Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1922, SPORTS AND AUTO CLASSIFIED ADS, Image 28

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    6 C
Boy Bandit Robs
to Aid Pal Shot
in Pistol Battle
VTounJcd Highwayman Ar
rertfj While Ex-MinUteriai
, StuJcnt, Set-ling Cigaret
Stage. HolJupi.
White hif !al lav woundr-d in a
downtown hotel I tdy night, a j
youthful fiigbwynun went iorth i
...j.. i.i. ..i. ...... i. . i
unurr "vrr Vi inaia inaaa, iv
forage eig.irct which ItU comrade
At Thirty. eeond and Burt tlrreti
In robbed a grocery More of five
tjrtniu of rivarct. and, before re
ttirninar to hit buddy, held up two
mm and robbed them of $1 J 50.
One of them was a iirlent, who wai
leading when the marauder entered
his apartment. The other wa C K.
Hynn, U1J North Thirty-fifth atreet,
whote came 01 eoliuire waa Inter,
rupted by the holdup man. From
the priet the bandit took $3. from I
I'lynn he tenired but 5U cents. )
Mini iter's Son. j
This was the utory told yesterday
inorninif to Chief of Detective Van
Deusen by Castle C. I'ritcbard. min
ister's jn and former theological
student. His pal, (or whom he for
aged the cigarets, is Roy V. Trout
man, son of an low manufacturer.
Both were arretted early yesterday
morning at the Liberty hotel, J"our
- leenth and Jackson .trccts. They
ronfested. police allege, to a num
ber of holdups and robberies, includ
ing several homes in Dundee. Quaii
tities of jewelry and -other mer
chandise were recovered ia their
hotel room.
Five detective were detailed to
arrest the occuraiits of room 12 at
the hotel Friday nifrht.
While Detective Fraud and Lieut.
SamneNon went to the room, the
other ofliccrs blocked entrances and
exits. Francl peered through the
keyhole of the door. t
Thigh Bandaged.
A man was lying on the bed
naked. Hi thigh was in bandages.
As if sensing an alien presence, he
turned on his side, then got up,
jjulled on a pair of trousers, reached
for his automatic pistol which lay
on the dresser, placed it beneath hia
pillow after loading it, and lay down
Love-Sick Gob and Bible
Student Turn Highwaymen
'l : : if
I American Legion ' J
( UVi-'
u I 'm -;
I . .....
1 , I
Castle C. Pritchard, left, and Roy Troutman, right, whose brief career
of crime has led to the end of the trail a cell in the city jail.
From Springfield, I drifted back
to Chicago.- There I met young
again. '
Samuclson and Francl burst
through the door, disarmed and ar
rested him. He was young Trout
. man, 21, son of R. V. Troutman, sr.,
manufacturer of Hawarden, la., he
A few moments later another
youth entered the hotel, went to
room 12 and knocked. Detectives had
trailed him and as Francl opened the
door and sighted the butt of an auto
matic protruding from a holster, be
neath th vnuth mat he rallorl tn
one of the officers to disarm- him.
They did and. at the station, the boy
' said he was Castle C. Pritchard. 19,
son of Rev. W.vL Pritchard, pastor
'of the United Brethren church at
...Mansfield. O.
Rv:siies his pistol, the youth ''bore
sandwiches and medicine for '. his
wounded pal. Near the station- he
broke from the police patrol and
:'. ran, but was recaptured.
At headquarters the pair admitted
Troutman was wounded Thursday
. nigiit wnen jack jvroupa, arug cierK,
engaged them in a gun battle during
a 70-cent holdup at the E. Herman-
sky drug store, Thirteenth and .Dor
cas streets.
Among the Dundee homes the
A irl and love of excitement are
lamed by Koy Troutman and Castle
C. l'rilch;ird. 21 and 19. respectively,
who were captured by police early
j-eterday morning, for their trip
uotvn the pat!) of inclination.
They confessed to numerous huld
ups in Umnhu, police declare.
Troutman is an ex-"gob." Pritclv
art) is a college hoy.
They met in Chicago, not long ago,
and their spirits seemed akin one to
get away trom tnoughts ot , unre
quited love, the other from quiet,
studious nights of a theological stu
dent. .
"I was in the navy," Troutman
said. "My girl wrote me and turned
me down' because I was in Uncle
Sam's navy. I was. discharged in
Chicago J,-inuary 24 and went to my
home in J awarder., Ia., for a few
"But 1 couldn't stay there. Not
after my girl threw me down. So I
bummed to Springfield, Mass., hop
ing to forget the girl and heal the
wound in my heart by the hardships
and excitement of the life of a knight
of the rails.
Pritchard. We joined force."
"My father, a minister of the
United Brethren church at Mans
field. O., wanted me to be a minister,
too," said young Pritchard. "So he
sent me to Valpariso university In
Indiana. I went through two year
of it ttudying for an A. B. degree
preparatory to a theological course.
Blood Boils.
"I was getting along all right, I
guess. But my blood . boiled. I
wanted excitement. 1 skipped school
13 months ago and have been a wan
derer since. In Chicago I met
Troutman. . Our spirits seemed
kindred. Our souls called to one an
"We joined forces. From here we
expected to keep on to California."
To enter the movies? ' he was
"Anvthinz." he replied.
"But' now.'' and his voice broke.
he only a boy after all, but now.
1 wanna go home.
pair admitted robbing, according to
police, are those of V. G. Eldrcdgc,
5106 Capitol avenue; E. G. Jones,
4916 Capitol avenue; Stanley Rose
water, 4915 Davenport street, and
W. R. Mazelton, 4913 Davenport
List night Pritchard confessed to
robbing alone: C. E. Flynn, 1412
North Thirty-fifth avenue; H.-E.
Race, 3408 Webster street, and a
grocery store near Thirty-second
and Cuming streets. He also said
he held up Archbishop Harty. '
"He's mistaken," said the arch-
I bishop.' "It must have been some
body else' .
Atlantic Veterans
. of Co. M., Rainbow Division
' Atlantic, Ia., March 11. (Special)
Atlantic was host to 75 members
of Company M, 168th Iowa regiment
of the Rainbow division; who were
here Thursday for their third annual
reunion. The first of the reunions
was held in ICeider Bresig, Germany,
in 1919, and the second last year at
Red Oak. The. selection of the date
was in commemoration! of the date
the company first went over the top,
March 9, 1918. At that time two At
iantic boys, Cecil Conley and Fred
lurncr, lost their lives. The boys
were entertained by the Service Star
legion and witnessed. an jhktic pro
gram. . . - k .
Spanish High Commissioner
in "Morocco Resigns Office
Madrid, (March 11. Qcneral Ber
enguer, Spanish high commissioner
fu Morocco, has resigned, it was an
nounced yesterday.' Ill . health, was
given as the reason. ' '
Reports that Gen. Berenguer con
templated resigning were contained in
Madrid dispatches on March 8. His
reason was understood to be his con
viction' that it would be impossible
for him to continue as high commis
sioner with a new minister of war
with whom he disagreed concerning
the plan of campaign of the Spaniards
against the Moroccan tribesmen.
lUrim.i.'n duI f It tmtr4 t
th !.(riii. him f iim rt4 i
.....i.l mtt art MMIiWl -I IB til
hi-.w. fn at Hi ' f.n!ly
vr4 a Iliit4 19 4lr mail
rum t ll ' .
...... mA tkit 4av. h'lurnni b
a, burn 161 ! i"l
asm aiait auiiir iimt Hiaf-
iii-l. t ig rpvri4 flraiitll lul
' I'Mln I'mI Artii.
I PolUr ra.l NJ. t lb Aii.llfo
! I ib. Itaa put i ! lif Mra
V.l.,l,a Ikruuah II ai'llvUm. It Minl
bibii I lul l nt. Jt fiaa'4
. ..m I..u,Lm1I taam ll r In a I
flub cifnil. Arm'"!' ! ""'I Waanlm,
I,.,. I buibJuy ri fuiiiigly ritrai4
an4 a nruaiam e( 4n.a n4 nvni
' uiaiil r'ay ill ta 111 t-!i.(Jlll lot 111
! tmm4laia (ulura,
I'lailrt f..f lino.
Tildan Pmlm turm h hma dirl4
n4 inaraflof pllr rocniy iodur4
tty 4ln M'nnliKf fm Na J. '
ln uai4 far a lub room, whl.'tl will
h 0n4 with i'ramsBi. Avrll I. Play
ra. Inairuna, n4 mangi all oar
afvir man and a ahar nf lb vrt'dt
di4 aat fa In a. UlrMUir lhat alaa
dan by a local vaiaran. A.lJ"lnln town
ba rquti4 dair fur lb abaar,
!' I-day riar.
Rnva Klllmor prat la aiaainf a
day run of "Malta Al." a bum l;anl
mlnalrtl. An nnun,'mrnt aav lh
huua has tMo iIJ stil fur tiuib par
(urmanca. Auxiliary Manibaralilp,
T.!nHiln Amariran t.yoa aumliarr, K
brtak. dcparimanl, ahnriiy afir'th flrai
of Katiruary, h4 a t4 inmhaialili of
I. Oil in i: unlta, a r'port limn hn-lguar-lara
aho. Thin romi.arra with 110 unll
an i)clnhar 1, l:l. for a mamharahlp nf
about If DO. Fllly-alaht unl'a liava paid
(hair 131 dura ia Into th auill
arjr trraiary up to January I, Iv.'t. wr
ll.ill ;. and II. ll OS. from January
la Kabruary 1, Ihla yaar. ciipvnillliira
In January 1. 1933, vara lvn ?u,
and ISIS from January 1 to Krl.rury 1,
f rsa Amrrtianlaatloa .
Ryraeuaa Mvn rranlutlon wart artnnt-
4 by lb Slaaaia-mrharila roat .( Hit
Anitlean Lalon an! uhmttt4 tn all pub
Ma a4?bonl In tta trrltory. Hllnititallnn
of Ameilran hlalnry, rlvll aovarnitirnt anJ
ronatllutlon: a flaa1 for vrry fchool; a
Mramlllw lo car for th fiaar and trarh
fl vtlnucltr; public aprnkara fur arail
ao.irrara, ami an riaa enniaai wiin a
patriotic bunk firat prU. war lb
aubjeel of th raaolutloii.
Tnunty llanqurt.
Eitaar Th flva AnnTi.un r.alon pnat
nf Clay county, thane at KalrflrM, Hutton,
Harvard,' Clay Cemtr and. KiU'ar, v a
banquet to all ei-aarvli-a man nf th
eountr and to flv rapraantatlw bulnaaa
man of aarh city hara Fhruary S7. KMaar
and Xfllrflald baakat ball tiatna drtar
mlnad th Clav county cbatnplonablp fol
lowlnc tb banqu't. ,
Dl-trlhuta Hitllrflna.
Columbua Mra. Carroll Kvana. Jr.. (lata
chairman nf th cominltta on American
nation and welfar nf th atnt Ira Ion
auxiliary, la Sn rccalpt of bullatina covar
In tliaa two auhlect and will ba dla
trlbutfd to auxiliary units at one.
riay ta Hucccaa.
NcbraaUa City With a rait of nearly
SO, directed Uy a profeaalmial concern,
mcmbara of th local peat -put on a tVo
nlxht ham talent play, "All Aboard," hare
Tucaday and Wedncaday plahta. The
hnuaa wii aold out at both performance
and evral hundred dullara were reallitd,
which will bo applied to puit aetlvltle.'
Kramer Auxiliary 1'nlt.
Kearney Another unit of the Kebraaka
auxiliary hue been etlabllxhed here. Mr.
J B. Halrd, national commltteewoman,
vlalted hero rerentlv and Installed th unit
with an (ntlal memberahln of IS. Charter
havo been mailed to North Platta, T
kamah. Wahoo and Wood Blvr. Applica
tion blank have been "t to Talmage,
Hooter and .rieroe, .. .. ...
tn, ilurp L, lbiaa,
Or4 laland Mra llanrp U f.ah.
aH. il. ttita v a haidaai nirliit,
di4 at br hum f,illuin an tatl4
Ilia, aurtitina' bar a bar buaband,
..n. Maury Wiiiuiiij bar nutlir,
Mi. Anna i l.aait, tr.i.liiif al Pm Cat
buun; tu ai.i.ra, and l"ur brihi. ru.
nar tar bald lit Ilia buiia,
hav, It. U arricialiiif.
Pr liar).'
Oiand la and Parry H.fU, a fr
rHr pionavr e-i1ai,t t Hall rounly, di4
l lnaiail. Nab. tor many ! b
aa auo4 In farmina on a bmi4
titr luilr .utb of AM, bating torn
la Nabraak from n4lan In It'l Tb
body on bruuaht u Hi I city funeral
rvea bln( balj frum lb Methudiat
ckuit'lt la Aiua,
Mr. Mary t-rl'll.
Orn4 laland Mr. Mary rl.. It.
If of J. C K.ll. dird at br horn
In tbi city afiar an lilnra thr
ka. Surviving bar beaidi bar buelmn4
I an dauahter, Slary. Kunarsl arvic
war b-M frum lb liaptiel oburch, Jtav.
, C, Mull officlatms.
Mr. Ivld Alter.
Orand lal.n.l. Ilia. I'.vid Altar. TJ,
VII of wall-known Mall county farm
er, died at lb ilena'al baapllal In hia
afiae an lllneaa tf over a year. ru-
aaral a-nric-a war bald at the faria
bom, hav. J. II. Mtllt ot tb Flrat Mailt-
oJlal church coniluullng til iarvic.
laann Kllrr,
Wymor laaao Kilr. J. tilonecr reel-
dent of Uarneatun, dlvU at b.e bum.
Mr. Joliu llccker.
TJaatrtca r'unaral a.-rvi.e for afra.
Join, limber wr held in th Lutheran
church at Plymouth, conducted by th
Itav. Mr. Hv!c, tihe I autvlved ly bar
buabaod and llv tbit.lrrn.
, John IH-knrr.
Bchuyler. -John l.uikm-r. 1. f l.ln-
woud died at Knvtd '"Ity. lr. I.nckner
waa born In Xadcn, Germany. With bta
parent h cam to Rnchcater. N. V.,
whan but 9 year if age. lie n a
veteran of the civil war. In th eurlng
nf 1 no lie came to Nebraika aettlina
In Butler county. In H73 be waa mar
riot to Mle Itncliacl Machler, to wblrh
union tber wra born elaht children.
Wr. Lorkurr wa a member of Acaula
bU. No. II, A. K. A A. M . wblcb bad
chart of tb funerl aervlcea.
pf l)tl lr.n t. bavliif unit bar la
var y del and b-MoaiJ4 Jul eaet of
tlnia I'M, W ebb.
Pa a in in,, Aim W.;tib, a,
dauibiar f air, aad Sire - Lew W eua of
Ihie my, H4 at tb hem bar etier
an IIUaM of l da a. Iunar rvira
war b- 4 la lb bum, Hv. If. K. Alia
plfliiaiui ,
; lll kill.
rook. I.nail, It. aoa f Mr, are
lira. Ai i:ni vl Urver preolnel, fl.4
vt brail diaM, (
Vrajut N, Mrhol.
I-aigh- rai..a N. Nuboie. It. an aid
raa:4ai of Ibi ruminunuy. wa bu'i4
bar. II leavra a wlf end three iruan
Cliildrea. II pramlnant In Maaonlo
oir.-i.e and th Maawnla ioJf be t'bar
of I ha lunaral.
J. I., nlltna.
KUiiey.J. L. billon, former eharlff ef
fheyanna county and later waiebinaa
far to I'nloit I'acilio si Chayenna, who
wa hot by nero robber at liny en o
lael ', died lit tb boapltal.
Political Filings
date County.
' Peat ir J, J. Nlapel of in 11 city, reel
dent vt (Jag ruunty for 4tl year, filed
a republican candidal for county
treneurer, J, A. Barnard, preeent Incum
bent, entered tb rac a fear day aio.
H I aault b.a third turn.
' Maillaun County.
Midienn Walter ' llallory of Haul
O.-rk filed for eharirr, euhirct to th
tipublban primary, and Prank Maaaman
or Haiti t.'recM fur onmmiaeion .of th
Third diairli-t, eubjaot t lb repukllran
primary. ,ewlon A. lluuael Iliad fur
county euoarlntandent to eurceed htmielf.
wblrh ntfic be baa bold contlnuoualy for
auuui 13 jrara.
elleli prlmniT.
Ne!:h At tb primary election for city
nfdeera and member of tb board nf
(duration t:i vote wera cat, Th pref
erential eyatem of voting wa uead. Tb
lollowlng wera nomlnuled and will b
voted on at the April election! Jlayor. 8.
D. Thornlun, ar. I treaaorer, H. I. Nlr;
clerk, W. C. Oravea; councilman for r'lrat
ward, Tien Brodereen: Hecnnd ward. A. K.
lrable; fur tnenibera of the board of
education, T. C. Kirk, John Lamaon and
Fred i'enn.
la tonit f"r the r(mlet.etel',jl . a
lb Ai'lll g, nell my lr, Uull. 1 IrtJI
Matt are tt b 'm'tr.l, f. I lea li l,
I bt. K41an, . W. ,tiigtun, J. ti
TlDgeraon. II tl WHaon and M l I'ran.
I'll beta file.) for liuu'kar I'f tb hhool
board, k membaia ore i be ii4 to
tb bvatd.
Mllmr I vualy.
inva Mora fillnge war mad fur
affic m KuliUoi tauuiy tin Wee. I of
county attuinty, Harry Kuiurmk. demo,
crai. ot Kiatar, aad John
publican, of lieneva. aba la banting the
office at preeeiii fur bia aecund term;
fouiiiy clerk, William II, Hitler, .l.mnrel,
of Uaneva, He4 for Ihe ntf n .i aucured
hlmaalf. John W, Tutt). democrat, if
tairmont, filed fur Hi nominating) fur
Plait loauty,
folginbua Pemueratg filed for atoue
efheaei l. V. Kavanaugb, ahanff; Jerry
t'arrig, ragtgter ot deedai tleuraa H. Hen.
dar. county cUiki Jueepb Uerney and
liuta Held, traaauren Krad H. l euron.
uparlntfiiJrM nf whuule: ile-toe liiaarr,
eupervieor for IHetrlrte big and Hevenj P,
M. Wglnt of I'latl Centar la lb only
republican gepirtat fur eherlff.
Weal l'ulnl (aurut.
tt'aet Point Tb annual part caucuae
war held during th week Tb nemu
neaa for Iba varbiu cliy office ara Jubn
Clatanuff and l Johnaen, for piarir;
Harab IB Llndal. dark; Prank Miller
and W, T. knelt), treasurer.
bar fit4 All '. '. ,'tf t iaegeaj ferwei
ly hv4 at Ueia.r.l,. t l. Iiif '
Ilr4 lit 4 d .
VIII (viarl it ft.
Taauiiiavh - Jama 1'iait mt l.i. hM
rntr. a buibo. buabl a - of
biv ...
' f.ri r ul4.
Oeree Itert Iron a4 ilui
llounaan ba, NnH lb Mernljn (.,a
ftum l4ip 4 Hie- i-bWU i
aid to l elloa lituiber a -ai t wy
Mr, ituufigeu, '
lluy New liaeuev
Ta- umieh Th Tuih lluiMtng a. 4
f.Aaa am-lin bee bought tb .,
eiory brl. butidln rc-uii -4 by t' tv
t'arrin' groeaiy gin, of It II Mnatl l.r
roina W'aab. Th eoneideretlon a
(1 tee Tb building w.ll b lainud-lnl
4 th ground (l"oc converted Into th
erriea of th iiull.liog 4 l m rw
Will KtoH rtmllbr.
Tacuwieab e flariimert of line
ruin bat ranird lh 11. It, HuK bulMieg
od at culnf to i' ecu a p:'-kenuih ebvp
Teb t ouuty.
Turk Charlaa II. kerb ley ba filed a
a demwrat r..r elt eeueiur for tb Mtia
teenlh aanaturlal rllalrli't, otllpneed pf
Hamilton, Po.k and Turk fount I-.
Weddings j
Social Activities
Mr, t'ranli Diidrk.
Schuyler. Kunaral lervicc for Mr.
Frank; Dudek wero held In the Praaliy-
tenan rnurcn. Itev. n. a. r lllPI or cinrK
n officiating. Hoc uVuth waa very end
den. Hho waa born In Jankovli, Mor
avia. June li. 10(7. and win married
Frank Dudek in 1 . They came to
Nebraaka and aettk-d on a farm nea
Kchuyler In in:. Thrcg ions and
daughter aurvlv her,
W. . Iluntan.
Kearney W. u. IJutiKiin, owner nf tli
no or oia rort Kearney, nouth of thu
rlty, died at Hot Norman, 8. !., and wu
buried at Mind en. Mr. Dungin cam
to Kearney county tl yeara ago, w!th a
nromer. nomettteariing lanna adjoining
tort Kearney rcaervnimn. Iilcr he
lulled tho acrcauo whlth comprlaod till
lure grounua.
Theodore tl. Knwn.
HcPook. Theodor 8. Knapp, ft, died
at tha- family home. II ia elenth wa
caueed by an injury received seven week
ago, a when ho cllmlred upon n wuiron to
looK- at a loan or ice. ilia root allpped
and ho atruck hla Rneerap upon the
hub of the wire I. breaking his knee
cap. If was proprietor ot th MoConl
drug atoroi He had been a realdcnt
'of lork county mor than 40 yeara.
Social Activities '
-; ' Haven't Pafd Bun."
Tjondun, March ILr-Twenty-one mem
ber of the league-of nations have not
tiairl their auhacrlntlona foe laat vear. ac
cording to an announcement in th bouse I month at which all membens Will invite a
Father and Son Banouet.
Falrbury. Tho eocond annual father
and on banquet of the Methodlut church
waa attended by nearly 200. Jampa -O.
McKarlane wae toaatmaater and for the
father charlea Turner and K. J. Heeted
epoke. The reaponse In behalf of the eone
wee irlven by Lowell Srhroeder and Llovd
Corp. Th principal sddresfl waa madehy-
jcrea o. Keuy,. lnauainai ecrotry .or me
Lincoln T. Mi C. Ai,- wioe .subject .waa-
"TUo Frtce of success." ,
Snbacrlbe to Budget.
Superior. The entire budget for the
county T. M. C. A. has been subscribed.
Entertain Wive.
Sidney The Sidney Chamber of Com
merce entertained the wives of members
at their regular weekly luncheon. About
70 wero In attendance. 'The only apeech
of the session was made by W. H. Os
borne, state tax commissioner, of Lincoln.
The chamber will have a farmer day next
of commons.
I farmer as their guest.'
The Married Life of Helen and Warren
Creator of "Helen and Warren"
Characters..... , - ! ,
Warren's Silk Hat Falls a Victim to
Helen's Insatiable Economy., '
"WWK 4n ever-rnnvemen fc ;riair-nin.
Helcn opened the last number of her
favorite home monthly.
lenoritisr the insioid nretty-Kirl
cover, she scanned the illustrations of
of "His Butterfly ; Wife," the new
three-part saccharine serial. Then
on, to' "What Fashion Dictates,"
. demonstrated by two pages of slim
liipless figures.
. .. , ... , .1 - ,IT-1
"astny giancmg xiirougn xnc
TTnme TVcnratnr'" "Whnlpisome- and
. Economical Dishes," and "Easy
Desserts tor the oung tiousewite,
Helen turned eagerly to the last de
partment, "Economical Hints for the
Time" ...
I,uiuw I
- Xhe suggestions this month were
... ' . ' it A XT IT
'. TTiriJiT a iiirinir. icw use iui v iii
... Hot Water Bags," "Your Burnt-out
Electric Light Bulbs Make Excellent
Darning Balls," "Save Your Used
"Phonograph Needles to- Clean
- It was the last item that interested
Helen most: , ,
vYour husband s old silk hat will
make a beautiful handbag. Great
care must be taken in removing the
. niaricl T f !9 nqetArt rwot- tVi Klrtflr
and must be pulled off gently with
. out tearing. Just the shape for a
bag, it needs only, to be lined and
mounted." --
"Dear, just a moment, do listen to
it. I I Ia.
" "Um-um." trrunted . Warren, with
out looking up from the bank book-
he was balancing. -
"You bought that new silk hat in
London you'll never wear your old
one. Can t 1 .
' Go ahead, I don't want it," curt
ly. "Thought you'd given it away."
"I didn't know anyone to give it
to. The elevator boy doesn't need
a silk hat. It'll make a wonderfu.1
bag! I'll get it down right now."
A rainy evening with . Warren
working on his books was an ideal
time for just such a homey task.
Not daring to disturb him to get
down the hat, Helen dragged the
step ladder chair to the hall closet.
Even then the top shelf was beyond
her reach, but with his cane she
poked down the high round box.
Yes, ft would make a wonderful
bag! Exultantly she held up the
gleaming silk hat That satiny plush
was the finest texture.
"Dear, it looks so new it seems a
pity to cut it up," smoothing the
gtossy surface as she , ran into the
"No use to me," scowling over a
lire of figures. "What do I want
with two silk hats?" . . "
"It's awfully good -looking on
you," playfully setting- it on his
head. "You look like Lord Some
body m an English play,' viewing.
mm. admiringly.
"Here, stop your monkeying! Get
busy ancl don t bother me. -
Bringing in her sewing basket,
Helen settled by the library tabic.
But even with the scissors in her
hand, he hesitated to cut into that
lustrous expensive hat. '
Why had he bought another when
this lokcd so new? But he wore a
high hat so little, tire shape went
out of style. ,
Compared to ' the mercurial
changes in feminine millinery, men's
hats were most stable. Yet as War
ren had had this before, they were
married, it must be passe now.
Determinedly she thrust her scis
sors under the band. ,lt was not
gros-grain ribbon as on a derby. It
was broadcloth a band of dull-finished
broadcloth to bring out the
sheen of the hat. ,
"It does seem a shame!" her scis
sors still poised. "I wonder if there
isn't someone we could give it to?"
An impatient snort from Warren
overcame her reluctance. Ruthlessly,
she ripped off the broadcloth band.
"There, you can have that to play
with!" draping it - around Pussy
Purr-Mew,- who sat on the table
gravely watching the work of de
molition. ' .' -
Next, -the scissors pried up tTie
edge of the fine silk plush. . Firmly
pasted over the. block, it took halt
an hour" to peel it off.
'"Look dear! I got it all off with
out tearing it once. See, it's just the
shape of a bag. .And this white satin
isn't a bit soiled," examining the in
side of the new denuded hat "I'm
going to use that for the lining."
"Sixty-three, 71, 80, 87." Warren,
adding aloud, sternly rebuked her
interruption. ..... ,. '
Ripping out the inner band, its
faint leather odor and perforated init
ials, "W. E. C," brought back a
thrilled memory.
It was the first time he had called
to take her to the theater. In love
with him even then, as he waited in
the drawing room, she had paused at.
tne nan table to flutter over his hat
with its impressive initials. She had
even sniffed at the leather band and
at the cigary fragrance of his gloves.
The band now ripped out, she
gazed at it wistfully. It was such
soft lovely ' leather perhaps she
could use it for something.
Next came the-white satin lining
with the gilt-lettered name and crest
of the maker. Helen was fascinated
by that expensive looking crest. It
would add distinctiveness to the lin
ing of her bag.
"I've got it now," exploded War
ren. "Had f27 too much. Been over
the blamed thing three times and
couldn't find it a check here that I
hadn't deducted."
"Now. can vou ' look?" easterly.
''See how wonderfully this is coming
out! And that silver top on my old
bead bag I think it 11 just fit.
"Fine!" in genial,.: good humor,
since he had located his error. Hav
ing the time of your. life, eh?"
"Yes,' I love to do anything like
this. Oh, do look at Pussy Purr
Mew! She's too cunning for words."
. Curled up inside the devastated
hat, Pussy Purr-Mew gazed blandly
out at them, awaiting their admiring.
attention. '
The lining finally sewed in, Helen
got out the silver top.
A moment's anxious suspension as
she measured it. Exactly' the right
sire. The bag wsis going to be a
great success. - .
With her passion for utilizing old
things-. Helen was purnngly happy
Nothing brought Jier greater joy
than to find a use for something that
would otherwise be thrown away.
She had three old . pillow cases
filled with odds and ends- of tnnv
mings, lace and ribbons. Junk, War
ren called it. Yet she loved to rum
mage through them and think how
some day she could use this or that.
But to make a handbag out of
Warren's old silk hat was so far her
supreme achievement; ; also is sug
gested a new line of economic pos
sibilities. .
,His wardrobe had been overlooked
as a source of supply for makeovers.
Why could not his old derbies be
used for something?
But her usual inventiveness failed
her. She could think of nothing into
which a derby could be' converted.
The shape was bafflingly'inadaptable.
"Look, dear, it's finished," tri
umphantly. Didn t I do that quick?
"Now, do stop' long enough - to
look at it! Wasn't that a clever
idea?", ; '
"Looks all right," t giving it ' a
grudging glance. . '
"You couldn't buy one like it for
any- price," with glowing elation.
"They'd never put that quality of
plush in a bag." '
"Yep, that's a good stunt. Fine,
way to use up the old lid," impatient
to get back to his work.
"And you!re4 always poking fun it
these -economy hints in that maga
zine. You see how practical this
was? It more than pays for a year's
subscription." '
"Huh, bet that's the first sensible
thing you ever got out of it. What
was that you read the other day
How to Make a Card Case Out of a
Sardine Can?"
"You know it wasn't."
"Well, almost as bad.Then with a
trin. "Gild Your Husband's Gear
Butts," as he tossed one into the
tray, "And Make a Nobby Picture
Frame,".- ' ..: ". .. . . ., J
"Wasn't ! lucky this top just fit's?"
her enthusiasm ignoring his scoffing
humor, ."And I love this gold stamp
in the lining. "Look, dear, 'By Royal
Appointment to H. M.; the King."
"Eh? What's that?" explosively.-
"Why, I used the white satin lin
ing and this was in the top," show
ing him the stamp, "Hunt, Grimm &
"Hunt, Grimm ' & ' Co. " shouted
Warren, . J'What the ,helL have you
done?"; :' ' '." .V .'. ,
Jumping up, he . snatched the de
nuded frame from the table, tum
bling out the indignant Pussy Purr
Mew. - ......
"You monumental idiot! ; You
brainless, turnip-headeid chump. You
you" in spluttering incoherency.
"Know what you have-done?" v
A dread, sick fear, engtllfing' her,
Helen gazen at him dumbly. : - -
"That's the new hat I; bought In
London last trip."
"No, no! It can't be!" quaver-,
ingly. "It was way ' on.- the top
"Then you put it there.", he roared.
"I bought this hat you've carved up
at Hun-Grimm's last year," shaking
at her the grotesque naked block,
Dashing into . his ' closet, Helen
dragged out his leather .hat box.
With trembling fingers she un
buckeled the straps, The lid thrown
back revealed- the- hat luxuriously
embedded iri the red velvet lining.
Wer throat tightened as she lifted
it out. .1 was the OLD hat! The
importer's " label and the slightly
soiled headband confirmed it. - -
In some incomprehensible way the
hats had been put jn the wrong
"One of your damned ideas of
economy, thundered " Warren.
"Want to Jcnow what that little stunt
will cost? You know what I'll have
to pay for a hat like that on Fifth
But Helen had dropped on the
floor by the leather case in a huddled,
tearful heap. . . ,
What II you do next make a sofa
pillow out of my dinner coat? Won
der that, blooming magazine hasn't
told you to use my silk muffler for a
dish rag and save ten cents."' .'
Helen was sobbing her abject hys
terical contrition. , .
"There, take your damn bag!" ' as
he flung it on the floor beside her.
"And your fool magazine, too." fling
ing it after the bag. "Maybe you
can dig out some more economy
stunts. But you keep 'em for' your
own duds you leave MINE alone!
Don t you ever touch a shoestring
that belongs to me!"1
Next Week Helm' IJtenvry Trntarr.
Mr. Mollnda Means.
Wj-more Mrs. .Mallnda ,!ein. I. pto
ncer resident of this community, died at
th homo of her dauBhter, Mrs. Suite
Mrs. William Benaehnelder.
Friend -r- Mrs. William Hcnachnelder
wlf of a rallred farmer, died in Lincoln
followine; an operation. The body . was
orougnt hero r"r burial.
E. T. Kibble.
Alliance Kphralm Thomas Kibble. SI,
prominent Allinnco real estate and Insur
ancs dealer, died following a week's 111
nes -with phfrumonla He had been promt-
nently Identified with the city's Kiowth
for the laat H years. He served two
terms as city eouncilmnn and was a lead
Ins;1 member ef tho Alliance Chamber of
Commerce.- Ho owneri and controlled
number of 'the best farms In Hox Butte
county and was particularly Interested in
tho potato Industry. He leaves a wife,
two sons and four daurhlers. He came
to Alliance from Tnrk in 1909. Funeral
servlcea . wero , held at . ,tl Methodist
church. - - ,
Mr. Madeline K. Coon.
Cdlumbus The tody of Mrs. Madeline
Keatlne Coin, who died In Denver, ar
rived In Columbus and was taken to the
homo of her aunt. Mrs. R. C. Keean. Fu
neral services wero held at tho St. Bona
venture Catholic rhureh. Mrs. Coan wai
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Keat
ing', formerly of this city.
Isaan' Kiler.
Beatrice Isaac Kiler, It, on of the
earliest settlers of .Gage. count who pur
chased Ail land from -the Otoe Indians
noor Barneston, died suddenly. His wife
and on ohlld survive.
(Theodore 1". Klapp.
Hastlnas. Theodore P. Klapp. former-
lv a. Haxtincrii druciriat and some years
manager of tho, Rector pharmacy in Lin
coln, died at his noma in aiciook irora
blood poisonlns which followed an in
jury to the knee three weeks sao. He
waa a hrnfher nf Mrs. HerDert V, anzer
and brother-in-law of Adam Brecdo of
jr. M. Kobb.
Unlbn..-H. M. Robb, prominent younB
farmer and stock raiser,, died after nn
Hlness-of tlve. days. He' was born July
an. isn. on tha farm where he died. Ho
was-married to Norma Stamford of Ne
braska City and leaves -two children,
Wary Donnaly and Kiizaoetn. The kodo
family are among tne earnest sewers
of Otoe countv, the grandfather settling
on a homestead in 1866. Mr. Robb was a
prominent figure in all local affairs ann
wldelv known In eastern Nebraska. He
was "a member of tho Nebraaka City
rcika. Funeral services will be held in
the Episcopal church, Bishop Shaylor of
Omaha officiating.
Doris Winter.
Beatrice. Doris Winter, 13, of Western
died after' a brief Illness. She was a
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Win
ter. .
Joseph Roll.
Nebraska ntv. JoseDh Roll. 85. a na
tive of Germany and a resident oi this
community for more than 40 years,, died
at his Home in this .city aner an jimi-si
hf 30 davs. Hn is survived by his widow
ana one daughter. Mrs. wary nammu.
Mrs. John Becker.
Beatrice. Mra. John Becker of Ply
mouth died at her home after a brief ill.
ness. She Is survived by her husband,
three daughters and two sons,
' Wertrv A. La telle. 1 . .
Beatrice: Funeral servicea for -Judge
Henry A. La Sello were held in the Pres-
oyterlan church, conauctea oy nev. r.u
gar C. Lucas. Ho was a pioneer of Bea
trice and a member of the Grand Army
post. He came here in 1867.
Frank P. Dions.
Beafrtco Frank .P. Dlcus. 22. Bra
trice boy, died at Omaha after a brief
Illness. The body was brought here for
burial. Ha wes1 a son nf Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Dicus, living in West Beatrice.
Mrs. A. M. Imnt. '
' Superior. The funeral of Mrs. A. M.
Lunt, who was one of the oldest resi
dents of Superior, "was held here.
Mr. R. R. Ifoeklna.
Atlantic. Ia. Mrs. -R. R. Nucltln. II.
died suddenly at her home, being seined
with heart attack and dying before mem
ber of her family could reach her side.
Rho leave her husband and five chil
dren. .
r'rrmonl f'lly.
' r'.-etnotit Fremont a illy elections will
l held April 4. The republicans hav
I named Will Fublrodt, Fred lirew, F. A.
Falrbury LI. ne to wad waa laiued
ny county Juda Nutaman to Uuelav W.
fcn, tine, and Anna fcpu, riy mouth.
lieatrtre K martial llcrna wa laaued
hr to William Link. S9, of MaryaUlla,
nan., an'i Aim ii. .iar, ii, of Jieattt.
,, . . rooprr-Klng.
Itaalri.-e Uul.-ti I'o.ip.r. J?. tnd Mlsi
r.inr Kin. 1, b..ih of the Hlckrell
"-miiy. wer married at I'ltkrell by Iter.
Mr. Btrlcklce. Tllaa you ha roup! will
mk their homo un a farm oulhaat
ot llealrur.
Grand lelnnd Mir Krleila Knlpphala
and otto Ulna, both of Kearney, wer
married at tha court hntia in iui. h
County JudK Mullln. They win coutlnu
to mak their hum In Kearney.
orsnd taland Miaa lieaai TU and
ttfiueiu .-tinuniracn. notn or thie city.
Hick and H. M. Miller a candidate for wer united In marriage tn Haiti nit a, f.
on in nicii a weuiung ninncr Waa served
a large pnrty of the friend urn! r.i..
Uvea at th home of the bn.ta'a tiar.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Matthleren, louth of
tnl city.- Mr. nnil Mra. lMrtklMtfn .m
reald on a farm throo nillea outh of
Urand Inland.
the counill and P. 1. Row and Or. B. A.
I'reston for the achnol bonrd. Th demo
crats nominated lr. Jimea r. Age. W. C.
Wiley, Horen Nelaon and Curls Kiiimiu
sen for th cnuncllmanlc rar and Mr.
J. J. l'aly ami C. H. t hrlatan fur mem
ber of the ai-nont board.
Two present councilman, J. A. Yager
and J. Lrnlo Nelson, hav been ousted
frum the rue by the republicans, whll
rrej jirew is up for re-election.
8. W. Hoyd has been elected chairman
of the city republican committee,' while
two chairmen, a man and a woman, will
b chnaen by tha democratlo candidates
as tiKir campaign managers.
Vnwnee County.
rawties City Candidates for county
oim-BB are: Attorney, ciya T. Hartnn;
treasurer, M. L. Klanagin re-election) ;
ciern, n. . iocn t re-eiection) ;. commis
sioner from th Third district. L. B. I'o.
foet (re-election): commfssluner from th
Second district, Charle M. Iiurd (re-eleo-
tlon); ahorlff, . tiuv Avery (re-election);
commission from tho second district, W.
M. fyle, and superintendent of public in
struction, Hortha P. Kuhlman (re-elec-
Geneva f'auru.
(inca, women turned out In num
Grand Taland &itaa i-:aihr r:,,...-. m
ployed as stenographer In th of'fll of
H N. Wfllbarh d fiona store, anrl - M
Kany. travellna reoreaemaiiva a
jr. McDonald Manufacturing company,
vvholeaal plumbing supply house nf Oma
ba, were married In Cnum-ii ninrra i
They will make their hum her. '
Orand Inland Cnmin a mrari.. ,A
friends of th bride was th announce
ment of the marriage of Mlsi Margaret
Hooper Of this rltv anil llnri-v N,,l,l.,
Of Lincoln, which took, plac in Lincoln.
McCartney-Carlson. '
York Cecil l u-a,in.w ti-,..
("arlon were married at tho home of th
bride parents, Mr. arid Mr. J. w. Carl
ann, southeaat of thla oitv. Hav. M T.
Ulmmer. naaror nf ihm iiniiH n--,
church at Bethel, officiated.
t ike .Vam IX fleer,
lleatrte Th KIW lfit1 Dr. C K,
Dm-klev exalird ruler and alen named him
dales! to ih tlrand luilla at AtlanHo
City, M. J , net cutniiier. 1'ihar oflleef
liuaan r: Flank Klein, leading kn.b..
V. . U Slumlord. Imal knuliti I. .
Mchwen. lerturlng knlihi: lUrold atnul.
ai-ratary, aud J. L. Andeiauti, trtsuri.
Hoy 8rul Ilanquel.
Kearney Th Hoy Kesuts ar I h"'d
lhair annual father and on tniuei W-t-nesdey.
Mi-outa aetlng aa toaatmaater aid,
reapondlnsT 10 toast, together wl'h busia
neaa man. Is a faatur of III profrai.i.
Imugla Meaervey. drat claa 'nut. wnl
et loalintr. eou' Woodward
Hurgrrt and Conner CiHahan ar on th
tot llat. lait Morrla, Itev. W. E. limit h,
B. O. Ilartsell and It. V. I'lark ar otha
speakers on th program. Jt ia PcUd f
about 3v9 will v in attenoani.
Bo Band Concert.
David City Tb boys' band oontalnlrr
30 mnibr gsv a con-rt In ronnectie
with th plctur '-My Hoy," at l- .oin
munlty theater, rroceeda will go for unt.
forms for Ih lov. th cmieort roc.
siaied nf (Is number. Tht baud is di
rected by Charles Sinclair.
Celebnit A nlU tmir .
Brok'Tn' Bow Th members of Can. Pu
ter lo.g No. IS, Knlghis of Pfthlas, cele
brated th Hth annlveraarv of th found
ing of th order and th lSlh birthday of
th local lodge. .
' ' Woman' Club Officer.
0'felll Mra. C H. Hrott will Dead the
ONelll Woman club. O'her officera
elected ut th annual meeting we Mrs,
R. n..rialtBlier, first rc president; tr.
J. 1'. Gllllgsn. econd vie prt-ainent; mra.
C. J. Molone. rewriting -rretary. m.-
Orac Hammond, .oprr-apondliig ecretary;
Mia Anna O'Pnnnell. treasurer Mr.
Scott Is a former prealdent of th Kerner
Woman's club end is prominent in ii.u..;
cal circles over th state. The three day.
convention of Women's clubs of tn. Sixth
congressional dlalrlct will begin In
O'Neill March 10. .
Ig..:t farewell Pnrly.
Frmont Member of tn fremont pea.
unnea. vt omen turned out In num- Bttlru , . i iV.. ' .
bar about e,,ual to the male voter, at ilhT, Fth.Vn ".i "5
the nonpartisan city caucus. By good Cret surcd a nrr?.ga 1 ns her. '
majorities the following were nominated "curcu a marriage license here.
for places for tho next two years: Mayor,
is. is. uks; citric, iivin Fellows; treas
urer, t..,o, Swatls; councilmen, first ward,
Roy Loghry; second, L. K. Garrett: third.
Oeorge White: committeemen. Mrs. K. W.
Curtiss, Mrs. Ie Huston,-Miss Cora KL. v-
ririnil T : :-1. . , - . . . .
r... marriage Ol MlfcB
Ella Clauasen and Relmer W. Hargrna,
both well known vouna- neonU nf v.;B
eommurUty. took place at the courthouse
in this city. County Judge Mullln official-
EJ; Jn?Bk0BT-w"L"d ""IX l'iy will ;r,.;'."'i"S
.to ut. vinio vncuo cum isij via. a-r.
Chess hi r.
Frontier County.
Stofkvll!?, Fred J. Snhroeder has fild
for county attorney on tha rettublican
ticket. Mr. Sehroeder was elected county
attorney six years ago, wai called to the
colors, commissioned a lieutenant and ra
siKned hia position a county attorney.
Grand T1nnd Miu Vuhr Pn ...... '--j
Wallace Street, both ii thin ntv war.
married at tho Knglish Lutheran parson
age In Haatlnirs. Thev will ,nmin. i
realda here.
' rttalilnecker-Gross.
irana Island Th marrlag of VI
fTmonr .neniueri" "i ....- -
of the American Legion staged a big
farewell party In honor of Olenn TSInter- j
steen. former adjutant, who accompanies
tha transfer of th Nye-srhnelder-Jenka
.....nnnnv in fimshs. Th poet presented
Since his return front the army he ha Opal Cross and Devern Stshliwcker boil!
been In tho active practice of law at of Orand iilsrfd took Ji!!. ,f c',,-,
J;ViJAni''. Clty?raTney,wrn' make fhrtr' homKe"!
tier county for more than 25 years, has
iijca on. tne republican ticket.
H-'.mllton County.
Aurora. The political pot la boiling
vigorously In Hamilton county and there
are many candidates already In the field.
For county commissioner from District
r.o. l tne flics include J, w. Minton, pres-
the STOOm baino- tn tha .mnlnv rxt K
airmunt creamery company.
Orand Island .Visa Alma Kiltnl-,,e ..i
Ed Workman, both of (irand Island, were
unnea m matrimony at the paraonage
of the English Lutheran-church In the
presence or only the Immediate relatives,
c-nt occupant: Frank Coykendall, j; K Rev C K Harm .Tn,. !L .
rst.i. nland wria-h? .nrt Kmii v.i. ?"',C' Harrnn, Performed the tm
Castoel. Claude Wright and Emll Eg
gort. Sheriff James B. Howard, who. has
been' in office four years, will havo op
position in the primary for-re-election in
the shape of R. u. Hillls. On the repub
lican side A. Grunhemeler and O. T. Mc
Conaughey have filed. M(k Pressler of
Trumbull ia Mia only candidate filing for
county representative. Henry Nelson is
candidate for re-election as county cierk.
H. K. Toot has filed for second-term as
county treasurer.
Central City Caucus.
Central City. Tho union and pro
gressive parties of this city have Issued
calls for the annual . caucuses to nominate
candidates for municipal offices.
York County.. "
York John C. Pollard has filed for
sheriff on the democratic ticket and J. B.
McGinley for representative for the odd
district, composed of York county, on
the same ticket.
Mronmburg Caucus. -
Stromsburc Stromsburg held Us an
nual political caucus and nominated:
Mayor, John A. Johnson and Victor Ander
son: clerk, Edwin Anderson trnd M. v.
Johnson; treasurer, Richard Nelson, and
V. Kjelson; school board, r.rlc Fors-
und. W. O. Backlund. Dr. Swift and
Albert Hult: councilmen, North ward, Ora
Olson and Earle Wright: South ward.
Jonas Anderson and Olaf Brodine. Tha
men elected to office will serve two years
instead of one, as formerly.
pressive ring ceremony.' After .a short
noneymoon trip to Lincoln thev will he
uuino in mis city.
' Grand Island The mnrrititr. e "xti
Amelia bChUltS. dailLfhtep nf Mr Ant Jtv
juun omuiis or Aiaa township, and wai
ver. ocnimmer, son of Mrs. John Schlm
mer, took place at the court house In
mis city, county judge Mullln officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwurtx
witnesses. ro lowing- the reremonv a
elaborate dinner was served at the bride
nome. Mr. and Mrs. Schlmmer left for
Drier trip to Omaha and on the r r
iurn win reside at Sand Krog.
tTPlflnd At the Methorlln't n,rann,, t.
Upland Paul Row Merrier of Campbell
nna jnauei jHcuoy oi Jilaaen were mar
Business Activities
Install Rig Tnnka.
Wymore The Owl garage has Just In
stalled three of the largest free air tanks
in tne state. , It takes a half, a flay to
pump mem up ana once rilled, they win
nanaie a rush, or business for a week.
- A. JT. Phillips.
Atlantic-, la. A. J. Phillips, a pioneer
of Audubon county, died in a Des Moines
'' ' Mr. Sarah TSIn, '
Tawneo City. Mrs. Sarah Bloss, 7, a
pioneer resident of this city, died at tho
family home here. Funeral services Were
held In the First Baptist, church, Rev, T.
K. Allen, pastor in charge,
; E. Sandrock. -Geneva.
The funeral of E. Bandrock,
ft.. Geneva banker, was conducted by tho
Masonic order. The sermon was preach
ed by Rev. J. A. McKeeman, of th Con
gregational church. Mr. Sandrock was
a director In the Genevi State bank. He
resigned as vice president In .January,
181. on account of ill health. - He served
aa cashier of the bank from 189a to ma.
H has Just finished a term aa treasurer
of Flllmor county before becoming iden
tified -with the bank. On January n,
Mr. Sandrock was stricken with paralysis.
Coming County.
West Point. Tbo following men filed
for county offices during the week: Will
iam XI11, republican, for county 'super
visor; Hans Thompson, democrat,, same
ffice: August Reich Inger. democrat.
same office; Fred Kloth, . democrat, for
county treasurer; Fred W. Hpist, demo
crat, same office..
Joins Drug More Staff. '
Beatrice Ira Wright, who has been
traveling for a wholesale drug house, has
resigned and entered the employ of J. D.
Beck, druggist. Mr. Beck's partner. O.
E. Bullis. recently purchased a drug store
at jNorfoIk, where he engaged In business.
Mra. 8. M. Dowllng.
Madison. Mrs. S. M. Iowllng died at
her home In' this city after an Illness
of si months. Funeral services wer
held at th family residence. Rev. Mr.
Chamberlain officiating. Interment waa
in th cemetery at Stanton.
'' Mr. Anna. McLaughlin.
Moorefieid. Mrs. Anna. McLaughlin
'died at Lincoln.1 . She was the widow of
BnKart Mclaughlin. They were pioneers
' Xeligh Primary..'."
Nelieh Tha - . Nellgh preferential pri
mary will' be held Tuesday? In the psst
nominating by this primary baa usually
amounted to an election. Following Is the
complete list of filings: Mayor, r. il.
Housh, 8. D, Thornton, Sr.; clerk, O. 6.
Hauser. w. c. uraves:- treasurer, p. i.
Nles; councilmen, first ward, Ben Broder
sen. Harry Thiessen, Casper Baachus;
councilmen, second ward, A. B. Grayblei,
Bavid Escrltt. H. P. Smith. George Fer-
guson;for three members of tho. board of
education, T. C Kirk, John w. lamaon,
Fred Penn, A. F. Bare. W. 'E. BItney.
Antelope County
Neligh The first filing, for office In
Antelope county waa that of jC. A. But
ton of Elgin, who has filed on tne aemo-
cratlc ticket for sheriff. Ho is one of the
leading, farmers In the vicinity of Elgin
and has been, a resident' of Antelope coun
ty for many years :
Madison County. -Madlsdni
O. O. Warren of Norfolk filed
for nomination for county islerk, subject
to tho democratlo primary. 'For many
years be was engaged in the lumber busi
ness at lilden.
Gage County.
. Beatrice Richard Reed of tnis city
filed aa a republican candidate for regis
ter of deeds. He formerly, resided at Wy
more. "Judo" Wallace, old resident of
Beatrice acting as- merchant policeman,
filed as a democratic candidate for reg
ister of deeds.
Xurkolls County. -Nelson
There are still thoie In Nuck
olls county who ara willing to serve as
county officials.. Th present county trea
urer. Miss Belle Galley, has filed for re
nomlnatlon: Orln !. Goodrich, county
highway commissioner, resigned his posi
tion and has also filed for tne treasursnip.
Ha is an ex-service man. jonn A. jones.
on of Gus Hyer deputies, has filed for
sheriff. Jones served in this capacity for
a number of years. Fred J. Stanley aspire
t tb position ot county cierx,
fage County.'
Beatrice William Atwater, old resident
of Beatrice, has filed as a republican can
didate for supervisor of th Third dis
tdlct. Two other candidates entered the
rac a few days ago. Mr. Atwater was
a former member of the board of super
visors. ,
Will Itulld Oarage.
Beatrice George Spleget. head of the
Spiegel Overland company, announced
that he will begin the construction of a
two-story hrick block. The old building
was condemned some time ago by the
state fire marshal and will be torn down.
The new block will cost approximately
130.000, and Mr. Spiegel expects to oc
cupy it some time during the summer.
Commercial Secretary Realgn.
Superior Ford Harper, secretary of the
commercial organization of Superior, has
resigned and will take up similar work
with the Pittsburg (Kan.) Chabmer ot
Commerce the first part of April. Mr.
Harper goes to. Pittsburg at an Increase
In salary. Appointment of Mr. Harper's
successor has not been made. Miss Har
ris B. woolsey, his assistant, will remain
in the office for the remainder of the
fiscal year, wh)ch is Juno 1, 1932.
Business Women's Play. .
Superior The Business Women's coun
cil of Superior will stage a home talent
play the latter part of this month.
Bur Rood Sims.
Superior A large number of new road
signs hav been purchased by the Com
mercial club and will be rected; when
the tourist season opens. -
Nebraska City Fllinga.
Nebraska City Eight candidate have
filed In the primaries for city commis
sioner. Frank Thomas, F. A. Bartllng and
Bert Ryder, present members of th com
mission, hsv filed, together with W. W.
Roach, Theodore Weberlng, John Sher
wood. Harry Rasmussen and Herpisn
Schomerb. !x candidate will ba pamed
i Open Now Ororery.
Wymore Lon Turner opened his new
grocery store, making the . seventh in
town, three of which are sxclusive stocks.
He will sell for cash. .
ReoDen Cafe.
Wymore .T. I,. Grlnnan of Fremont.
who recently purchased the- Vendome
hotel, nss reopened the cafe and la e-tvino-
24-hour service..
Fair I Assured.
Burwell The Burwell Community club
old enough stock to assure them that
the Garfield County fair will be an an
nual affair. A tract of 10 acres ot land
east oc town was aecured.
Ravenna Within a few week ' work
will be actively under way paving streets
In Ravenna. . About two miles of paving
wilt be laid. The contract wa let to th
company that paved at Broken -Bow last
year, and tn macninery will do soippea
here In a few day. .
K.v Telenhon Office ' '
Superior The Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph company of Ruperior 1 mov
ing into Its new headquarters. The
building Is one of the most modem struc
ture of it type In this section ef the
Enlarge Freight House.
Superioi- Carpenters have practically
completed their work on tha Burlington
frelgbt house, which will also house the
American Exprva company office.
wintnraican with a smoking set In appre
ciation of his paat record of two years
aa adfutant of the organisation, rh af
fair consisted ot a bla entertainment ini
feed with over 100 veteran In attend
ance. '
(oif C lub Meets,
r-avld City The Orflr club met at
get . together dinner for tho purpose of
parfectln) th organisation for 192'.'. ami
to make plans for- this - essnn' gol'
Forty-four members were present, 'i h
director elected at this meeting were
O. E. Pavls. B: J. Sheldon. Ben Brown.
Loran Jordan and 1. A. Bryant. These
directors will meet In tb n"sr future
and elect officers for th'conilne year.
Community Theater Play.
navld City A play entitled "The Little
Rebel" was presented at' the Community
theater- by eight--younr -.people of f.
Marys Cathbrio church. - Rev. J.. G. Creed
directed the perforrtanr.
Bovs' Band Concert.
Kimball The ' Kimball Booster band,
consisting ot young boys, gave a conceit
st the high school auditorium ror a oene-
fit which netted them iifco.
Club jfut,
her' tli
T.lnn Club Tiny.
Kimball Tha Kimball Lions
oa an Oroheum nUrUj!nment
proceeds to go towards creatin
to purchase a city park.
Woman's Club Party.
Davenport The Woman' club gsv a
7 o'clock dinner party 'at the home ot
Mrs. II. H. Hoovor. George and Martha
Washington greeted the guests, most of
whom came in colonial costume. Old
time songs were sung and following a
three-courBe dinner each guest waa given,
an opportunity to give tho history of the
costume they wero wearing,
Smallest Federated Club.
Sargent The Justamsre ciub of Sar
gent, with Mrs. H. Williams, president
and Jots. C. Jensen, corresponding secre
tary, is the smallest club In the stat
belonging to the Nebraska Federation
Women's clubs. There ar 265 federatedi
clubs in the state. The Lincoln woman
club, with a membership 'of over l.fiOO t
the largest.
League Show.
Geneva A cast of players from the Ep-i
worth league of the Methodist church!
successfully staged a comedy drama
'Mary Jane's Pa." at the city auditor-'
Sunday School Convention. -
Gothenburg The SCth annual Dawson
Countv School convention will be held In.
Gothenburg March li and 11. Towns which'
will send delegations are Lexington.
Cozad, Farnam., Eddyvllle, . Overton ani
Darr. W. H. Klmberly of Lincoln will
spealf Monday.
Minstrel Show. '
Gothenburg The third annual FIre-
men's Minstrels show will be presented
here March 14. Harry L. Williams is di
rector. ,
Legion Mticr. '
Beatrice. Neb. Blttlng-rCdrman post,-
American Legion, held s - mixer her
which was largely attended by members
of Company t: and legion members from!
Beatrice and other points in Gage county
There was a 10-round boxing bout beJ
tween James Blackie and Dale Hess of
this city and several wrestling bouts.'
Adam McMullcn. republican candidate for
governor, and Thomas Henry of the Sal
vation Army gave addresses.
Drive for Members.
Beatrice Post H. Travelers Protective
association of this city, has begun a drtr
for new meinbers. State President Fag'jr
ot Lincoln ana waiter wait oi
state director, were here to assist the o'-
flnera in th "kick off" The post has
SO mambera and an effort will be made
to increase the number to 100.
- Home Talent Play. ,
' Burwell The high school students of
Burwell gave a home talent play to a
crou-rieA house tb proceeds to be do
nated to the Burwell Community club.
Drue Flore Hold.
Wheat Needs Molstur.
Morefieid Moisture Is needed for tb
rheat. The subsoil seems to be falrly
well supplied, but the top or the ground
is dry and the winds whip .tho little-
plants quite severely.
ale Is Mueceas.
Wvmore Dr. J. T. Wish' M ot
puro-bred Duroc Jersey hogs was attended
hv buvcrs from sll over southern Ne
braska and northern Kansas. The sale
included 40 head of pure-bred and So
head of stock hogs The rsle totaled
more than 13.000. Th top sow sold for
1131. -Three iur-bred lilts brought an
average of $109 each.
- Sale at inrk.
York -Alvin Olson . of the Torkvlew
farm held a Poland-China of .tried
and fall gilts In agricultural hall. He sold
AO head which averaged
' Community Bale.
Superior The community sale lield In
Superior was a decided success. Mule
brought aa high aa 1175 a head and row
up to fSi. Tb Bate totaled over fl.OCO.
Protests Conference
. Altoorta, 'a., March. 11. A pro
test against revival of the joint con
ference between miners and oper
ators in- the central competitive field
was sent today to Secretary of Labof-
JJavis - by O. Webb. ShillinKford.
president of the Central Coal asso
ciation,' Altoona,' composed of ten-
was jii to v. m. Finegin, wi comes tral Pennsylvania coal operator.