THK HKK: OMAHA, I'KIOAV. FKDRUARY 10. U2. n 1 ff" Trial ( Out from two thousand years of tempestuous his tory; from the tumult of countless wars invasions, conquests, revolutions; from the confusion and weakness of a Feudal System, with its thousands of petty domains and contentious nobles; from the splendors of Charlemagne, the glories of Joan of Arc, Louis XIV, and Napoleon ; from the deluge of Revolution, when "The Marseillaise' burst from the throats of men who had been yoked with oxen in the fields; from the disaster of 1870 which cradled the new Republic; and, now, out of the ashes of the Greatest War in which two millions of her sons anointed her soil with their ardent blood, FRANCE the France of To-day With soul unquenched, stands forth, erect, for all the world to know. There fore we ask Wkai .Does France Mean t - Tl TTYT V Tl Tl He Wor d I noisy ? Fifty Years oi the French Republic What has happened since the disaster of Sedan? How did theJThird French Republic rise from chaos? How was the huge indemnity to the Germans paid? What marvelous transformations have been wrought in fifty years? What does England think of the position of France in Europe? How many invasions.has France suffered from Germany? France's Far-Flung Colonial Domain By what romantic incident did the American Commo dore, Decatur, lay the foundations for the French Colonial domain? How does France's African empire compare with that of Britain? ' How does France share in the problems of the Pacific? What French possessions are there on the coast of British India? ' France's Devastated Areas Yesterday and To-day How many provinces of France were laid waste by the Germans? How many thousands of towns and villages were destroyed? What do me stupendous statistics of ruin mean to France? What progress has been made in reconstruction? How are Americans helping? , Intimate Glimpses of French Life Is our idea of gay French life in keeping with the facts? How does French life compare with American life? What is the French home like? Thfcf article contains wonderfully intimate pictures of family life: of the plays, the cabarets, etc. Paris As the World's Arbiter of Fashion Why does -.everybody follow French fashions? How are art' and psychology employed in making and . selling' beautiful gowns? Ties That Bind France and the United States , Why did France present the "Statue of Liberty" to the United. States? . What" is the story of France's help in the American Revolution? : How was nearly one-third of the territory of the U. S. - . acquired from France? What great monument has" the French Government erected to America on the coast of France? What has the United States done for France? IS FRANCE a country stricken, mutilated, lying helpless and in ruins? OR is she "strong, self-reliant, and valorous, once again the foremost and most power ful State oh the European Continent"? IS FRANCE a nation "rising from the ashes of humiliation, defiant1 and bent upon the punishment of her foe? OR a nation girding her strength only for reconstruction and self-defense, saying of the march of the invader upon her soil, "It must. not be again9? IS FRANCE a "somewhat effete country, which has outlived its vivid youth" able, perhaps, "to produce novelists, dramatists, artists, and adorable millinery an agreeable resort for the pleasure -seeking tourist"? OR a leader "in the vanward of Western civi lization," strong in "the illuminating intel ligence, the undaunted courage, the tireless industry of her people" a nation with high ideals and unselfish purposes for the New Era of the World? The SPECIAL "FRANCE NUMBER" of THE LITERARY DIGEST Penetrates the "jnysteryv-and gives to Americans a com plete and comprehensive picture of France as it is to day. ; All the questions on this page and many more, are answered in this special number. The Literary Digest has gathered its wealth of facts from French, British, and American sources, without partiality. The France of History Through Two Thousand Years What did Julius Caesar have to do with the founding of France? How many forms of government has France survived? When was France at the peak of its power in Europe? When did an English King rule nearly half of France? What did Joan of Arc accomplish for France? Was Napoleon the greatest Emperor of France, in the extent of his realm? What new struggle is taking place in the body politic of France? The French Army and Navy As They Are To day How does the present French, military man-power com pare with her losses in the World War? '. ; In the event of a crisis how soon could the French army take the field? What are the comparative sizes of the French army and navy with those of other nations? What is the general direction of French naval aims? Why does France want more submarines? ' Explaining the Complexities oi French Politics What is back of the sudden changes in Government? How does the French Censtitution' differ from ours? How much is the French Parliament like our Congress? What can the President of France do? What are the powers of Senators and Deputies, and how - are the members of both houses chosen? What are the duties of Ministers of the Cabinet? Men Who Are Making Modern France . Who are the great men produced by recent crises? What was the controlling War policy of "The Tiger"? How has Millerand's ambition been satisfied? What French statesman is "a composite likeness of Theodore Roosevelt and Elihu Root"? Of what French leader is it said that "no one could be as wicked as . . . . looks"? The French Instinct tor Art and Music Who are the great French masters of art, and what has been the fundamental principle of their work? What does the world owe to France as a leader of musical progress? A Wonderful Double-Page Map, in Colors, of French Possessions -feirh nractkallv rirdle the earth- showing that the sun never sets on French soil. The extent i studied the subject. Three historical maps, also, show the Empire of Charlemagne (814) France and wealth of these French possessions will astonish alt Americans who have not previously at the death of Henry V (1422) and the First Empire of Napoleon (1812) BUY IT TO-DA Y FEBRUARY 11TH ISSUE 'Tis a Mark of Distinction to Be m Reeeer off , The Literary Dig ONLY 10 CENTS . Single Dime I at the 1 I News Stands I Ve'aeh XI k J FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Pubfihe of the Famoc NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK .