The Omaha Daily Bee VOL 51 NO. 226. 4 M . Clw. M N, ISO M OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. 1922. r II wilt hMu t. . tl M kHW. M t . IH IM M II4JI , I'll MW '. M TWO CENTS J Bonus Bill Approved by Majority HrpuMtCiiiu For Measure Introduced by Chairman Fordney Parage U Predicted. May Be Called Monday l Th Aiaorlainl TrM. Washington. March 7. The com promise oldier' bonus bill, carry ing a bank loan provision in place of the cash Installment payment plan, original! proposed and once ap proved by the home, finally was agreed to today by republican mem ber! of the way and mean commit tte. It was introduced later in the house by Chairman Fordney, who nnounccd that il would not be called up until next Monday, if then. Parage of the bill was predicted by Mr. Fordney. Ilia opinion .ap peared to be harrd by inrmbers of the house generally. ome of whom aid that on the final vote party line would disanncar. There was some speculation in house lobbied and cor-J ridori at to President Harding viewi of the compromise plan and also at to whether he would find occasion to express those views be fore the house voted. Hrding'a Stand Unknown. At the White House, it was said that Mr. Harding had not studied and. consequently, had not formed an opinion as to the bank loan pro vision. He was represented, how ever, as maintaining the same posi tion that be did when he wrote Mr. Fordney on February 16 that the bonus cither should be paid by a sales tax or the legislation postponed. Some of the majority members of the committee believe that since the new plan defers for three years any large drain on the federal treasury. the president will not object to tt. Thev sav the compromise will en able needv veterans to obtain cash without the necessity of imposing ad ditional taxes on the general public. Just when the hill will be called tip in the house will not be decided until fter Mr. Fordney returns from a trip to the west, on which he start ed late today. Miouid tne- Din oe taken up next Mjonday, the house would proceed to its consideration under a suspension of the rules which would prevent amendment. It taken up later, Mr. 1-ordney said, there would have to be a special I rule. It was expected that this would be so drawn as to give prec edence to committee amendments, a plan designed to prevent the open-, ing up of the bill to general amend ment. , , , Similar to House BilL . ; . ' Mr. Fordney said the entire ways anrl means committee would meet Wtnrday, when the democrats would iiat an , opportunity to pass judg- . , i 1 1 -i r . i - mcnt Ofl me Din. Meantime me measure w'be printed so that they and house numbers generally can studv its provisions. Aside from the' substitution of the bank loan provision for the cash pay ment plan., the bill as introduced is very similar to that previously passed by the house. The only im mediate cash payments proposed are to veterans whose adjusted service pay would not exceed $50. Other veterans could select one of these four options: Adjusted service certificate, com bining a loan and insurance plan. Vocational training. Farm and home aid. Land settlement. Cost Will Vary. The ultimate cost of the bonus to the government, it was said, would denend upon the number of men selecting each of the options. It was estimated that the immediate cash payment to those entitled to not more than $50 each would be around $16, 000,000. The final cost might range all the way from $1,000,000,000 to S4.500.000.OOO, the maximum figure being predicted upon all of the vet- (Contlnned on re Two, Column One.) Mayor Announces Tar and Feathers Await Highwaymen v Increased Appropriations Granted Two Departments Washington, March 7. Many in creases in appropriations for the Dc partmentsof Commerce and Labor requested by Secretaries Hoover ap Davis, were authorized by the ,"v.cnate appropriations committee in reporting today the annual supply bill for the two departments. Al together $415,000 was added by the senate committee io the $25,351,000 provided in the house bill. The committee provided $50,000 for the bureau of navigation for use in administering the wireless com munication. President Harding re quested this appropriation as an emergency to meet the situation caused by promiscuous "broadcast- f ing" of telephone radio matter. . Crowds Unable to Attend Funeral of Negro Comedian .-New York, March 7. Five thous and persons were unable to Rain ad mittance today to St. Phillips Epis copal church in Harlem to attend funeral services for Bert Williams, negro comedian, who died Saturday. More than 2,000 persons, headed by a squad of police, followed the hearse from his home to the church. Masonic services will be held to morrow and burial will be in Wood- 1 . IT- ... - i i vt i r trinrirrv. i ir m as h uiviuv.i of a lodge in Scotland. - Newspaper Representative Robbed of $9,000 in N. Y. New York, March 7. Two armed bandits today held up Willis Litch field, representative of the New York . i Globe, in fronj of the newspaper V office in Dey Street, and escaped with $1,193 in cash and $7,985 in checks. He was on his way to de posit the money and checks in a bank. - . . , (linden. N. J, M.rch 7. Titrlit and (rathrring will be the ptinih ment (or highway robber at Wood Is nne, near here, in the future, Mayor illiam Kramer announced Utt right, Many residents. o( the community recently have been held up and robbed of small sum. "We have obtained a big tank for melting far, said the mayor, "and bountiful aupply of (ratlin. The neat nun ram he in holdup w ill be tarrrd and frathrrrd and carried through the street at an example to the community. "In taking this atrp the citizens of Woodlynne believe they can break up the practice within a ahort time." Kellogg Urges Senate to Ratify 4-Power Treaty Declare Reservation Ap proved by Foreign Rela tion Committee Wholly Superfluous. Washington, March 7. Advo cating ratification of the four-power Pacific pact treaty without hesita tion or qualification. Senator Kel logg, republican, Minnesota, told the senate today that the pact was to free from entangling commitment as to make reservation possible sources of embarrassment, rather than of advantage. The Minnesota senator declared no agreement to employ force or to defend any other nation's rights was contemplated by the instrument, and characterized the "no alliance" res ervation approved by the foreign re lation committee as wholly super fluous. Senator Kellogg reviewed the ne gotiations leading up to the treaty and asserted that one of its most Im portant provisions was that abro gating the Anglo-Japanese alliance.' which he said long had been viewed with suspicion, He alluded to the Bryan arbitration treaties and sim ilar international agreements as fur nishing precedent for the four-power pact and declared there was "no semblance of similarity" between tlie new treaty and the obligations of article 10 of the league of nations covenant. No Definition Necessary. The most that the four-power treaty obligated. the United States to do, he said, was to respect the rights of the signatories in the Pacific and to consult with them if those rights were violated. "It is true," he continued, "there is no definition as to just what those rights arc, and no defiiuition is nec essary. We have absolute dominion over the. Philippine island, and the other powers agree to respect those rights. The other powers have ab solute dominion or mandates over other islands and we agree to respect their rights. Disagreement Unlikely. "There is little, if any, chance for disagreement as to what those rights are, but assume that the title of any country should be questioned, we do not agree to submit that question to arbitration or to the decision of any conference, or to be bound by any finding, but simply to consult to gether with a view to adjustment of any disagreements. But it is said that we are entering into an alliance which will involve us in the disputes of the far east and may bring on a war. An alliance is generally understood to be an agreement between two nations whereby if one is attacked the other agrees to go to its defense. If this four-power treaty constitutes an al liance, then practically all the treat ics we have ever made, by which we agree to consult together to arbi trate questions, to lay down rules of action in war or peace, to limit arma ment upon the great lakes are al liances." House Pays Tribute to Memory of Clark Washington. March 7. Remind ing members of the house that Champ Clark was buried one year ago to da', Representative Garrett, Ten nessee, democratic leader paying tribute to the former speaker in a brief address, referred to him as "one of the glories of his genera tion." "The record of his life is fresh in the memories of all of us who are here assembled." declared Mr. Gar rett, "and even his personal presence is vivid in the recollection of prac tically every person who sits within the sound of my voice. In view of the eminent position which he occu pied in the country and particularly in this house and in view of the af fection and esteem in which he was held by all of those who are listen ing to me, I trust there may be thought to be nothing inappropriate in expressing this recollection of our late beloved friend and statesman, the Hon. Champ Clark.'' Members of the house arose as Mr. Garrett completed his remarks and stood in tribute to the former speaker. Slayer May Be Paroled From Insane Hospital Norfolk. Neb., March 7. (Special Telegram.) Gustave Bahr, slayer of Percy Steifel, may be paroled from the Norfolk State hospital, where he has been confined since the jury in the murder trial at Pierce found him to be insane. The superintendent of the state hospital believes Bahr is sane and indicates that his parole is being considered. Confirm New Mint Head. Washington, March 7. Nomina tion of F. EL Scobey of Texas to be director of the mint was confirmed by the senate today. Mr. Scobey succeeds Raymond T. Baker, whose term expires March 19. Potash Case to Be Given Jury Today Court Kxcludc Much Kvi denrc Offered Defence Rests Without Present, ing Te bti ny. - m Counsf'vV5;i-s .Vitness T' . ,V t n government m it V ..nst W. A. McWhorter, W. L liiplry, Charle Wohlberg and Jacob Masse for conspiracy to dc fraui" "n promoting the William Berg ccnij. ", featured closing argu ment lor the deftiiic late yesterday. The case will go to the jury thi morning. J. C. Kinder, United States attorney, is directed to con clude the case in 45 minutes after court convene at 9:30, Federal Judge Mungcr will then instruct the jury. Krii Assailed by Counsel. A. L. Sutton and J. M. Parsons, for defense, asailed Krciss as the man who made the most money out of the potash deal, for which he tour defendants now face the possibility of prison sentences. "He get an 'immunity bath' for leading these sheep to the (laughter and getting them into government custody," thundered Sutton.. "If anybody here ts going to the pen, that man should," pointing a finger in the direction of Kreiss. "Kreiss is the man who led Mc Whorter into the trap by pouring Arabian nights' tales of potash wealth into his ears. It's McWhorter's mis fortune that he met Kreiss," Sutton declared. Testimony.Largely Circumstantial. Parsons continued the assault on Kreiss. He also argued that the gov ernment's testimony, aimed to prove a conspiracy to defraud, is largely circumstantial and is as consistent with the innocence as with the guilt of the four men. "Everything went down in value after the war," he argued. "If potash prices had stayed up, these four de fendants and everyone who bought stock in the company would have been rich men today. A. W. Lane, assistant prosecutor for the government, denied this alle gation. "These four conspirators robbed the company of so much at the out set, it could never be put on its feet, even if the armistice had not been signed," he declared. Plant Termed "Only a Bluff He said construction of the potash plant at Merriman, Neb., was "only a bluffiiq-beip jn selling more stoifc, "Their 'advertisements that every dollar's worth of stock in their com pany was fully paid up was a bald faced lie, as they stole $190,000 at the outset without $1 of considera tion," he asserted. Judge Munger early yesterday afternoon ruled out a large part of the government's testimony that it took nearly five days to present. He said it was not sufficient legal evi dence of fraud. From the government standpoint, the most important thing he ruled out was the Neb-Ota company ac quisition of $100,000 on June 26. 1918, whereas the prosecution contended the company was not organized until August 12, 1918. Four Points at Issue. Judge Munger instructed the prosecution to confine its arguments to the jury to these four points: That defendants issued $190,000 to them selves without payment; that they advertised all stock to be paid up; that they represented no more stock was to be had, and overt acts such as sending letters with this informa tion through the mails. The big surprise was the decision oT counsel for the defense to present no testimony. It was presumed the four defendants would be placed on the stand. Three of them are under another indictment in the Missouri Valley Cattle loan case. Rosewater at Capital With Philadelphia Washington, March 7. (Special Telegram.) Victor Rosewater of Omaha, newly-appointed head of publicity for the sesquicentennial of American independence to be held at Philadelphia in 1926, was in Wash ington today in company with May or Moore and a group of Philadel phia's leading citizens, who caled on the president to invite him to break ground for the exposition, July, next. Although Mr. Rosewater's appoint ment as head of publicity is protested by the Pennsylvania state commis sion, Mayor Moore believes the Phil adelphia committee has the power to appoint and is going ahead along those lines. j Unless something unforeseen should occur, Mr. Rosewater expects to en ter actively upon his duties' March IS. Mrs. Rosewater will remain in Omaha until after school closes, when she will join her husband in the east. Bonds Worth $150,000 Stolen From University Fund Philadelphia, March 7. Bonds and other negotiable securities valued at more than $150,000 have been stolen from the strong box of Dr. Thomas W. Evans dental school and museum fund of the University of Pennsyl vania, it became known late last night Walter- A. Unger, assistant treasurer of the fund, is being sought in connection with the case. Unger, who is 27 years old, disappeared from his home here last Tuesday. The theft was discovered last Wednesday when a committee of the trustees opened the strong box. AH of the securities with exception of three mortgages had been taken, members of the committee said. Girl Agree to Park Their Vanity Caaea If Teacher Will Return John Bull: "And Have You Get the Tummy Ache Like Ireland? NoSir-ee!" Kerketry. Cal.. Mardi 7.-DipIo-ttutic negotiation were opened lrday to have Alwtn Thayer, ano cite Knitlnh piofcimr at the I'm vrr.ity of (ahhuma. return to the freshman la, fetter he abruptly walked out Saturday beeaue certain Kir ttudent would not tOp pow dering their nof. "Ye, I admit I walked out," he taid. "I akcd them to put au'de their vanity case and attend to their vork and they juit giggled at me and powdered away all the harder. The gife'ttU'r have agreed to park their vanity box outride, it i re. ported, and the profesor i expect ed to return to the clat today, Balfour Goes to Assistance of Lloyd George Prime Minister Glowingly . Praised by Political Enemy Crisis Temporarily Passed. Hjr Tli AuurUlttl Prw, London, March 7. "He is one of the greatest figure of the world' history what is the use of abusing him," said Sir Arthur J. Balfour, al luding to the prime minister, David Llovd George, in a speech at the Carlton club today. This speech, which was expected to give some clarity to the situation, threw no new ligh on the crisis, however, and Sir Arthur, like his unionist col legues, Austin Chamberlain and Sir Laming Worthington Evans, far from reproaching Sir George Young er, who was the real provoker oi the crisis, did not even mention his name. Balfour made a powerful plea for continuance of the coalition system as opposed to a return to the two party system, which he declared was only a fair weather system, unsuitcd to the present abnormal times when the nation was still laboring under the aftermath of war. Never, he said, was there a time when the co operation of the unionists and liberals was more desirable than now, and declaring that he had spent many years politically fighting Mr. Lloyd George and therefore ought to know something about him. ' Exceeds Friends' Tribute. Balfour paid a more glowing tribute to the premier than had ever been heard from the prime ministers enthusiastic admirers. The whole importance of the speech lies in the influence it is calculated' it will have on the rank and file of the conser vative party as coming from the oldest and most respected leader of that party. The extent of this in fluence cannot fat vulated. ' ; No announcement was made in the speech of the premier's future plans and in this way tne spcecn was ais appointing. . Crisis Has Subsided. While the crisis has subsided, the problem has not been solved. The prime minister has acceeded to strong representations and will remain to see through the government's Irish and Genoa policies. He is retiring to the seclusion of his home in Wales for a period variously mentioned as a fortnight to six weeks, leaving ac tive charge of the situation to Mr. Chamberlain and other cabinet minis ters. His condition tonight was so improved that he was able to get out of bed. He hopes to preside over the cabinet council at noon 'tomor row, and will start Thursday morn ing for Cnccieth. The general view is that the crisis will not recur until autumn, when parliament will be dissolved. But the activities ot tne dissentient union ists have bv no means, tts seen by their determined attacks on the free bill on the parliament yesterday. Six teen of their leaders today issued a stirring manifesto to their followers in a'sound conservative policy, inciud ing "efficiency of the second cham ber, so gravely impaired ot late vears, which is a claim of restora' tion of the lords' veto, and declaring that "the ambiguous language and inconsistent action of the past must in the future be scrupulously avoid ed." , . Judge Colby of Beatrice to File for Supreme Bench Fairbury. Neb., March 7. (Spe cial.) In response to petitions Signed by the bar associations of Beatrice and Fairbury, Leonard W. Colby, who is holding court here this week, will file for nomination for supreme judge from the Fourth judicial dis trict, it has been announced. Tudge Colby was elected district iudge of the district comprising Gage and Jefferson counties two years ago. He has practiced law at Beatrice 50 vears. He served as United States as sistant attorney general under Presi dent Harrison, and as brigadier gen eral by appointment from President McKinlcy during the Spanish-American war. . - y Baby Girl Accidentally Shot in Head by Brother Clarinda. 1.. March 7. The 4-year-old daughter of Orison Huddle, near Braddyville, was accidentally shot in the head by her 7-year-old brother while the children were play, ing with a rifle. The shot struck and tore off the end of the first finger before imbedding itself in the girl's skull above the ear. She is expected to recover. 4 KUled in K. C. Blast Kansas Citvy March 7. Four men were killed and nine injured when a compressed air tank at the Kansas City Railway company's barn ex ploded this morning, tearing out 20 feet of brick wall and derailing many street cars. Three of the four men killed have been identified as Earl Haynes. 30; Clarence Legate, 20, and Frank L'aumgardncr. 35. Civil War Feared at Limerick KrtniMifiiii Mutineer Gne Free Slate Force U lfotirt to Surrender Railway Workers Paid Well, Say Western Roads Men Working in 5,327 Indus tries in 28 Western States Draw Less Than Rail Em ployes, Reports State.;"':. Chicago, March 7,VMen engaged in work comparable -to that done on railroads, employed in 5,327 indus tries in 28 western states, are receiv ing wages much lower than those paid to railroad employes, according to a statement read today by J. W. Higgins, executive secretary of the Association of Western Railways, before the United States Railroad Labor board at its hearing concern ing wage disputes between the men and the roads. Represents Western Roads. Mr. Higgins represented 101 west ern railroads. Other railways in the western states operating under dif ferent conditions and circumstances announced an intention of making separate statements to the board. According to the statement, pre pared after an exhaustive survey of the 318,893 employes of all classes studied in other industries, 247,866, or 77.73 per cent, were getting wages in December, 1921, lower than those paid by railroads for similar services. The statement said that in Arkansas, Arizona, Kentucky, Mich igan, Mississippi and Tennessee more than 90 per cent of employes in other industries are paid less than railroad wages. Less Than Rail Pay. In California. Louisiana, Minneso ta, Nebraska, Texas Utah and Wis consin according to the statement, from 80 to .90 per cent are paid less than the railroads pay. In' Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, North Dakota and Oklahoma from 60 to 70 per cent re ceive lower wages than the railroads pay, while in South. Dakota 55 per cent are being paid less. Veteran Engineer Becomes , Seriously 111 at Throttle Creston. Ia., March 7. (Special) A. S. Wilson, one of the oldest rail road engineers on the Creston divi sion of the Burlington, became sud denly ill at the throttle of his en gine pulling a freight train on the Cumberland branch, and on the re turn trip was taken from the cab unconscious at Orient, being relieved by the fireman, J. C. Sweeney. He was rushed to his home and a physician pronounced his ailment as hemorrhage of the brain. Mr. Wil son has been in railroad service for about 44 years, most of the time as an engineer. Physicians say he will recover. . Wife, 22, Mother of Seven Children ; Five Living Elvria. O.. March 7. Although not yet 22, Mrs. Frank Uhler, wife of a local butcher, ts the mother of seven children. Mr. and Mrs. Uhler have been married six years. The first three children, all born singly, are healthy. Then came twins, both girls, about a year ago. The twins, however, died. A few days ago another set of twins, boys, arrived. They are in robust health Bandits Steal Payroll. Providence, R. I., March 7. Ed ward Spencer, paymaster of the American Screw company, was slug ged and robbed by automobile ban dits today of a pavroil amounting to between $5,000 and $6,000. The ban dits cscaocd. Middle West Has New Champions Two Infants Claim Fame, One a9 Bootlegger, the Other "Holds Up" Train. . Chicago, March 7. Two middle western town came forward with infant prodigies, so ,they call them, each a "world" champion. Davenport, la., professes to have "the w-orld's youngest bootlegger" in Marion Abney, 5. Gladys Berry, 6, Marion's play mate, so the Davenport story runs, home with the liquor, and just like the grownups, she endeavored to protect the source of supply when confronted by her parents. She fin ally said she got the drinks at a jewelry store and her father had D. T. Jones, the proprietor, arrested. In court, Marion Abney was the star witness and he cleared the jew eler. "I gave Gladys two glasses of wine, when mamma was away and she drank it all," he testified proudly.' Pana, 111., then produced the "youngest holdup woman" in the world, and tells that the northbound Illinois Central train had just start ed out of Pana when the engineer beheld a little girl waving wildly, running toward him. Suspecting she had a ticket, he stopped the train. The tot clambered on, ran down the aisle, kissed her aunt, and ran out again. She had "held up" the Illi nois Central, three minutes. Five Deaths Total of Georgia Tornado Augusta, Ga., March 7. Five deaths appeared tonight to be the total of fatalities in the tornado which early today ravaged villages near here in Georgia and South Car olina. The storm centered, accord ing to reports received here, at War renville, S. C, where, in addition to the five persons killed, a number were injured. ? In Warrenvillc, where 25 houses in the southeastern section of the vil lage were demolished, the homeless uninqured immediately set about the work of rescue, guided through the blinding rain and. darkness by cries for help. ' Clothing, furniture and wreckage generally were scattered over the ground and in tree tops by the wind, which, with 'whimsical generosity, left a large mirror without a crack under the debris of a house and moved a small corrugated iron fire house 100 yards -without disturbing the leaves of a huge oak tree which sheltered it.-' . ' Motor Company Chauffeur Frustrates Payroll Bandits San Francisco, March 7. An at tempt of five "bandits to hold up a pay car of the Ford Motor com pany in which $10,000 was being carried from the Wells-Fargo Ne ada National bank to the Ford plant here, was frustrated late today when the car was suddenly speeded up, throwing one of 'the bandits from the running board: ' . Laurenti, Metropolitan v Baritone,, Dies at N. Y. New York. March 7. Mario Laur enti, aged 30, ' Metropolitan Opera laritone, died here this morning, fol lowing a brief illness. He caught cold several days . ago, ' while on a concert tour and returned . to this city, and after a few days spinal meningitis developed. The singer was born in Verona, Italy, and came to this country seven yrtrs ago. 2 Witnesses for Arbuckle Faee Trial for Per jury Grand Jury Indicts Mrs. Min nie Neighbors and Mrs. Frances .S. Bates Testi mony False,. Charge. , San Francisco, March 7. Mrs. Minnie Neighbors of Los Angeles and Mrs. Frances S. Bates of Chi cago, who testified for the defense in the trials of Roscoe C. ("Fatty") Arbuckle, were indicted on perjury charges early this morning by the county grand Jury. ' Mrs. Neighbors testified at Ar buckle's first trial that she saw Miss Virginia Rappe, in connection with whose death Arbuckle is accused of manslaughter, at Wheeler Hot Springs, Ventura county, California, in August, 1921, and that Miss Rappe had suffered two sick spells while at the hot springs. Not There, Says Brady. District Attorney Matthew Brady, after the grand jury session, said he had presented the jury with evidence to prove Miss Rappe was not at the springs at the time stated by Mrs. Neighbors. "I doubt if Miss Rappe ever was at this hot springs," said Brady. Mrs. Bates testified at the second trial of Arbuckle. She said she worked with Miss Rappe in a Chi cago department store in 1913, where the film actress had been employed as a model. Furnishes Records. Brady said he furnished the grand jury with records from the Chicago store to show that Mrs, Bates worked at the establishment in 1909, was discharged in 1910 and had not been re-employed by the store. Brady in a statement giving his reasons for asking the indictments said he intended to prosecute "all persons who commit perjury." "I consider' this far more import ant than prosecuting persons charged with other felony," Brady said. - Early today, the police said they did not know the present location of Mrs. Bates or Mrs. Neighbors. Neither was it known when the war rants on the indictments would be issued. j New Hampshire Man Named - Assistant to Postal Head 'Washington, March 7. John H. Bartlett of New Hampshire was nominated yesterday by President Harding to be first assistant post master general. Mr. Bartlett, who at present is chairman of the civil serv ice commission, will succeed Dr. Hubert Work, who on Saturday suc ceeded Will Hays as postmaster general. The Weather Forecast. Fair " and warmer . Wednesday. Hourly Temperatures. ...Ml ...SS ...!S ...M m. . 5 6 1 a. m.. 8 k. m. . k. m . . 1A k. nfr. It ft. m.. 13 noon... ...27 ...2 1 p. m.. t p. m.. S p. m.. 4 p. tn . . p. .. 9 p. m . . T p. m.. ft p. m, . Highest Tuesday. whesenno 40! Pueblo ... Davenport ...... fiAlt Lake Denver 41! Santa K . hen Molnm 361 Sheridan . Dodge Ciiy . .....MiRloux City render ..54; Valentine . North Piatt ...44 Ahippem' Bulletin. rrotr-t ahlpinenla during th nei to 3fi , Hours rrom temperatures as lows: rrth and weet. 2 dereea: decree: zouth. .9 dexreva. t 24 De Valera Is Blamed Dublin, March 7. (H- A. Richard Mutcahey, iumitrr tf dr. fenrse in Dail I'.ireaun cabinet left for l.imrriik this afternoon. It was expected that tn' viit would rcult in a Mtilfineiit of the difficulty that Iian arisen at a result of the invasion of the town by detachments of lriah republican army troops. Troop. Extend Sphere. Limerick. March 7.-(Bv A. P.) The detachments of Irish repub lican army troops who invaded Limerick lat Sunday and comman deered the principal hotels, extended their sphere of occupation today by taking possession of the technical School. The British troops here are con fined to their barracks. The free state forces are occupying barracks and the police Mai ions. The street today were being patrolled by the in vaders, some of whom wore uniform and all of whom carried arms. Persistent rumors that free state forces had been dispatched from Dublin had not been verified up to this forenoon by the arrival of any such troops. It is considered here that the policy of the provisional government will probably develop an effort to adjust the situation by ne gotiations before other measures arc taken. Three Axmed Forces. The situation early this afternoon was iuict, although some tension wa. felt last night. With the town oc cupied by three distinct forces, name ly British troops which have not yet been evacuated, free state republican and member.! of the Irish republican army, the situation today was re garded as full of possibilities. Three armed men of the Limerick brigade of the Irish republican army entered the liason office Sunday night and arrested Captain O'Shaugh nessy, the liaison officer. Havergard hall was commandeered Sunday evening by additional republican army units who arrived in the city from outside districts to join the other troops which came into Limer ick Sunday and commandeered the principal hotels. Republican Ultimatum. Dublin, March 7. Reports that re publican mutineers have given free state forces 48 hours notice to sur render Limerick police barracks to day intensified the situation in Limerick and caused genuine anxiety to free staters. These rumors lacked substantiation but it was agreed that free staters would stubbornly resist dispossession and in event of an at tack, the barracks would be vigorous ly defended. No breach of peace, however, had been reported early to day. Lack of authentic news intensi fied seriousness of the real situation, "A Dangerous Game." Freeman's Journal, under the head line: "A dangerous game," declared: "Attempts are being made to carry on political propaganda and develop mutinous spirit in certain sections of Ireland." ; "Some adherents of Document No. 2" it added, "have made up their minds that they cannot prevent by argument establishment of the Irish free state and It looks as if they were about to try to see what can be done by turmoil. Incidents at Clommel and Limerick already have shown how far the mutineers are prepared to go, but the Irish people (Torn to Pace Two. Column FtTe.) Compromise to Avert Coal Strike Urged by Harding Washington, March 7. The be lief o President Harding that the coal operators and miners should keep faith and get together before the expiration of the present agree ment on March 31, was reiterated to day at the White House. The president, it was said, has in formed Secretary Davis that the De partment of Labor should insist on both parties to. the present contract observing the provision for a meet ing of the operators and miners to) renew the agreement before the ex piration of the present one. Ferry Boat Caught in Ice With Passenger Train Mackinaw City, Mich., March 7. r The car ferry Chief Wawatam, car rying a northbound passenger train, js again caught in the heavy pack ice about half way across the straits. The vessel left here late yesterday but has not been able to move since evening. The ice pack is not as heavy; as when the ferry became wedged, in several weeks ago and it is be-j licved she will be released shortly, j Business Man Advertises j for Burglars to Stay Away; Tampa, Fla.,-, March 7. John P. Sutton. Tampa business man, whose home burglars have ransacked four times within the last two months, has an advertisement in a newspaper asking the marauders to Stay away front his place. "I have very little left now vorthv taking." the advertisement says. "Please pass me by for a while." Townley Embezzlement Hearing Is Continued - Bismarck. N. D.. March 7. Hear ing of A. C. Tow nicy, president ol the National Nonpartisan league, on a charge of embezzlement, sched uled for Thursday in Fargo; has been continued indefinite! v. Sveinb jom Johnson, attorney general, an nounced today. Counsel for Town ley requeued the continuance.