Tilt' BKK: OMAHA. TlllTwSDAY. JIARiMl 9. r 6" Society I1 At Dinner Bridi t. It llllif r.! ,.! A.alitu mUll ItlnMI IMMI'Jt mini' vt'i l.ve been made ir the dinner i'pwg it the i nivir.i'.y iiiiu jtur. la evening. Anions lhoe wt will entertain Urge tunic are Mr. and Mr. C, !;. Walraih. who will lave I.'. id Mr. II. . rotter, who wiil rmerf .1111 1.'. In party it uft lie s.t.1 .l t isren.- Wiihen. l.ll will be I friend. Mr. and Mr. Warren nuckweii ww nave i w guei, Mr. ami Mr. Conrad Vouug will bit two. Dr. Allen Morr will have eight giir!, Otii iii who will have gnei will be Irit kocmg. II A. .lyer, rrnk. Mi Mann, r.. i. rneip. jr., )r, i. i- V.ilifr. M. ). Wrrth, C, T. Slier, I ll.li a a I. ft . . ".. K. Mc Perniott, John K. lluiiioni. i: I'. Lrary. S. I.. Davie and R. B. IVler. Baptiit Delegate, Honored, lli'lrti KriMinan of New Nmk, the Rent ml tirld neeretarv of litf World Willi: Guild of the Hap. M rluirli. will arrive in Omaha 'I liuroiUy. Man h 4. There will he a baiujiirt for her at the first Muho l:H church al 6..W when Mis Kri man will give an addrr. Tlia com mitlee in charge iiirludr the Mes lUinct Charle I'.. Potter. Kdwurd Jnlnurtn. A. L. Tatrirk and Mis Mabrl f uhoii. Mn. Kountxe to Introduce Lady Aiquith. Margot Ajuith is to peak t the Hritndris theater at 4 p. in. March 23, under private auspice. She will he introduced by Mr, ("harlcti T. Kounte. Lady Aviuith, whose autobiography ba hern one of the most dicused books of the season, lias been in this country for several weeks, and ha spoken in many of the eastern rities. Children To Give Shakespeare. In honor of Shakespeare's anni versary in April, a group of children from 9 to 12 are to put on "The Merchant of Venice under the di rection of Mrs. Ef fie Steen Kittle son. Mrs. Kittleson saw the play given in London last summer by children, and was much impressed by it. Her class has been rehears ing it for the last two months. Visiting Nurse Drive. The Visiting- Nurse association will conduct a house-to-house can vass for the purpose of raising funds to carry on the work of the organ ization April 3 to 8. Mrs. Frank Carmichael will have charge of the drive. To Go Abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrige are planning a European trip for the coming summer. They will sail July on the steamship Majestic. On the same boat will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Head and daughter, Miss Ycrnclle. kSLEEPY-TIME TALES h-S&T" 1 1 r- t- a i r- a t? ips" inc. i m u c w r MASTER MEADOW r3S: MDUSF ViARTmtp rmT ram fy . UI'Mltl IIWIV wwvi I vniuhi 1 My Marriage Problems Adelfl Garrion'i Near Pbaaa cf "REVELATIONS Ob A WIFE i,vriMi lui I CHATTER XVII. A Lucky EKipe. Nejrer and nearer the buaid. with Matter Meadow Moue upon it, drifted around the bend of the irerW toward Mr. Great Ulue Heron, And at last Mr. Heron nuiiced it. And he noticed it. iaseni(er tern. "Ahem I" he Mid soltlv lo hinnrlf. Except for wallowing once or twice 11 At bit first mow Mr Heron novel too. he never made a move, but stood there in the water and waited. He waited for Master Meadow Mouse's raft to drift closer; for it was plain to him as . to Master Meadow Mouse that the current of llack 1,'rerk was slowly bearing the board straight down upon him. "When it gets near enough III just reach out and pluck that fellow off," Mr. Heron promised himself with a sort of silent chuckle. Meanwhile Master Meadow Mouse was having a very bad quarter of an hour. Slowly though his craft moved, to him it seemed to travel witlj lightning speed. "I'll pass bint soon. "Master Meadow Mouse thought. "If 1 crouch down and make myself as small as possible perhaps he won't see me." So he hugged the board tight. But the closer he came to Mr. Heron, the bigger and fiercer that gentleman looked. Suddenly Master Meadow Mouse's courage oozed out through his toes. I He ruMu't uv on ln uit niMher J (fond, Si'f'i'Biiijj 10 bis Itei, H (rurrn-a ti t'ie cti:i? pi i'ie nurj nd slipped oil it into the vutrr. At bi lift move .Mr, llrron moved '. He lined bi 8ieit wing and flapped Iheiu, tuckinii In l6 under In body ut ilie 4ine lime. A tulf d'cn IUi' tarried him ;ibrr,tM of the floaluig hturd. And there Mr. Jleron let hi. long legs (I.ihii iuiij the w,iier until be stood aurfin uiw.n the bottom of the creek, lie scanned the water eager , rvrit plunging liis bead into il and looking all around, Itut be couldn't see Master Meadow Moue anywhere. "Tlii is iueir," be inuiuhltd. "I 1 nc!v thoe (llow were E'l wim liters. Hut I didn't think thi one could get away from me so quick ly." Mr. (ireat lilue Heron waded about the creek for mhiic time, xcai'diing everywhere or almot everywhere. And while be was starching, the decnrd raft swung eft down the creek, hung for a few iiicuueiiM al the edge oi the channel, and then drifted larity toward shore, where it lodged at Jat among the reeds'. The iliappinted fMicrnun re turned to hi fiibiog. Hut it seemed as if his luck had turned. Not another fish came bis wav. An J being too wie to expect that an other Meadow Mouse would come traveling down the creek on a rait, Mr. (Ireat Blue Heron at last for sook his sport and sailed away through the air towards the lake on the other side of Blue Mountain. He hadn't been gone a great while when Master Meadow Mouse might have been seen nicking his way along the bank. He wa journeying up stream, on his wav home. "It was lucky for me." be ex plained to his cousin, whom he met later "it was lucky for mc that I could swim under water. Other wise I shouldn't have been able to hide beneath the board and stav there utrtil it swung into the rushes." "You had a narrow escape." his cousin told him. "Don't say that I didn't warn you!" That cousin was one of those per sons that always exclaims, "I told you so!" (Conyriaht, is::.) Bridge Club Entertained. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Knodc will en tertain the dinner bridge club to which they belong Thursday evening at their home. Covers will be laid for 12. Luncheon for Miss Cooke. Mrs. John McCague entertained at an informal luncheon Wednesday noon for Miss Lydia Cooke, who is the guert of Mrs. Sanford Gifford. Afternoon Bridge. Tif :cs Jcanette Johnson will be hostess aJt three tables of bridge, Friday afternoon at her home. Personals j Dr. P. L. Hall of Lincoln spent Wednesday in Omaha. Mrs. Herbert Davis is suffering from an attack of laryngitis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Clarke have gone to Biloxi, Miss., for two weeks. Mrs. Fred Pierce leaves for Chi cago Thursday evening to spend a week. Mrs. Henry Capscr of Minneap olis, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Yale Holland. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morton an nounce the birth of a son March 7 at Stewart hospital. Frank Mulry returned Monday from New York City, where lie spent two weeks. A son, Richard Elmer, was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sich March 8 at Stewart hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Helzer have moved from the Blackstone to an apartment at 51st and Capitol. Mrs. E. O. Tulley has returned from California where she spent two months with her parents at LongvBeach and Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love and little daughter, Harriet, returned Monday from an eastern trip. They have been in New York part of the time, and also took a cruise to Bermuda. Mrs. Frank Carpenter and her daughter. Miss Eleanor Carpenter, who landed in New York last week from Europe, are at present at Welleslev, Mass. Miss Carpenter graduated from Wellesley last June. Mrs. L. E. Swain, who was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John J. Sullivan for ten days, returned Tues day to her home in Columbus, Nep. Mrs. Swain's daughter, Katherine, is a student at the Sacred Heart con vent. Mrs. Robert Garrett is leaving this month for a trip east. She will visit her brother, Phillip Metz and Mrs. Metz in Buffalo, and also Mr. and Mrs Scott Richardson at Auburn, N. Y. Mrs. Richardson was formerly Miss Marion Kuhnof Omaha. Miss Nell Moore of Council Bluffs has just returned from New York City where she spent the last year with her sister, Misa Hazel Moore who is studying music there. Their mother, Mrs. William Moore recent ly left for New York to visit Miss Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Peters left Hollywood Wednesday for Carmel, Cab, where they will visit Miss Cath erine Peters and Miss Beatrice John son, who are studying there at Miss Portia Swctt's winter dancing camp. The Teters will not return to Oma ha until the end of March. Problems That Perplex Aocwertd by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Correct Conversation. Dear Hiss Fairfax: I have been reading the answers to the questions you answer. I consider them a great help and Rood advice, so I will ask you for advice. I drive my father's car; it 13 a large one. There are many girls in ihe town that would like to go with me on account of this big car. . I do not wish to ko with some of them. They often ask me to take them home. I always say no. Which should I have done? The main question that I wanted to know is, what is the correct thing flr things to talk about while with a girl. Please advise. FUZZLEU. . I ain norry the girls humor you so much. They should not ask you to take them home, of course., but I do not like your attitude in the mat ter. Can't you be so courteous, even to girls who are not, that they will like you better than your father's bie car? There are many correct topics of conversation. Some of them even require brains. Current events are always prood, good books, athletic sports of the season, travel, and many, many more subjects. It Press Club Hears Contest Prjze , Manuscripts The Omaha' Woman's Press club met Tuesday for tea at the Brandeis restaurant to hear the prize manu scripts from the recent literary con test. Miss Blanche Sorenson, under whose administration the contest was held, presided. Honor guests were prize winners, as follows: Mrs. Stanley Rosewater, Mrs. J. G. Masters, Mrs. E. M. Dun niway, Miss Emma McRae, Miss Evelyn Lowe of Omaha and Miss Flora Bullock of Lincoln. Stanley Letovsky. also aft honor guest, played "Doggerel," arranged us an interpretation of the f.rst stanza of Miss McRae's prize poem. He gave two other numbers. "With eastern editors conceding that the west will be a center of the arts of the United States," said Miss Flora Bullock, "why not Omaha for the hub of that center? And since even a hub must have a center, why not the Omaha Woman's Press club for that?" Silver loving cups were awarded as prizes in the state-wide literary contest for women. Classes of manu scripts represented were poetry, es say and short story.. Winners were announced at the annual press club banquet in January. Dora Bower Eckles of York and Opal Lintz of Fairbury were prize winners who could not attend the tea Tuesday. Mrs. D. R. Ennis, chairman of the contest last year, has accepted . .. a r . 1. . i , 1. ! . appointment lur me iiwicm n"a vear under the presidency of Mrs. t. R. Rutledge. Matzenauer to Sing at the . Auditorium. . The Tuesday Musical club will pre sent Mme. Margaret Matzenauer, contralto, in recital at the Auditor ium on Friday evening, March 24, at 8:15. The membership sale of seats will open Tuesday morning. March 14, at the box office of the Auditor ium. Members may reserve five seats only in additiornfo their own. Extra tickets may be purchased at the same time. The public sale will begin March 17, The box office opens at 9 a. m. " Tennyson Chautauqua. Tennyson Chautauqua circle will be entertained at the home of the president, Mrs. Frank Simpson, Sat urday afternoon from 2:30 until 5 o'clock, J '. is easier to fell you what to avoid. Do nut talk unkindly about others, do not indulge in idle Kossip or silly conversation. That old maxim is still good, "Don't talk when you've nothing to say." Some one has said, "Have something to say; say it: stop talking." A Ijist-Mlmite Jill. Dear Miss Fairfax: Last summer a young man asked to be introduced to me. After the introduction he courted me most ardently and show ered me with gifts. Ha then., left town for a number of months and each day I received love letters and telegrams from him. We were sec retly engaged and the dny before I was to get my ring he told me he could not marry me, as he didn't love me. Can you make this "out? I can't. It Is beyond me. 1'UZZLED." The matter may be as simple as it appears. The man found on knowing you well that what he had taken for love was infatuation. He may have burned his feelings out in a wild outpouring of emotions which couldn't settle down to steady de votion. He may have some difficul ty in his way and fee! that he isn't ready for marriage. But since he has told you with brutal frankness that ho does not love you, you arc fortunate not to be tied to one who could not make you happy. The Help Mida Found at L"t. I put a 1 n in tU bellboy' hmi when he h(4 unlocked my dor and d. ponied my bag upon the floor. He diuked hit bead with an ruibarrai. rd "'flunk you, iiu'iiii," for he evi dently bad nl yet recovered fruit the fart tlul I bid rtught bmi rv changing winks wit'i the rlrkator boy, tenly about my apprauMie, I think he tud trared Hut t meant In report In. impudence, but "at ' urprird at teeming a tip tlut h? did not know what to av. Hit action or reaction. Iihwever, bad no part in my thought. My onlv with w fo get rid of him promptly, and I locked the door f ler nun wun me urn ireuug oi curity tlut had hern mine tuife the iie.ranee on the tram of the myi lenoiu apparently elderly foreigner who cuinu'd to be a frirnd ot my father. Not that I feared ant thing tini-trr from thi nun. but bit iinprcite attention, hi apparent endeavor to find out niv father fecrct addrei, and lii patent determination not to loe tight of me had both emhar Med and alarmed me, o I had a litile feeling of nelf-rongraMibttinn, at having locked the door in safety. Then I ran to the dretng mirror to ee what bad ocraionrd the curiou look of the tani driver, the hotel clerk, Ihe bellboy and the elevator Mini. It did not take mc long to find out, A caricature of nty u-ual face look ed out at me from the mirror. In fallinir niv lut had been bent out ol shape, mv hair had been loosener and I bad apparently used niv cheek a a dut cloth to take tin some of the grime of the station floor. Tut standing out from everything else was the swollen area on my fore head, extending over the eye and down on my cheek.' Madge Calls a Doctor. Fortunately the skin had not been broken except in one small instance, but the matron in stanching that with a hastily-snatched towel bad smeared some of the blood over the dust, and such had been my haste in getting away from the waiting room that I had not given her the opportunity to do more than dab at my face with a dampened cloth. My left eye was r.lmost closed with a pulTv swelling and all along the path of the blow from the swinging door in the station, discoloration was beginning. I had seen similar bruis es before and my heart sank as I pictured the assortment of colors which soon would be in evidence. No wonder curious glances had followed me. Ko wonder the room clerk had hesitated before assigning me a room! No wonder the bcllbov and the elevator man had exchanged winks behind my backl I thanked my particular little joss that the rest of my appearance was eminently con ventional, and that the clerk bad de cided that I was sober, and the vic tim r.f retpeiUbV accident inttead ol a drunken brawl. I or if ever a woman looked In toiuiitrd, I h i lut woman. My tirt impiiNc had been to call a i luinhennjid to beln me Uke rare of Ihe wrting wbiih 4 beginning lo pjin me ttiKhtitilty, Itut the appear- ne of ihe uce winch ienied to her At me turn the nnrrjr rompily lunUhcl tlut intention. nuit have profct-ioiul tare, mbitiii my injuries lirnt to rye rMH'rienced enough to detect the uuih, brlre Minjctting iny.rlf to the auie 0'f of (pecula tion which evnlriiilv bad occupied the mind of the olbrr !"fcl em ploye. I groped my way to the wall tele, phone, for I wa well-nigh blinded from ilifiiif and wcalncH a well a the injury to the eyelid, and took the receiver from the hook. "You've Had a Fall. "Will you plrae rnd the liou-e phyician lo room 45 Mis Mark? I reciiticd, teuii'iiiheriiig, with an effort tlut I had registered iimbr that tumr, hc(aiie of the wild idea I had enii'iliiiiii'd tlut the Mippo-ed-lv elderly foreigner might try to find out my destination. I had thought lirtt of "Gray,'' no doubt because, of it similarity lo my own name, and had dinarded it for that reason, but my whirling brain bad been able to go no further than an other color. I drew a biff chair near the Jonr and sank down in it to wait for the pnysician. it wa oniv a tew min ute before I heard a firm knock on the door and tremulously demanded: "Who is it?" An equally firm voice responded: Dr. McDcrmott." ' I rose, unlocked the door and opened it to be confronted lv an elderly little man. dapper, rotund, several niche shorter than I. with a golden piucenez surmounting an aquiline nose, beneath which was a grizzled mustache and goatee of the fashion among physicians a genera tion ago. His very appearance was reassur- insr to shattered nerves. I felt as a child might when the family doctor had arrived, the doctor whom every member of the family loved. "Oh. doctor!'' I said unsteadily, and he put out a plump white hand, grasped my shoulder and held it firmly. Well! Well!" he said kindly, "You've had quite a fall.' Suppose vou come over here and he down and tell me about it. I obeyed him. and he fixed my pillows as tenderly and deftly as a nurse could have done. Ihcn with skilful fingers he began exploring the bruises while he listened to my story of the accident. Crook Relief Corps. George Crook Woman's Relief corps will meet in Memorial hall court house, Friday at 2 p. m. Dog Hill Paragrafs . - r t , : l . py ucoige omnium TrM' Hancoik irturiied from umn lint wirk with hi notkrt lu'i of different kmd oi patent medicine ' : is LI ( p ! tur pUii, d tlut on aiiinl ol our acfouut tem ther an or ' iMMHi't bte thi or that, det nwl i .Hily Ihe vtiiigteit. li tou tan thoiv ttie tin J Hut the tt'lowiou i lo be jut to iniiih eaih1 week, and Hut each member of Ihe family lu a given niii uliiih should liii'lilili' rvrtyllMiig jllullrd lo them, and a rrn.nn turn for Ihe home upkeep, and ihev rouM watch llii iiunrcs and re bow thing are t'oming out and pUn to ait aceoid-i itiglv, it wouUI I"' intrirtiing to tin-in. Aili-lher wav to g"t vnur ilnM in- jrif.ini in fur tiaiiir is in it.tvr ini" kiddie heroine a member oT a savings b.ink ihili. 1 Nearly every child i interested in Hireling a regular ilepn.u, 1 A child bkc a be svieituiu' it give iluin something n do at a certain time and they aiituip.iie it. Let vo'ir child do it own bank in ur and Injure out how much it will, have at Ihe end of a vear. Most parent do not consider the children in home savings. o".i.nht, it;: Dear Miss Fairfax: I, too, like many other young girls, am seeking advice. I am 18 years old and a senior in high school and will graduate in May. I have been going wKh a boy two years my senior for almost a year and I would, like to know whether or not it would be proper for me to send him a commencement Invita tion. Miss Fairfax. I am afraid if I do he will think I Just want him to give me a present, but such is not the case. Some of the girls here say it wouldn't be right if I didn't send hiin one. What shall I do? Please tell me. How is my writing? JUST EIGHTEEN. Oh, yes, do send your boy friend a commencement invitation. He would have reason to feel quite hurt if you omitted him. Forget about a present. If he sends one, accept it graciously. ADVERTISEMENT Ends Stubborn Coughs in a Hurry Tor ml flTeetlTisneM. thin old hoino-nutds rrmcdr hu no equal. Emily and cheaply prepared. You'll never know how quickly a bad rough can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-made rem edy. Anyone who has. coughed all day and all night, will say that the immediate relief given is almost like magic. It is very easily prepared, , andthere is nothing better for coughs. Into a pint bottle, put 2',4 ounce of Pinex; then add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or eorn syrup, instead of snear yrup. Kitlier way, the full pint saves about two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, and gives you. a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant children like it. You can feel this take hold instantly, soothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. It promptly loosens a dry, tight cough, and aoon you will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day' us will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is also splendid, for bron chitis, croup, hoarseness, and bron chial asthma. . . , Pinex is a most valuable concen- ' trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, the most reliable rem edy for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't acrept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. Tat Pinex Co., Ft. Wiyne, Ind. Any Time COFFEE4ime Meal time, work time, play time any time is Coffee-time I It's indispensable at breakfast. It's good at dinner. A homely; sandwich and a piece of pie become a satisfying luncheon when you add a steaming cup of Coffee. Between meals in mid-afternoon, perhaps, when mind and body begin to lag just a trifle at the Coffee House or soda fountain on the way home from the movies or theater when one entertains at home or in, the club house after a stirring round of golf or an exhausting tennis match. Whatever the occasion, the hour or the place Coffee! No other beverage pleases so many millions of people all the time. COFFEE -the universal drink Tkii tirtrtitemtnt is ptrt el in tducMtional Qtmptign conducted by fie ltMdiag CoSte mtrcbtatt of tht United Stiles in ea-opereOos with the pluttm ei tht State ef Sao Paulo, Btuil. waif A reVrn nor thin halt ol til the Coffee used in the United Sftet of A mane: Joint CoSet Tttit Publicity Committee, 74 Will Street Htw York sample, and now be wishes be tud ukcii one kind at a time o tlut lie could of told which one it wa tlul helped hint so. e 'Ihe Dog Hill church people have presented their pastor with another watch fob. winch be ha salrly in stalled on his chain, and it m.iv now be teen dangling to and fro on Sun days and other special occasion, lie a he ij going to get a watch a soon a lie is able. . Vain Sim attended an entertain ment on the other side of Musket Kidee Tuesday night. It was so.hiith rlas he did not know whether it was good or not until he heard somebody else sav so. Parents' Problems I a swimming pool a proper place for a boy lo bum to Mvini? j This would dept'tid upon several important ciicnniMaiicet. Fiist, the 1 pool must be clean mid the water in j it must be clean. Second, a com petent and responsible person should be in charge, mt only to give in- strurtion, bin also to superintend the bo in the pool. 'I bird, the other boy frequenting the pool must I be such .is you w ish for companions ; for your own boy. T.re Want Ad Produce Resiilis. Perfectly Pasteurized Our piotluit I putf, mb, and wholesome, Tha rii of lie per quart i fair and in keep ing with the quality of r, -7 "Onihi Milk"! A ( 11 Frank Vi:-... Keroaa, Mnfr . WE bitar 0127 Cut Out the Middleman Know That Your Cleaner Ha Plant THE PANTORIUM a ,ommon jense By J. J. MUNDY. j Have Your Children a Part in Home ' Savings? I Il you would make the budget j system a success in your home, you should take the children in on it. Carefully explain the system to tncmv anu wnat it w in result in bringing about, and get them inter ested in making it come out as you plan. Merely telling your children of ESKIMO PIE If yon enjoe seed Ire erf m. If fan enjoy cood ehoeolate. you will rrrlalnlr tie -ellabea" Tilth Statin r.sklmo Pie, the, aavr lee erenrn treat Willi Ike HereSirr rhorolate coating. SATIN ICE CREAM COM am a - u m i S3 Thursday a Sale of Used Pllonographs All standard makes made by some of America's leading manufacturers of phonographs. These Instruments Taken in on New Brunswicks and Victrolas The Prices In Some Instances Are Less Than Regular Catalog Price of New Instruments , Description Standard Make Phonograph (With 30 Records) Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph Standard Make Phonograph (Fumed Oak) (Fumed Oak) . . (Mahogany) ... (Golden Oak) . (Mahogany) .... . (Mahogany) . . . (Golden Oak) . . (Fumed Oak) . ;, (Red Mahogany) (Red Mahogany) (Adam Brown) .; (Mahogany) . Reg. Price ,$100.00 . 125.00 ,. 30.00 30.00 45.00 100.00 35.00 150.00 125.00 150.00 125.00 250.00 Sale Price $40.00 75.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 65.00 25.00 100.00 75.00 90.00 .75.00 185.00 Every instrument has been thoroughly overhauled by our factory experts and is fully guaranteed. Pay Nothing Down Just buy a few records and your machine will be delivered, j On Sale Thursday Victrola Department Main Floor West a