Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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ME i:KK: OMAHA. THl'KSDAi. Al AKl II V. l'.'--'.
Railroads Begin
Final Defense
v;' of Freight Hates
Alto.ur) On tare IVMimuiiy
IIt Nut Hiomii (irotni.!
for Grufrnl lie Juction
in Uidrgrs.
Valiingtaii, lUri'li rt f4ilijl
lfUn foiUv (Sirir tiiut ililrtue uf
rvuimjj livrts uf (rik'lit ni
ngfr rtr IjcliTf the Interstate
I'ommrrre foitiiniirn wlirn iltor
nry f ar4l (Hit urgent whit. It Mill
oiiflmlr tlti1 hfiriURi llt have con
iiiMird for month.
Ilftuy Wolf Htklof tlie frnnnl
ulh yteni, I"rd II. V !.
nitiiurl of ihf Southern IViin", ami
I rank ('jwjihinry. for the Southern
isilrnad. ituiMcd ilwt on nriilirr tcgl
nor rronotiiir ground. the inat
of ietimony uVm tiWIoacci irxotitid
lor the commission to ni.ike general
ietu'.tiopf of ratci.
'J he railroiiil pave way to their
opponent ju.t lefor the dav' r
moii concluded nd Fred V. Tut
pinef the Miiitinota railroad rom
motion, (leaking for all mate regit
Itie bodies atocia'ed In the hear.
mg, entered upon ti e preliminaries
if an argument which will he con
tinued tomorrow.
Earning! Below 6 Per Cent.
State rommiin arc aking lir
he aid, for paxeiiKer larc reduction
on the ground that they are too high
tor the trade to lirar and that no
portion f railroad charge, if re
duced, ""would be more quickly re
fleeted in the actual cot to the ul
timate consumer.
Hr. liikle used railroad earning
statistics, exhaustively placed in the
record, to formulate lii.t conclusion
that no reductions ran be granted
Railroad are entitled to a 6 per cent
return on the value of property used
m traniportatinn, he contended,
whether this fifure i fixed in the
future bv law or net up lv the com
mission at a standard, and the latest
earnings report indicate they are
now making but 4 49 per cent.
if r. Wood took the ainc position
asserting that "no greater blow could
he dealt the credit of carrier that
that involved in a general rate re
duction. Mr. Gwathmey added that
no grounds exist lor the assump
tion that there ran be any immediate
stimulation ot business by rate rcduc
Lewi Interrupt.
Commissioner Lewi interrupted
Mr. Voodj argument to ask how
railroads intended to proceed under
the promise of lower rates which
they made to the country by the
resolution of their executives in in
slituting complaints before the rail
way labor board asking for further
general reductions in wages.
"We propose to bring the rediiC'
lions given with estimates of the
amount of money they mean to rail
roads before t lip commission, Mr.
Wood replied, and "with the infor
mation you have gathered in this
long proceeding we are now engaged
in you can determine how the rate
decrease should be apportioned."
"We want to get that correct," Mr.
Lewis resumed. "Is it the intention
of the railroads to make all those
wage reductions translatable in re
duced freight rates?"
Mr, Wood replied that was the in
tention, but after a momentary con
ference with Alfred Thorn, counsel
for the railroad executives, he add
ed that the roads would ask to be
given "credit for reduction already
made" in applying the amounts which
they expected to receive.
Eight Suspects Held in Wild West Holdup
Bootleggers lo Aid IL S.
in War on Dope Peddlers
Seattle. March 8. -An agreement
to aid federal agents in their efforts
to suppress the narcotic trade is said
to have been reached by 100 repre
sentatives of the various branches of
the illicit liquor traffic in the north
west at 8. convention they are re
ported to have just held in this city.
Closer co-operation between
United States and British Columbia
smuggler and dealers and new price
schedule? for liquor are also said to
have been decided on at the convene
tion. Among the more specific ac
complishes of the "delegates" was
the reported increase of $10 a case
for Scotch and American whiskies in
sales to Seattle bootleggers; forma
tion of a liquor runners and whole
sale deliverers' amalgamation, where
by the set price will be maintained
and an agreement to give Victoria a
proportionate share with Vancouver,
B. C, in the liquor trade with Seattle
A liquor runners' convention,
vjhich the police reported was held
last week in Spokane, was said here
list night to have been directed from
Seattle. . - .
Alliance Methodist Church
Will Be Used for Last Time
Alliance, Neb., March 8. (Spe
cial.) After 35 years of service, the
First Methodist church of Alliance
will be used for the last time for re
ligious service's next bunday, alter
which services will be held in the
new $75,000 building which is near
ing completion. Rev. Mearl C.
Smith, pastor, has invited all persons
now living, who were converted,
baptised or married in the old church
building to be present at the final
service. County Judge Ira E. Tash,
Box Butte county pioneer and one
of the early members of the church,
will speak on "Reminiscences of
Early Days in the Methodist church,"
and several other old-time members
will "give short talks, including one
woman who was present at the dedi
cation services 35 years ago. The
new church edifice is one of the most
up-to-date church buildings in this
part of the state, containing a large
auditorium, gymnasium ajid other
modern features.
Postoffice at Alliance i
to Remain Open All Night i
Alliance, Neb., March 8. (Spe-I
v r. . t- it 1 1 I
r.iai.j Beginning aiarcn u, an iu
night service will be installed at the!
Alliance postorhce. the iobty will
be kept open and mail will be re
ceived for all night trains up to mid
night General delivery service will
be maintained on the present sched
ule, Mail for the night grains will
close at the same time in advance
of train time as at present. This
added service will remove the com
plaints of patrons who. after closing
hours, have had to take mail to the
railroad station or hotels for mailing.
J-,.'.. j pt ace ' jhrrz? , . ;t
, 1, i ;
wntmrnnm Zij
jTriliiitos Faid
hv Jurists to
"Sparks" Jokes About
Weather as Ship Sinks
lMliu4 fwm ! mi.)
U M 1 1 I Sill I till ")4 !l I ihini4 until 4 in hf fie
Ulllltt l iylll 1 1 1 1 1 iiixii o n mIc t'l'Of link', Mfjii-
Left to right art "Lone Star" Fred
Hans, who says he stuck up his
hands Tuedy night at the point of
a gun for the first time in his life;
George (Shorty) Evans, night watch
man at Alc-Sar-Ben race track, and
C. (Dad) Hendricks, proprietor of
Dad's Place.
Inserted below is Alex L. Pesrson,
only recently returned from Canada,
where he was exonerated on charges
of committing liquor swindles.
In the early day of the new west
"Ixme Star" Fred Hans, government
lield marshal, won the title of a quick
shot in escapade with bandits.
He met his Waterloo Tuesday
night when a trio of "two-gun" ban
dits shot up Dad's Place, a little
frame inn, located east of Ak-Sar-lien
field; slugged G. (Dad) Hen
dricks, the proprietor, "Lone Sta?"'
and another customer, George
(Shorty) Evans, and escaped with
$250 and a gold watch.
Trio Identifies Pearson.
Yesterday the victims, with heads
bandaged, identified Axel L. Pearson
at Central police station as leader of
the bandit trio. Pearson has been
linked with Bart Williams, alias
"Red the Rough," Wiley Compton
and the late Jinimie Cosgrove in
highjacking escapades, according to
police reports. He returned three
months ago from Canada, where lie
was freed alter a hearing, at which
he was accused of complicity in
liquor swindles.
Seated about a rickety stove in
Dad's Tlace at 11:30 last night,
Lone Star" was relating stories of
his gun play of years ago.
The door opened suddenly.
"Up with 'em," commanded a voice
from behind two guns.
Shoots Out Light.
Two other eunmen followed, one
firing twice through the ceiling
i wo lights burned dimly.
A shot extinguished one of them.
"Where's that jack you keep
around here?" the leader asked Hendricks.
"Haven't much," Dad -replied.
"You're a dirty liar." as the bandit
hit him with his pistol. Hendricks
Wallet Is Pocketed.
While one gunman kept a revolver
trained on the victims, his confeder
ates ransacked the place. They took
$15 from the cash register. Hen
dricks slipped a wallet containing
J40 ironj his pocket to the floor and
kicked it under an ice box. One of
the gunmen saw him and pocketed
the wallet.
Noticing a watchman's badge on
Evans' coat, a bandit struck him over
the head. Evans fell.
"So you're a dick, eh?" remarked
the assailant. ,-
"You deserve the tame" said the
third, as he hit "Lone Star" on the
Nine Suspects Jailed.
From "Lone Star" the bandits
took $10.80. Evans lost 80 cents.
Rushing from the place, the trio
fired several shots in the air, one of
the gunmen yelling. "Give my re
gards to Mike Dempsey."
They escaped south in the dark
ness. Detectives Robert Munch and
Fritz Franks are on the case. Seven
suspects, other than Axel Pearson,
are in jail awaiting identification by
the bandit victims. ,
Lodge Urges Senate "
to Ratify Treaties
Bananas contain a large amount
of starch and make a very much bet
ter food cooked than uncooked.
(( ontiiiiMtl Vrnm Fate Onr.)
duce in some measure the burdens
of taxation imposed by the existed e
of armies and fleects and the com
petition ot armaments aim protect
the future peace and safety of the
United State. We were of one
mind in agreeing that if we were to
have any measure of success we
must think in terms of peace and
not in terms of war. It was our
earnest hope that in a portion of the
earth's surface at least we could do
something to substitute the assur
ance of peace for the arrangements
and calculations of war.
"Actuated by these beliefs, and by
this spirit we were clearly of the
opinion that there lay before us three
Kreat objectives, three dominant pur
poses to be attained. One was the
termination of the Anglo-Japanese
alliance. The next was an agree
ment between the five principal allied
and associated powers seated at the
table for a reduction of naval arma
ments. The third was to accomplish
all that was possible to aid China m
such wavs as to help her in the es
tablishment of a free and independ
ent government and particularly to
secure the restoration ot tne great
province of Shantung to the Chinese
empire to which it ngntiuny ne.-
Main Purpose Attained.
"Wc succeeded before the close of
the conference in obtaining all these
objects. The treaty now before us
terminates the Anglo-Japanese al
liance. Personally, I believe that it
involves the United States in no ob
ligation except to meet with the
other signatories and consult in case
of any controversy arising, or in case
of aggression by some outside power
not a signatory. I repeat that I think
the obligation to meet and consult
is the only obligation existing in this
treity, and the main purpose of the
treaty is attained by the termination
of the Anglo-Japanese alliance.
"It is not necessary for me to go
into detail as to the reasons for my
opinion, as to the great importance
of this single achievement. It is
sufficient to say that in my judg
ment, the Anglo-Japanese alliance
was the most 'dangerous element in
our relations with the far east and
with the Pacific. Wars come from
suspicions which develop into ha
treds and hatreds which develop into
war. The Anglo-Japanese alliance
caused a growing feeling of suspicion
not onlv in the United States, but in
Canada. On the other side, it tended
to oive a backKround to Japan which
encouraged the war spirit and large
preparations both by land and sea.
for future conflict. It immobilized
England and prevented the exercise
of its influence in the east for the
cause of peace, and peace is distinctly
in its interest in that great region.
That menace to peace is removed by
the four power treaty.
Total Differences.
''I have already shown that total
difference which exists between this
treaty and the Anglu-Japanese alli
ance. There is no likeness between
that alliance and this treaty. Far
fiom taking the place of the other,
this treaty simply enabled England,
Australia and New Zealand to take
part in terminating the alliance. The
removal of the Anglo-Japanese alli
ance, which is complete, created the
situation in which it was possible to
bring about an agreement lor the
reduction of naval armament. While
that alliance existed a reduction of
naval armament was difficult if not
Senators should near in mind that
the defeat of the four-power treaty
would endanger the treaty for the
limitation of naval armament and the
failure of the naval treaty would
shock and startle the world and bit
terly disappoint the American peo
pie. We must not forget the close
elation between the two treaties.
The defeat of the four-power treaty
would mean the failure of the con
ference. Let there be no illusion on
that point."
Many Prominent Men Annul
Memorial J5rriir in IV J?.
DHtriit (.'our! for l.ote
IVderul Judge.
"I iJi 4 rccoid il the I" I
Walter I. Smith lutein stdni the
wall of every high n'hool hi ilw
pUie ui Iowa a ,ni cu-rUMing re
minder to tlif utli oi the uie uf
the tiOMthiliiir uf tl'f biiinlilctl."
ii.iid Judge Martin f. Wadr, m of
the prakrrt )clcrday afternoon 'I
il.e iiseinorul (.erviici in honor ot
Judge Smith, hrld in the I'mtnl
Mate dutrut court room at Council
The crii'e were held under the
upue of the lVtuwaiianiie
County Har donation and were at
tended by nuny prominent jurist
and attorneys and by a large crowd
of frirnd and admirer of the late
Judge Smith. Spencer Smith, prri-
dent of the bar afiatioii, presided.
"Judge Smith was a grrat man be
raue he had studimoly, rarnrttly
and assiduously qualilied himself id
meet any emergency," Mid II, J.
Chamber, lilutf attoimy, who read
the resolution adopted by the ao.
ciation in memory of the judge. W.
S. Daird. stale senator, read a state
ment prepared by Col. C. li. Saun
ders, who was to have made a talk,
hut was prrvented by illness from
attending (he services.
Judge G. W. Culliton and Judge
O, D. Wheeler, both of the distriU
court bench, made short talks in
which they estollcd the man who had
sat on the district bench for 10 years
before he entered congress.
Three other federal judges attend
ed the services and nude short talks.
They were Judge T. C. Munger of
Lincoln, Judge C W. Woodrougli
of Omaha and Judge George C,
Scott of Sioux City. Judge Smith
was on the bench of the federal cir-
euit court ot appeals at tne time oi
his death.
Alliance School Head Is
Re-Elected for Three Years
Alliance. Neb.. March 8. (Spe
cial.) Walter R. Pate, superintend
ent of the Alliance schools, was
unanimously re-elected by the board
of education and has signed a three-
year contract at his present salary
of S4.000 a vear. He has held thfl
position for 14 years. The board
also fixed all teachers' salaries the
same for next year as they are this
ear, stating that if retrenchment of
school expenses is necessary it must
come from some other source. A
new $200,000 high school and a $75,
000 grade building, for which bonds
have already been issued, will be
built during the present year and
completed in time for occupancy by
January 1, 192,?.
Taste i matter ot
tobacco quality
We tUte it as our honttt
belief tht the tobaeeoi used
in Chesterfield are of finer
quality (and hence of better
taste) than in any other
cigarette tt the price.
Litt'lt & Myirt Ttisen Ct
o Turkuh and Domestic tobaccos blendtd
Foot of Section Laborer
Crtifchcd in Rail Accident
Alliance, Neb., March 8. (Spe
cial.) Sam Jirvis, 24, a Greek sec'
tion laborer for the Burlington.
in the Alliance hospital with half
of his right foot crushed off as the
result of an accident at Hyannis. He
lived in a bunk car near the railroad
tracks and had just stepped from
the bunk car onto the track when
freight car backed into him, catch
ing his foot beneath the wheels. He
was brought to Alliance on a spe
cial car by the crew of the train
which struck him. It is expected
that amputation of the remainder of
his foot will be necessary.
Price of Corn Interests
Cuming County Farmers
"We are not very much interested
m the price ot com, saia a. k.
Goranson of West Point, who
brought in a load of cattle. "The
corn crop of Cuming county was
big, but most of it was sent to mar
ket in the form of livestock.
"Most of the hogs of my section
have been sent to market and there
has been considerable feeding of
cattle which will be sent to market
as soon as they are finished."
State Poard of Control
May Purchase More Land
Lincoln, March 8. (Special.)
Purchase of 160 acres of laud ad
joining the reformatory, to be used
for agricultural purposes by the in
mates, will be considered by the
state board of control in a short
time. J. A. Secrtst. owner of the i
land, offered to abide by a "decision'
of a board appointed by the board
of control as to the worth of the
land. This board has valued it at
$282.52 per acre.
Greet MoArtoo In las Annlr.
T.oe Angeles, Cal.. March 8. -Several
hundred frienda greeted William Giobs
McAdoo, formei aecretary of the treasury
and director general of railroads, when
he arrived hen with the Intention of
making Los Angeles his future home. He
said he would lnolc for an office today
and immediately begin the practice of law.
while IUhkii Vri't irtlurf the Ufou-
Uit fpeuiur liiry Mere cmiihg l
the ii'tiie and in en.
J. Wt.h Death.
I'r i hour r m the viroiuoii
wirelr opcia'pr kept lulling ilirri
Ml'. "A terf'b! night fr U lad It
e," he titled ami aittwrrcd Itiut-j
wrli: J
"Ha. h!"
"Our old nun think iuabe we'll
ht a nice hrrre ly ami by," he
tii klrd, and add'd:
The Menard i making ham tand
uirhrt of the liltli.un now,
"J he old watjon tiki like liuMrd
teapot, o'd tint." he hured in again
and when lUnen responded; "Hold
on, Imld on, old man; we'll he along
side oon," the Urontoit't man shut
"Look hke wr are guing to a pic-
me, J in is no weather to ue out with
out an umbrella.'
Siyi Shis Sinking.
Then a few minute after noun he
ua rriou K4Hi.
"We are sinking now," he aid.
"Going down Merit tirst. The deck
are ah and the boat are smashed
up. We can't hold out any longer."
That Kinird tt he the end. Hut
hi a trice ll.incu' cart got another
farewell ineage: I
"The skipper sent that last one," it j
sputtered. "He ought t know, j
Where my hat? (t M go to this 1
party. Sorry we couldn't wait fori
you, old man. Hut in a big hurry i
now. So long. Skull! k . j
And all wa kitcnt save the howl- j
ing of the gale and the hungry sea.
Blackmail Charge
IMilciHr Will Uf I'rt'M'litcd
! Cruml Jury fitting
at Fori Nuitli.
I'.Mt jimih, Atk Mnli R:Lk
mail thaigrii atuiiot I'duaid
Hunter ! ti-.He A, I i m. i r.
Ies Moinr (hi) l.ui!ei, wie d'
PiUnfil tin niU'iiKti'u ii liiMint iptil
turt by ltuiy rinrcuir Mm .
VI, tttut ammiilitid Ihf tluigr
ttituM he I'lf-riiUd dirrilly tit (lie
grand jury now- iti seii.
The Ioa men divlnud . enpi-w
lite information Un whit h lin y .ii,
thry wrr ptmrtding in an rtlurt l.i
ri-ioirr $V"l in bomU, p4rt t-f
the $15,lNJ i..t stolen If out the 4k
March .'5. IVIV.
In a statement tu the polite. J-e
It. Ward, who preferred the chatrs.
ilecl.itcd Hunter and Diamine claim
ed liarl Ward, hi oi, received a
part of the loot by epres and' de
livered it to one of the alleged hau
diis. This Ward denied.
Patton'i Status I Mystery.
I)r Moine, March R--lSpnul
Trhgram.) Olfitial of the state
board of parole here aic rndravoriug
l.'i'l the H ii'i. t'l ,.d ration,
;unii i 4 ! tiiiuplu ity iii roll
I buy il the .i4 Nm'tf hank hru'
laud iici""i IW 4 t mtii t i-nlii;
lime t Vrt ,l4di"'i pcmii-uiurv.
h'tpurt tionl l'or Simili, Ark,
stair J that I'it'"i vt atimied tbrrr,
in ii.M'paiiy will) liroitie Hituuni'
and 1 ilwm II, Jlumrr, t'linuli of ..
uuw dtfumt hank, on 4 hne of
Attording to iiirmhrr ul the
rule Im.trd I'aHmi it still uppo.t
l he t loit Madin. No record
of In filcic r psrole is lo K
lull Ml),
Hunter and Jlimnrc he devoted
ri'iii.ti,! tli.-ir entire tune iiie lln
1, .1.1., i v of the hiihk f Inoing the
4ihsi worth oi Hi'N it bond'. Ihr
trail le i In vatituu part of the conn
11 y ami tinallv ! I'oit Smith. Here
ihiv were arrested Uhh the mm
pUmt of Joe 15, Ward, wealthy he
manriiseimer, who rhargrd thry
turd to blackmail liim by tonurct!n
bin knit Willi the lubber.
St'iniuolc Iiulijii Chief
riitil iSlmt Through llearl
Miami, Ma., March H. Jack Tiger
tail, Keminole chieftain, wa found
flain at an Indian village here this,
morning. He had been shot through
the h-art. Ti'Kertail was a familiar
fiKiire on the nireets of Miami for
jcat ami wa known hy thouaiid
f northerners.
Mysterious Phone Call 1
I Followed Jiy Hohliery
Ues Moines, la., March 8.(Spe.
cial Telegram.) Following' a mys
terious telephone call jewelry valued
at $5,000 was taken from the V. A.
Wilkins home, it was discovered hy
M-. Wilkins Tuesday night. Mr.
Wilkins it out ot town. The loot
included several diamond rings, a
diamond platinum bar pin, a pearl
necklace and several watches.
"Somebody called the houe about
noon and asked if Mr. Wilkins was
in," Mrs. Wilkins told police. "I
told the man he was out of town,
thinking of course it was business
Soon afterward Mrs. Wilkins hit
the house for the afternoon. In the
evening, when dressing for dinner,
Mrs. Wilkins discovered the loss.
She did not report it to police until
Costs you no more, and
you can be sure of all
around nourishment and
perfect safety in your
most vital food.
It's pure country milk
with the cream left in.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Omaha, Nebraska
Announce a
Free Lecture on Christian Science
By Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C. S. B.
of Boston, Massachusetts
At First Church Edifice,
St. Mary's Ave. and 24th St.
The Public I Cordially Invited to Be Present
Mr. Graham ia a member of the Board ef Lectureship ef the Mother Church,
the First Church ef Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.
(F. 6. B. Factory)
Select Your Piano
or Player
from theie
Kurtzmann Conover Weber
Steinway Steck Stroud
Kingsbury Cable Wellington
Clarendon Aeolian, etc.
0"vr- (ftAKFORD
Loin mission MOJFIC Cbe
So. 10th St.
orapson.)d6cn & (Da
Imported Wash Cottons
Are Lovely for Spring
. A refreshing, newness prevails
among the fine cotton fabrics. The
dotted Swisses, ratine, voiles, check
ed organdies and the sheer plain ma
terials. A newness which promises
frocks of unusual attractiveness in
the most colorful of Spring shades.
Fabric Section Main Floor Sauth Aisle
New Linings 35c and
85c a yard
A complete range of satines, percalines,
A. B. S. silks, and silk and cotton ma
terials suitable for slip linings.
For Linings Thompson, Belden's
For Quality Meats, Quick
Service and Lowest Prices
2408 Cuming
212 N. 16th 4903 S. 24th T
r t "
Choice Halibut, or whole 17c
Choice Halibut Steak ....20c
Choice Salmon, or whole
. 16c
Choice Salmon Steak .18c
Smoked Finnan Haddie .22c
Red Salmon, Mb. tall cans 30c
Choice Pork Loin 1 O Evergood Butterine, A C
Roast 101 2-lb. prints Tt
5 lbs. $1.00
Fresh Boston 10
Butt, lOt Choice Rib Boiling C
' Beef UC
Fresh Spareribs 1 O " "
tt 1C Choice Cut Round 1
Stc&ic w
Sugar Cured Picriic 1?.
Hams l"t Sugar Cured Breakfast
' Bacon, Vz or OO
. , . whole LLi
Danish Pioneer OO
Creamery Butter. . . JJt -;
Choice Beef Pot 1 A
Z T Rot ...1UC
Evaporated Milk, Q
tallcan-' Fresh Neck Bones, or
6 lbs. for JC
Liberty Nut But- ' OA
terine, per lb -Vt Sugar Cured Regu- OT
5 lbs. 97c larHams.... -jC