Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1922, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 14

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Council Bluffs
Sttwint Entertain,
diniirr homwirf Mr, ami Mri,
Hiltt.fil Vl! if KocUand, Me,
4 gif Wf'ltiri'Uy rvtmnt by
Mr. a!. Mi. lhr!e'T. Stewart at
ihrir lioii.f mi ,Soijt!i Seventh nrrtt.
I'mlt rn wrr effectively ued
on the tjhli. at which rovfn were
Holiday at the Spring.
Mr. an.1 Mr. II. A. Quinn If it
WrMrl4y eiiiiij in prnl a ffw
M-rl at l if ncli Lkk Spring!, Ind.
I n rotiif liprnr they will be joined
m I'hirfio by their daughter, M'i
Hi4lfth, who fUn to Ime for
'lirrf nf M Friday.
Ir, ami Mr. A. V. Ilfnnr.y had
a iiiom fnji')l)!f ihiinrr-danre at
their lumie lat Wednesday evening.
I'ink and hiic rof formed the
u!i decoration and 21) Ruct were
pre eil.
For Mri. Wolfe.
, Mr. J K. Pay and Mi Theda
IVreshcitii gave a luncheon ef 12
tover at the Day home tat Wed
nesday complimentary to Mri. Clif
ford Wolfe of Knikland. Me.
'I hee lMtrr have planned two
other panic which will he given in
the near future
Knl tutii ni.i'lf an attractive ten
tor piece fur the dining table at the
dinner given Tuesday evening by Mr.
and Mr. Klmrr Slmgart.
lover were W1 ior Mr. and Mr.
II. A. Quinn. Mr. ami Mr. W. J.
Ilcirr and Mr. and Mr. Shugart.
all of whom later attended the party
given in the Kaglr ' hall hy the Tues
day Panciiig chili.
Bridge-Luncheon Club.
Mr. Carl foMou of Philadelphia,
Pa., -was the guest of Mr. Blaine
Wilcox and Mrs. Garland Founds
when they entertained their bridge
lunrheon clnh lat week at the home
of the latter. i
Roses and sweet peat were used j
in decorating and the club prize was
awarded Mrs. Dan Shcehan.
To Reside in Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrt. Georce Spooner ar-
rived last night from De Moines,
where they have been living, and tem
porarily are at the Emmet Tintey
home on Willow avenue.
Mr. Spooner has given up hi bus
iness in the capital city and plans to
open an office here.
Mrs. Spooner was formerly Miss
Gertrude Tinley.
Tuesday Dancing Club.
About 35 couples attended the party
given bv the Tuesday Dancing club
in the Eagles' hall last week.
One more dance is scheduled for
March and that will be held on the
JUt. It will be the last of the parties
until the nost-Lcntcn affair on April
18. at which time every member of
I f? u 'L.'.'i "I
: lvnss ncss weas in npni i
r l i ... f t
Iff) m
" '-'-im jrX ,0
- w
TWss Gerddixiejjess
"5 !
il tiiK ic nnvilrffPfl to ask '
more guests. '.arations
, Patrick Leaves.
' . . . .
is. rranx v. niui, v..v ..
.... t-a 1 Tl J A T
., Miiitincr ijr. ana mis. .
llanchett for the past few weeks,
departed Friday for Randall, 111.,
where she resides.
During' her stay in the city Mrs.
Patrick was extensively entertained
both irl Omaha and here, the last af
fair given in her honor being a love
ly luncheon of 12 covers, at which
Mrs. John G. Wadsworth was hos
tess. -
Mrs. George Williamson and her
mother. Mrs. Ella Pettibone, enter
tained on Wednesday at the William
son home for 12 guests, who were
invited for luncheon and bridge.
Mrs. F. D. Tarmer received a prize
for high score and Mrs. Elmer Shu
gart won the cut-for-all.
: Elks' Dance.
The first of the parties which will
lie given during March by the Elks
was held last Monday evening in the
ball room of the club house.
These affairs are proving very pop
ular this winter, with their delightful
informality, good music and light re
freshments. To Return Soon.
Mrs. A. Louie and her daughter,
Miss Leontine, who sailed for France
last May, are now in Algiers and plan
to return to America early in April.
They will be accompanied by the
Misses Rose and Cecile Hellmuth of
Paris, who are coming to Council
Bluffs to make their home with their
uncle, A. Metzger, and Mrs. Metzger.
During the Louies' stay in France
Miss. Leontine has been studying
French and music.
Entertained in Omaha.
The members of the Klatter club
had luncheon in Omaha last Friday
with one of its members, Mrs. Hu
bert Hicks, and the afternoon was
spent with bridge.
St Patrick's Party.
At a meeting of the American Le
gion auxiliary, held last week, plans
were completed for the card party to
be held next Friday at the home of
Mrs. Donald Macrae.
Tickets may be purchased from
anv of the members or at the door
and bridge, "500" and high-five will
be played.
Alfred Hanchett of New York city
is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
A. P, Hanchett.
Mrs. John ,'G. Wadsworth leaves
this week for Kansas City, Mo.,
where she will visit relatives.
Mrs. George Schaaf of Lincoln,
Neb., was a guest last week at the
liome of her mother, Mrs. James
Mrs! Harold Ross, who has been
in California for a month, arrived
home the early part of last week.
Mrs. C. L. Hammcl has returned
from a six weeks stay with her
daughter, Mrs. H. V. Towner,, and
family of Bayard, Neb.
Mrs. W. H. Dudley came Saturday
from-Denison, la., to spend some
time here with her mother, Mrs. S.
L. Etnyre and family.
Mrs. Ernest Johnson arrived Wed
nesday from her home in Moline, I1L,
having been called here by .the ser
ious illness of hex mother, Mrs. Mary
E. Dailcy. , j
Mrs. Edward,P. Schoentgen leaves
Monday to attend a D. A. R. conven- i
tion in Dubuque la.: On her return j
home she will be accompanied by,
her daughter, Miss Jane;:2 student at
widy evening.
April 26, as the
marriage to Douglas
date for
The ceremony, which is to be per
formed in St. Paul Episcopal church,
will be followed by a reception at lhc'
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Test
Stewart, 525 South Seventh street.
Miss Hess is the elder daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hess .of this
city and is prominent socially both.
chosen I here and in Omaha. She attended
Browne!! Hall and was later grad
uated froni.Bryn Mawr. He fiance
is an Omaha man, son of Mr. and
Mrs.. M. C. Peters;.
The engagement of these young
people was made known last May at
a dinner given at the Omaha Country
club.Vn :"whiih occasion' Miss Grctcli
en Hess, only sisrsr of the 1 bride-elect,-
announced, , her hethrothal to
Clarence Peters, -a brother of Doug-
Sr. Catherine's school in Davenport,"
w ho will spend her spring vacation
in Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs.' B. S. Terwillige'r
have sold their residence on Fifth,
avenue and are. now making their
home with' Mr. Terwilligcr's niece,'
Mrs. Fred Davis, of 526 Third street.
Mrs. Frederick J. Shorter, who has
been visiting in the city for the pa,st
few-weeks, returned. Saturday to her
home in. Chicago.. Mrs Shorten was
formerly Mis Marie .Gcisc' ..
Mr'.' and 'Mrs.'-Wjlnani' Coppock
left Tu.esday. for' Detfoitu Mich.,' and
from' there .-'.wtll go sotnh f6r three
weeks,' "during' which time? Mi1-. C6p
pock, Internatfdnitl vie' president of
the' Rotary cliib'.' .will address their
various' spring conferences.
Bensoa'; Society
-Benson Correspondent Call Walnut 5370.'
Benson Woman's Club.
Mrs. Gorton Roth,' " 2916 . North
Fiftieth street, will be hostess Thurs
day afternoon, March 16, to the mem
bers of the Benson Woman's tlub.
"Nebraska Short Stories" is the topic'
for the study program.- Mrs. J. W.
Fitch will read a paper on the tech
nique of the short story. ' The fife'.
and a short story sketch illustrating
the works of Anna S. Richardson will
be given by Mrs. William Zimmcr-t
man. Mrs. J. W. v elen will discuss.
Bess A. Aldrich and read a short
story illustrating the character arid
style of her writing. ..
St. Patrick's Day Party. ,t
Mr.' and Mrs. J.' T. Pickard are
opening their home Friday evening,
March 17, to a St. Patrick's day party,
sponsored 4 by the, music, department
of the Benson .Woman's club. Mem
bers of the club and their husbands
will be guests of the-affair. One of
the features of the evening's enter
tainment will be an Irish minstrelette
staged by the husbands of club mem
bers. The Benson High school or
chestra will furnish a number of
musical selections. -.' y.
Community Center. -
The community center St. Patrick's
day program will be -given Friday
evening, March 17.,.inthe auditorium
of the city halU Community singing,
led,by Mrs.i Li J.. Sprecher, wilhbe
followed by" a monologue-sketch 'by
Mr. W'aggenseller. Members of the
Benson high girl's gymnasium class
will give a number of folk- dances, led
by Mrs. C. E. Mussellman, director.
A comedy sketch, "Mr. Brown Comes
Back," will be staged by Messrs, and
Mesdames Waggenscller, Sue Edgar
and Robert McClurg. Following
this sketch will be sleight of hand and
mind-reading bv Emil Patroe. "Love
Thoughts" by Mr. and- Mrs., Edgar;
monologue. Mrs. John Britton; vio
lin solo, Miss Katherine Gutting,
accompanied by Miss Ruth Gutting.
The closing number will be a black
face duo by Messrs. McClurg and
Edgar. Mrs. F. E. Young also an
nounces' an interesting miscellaneous
program to be given March 31.. The
telephone company will put on a pro
gram in April and the South Side
High school will ' also' ' furnish an
April program for Benson community-
"' . ;
War Mothers' Dancing Party..
The Omaha organization of War
Mothers will share in the proceeds
of the dancing party given Monday!
evening. March 20. at Roseland. Re-,
ceipts- from all tickets purchased di-i
rfctlv from war mothers, minus the
war tax,-will hj used to' assist-'necdytj
ex-service men ani their families. All
Other receipts will. go. into the treas
ury of Roselaxid. . .Tickets can he se
cured in Benson,' from' "Mrs. F. ' E.
Young.-' Be sufe you- buy your tick
et from a war mother; Price 40 cents
the' ticket rHiiS 4 cents tt-ar tax.
Parent-Teacher Annual Election.
Charles M -Nye- sole aspirant to
the presidency, of the .Parent-Teacher
association .oLBerisOn was elected by
a small . majority over... Claud Reed,
who asked that his name be with
drawn before the voting began. Miss
Edna Sncll was elected first vice
president and Mrs. Valter .Reishaw
second vice-president... Miss-Dono-hoe,
teacher, in Benson West,, was
made recording secretary; Mrs. Kath
erine Brumneld, corresponding secre
tary; Bert Ranz ot the Farmers' and
Merchants'-bank, ." treasurer; J. T.
Pickard Of the bank of -Benson was
re-elected: auditor. - FollQwing the
election Miss Shields gave, a talk on
"Books," and O. C- Kidig- of, the
bank of Benson spoke-in a very con-'
vincing manner --on- .thesuhject of the.
"Needs of Edueatien- in Thrift." G;
W. Uhler rendered two pleasing vo
cal selections;. Miss O-lga Sorenscn
Dinner and Bridge.
Mesdames Bert Ranz, Claud Reed,
G. W. Sowards, George" Remington,
Lighthouier.'.C.Nr Wolfe of Benson,
Paul Zimmerman, and Hbyt of Dun
dee and Reavis and Clark of Prettiest
Mile district 'entertained their' hus
bands at a-7jp.'clQck dinner, followed
by an evening of bridge at- the Pret
tiest Mile club Ttfufsday- Evening,
March 9. M'rs Hansen, -.mother of
Mr.'Bert Ranz,' was honor guest.
'Attends Woman's' Banquet.
Miss Mildred Wplie, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. ,Nv Wolfe, attended
the woman's, banquet, given 'Satur
day evening ai .Mor.ningside college,
Sioux City- a graduate
of Mormngside ,aud enjoyed a visit
with many old iriends. Covers were
spread for .600 girls..',. .
Entertains Past Matrons arid Patrons
Dr. and Mrs. R,-J.'Jones.entertain-ed
at their home Thursday evening
in honor of the past matrons and past
patrbns of iho- harctssus- chapter 01
the Order of-Eatern Star. ..-After, a
business hour tjie evening -was spent
in social -amu,senienf..V Dainty re
freshments -wec'-seYd by the hos
tess, assisted if. her .daughter, Miss
PcarL Jone's, sr,7'. .
Music Department of -the, B. W. C
At the e4ction- of officers of the
music' department of the ' -Benson
Woman's ; club.- Mrs. Rr J.- Skankey
was re-elected- head of the depart
ment, M" Fs. A.'. X: Howewa re-elected
secret'aryreasuttr: andv.MTS, A. N.
lituria. A number f nrw
t... . ..... .11.1 . - . I - II 1
liii,tf. 04MFIJ 1U IUF foil tffl
nui!i W4 !iown in the
pUn ivr the pet jear" uidy pi-
Celcbrttes list Birthday.
Mr- C, If. Sirphrn., niuihrr of
Mr. IC. J. Whi.t,Vr,'fflrbr4tfl hff
HUt liiftliilay aturd4v, Marth 4,
Mr. Mephriii u 4 iiirmber of the
tir.t graduaitng cla.. of the lo
tte univrr.ity and lia attendvd
niot rf the Alminue lunmiet mice
that tinif. , iwn-i'oui.e ilmurr (
ervfd hy Mri, WliUtlrr when covfrt
were j!.ued lor Mi", and ,Mr. C. 11.
Aylnoiih, Mi Velin AyUortli,
Mr. an. Mrs. r ume Ward and nn,
Mardrll, and Mr. M.tud Scarwn and
d-iinihter. Irene. Mr. Charles
phrns of OkUhoma, who was not able
to he pre ent, fnt In mother a beau
tfful bouquet of cut flowers,
Methodist Ladies' Aid.
Mr. W. G. Smith. .MI South
ffly-ffond Mrrrt, will be lmtr
Wedneilay, March IS. la the nieni.
hers of the Ladies' aid of the Me tin.
dit church. .Mr. Smith will be a
ited by Mr. C. A. I.oomij of
Omaha, j
Entertains at Bridge. j
Min Marion ami Thrlnia Wolfe :
entertainrd two table of bridge at
their home Saturday evening,
March 4.
Married Women's Gynatium Class.
The married women's gymnasium
cla will meet Tiieday rvrniiitr,
March t4, in the auditorium of the
city hall. Mr. C. K. Mussellman is
director for this rla.
Entertains at Birthday Dinner.
Mrs. Charles KIciiiM-hmidt of Clif
ton Hill entertained at dinner Sun
day in honor'of her liu-baml's birth
day. Covers ycte spread for Dr. and
Mrs. W. II. Leiechtier. Mr. and Mrs.
A. 1). Palmer avd'. Mr.' and Mrs.
Klciuschmidt. J.
Attends- Basket Ba.ll Tournament.
Mrs, Gorton Roth and dauchtcr.O.
Kiinicc and Dorothy, and the Misses
Dorothy Babcock and Fern Sullivan
went to Lincoln Thursday to be in j
attendance at the Nebraska dtate has-
krt hall toiirnmrtit Thr fttiv-Aii
high team, under Coach Ewing. tu
;.. .i... 17 r
icnu in iiis 1.-. aim won ll,yiirt
game piaycri 111 mat class. 'UfJ, Lil
lian a. vert, lormcny 01 iyltsolli is
nun iuki anu UHIIj1rfr$
Presbyterian U. Aid
r a . r
Mr,s- " an Horn. .1344
North Fiftlth trt,e( bc hos.
iv isr,M. ... arch 15. to the
mcmyiJs of ,he pr(.sbyterian Ladies'
Lclection of officers will bc held
the latter part of March.
Entertains at Tea.
Mrs. C. E. Smith entertained at
tea Kridav afternoon when her guests
included the ladies of her division of
the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society.
Entertains at Dinner.
Mrs. J. W. Welch entertained Miss
Lottie Norton of Wolmer, - England,
and Miss Mary Divers of Hamilton,
Scotland, at dinner at the Athletic
club Thursday. The Misses Norton
and Divers have been appearing at
the Orpheum during the past week
with Col. Lindsay, hunter and sports
man from Australia.
Royal Neighbors Initiation.
Members of the Benson camp of
Royal Neighbors conducted initiation
at their regular meeting Thursday in
the J. U. U. r. nail. i ,
Mrs. D. C. Stuttzeturiied. Sunday
from Fort Madison. Ja ;
Miss Mildred Wojfe 'returned Sun
day from Sioux "Cftyja. .-y'S-.V-:
Rev. C. E. Barton and Mrs.; Barton
are with relatives in. Missonri;.
Mrs. George Springer is recover
ing from an attack of pneumonia.''
Mrs. L. W. Raber is seriously ill
at her home on Westjdaple street. .
Mrs. Scott Lee Rowlins of Den
ver is visiting her sister, Mrs- Hugh;
Jones. . ..- ' ' V -
Dr. Donald Raber, of Tildcn, Neb.,
visited at . the-tipme""of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L.;W. Rabcr."
, T. Francis of Littfe Rock, Ark., is
a guest at the home of. his brother,;
A. W.-Francis, aid Mrs.' rancjs.
Miss Lizzie McMahou will leave
the latter part of the week for Laurel,
Neb., where she will visit her niece,
Mrs. R. P, Carroll, and Dr. Carroll.
Mrs. John Calvert, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Koy
Young, and Mrs. Young, Boone, la.,
passed through Omaha Wednesday.
llnmi'$ Value-Giving Start'
Bowcn's Enormous
an am .
Of Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Curtains
makes it possible for this store to offer greater values at
prices lower than ever before.
Now, right at the commencement' of housecleaning. when
you imu uie neeu 01 aaaiuonai iurmture ior tne
homelet the H. R.,'Bowen Co. serve you. You not
only can shop here to advantage, but you can save
money on every purchase.
Floor Lamps
o Three-r T '-' F C.'x
Piece vane juiving ivuurii vjuite
March Brings Out Unsightly Spots.
How to Remove Easily.
The woman with . tender skin
dreads March because it is likely to
cover her face with ugly freckles.
No matter how thick her veil, the
sun and winds have a strong ten
dency to make her freckle.
Fortunately for her peace of mind,
Othine double strength, makes it
possible for even those most sus
ceptible to freckles to keep their skiri
clear and- .white. No matter how
stubborn a case of freckles you have,
the double strength Othine should
remove tbem.
Get an ounce from your druggist
and banish the freckles. Money
back if it fails. .
Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Shampoo
If you want to keep your hair tn
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Most soaps and prepared . sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brit
tle, and is very harmful. Mulsifted
cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure
and entirely preaseless). is 1 much
better than anything else you Can
use for shampooing, as this can't
possibly injure the hair. .
Simply put two or three. teaspopn
fuls of Mulsified in a cup or glass
with a little warm wat?r. then mois
ten your hair with water and .rub it
in. It will make an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, and 'Cleanse Uie
hair and scalp thoroughly. TheJ
latner rinses out easuy..ana removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excess oil. The hair dries quick
and evenly, and it leaves it fine and
silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man
age. Tou can get Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo at any drug store. It is
very cheap, and a few ounces is
enough to last everyone In the fam
ily for months. Be sure y)ur drug
gist gives you Mulsified. - ' -.
Complete with shades in many
styles and colors, and long exten
sion cord: now offered in three
lots, priced at
S13.50 S1S.95 $21
In all the new patterns and of su
perior quality; offered at greatly
reduced prices all this month.
Marquiiettet, of good quality, in
white, ivory and ecru; regular 39c
per yard quality; now, OC
per yard tOG
Cretonnes, of heavy quality, in a .
wide range of patterns; values up
to $1.25 per yard; now
priced per yard at only:. wC
Filet Net Curtain Materials, pretty
all-over patterns; regular $1.00
per yard values; now,
per yard, only
50-inch Clipped Madrai, good se- ,
lection of patterns, in all wanted
colors, .such as rose, blue and mul
berry;' -regular $2.50 per yard
'values jow, per yard, 45
Extra good quality of heavy sec- -
tional pnclsV made on heavy
. French-, -nets, with set-in motifs, .-
Irimmed'wTth neat lace edges and -
sovdesigned they will, fit any win-
. dow; 9-inch sections, ! '
at, per strip only.'. . . P I r
of small .' and -useful articles are
daily offered at the Bowen Store
'at money-saving prices. - Here are
listed a few: ';'
Galvanized Wash Boilers
' Heavy copper
"fh jf bottoms,' 1 a r g e -
In genuine mahogany; backs of closely woven cane; vclour upholstered;
spring cushions; spring edge; two extra pillows - fl pC
and bolster. Priced this month TS
at only x w
MAHOGANY CANE SUITES of three pieces, upholstered in mohair; two
extra pillows and bolster; formerly sold 91 COO
for $395. Priced, now at P4 O
Overstuffed Duofold Suites
Consisting of Duofold, Chair and Rocker. Duofold makes down in large, easy
bed. thereby adding an extra room to the home at night. i. t
Each piece upholstered in good grade velour.
suites formerly sold' for ?31o. Priced now at
Seven-Riece Dining Room Sets
William and Mary Design
Consisting of table and six chairs; finished
in Jacobean oak; each piece well made.
Now priced at, '
only ....!...
Galvanized Wash Tubs
Large size, - durable and strong,
priced now at. . ... . , 65 C
Bats Room Stools
Solid construction and well fin
ished, only .952
Waxed Oak Buffets
Made of quarter-sawed oak, 48
inch ; plank top, mirrored back,
plenty of drawer room for linen
and stiver. Former price $87.50.
Now priced at $29.50
Oak Buffet Of quarter-sawed
oak,- 54-inch plank top, mirrored
back. Former price $95.00. Now
priced at $38.50
Oak Buffet Large roomy space
for dishes and two small drawers.
Former price $65.00. Now priced
at $26.50
V It Pays to
r Read Bowen's
' Small Ads
Rugs for Your Home
Beautiful in design; rich in colorings; displayed to ad
vantage for the' shopper in our rug department and
. of fered. at money-saving nrices. - '
6x9 Seamless Velvet -Rugs, tans, blues and varied tfj 1 Q. ZLC
color combinations; regular $22.50 values; now. . .'.". . V D.O7
9x12 Good Quality Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, in a large,
number of different designs, mdking'selections easy ; C1 Q QC
regular $27.50 values; now. .'.'.' .'V . '.Is.''....".....'.". P f.IU
One-Piece Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, splendid J0 1 CC
auality : reirular $35.00; values: now. ;. P I "U
9x12 Heavy Quality Axmin
ster Rugs, shown in a splen
did selection of neat all-over ' -
and Chinese patterns;' colors,
tans, browns .and blues;
regular $57.50 values;
S"!.....:. $37.50
ongoleum Rugs
These rugs make a decidedly pretty and satisfactory
floor covering and the prices quoted are lower
than ever before.
6x9 unbo'rdcred mrs, were $9.83, now -SS.IO
7-6x9 size, wero $11.85, now ..SIO.IO
9x9 size, were $14.25, now , $11.50
9x10-6 size, were $16.60, now ..$1-1.15
9x10-6 size, all colors, were $19.00, now... $16.20
Those contemplating, starting housekeeping ' will find our
4-Room Outfits of exeeptio'n&Lworth and one of the best values
ever offered. Choosing -fr0m;- our immense' stocks will save
you many dollars. I""'? ', " - "
Oil Mops
, With large bottle of f?5c
oil at -. . 1 tJ
Electric Irons
6-foot cord,' detachafile plup.
O special at...... $3.95
Child's Steel Cribs
With drop side. An exceptionally
Rood value at our (fcrp QC
March price of V
Ironing Boards
Made with rifrid standards, good
quality wood $1.85
Let the Metropolitan
Van & Storage Co.
Move You
Hokard St., Between 15th and 16th Sts.'.