Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1922, SPORTS AND AUTO CLASSIFIED ADS, Image 28

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    cn THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. FKBRUARY 2. 1022. .
w . ! . i
i ----------- 11 m 1 "
.1 Bit At, IttU v' ItAtttiAlM
la. a lit Med.
('" t- 4 Kf.
U4. 4 ll. l
uotburoM atw i co.
111! tier.. (. t liana.
tlirUTOl iN U-hKHKIIM',
Hf, TIKI HKM'T liUtriS,
111 S AM UMifca Lib.. WII.U
HfcUi. HKAr
M..I..M t. IIASOJJ '0,
a ikm r
SiiMR .iY.I..ii ..4 rrt.i predial
iit.'v rfi
al4.'A Htf liuTOK CO..
; l.4) Ken tt bltl
t.l aad J..-W..H ', If. '
rilr r-llf ' " -WI
ta.K Mr, ti'. li r-rill M.
"OKfk"JtrT miiru i aitb cak,
A iKHlnwil,
tia 4 r.ricm His, hiinjli 1
kiihK motor r.m.pni., U; blow, IT (hi:
ililMtr hl. IJ.fcs, r-.B. ran
I' 1I4 llara..
t'i'.l emit, "i4 n4 ..mangad.
THAwvm tuTO w, r.fiim at.
I.II M4XW Kill, "uurm ar. Will"!!
rheap, t .11 W.lent M. ;
LMKU ri'lliMn, til m.fcea for Ml. ("
un Hiir ul p.rnain.
bmttH Dill M
ill. rvlll h.ii.n, a4 unit MS
h call Alisnii i.'i.
I W tlTl. 7iriiiy"n.ill 4 abrlulrl vlieali.
I'l...n ni ml I'Oug, 4J5.
V .s ir3 i JT hi. cu
..- or Bunder, $41 le.iur.
Tut ilii'MoTiri'K Inuring, in uod
bene, I'hime Wtelr !.
( ol.l.T. Mrl . ii I trim mr. all It.
" Wanted.
w'ant'ui tij hit".: Ivla lairing.
Iu t In i4 running nnl.r mu-t
(o4 aiipHraiit. X-loi, Oni.b
Repairing "dPpt'"g-
y. V. ri.NK. fn lr nl hotly r
P.lrlnl. Hhoi.. lluufUa Sail. :i4 HIH.
Motorcycle! and Bicycle,
Cl.ii vi: f .A N l molor"yr I. " it ii. Run on I y
t mil, will ..crlftr for Immrillal
r..h, flat, Caali or lertn. II A. tuo.
AI'TOMUIIII.K owntrt ra nllnif II In
.1 pr runt mar nillr per (allnn ly
name Puprrlor liiwlln V.iurliri.s
lirirr, l. to; roull. a;uar.nlaril; frr
trial; atnt muk and ntudrl. T.. I.
Mnnlyomrrjr, III llanaa Avr.. Huiirrlor.
Wli.. Manufariurr and in.irlbulor,
I'oaial brim. Infnrmailon ti4 ru'.
Real Eitati Loam.
B hav ra.b 00 ba.J la loan 00 Omaba
III Krcltn Hldn
Farm Loans .,rd,,?.v;
iy on w.alrrn
rma. rancbra.
Klok Inveatmrnt Co.. M Om. Nat'l Bank,
LIBERTY bond, and ato-l bought and
HO Omaba National Hank Bulldln r
Ml Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jacknon 8711.
i"lii8T morti Inana itiHda promptly
nn Omaba real ratat. Shopro Co.,
Ttraltora. J A. :2. tii Krrll n B ld.
iioo TO 110.000 mad promptly, r. D. and Bowman Ca. Wa4Bld
Stocks and Bonds.
LIBERTY BOND!! bought and aold, AT.
1144. Mack' Bond Houaa. 1421 lal Nat.
J. H. MITHEN pay. moat for l.lBliRTI
BONDS. 121 City Nafl. Bank Bldg.
Arkansas Lands.
Await, th nomr.erkcr and Inveators
to bcoma lndpndcnt. Meat Mr. al
tara, who ha. 50. 40 and KO-aor trarts
of rl.-h, frrtlla .oil In Arkansna. will
abl poultry ralalnir, fruit or vegetable.
Una aera planted In atrawberrlr. In Ar
k.nua ha. brought an high a.
profit pr year. Itava aonio land 120 an
trrt, trrni. arrannrt to ault purchasir.
t:all for map.. Information, or wrMo
U WATTERi", Room 114, llrn.haw Ho
tl. City. Act quirk: will b hero only
for fiva day.. Will b at hotel all day
KunHay and evening. '
California Lands.
""TlJairfornia ? ?
TJa you over tipect to buy a horn
Then end now for our booklet "Tha
Inald In Real Katatc."
Forda K.doratcd Factor, til UUla
Bulldfng, San k'ranelaco.
Colorado Lands.
Wheat Land
lid acres Colorado land, part In wheat.
Thta must ba aold; wn valued at
.oni); will aeli now at I2,SI0; only
II.I.B0 rash, balani' In 1S:.
For further particulars address B. A.
t'oty. Sidney, Nrb.
Delaware Lands.
C'H ARTKRS Dalawar. beat, cheapest;
granted day reeeived; freo forma. Co.
lonlal Charter Co.. Wilmington. Del..
Nebraska Lands.
Ideal Stock Farm
10 acres, in Hamilton county,
two rollea from Marquette and 10
tnile. from Central City. This
farm ha. a dandy aet of improve
ment.; good' five-room square
house; fine barn for six horses,
and 10 cow.; haw mow In main
part for 20 tons; elegant feed
yard fenced with woven wire and
patent ateel gates, CO feet of
board wlndbrake; chicken house;
good well and windmill and a
cistern; 7S acre, under plow, lies
level to very gently rolling,
best of eoll. twenty-five acres
In alfalfa, balance the very best
of rolling pasture that will
. carry 50 head of cattle seven
month, out of the year. Price
H00 per acre, on terms of 12,000
, cash, balance easy term., five per
rent discount for one-half cash.
M. A. Larson,
"" v Central City, Neb.
WRITE it. A. Larson, Central City, Neb
for folder about truck raising oppor
tunities tn acre tract.
Minnesota Lands.
KtJUTTT Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn.
Wisconsin Lands.
LANDOLOGY Free apecial number just
out, containing many facta of clover land
In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a
home or an Investment you are thinking
of buying good farm lands where farm
er grow rich, send at one for this spe
olal number of Landology. It la free on
reQuest. Address Skidmorc-Rlehle Xand
Co.. 433 Stsldmore-Rlehls Bldg., Marl-
j- note, wi. - -.
For Rent.
Acreage for Rent
20-acre, w ell Improved farm, good
S-room house nd up-to-date outbuild
ings, good producing sot), close to town,
euitable for dairying;, Will rent reason
able for rash. For prio call
Louis Cohn,
4ISJ So. I4th St. Market 0143.
Sundays snd evenings -call MA, 3029
or AT. 1!J4.
i'OB RENT U acres, one mil west of
rl Omaha on Dodge road. Apply to S12
j' Panton block, DO. 1085.
.FOR SALE or exchange, two lots In
S jOverlook addition, south of Elmwood
I park. Will trade with some cash as
k ftrat payment on a 6-room house in
south part of town. Address Box.
X-104. Omaha Bee.
To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate i,
j:il City Nafl Bk. Bld. Jackson 4?,.
vuvuuiilil l..r iiiut rNnt
I Hi l.t Kai l H. ld J.. kaaJM
rlAVt; iairi (r l.o.oi i aat
Mil r " lupanr I I.IM It
. A. Onn.mel, inu.h Mal l r. hi 'a
""ll.'Ritv'WikltlvVAMll, "
lHvtuiat aa4 lii.uieare,
JA lul ft.. Trwat Bldg.
lMIR'VTT " imi. iiui. n
ii friar Trust I'lH J 31.
I lttTINim anu4 oil kuuara n4 raM
lot that will aril l 1'mmt '.
N H n I at NoitHia. JA. 4l!,
WANT H1..M h.u. fur I I. Hi pr kut
14 ,''!. Vtnl li.x X-l4, lMnt h,
WAKf lu kuy Inia ohr. I or t.ftxsm
tui.galuw la Ma-ii. at, tm.
. V I S'i II Manl I f room
rni. It to If
Ji' AfRKII Improved, Cti harca,
hg n4 mxh.nrrr. I'.walig Idle
prmf fur Omaha properly.
fvn ttark4 rancll tor Iw firm 4r
lmprnt.4 )a farm for small ranrh
or ptupeity in c.t.
Howell Inv. Co.,
1:1 l'aatoB lllwL.
tint il luwn, Kxliraiiua fauna Want
iknrhci. eheair land, hnlfl. or Inctini.
Irerib tout fully. Llviiig.lon, if-
lira.k t'lly, Nt h
in; tan -hai.M uur Incuiii pruixrlf
fur the Ihlnir yon want.
, 143 Hwutltle Til rig AT. S3U.
tout WKIinTLR
lven room.; bedrnom and
I'.pliig porch; breakfast room;
firuplai. etc.; all oak and birch;
m n. lurrr nou.ow blvd.
W are building here; I room.; 1
ballia; vacuum apor heat; double
garage; a beautiful home In keep
ing with aurroundlnga. Trlra
Ill" S. 60TII AVK.
llrlck veneer; I rooms; mald'g
quarter.; 1 bathrooms; vacuum
heat; breakfast room; large living
room and fireplace; a lovely
Raven-loom; oalc and maple; x
ccllent home; parllra must mot
away and will aacritlc.
Six rooms, modern; I t.drooma;
, newly pilnted and decorated; ex
cellent valua. Only 5,0".
10J S. 60T1I ST.
Brick veneer; rooms; I bed
room.; excellent email borne; oak;
double garage.
i:ight rooms; 4 bedrooms; all oak;
fireplace; hot water heat; Just
th home for large family.
Binder & Otis,
' :i City Nat. 'Bank Illdg. JA. !bl,
Sunday phone WA. JIC9, WA. 8943 and
W.V 8726.
n Dundee Home, $15,500
A reninrknbly roinplctn am, thorough
ly modern new nturco dwelling on hist
utrert between .Pddf-a and Farnam. V'our
rooms and broakfant room on 1st floor,
four bedroom and bath on 2d, two
roams and hath on Hd floor. Kvery, mod
ern convenience. Including; flreplice, but
ler'a pantry, beautiful liffhtina; fixtures,
itc. lioublft Karaite und solid cement
driveay. Terms to suit.
The Byron Reed Company
DO. 029!.
1612 Karnam Street
Owner Means Business,
His Price Is Right
Six moms and maid's room on full
nuth frrutt lot on ono of the nicest
atrcets In this district. One block to
car and ehort dintance to-Hfhool. Full
length liviiiff room, atlrnctivn din Ins
room with Fremh douin leading to a
comfortable screen porch thnt could
cH5lly be converted into a nun room,
a ml well arranged kltuhen first floor.
Oak floors and finish, canvased walla.
Throe airy bedrooms and bath second,
inald'a room third. A&k us to show
you through.
Alfred Thomas & Son Co.,
3a. 0064. G04 First Nat. Bank;
Six rooms on one floor, two bed.
rooms and sun room; tile floor tn bath
and kitchen; walls decorated on can
vas; oak finish throughout; one-car
garage. Au Rttractivo home, built In
1920. Price. 17.500; 12.100 cash.
Jackson 2850. 918-20 City National.
6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage; 1st
floor in oak, 2d in white enamel; well
located; close to car. Reasonable
721 Peters Trust Bldg.
Mtta raaru. 4 k4toa; Mk
eta; garag; 4 4
Cr;fkta. Vrut IHl
ut a. iitii r.
t ghl raawia, 4 Wiu "4
tl parrbt irli;, t i all
k 4 hlt aal; gar.f.;
Ideal lrlioa. kl II a4
mat aa aff.r.
ou 1'Ewer avk.
Ctauy Man fr faanilyj
"4 dal; I aadrawn.
nd til katkt fireie; ..anaomj, H It ": anaka ftru.
i:vl lALirVRMA IT.
X 4a a4 drn by. Out-af-lawa
aBr a inu.t aatiifK;
T ruan., 4 b4too.i Itreplat.
t.rg llBf ream ao4 Mk
a4 wbl'a anamel. A rat bar
.lg for aomeoa.
Binder & Otis,
: City Nat Bank Sldg. J A, 1.41
Sundiy pbon IV A. till, WA. 1941 Sa4
West Farnam Home
$2,000 Cash
Kara It undoubtedly the tergala '
the r. for In dollar and r.nta value
thl. pruperty la easily worm II nior
man in above ngur; tacrpuon nan,
liwlne mnm. dlffilii rAAifl. bullar Pantry
an4 kitchen on tint fleer; 4 bedroom.
bath and aieenma porrn on awconu
floor; full baaamant; wonderful heat.
Inv' liMtirf ulnmtllfl traa heater.
to.; double garage and driveway; fcoue
le loratr4 near and ueoey av.
ana I in pariect conatuon.
The Byron Reed Company
po. o:9T.
1(11 Fa 'nam at.
" Cathedral District
U 1'ewnpvri pi., wrai ,'i inn, -
are offering on of the tt borne In
tni oiainri; targe tuu nnin tivm.
room, dining room, kltrhan and aun
room first floor; 4 bedroom and bath
aernnd floor; full ai.rd aillr; on room
fintahed, with, heat; fireplace; full hut
ment. Not a "real e.tata bulll," but a
real home, constructed by owner Just
befor tha war prices and priced ac
cordingly. Priced et only UO.OOn and
can be hown by appointment. If you
want a good horn In a splendid neigh
borhood let ua show you thia.
Best & Gestring,
T0. 1151. 0I Securlllea Bldg.
Practically new 6-room. atrlctly mod
ern stucco bungalow; oak throughout;
fireplace; tiled bath; all built-in fea
lures: dandy baeement. Owner will sell
on ra.y terms or trade for am. II
cottage, vacant lot or a good first
mortgage flrat payment. Now va
cant, possession st one. Tour chance
tn secure a real bungalow. Sunday call
XV A, 6757.
Hansen Investment Co.,
114-11 Douglas St.
AT. 0063,
West Farnam
Nine-room, frame construction, locaU
f on an east front lot; 1 block from
Blackston) hotel ; finished In white
quartered oak first floor, hard pine sec
ond floor; canvased walla; hot water
heat; oil burner; large cistern: one-car
garage. Wt ran recommend this home
s9 an excellent purchase, as well aa be
ing in firnt-elaas condition. Priced very
George & Company,
AT-lantlo 3031.
Reautiful 12-room home " on 3Sd
Street, near Farnam. Four room first
floor; 6 large bedroom second floor;
3 targe bed-rooma third floor. Oak and
mahogany finish; hot water heat; gar
age for three cars; 61 feet of ground.
Owner might consider two good lots
south of Hodge Street in Dundee or
Lockwood, aa psrt payment. Tossession
on short notice. For location, price
and terms, call WA. 6757, or KB. 4125.
Hansen Investment Co.,
914-11 Douglas.
AT. 0061.
Your Money Talks Fast
lou could not build tha house alone
for 14,500, but here you can buy this
5-room, all modern bungalow with good
lot facing south for only 14,000. Oak
floors and finish, built-in features,
floored attic, full cement basement, good
neighborhood, one-half block to carline
and school. This Is a REAL CASH
PRICE, but we can help the RIGHT
MAN finance the deal. Sunday phone
Mr. Shaver, Ken, 3768, or Mr. Metcalfe,
Wal. 277S.
N. P. Dodge & Company,
40t MICUCI Bldg. Doug. 0829.
- South Side.
FOR SALE 2 corner lots, all In fruit;
good 6-room house; on car line; 13,100;
1100 down. Inquire 5401 Q St.
NETHAWAT sella and trades. KB. 14(l.
Charles W. Young & Son
Keel Batata. Reatala, Inmran r.
city el at. .sua.
Uat your home Buy your oma
Real Eatite, Leant, Ren fa IV JA.
-1AVE to pay on i i -room mod-
1 em house, located north, or went. Good
1 monthly payments. Cav furnish r?fer-
ncf po .-u'B, umant isee.
sETsT your hemea for rh with u?. We
&av tn ciutomera. f yn 2nTestxneBt
Cempaafl , t 4ir .. t-
Bungalow in Saunders
School District.
This is an unusual house, equipped
with every late feature. The living
room, which baa big brick fireplace, la
connected with aun room throagh
French doors; dining room, kitchen,
with all built-in cupboards and lea box
room; hallway connecta tiled bath with
bedroom and aun room. There are f
bedrooms i.nd . lavatory upstairs'; full
basemen with fruit and coal room:;
lots of room If you seed It, but arrang
ed ao you can use only downstairs. For
appointment aee Max Agor,
Shuler & Cary, Realtors,
Doug. 5074.
24 Keeline Bldg.
FOB l-9.
Nicely located tn Clifton Hill, on
paved street, with let 10x129; near
42d and Grant.
I4T Omaha iat. Bank Bldg. J A. 1214.
Cathedral District
New 6-Room Bungalow
Large living room, with fireplace;
sun room, with French doors; two bed
rooms; breakfast room; tile bath; beau
tifully finished throughout in - white
enamel; full basement; divided rooms.
For quality and unique design see this
kallsstone bungalow at 350 N. S6th Ave.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
"Tukev Sftld Tr"
620 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. 4223.
minaay call Mr. Donald, HA. 4600.
- Southwest
Dandy l-room eaat front frame and
stucco; large living room, dining room
and kitchen on first floor; Z bedrooms;
oak floors all through. A good house.
Will taka automobile aa part payment
D. V. Sholes Company,'
JA. 0046. IIS City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Immediate Possession
5819 MASON.
New brick veneered bungalow, 6
room, the very latest, all hardwood,
tile bath, a real fireplace and the best
location. All clear. Only $7,500, with
paving paid. Terms.
C. B. Schleicher, '
1912 Vinton St. AT. 0905.
10 ROOMS, $8,850 ;
Not a new house, but In excellent
condition. Six rooms, two bath rooms.
Two-car garage. Location good, price
right. Terms arranged.
JA. i860. 9H-20 fMtv W.Hn.t
mi s.'iiiu Mia r
9Ve tit ,..n .j In f ) I
' :ll ,u llll I l".lil hoif mttk
(, hI. - " I !, fl
a'. fift-'4 jfcii.ri, fiuwr alien
mil (a. na in t.-Mi-i : t
mki fiBiU u4 I .i Mill !.'.
ail a.- II. t .r.r, Ar, . "!
g f tlj, 0.
I"Hi'tU,"l'il B,ltM 4i" 4
lui u4 Villi, ffna !;.
I). Roy Woodward,
J, ;5, J r.ier TrW't uil
Montelair Buniralow
I'aiidy t.v tm an"") baa'.
.it. l'. I'M. Pi M'4
,.h ill k.ndt. Why !
Osborne Realty Co.,
I-.4 V.)rB Trust B'dg ,V..L
KZiki kiTo I'Ahri-U'ra ..""
i' Moil-, ea.i r iH'ia !''.
I aim-a lo ir line, a' 4m.
w. raa.vAM MuiTti ru. ' r'".
JtrliinB a4 kjliilay. WnlitUl !'.
Miller Park
uih front en Tttdu-k . r to
rrttiet Mil eiu. a.rimikina ai m
park, ia-rldal aar mm) ., .i
u. .now ou una n.i. uuu -.-i,..
una iivin rnin with lireplac.
dining tuom with hulil.ln buff.l, iHi.llt
..lima, maad Sllohen Willi l"la of cut-
beard apaca. Thr. fin bedruom, til
bailt witlt ahnn.r, Full wn
lationary tuba, 'Cttn.nt 4nv, duubl
D. V. Sholes Company,
lailiH To 4 A Ii A
Oaar ih,iiu IVnl.U, fiuM '
kt inliy i imw t.t.f-a.ii'w, ln.(a a
Ilia V 4lb im in. a .ml t tm ; '
imt 4 finuti; ik' luaail". tm
a .4 h ,i Kkihi4 141
M:aa i:l
H I'l Itf en.
fik ai.4 Aa.ra A. I.R 1U
"TRSH KKKU 'lu 1 iu:"u fclil',
II j.i (niMii.ti.irly eli r Hitkirraj
kani. lj t'i.a lull lp. friMit t.r.
tier let, r' tn4tlie "4 kuii
t Shi. I'. tH ok, .... H.U..II.I,
ft A Hl
AU. m.i.ra I-imm ktiua i III. evwita)
lata "'I 4 WxltooiH ai.4 Will an
a4 flo-r. I.i. and 114I1I,
lil.illlll t i.k.t I.
T kleiiN Mi.ig A f 3M
i.rttMiii m.da lui a.iu. !,, (1. f.
Mi.hl,,na, ll lii.-.. kl.
Ii K hill K A IM ban 4 -H kmt.
J A. tDII.
Ill CHy Natl Ilantt IllJg
3518 Harney
Eight room with large living room
and fireplace: dining room 13x14: den,
handy kitchen, -oak floor and oak fin
ish, oak stairs to second floor; 4 corner
bedroom, each with closet; tile bath;
stalre to floored attic: full cement base
ment; south front lot; paving paid;
price IJ.I00; reasonable term. -
- Fike & Price,
5A. 2419. II City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Electrlo lights, good well; 1 block to
car line: full basement: all atreet im.
provementa not in. Located on Pine
Ft., between Elmwood park and Ak-Sar-Ben
field. A very nlc little su
burban home, where your garden and
chicken will help out wonderfully.
Price 13.500, on easy terms. Call Mr.
Siwon. Doug. 1074.
SHULF.R v CART. Realtors,
294 Keelin Bldg.
Bargains Like This Don't
Grow on Trees
T "!'' Ilk this bom and Hi Pr
I HI'jllT. lutrg Hiring room, dining
room, parlor and klli-hen down, 4 large
comfortable bedroom, and bath lip; oak!
floors, whit enamel finish up, full
m.nt ba.emenl, large career In with
beautiful abada trees, two-alory barn in with room for I ran, paved alreet,
on Mo. k In rar. It', all modern and
a MARK IIARl)AI4al IS.40B villi (rriiis.
gunday phone Mr. ghav.r. Ken. '.
at Me. Metcalfe. Wal. 2771.
N. P. Dodge & Company,
44 Mlkel Tllug. Imug. nil.
Sacrifice Sale
Owner bo rut prlc and term, on
strictly modern l-r"m bungalow, lo
cated on Fort 81. Tills home, built I
v.ata, U In first clane comlillun. It I
now vacant. 1'avlng paid. Near to
good arbool and car line. Will take
1.00 down, balance monthly payment.
Sunday call Mr. Mueller, KB. 2171.
George F. Jones Co.,
til Keelin Bldg.
DO. 6635.
New 5-Room Bungalow
Price $5,100
Near Omaha University
Five rooma on first floor; aouth front;
paving paid; fine oak floora throughout;
usk and enamel finish; built-in book
caeca and kitchen cabinets; full cement
basement with floor drain: floored at
tic; handy to car and achool. Triced
low for Immediate aale; 11.000 cash,
and you ran have hnmedlato pnases
alon. Call Mr. Campbell. Welt. 6205.
R. D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors,
Atlantlo S531. 621-2 Securities Bldg.
Minne Lusa
Most Beautiful
The moat beautiful and complete
home yet. Juat lniagino six large
room Hnr -nun room, oak finish and
floors throughout;, plate glass whidotvs,
fireplace, buffet, bookcases and nablnetat
the best built and arranged home In
Omaha. Owner cuts price to IH.&no.
11,600 down. To aee this call Parlsch,
Osborne Realty Co.,
,T A. I2S3 OR DO. 7210.
Hanscom Park Bungalow
NV),750 $500 Cash
An 4 muMlhtv ..vmantg Mine rent
ill buy lot. y bunaaltiw n being
tvmpleinl; aak fml.ti In living rouin
and dining rMiit vmH flooi lhr-i.i.l'ul ;
full; atj.ranlerd furnat,,l
laig lul; pai.4 ut; vinf paid. .
The Byron Reed Company
TO. ' III Farnam fl.
Kountze Park Bungalow
This beautiful home, facing tha park,
ha $ rooms anil bath on the main
floor; finished aid floured in oak: fire
place, bookcases, kitchen cabinetn,
beamed ceilings in living and dining
room, wpcond floor has two nice largo
bedruonm and balli: full basemant, with
foundry facilities; large lot. with a sin
gle stars go and driveway.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
;i First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 4223.
Sunday call Mr, Laraon, Harney 4K49.
A wry attractive, well built, 7-room
modern homo on Itedlck Avenue, facing
Miller Park: sun room, fireplace, book
caca, tile bath, buffet, bent of plumb
ing; oak and white enamel finish. Two
car garage and driveway. Going to be
sold; your opportunity if you want a
good homo. Arrange for Inspection.
JA. 2850. i 918-20 City National.
Built by Owner
Practically new 6-room cottage at
4009 Wirt St. Ground 100x120. Owner
need cash and has made a price of
M.OOO. Call Mr. Willis, HA. -1751.
George F. Jones Co.,
232 Keelina Bldg.
DO. 6635.
2567 Fowler Ave.
A Bargain for You
Stucco and frame; 7 rooms, 4 bed
rooma, large living room and dining
room; all oak; built-in features; garage.
Tou will eay this is a real bargain. Thia
week only 16,500
'Binder & Otis,
823 City Nat. Bank Bldg. J A. S561.
House is fully modern, with a large
basement having cement floor; ground
is 240 feet fronting on Decatur St. and
127 feet deep; fine place for gardening
and raising chickens: make a good place
for a florist; located close tn at 3425
Decatur St., two blocks from Harney
car line: nonresident owner says sell
for 14,500.
647 Omnha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 1294.
Move into this beautiful bungalow on
the bouldevard; hrand new; ail oak and
white enamel : pretty living room; large
dining room; big closets; bath with tiled
walls; fine bedroom; real convenient
kitchen. Pay down $800, balance easy
monthly payments; might consider
building lot for part of purchase price.
54th and Ames. KB. 0175.
With water, sewer and gas and per
manent aidewalk, all paid for, at the
low prl-e of 1400 each, in a good neigh
borhood. W. H. GATES.
147 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA. 1294.
Six rooms, modern, on well located
lot. Miller park district; 4 room and
bath downstairs; 2 large bedrooms on
2nd floor; a genuine bargain for 14,400;
payment of $1,900 cash, balance 140 per
month. Call today, S. A. Louis, WA.
J4th and Ames Ave. KE. 0175.
IS.8J0 ABOUT $1,500 CASH.
' Buys a. brand new stucco bungalow,
fully modern and right up to the min
ute, living room 12x17, two large cor
ner bedrooms, built-in kitchen cup
boards, all oak and enamel finish, ready
to move right In, on one of the choicest
lota in Minne Lusa. Be sura and see
-us before you buy or build.
RASP BROS.. 211 Keeline Bldg.. AT. a:"l.
-room mod. house. $4,500. Oak fin
ish, all rooms on first floor, located on
Willis Ave., near 16th, on paved street
and paving paid.
W. FARNAM SMITH Co.. 1J24 Farnam.
Jackson 9564. Sunday, Walnut 4111.
A Charming Home for
Particular People
la lha atclu.iva part of In. Field
flub di.trtrl we have a Hew, beautiful
k. ilurro bungalow, will! 111
roof; very large living tonm a II ll fire-piai-e;
breakfast euoiu; 3 bedrimut. a4
bath on firat flour; eernnd flour de
signed for I pedrttmit and bslti; double
arete; lot !.!: ft,' ah. He tree.,
I'rive by S;;i I'm ft. It will b worth
lour while.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
"Tl'K KT m-l.ll IT."
: Flrat Nat. Ilk. Ill.lg. Jaekann 472).
funday cll Mr. Hu.ton, Harney 4742.
Hanscom Park
Si-roont and deeping porch. Rnuth ami
real front nn corner lot. two block
from park and car, Owner left the city,
inu.t ei. Her la a t hane to get a
real buy,
D. V. Sholes Company,
0016. IIS City Natl Bank Bldg.
A Real Beauty
Neater than wag.
Nearly new.
Nestles among tli Linden,
On a 100-foot lot, this 6-mnm b.uty
up for eocrlfle. at 15,000 with 11,000
down; $16 a month.
For appointment call Partseh.
Ja. l:'kl or Po. 7210.
2911 SPRINO ST.. I1.&00.
Nice 4 -room house, city water, alee
trio lights; convenient to two rar lines;
very well arranged for email fnmitv;
smalt payment down. Sunday call Mr.
Kobtins, Jlarney 1452.
Realtors. '
HI 4 Harney St. AT. 0l5.
-ROOMS, modern, on paved atreet, 14
blocks south of Vinton street on loth
street, $2,400.
D. Roy Woodward,
Ja. 3225. 702 Peters Trust Bidr.
Sunday 3 to 4.
2911 DORCAS St., St. Louis flat, modern
except heat; I rooms down. 4 up; large
lot; look it over, call u for price and
7"! Keeline Bldg. AT. SH23.
3004 l'OPPLETON, $.K0f.
4 rooms and bath, hardwood floors,
full basement, garage. To Inspect call
Jaekann 05f.4. Sunday, Harney' 2297.
.tt .Mi. r t, hmi Rtiik.i iu')
lmii!a la uuatl', l-iaoia) Hwu,
1 a.rea. uuaal'H !,
f,yil.iiar.l.lta. aid viie nui4 k ei.liu4 giJ"'.
IniiMmMal poe...IH
A' Nfc. ! afcd' H ki
fur Hy property
fur eel or e4
t,i tuiaet it,:
I., ii'Nal near Ak aat-Uta imi4, ll.o.a.
walnut sia
M iacclUneout,
Own Your Own Home
RB.S'T 1t I.Aril SK'KII
iv'ilK UAiA
Desirable Home
Priced to Sell
II (H, aighlly lacatluti, 9 V'. l.e fii
gi.i4 I'lio"! and rar M. M.eutiful
if, T ritolil, tniKlam. fram. In i.ii.
tlid .ondiiiun. n.k flni.h lirat floor. II. .t
tt.l.r hr.l new I. car .. aplondld
i bl. ken h..u. atMiul 4 laun'ul h..le
lire, tM IJS.p It. H'm reJihel 10
II 1.4 for auliai Ml, uwnrr on ne'ii
tee Had l show. Nn, llll Clay bL
In Fiurenr. Must b. .on In be appi'
2500 Crown Point Ave.
Attra-iii.. mndyrn, l.roent bungalow
tn ik4 rin.dlli..n. i inert Oil, I -rar
gara.e. I -l lutatWa. I'tu anil t.rnia
n application ,
Near Miller Park
Thre attractive, nearly n, l-raom
bun.alawa with) gatagea Choir of ".
north or goiith fiunt l"t. I'm-. I4,u0
la II, 140. Teritia, ll.JWI 10 Ii VO0 iai.ll,
kaiaii.' Ilk rent.
Desirable Dundee
Five lane, aitrai th room and bath
firat fluir. finished In oak and wlni
enamel, beamed celling, bruk fireplace
and built-in, lr.e bedroom
a lib lavatory and toilet on mcuii4 floor,
Full reinant baMiuent, f urua- lie. I, liai
beei.r. new. uo-m-date plumbing, ate.
iie-rur garage, riouth front lot. 44x131
ft. Unod location. I'rlr. and terma on
application, -
Choice Dundee Lots
intUS ft., bunlngow loeallnn, 11,10.
4'illt f t , on llat Ave., I! II.
40itao ft.. Jackson, near lid, 12.150,
C7l3i ft., east front, ntir Farnam,
$.'.lnii. .
r.mllS ft., tl.t near rimlge. I:'.I0.
Have a large Hat of desirable lta In
this dietrlot to aelei'l from. It will pay
You to e tie befor ou deel.l. tn buy.
"undays rail: Kenwood 424. Walnut
t7. tValnut,174l or llnugla 1492.
Fowler & McDonald,
Real I or.
Jaika 142. 12 City Nat. Ilk, Bldg.
NF.AK iletnhs Park. A splendid bunga
low of I room. Fin oK tinisn tnrouan
out. Nearly new. South front lot,
raved atreet, paving paid. Oarage.
Near Clalrmont. A fine oak finished
home. Four bedrooms. Oarage. 8outh
front lot, paved atreet. $,0oo. $1,600
Tn the best part of lllnne T.usa. An
elegant home, oak snd white enamel
flnleh. Seven splendid rooms. Large
south front lot. Double gurag with
aolid drive, Trice, $7,100: $2,000 caeb.
A splendid borne of six rooma and
breakfast room; new. Extra large
rooms. Til bath, pedestal lavatory;
flreplar; bookcase.. A dream of a
kitchen. Full basement wlip laundry
trays. Let u show ynu this hnvaa and
make ua an offer. Ilust b aold this
Bungalow of 5 room, and breakfast
room. Extra large rooms, Urge attic
Full cemented baeement; fruit room;
vacant. Non-reaidnnt owner wire u to
sell. Sea thia today and make ua an
Sundays call Mr. Ifolslngton. KB.
1472, or Mr. I.angrellner. KE. 2832.
Charles W. Martin & Co.,
6-ROOM HOUSE $2,600,
$100 down, balance $25 per fnonth,
baa city water, sewer, gas and etectrio
light, paved street. Located on S, 16th
near Missouri Ave. Wulnut 4187,
Ralston LotsVr' ill;
payments. Phono Stewart. Ralaton. 10-w.
Vacant Property.
Vacant Lots
IJd and Capitol Avenue 100x135, fac
ing south; will sell or tradu for vacant
Two corner lots, $1,200 for bolh. 45th
and Hlondo.
291 It and Pratt, south front, $1,000.
64th snd Harney, south front, 60x135,
asking $.1,000. (Make offer).
Binder & Otis,
823 City Nafl Bank Bldg. J A. 2661
ON Leavenworth street at the 52nd
atreet entrance to Lockwood, we offer
a lot 50x130 at a very fair price, $1,276.
Very few lots llko this in that district.
See Max Agor.
Doug. 6074. 204 Keelin Bldg.
On S. side of Larimore Ave. between
24th and 27th Streets. Will .ell on essy
payments or will build to your order.
AT. 3540.
NE Cor. 61st Ave.-Howard, $1,800. Terms.
723 Peters Trust Bldg.
Only 3 blocks from Miller park, south
front. Jackson 0564. Sunday, Walnut
TWO lota south of Elmwood park, cheap
for cash. Will trade for first payment
on a bouse. Address Bog ill, Omaha
SOUTH front lot, north part Dundee,
J A. 0064.
DO YOU want a good building lot, loca
ted at 45th and Wirt, improvements in?
Call Kenwood 2621.
Here is something very practical.
The room, downstair are large and
well arranged. Kitchen has Ice box
room and pantry. Upstairs there are 3
bedrooms and bath. The southeast
bedroom, la Ideal, lota of windows and
closet room.' This house was built by
Ita present owner, and the only reason
he is aelilng he wants to build further
west. Tha price $5,960 Is strictly In
sccordance with our appraisal. A sub
stantial payment down required. Call
Max Agor.
Doug. 6074. 204 Keeline Bldg.
Dundee & Happy Hollow
Building Sites
$1.830 East front on 60th ave., south
of Dodge, 49x125 feet.
$2.200 West on 60th St., south of
Dodge. 56x136 feet.
$3,000 Nort front, 62nd and Chicago
Sts 60x135 feet.
$5,00 North front. S. E. cor. H. H.
Blvd. and Ixard St.. 87x133 feet.
$5,500 South front, N. E. cor. 62nd
and ChlcaaqjSts., 100x135 feet.
$6.000 S. E. cor. Davenport and H.
H. Blvd., 100x123 feet.
We have other choice building sites.
Will make terms.
George & Company,
AT-lantlo 3024.
$4.500 West Dodge St. Dandv I
acre tract: north and west of Peony
farm; good 3-room bou8e; fruit trees:
high and sightly location. About $1,000
cash. This Is a good buy.
$.I50 10 acres on the Krug Psrk
road, near Redmond Ave. good 4-room
house: all necessary out-buildings; all
kmrts of fruit and grapes. This is a
choice 10-scre piece, on main road.
Sunday call WA. 6:67.
Hansen Investment Co.,
1114-lt Douglas 81 AT. 9013.
737 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg.
AT. 0187.
Minne Lusa Home
t room ami alcplng porch; frame,
atucco; tile bath, fireplace, oak finiaU
down, oak floors and white enamel up,
large attic, full basement, laundry tuba,
fruit rooms, garage, cement drive, south
front, etcellent condition, eitra, lot.
ViJi, consider small clear property.
4-room anil sun room, story snd half,
east trout, good condition; garage, real
6-room. aun room, Kellastnne bunga
low, hut water heat, south front, garage,
paved street, convenient to car and
schools. Evening HA. 1349.
World Realty Co.,
Dougla. 5343 Sun Theater Bldg.
Ihnvtr Ullnd to lie
Own Traffic Cops as
They Cro$t Streets
Denver. Coto., Foj. 2$. Blii4
rrudrntt of Ucnvtr soon will t
a.turfd o( mU paiMtt fefots bun
itrttti by nin of commandm.
blast on polic whistle whkli
will b furnikhed to litem (re by
th citr, according to Jim Good
heart, lie 4 J of th city's dejuit.
nirnt of public wcllal.
When a blind peron blow hi
whistle. trfhc cflicer will that'
all iraflic it iu.jnded until th
Mind pedcttrurt 1 safety acroii,
Coodlieart Mid.
The F
armer s
lawns Should He
Worked Soon, Saysj
Heal lislatc Hoard
Gra Should He Haled ami
(ilfmiril to Grt Hid of
l)rad Growth and
Alihoticti but wffV'l bun J of I
wriiilirr an not conducive l Krlt'n
ntakiiiK and lawn repairing, the Kent
I at.itc board ia adviamir the public
that it' time to begin thinking of
.mil thins- . .
"Lawn exnrrt lay that huihi tnei marv akim r.civ
----. - . , I 4wuaa4ra
net two or tliree week, me -Thii it the true iiktur ..1 t.-.m..;
. ! ...... .I.....I I I.. . .Le.t I , . . .
tid cleaned, to rid them of all dead
Brim and clover, and to looen up Norwegian Prune Puddinf -llutf
the toil, orenaratorv to onMina in iiuuud tiiunen. 2 nip cold natvr. I
new strait a,nd clover teed v lirre I ciii biivjr. t. Irnum juicr, tnut 1-2
neet'td, Union, 1 imli piece atiik liiiiiaiii'ni,
Freeie Not Likely. I W cui Ixiilini, water, l-.l cup fur'i-
Tli! laun rleaniiio- will cause old March. I'iik over and iili prunen.
Bran to grow better than if the Uv.ii then o.k one hour or in told
i not touched. After eras Marts, water to cover, Hoil until tuft in the
it Rrowtll will not He lfl'Pf'I. X- wattT m which mry nac ifn
cent by hard frce?c. which is not loaked. Remove the add
likrlv in Ofcnr. auuur, Irinoii June, tiiiil, iinnaiiion.
"I'atche of the lawn that need boiling water. anu let simmer tor t.i
new eras alioulil lie nl.ui eil eanv iniiiutri. .mix com.tariii wiui
bcraue the early planted gra will cnoiiKh cold water to pour easily,
make a much hrttrr nhowinir during atld to cooked prune mixture and
the Minimrr tHu that which it plant- cook 5 minute. Uemovc riiiuamon.
ed Inf. nmld and chill. Serve iwilli plain orj
Time for fertilizer. whipped cream, jl iupcd almond
"It ! time, alt.0. lo fertilize gar- may be added to the mixture belor
CCDS. J lilt ellOUld PC put Oil some ucihk poureo irutjiiie mom.
T'Twu '"I ! ' ' " a i Data SouBle-Thia make, rfes.erf
.I.1..I. i,. ..1 ...n;t 1 tasty and easily prepared. Mix
II BllUWltJ UV I'V I'M V' a - 14 4
.1 - 1 1 I
i,u. hrfre the crmmd ia atirred. inrr rKgi wen oeaien, 4 cuq
' r.:i:... .t.-..t.i suar. 1 f. Pour. I t. bakinc nowder,
t e 1 1 r in ! ti til t 4tfl 1 a 1 1 rv flila II aa L a
iii iTiiiiiki9 aana a yf utaivvi 'Bva
about one-half hour in a moderate
The ordinary fertilizer should rVVA
have time to aettlc somewhat uetore ' . : : ' "J"i.:,t ,.'.' 71 . J
the ornutid ia turned.
"The man with the early trarden ovf"'
and the early lawn is tne maii wno Xo Remove Chocolate Stalni-4
Sprinkle the stain with borax and
. t. !.. ....... .1.... t..:tJ
nuitn, in tviu, (lien I'irur uoii.
intr water over the spot. Fruit staini
may be removed in tiie same way.-If
the stam is eipecully bad rub on t
little salt.
will be envied by hi neighbors."
Spring Home-Building
Campaign Is Planned
A norimr hoine-building campaign
which will include the sale of a num
bcr of cottages and bungalows on
easy terms within reach of the sal
A good milk cow is a real fart
set: a ooor one it a liability, nef
aried man, is planned by Northwall I matter how low the price.
& Johnson. 504 Electric building,
who state that they are receiving
many calls for small home.
"Many persons living in apart
ments and who have beer- delaying
in buildins or buying because of un
itabihzed prices, are nnw interested
n acauirine a home of their own,"
Xorthwall and Johnson stated.
According to this firm, building
nrices are now established and a
small home can be built at a reason'
able cost.
Many labor saving devices of par
ticular interest to women will be in
stalled in the houses built this sea
son. These include built-in kitchen
cabinets, ventilating hoods over gas
stoves, one-piece kitchenette sinks.
nd wall plugs for attaching vacuum
cleaners, i
Properly on Harney
Sells at $800 Per Foot
The property at 2110 Harney
street, 50-foot frontage, has been
purchased from A. B. Waugh lev N.
P. Dodge for $800 a loot, or $4U,im
Realtors say this is the largest price
per foot ever paid for property in
this portion ot Harney street, ucorge
Jones and Glover & Spain were
the agents in the transaction.
Another investment deal made by
these two firms is the sale of the
ortheast corner and the southwest
corner of 'Twenty-fourth and Cass
to R. C Gentleman for $26,000. The
purchaser will probably improve one
or both of these sites.
FOR $3,009.
Having new furnace and electric light
fixtures; house in good order, a big
bargain for the money; a lot B0zl25,
with a garage, near Harney car line.
447 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. JA.' 1294.
Lot us build your home; what you
want; where you want it and right
price. Come in and see plan, and talk
it over with us.
708 Keeline Bldg. At. 8423.
Oet our figures before building. We
have an excellent organization at your
1614 Harney St. AT. 005.
A fine 11-room brick house, modern;
two bath rooms; three built-in fire
places; brick garage, room for three
cars; located In Capitol Hill district;
must be sold to settle estate; suitable
for rooming house or home. Address
J. H. Duis, Flanagan, 111.
Notice Is hereby given that the regular
annual meeting of the Stockholdera of
the 8outh Platte Land Companv will be
held st the office of said Company, Room
701, First National Bank Building. Lin
coln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on
the 1st day of March, A, D., 1922.
Secretary and Treasurer.
J31 to F2S.' Inc.
Real Estate Transfers
Dundee Realty Co. to George B.
Potter. 61st st. 65 ft. s. of Far
nam at., w. a., SOil35 $ 1,604
Mike Gibanica to Edward Winkler,
west T at.. 150 ft. e. of !Sth St.,
n. s.. 50x150 2,000
Peter Sslestrom to Mary Freeman,
lllmebaugh ave., 120 ft, w. of 42d
st., s. e 70
Ernest E. Austin and wife to N. P.
Dodge, a. w. corner 25th and St,
Marys ave.. Irregular piece ..... 37,600
Sylvia H. Sou Wop and husband to
George B, Lehnhoff, s. e. comer
Minne Lusa ave. and Ida St., 120x
13 6-1(1 1
Alex O. Guatnfson and wife to Bar
ker Co., 48th at., 350 ft. . of
Maple at., e. a.. 60xl!6.5 6.750
Earle R. Cars and wife to R. El
ford Lawrenson. Ruggles St., 165
ft. e. of 45th at., n e., 4nI30 .. $.554
Louis Berka et al to Oscar Peterson,
19th st 24$ ft. n. of Leaven
worth st.. e. . 50x10 S,50
John R. Gift to Homestead Co.. 44th
at.. 117 ft. n. ot Pratt at., w. ...
40x134 1
Edgar D. Gift and wife to Home
atead Co., 44th st. 117 ft n. of
Prstt at., w. a.. 40x134 1
Jennie Inge and husband to Au
gusta Clark, a. e. corner 40th
and Sprague sts., 10x114 100
William J. Brennan and wife to
William Whittam and wife. Flo
rence blvd., 64. ft. n. of Hime
baugh ave.. Irregular piere .... ,-5
William J. Daeg.s to Hilton H.
Baker, loth at.. 7 ft. n. ot Hick
ory St.. w. s . 70x12 1
Elisabeth Kuhlman to Lona Vin
cent, n. w. corner 4t h and
I'inkney at.. Irregular piece 40.404
Real Estate Sales
South Omaha.
Sam Tretaik to J. T. Marccll, 4747
South Twenty-fifth street. S9.00O.
Magic City Realty company to
Louis Safoanek, 3931 West Q street,
North Side.
II. R. Hartung to C. II. David
son. 2487 Manderson street, $4,500.
G, C. Monroe to bam iretaik,
"Earth is here so kind that Jutl
tickle her with a hoe and she laitglu
with a harvest." Jcrrold. ,
We'll bay eome 1nsct every yar,
Without tha ellghtrst doubt.
You'd batter writ for circular
State colieg baa put out.
Look vr the incubator and se
that they are cleaned, disinfected an
in good running order. ,
TJil nuaa niuaA.a-injats
"T test my cows." said Farmer Jonea
As ha dined on milk and honey; i
"For it pay to find which one r dronef
And which brln in the money."
Old Townsenil Store to
Be Used by Clothing Firirf
Work of rcmodclinir the old
Townsend Gun company store in'
the Merchants hotel buildinir will '
Mart this week, according to the If.
A. Wolf company, vhich recently,
leased this structure to the Bond
Clothiiio- roninativ nf -fJevu VorV '
The remodeling will cost aboiW, $.'0.
000, according to the Wolf conipV,rj - '
John McDonald and Alan McDon
ald arc architects for the work. A.
special effort will be made on the
front for the new clothing store.-
N. P. Dodge Buys St. Maryr"
Avenue Properly for S'7.."00
N. P. Dodge has purchased iroin
Nathan Soinherg the southwest rnr
ner of St. Marys and Tw enlv fifth
avenues for $37,500. The tr;'f ac
tion was made by the WaLsh-Klmcr
I his property is improved with
three-story brick flats, and l;" a
frontage of 145 feet on St. Marvs
avenue. Air. JLiotige made tins in
vestment on account of the new im
provements on St. Marys avenue.
Francis P. Matthews Sells
Former Home for $6,830
Francis P.- Matthews, formerly
state head of the Knights of Colum
bus, has sold his old home at 2811
South Thirty-third street to Loretta
Rossiter for $6,850, through Glover
& Spain: Mr. Matthews now lives at
7(l Vnrtli Twentieth street. $5,000. JJOZ Webster.
W. N. Greenville to Lottie Howe, I his firm also reports the sale tronx
2623 North Sixteenth street, $8,500. R. B. Updike to John Diemer of a
Katherine Suber to Alvis Hurt, new nome at aio .wicnoias tor $!:,
2599 JPinkney street, $4,500. iUU
v-entrai. tj i t tt .
- I Konlr I jiiiariAn I ntnum
Hf,.. 17,no-ee TTscral ecr-,1 I -"v iaiwuum upiunu
1307 Douglas street, $18,000. Considered by finance Group
Hattie Brewster to josepn wn-i- The atnre. rnnm ar 2404 Farnarrt
an, 518-2U--i4 Worm fitteenin street, strect. bcine considered as a possible!
T I . . , - I . ,4 lULOUWII UJ a. ft' VBJIVBl.Jv
N. r. JJoage to k. u ueniicman, contemplating the organization of a
nortneast corner i weuty-iuui m .uu bank for the Twenty-fourth and Far
Cass streets and 2403-0 Cass street, district, haa heen varateH bv th
$26,000. ru . . tt.j. Towle-Bishop company, clothiers.
l&I" Itr et The clothing firm has moved to 2A06
J ' . rarnam.
L. A. Wanaer to Blanche C. Aus
tin, 2435 Fontenelle boulevard, $3,000.
v West Leavenworth.
Joseph Kulhanck to De Witt
Davenport, Pacific street, between
Forty-second and Forty-third streets.
Clara Walters to Kose u vvnite,
4531 Leavenworth street, $5,250.
H. T. -Grove to Elsie M. Claugh,
U27 Evans street, $4,250.
Occidental Building & LOan asso
ciation to J. E. Knapp, Fifty-ninth
between Pinkney and Wirt streets,
G. C Flack to Edward Edelman,
Sixtieth street, between Spencer and
Pinkney streets, $4,350. v
G. C. Flack to Almina Urguhart,
Sixtieth street, between Spencer and
Pinkney streets, $4,000.
Hanscom Park.
Annie Ackerman to Clara P. Dow,
910 South Thirty-eighth avenue,
$6,000. '
E. J. Corkin to Mary E. Obrecht,
2961 Pacific street. $7,500.
A. W. Hand to J. F. Rogers. 1320
South Thirty-second street, $10;000.
E. F. Real to Jesse J. McMullen,
108 North Forty-first strect, $7,600.
Dundee. '
,C. A. McCoun to W. M. Wharton,
5007 Hamilton street, $4,350.
G. C. Flack to Edith C. Rogers,
1104 North Forty-ninth street, $5,200.
Buyer Refuses to Sell
House Day After at Pro it
W. R. Gibson of the Payne Invest--
mcnt company, sold a house, at 2614
Saciiccr. to Nels Peterson lor SAUW,
Peterson immediately said he would
sell the place for $2,350. The next
day Gibson had a buyer for $2,350,
but Peterson then refused to sell.
The most powerful aerial station
in the world has been constructed
at Dijon, in France. Its light, which
can he seen for 200 miles, is com
posed of eight arc lamps with a
power of 1,000,000,000 candles.
Theaters Now "Lower
Than Lowest in '92"
Chicago, Feb. 25. Chicago the
aters, as well as theaters in gen
eral, are far worse than they were
20 years ago. Rev. Phillip Yar
row, field secretary of the Illinois
Vigilance association, said in an
address here last night.
I have often heard, profanity.
vulgarity and obscenity on the 1
stage of the so-called respectable
theaters that would not have been
tolerated in the lowest theaters 20
years ago," he said. "I believe the
movies are responsible for the
widespread immorality which is
everywhere recognised. We are
in a stage of wild abandon. The
movies have broken down the
sense of reserve and modesty."