10-C THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. MARCH 12. 1923. ! M V f" w (; Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Omaha Grain (Hi.t 1..!.r .... ;t '(. i 1 ..ti...ta)f ,. l"f ... tiiHKI,,, i -f (. i , : ,. .iiii.Iii ), Pm il.v. lit'. l-m Uel r . .,,,54 il ban- was ,,) 1-' ' i ,.: i tesp tgs j) HI Onxk. Starr II. ('(Ill, HS. eea. ..It . ... IJ Ii II il ' 4 i .11 J.I i .J.I .. nit J1.IW II.MI III. J ;; 41 .It t. l 4.l HI s.l Hee!rts sl 4i-iimn ef Iterk si I'i- l.c H.Hk'l. Dinahs, ., fx 41 huitit, pn.l.i.g i 1 p, m( Mrli It. l."i. t'eftle H "4 I P II X. v r. nr. . . I Minn l. R. W . ', s. u, n M. , r N W lly . ( , : , si (. . it. q n , m( i , II, i. I', !. .. Til 3 ii 14 1 I rt(t. .... 4 Tl i'lMVHJTW-iir.n. inij. llas Sheep Annan f-o. ,,.,,..,10 uii.hy f.i king lo I '"I I I'B' king t'o I M..trl '. kill I'D blll ' , t .1 W. Mir by , ,, Pa. arts A It, , other l"J) n , III lie : I'll !. Ton I .91 7014 It ( . r: I held. Not allough , one Ki ha, in I'.I laluee K'day. and It n Ih tiauel nominal Saturday niar- l.'l rm Ktl ,-laaaea. In .lew "f he fed thai Ihx O'kl rereinta of SI. (A head lh larse-t of lha winter, fat railla h-k hrl.l ii u all. Ural It. Br alruril ir fur ll.' wr-k. ami whll plain unit medium knule afa h.ieiy ataaily thar tiaa liaurl no ,ii'alil rhang In all bar direr l.un o a nil hr-il-ia ra at-ailv lo Si" lusher, hii almkara anl feeders ara i, ii. ai ir lowar and very dull Nw loi a of I. IS an pirs, 17.50 nn irif-r anil I nn prim row war Mail during III Weak. Ounfatlnn- "tl rallla: flood lo rholr h-et-ea. ; a a. a 1 : fair In good heevra. tl an. 7.7b: riiiunion ta fair haavaa, Iti lt'$ "t.n": a .will lo rliolia taarlliiaa, uow a; fulr la ynillnaa, I7(in,r7t; i nn. iimn in fair vrarllnaa. I tI aiiuil in rh'H.a liaifrra. fn7S(7Sa: fair I i iuiil h-lfara, I'. Bia 74: choir lo prima nix. IHlSn4.. a;mit lo chnlra rn. j,i,ui 10; fair to a""U r.w, .. itb bo: I'liiiiiimn to fair rnwa. S2.7&&4 o; KihiiI to i-hiilra frail-ra. 17 10 If 7.S0 ; fair iti urtnd failara, l,2.'i 7.00; romninn lo fair ('ili'ra. .'. Jiui :5 food tn rholia almltara. 17 Knitf J Id; f ii Ir to (nod atoik- rra. l.SOrT.!b; romtli"n to ralr alot-K ara. 14 .udr !: almk halfara. Il lOtfH IK aim k i on.. Ibtri SiO; alm-k ralvaa, IS SO r;7r.; v-al raivaa. j.au(XP.bu; Dull.. . !, ad'.. ILdOitf i 1.iii ltar"li!.. 4.no head. Tha mar Vai hll alow lo opan Saturday f.irly act va lalrr. about ataaoy witti frlilnv'a 'loaa or IfiffaOo lowar than, tha cnaral tuarkat, I. Ih' Doa aold moaiiy frnm ftn 04f 1 (ISO with a lop prlr-a of $10. J5 iaiil f.r una load. Mlxad maoa nn luili liar waluhla aold lii"lly from I tnt 10.10, pai'kinic rilaa, $5 00T.76 and trama tiaavlPN. Ig.&uTP.i'o. huik or aan-w vaa ' mtrlo 1 b. I'rlf-aa at Ihla WPek'a rln.a are t3tt;3e below tha ilosa last aak. No. Av. f.o..n.i m. .; 54..:.10 K0..214 207. 103 Ph. J40 SO rr. : to 1 (10 10 10 0 so 10 30 No. Av. HO. .ffiS ;..:s5 H0..SI3 74..I2S 7J..221 80. .191 Ph. TO J40 -70 'ii fr. t so 95 10 OS 10 15 io :s 10 ss Sheap Rpcplpla, rtona. Fat lamba hav baen In fair demand all waok and whlla aavaral daya raKlalarad darlinaa thoaa wara promptly regained Willi prleea at tha eloaa ariowin an advanea of 23S5o over laat waak. Top prlra at tha elope waa 1.V:S. Feedera and phaarlm lamba have been moetly ateady and pheep alaady to pirong; with an advance of 25 60c, beat lnhi ewea aelllng at 19.00. Quotatlona on eheep and lamba; Fat Jamba, a-ond to choice. SI4.764T IS S5; fat lamba. fair to food. SM ROffM.TS; feeder Jamba, rood " rholc. 113.6014.00; cull lamba. Iin.noff 15.00: fat yearllnsa, Dalit, SIS S0 4tl.1 00: fat earlin.' heavy, S9 60 W10.60: fat wethera. i.75"i9 SO; fat ewea. llphi. f8.00$r.00; (at ewea, heavy, 16.00 Omaha Produce Furn!.hd by atata of Nebraska, a-, partmant of agrlcultura, bureau ot mar ket! and marketing: f . LIVE POULTRT. Wholeaaia Wholeaal Uuylnf Pr. Selling Pr. so.i.vo o.:o .19 Sis. . Rprlnga ..... Hens (light). Hena theavy) f'ocka Pucka ...... Geeaa .2.1 ,12i .1S .12 .2S .25 .24 .16 .23 .18 t0.2nff0.2S .25 .25W Oiiula, Mirch II. Ijiwrr LIvrr(MtA cblei were re sponsible (or a in Hie iiiiiul lutline ft i lie Ctiiiakio future mar kef. A(trr lliis lower range in the rs.rly UHng, prkr ratlini on buy iiiaT ly coiiiiui.iitiit houses and cov rnng ol shorts on account of an pctiej good drcrraie in the lirat visible on MomJuy. The bulges dul tint ImM, 4ih sJvaiice itirf ling with srlling which was hard to trace. At the clie prices generally are about unchanged to a shade higher than yesterday, Keceii'tt of wheat in the Omaha market were '8 cars; of corn, 61 cars: of oats, II cars. Total receipts of all kind. 1U7 cars, as compared with 14 cars laot year. Shipments to taled 118 car, against va cars a year ago. v There was a good demand for cash grain on the floor today. Cash wheat sold lc to higher; corn went at Die to 2c up; oats were ic to ric up; rye was Jc up, while oariey was unchanged. WHEAT. Va. 1 hard winter! S car, SI.M; I Mr, S lit No. S hard winter! 1 ear, SI. ST; I ear. Il.!; 1 car. I.:.S 1 'ar. I per cant dark,. II :S: I car. 7 per cant dark amuityl. II 21: I r. mul7A," ,"' No. S hard winter: I cae. II t7i 1 (4 1 par tent damaged). 1.S S r, 1124; 1 car, .l.muliyj. II SI. No. S llow hard: 1 car. II.SS. a.. . 11. .a .a.VJ l HrSl. 11.11. No. S spring : 1 car (smutty northern), "no! t rolled: 1 ' No. S niuad: I car, II. s prlnf. No. 4 aprlng: 1 car, II w. V. . ..I.lla; 1 car.' Sic! 1 far, DUO! 1 car hiPIr' 'hV.. i S' v. u.i.11.. a pit. Lie: S car, pihci S 'cara i.hippera' waighta), ll'.c; 1 car (not lillleiii. e.c. No. i while: I rare. 6IV40. No. 1 yellow: I car, SJf. ,.u,- No I yellow: 3 car (ahlpper1 weight), "no.VHow?' c.r BIHe; I ear. He; t car (apeclat blllln). Sic. No. t mixed: S cara, tl': No. mixed: 1 car, mc. No. S mixed: 1 car.MUje. No. S while: S cara. 3ici 1 car, IVie. No. 4 white: 2 tare. 34c. RTrl No. S: 1 cr (apectai billing), SHi! t cara. 4c. No. i: I car, no. HARt.ET. No. S: 1 ear. Sic: 1 car, Sle. No. 4: 1 ear. smc M AHA. RECEIPTS AND SIIirMENTS. Receipt! Wheat ..... Corn I Chicago Grain BLOTS.) Week Tear Today. Ago Ago. ,.. 2 2 14 ,.. SI S ' .. It 1 1 .. S 4 .. 4 3 1 .. 30 SI SI .. SO US 45 ., 6 IS II .. .. 1 ..2 1 1 Ry Hurley ... Khipmenti Wheat ... Corn Oat Rye ...... Harley .... rRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. IIH Sllbl.n I Receipt! . Today. Wk. Ago, Wheat 715.000 Corn 1,411.000 Oala 606,0(10 Shipment!- Wheat SII.OJiO Corn l.oos.niio Oati 603,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES Bushelp Trtday, S6S.000 1.SS4.000 646,000 431.000 1,000,000 os, 000 Tr. Ago. 777,000 1,142.000 640,000 616.000 9H6.000 471,000 Tr. Ago. Wheat and flour.... 279,"00 1 19.000 Corn 136,000 131,000 CHICAOO RECEIPTS. Carlota Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. Wheat 21 S7 4g Corn 510 292 Oata 113 t4 KANSAS C1TT RECEIPTS. Wheat, , Corn Oata ... ,12S S5 t S 11 2S , 93 165 1S 14 ST. SS 54 EGGS. DRESSED POULTRT. Blacs Rprlnsa .... Ilena Cocka Duck! ..... lleeBP , Turkey! ... Select No. 1 No. 2 CrpfJJs Caae count.. 6.00 6.2S BUTTER. Creamery, prints freamery, tuo... Country, best. . . . Country, common Butter Fat, S. Tr. .16j .23 .160) .26 .38 ft .18 .26 .20 .30 f .urn .2219 .22 .20 .349 .32 .2I .20g .26 .27 .20 .25 .20 .56 .86 .32 : .22 .36 .211 .45 .25 .24 .23 .21 .26 .20 , .17 .27 HAT Prairie No. 1 upland... ...... .110.60011. OflU No. 2 upland e.numiu.tj. No. 3 upland 7.00 8.00 No. 1 midland 10.00W10.60 No. 2 midland 8.50 S.60 No. 3 midland 7.00 8.00 No. 1 lowland 8 00 9.00 No. S lowland 8.00 9.00 Alfalfa, choice 18.6019.S0 No. 1 16.6018.60 Standard 14.0016.00 No 3 11.6013.00 No. 3 10.00fCll.00 Oat straw 8.00 9.00 Wheat straw 7.00 8.00 t FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Fruits Bannnaa, 7H J8o lb. Oranges, Ire 216 and larger, SS.25".00; size 250, S6.256.75; size 388. $6.006.50; size 324, Florida Tangerines, per box, 14.00. Lemons, 15.60 87.50 box. Grape fruit, 13.60 3 5.00 crate. Apples, according to grade and size. Delicious, 33.5015.00; Rome Beauties, 3.003.&0: Stamen Wine ap. 3.603.76: Common Wlnesap, 13.00 4.25: Spltzenburg, I3.254.00: Black Twig, 13.00: Arkansas Blacks, I3.854.00; Ben Davis. 13.00: Newton Pippins. $3.00. Strawberries, 60c qt. Figs, California, 24 pkgs. 8 ox., 32.25; IS pkge. 10 o., 11.60. Dates, Dromedary. 36 pkgs., $6.75 box; Hallowll, 1416o lb.; Excelsior, 36 pkgs., 13.00. Vegetables Potatoes, per cwt.t Nebras ka Early Ohio Nor 1, I2.002.15; Ne braska Irish Cobblers, 2.003.15: Colo rado and Idaho Whites, $2.25 ig2.60; Red River Ohio No. 1. $2.252.50; Oregon Netted Gems. 12.6502.75. Sweet Potatoes, M.60S2.50 per bu.. Celery, tl.502.00 per do. Lettuce, Head, 16.0006.2,5 crate; Leaf. 65976c per dot Onions, Red. 9o per lb.: Yellow, So per lb. Cauliflower, 13.50 crate. Cucumbers, hot house, S3.00 KJ 3.76 per doz. Carrots, 2V43c per lb. Turnips, So per Jb. Parnaips, 33Wc per lb. Beets. 2H3o per lb. Cabbage, New Texas. S4e per lb. Tomatoes. 60c crate. Toung Southern Radisbea, .65 1.00 per Sox. Toung Southern Carrots, .8091.10 per doz. Toung Southern fleets. .90 1.10 per doz. Toung Southern Onions, 0c per doit. Brussells Sprouts, $5o per lb. Khallots, 66$f70c per doz. Green Peppers, 30$ 35c per lb. Parsley, 4575o per doz. bunches. Nuts Black Walnuts. Bo lb. English Walnuta, 30 35c lb. Brazil Nuts, large, washed, 16lSc lb; Brazil, medium, 14 I'ic lb. Pecans, large, 2230o lb. Al monds, aack lota, 28c lb. Peanuts: Jumbo, raw, ll12c lb.: Jumbo, roasted, 1415c tb.: No. 1 raw, 1ft 9o lb; No. 1 roasted. tlfl3o lb. Honey In comb, 33.7506.00 caaa, HIDES AND WOOL. ' Beef hides: Green salted. No. 1 (late lake off), per lb.. 506c; green salted. No, 2 (lata take off), per lb., 46c: green hides. No. 1 (lata take off;, per lb., 3 lc; green hides. No. 3 (late take off), per lb. 23c: green aalted (old a took), per lb.. 2 4c; green aalted bull hides. No. 1. per lb, c; green salted bull hldee. No. 2, per lb.. 2a Horse hides: Large, each, 11.60; ma Slum, each. 32.00; small, aach, $1.50; pony and glues. 7Sc31.00. Sheep pelts: Green sailed. to size and wool, each, (0c$1.00; shearlings, green aalted, aa to slie and wool each, ke,:oc Wool Choice fine and H blood, per :b. 2025c: medium or i blood, par lb.. 18 021c; low and 14 blood per lb., 15 17c: burry wool, per lb., 8c Wholesale prices of beaf cut are as tollowa: No. I ribs, 25e; No. 1 ribs 23c; Ko. I ribs. 19c; No. 1 loins.- 27c; No. 2 Ulna, Sic; No. S loins, 11c; No. 1 rounds, lie; No. 2 ronnda, 17c; No. 2 rounds, I4c: No. 1 ehu'-ka, 104e; No. t cbucka. Uc; N& 2 chucks. SHc; No. 1 Plates, lc; No. PUtea, Hi No. 1 platja, 4o LOUIS RECEIPTS. Whaat 4(i SO lorn 83 60 Oat 99 30 NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Minneapolis ....237 325 23S Iiuluth 181 45 20 Winnipeg 453 328 861 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2627. March 11. Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Test. Wht. May l.S6'i 1.37 1.35 1.37V. 1.87 1.35 1.37 1.36 July 1.17 1.18V4 1.16 1.17H 1.18 1.17V1 1.17 1.17 Ry May 1.06K 1.07 1.06 1.07 1.06 1.06 July .96 .95 .95 .96 .96 Corn 1 May .62 .63 .63 .63 .63 .62 63 .62 July .65 .66 .65, .65 .66 .65 .66 66 Oats May .39 .39 .39 .39 .39 39 July .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 41 Pork I May 20.00 30.00 20.00 J20.00 20.00 Lard I May 11.37 11.45 11.25 11.25 11.40 July 11.62 11.62 11.45 11.45 11.62 Ribs May 10.90 10.90 20.85 10.85 10.90 July 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.62 10.65 Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Ia.. March 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 200 head: market steady. Com pared to week ago, butcher stock, steady: fed eteers, weak to 2oo lower; stockers and feeders, steady: fed steers and year lings. $7.258.75: warmed-up steers and vcarlings. $6.00i7.00; fat cows and heifers, $4.807.50; canners, $2.&04.25; veals. $5.00l)9.00; feeders, $5.007.60; calves, $4.60 7.50 ; feeding cows and heifers, $3.506.00; stockers, $5.007.15. Hogs Receipts, 3.600 head; market steady, 15c lower; butchers, $9.9010.20; lights, $10.1510.39; mixed heavies, $9.50 9.86; heavy packers, $9.009.25. gheep Receipts, 300 head; market steady; bulk of sales, $9. 90 10.20; west ern lambs, 15.25. -. . t Kansas City Livestock. . Kansas City. March 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 460 head; for week killing calve mostly $1 lower; stock mostly 60o lower; all other classes very uneven, but mostly steady; top beef steers. $8.0. Hogs Receipts, 1,200 head: market very uneven, around steady with yester day's msrket; no shippers buying; top, $10.65: bulk of salea. $9.7610.6O; bulk weightier mixed loads. $10.0010.40; throwout sows, mostly $9.00: stock pigs for week, mostly 76c$1.00 lower. Sheep Receipts, 1.600 head; today'! re ceipts direct to packer! and on through billings; for week, sheep 6076e higher; lambs, steady to 16o higher; top, $15.o0; feeding lambs. 26 50c lower. St. Lonla Livestock. East St. Louis, III., March 11. Cattle Receipts,. 300; compared to week ago, beef eteers. yearlings, beef cows, bulls and atockers and feeders mostly 21c higher; canners and veal calves steady. Hogs Receipts, 4.500; opened steady to 10 lower; later market dull, mostly 35c lower: top, $11.00: bulk, 160 to 260-pound averages, $10.7511.00; packer sow!, steady: bulk. $9.50; pigs, steady. SrieepReceipts, 600; compared to week ago. aheep and lamba mostly 25 to 60c lower. St. Joseph livestock. St. Joseph. Mo.. March 11. Cattle Receipts, none; market nominal; iteeri, $7.008.75; cows and heifers, $4.25 8.25; calves, $5.509.OO. Hogs Receipts. 1.S00 head: market about steady; top, $10.10; bulk, $10.1. 10.65. Sheep and Lamb ReeelpU, T.000 had; market nominal; lamba, $14.10016.26; ewes, $8.0068.75. - New York Frodnce. New Tork. March 11. Butter Firm; creamery, higher than extras, 89AHc; preamery. extras, 3939c; creamery, firsts, 3538c. Eggs Unsettled: fresh gathered, extra firsts, 24S5c; firsts, 2324c Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 11. Butter Higher: creamery extras, 37c; firsts, 3236c;. sec onds, $O031o; standards, 34c Eggs Lower; receipts, 18,368 esses; firsts, 22633c; ordinary firsts, 21c; mls callaneoua, 3121e. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS Omsk Mas Uaaael W la. Chicago, March II. Trading; in grams has fallen off materially. With sentiment strongly divided price liuctuationt were somewhat erratic Wheat wai alternately weak and strong and closed higher to 1-4 lower, with May showing the most strengtli, lorn was l-.'iiS-oc high rr, oats unchanged to H higher and rve 1-Jc hicher. Despite the heavy liquidation which wai on in all grains early in the week, the net losses were not severe. The finish was well above the low point, with wheat 2 J-8(if 4 3-4c lower, corn unchanged to 3-Uc lower, oats I MGU 1-Zc lower and rye I J-(aI j-oc higher. Provision were under oressure the greater part of the time and closed witn tara on 62 l-2(ii65c and short ribi 27 1-2& 40c. General selling on disappointing Liverpool cables, which closed 1 l--d lower in the face of the itrength in America Friday, carried wheat oil 3-4(al l-4c at the itart. The local traders were bearish and sold freely, but their overconfidence led to their undoing. A bulge of 1 3-4(ai2 l-8c from the Inside figures followed. The advance was completely lost at one lune. but evemns uo tor tne wecK end made another strong rally just before the close. May Whpsl Stronger. Map wheat showed more strength thtn lha July. Tha (ormap gained e on ih transactions for the day. Tha traders ware mora diaooaad to ray attention lo tha world's statistical position. Thst remains decidedly strong, whll th recent moisture In lha aouthwest and prospects for mors tended to weaken th July. Out side Interest wss limited. Export dp. inand was generally reported aa siow. but th milling demand la steadily Ini proving with sales hers of 21,000 Bum ala Recelnta 19 cara. Strensth In corn cams mainly from buying by local profeaalonals and with s light trade, a higher range waa easily at tained. Prices fluctuated rapidly. Export demand at ths saaboard was rather slow, but there wers sales of 160,000 bushels hers to ths eaat with 15.000 bushels to domestlo distributors. Sample values were o higher, with receipt 111 cars, Country offerings small. Bulk of the trsde In ssts wss In spreading between the May and ths July at aDout zo dirrerence. in tns main th market followed corn. Shipping sale, were 70,000 bushels with receipts 120 cara Ry showed mors strength then other grains snd whlla eaalsr at on time with wheat, ths market ahowed a etrong un dertone snd oressure wss Itsht. Export demsnd waa sgaln in evidence st ths sea board. Pll Nots. The unprofitable level of hoe- nrlcea. from ths packers' standpoint, brought on a bulky attitude which Influenced tha aelllng of future products and resulted In considerable realising and forced liqui dation by weak holders. This left tha general position or product much stronger, but made no great change in tha buddIv of ths raw material," said W. L. Greg aon. "Pending development -of th domestlo trade- and until foreigners digest their recent large purcha.es, tha wheat market Is likely to be mote or lass unsettled, with refluent setbacks." said Slnrero A. Co. , Russell's new said: "Outside of a fair dmand for corn early. Inactivity featured the export market. No important busl neaa was disclosed." Liverpool cabled that Wheat buyers hsd not as yet regained their confidence. Plats wheat has been placed st lower prices and there have been moderate tak ings of Manltobas. There Is only a mod erate bualneas passing in corn in 'th United Kingdom. Argentine cables said weather condl. tlons were favorable for corn. St. Louts wired: "Our bard wheat Is about lc under Chicago, May, and we have only about' 200,000 bushels in store. Unless there Is s radical change in con ditions between now and May 1 -our spot wheat will sell close to Chlcaro." Soma dispute in Tngard to Liverpool closing wheat prices was settled by re cshllng, ths decline ot ld being con firmed. The American ITomlny company esti mates percentsgo of corn back on farms at 40.76 per cent, wheat. 40.63 per cent, and oats, 20.60 per cent. - It estimates condition of winter wheat at 87.06 per cent. Financial By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. UmatiS) Has savai V) Irs. New York, March 11. The only incident of large financial iutcif.t to day was the reduction of its oliuul tiiacount rate by the Hank of trance. This cut from i -i per cent to S had been expected. The downward ten dency of money had of late brrn felt on the J'aris market as elsewhere. Futhcrmore, precisely at the late.t reductions by our federal rcerve and by the Bank of llngland has been preceded by reduction of the inter est rate on treasury short term luiius, so the French bank's action had been foreshadowed by a similar reduction in the rate of the French govern- ment'a io-calicd "defense bonds. l'aris has been the slowest of the European money markets to decline, but the world-wide tendency could not be. resisted. Ihesc changes at London and l'aris have not yet been accompanied by further reductions at our federal reserve, where the New York rate has not been changed since November 2. Hut the London rate is now only at a level with New York ami the rans rate tun 01 i per rent hiKiu-r. r.irnan,a .m.. Today's markeia war mad up of n .Ik.. ,etmn,t dacllll III foCi-lgO ft change. In which, however, sterling did not resch the low point f Ihs . further rscovery In wheat snd eoril. whii-n iipiiunht nrlcea 3a a bushel abovs the wpek's lowest; continued strength In the Inveatrnsnt bond market .and moderate fun her rise In stocks. tne isai nanieu movement wai not of Important scop; perhaps Its main significance lay In the I act that, coming at ths weeks close, It app.rantly .Indicated on which aide of the market speculative commitment! have been ths larger. Taken as a whole, the weak hps been marked by a considerable advancs of prices, ranging from I to 4 potnta In a fairly long list of atorka. Sterling exchange closed mors or lea uncertainly and It la poaalbla that the political situation may sxert sn inriuerce on next week's market. Soma Idea of ths trend of th tanglbl Influences will be gathered when ths reports of the February foreign trad of England and the United Slates are befors us. Today's cables brought the weekly report of the German reichabaiik, showing increase of 1.903,000,000 marks In the paper circula tion. This makes the psst fortnight's ex pansion , 303,000,000 and, notwllhstsnd ing Ihs one or two weeks of reduction earlier In the year, leavea the total 9. 000,000,000 marks abov where it stood at tns clos of 1921, 'New York Bonds N. Y. Curb Bonik New York Stocks Range of prices of tha leading stocks rurnisned ay i,ogan A iiryan, sis reters Trust building: RAILROADS. Friday High Low Close Close T. A 8. F. 97 9614 97 96 Bait. & Ohio 37 871, 37 37 Canadian faclflo .136 135 136 N. Y. Central hea. & Ohio.., Great Northern lllnols Central K. C. Southern ehlgh Valley ,,, Mo. Pacific N. T. & N. i:..., North. Pac. Chicago N. W Pennsylvania fly. Reading C. R. 1. & P South. Pacific ... South. Ry hi. Mil. & St. P, Union Pacific 81 .. 60 .. 78 ..101 .. 26 .. 59 .. :z .. 18 .. SIU .. ar 74 40 85 21 23 !i 133 80 ti 69 77- 101 25 H 68'4 22', 17 R0 69 36'Ti 74 40 81 20 81 69 78 101 26 69 22 18 81 9 37 74 40 85 50 I.... Am. Car Fdr Allls-Chalmera Am. Loco Baldwin Loco. Ileth. Steel , olo. F. & ruclble ' Am. Stl. Fdry.. Mldvnlo Steel .. Pressed Stl. Car Rep. T. & Stl.. Ry. St J. Spgs.., loss-Schef. - .... S. Stl Vanadium STEELS, 136 80 s 22, 17 80 69 36 74 40 81 30 23 132 New York Cotton. New York. March 11. Cotton futures wera generally steady and quiet today un der weak and professional evening up. Tho scattered short covering that de veloped with the outset was due mainly to the Influence of the continued wet and cold weather in the eastern belt, which wis regarded aa unfavorable for best crop preparations. The list was 3 to 8 points net higher at the opening, Liverpool Interests and local shorts being numbered among the pit buyers on the call. New Orleans and room longs were sellers, while Wall street traded both ways. Steadiness was the only feature after the call. Prices slipped off to about on a level with last night's closo and some of tha later options dropped a few points under. Spot unchanged, 18.66c -for middling upland. Southern spot markets were: (Jal- veston, 17.80c, unchanged; New Orleans, 17.00c. unchanged: Savannah. 17 sa nn. changed; Augusta. 17.26c, 13 points de-; Teiaa Co cnnc; Memphis, 17,50c, unchanged; Hous- Union Oil '. '---i-i uncimiigeu, little ItOCK, 17.00c, unchanged. naconda. ...... Am. 8. & R. Co. Orro Do Pasco. Chill Chlno Inspiration Kennecott , Miami Nevada Cons..., Ray Cons Seneca Utah . 47 .111 .108 65 68 33 30 68 60 ii" 94 37 .. 49 .. 50 ,. 35 ,. 17 ,. 27 ,. 40 .. 29 .. 27 .. H .. 14 .. 13 .. 64 OILS. .. 61 ., S7 .. 63 .. 1 17 132 133 155 1SS Chicago Live Stock. ' Chicago, March 11. Cattle Receipts, 500 head; comparaed with week ago, beef eteers, steady to 15o higher, strictly good and choice grades showing the ad vance; extreme top for week, $9.40; she stock, 25 to 40c higher with fat cows and heifers up most: bulls steady: light vealers, unevenly lower, mostly 60c off; stockers and feeder! mostly 10 lo 16c higher; common and medium grades slow. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; lights, 10 to 15c lower, others steady to 16c lower than Friday's average; better grades fairly active; heavy mixed, slow; shippers bought about 1.000; holdover moderately light; bulk, $10.6011.00; - pigs, about steady; bull desirable, 100 to 126 pounders. $9.259.60; with stronger weight! dp to 110.21. Sheep Receipts, 6.000 head; today'! re ceipt!, practically all packera direct. Com pared with week ago, best handy weight fat Jamba snd shearing lambs about stesdy; yearling! and . weighty lambs, atea ydto 25c higher; matured sheep, mostly ooc up. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn.. March 11 Wheat Receipts, 237 cars compared with 239 cars a year ago. casn No. 1 nortnern, $1.45 1.49; May, $1.40; July, $1.31. Corn No. 3 yellow, 6162c. Oats No. 3 white, 33 34; barley, 51 62c Rye No. 2, 97 91 Flsr No. 1, $2,5I2.63. . Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, March 11. Potatoes Steady on Russets, wesk on other stocks: re ceipts, 68 cars; total United States ship ments. 797 cars; Wisconsin round whites, sacked, $1.6501.75 cwt.; bulk. $1.75 1.90 cwt. ; Minnesota round whites, packed. $1.60491.70 cwt.: Idaho rounds, packed. Il.701.70 cwt.: sacked Russets. $1.75 2.00 cwt., but mostly around $1.90. St. Lenis Grain. St. Louis, March 11. Wheat $1.52; July,' $1.13. Corn May, 61c; July, 64014. Oats May, 39 c; July, 41 c. Gen. Asphalt CoBden Cal. Pet. Island OH ... Invincible Oil Mexican Pet 127 Middle States .... 13 Pacific Oil 60 Pan-American .... 67 Phillips 35 Pierce Oil 7 Pure Oil . 30 Royal Dutch 63 Sinclair Oil 23 tS'and Oil, N. J. . .177 . 40 . 17 White OH 10 MOTORS. Chandler 73 73 General Motors ... 10 10 Willys-Overland .. 6 6 Plerce-Arrow 16 16 White Motor ..... 41 39 ; 46 46 46 109 110 110 107 107 106 64 66 64 27 67 68 67 33 33 33 29 30 30 68 68 69 ' 50',-j 60 60 ii 36 94 94 94 36 37 36 S. 48 49 48 48 . 60 48 34 35 34 17 17 17 26 27 26 39 40 '28 29 28 27 27 27 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 63 64 63 61 61 61 36 36 36 52 62 52 1 1 16 17 17 125 127 125 13 13 13 49 49 60 67 67 66 34 34 34 7 7 7 30 ' 30 30 62 63 63 - 22' 23 22 17S 175 178 45 45 45 17 17 17 -May, , Kansas City Grain. Kansas City. Mo.. March 11. Wheat- May. $1.15; July, $1.10; September, $1.04. Minn ea pells Flour. Minneapolis. Minn.. March 11 Flour Unchanged. Clearing Hoses 8 tat era eat. New Tork. March 11. The actual can- dttion of ths clearing hous banks and trust companies for tbs week shows that they held 110,401.150 In excess of legal requirements. This is an Increase of $42,- 455.610 from last week. London Mete Is. March. 11. Bar Silver 32 d London, per ounce. 9 10 8 73 10 6 16 41 73 10 6 16 88 102 Studebaker .......103 101 103 RUBBER AND TIRES. Flak 15. 15 15 36 Goodrich 40 39 40 39 Kelley-Springfteld 45 44 45 45 Keystone Tire .... 16 16 16 16 Ajax ' 36 16 15 36 U. S. Rubber 61 59 61 69 INDUSTRIALS. Am.' Beet Sugar.. 40 40 A. G. & W. 1 30 29 Am. Int. Corp 44 43 . emair. !t0 Am! Tele 122 121 122 121 American Can ... Central Leather . Cuba Cane Cuban-Am. Sug. . Corn Products. . , Famous Players, nnneral Electric . Ot. Northern Ore.. 34 International Har.. 92 am H. & L., pfd. 68 V. B. Ind. Alcohol 49 Int. Paper 46 Int. M. M., pfd... 70 Am. Sugar Ref.... 72 Sears-Roebuck ... 68 Stromsberg 44 Tobacco Products.. 60 Worthington Pump .... Wilson Co 41 Westlnghouse Elec. 68 Am, Woolen 89 40 40 29 29 43 44 28 l.u. 44 44U. 44 . S6 35 35 36 . 13 12 13 32 , 24 '24 24 23 .106 105 105 105 ,. 84 82 84 83 15KU. 153U, 156 163 3iea a.?s 93 92 91 68 48 45 70 72 67 43 60 iHi 66 89 MISCELLANEOUS 68 48 46 70 72 68 44 60 41 57 89 68 48 45 70 72 67 43 60 47 41 66 89 Am. Cotton Oil... 26 25i 28 26 Am. Agrl. Chem. 40 40 40 41 Am. Linseed 31 31 31 31 Bosch Magneto 39 Continental Can... 69 59 69 69 Cal. Packing 73 73 73 7:1 Colum O. & E..., 80 79 80 79 Colum Graph .... 2 2 2 2 United Drug 66 National Enamel.. 87 25 37 36 United Fruit ....140 340 140 141 Lorlllard Tob 153 152 153 152 Philadelphia Co.., 36 35 35 34 Pupllman 117 116 117 116 Punta Alegr Sug. 40 , 40 40 39 Retail Stores .... 46 45 45 45 St. L. S. F 28 N28 2R 28 Va. Car Chem.... 36 35 35 36 TotI sales, 660,000 shares. Money Friday close, 3 per cent Marks Close, .0040c; FTiday close, .003 9 c. Franca Close, .0S93e; Friday close, .0897 c. Sterlln Clos, $4.35; Friday close, 14.36. New Trk General. New Tork, March 11. Wheat Spot. nr.. settled; No. 3 red. $1.44; No. 2 hard, $1.45: No. 1 Manitoba. $1.68 and No. 3 mixed, durum, $1.41 c. L f. track New Tork t arrive. Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow and No. I white. 76o and No. J mixed, 76c c. L f. New York all rail. Oats Spot, steady; No. 2 white, 470 47c. Other Articles Unchanged. (The Bee it the only Omaha Newspaper which publuhti the of. fiicial close of tht New York stock exchange bonds.) N Turk, Manh II - I'ollosii.g sr. tail a s hill, I" snd fleeing ri.a. of fuii.la os in- Nw lurk aim.it pnhangp. nil Hi luisl sale or Para send, I Bll4 Blsles rkaads. fair lln l eo) High Ii. rioas ;3 i.iti s ; a pi i is in, i.i ua ,, r 4 : is : i f.t Lib nd 4 ,. ! 44 .! SI.44 4-3 I. ll M 4,a 43 . U pa 4 "l l ib sill 4S .. ' ) ' 7 S4 J Victory s ..ll ol eJ IIS VMnry 4 , .! I J I0.t foerlga, Lovernniefit, Sitsls and Munlelp! Dales. High Jw Cl.iaa I It ef reran Ss ..,,110 1H 110 a a II or MulurSUI S. B9 3'' ii of (,iin ... Sl l'i 13 I I of I. Mine ( Si's H '5 3 CI of Slarsalilas Is i 1 13 i of Iti Jsnap la.ioi S I ii or scum n is ....III in in ti lan Municipal Is A.l" ll S3 I'o of b-lne 7s J 1 Immin llepub Sa.,, o $ 3 I 'inn i'an ta 31... $ l Jl I hi m tan Sl nut. 99 19 9 4 Jiiit Kas Ind ...... SIS 9i S. S3 French do 7s...oi loo t Kren.K tluv p 14 I'l'i 11 2 J a pa he. 4s 7f. 71 71 17 Jap Jat 4a .1 19 ',i King iimgium .....mos l"i 1 King Koigium 7',,s.l. !" 1" 114 King of Jim 91 11 ' 17 King of Nor Ss ....ll II 11 14 King Sweden Sa...nO' 99 l"0 Kepub Chile Ss 44. .I"4 1".1 I4 3 Itepuh I'rusuay s..flT 107 107 4 Kts gueenaiand 7s. 10 ) lol 5 Hwp i 'on fed ....llt 115 1161, II I'K III! I Ss :!.l3 0 03 74 I'K llll A I Cs 29. 104 104 104 S3 l'K (ill A I SS 27, 99 91 99 14 It K llrssll Ss ....104 04 104 10 U S Mexico 4s .... 44 43 43 Railway and Mlacellsneous Honda. 2 Adams Kip 4s .... 76 76 71 2 Alaska II M d SsA. 9 S 9 26 Am Ag I h 7s ..101 101 101 S Am Smelt Ss 81 10S Ant Sugar r.s .... 99 9 99 3 Am T e T col Ss.. 9 95 IS 11 Am T T ( Is ..114 113 114 1 Am Writ I'sper 7s.. 81 l 81 S Armour 4- Co 4s. 87 87 87 9 A T 8 F gen 4s.. 17 87 87 1 At Fruit Vs 34 34 14 1 At Refining 1...102 102. ln- T H It O cv 4 77 77 77 3 11 at O ref 6 80 89 SO 13 11 O ll 97 94 9 10 Hell T Penn 7s... 10S 108 108 1 Ileth Sleel ref Ss.. 90 90 90 S Ileth Steel I'M 69.98 8 88 SHUT I'o ct 7s st. 70 70 70 21 Hush Ter Tlldg Ss. 89 81 89 19 Can Nor s ....106 in. lo 41 Csn Pso deb 4s.... 77 77 77 31 On leather 6s.,.. 96 94 1 Car de Pas 8a 112 112 112 3 Ches Ocv 4S.. 84 84 84 21) 'hes It O cv 6s.... 88 84 84 3 I'hl B & Q gen 4s. 87 87 87 3 ('. B Q ref 5s... 974 97 97 Jl f! B I sen ts ns. 76 14 75 2 C Gt West 4s .... CO 59 60 23 CM HP cv 4 84 64 64 2 CM SP cv 6 65 66 66 3 C N W 6 106 106 106 3 Chi Railways 6s... 77 77 77 21 C R I p ref 4s... 78i 78 78 S C Un Sta 6 US 114 116 2 Chi & Weat Ind 4s. 70 70 70 7 Chile Cop 6s 85 85 85 t CCC & SL GM 4s.. 77 77 77 1 Col & Sou ref 4s. 87 87 87 1 Colum O & B Cs .. 99 99 99 4 t-nnsni Has 7a ....108 107 108 4 Cub Cane Sug cv 7s 83 82 82 i t u nan Amcr ks ...104 104 104 6 Cuban R It 7a... 10214 102 102 z J XI & Hud CV 68... 92 92 92 Pet Edison 6s. ...101 101 10 6 Dla Match 7a...l09 108 109 10 T P D Nem 7s.. 104 104 104 Ii Duques Light 6s. ..102 103 102 M Erie Gen 4s 44 43 43 3 Erie Con 4s 68 68 58 Flsk Rubber 8s. ...104 104 104 3 General Elec f 98 98 98 S Goodyear Tire Ss 31.100 99 100 1 Granny Min 8s ... 87 87 87 Grand Trunk 6s ...102 102 102 43 Ot North 6s .... 9S4 96 16 103 Gt North 7a 110 108 108 S Hit Con ref 4s.... 78 78 78 1 llll Cen 6s 99 99 99 92 Inter Met 4s.... 13 11 13 43 Inter Met 4s ct.. 12 31 11 376 Inter R T 6s 61 69 60 40 Inter M M 6s 94 94 94 10 Invlnc Oil 8s 9.1 91 92 2 Kas City Sou 5s.. 85 85 85 17 Kol-Sprlng Tire 8s. 104 106 106 20 L S ft M n 4s 31 .. 92 91 91 B Lehigh Valley 6s.. 101 101 101 2 Liggett ft Mcy 6s., 94 94 94 13 Man Ry 4s tax ex.. 60 69 69 2 Mark St Hv CO 6s. 88 87 88 2 Marland Oil 8s Wa. 99 99 99 4 Mcxt Petrol Ss 101 103 108 1 Midvale Steel 5s.... 8S?J 86 86 31) M H P & SS M 6s.l02 101 102 - 28 M K T 1st 4s.... 76 76 76 23 M K T adj 6s new. 60 60 60 .17 M K T pr Ii 6s ne. 80 80 80 us mo racinc gen 4a.. 62 1 Mont Power 6s.... 94 1 Nat Ry of Mex 4s 25 3 N O T & M 5s ... 67 . 31 N Y C deb 6s 60 N Y C col 61 84 25 67 6: 94 25 67 .100 100 300 .107 107 107 29 N Y Edl 6s 106 106 106 0 NINH & H d 4s 57 47 47 47 9 N Y T ref 6s 102 102 102 1 N Y We & B 4S. 42 42 42 39 Nor ft Wes CV 6S. 106 ' 105 1011 17 Nor Pacific 3s 61 61 61 74 Nor Pacific 4s .... 85 84 86 6.1 N P G N .1t 6s 107 107 107 7 Nor Sta Pow 6s.... 89 89 89 55 Nor Bell Tel 7s. ..107 107 307 13 O S L ref 4s 90 89 90 . 2 O W R R & N 4s.. 78 78 6 Pac O & E 6s SfA 88 19 Packard Mot 8s... 100 100 1 Penn R R gen 4s 87 87 8 .fenn R K 6s....l06 106 1 P R L & P 6s..... 85 85 4 Reading gen 4s.... 82 82 21 R I A ft L 4s.... 75 78 6 SL & SF p 4a SA.. 69 69 17 S L & S F adj 6s., 79 78 105 S L & S F Inc 6s.. 62 61 SSL South 1st 4s... IS'i. 76V, 31 Sea Air Line co 6s. 49 48 f8 88 100 87 106 85 82 78 69 79 61 76 4 , 86 Slno Oil 7s 102 102 102 J .iti sou i'aclllc cv 4s.. 89 88 81 47 Sou Pac ref 4s .... 85 85 86 1 sou Ky gen 4s .... 62 62 62 2 Sou For Ri Su 7s.. 96 95 96 6 Stan Oil Cal 7s 106 106 106 ' 1 Tex & Pac 1st 6s.. 92 92 92 31 Thir Ave adj 6s... 60 60 60 16 tin Pacific 1st 4s.. 90 90 60 .1 Union Tank 7s.... 103 303 103 in um j-rug cv 8S....1U6 aoa iut 3 U S Rubber 6 86 86 86 11 U S S teel 5s 100 100 100 2 Utah P & L 6s .... 91 90 90 4 Virg in Ry 1st 6s.. 92 92 92 1 West Pacific 6s ... 86 85 86 11 Wes'house Eleo 7s.. 106 106 106 5 W & L E ref 4s. 69 69 69 2 Wick Spen Ste 7s., 97 97 97 61 Wilson & Co 7s.. 97 96 97 Total sales of bonds today were 18.- 794,000. compared with $15,469,000 yestor- aay ana $5,540,000 a year ago. ' New York Coffee. New York, March 11. Earlier week advances were followed by slight reac tions in the market for coffee futures here today. The opening was 6 points lower but there was only a little scatter ing liquidation for over the week-end and after selling off to 8.96c at the Btart, De cember rallied to 9.03c. Other months held about steady around tha opening figures, with the market closing at a net decline of 2 to 6 points. Sales were es timated at about 11.000 bags. Closing quotations: March, 8.80c: May, 8.89c; July. 8.91c; September, 8.93c; October, 8.96c; December, 9.00c. Spot Coffee Quiet: Rio 7s, 9 to 9c; Santos 4s, 13 to 13c. Money 2 per cnt. ' ' Discount Rates Shirt bills. '$! per cent; three months' bills, 3 SSA Pr City Hay. ! Ths following quotations are furnished Xansa City, mo- Jlarca 11. asy Iby Logan Bryan: Unchanged. I Armour Co., pfd 98 It-ommonweatta ,aisoa 1,0 .tin Continental Motors 64 Dsjrsth. JUan., March 11. flag Befl I Hartmsn Corporation, com... ...... .10 Chlcag Fnsdtry. Chicago. March 11 Live Poultry zTlsh ti fowls, 2lc; rlas. jcj otlllojj), track. IMt Mi airlTs,M,llfcl$,iwi)By. JacNsU Ubby..ausl w York pry Goods. New York. March 11. Wide sheetings were revised InV price to a basis of 6Sc for 10-4 goods. Some of the narrow bleach ed muslins were placed on memorandum with prices to be on a lower basis when made. The demand continued light, al though about 5,000 bales of brown sheet ings were aold this week for export to near east ports. Yarns were Irregular and quiet with curtailment threatened tn soma mill centers. Linen markets were steady. Staple cotton hosiery prices were made on a lower basis, no change being made in wool or ailk goods. Underwear was quiet, except for a apnt demand for light weights. Wool gooda were quiet and silk unchanged. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, .Ga., March 11. Turpentine Firm. 80c; sales, 73 barreia; receipts, 1? barrels; shipments, 199 barrels; stock, 20.876. Rosin Steads', sales, 861 casks; re ceipts, 286 casks; shipments, 25 casks; stock, 65,048 casks. Quote: B, D. E. F. d, $4 00; H. $4,000 4.02; I. $4 05: K, $42T-94.30: M, $4.95; X, $5.30; WG. $5.76; WW, $6.00. Kansas City Produce. . Kansas City, March 11. Eggs 01e highar: firsts, 21c. Butter Unchanged. Poultry Unchanged. Bar SQTer. New Tork, March 11. For.Iga Jar Silver.. 14 kc;; Utiles dollars,;. 4c x ; V Nw T'k, SUi.ri l,r'wllsait Is eamnlei Hal ttt ludu'i liuM"iiu on Ih Near lork l utli .Usd inatket lip In (lose, a lib l of 4 'h l.u and III high, low snd laat I'r.'.i lUifitta. tales. Il sh ! l'is tu Allied I'aek.e .... .4 i. Joe Alnad I'aik lf,. 7 ' ! Am I. T I' "1 ti Am T T :J..,I" !" ! Am T f tl,.l"'i !""' l""le ae Ant Tab 7 II I"' J"! J" (e Anaconda '( ... Pu An I'uv 1 ! ...!"; I'." l"! to Anitaur A I'o 7i..H lls l"3S 3000 li.rn.ilall la ...... 9 I cm lleavar Hi. a id Pa, ,.41 ! l 6I llelh Plteoi Is :l.,IO fill !"! I0 Hem KIIPvl Is Si. .101 l"l 1J luo i .n Nat Ky so, Js.luP't 1" !" ion I'.nt Hieel 9 I.UOOI'ulum Uraplio Sa ., 44 41 4 loo Consul Teanl ., SI l 7 jeonoi'iinaol lias Halt 1.l2 11 lul 7oeo Cuban Tl 7e....04 n ul oti Jiuiiues I st I. Ia,ll i4 101 r40i.0iial.ua Nig Hit Js.lt HIS l"IS loos Goodrich Tire 7s... lo0 ii,a Trunk S ,.Ja l"i 15 1000 Hems i'o 7s lul'1 Jiii'i l.i 1000 Hood HulitH-r 7s.,.. Vv . llnnolliitiilila nil 7s ,..,0 jn J ion Inler It T a 3!.... 1 27ooot,aelad Gas 7.... ! It'iOvManiiitti 7s ...... 91 4'"' Nat l lo A hul Is ..112 4m N.t Leather S ... 91 .una My mi 4, ( 4 ... o jonoi'ub Her Cu NJ 7. I one itohert tiair 7a..., it IrooOHears Ro 7s I3..,l"04 jooo Hears Ito 7 23... 99 $oo Hhswahaen Is , linooskelly (HI 7s JO00 Holvsy CI Sa.,,103 700s Sou II T 7a lo: JOt'O Hian Oil Nf 7a 2.l7 MOOOKian nil NT a..luU n 100 jooo Hun OH 7 10 l''0 lno S000 Swift I'o 7s :i..l'i l"l nj jooo Taisa A Co 7 ..,.101 ll ' 101 (00 Tol Edison 7a 14 1"4 104 Jooo 'n Oil l'r.,i 1 .... 9.1 93 91 loOOOV'sruum Oil 7s ....107 1"7 li'7 SOOO Warn Sug 7s 41.... 94 94 9'a, 6oo0Wcat Klactrln s...J6 loS 10 4000 Winchester 7 ... 91 SS IS Foreign Honda. 700 Argentln 7s 23.... S8 Sl S8; S3000Swlas Ss 100 100 100 New York Pried Fruit. New Tork, March 11. Evsporited Ap ples Steady. Prunes Quieter. Apricots Nominal. Peaches Firm and actlv. ltalslna Quiet. 74 7 '' 17 l l j: "'a 9 a ! jtio 9 .102 1'iJ in ,.l"t lo 11 103 IHS! l7 . inn 1, 9 H1 102' 107 Hearing Called on Livesloek Freight Hates Iiivrbtipaliiin nf Cliarp:c of DiVriiuiiiatiuit Apnitt Ontalta Will lie 1 (rani Hire Manli 20. A, V. Stryker, secrelary-trfli: niaiiagcr of the Omaha Live Stock Cxchangc, received notice from the Interstate Commerce commission advising1 that the investigation which it instituted recently into the Ne braska intra and interstate rates on livestock had been set down for hearinif before a member of the commission and a speciat examiner at Omaha, commencing' March The hearing; will be held in the ofiicei of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. "The reasonableness of all live stock rates will be inquired into in this case," said Mr. Mrykcr. "but particular attention will be Riven to the rates on the Kiirlincton line ami its branches north and west of Aurora, which were raised about to and a half years ago, purffuant to an order of the commission in the case of the St. Joseph and Kansas City Live Stock exchanges against the t:.. H. & O. K. K. company. J It Omaha Live Stock exchange has made strenuous efforts to secure a rehearing of these cases and a re adjustment of rates, which are crossly discriminatinir against this market and preferential to our com petitors. "At this hearing it will he absO' lutcly essential that we have a mini ber of witnesses from the territory along the line of the Burlington and its branches to testify concerning the unreasonableness of the present rates to Omaha and to the fact that the large majority of shipments of live stock in this territory move to Oma- 3 Municipal Bonds ARE Safe Investments We own and offer an extensive list of hiijli-Kradn county, city and school bonds at prices to yield from 4.50 to 6 per cent free from federal income tax taxable only 1 mill in Nebraska. United States Trust Co. AI filiated with The United States National Bank 1612 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. I4 and the ritnee of ery een rrotp-rniintry iiniiit tiium between the Uuiliiiatoii, I iiii'U I'jiini: ami Norihwrklnn railroads (or Imsiiim from this teriitiiivV Kx-Sol'liero at nrllnue iNiiooi .Mago Tint Parly Vets at tht Ikllivue Vocitioiul Iraliiiiii,' school put on their fnt party Saliirday nieht in the gunna siuui. The stln'r oifhestra made it Itrst appearance. Dancinn and oiher entcitainiiieiit occupied the cveninc Until now the Amctiran Lesion auxiliary fuinihlied an entertainment every Saturday night. There arc ISilcx-ervice men regis tered at the school, Instructor Mor tal! said, yV----------------N ft I f - "I i: i! i Local Securities W will buy, uhj.cll BO Fairmont Creamety, p(d. 20 M. t. bmilh, pld. 2S Union block Vatdi. ZO Omaha I lour Mill., pltl. at) Douglas Motors, com. 40 Nab. Tits A Rub., pld. SS Nat'l Amer. !ne Im. SO) font, (is V Mac., pld. Kit Kl-k. I'.-ar n ( A A.k (or quotation.. 1 1 Omaha Stock Jl !i & Bond Co. ; 2S0 Trier Trutt Bldr. II ' I f. Stock. Foreign Bonds tlonil vh-----------.-----.-. i i THE WONDF.R OIL FIELD OF THE WORLD OPPOR TUNITIES GALORE SIO derrick.; over 100 ell wells producing approxi mately 200,000 bsrrsls daily; flow Increasing each week; 30 tank car loading rack.; S pips lines being built over 600-mile ares; 2 lines completed, daily ca pacity fiO.OOO barrels; 420 56,000-barrel storaps tanka being constructed by Mag nolia, Sinclair and Hum phreys; many fortune, be ing made and created dally. I have "insido lirlormation" on future development. TREMENDOUS profits un der my plan. Unchallenge able rrferences, I have paid large CASH dividenda be fore. Do not loss out un this deal. Limited number accepted. Mail coupons im mediately. Y. E. Hildreth. P. O. Boa 1815, . Fort Worth, Texas. I would like to make 40 for ONE on my Oil Invest ment. Send me details. 5 5.30 to 6 Nebraska Municipals Free from all Federal Income Taxes and Surtaxes. Subject to only one mill Nebraska Taxes. Garden County Court House and Bridge 6's Due 1932-1938 Prices to yield 5.30 Grant County School District No. 5 6's Due 1928-32 Price to yield 5.50 Milford Intersection Paving 6's Due 1940 ' Price to yield 5.75 Wayne District Paving 6 12' Due 1929-39 Prices to yield 6 Circulars describing the above issues will be furnished on request. QmahaTrust Company Omaha National Bank Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA Name . . City or Town . . . Will Wheat Sell at $1.75? If it does, big profits will be made by all who are prepared for such a move. DA IN TDAIM7DC w un i ii i nnwianw secure expert knowledge on markei 1 factors and sstoundingly sccurate thjl j cast ot coming moves through our 64fvice. J WRITE TOO AV for Free Trlp.1 ef oar Dally Grain Letter Service for one week. PCWARD'S GRAIN SERVICE Dept. O. B. 407 Webiter Bide. Cbiore. ID. WHAT'S IN A NAME? It means that ymir money Is absolutely sfe. We 'solicit mantin accounts on a ronaerratlre basis. Bank and Trust t'o. references gladly furnished. We tnke up your account, be sami 3100 or 1100,000. in Dunne, sine, 1004 1 1 KENNEDY & CO. f 74 Broadway, New York City SAFETY AND PROFITS IV STOI'K MARKET TRADING. Learn HOW to combine Ihrse In ycur traiiinji by the use of Stock Privileges With J40 to $12,1 you ran trniia In 100 shares or any stoolt. Write for KREE explanatory folder Su. 14. IA9 BROADWAY NEW YORK PAUL KAYE PUTS and CAI I S WHAT ey are ' U'J ana WLL,J HOW THEY WORK Tlieir use In Trailing In W.ll Rt. clearly eiplolneti In our KRKI? BOOKLET Kn. 48 ruchmaan Co. 68 William St. Niw Vark Writs For Our FREE BOOKS 0a 'pWpaT lower Blinding. CHICAOO, ir,L. Scientific American Hldg., WASHINGTON D C. Woolwnrth Rulldlng. NEW YORK Hobart Bldg., SAN FRANWSCO, CAL. 1 4 Do You Own Victory 4ZA Notes? VICTORY 434 Notes sold yesterday at about 100 at which they yield about 4Vs. This was due to the fact that the Secretary of the Treasury has offered to accept them at par in payment for a new issue of 434 Treasury Certificates maturing March 15, 1926. You can either make this exchange or sell your Victory Notes and reinvest the funds in Ne braska Municipal Bonds yielding from 51s to 6 or farm mortgages yielding 6 and 6Vg. Ask for our list of such offerings. This privilege may be withdrawn at any time by ths Treaaury Department and it i impor tant that bolder hould take prompt action. , BOND DEPARTMENT You will find our street level safa deposit vaults a very convenient place to keep your valuables. Peters TriusT Company Peters National Bank. "Farnam atyfrroteaatk , T 4