
We rt (ltd that Omaha has th oppor
tunlty of entertaining you, and hop
that wt may havs tha pleasure of being
of service to you.
The distinguishing refinement of
a woman's dress are best revealed
through costume details, those little
nice ti en that characterize the
woman of patrician t antes.
Spring PuU Her Beat Foot Forward
There's a fascination about our new
spring footwear that varies from the
almost masculine Walking oxford to the
most feminine affair Imaginable. You
TvlU whh that you might have a pair of
each and ever) style.
By popular request straps con
tinue to be used. In their clever
placing, and in the combination of
leathers, these pumps reveal them
selves distinctly.
Oxfords are truly smart and sat
isfyingly comfortable with their
lines of grace, and an air of dif
ference. The flat walking heel,
two heights of military heel, and
the Cuban heel combine to please
even the most discriminating.
Our Opening Feature
Elk sport oxford trimmed with ladJle
ttrap of brown leather. Rubber shod and
priced at $8.50.
Bur(M-Nash Main Floor
, The days of the obscuring galosh
are no longer with us, and the
cherished clocks on
our treasured sheer
silk hosiery are once
more beautifully in
evidence. ' Likewise
those exquisite em
broidered motifs and
dropstitch patterns' more lovely
than ever.
We have complete assortments
in the desired Pointex heels, in chif
fon, medium and heavy weights of
silk at prices ranging from $2.75 to
$6.00, vand there are-'' handsome'
French clox - in black and brown,
nt $5.00. '
Our Opening Feature
Pure Thread Silk Hobo, double soles,
toes and heels,' black, brown, white, grey,
pair, $1.00. '
' Burgoii-N.h Main Floor
Now that sleeves have reached
to almost normal dimensions, gloves
have come out of
hiding . and show
themselves in full
regalia. There are
Chateau French
kid gauntlets with
beautiful contrast
ing crochet-embroi
dered backs and ocean pearl clasps,
some with stiff cuffs, and some
. with cuffs lined in a harmonizing
shade. There are 12 and 16-button
mousquetaire styles, with two-tones
and Grenoble point backs for
shorter sleeves. All in the newest
shades. Priced from $6.00 to $8.00.
Our Opening Feature
12 and 16-Button Glovaa made of milan
ese and tricot silk, in street shades, per
pair, 1,78gurfMt.NhM.Jn F1Hr
the decorative
one's colored
Since today it is
trifle that, counts,
handkie may be
the only bright
touch to the fash
ionably dull outfit.
You will find these
plain linens of gay
tint with a neat nar-
ini nom in sr. what
you wish to smarten your costume.
Our Opening Feature
Handkerchiefs with distinctive colored
borders, at 12tte and 15o.c
For those who prefer plain white, there
are cunning 'kerchiefs with embroidered
motifs at 25c. ,
Burfut-Naah Main Floor
i i ;
Qveryhojdt S.tore
Asa special feature during open'
ing week ice offer novel entertain'
ment at two and at four.
Do not fail to enjoy this splendid
entertainment on the afternoons of
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
urf.Nuk-Mta Floor
Mm V
JO u
Fabrics '
Are New and Novel
Tabby Taffeta
Satin Francaisc
Printed Crepe de Chine
Canton Crepe
Paisley Crepe
M oire Faille
Crepe Marinette
Crepe lona
VclBte v
Silk Pearl
Pussy Willow
Satin Crepe
French Crepe
SPRINGTIME is filling our store with merchandise messages.
Inklings of new modes have made you curious, made you
eager to know whether the fluffy bouffant continues on its
fashionable way or whether it has been supplanted bv the slim
silhouette, whether Crepes are still the thing, and what is doing
in the realm of suits.
' These days are wonderful for seeing new things first news
that should send you hurry-scurrying td Burgess-Nash to see them.
Our buyers have diligently searched the market, and have
filled this great store with new merchandiseevery necessity of
the season, every fad and fancy all of a quality in keeping with
the Burgess-Nash standard, and all at the most satisfying range
of prices.
The blouses, the hats, the skirts, the wraps everything that
is beautiful and worthy of fashionable women is here new cos
tumes assembled that you may choose them one by one in the
make up of your Spring wardrobe.
Vivify Spring' sVista
Tin Suits'-
Suits convey satisfaction unalloyed
to every wearer. There are box
coats, picturesque Mandarin tttyles,
odd new sleeves, draped skirts, de
tachable capes, and one-piece frocks
incorporated to accomplish the joy
ous springtime mode, $35.00 to $165.
BurM-Naih Third Floor
English materials,' American dash,
and a smart, distinctive style all their
own, place sport coats tm the pre
ferred list. Not the wrappy style of
seasons past, but a slim silhouette,
heightens the enthusiasm o'f choosing
a draping cape. $25 to $150.
Burfooa-Naeh Third Floar
Th Ogresses
Secure in its long-waisted smartness, the
new frock may be of Kasha or Trellaine, of
broadcloth, tricotine or twill with captivating
hints of color and frivolity hither and yon. Taf
fetas and crepes, new ones like Roumaine,
fashion frocks with side drapes, beadwork
and distinguishing sleeves for afternoon wear.
No less attractive than the dresses themselves
are their moderate pricings $25.00 to $150.
Burt-Nah Third Floor
Sports entirely is the issue when formal
or tailored wear are not in demand. Merry
widow in size and picturesque as to form,
are shade hats of mushroom shape.
Angora embroidered cantons, tagal and
timbo with' fabric combination, and rich,
conservative mllans are the stuffs yarn,
silk floss, and handmade blossoms indicate
flower favoritism. $5.00 to
Burtesi-Naah Hat Shop Third Floor
I Colors
I Periwinkle
t a , L
I Lark
I Bobolink
I Cactus
' Bambino
1 '
I Majolica
I Wallflower
l Cornflower
ill Mimosa
jj Serpentine
j Tiger Lily
The raig g
A gaze into the deep billowy folds of
shimmering silks will give one visions of
beautiful frocks. Clever fingers will tingle
to get at them with scissors and thread, deftly
draping a soft crepe here, crisply puckering
a quaint taffeta there.,
There is inspiration in bolts of silk pearl,
Vel-Ette, lona Crepe, Paisley Bordered Satin,
Crepe, Tabby Taffeta, Satin Francaise,
Showerproof Foulard, Gingham Checked
Taffeta and Printed Crepe de Chine.
Our Opening Feature
Silks, $1.95 a Yard
36-inch foulards in new spring patterns.
32-inch silk tub shirtings, neat patterns.
. 36-ineh plain and 40-inch crepa de chine,
changeable chiffon Jaf- light and dark colors.
fet . ' 40-inch ireoreetta
40-mcn satin charm- , nra,t,v.n .11
I 1 f fiili v JI vi 1.
M I I l Vh Mv- mouoc, i-o., -harie-
I i l iLr WfTrv C SWnch checked silks,
,1 U hi VVtiX , dark and light colors.
f 1
40-inch crepe chiffons,
light and dark colors.
The new Tissue Ginghams in a fascinating
array of plaid3 and checks, in many effective colors
and the sturdier Scotch ginghams in large block
designs, promise practical, becoming frocks for
those cool, quiet morning hours. Exquisite dotted
Swiss and Embroidered Voiles in alluring tones sug
gest lovely frocks for daytime and party occasions,
and it won't take but a little bit more material to
have enough to make a hat to match after the dress
is finished.
Our Opening Feature
Embroidered Voile
Dark ground with coin
dot in color, a yd., $1.50.
Tissue Gingham
Delightfully dainty in
delicate plaids ant checks,
yard, 75c.
The Newest Scotch Gingham
Cheerful color combinations. In large block
design. An unusual value when priced, yard, 59c.
Burtooi-NaoV JSocoad Floor .
Embroidered Swisses
Embroidered dots on
dainty ground, yd., $1.50.
Homespun Suiting
For sports wear; plain,
attractive colon. 36-inch.
Yard, 69c
pnnug Wlini
Among the woolens Scotch Tweeds of
rainbow tints hold first place, with rough
homespuns, in checks and mixtures, art able
second. Plain Poiret twills, tricotine, French
crepe, wool jersey and heavy coatings in
novel weaves are included in the new range
scheduled for a successful run.
Our Opening Feature
Welcome j
Auto Show Visitors
Our stora offer many convenances and
comfort fur out of town gurtu, among
thera our rliurk stand, where your luggaga
may b left vmnout charge to you.
Those little niceties of dres$ ac
cessories, tio often distinguish the
woman of unerring good taste, that
a little care spent in their election
is most worth while.
Reflect the Art of Master Designers
When you slip off your iult jacket
it's your blouse thai decides whether
you are very attractively costumed or
whether you just have that common
place tl(lrl and blouse look.
Upon novel fabrics and alluring
colors rest the responsibility of the
costume blouse, many of which are
elaborately trimmed in embroidery
and beads.
Smartly tailored Forsythc blouses
may be bought as companion pieces
to the favorite tweeds and home
spuns, while daintiest of hand
mades are essentially effeminate
when delicate drawnwork and real
laces are combined with fine tucks.
Our Opening Feature
Forsythe Blouses with Peter Pan or
Tuxedo collars; sold exclusively here;
each, $3.95.
Burf, Nih Third Floor
Fashions for early spring are
now contributing their quota of
charm and gaiety to
The various styles
devoted to lingerie for
women, misses and the
younger set
Nightrobes, envelopes,
combinations, corset
covers, camisoles, drawers, pa
jamas, petticoats, bloomers.
Cleverly fashioned in new, at
tractive models of exquisite Bilks,'
fine linens, dainty nainsooks and
batiste, combined with real laces
and a wealth of French handwork,
at exceptionally low prices.
Burf e-Nah Second Floor
Veils are adorably flattering..
There is a Tux
edo mesh with a
becoming dot ar
rangement, and
butes to our pic
turesqueness with
rich looking Chan
tilly Veils.
Our Opening Feature
French dot veiling, in black, brown,
navy, and combinations of folly and black
cherry and navy fushia and navy, and many
other unusual two-tone effects. All the
finest quality French veiling. Yard, 85c
and 95c.
Some with larger dots in French motif
veiling. Yard, 60c.
BurgeM-Naoh Main Floor
Emi Bags
Vanities of silk moire with metal
trim are entirely new and they
arent expensive.
Taupe, navy, and
brown $1.95. Flat
books of moire, in
modish costume
shades are carried by
a braided and tas-
seled handle, $3.95. Other bags of
morocco, and cobra grain leathers,
in gray, brown, black, henna, taupe,
and navy a bag to please the most
fastidious woman.
Burgeoa-Naih Main Floor
56-inch Homespuns
In Spring's new mix
tures. Ideal for tailored
wear, $2.49.
56-in. Rough Tweeds
Favored mixtures for
street and sports wear,
yard, $2.15.
: New Materials for Sport Coats
. Soft wool fabrics, a bit extreme perhaps,
but never bizarre are these new blue, green
and brown mixtures, per yard, $2.95.
Birrfoot-Naah -Soeoad Floor
French Wool Crepe
40-inch soft crepe, tan,
navy, brown, pekin, black,
yard, $2.25.
Shepherd Checks
48-inch all wool checks,
in the newest colors, are,
yard, $2.95.
One almost hesitates to call it
that, for there are the most heav
. enly confections" of
net and real laces J3A
that turn the most
mediocre of suits and.
dresses into costumes
de luxe.
There are piquant!
collar and cuff sets
of pique, irinKham
trimmed, or turn
over of organdy, embroidered. Cun
ning Peter Pans and becoming Tux
edos. To see them is to be tempted.
Burfeas-Naih Main Floor