Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1922, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 11

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Benton Community Center.
Tin Dftuon Community tenter
prouum, to be given rridiy evening,
lebruary 17, open with com
munity .inning Ie4 by Mr. U J.
t-prccher. An ntheni, rendered by
tin iienton 1'retbyterun thoir, led by
1'Mnk Van Cumly, Mill follow the
community singui. 'IhroiiRh the
eourtey c.( the Omaha school (orum
Min Adeline KelUtrom will (urnith a
group of song and piano flection.
A rrading will be given by Mitt
I'aulme Chaloupka and Richard
Kuiul will follow with a vocal solo.
A Mxophnne durt will be played by
Kermit ioiiiicUiil and Harold
Writflit. accompanied by Mrs. Her
hrl Kowe. The little. Mict Eloue
and ICIeatior Stui will entertain with
a, dunce number. Uroolc Carl) will
in if and Kuth bUiu will give a piano
tleciion. The program will clone
with a saxophone iluct by Harold
Wright and Kcrmit Sonncland.
Chautauqua Note. .
Ili-Kiuiiing Monday. March 20, alt
tliautmiiU4 circle which meet in the
morning or afternoon will meet joint
ly at th Y. V. C. A. at 2 p. m. under
I lie leadership of Prof. Walter N.
Jlalsey of the Omaha univertity (or
a nerici of 10 Ircture. Nine of the
talks will be on Tychology and
the Day'i Work." bv Dr. Editar
Jamet Swift and the 10th on "Kela
tivity," the lCintitcin theory.
Social Settlement Note.
The W. !. L U club 'meets for
dramatic art on Monday evening at
the Social Settlement rfoue. Tues
day evening the II. li. L. P. club
meets for Mipper and dramatic art,
and the Royal Q. l. C, club has
supper Wedi:cIay evening. M. A. 1'.
club meets for dramatic art Thurs
day evening.
South Omaha Woman's Club.
The South Omaha Woman's club
will entertain at a valentine party
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. N. M. Graham, 4.118 South
Twenty-second street. Kach mem
ber is requested to bring an old
j.hoto of herself. The program will
be followed by tea.
Dance Date Changed.
The Washington Girls club benefit
dance scheduled for February 22 at
the Fontenelle hotel has been
changed to Tuesday evening, Febru
ary 21. Froceeds will be given to
the American Legion and the Salva
tion Army Rescue home.
Mrs. Blair Opens Class.
Mrs. Margaret Blair, who has been
giving a series ot lectures at one ot
the local stores, will open a class
on Monday morning at the Black
stone hotel. The talks will be given
daily during the week at 10 o'clock.
P. E. O. Notes.
Mrs. A. B. CuIIison will entertain
members of Chapter B. X. at a B.
I. L. dinner Thursday evening, 7
o'clock, at her home, 4911 Davenport
Mrs.v Stanfield Appoints
Standing Committees.
Mrs. E. E. Stanfield, recently
elected 'president of the Benevolent
and Patriotic Order, of Does, ap
pointed the fallowing committees at
the meeting Friday afternoon in the
Elks' - club rooms. Auditing com
mittee, Mrs. R. H. Landcryou, chair
man, Mrs. Frank Holt; conductor,
Mrs. J. M. Lowe, Mrs. A. H. Aller
hieligen, assistant; inner guard, Mrs.
O. H. Leptin; chaplain, Mrs. A. J.
Sampson; organist, Mrs. Howard
Kennedy; color bearers, Mesdames
H. E. Neale, W. W. Bowser, E. J.
Lafferty, W. H. Walker; attendants,
Mesdames Edwin Cole, Frank Holt,
M. S. Rogers, E. T. Darden; mem
bership committee, Mesdames H. E.
Neale, A. S. Pinton, J. A. McLain,
F. J. Birss, Penn Fodrea, Robert
Carleton, chairman, A. G. Redmon,
L. W. Edwards; Robert Druesedow,
John Drexel; courtesies committee,
Mrs. C. F. Cunningham; day enter
tainment committee, Mrs. V. D.
Counsman, chairman; evening enter
tainment and card parties, Mrs. J. II.
Craddock. chairman.
The new officers will be installed
at the next regular meeting, Friday,
rebruary 24. -
Y. W. C. A.
Woman's Club Program
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Flora Sears Nelson (Mrs. Harry
Nelson), accomplished pianist and
pipe organist, will appear on the pro
gram of the Omaha Woman's club
Monday when the music department
is in charge. Mrs. Nelson is a daugh
ter of Judge W. G. Sears. She is
organist at the North Presbyterian
church and professional accompanist.
Her numbers at the club will be
"Boat Song" by Zarwecka and
"Polonaise" by McDowell. She will
play these same numbers Sunday aft
ernoon at the Does' anniversary pro
grain in the Elk club rooms at 3
On the program with Mrs. Nelson
at the Woman's club will be Mrs.
Ernest Reese and Miss Gertrude
Thieme, who will give a violin duet;
the club chorus, under direction of
Mr. Henry Cox; pupils of Mrs. Mary
Cooper in a ballet, accompanied by
Mrs. Ray J. Abbott, and Mrs. Reese,
Mrs. M. J. Donlan and Mrs. A. R.
Burnite, who will give a violin, cello
and piano trio.
Mrs. L.M. Lord to Entertain
Dundee Woman's Club
Mrs. L. M. Lord, president of the second district, Nebraska Federa
tion of Women's Clubs, will be hostess for an evening meeting of the
Dundee Woman's club Wednesday at 8 o'clock, when the husbands of
members will be guests of the club.
The program will include piano selections by Mrs. Ray J. Abbott;
vocal solos, Ellouise Shepherd Miller, dramatic soprano; solo dance, Doro
thy Lord; song group, Mrs. Gilbert Brown, contralto; whistling solo, Mrs.
Florence Steinenberg; baritone solo, Rev. A. H. Marsden, and a playlet,
"The Beauty and the Jacobin," by Booth Tarkington, will be presented by
Mesdames Otho Johnson, W. S. Hall, H. J. Holmes and E. S. Wester
field, under the leadership of Mrs. Roger Holman. The program will be
followed by a social hour. Mrs. N. K. Sype, president, will preside.
Weekly Club Calendar
Sunday Open house 10 a. m. to
8 p. m. Gipsy Smith Bible circle at
4 p. m., followed by songs and fel
lowship hour from 4:45 to 6 p. m.'
Monday The High School Girls'
Bible circle wilT meet in the club
room at 3:30 to continue study of
Palestine, its geography and the
place it holds in history.
Landscape gardening class at 4 p.
m.. Current events, 5.15, and milli
nery and personality classes at 6:30.
Federation of Clubs supper, 5:45.
At 6:15 Rev. Thomas Casady will
give a talk on "Everyday Christian
ity as Applied to Work and Recrea
tion." At 7:30 the Glee club will
meet. Dr. Emelia Brandt will give
a health talk at 7:30, followed by
health exercises by Miss Lucy Jane
Giddings. Sports class, 8:15 p. m.
Tuesday The girls of Freshmen
Student club will entertain at a val
entine party in the club room at 3:30
p, rn, for the freshmen girls who
have just entered Central High
school. Class in modern drama, 7
p. m. Morris Girls' club will have a
valentine party at 8 o'clock Tuesday
Wednesday Class in drawing, 7
p. m.
Thursday Girls of Central Stu
dent club will visit several plants in
which girls are employed, studying
the different lines of work open to
them after ' graduation from high
school. Classes in interior decorat
ing, current events and Prof. Var
tanian's Bible class meet at 7 p. m.
Busy Circle club will have a Val
entine party at 8 p. m.
Friday The Alumnae club meets
at 6:15 for dinner, which will be fol
lowed Jby a book review. . Classes in
American poets, civics and business
cirls' Bible class meet at 7 o'clock.
Marquerade party, 8 p. m., in gym
nasium for members of the associa
tion athletic club and any girl eligible
to membership. ,
Saturday "The Rose and the
Ring" will be given in the auditorium
of Central High school at 8:15 by
members of the Central Student
club. Tickets on sale at the V. Y.
C A. offic
Old People' Home, Fontenclle Bonlerurd
Sunday, 3:30 p. m.. Rev. C. E. Cobbey,
pastor First Chrlntlan church, ipeaker.
Houm of Hope 7914 North Thirtieth
treet, Sunday, 2 p. m.. Rev. H. S. Selbel,
pastor ot McCabe Methodist church,
speaker. Church choir will slnar.
Omaha Walking; Club Sunday after
noon and evenluE;, Informal outlna; at
Wiley Point club house. Fontenelle forest
reserve, near Camp Oifford. Visitor wel
come. Camellia Norrls, hostess.
Get Acquainted Club Sunday, 7:30 p
m.. First Unitarian church. Turner boule
vard and Harney street. Meetings arc
nonsectarlan and are open to all strangers
and lonely folk. Mrs. Paul K. Harlan,
director. v
Omaha TCalkinr Club Sunday. S p. m..
from Railroad avenue and Washington
street, on Albright car line. The walk
will be through the woods along the east
shore, south along the railroad track and
ending at the club shack. Miss Frances
Zadak, leader.
Bishop Vincent Chautauqua Circle
Monday. 7:15 p. m., court house.
Tennyson Chautauqua Circle Monday.
1:30 p. m., T. W. C. A. Miss Kate Kelsey,
Omaha College Club.Musle Section
Monday, 4 p. m.. Burgess-Nash auditorium,
chorus practice.
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle Monday,
T:80 p. in. with Mrs. F. A. Cresscy, 4204
South Twenty-second street.
Omaha Woman' Club, General Meeting
Monday. 2:30 p. m.. Burgess-Nash audi
torium. The musio department, Mrs. Ray
J. Abbott, leader, will have charge of
the program. .
Omaha Woman' Pre Clnb Tuesday.
12:30 o'clock luncheon, Burgeas-Nash, tea
Omaha Rinines Woman' Club Tues
day, 6:16 p. m., T. W. C. A., dinner and
class work.
Longfellow Chautauqua Circle Tuesday.
6:30 p. m., Couant hotel. Mrs. Ella Con
nell, leader.
Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday. 8 p. m..
with Miss Hedricka Rezmichek, 2164
Martha street.
Mlnne LaM Chautauqua Circle Tues
day, 1 p. m.. with Mra. J. P. Sheeran,
222 Odgen street . .
The Mother' Club Tuesday evening,
Valentine party at home of Mrs. H. B.
Qengnagle, 4208 Jones street.
Omaha W. C. T. TJ. Tuesday, S p. m.,
T. M. C. A., room SI 6. M. A. Hall will
speak on "Law Enforcement."
Loomls and Leavenworth Height Chau
tauqua Circles Tuesday. 2 p. m.. X. vv.
C A. Mrs. C. M. Thompson, leader.
George A. Caster Woman's Relief Corps
Tuesday, 3 p. m.. Memorial nan, court
house. A full attendance Is desired.
P. E. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B.. r.
Tuesday. 1.30 o'clock, luncheon with Mrs.
A. M. Smith, 6140 Florence boulevard.
Sermo Club Tuesday, 1 o'clock lunch
eon, with Mis IJllian Qwln, 611 Burt
street. Mrs. J E. Goodrich, leader. Mr.
Walter Price will read a paper on the
opera. "Rlgoletto." ,
Extension Lecture Course (Amerleaalaa
tlon and Civics) Tuesday, 4 p. rn.,
Duchesne college and Convent of the
Sacred Heart, Thirty-sixth and Burt
streets. Open to the public
Lecture Course Tuesday, 12 o'clock.
noon, 309 Baird building. Seventeenth
and Douglas streets. Mrs. Kffie Steen
Kittelson will give the second of a ae
rie of talk on "Expression."
South Omaha Woman' Club Tues
day, 2:30 p. m.. Valentin party with
Mrs. N. M. Graham, 4318 South Twenty
second street. Each member Is requested
to bring an old photograph of herself.
Tea wlU ae served at the close of pro
Omaha Woman's Club, Public Ppeehing
newtrtment Tuesday. 11:15 a. m.. Kur-
ge -Nash auditorium. Tr. O. T. Kln.
leader; Prof. Edwin Puis, Instructor.
Lesson, Speech Outline No. IS. The pro
gram wili be given by Mesdames John
Mullen, F. H. Sprawl and O. Y. Krlng.
Daughter of American Revolution,
Omaha Chapter Tuesday, 1 - o'clock
luncheon, University club, Mrs. Homer
stunts. peaiter. mis. diaries .wrignt
will give a song group, accompanied by
Mrs. A. W. Gordon. Reservations . may
be made with Mra. Jamea L. Finch, Har
ney 4867.
Omaha Woman's Club, Literature De
partment Tuesday, 2 p. m., T. W. C.
A. Mrs. Edward Johnson, leader. Mrs.
B. B, Adams will have charge of pro
gram. Subject, "Jane Eyre," by Char
lotte Bronte. Mrs. A. L. Fernald will re
view "The Brimming Cup." by Dorothy
Canfleld and Mrs. J. W. Welch will give
a sketch of the author's life. Mra. John
O. Teiser will draw contrast between
"Jan Eyre" and "The Brimming Cup."
' Miller Park Mothers' Circle Wednes
day, 8 p. m., school auditorium. Special
program in celebration ot 11th anniver
sary. Mercer Park Chautauqua Circle Wed
nesday, 9:46 a. m., with Mrs. William
Baird, 2821 Cuming street. Mis Vivian
Griffith, leader.
Ma Sigma Wednesday, :S(I a. m., with
Mrs. C. C. Belden, 418 South Thirty-eighth
avenue. Mrs. Frank W. Miller, leader.
Subject, "Modern Drama."
Ennls Club Wednesday evening, St.
Mary Magdelene hall, Nineteenth and
Dodge streets. Social meeting. All stran
gers and lonely folk welcome. ,
Omaha Woman' Club, Musis Depart
ment vveanesaay, a p. m., x. w. tj. a.
auditorium. Chorus rehearsal. Mrs. Hay
y. ADDou, leaaer; Henry uox, director,
Extension Lecture Course Medieval His
tory Wednesday, 4 p. m., Duchesne col
lege and Convent nf thA Rapreri TTmrf
Thirty-sixth and Burt streets. Open to
sue puuiic.
Dundee Woman' Club Wednesday, S
p. m., with Mrs. Xj. M. Lord, 312 South
Thirty-ssventh street. A musical pro
gram and one-act play will be gtven.
Husband ot members will bs guests of
Omaha College Club, Book Review Sec
tionWednesday. 4 D. m.. BurKess-Nash
auditorium. Mrs. John Calvin, former city
librarian of Council Bluffs, will talk on
"New Poetry." Miss Nell Bridenbaugh,
Omaha Badness and Professional Wo
men's LeagueWednesday, 6:16 p. m.,
dinner and program, Fontenelle palm
rcom. The advertising group. Miss Mary
Marsden, chairman, will have charge of
program. A contest with worthwhit
palse will be a feature of the program
and a big surprise feature Is also
Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle
Thursday, 9:45 a. m with Mrs. A. R.
Tebbens, 6022 Davenport street.i
Adah Kensington, O. E. g. Thursday,
1 o'clock luncheon, with Mrs. R. K. Rob
ertson, 2306 south Thirty-second street.
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. X.
i nursaay, i p. m., oinner at home of
Mrs. A. B. Cullison, 4211 Davenport street.
Omaha Woman' Club, Bail way Mall
Service Thursday, 8 p. m., benefit musi
cal at home of Mrs. J. A. Qulnn, 1628 Lo
throp street
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter T. Thurs
day, i o eiocK luncheon. Mrs. R. Bcott,
1602 South Twenty-ninth street. Mis
Janni Chander, assisting.
Omaha Storr Teller Lean Thurs.
day. 4:16 p. m.. T. W. C. A. Mr. Philip
wetcn. leaaer. Mrs. u. a. Hampton ana
Mis velma King will tell the stories,
Omaha Wcman's Club, Art Department
Thursday, 2:16 p. m.. T. W. CA., Mr.
Avery Lancaster, leader. Mr. M. D.
Cameron will have charge of program.
Blahop Homer C, Stunts will apeak on
"India, It Past and Future."
Liberty Star Kensington Club Thurs
day. 12:3 p. m. luncheon. Black-tone
hotel. Buslne-e meeting and program.
2:10 p. m., eighth floor ef hotel. Re-
Benefit Musical
for Woman's
Club, R.M.S.
The Omahi woman'i Club of Rail
way Mail ervlc will give musical
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the
home ol Mn, J. A. Quinn, 16JJ Loth
rop irect, for tht benefit of the club
fund. '
The program will be given by Miti
FUie Simpson, soprano; Arthur,
Howe, piann; Carl M. Smith, bari
tone; Mr. I'.. N. Carlson, toprano;
Mim Louise Cuyler, violin; Maurice
Imiram, Jr., uxophone; 1). G. Davit,
tenor; and Mr. V. A. Smith, reader.
Mr, C. h, Jlempel will apeak on
"Americanization" at the regular
meeting of the club Wednesday aft
ernoon at the home of Mra. R, A.
Ko.i. 10JS North Thirty-third street.
The buine hour opent at 2:30, the
president, Mra. O. M. Jones, presid
ing. Woman's Club Notes.
The miuic department of the
Omaha Womah'i cluh, Mr. Kay J.
Ah holt, leader, will have charge of
the open day program Monday after
noon, 3:30 o'clock in Iiurgess-Nafth
auditorium. The president, Mrs.
Charles Johannes, will preside during
the business hour, at 2:30 o'clock.
Mra. John O. Veiser will draw a
contrast between Charlotte Bronte's
'Mane Fyre" and "The Brimming
Cup," by Dorothy Canfleld at the
literature department meeting Tues
day. 2 p. m., at the Y. W. C. A.
Reservation for the home eco
nomics department luncheon Thurs
day. 12:30 p. m., at Burges-Nash
auditorium should be made with
Mrs. R. I Frantz. department lead
er Mrs. Margaret Blair, who is con
ducting a lecture serif in Omaha,
will be honor guest. All club mem
bers are invited. The luncheon will
be followed by a meeting at 2 p. m.
in the store auditorium. E. G. Berg
will give a color and line demonstra
tion. Bithop Homer Stuntz will apeak
on "India. Its Past and Future." at
the art department meeting Thurs
day, 2:15 p. m in the Y. V. C. A.
Girls' Community Service League.
Monday Cluga club, supper, 6:30;
gymnasium class 7:30; volley ball,
8:30, Mrs. Charles Musselman,
Tuesday Lafayette club supper,
6:30; basket ball, 7; dramatic art
class, 8, Miss Majorie Corrigan,
Wednesday Wamm club supper,
6:30; home-making class, 7, Mrs. G.
B. Kantor, leader; open house, 8:15,
Thursday French, 7, Miss Bess
Bozell, leader; valentine party, 8.
Friday D. T. A. club supper,
6:15; chorus class, 7, Mrs. Noel S.
Wallace, leader; gymnasium class, 8,
Miss Catherine Carrick, leader.
Saturday Dance. 8:30.
Sunday Open house, 3:30, fol
lowed by tea at 6 p. m. Mrs. Mary
Lydia Rowe, hostess.
Dundee Party
Mrs. Harry Clyde Miller, dramatic
soprano, known professionally as
Ellouise Sheppard Miller, will sing
a group of songs at the annual party
of the Dundee Woman's club at the
home of Mrs. L. M. Lord Wednes
day evening, February- 15. Mrs.
Miller is a niece of the late Goodwal
Dickerman, well known in musical
circles here. Mrs. Ray J. Abbott
will accompany Mrs. Miller's num
Corn Bread
One egg, two tablespoons sugar
beat well together, add one sup
of sweet milk, one cup wheat
flour, one cup corn meal, one and
one-half teaspoonfulls of baking
powder. Put into buttered pan
and bake in hot oven about 20
This is one of a collection of
tested recipes compiled for the
benefit of the First Presbyterian
church by Mrs. D. S. Sears in
1878. .
servatlona mar be made with Mrs, I F.
Easterly or Mrs. H. E. Cotton.
Omaha Woman' Club, Home Econom
ic Department Thursday, 12:30 o'clock
luncheon, Burgess-Nash tea room. Mrs.
Margaret Blair, honor guest. Luncheon
will be followed by meeting in the store
auditorium. Reservations may be made
with Mrs. R. L. Franti. department
leader. All club members welcome.
Omaha College Club, Board Meeting
Friday, 4 p. m., Fontenelle hotel.
Omaha Dorcas Club Friday, 1 o'clock
luncheon with Mrs. Joseph Kelly, 2102
Binney street.
Omaha Drama Ieague Friday, 4 p. m.,
Fontenelle hotel. Mrs. Mary Irene Wal
lace will speak on "D'ramatlo Impressions.
Omaha Woman' Cluh, Railway Mall
Service Wednesday. 2:30 p. m.. with
Mrs. R. A. Ross, 1028 North. Thirty-third
street Subject, m ''Americanization." Mrs.
J. G. Hart, leader. Mrs. 1 C. Hempel,
Omaha Walking Club Saturday. S p.
m., (rom end ot Albright car line over
Walking club trail to Wiley Point camp.
Anael Searles, leader.
Delta Delta Delta Saturday, 1 o'clock
luncheon with Mrs. B. A. Van Orsdel,
1J05 South Thirty-fifth street. Miss Char
lotte MacDougal, assistant hostess.
Chautauqua league of Round Table Be
ta Chapter Saturday, 1 o'clock luncheon,
Y. W. C. A. Mrs. M. A. Phillips, hostess.
Lesson, "Origin and Teachings of the
Books of Old Testament" and "Spirit of
French Letters."
Omaha College Club, General Meeting
Saturday, 12 o'clock, luncheon followed by
program, Blackstnne hotel. Miss Mary 1.
Wallace win speak on "Recent Theatrical
Attractions and Leading rraniatic Move
ment In Eastern Cities." Reeervstlona
may h- made b-fore Friday noon with
Mrs. William tioltz. Walnut 01.
; : Bo wen's Value-Giving Store
Bowen's February Clean-Sweep Sale
Is the Talk of the City and Is a
second to none that has ever taken place in our store. Hundreds already have ordered
furniture for their home and realized a big saving in money on their purchase. Hundreds
more will realize what this sale means to them and buy and save.
This is an opportunity for you to refurnish all or any part of your home. It is a wise
plan not to delay in making your selections, as there is a great response to this sale's
merchandise and prices.
Cane Living Room Suites
greatly reduced in price during Our Big February Clean
Sweep Sale.
g- TJ9Si
These light, comfortable and well made and finished suites for the
living room, are most desirable. Attractive in appearance, they are rapidly
finding their way in the best appointed homes.
MAHOGANY CANE SUITES of three pieces, upholstered in tapes
try; formerly sold for $225. Clean-Sweep $MO50
Sale price only t 14Ci
MAHOGANY CANE SUITES of three pieces, upholstered in velour;
formerly sold for $345. Clean-Sweep it C750
Sale price only 101
MAHOGANY CANE SUITES of three pieces, upholstered in mohair;
has two extra pillows and bolster; formerly sold for $94
$395. Clean-Sweep Sale price only LrrO
Overstuffed Duofold Suites
Consisting of Duofold, Chair and Rocker. Duofold makes down in
large easy bed, thereby adding an extra room to the home at
night. Each piece upholstered in good grade
tapestry. These suites formerly sold for $315.
Clean-Sweep Sale price only 7..
Room Sets
- These Breakfast Sets are pretty in design and finish, and are excep
tional values at our Clean-Sweep Sale price of 1837.50. vYou will find
one to your liking, as we are showing several different designs.
Oriental and Domestic Designed Rugs
Beautiful in color and of durable weaves
Here you have a choice of a large number of patterns to suit any room
in your home. They are of good weight, full of life and color. Our Clean
Sweep Sale prices enables everyone to purchase one now.
8-3x10-6 Heavy Axmlnster Rugs, $56.50
values now $35.85
9x12 Axminster Rugs, beautiful tan col
ors, $62.50 values now at.... $37.50
9x12 heavy quality Velvet Rugs, fringed'
ends, $65.00 values now $38.95
8-3x10-6 heavy Wilton Rugs, Persian de
signs, good durable colors, $90 values
now $58.50
27x54-inch Axminster and Wilton Velvet
Rugs; ideal for hall, bedroom and den;
$5.50 values now $3.50
6x9 Velvet Seamless Rugs, $27.50 values
now $15.95
One-piece Seamless Tapestry Brussels
Rugs, splendid quality, $35.00 values
, nw, . $21.00
Yard Carpeting Choice Patterns
To those who need yard carpeting our large stock and low prices will be
specially appealing. Thousands of yards from which to choose at, yard
$1.25, $2.25, $3.50, $4.50
Values From Our Drapery
Section in Overdraperies
and Lace Curtains
N jl Jjip
The choicest of designs and
weaves. Specially low priced dur
ing our February Clean-Sweep Sale.
Those who appreciate artistic eur
tains in their home should buy here
and now.
Nottingham Lac CnrUiaa Choic pat
terns, a splendid value at our low price
of, per pair $1.25
Voilo Curtain Plain hemstitched; colors:
ivory and ecru; good quality, regular
$2.50 values; now, pair, only $1.40
Marquisette and Voile Curtain H m
stitched hems and trimmed with neat
lace edges; colors! white, cream and
ecru; regular $2.75 values; now, per
pair, only $1.85
Filet Net Lace Curtain Twenty-five pat
terns from which to choose; regular $3.00
values; now, per pair, only.... $1.98,
Cretonnes In beautiful effects and all
wanted colors and patterns at, per
yard 98. 59 and 3)e
Sectional Panel So designed as to fit anj
sized window. Priced, per section,
at 75
Imported Drapery Madras 45 and 50-inch
Colors: mulberry, rose, blue, and color
combinations; values to $3.50 per yard:
now, per yard, only $1.98
50-inch Velour In mulberry, gold, rose
and blue colors; good quality; values
to $4.50 per yard; now, per yard,
only $2.98
Genuine Oil Shade On corrugated spring
rollers; brown incolor; complete, ready
to hang; regular value $1.35; now priced,
each at 79
Clean-Sweep Values on
Small But Ever Useful
Household Articles
Candy Special
1,500 pound boxes of Chocolate Candy.
Clean-Sweep Sale Price, while It lasts,
per lb 39
Butcher Knivee
Regular 60c value,
This knife has an all-steel blade; beech
wood handle, brass riveted, and is a spe
cial value at our Clean-Sweep Sale price.
Wash Boiler Heavy cop
per bottoms, large size,
at $2.59
Galvanized Water Pail Large size, heavy
bale handle, at 19
Step Ladders
Strong and Rigid
One of the most
useful articles
about the house.
Priced now at
Ironing Board Made on strong standard,
at $1.85
Bowen't Better Broom Well made, now
only 29
Glas Mixing Bowl Set of five clear
Glass Mixing Bowls of graduated sizes.
They serve daintily, and you'll find them
very handy 79
Earthenware Bowl Full set of fiVe
for 79
Clothe Rack, eight arms.... 95
Stew Kettles for $1.45
Porch Gate for $1.95
Baby Walker, for ....$1.95
Tea Kettle for $2.09
Full Size Clothe Basket Made of woven
cane, light and strong. Clean-Sweep
Sale prices.... $1.65. $1.25. 98
Electric Iron 6-foot cord, detachable
plug $3.95
It Pay to
Read Bowen's
Small Ads.
Have the Metropolitan
Van & Storage Co.
Move You
-Howard St., Between 15th and 16th Sts.