Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1922, 1922 AUTO SHOW SECTION, Image 46

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Gray Goose Is
Kniblem of ISW
WillsSt. Claire
l'irt Autnuililc of Mo-Ljle
' " Dcu-l'm Construction to
tAv MarVrt Mary
ill MI1 Town.
Mi,. i i-t h!io Ust not ft had
(ttMirunity t get tlu siew Ct
I. HamM W ill.' iit independent
f(ii!r;lul!t'ii to the automobile Indus
I. nr. only to for tht gray
fciM.f hIkmh ihty UH the
k!iw, hrrever they see th
fintileut . u- H i r i n c I lie swift flight of
tins wil'l fowl . latored ef sports
men lliry will tiinl llie Will hainte
t Uitr tr. pfnv making ill rua'den
iM't.r.414111 t umtor car exhiM-
I he Will Sainle llaire car l a
rr.i!t.iiiifii i.f (lie Inujj.t lirrihtl ideal
( us tlc-siynrr ami maker, C. Harold
. ilU. wltu for tn.iny ear as
iiiniiitiri uitli tlip company that it
I lie largest iinurer of automobiles
in the v it hi.
Internationally Known.
Inn iiMiioiully known as an auto
motive ilisigct, nnljlliif KLt and in
ventor of lime ami labor machines
an. I prattitr. Mr. Wills' determina
tion ti head own company for
I. if ni.'.iiiitat-turc (( In own product
amtwl widespread interest. His idea
i i lav 1115 out and building a model center for contented work
er iit Marysville, Mich., on the St nviT was an innovation that
immediately characterized hi project
as a most unusual undertaking.
Marvsville i now about two years
old and the Wills Sainte Claire cars
aie about one rear oJd. The five
pa.setik'cr touring car was the first
to reach the public and this was
quickly followed by a roadster, a
coupe and a sedan. ' A limousine and
a town car complete the line. The
standard color of the touring car is
a ritli dark Huron blue: for the
roadster the colors are Ladv Mary
maroon. Newport blue and Liberty
green, and for the enclosed, job the
choice of colors is Wills Saint Claire
blue. Princess .Mary Lake or Brew
ster preen. The roadster has a rum-
me scar acconinmaanng two passen
gers. When not in use it folds under
the rear deck. All models have steel
disc wheels of sperial Wills design
and cord tires, with an extra wheel
and tire as standard equipment.
Mo-lyb-den-um Steel '
AH Wills Salute Claire cars are
built on a standard chassis powered
itli an eight-cylinder engine of the
twin-four type. V-sliaped and set at
an angle of l0 degrees in order to
eliminate the usual period of vibra
tions. The power plant is of over
head value and camshaft construc
tion. It is the finjt au'oiuobile of Mo-lyb-dcn-um
construction to reach the
market. C. Harold Wills developed
iMo-lj b-den-tim steel, a new alloy,
which enables him to secure strength
and durability to the degree desired
anil yet to keep the weight of the car
low. .
Mexico Plans
Big Auto Show
Ceveland Man Aesits Arrange
ments for Week of April
16 to 23.
Mexico City, March 11. (Spe
cial.) Extensive arrangements are
being made for the national automo
bile show which is to be held here
April lo to Zi.
Fred II. Caley, secretary of the
AiifrsmrtKili rliiK nf ftv,lanft f) .
and for several years manager of
the annual automobile show held tn
that city, has arrived to assist in the
f1ft!1 fitr hi. linw 1nr
It promises to be the. biggest
event 01 its Kina ever neia in a
T.nfin-Arnriran rnnnirv.
....... . ..
One of the looked for results of
the show is that it will do much to
stabilize the automobile business of
At present it is conducted with
out regard to any standard of busi'
ness ethics, it is asserted.
Flivvers Run on Moonshine
Down in Arkansas Mountains
Mountain Home. Ark., March 11
(Special.) One of those popular
"rattlers" -will run on the stuff, don't
ever doubt it, and if you run out of
gas and can t find a kerosene tank
handy sit down by a tree and howl
like a dog, or give three knocks on
the smokehouse door, and you'll get
Bill Kelsey, who was making an
overland tour through the Ozarks,
drew into this place with an odor
coming from his exhaust pipe that
made a lot of people thirsty. He ran
out of gas in the mountains and
had to fill his tank with moonshine.
Attention was attracted to the fliv
ver on account of its actions. It had
a musical note in its cough and was
doing the Highland fling. After it
had been filled with gas it had to be
coaxed before it would run.
One Way to Take Teeth From
Danger of Auto Skidding
When the car begins to skid the
only thing the operator can do is to
turn the steering wheel the direction
of the skidding, with little or no
pressure on the brake. This will cor
rect the skid before damage is done,
provided the speed is not too great
Another way to prevent skidding
Is to leave the clutch engaged and
the engine pulling slightly when the
brake is applied. The slight pull of
the engine when the brake is applied
prevents the locking of the rear
wheels and in that way prevents skid
ding in a large measure.
Vanity Cases Becoming
Standard Auto Equipment
Dainty little vanity cases, made of
rare imported wood inlaid with de
signs and fitted with an alluring col
lection of toilet articles, are becoming
standard equipment in many enclosed
cars. In the more pretentious cars
two cases frequently are found, the
second companion piece of the first,
"Qvidiii imskjng accessories.
Here's the New Wills Sainte Claire
New Closed Car
Plant Finished
hy Dodge Bros.
Facilities for Sedan and Coupe
Production Provided Im
proved Type Received
With l!nthuiani.
A tiiiinite expectation of an unu
sually heavy demand for the sedan
and coupe throughout the year if in
dicated by Dodge Brothers recent
completion ot an immense new
closed body plant. The production
capacity is said to have been prac
tically doubled and dealers are ne
ing assured that the factory will do
its utmost to keep apace with the
usual rush of spring and summer
Despite the most strenuous efforts,
such as a greatly enlarged working
force and long night shifts, it was
impossible to catch up with the de
niand for several months after the
improved type of sedan and coupe
made their appearance last fall. From
this enthusiastic reception of the
improved cars it was evident that
much greater facilities would be re
quired, with the natural result that
the new closed body plant was hur
ried to completion in ample tune
to meet the combined emergency
brought about in the spring and a
sharp price reduction.
Black and Cream.
With the straight sweeping body
lines, disc wheels and custom win
dows in the improved sedan, Dodge
Brothers seem to have considered
the motorist's every desire in design
and in comfort features. Cleanly chis
eled, body lines, which flow squarely
backward from the cowl, strike the
observer with their simple beauty.
1 he windows are square cut in de
sign and further enhance the straight,
graceful ilhouctte of the body. Con
siderably .lower, the whole entrmble
in its outward appearance immediate
ly impresses one with its dignity and
harmony of design.
The disc wl.eeU are done in black
enamel with cream stripe and hide
front view the springs aud other un
derneath parts. The disc w heels may
he removed and are easily cleaned.
The brilliant luster of th sedan's
exterior finish U familiar to all own
ers of Dodge Brothers motor cars
Soft Fawn Gray.
Tn the interior appointments, the
sedan leaves little to lie desired. Deli
cately striped mohair velvet is used
in upholterin the wide, commo
dious rear seat. In front is a deep,
Hide, solid seat with rounded sides,
also trimmed in the striped material.
The four doors, which permit easy
entrance and exit from any part of
the sedan, are upholstered with plain
mohair-velvet in a soft fawn gray.
Combined with the heavily nickeled
handles by which the windows are
easily raised or lowered, this adds
a richness of tone which can hardly
be adequately described.
The windows in the doors and
body are garnihed with natural
black walnut and are of polished plate
glass. The body of the car is equip
ped with Yale locks, affording ad
ditional protection against theft and
insuring the safekeeping of bundles
and other articles when shopping.
Handy side rockets, arm rests and
windshield cleaner are other conven
iences of the improved Dodge Broth
ers sedan.
Other notable refinements are
weather trips inside the doors, as
an extra protection in unpleasant
weather, antirattlers on the windows i
and a body heater connected with
the exhaust.
The Source of Noises.
Loud squeaks in the car some
times come from the rubbing of the
body where it rests on the chassis.
Loosen the body bolts, apply oil to
all parts whee the body touches the
frame, tighten the bolts and the
noises will be eliminated.
Round Trip Cost,
Nashville to N.Y,
$55.10 for Four
Stephens Salient Six Makes
Remarkable Run No
Stops for Repairs
Eu Route. x
Comparison of cross country travel
by train and by motor car is a tub
ject that always draws a crowd of
listeners and brings many a warm
One record that attracts attention
is that made by a Stephens salient
six in a run from Nashville to New
York City and return last summer
with newspaper representatives act
ing as official observers. '
When one thinks of the old Ret
out-and-get-undcr days of the motor
car, it is refreshing to consider the
development of the motor car as it
is found today.
This run from Nashville to New
York and return, during which the
car crossed two mountain ranges,
was made in high gear from start to
finish except in the crossing at
l aurel ridge, the highest point 'on
the entire run.
The remarkable part of the trip is
that, including tolls and ferry
charges, the total cost for the driver
and passengers was only O.IO,
which would hardly pay the one-way
fare by railroad for a single pas
T he Stephens used exactly 133
gallons of fuel, two gallons of en
gine oil and five quarts of water, a
remarkable tribute to the mechanical
perfection of the Stephens overhead
valve motor.
There was no stop for repairs or
adjustments on the entire trip. The
fuel average of this trip was 20.1
miles to each gallon of gasoline used.
at Indianapolis
Cole Model Eight-Ninety Aero-EiGHT
forty-two added improvements a dependa- ,
ble, proved and powerful eight cylinder
motor equal to any road condition, economi
cal to a remarkable degree (12 to 15 miles
on a gallon of gasolene) brakes that hare
established world's records for safety and
efficiency twenty thousand miles or better
on a set of tires a car famed for its beauty.
These are only some of the reasons why
your next car should be a Cole.
Then, t.oo, the recognizedstrength and
unquestioned financial stability of the Cole
factory should have considerable weight
with you.
Also the quality of the Cole
representation should appeal to you it means
good service at a fair price, and the right
- kind of service is almost as important to you
as the car itself.
By all means see this car at the show.
Traynor Automobile Co.
2200 Farnam St. OMAHA Phone Doug. 5268
New Line of Nash
Autos Attracts
Much Attention
Display at Snow Includes
Tide Range of Four and
Interest at the Automobile show
this year renters about tlie exhibit of
the Nh Motor company, wheie is
shown a new line of cars in i aud
four-cylinder models prices on all
f which have just been reduced. The
display Includes can of various types,
open and closed, there being a wide
range of model, from a tour-cyiw
der two passenger roadster to a six
cvliuder seven-iaseni:er sedan.
Wheel base of all models is of
generous length, thus, in the terms of
the trade, providing "lots of ear,"
Nash six-cylinder cars are built on
1J1 and 127-inch wheel base, respect
ively, and the four-cylinder cats are
on 112-inch wheel base.
Two outstanding iciturci of the
cars in the new Nash line are their
electrical equipment, their new and
handsome bodies and their new
spring suspension, .
Adoption of Dclco electrical vs
tern means thoroughly reliable ig
nition, as well as certain and easy
starting. The new Nash springs are
revolutionary in contrast to former
spring construction. This spring
consists of long thin leaves with a
rebound plate, the arc of winch is
opposite that of the leaves. In going
over the humps or rough roads the
rebound plate, acting as a snubber,
checks the recoil, the shock is ab
sorbed and the car rides smoothly,
holding the road under perfect con
trol. This results in a very consid
erable saving on gasoline, oil, tire
wear, and car life.
Bodies on all models have been re
fined: tops have been lowered, wind
shields pitched at a lower angle and
the six-cylinder cars have been fit
ted with parking lamps, silvere'd out
side door handles and on these mod
els there has been added to the dash
equipment an accurate gasoline
As a finishing touch to the new
Nash six aud four-cylinder lines, the
Nash nerfected valve-in-head motor
has iieen refined-to the highest de
gree, giving remarkable power, "flex
ibility and ease ot control.
Abuse of Batlery.
The use of non-distilled water in
a battery is about as sensible as
testing the battery with a screw
driver ?nd about as frequently done. I
New Series
Chalmers Six 1295
In this New Scries Chalmers Six, the new
Chalmers organization has accomplished two
important things.
It has shown, first, that it was possible to bring
the six, as a type, to a much higher state
of perfection.
Second, it has embodied in this car a new mea
sure of value, as indicated by its price of M295.
Mid-City Motor & Supply Co.
Distributor '
2216-18 Farnam St. Omaha Phona Atlantic 2441
p mm Qd d D
All Prices at Rock-Bottom
The new, low Hupmobile prices,
including the most recent reductions
on the Sedan and on the Coupe, make
these fine cars the outstanding values
of all motordom today. See them at the
Automobile Show, and take advantage
of the price-savings which they present.
2523 Farnam St.
Phone Doug. 8433
F.O.B. Detroit, Rtvemii Tax additional
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