V TIIE-BEB: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEHKUARY 2. 1922. tl 4 it 4 M ! ! Will Hold Hearing ; Here in March on ; Livestock Hates 4 ' J. R. (lamplirll of Interstate (Itwnmrrre Ci'Himiin Y.x . rrlfl l t'niiio Here for Inquiry, ' L V.. Ct'iUf. itumtifr of the i traffic bureau: v( the Chamber of i'emmmf. returned from Washing ton yesterday alter attending heir- ii it relative to general rale reduc tion in llic csi ltnre llie Inter- htitu I '..mint rt ruiiiillikiiiitll. ItMiiMonv wi submitted Itv rf' a t I I rr-entame t ine rauroaun, snippers and trariic managers. The ronimU ion review the testimony be fore a decision i anmiunred. Lower Steam Coal Ratet. At inrrtiniz id railroad officials lower rates mi coal from mid in .southern Illinois m'o Omaha were i.l.Uined. The new rale, whiih bring Kir jiti foal Into Omaha at a Muted f'goie, was to liavc become effective today, according to Childe. I'rnii-tt. hv vermin railroad, bad been made asainst tbe reduction but were withdrawn at the hearing. Lower ra'c were tUo obtained vn potash salt. ' J. It. Campbell member of toe commission, ii expected to be in Omaha in March, at which time he vi ill condut t a hearing relative to the redwing of livestock rate from all point in Nebraska to. Missouri river markets. The reduction is being .iked by livestock men of South Omaha. , . . Want Operating Costa Cut. At a conference of the National Industrial Traffic league Mr. C'hildc declared action mjs taken in favor of, a general reduction of operating touts of the railroad as one of the me,ans of lowering freight and pas senger rate. Ogallala Bank ' Closed bv State -. -. sissa " ' " i t Slate Guaranty Fuiiil Will Not 15c Locr Stocklioldcrs May Get Returns. Ogallala. Neb.. Feb. t. (Special Telegram.) The ' Exchange Bank of Ogallala was closed by .Secretary Hart of the state banking board. The bank has been laboring under financial difficulties for six mouths, due to the fact: that it could not realize cash on its securities. t Exchange bank was founded by J. W. Welpton nearly a quarter of a ceniurv ago and was-considered one of the most profitable and en terprising banks '' in ' western Ne bra.ska. Mr. Welpton died three years asa Mr. .Welpton was presi dent of the State Bankers' associa tion about eight Wars ago. " Capital Was Raised. 1 During the last, few years the bank's funds havcibeen loaned on high-priced securities and with the drop in prices a part of these, se curities are practically worthless. . Mrs. J. W. Welpton recently raised the. capital stock of this bank from $50,000 to $85,000 with the hope that- the bank-would,' weather the storm. The closing of this bank will . not affect the First State Bank of Brule, the Welpton Investment company, and the Welpton Lumber company, operating five yards in : Keith county, all of which are owned bv Mr. Welpton's heirs. The bank at Brule,' !Ncb., is in excellent condition. Secretary Hart talked to the bui ncss men of the city and gave out the following: - "The Citizens' bank and the Farmers' State bank of Ogallala are in excellent condition and they have agreed to take over the deposits of the lixcnange pans ana pay me ae positors within ' the next few days. This will do away with any hard ship caused by people having to wait any length of time for their money. By so doing, business will go on the same as ever and people will not be out the use of their m,oney. , Will Be Surplus. "From all appearances the securi ties will more than pay off all the depositors and leave a little sur plus, so that the state guaranty fund will not lose and the stockholders will realize a little on-their stock. I have-known the Welpton family for a Hong time and have always held them in the highest regard, and I am sure that the family has the sympathy of every business house and person in this , commun ity." Mr. Countryman, president of the Citizens' bank, a competitor of the Exchange bank for many years, spoke in a saddened voice, asking everyone to co-operatC in order that the losses in the Exchange bank be made as light as possible for the stockholders.. Woman, Whose Car Runs Off Embankment, Awarded $50 Beatrice. Neb., Feb. 1. (Special.) Fifty dollars and costs damages were awarded Bertha Shinn against Gage county and Teterson. Shirley &. Guenther by Judge Messmore following an accident to her touring car at the Bear creek bridge on the Golden Rod highway. The machine ran off an embankment where the road was being graded. Negligence on the part of the county and con tractors was charged. The plaintiff sued for $200. Omaha Strikers Fined. Hastings, Neb.,' Feb. 1. (Special Telegram.) J. T. Brophy and Will Arthur of Omaha pleaded guilty to having liquor in thtir possession, and were fined . $100 each. They are packing house strikers and were ar- rested on their way from a train to a hotel. ' The Sf ory of Ninette Pershing's Niece Dies. Seattle. AVash.. Feb. 1. Mrs. Ed win A. Kraft, a niece of Gen. John J. Fcrshing, died at a local hospital here last night of pneumonia. Before her marriage her name was Helen : GcneJ?crshing. - - . . 7.' , By RUBY M. AYRU. CnSt. ll. t wtUf l-.f 4ut Ninette moved w,y to the fire and peered anxiously it her reflec tion in the nurror over the mantel, shelf. Was anything wrong1 w ith her appearance, the wondered. She had been so anxious to look her 'w.t and that vague thadow In Mr. Crauford'i tye had perturbed her, Mrs, Crauiord spoke betide her. "My dear, may I introduce my liephe? I'eter, thi j M!i CV anagh,' And Ninette raited her eye, which the did not know were bright with excitement and eigcrncit, to Teier Nothard'a face! "Youl aid Ninette; She did not know the gladuet in hrr voue. "Why, 1 never thought tf teeing jou here!" lie fluthed little at their meet lrg, but hit eyet were dispassionate as they iwept the girl's face, and momentarily retted on her too tmart frock and liandome diamond. He looked round the room. "Shall we find a teat? It teems a long tint'.' since we met. He tat dowu beside her on a couch near the fire and went on tpeaking quietly, "And how has life been uiug eu? I saw you the other day driving through the park with your father." Ninette's dark eye- .rarched his face. "Did you? I never saw you. Why didn't you hpeak to me?" A faint smile lit his eye. "You wouldn't have liked it if I had run along in the gutter, like a road urchin, would you, trying to at tract attention? Your car was going erv fast." "Oh 1 see." She felt unaccount ably nervous and ill at case: she wondered why it seemed so difficult to make conversation. "You have not answered my ques tion, yet,1' Nothard said, after a moment. "I asked how life had been using you since we met." . Ninette sighed and shrugged her shoulders. . "I suppose it's all right," sdie sub mitted dolefully. "Father is very kind and gives me everything 1 want." She touched her diamonds. "He gave me those the other night; they are .lovely, aren't they?" "Yes." But he hardly glanced at them. "You , don't like them" she said quickly. ' ' He smiled at the wounded sur prise in her voice. - , "Does my opinion count?" he asked. . ' " She made no answer to that: she twisted the magnificent diamond bracelet on her wrist, looking at it with disconcerted eyes. CHAPTER XXX HI. News of Arthur Delay. "Father is going to -America," Ni nette said suddenly. "So I heard." lie turned ,his head and looked at her for the first time. "I wonder you are not going with him." . "f wanted to; he wouldn't' take me." Her dark brows frowned. "You know," she said after a moment with a Sort of confiding manner. " I don't seem now, somehow, as if I've got my real place in the world. Per haps it's because I thought I should be quite happy when I had heaps. of money and a? many clothes as I wanted: but I'm not." "No?" The query sounded merely politely interested and Ninette flush ed. "I am boring you," she said, draw ing back a little. "Not in the least; I am very in terested. How long are you staying with my aunt?" ""Till father comes home, I suppose." ADVK.RTISEMKNT. RED PEPPERS STOP PAIN OF RHEUMATISM Vhcn you are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you viU have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. In stant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore, spot through and through. Frees the blood circula tion, breaks up the congestion and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff reck, sore muscles, colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine with the t.ame Rowles on each package. "And will tut be sme time?" "lie said few weeks," i l tee." Ninette leaned her thin id her hand and looked cro the room to where Mi. Cranlurd stood talk ing to her gnetu. "I did not know jou had in aunt, she taid Kuddenly. N'othard smiled. 'Really! 1 iuppoe you never make inquiriet, I have several aunts." Ninette gave a sudden startled ex clamation; the half aroe from her seat, then sat down with sort of helplettnctt i the door opened, and the maid announced: "Mr. Delay!" And Margaret walked into the room, Nothard made u hattv movement, then tat back in the corner of the sofa; he wa very fluthed and his ryes were dittret.ed. Ninette looked at him with chal lenging eyes. "You might have told me she would be here" she said brokenly, "I give you my word of honor that I had not the least idea! I am as surprised to ce tuy ti.itcr at J was to see you." Ninette bit Iter trembling lip. "Of course, she will cut rue." hc said. "She will do nothing of the kind." Nothard rose to his feet now; he Mood for a moment screening Ni nette from the rest of the room; t lien be said in an undertone: "i don't know if you have heard but, of course, you are bond to hear. Delay has left her." lie did not wait for a reply but turned away, crossing the room to where his sister stood talking to Mrs. Crauford. lie said something to her hurriedly in an midcrtnne, and Ninette, watching, saw Mar garet wince, and half turn away; then she smiled ever so faintly, as if consenting to something, and came across the room with her brother.. Ninette rose to her feet: she was too nervous to answer when Mar garet spoke to her, but she took the hand which the elder girl offered. "Such a surprise to see you here,' Margaret said; and her voice sound ed tired and distrait, like the voice of someone who had lost all interest in life. "I hope you are well?" "Thank you; very." There was an awkward, little si lence, which Nothard broke. "Ninette is staying with Aunt Annie, Margaret," he said. gently, fit was a great .surprise to meet her here his evening.",. . v'y "Yes? I ant' sure it '' mut'. have been", Margaret spoke indifferently. After a moment she took her. broth er's seat beside Ninette. , "I suppose I should congratulate you on having found your father." she said presently, "f hope you will have a very happy life." Nothard had moved away, and with sudden impulse Ninette laid her hand on the elder girls, "Oh, if we could only still be fri'cndsi" she said brokenly. '."It wasn't my fault not any of it! 'Oh, indeed it was not!" Margaret winced as if she had been hurt, but she gently returned the pressure of Ninette's nervous fingers. j, , "I know now it was not 3tyur fault," she said faintly; and then,' in' a- lower voice still,- "Arthur he; has left me. Did you know?" h :ij ' "Nat at lea.t. i'eter to!4 tne ju new." Mrgiret laughed bar.Uy. 'l married lr love, and this where H ht ended!" the ud li i trlr. 'Don't ever marry. Nmtti it's a fraud, the whole ihingt Far better Stake everything you've Col on something rite, and let the men alone!" Dinner was announced at jlhat moment, and before Ninette could answer I'eter Nothard l beid her, ottering lii arm. "I am to have the pleasure c( taking you ill t' dinner," he said. Ninrtte half shrugged her shoul der., Jt seems that you are never to be rid of me," she said. He made no antwrr, and they fol lowed the other gnet acrott the hall to the dining room, "Aunt Annie is one of the old fashioned school," Nothard said pretently. "Have you discovered that yet! Her dinners always re mind me of early Victorian func tionsnot that 1 evrr went 14 any, but I judge by the accounts .one hears." - Ninette answered vaguely; she was more tipset than she cared to admit by Margaret Delay's pretence. The tragedy in the elder girl's faff cut her to the heart, and, innocent as she was, she felt that in some way the fault mutt unconsciously have been hers. She was glad when dinner was ended. It proved to be a dull af fair, as Peter had warned her, and there was a twinkle in his eye, as he rose to open the door for the ladies to pass out of the room. "Presently I want to talk to vou," he said in an undertone, and Ninette raised surprised eves to hi. (CntinUMl la Thi Rx Tomorrow.) ADVKRTISKMKNT. SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY BROKEN OUT SKIN Any breaking out or skiu irritation on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mcntho-Sul-phur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying prop erties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings ease from the itching, burning and irrita tion. . Mentho-Sulphur heals eczema right up, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or -disfigurement. . A little jar of Mentho-Sulphur may be obtained at any drug store. It is used like cold cream. SAFE AND SANE for Ceugrbs& Colds Thi Jtrwf t 4iffttM Irani all fttKtri. "Happiness j and Joy"' Are Yours If You Own a ' Victroki ! New Victor Records for February, Ba Su to Hear Them 18837 Georgia Rose, Vocal Trio, Sterling Trio; Tomorrow fond, Vocal Trio, Sterling- Trio (10-in.) at 7So 18839 Gypsy Blues, Fox Trot, Whiteman"s Orch.; When Buddha Smiles, Fox Trot, Whiteman'. Orch. (10-in.) v.7Sc . 18842 Just a Little I.ove Song, Fox , Trot, Whitemsn'a Orch.f Ty-Tea, Fux Trot, Whiteman's Orch. (10 in.) at ., :. 75e 18843 Granny, You're My, etc., Fo Trot, Club Royal Orch.: All That I Need Is You. Fox Trot, Club Royal Orch. (10-in.) . . . . .-.7Be, 66020 Sweet and Low, soprano with quartet, Hulds Lashanska (10-in. I , t. .M2S 74724 Alice Where Art Tou, vio lin, Mischa Elman ( 12-in.) . .S1.7J Victrola Book of the Opera " ' , Complete stories and illustra- tions of over 100 operas. Gold lettered,' with case. : For bet ter musical appreciation. , ) New Edition . '"" .. , $1.50 Each MICKEDS 15th and Harney Streets Three Mm Taken in Dooze Raid on Graml Inland Farm Grand Maud. Neb., Feb. I. (Spe ciaL) State Agent J ledges. Chief of Police Martin and Sheriff Lor entzen raided the MildenMein farm, about five miles east of the city, and arrested William Whitmore. Sy Davis and Ira Losey, all of this city, occupants of the place, on charges of maintaining and operating a stilt. They also seized 250 gallons of wash and about IS gallons of moon shine. Free Milk Served to Crade School Pupils at Sidney Sidney, Neb., Feb. 1. The Wom an's club of Sidney inaugurated the serving of free milk in the public schools to all children up to the eighth grade who are undernour ished. About 80 pints per day is the consumption at present. Families are permitted to pay for the milk used by their children, but no one is denied. . The teachers report an im provement already in the condition and school records of several of the children. t Barrows ami Anderson Tile - for Congress Lieutenant Jurrnor and House Speaker Until for HrpuMieaii Nomination From I.inroln, Lincoln, Feb. I. (Special.) Ll. Gov. T. A. Barrows and Speaker ( the Home Walter L. Anderson will he rival for the republican nomina tion for congress from the Lincoln district. Ihey tiled their statement ol candidacy in the cflite of the sec it tat y of state today, Charles t), Amlersun, Omaha lawyer, tiled for the democratic pom inauon for congressf rorn the Second (Omaha) district. Dittrkt Judge Willis ii. Sears hied for the republic an nomination irons that district. A. II. Hyrmn of liloomiiiuton, a member of the honor, Med for the republican nomin;itHn fur governor. Male Senator Charles Kandall'a filing for the republican gubernato rial nomination is expected soon, lie is president of the State Cankers association. His boom was started yesterday. Friends of Cyrum. hear ing of it. announced Byrum's candi dacy at II l iit night. tieorge W. Marsh, state auditor, filed for nomination for another term. Marh has been on the state pay roll for many years, lie is now tm his second term as auditor and has been secretary of state twice and assi.tant secretary of state for a number of years. Hee Want Ads Produce Results. . Updike Is Impressed With Conference Work Wellington, Ftb, J. (Special TfUrgram After a tuy W dv Spent in Washington attending the agricultural confirme which held th board tn (he national capital litt week, Kelson Jt, I'pd'ke, pub. Ii.hrr of 'the tier, and hi confi dential snotuie. Jay JUiklrr, ef for Chicago yesterday, Mr, I'pdke, who wis a delegate to the roitfrreinr, said that much of great value tj the great farming sec tion of the reuiiiry had been ae compliihed ad if the recommenda tions are seriously earned out the fcood will be Incalculable. lr. I'.yit Pahr d Grand I .land, a member of the national hospital coiBinittee for disabled veterans of thr world war, it in Wahingion snending a meeting cf hi commit tee, S. F. FUlier and Mrs. Fisher of Edgar, Nb are in the city en route to Florida. Mrs. M. O. Maul of Omaha l a guet tf Representative and Mrs. McLaughlin. Frontier. County Hanker Organize Association Maywood, Neb.,' Feb. 1. (Special Telegram.) Frontier county bank ers met at Curtis and a county bank er aMMtioit wa formed. All banks of the county were represent ed. Van E. Prterton of Curtis was elected president; George J. Dold of Stoekville. vice president; , Harry Hall of Maywood, secretary, and G. C. Hueft'e of Eustis, treasurer. Former Diamond "Buddies' Act as Pallbearers Seattle. Wash., Jan. 31. Former comrades' of the diamond acted a paMxurrrs a hf funrial here to day ft I mil rrik, seieran Urr tt the t-IJ Nurihisriteru b.ebil league, who died last Friday. Frisk o,iirt baseball in IVI7 alter mortlhan 20 years of continuous service. Be fore coming west h played on team in Urtroit, Cincinnati and lenver. Aot Miiiwr-M. This Pure Cream. "" Stops .Head Colds Apply In Nostrils It Opsn Air Pastags Instantly. Colds and catarrh yield tike magic lo soothing, healing. - antiseptic cream that penetrates through every air pawjiie and relieves iwollen. in tlamrd membranes of noe and throat Your clogged nostril open right up and you can breathe freely. Hawking and snuffling stop. Don't flay stiilKd up and miserable. Get a (mall bottle of Fly's Cream Italin from jour druggist. Apply a little in the notiil and set instant relief. Million endorse this remedy known for more than fifty year. ADt r.BTIlr.MLNT. ADVI.HT1SKMENT. If you're free Iron constipation show this to some sufferer! r Have You a Mysterious Key? One of I he lircatext benefit to hu manity thiit Iihb hrm ma1 available to every liinn. woman and child In AmtTrii-a i Kcll"KR'n Bran. cooktl and krumblrd. Kellocg's Bran w-lll relievo constipation permanently If It I eaten regularly. If peopl of thlM nation generally would eat Keltngg'M Riun nlne-tenthn of , all sicknetw would te eliminuted- PhyHlciang Indorse Kello?u's Ilran, rooked and krumbled. for romitlpit tln hcoauKO constipation is naturally relieved through proper food. We guarantee KolloKg'g Bran will re lieve conKtlpatlon It at least two tahlonpoonfuld are raten dally. We advise as much as necessary lor chronic cases. KelloKg'a Bran at-tn an ;i sspsr, cleantiinir and purifying. ut it is not a "remedy;'.' rather it nature foudl t'nllke pllla and cath.irtl, which are not only Irritating tn thn deiliBte. intemimtl tract, and nfford but temporary rellpf at bes: bran Is not liabll-tormlng. Effects of pIIIk and cathartics wear off and it Is neceuary for the sufferer to find noma new and more violent bowel agitator. Kenogg a Bran never censes Its regular work. Kellogg's Bran at the same time win clear a pimply complexion and sweeten tne breain. Kellogg' Bran, rooked and krum- bled, is one of the nioet delicious cereals you ever ate. Its nut like flavor In delightful. Or sprlnkla It on your favorite cereal and use it in various fooda such as bran bread, muffins, . pancakes, gravies, etc. Recipes on package. Get it at your urocera. Satisfies the sweet tooth, aftd aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teethe A boon to tmokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and benefit Don't miss the joy of the WRIGLEY'S new P-K-the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! IP ian oe U TUNED AND V i. DEPAIR&D - .All Work Guaranteed . . A. HOSPE CO. r 1SI3 Douilaa. - Tel.'. Dou.' SSS. CHOCOLATES I) . INNER-CIRCLE CANDIES Father hnns V jiedicine For Colds and Throat $ Troubles. A pure food medicine. 65 years in. use. . No dangerous drugs. l& I V SJ ISi; Jw RELIEVES RHEUMATISM Relief blessed relief comes when good hot applications are used. The best and hottest is BEGY'S MUSTARINE Just rub it on It won't blister Neu ritis and neuralgia also 30c 0c yel low box. Best Home Brew Brew tome to-night for tbe whole family regulate the bowtU put trver and stomach in fine condition sleep better. Purely vegetable. 30c package. There's health tn every cup of CELERY KING or Sale by Five Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores PROSTATE GLAND, BLADDER, KIDNEYS, Thas three srgana are re ronaibla for mora misery among men than all other combined. Pain In back, tired feeling, getting up at nlglit, premature age. less ened vitality, are some of tha results of these trouble. We believe we have the beat treatment known to quickly correct inese disorder. Costs nothing unless it doe the work, Sews naM far ISuatrate Seetlrt. BOX 291, NASHVILLE, TENN. Rely on Cuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles HWtB 4r, Br.. Snsi Ointewct to HMrtbtj, Ttcn to pow m stsSaaaaaai PsMwssf as Iiswm SntMs V Tt ULSItill Jl fit mi-rot AqtlTSM ..... , I lr. ". HUStltM(.,l". S Asf. IS M I HSHKHliHIS ,.,4ae S aa alf M k. I. to Mus'. n tui ttt, tisa.nS'4 IIVIIMI .. 1 t Tl UlSSSTlS ASa tntSMtut AIHSOI ......,. I MtlHIt S.S. S X4. II . HSIXiMt . Mar. II t 1A)NJ0M" S SO l-',w A tHIt , Ur. II ' . Ai,tM ,, St. h a ie , , io Hsurts h".iim(JIU ML.ill . AU.fSlU , .,..Mae. H. T TO UIRU. t'sl'U i.iriStlT!. M.iM.n. vi-ii rn r .N. I.. I-1 t,t TlNvLS. I INMtMt ...rrS.1l Shuttom ?o loiniiirnr, uusrool assvais . 4 h is Suit r'tl IMl, MS . leHAMtiX .t.t4." ssuajia ., is CASSAMOaA Mw, S Af. II CmH Istel AmM Iwimi 1 i Take) the coupon below tn your druggUt and yet m ' "four day trea.'meDl" ef Men-tho-eze free. First Aid In Every Home '' Men-tho-eze Is a compound of old fashioned K003O grease and turpen tine combined with menthol, wln tergreen, peppermint and other toothing, healing essence and oils. It combines grandma's bomely. but effectWe remedies of goose greae and turpentine with the medical wisdom of China and Japan. Men-tho-eze la doubly effective in the treatment of la grippe, colds, sore throat and similar troubles because It treats the affection both Internally, and externally. Rubbed on the rheit, the oos nreaae and turpentine cause a roun-ter-frrltatlon which draws the Inflam mation from the sore membrane of the throat and lungs. At the. earn time the patient inhales the soothing; fumes of menthol, wlrtergrecn and, peppermint which art dlrer.tly on the, tender internal paaaagea, allaying Ir ritation, subduing the pain, checking the rough and permitting restful, healing sleep. The phlegm Is cut and the germ killed. Men-tho-eze frequently breaks a cold in twenty minutes. JTAtAUDrasHtsres aP ia oooo roa couia A Men-Tho-Kie t orn-- "e-t . D rax gists gir Ire sample lor thia coapea ADVERTISEMENT, MEN i Are Your Kidneys Out Of Order? Are You Showing Signs of Bladder Weakness? Blad- ) der Irritation? Prostrate Gland Troubles? Have You , Frogotten what an Un broken Night's Rest is Like? - For 40 years, said Dr. Carey. I hae been prescribinsr Marshroot for kidney and bladder sickness and now that I have to tired from active practice I have made arrangements with leading druggists to dispense thia wonderful prescription at a moderate price, on the money back if dis satisfied plan. , Beware of kidney disease thousands die of it every year who ought to be en joying the blessings of life and health. Watch the symptoms. If you have specks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache rr s id esc he. you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's Marshroot right away. NOTE Dr.' Daniel G. Carey waa a prac- i ticing physician for many years and his great Prescription, Marshroot, aided thou sands of sufferers from kidney and blad der troubles and proved' successful even, in cases of men in avsnced year. Here after you can always get. this effect he prescription in both liquid gnd tablet form at the 6 Sherman ft MeConhelf Drug Store and all reliable pharmacists th country over. Keep in mind the name. Dr. Carey's Marshroot prescription Nt: 777. No other medicine can take its place. ' " -i ' s i f s-an-ii .... ; i. ,i, ADVERTISEMENT. ii If I Could Only d Bejch UpThatGas 7 I Know I Would Feel Better" 'How of ten have- you felt that war T How often have you ' wished for. some- ' thing to give you genuine and lasting re lief for GasT ... Don't buy any ordinary dyspepsia tab let for temporary results. - Go to a first class drag atore, ask for a bottle of genu- a ine- Baalmann'a .-Gas-Tablets: take, three tablets an hour before meals and again ' three before eating then watch. Now " comes a surprise. No more gas, no more smothered feeling, no, difficult breathing, . and no bloat.. ' ' ' - Remember Baalmann s Gas-Tablet are not only for the relief, but also for th prevention of Gas. Most people with Gas suffer from nervous Dyspepsia, not com mon indigestion. -'- Baalmann'a Gas-Tablets are sold In the famous yellow package for one dollar. Baalmann'a Gas-Tablet are for sale hy Sherma-n & McConnell and all reliable' druggist. J. Baalmann, Chemist, San Fran eisco. V. ; ....'. 14 LI " Th Rce Want Ads Aro lh 'Reef- Business Boosters; . . Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cures Putt, Fistula and etaw Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a s-ve-s urvii c ration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetie ased. A cur guaranteed m every esse accepted for treatment, and no money I to b paid aati eared. Writ for book on Rectal Diseases, with namea nd testimonials of mors thas 1.00 prominent popl who have ba permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium, Ptr Trai Bldg. (Be Bldg.) Osaaba, KsSx