Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Union Pacific
Asks to Curtail
Train Service
Application lu Hdilway (!uim
mission Claim Company
I Losing Mony oh
lint's in Nrlraki.
Lincoln, ln. Opetial )-'TUe
Vntun I'kLiiif, iIiuj.1 tuiupduy hat
applied Id lh lUta f4iUv Cu!trt1ii
iun J or ixniiiuiri iiuItpJIv to re
duce h trvi ci vuc. rUunii e that
it i toting money on llic N(br4k4
'I hp company V. t j discontinue
motor tcl ten licmu and Spald
ing, leaking cue trip emli d,'V. I tit
woulil kav I. at mie train day on
lle. 'I lie coinnti-;tii h lixcd
dale of hearing (ir February 9.
It im probable at the Mine time
the mmiu.n will bear t he com
pany appliijliyii tu diwuntinue
im n am tiau e.ith way per tl.iv
l.rivcci Grtua mid Albion, itibstl
tuimga motor tram.
'fhr ro-npsny , bus per
n i.r in tic(iiitime the motor
trjin which ii-ukr a found trip
etl da te'v. ten Kearney iit
.Si4ft'ti. Thin would leave ne
mix I I train rao't (I ty on thi brunch.
at been tt lor tin lcr-
fcae aUo i ikeo fur permit-
to take oil tlit Ideal running
teen Council MuflV and Albion,
lug local work done on the
ii pre between wounctl r.lulii
' Columbus hv Train n . a-vl
A date for hearing on this tv
fcation will be fixed later.
(arson ami Guide Due
to Arrive Homo Monday
J. T)avid Larson, commissioner cf
e Omaha Chamber of Commerce
nd C. li. Childc. manager of the
r traflic bureau, who are in Washing
ton on special business, arc expected
to return home Monday.
Mr. Larson is attending: a special
committee nice ling in the interest of
rood roads and aerial mail. M.
t.'iiilde has been attending the hear
nigs of the National Industrial
league, relative to freight and traffic
adjustments in the yiidUle west.
I'rt::! and Water 10 Days
' '?Vi Driving Penalty
Kecklcss drivers of automobiles,
.. iM.i.trc court judgments
, s:'i more drastic sen
by District Judge Day yes-
Mil;.- Daugherty's sentence of 10
days was made 10 days on bread
and water. P. H. Smith was given
M days in jail.
Brief City New$
IVultry lUUrt li A meeting
of . i.iii tittrreaind iii poultry ran
liiji Hill i lie lit Ml I tuHh t I he
Anu-riin Igiun room,
t nlklu in -William Culkin. buyer
fur II4)jii Hr, i in r, i rHirt4 to
lx nt m t-ritwal rmiilillun ( hi,
t'nthrrlno li'tnul, fallowing an op
i latdii.
Utr Taken o I'aliner Tl) bly
dt IhtJiita i'. .Mmiilil,, If, tiniftli
lhnun im, lin aillrtl hlmrlf Mon.
dar, UI ( lkn l rlnir, Nrb.,
luiUy fr lmlal.
SmallMi ix Pr. A. K. Pinto,
limlm 'uiiunniinr, fiulareil Wal
ter Jntnn, iiil'tt ef ilia t'U'luliy
l . kiii plant, ta the anmllptJii live
I'liitl ytolrrduy murritu.
Woman In ptoial 1a Lillian
M, i aantl, )ntnilmrra at HanU-y,
N-h., will t aniunf tli iiiiiniei
hIio will a pi1"'' at I tlila mnrntnic at
foitrral builtllnl fur Ihrrr-day
tuunia In conducting iiomorTU r.
Arui of Awaull - I'an) Tt.
Klolli, to, florist, wita JnlleJ ptr
d ly whvn Mr. Muriln Kowlrr. w hn
cam" to lila hum at KM l-uvvif
wurih alrM luiuokirp',r, iittiniil
that ho utriirk hor and triotl t
ilu.ka ir. Kluth ilDiilia the charisva.
Inrntnr Win KklrmMt Tlia
fliKi Hkirixioh In the luouoo.uuu
auit fr dtniBfi itlnt to r-at
I'ot'pornilon i won by Lotilao ta.
borne Krraon and tirai-a Uabnrne,
Invrntnra cf the pork and henna bin
piilt, when the auprema court over
ruled the motion of the defendant!
('Iiart't Ilomumw Umla A caba
ret romanen mine to an end yeider
diiy when Ida reteron. IS, WouKht
unit for divorce agnlnt Thotnua
Peterann, I.', rlalmlitg alimony uinl
tha rui-i"ly of thrlr J-moniha-old
bnby. The -oupl flint met at the
KUrk Cat cabaret and were married
November 23. 1920. The, humane
aoclety has been requeued to aeek
I ho fnther and husband.
" retrillv located simmering
burner of a new gas range can be
hwung; to light all the other burners.
Suicide Pact Story
Doubted by Relatives
That Alfred It. Nahoh, former
()nul, rattle hippr, (uund dying
bende the pnii'iied Mr. l'r
sula Tltouioii-Kogcr, "tnillioiuire
ihurtu girl," in a tnull Cbirago
hoif was the tit tiiii of a suicide
pact i drnhied by relativr here
nice Willis C. Crohy, Omaha un
dertaker, arrived in the city with the
body of the nun yesterday.
"I sue I'm dying, licorgc put
pui jn in the Hurt." are Mid to have
been the Ut words of the actreM.
1 he George referred t is George II.
Rogers, icddier bunband of the gul,
who was in the death - any with bis
wife and NichoU.
Tapers found In Mr. Rogers'
trunk hnwrd that she bad given
away l-riendi state that
failure to create a seiiMtion on the
staue worried her.
Nil ho! is survived by a widow
and a son, a brother and three sis
ters. He was b-rn and raided on the
.ouih Side.
Black Eye Frees Eathcr
Who Says Son Hit Him
A black eye won a discbarge for
J. F. Thornton, I'WJ I.octift street,
when be appeared in Central police
court yesUrdav. It bore out bis
assertion that his son bad struck him
and thereby started a light. He was
itrrrsted on complaint of bis family
Tuesday night on allegations that be
was drunk and abusive
Hearing of Girl Booic
Sued Is Postponed
The federal bearing for Katherine
Warner, charged with counterfeiting
revenue stamps on bonded liquor, has
been postponed until Saturday, Dave
Dickinson of the secret service bu
reau announced yesterday.
II Yeu Know Anyone Who Ssffert
From Constipation READ THIS NOW!
Tell them to get a packago of
KellogB'a Bran, cooked and krum
bled! Tell them to eat It every day!
Tell them they can throw away pills
and cathartics and become normal
without the sllRhteut discomfort.
Tell them that we guarantee Kel
Iock'r Bran will give permanent re
lli f from constipation If at least two
tab!epoonfula are eaten regularly
each day chronic canes eat a much
as needed) and that It will clear up
a pimply complexion and sweeten
tho bre:ith! Tell them their family
physician will indorse Kellog's Bran
for constipation!
For, KellORg's Bran does such
great health work for everyone who
eata It without the slightest discom
fort or Irritation. It sweeps, cleanses
and purifies the bowels as nothing
elre can. It form no dangerous
habit like pills and cathartics, which
never can give mora than tempo
rary relief nt the same time ag
gravating an already dangerous condition:
The natural mechanical action of
Kellogg's Bran is abounding to
thoso who are not familiar with It
as a positive and permanent relief
from conatlpntion! The great thing
to understand Is to cat it every duy
at least two tablespoonfuls.
Kellogg's Bran, cooked and krum
bled. Is a highly bene.flclnl nature
food. It is wonderfully goon eaten
as a cereal, with your favorite
cereal or in hundreds of other foods
such as pancakes, raisin bread, muf
fins, etc. See recipes on box.
Children thrive on brnn. It builds
strong, robust bodies. Be sure your
grocer supplies you with Kelloggs
J Wmwmm
. -MiT Mm m a .:: -
aa,rf!i - A
f coated gum is
t A
o."! 3 -1J
. P! ana uiu
It "melts in your mouth"
and the gum -in 'the center
remains to aid digestion, brighten the
teeth and soothe the mouth and throat
There are the other WRIGLEY friends to
choose from, too:
-n 1
Cafeteria Speelal for
Calf l iver with lUeon. 25
Pur-Nak Paoaslairs Stare
ess-Mash Gompawy
everybody store"
Xew Piano Records
New record for the Tlayer
Piano art now priced at It .00,
BuriM.rk riitk rw
A ffllmpo at Bwnt(slhfiinig Nw IMn
New Spring Hats
Our Black unci White Mats of
glosxy ftruw, with trimmings of
pearls.nre the very newest of the
new, and us impudently uhlny
and fashionable as prinjr de
mands. Juvenile Hats of Changeable)
Taffetas are novel and distinctly
becoming, at $9.75
Many A th ai live A'cn MoJch
at $3.95 and $5.00
New Stockings
Sinee the threats to wear them
longer arc still only threats we
must still be looking for attrac
tive Hosiery bargains, and these
splendid items will satisfy every
Lisle Stockings with ribbed t6ps
in both regular and extra sizes.
Black and Brown 75c
Silk Stockings, a very good
weight with double toes and
heels, in black, brown and grey,
at ...$1.20
Burit-Nth Maia Floor
New Gloves
If one would wear the most
modish of gloves, one would
choose these for Spring.
Narbonne Gauntlets, of French
Kid, heavy with silk embroider-,
to be had in colors to har
monize with every costume, $6.00.
Chamoisette Gloves in gaunt
let style, of the very finest fabric,
they are distinctive with pearl
buckles at the wrist. Buck.
Pongee and White $1.65
One-Clasp Kid Gloves, with at
tractively embroidered backs, of
imported kid, in beaver brown
and gray; very remarkably
priced at y. .$3.75
' Bur jei-Nah Main Floor
New Jewelry
Earrings of Galalith, in the
most fascinating hoops, and drop
styles, circles and ovals. Since
one must wear them to be thor
oughly smart thsi coming season,
they come in a variety of vivid
colors to match every frock, $1.50
to .'...,..!. $3.50
Crystal Necklaces so beautiful
as to make "crystal gazers" of us
all maysbe had for 50c to $2.50.
Silver Vanities in new designs,
for 75c to $2.50
Burgcse-Nash Main Floor
New Handbags
Just as if dainty handbags of
aille or moire i silk, beautifully
and oddly mounted were not
enough for $6 and $10, we are
offering for your spring use, the
smartest of shiny vachette after
noon bags, and the most swagger
of swagger bags, attractively
lined and vanity fitted and
trimmed with silver clips, for
wonderfully reasonable prices.
purgess-Nah Main Floor
New Umbrellas
One doesn't have to wait till
it pours to carry one of these
cunning little Rain and Shine
Umbrellas, for they come in vivid
as well as sober shades, are ex
tremely smart with their ring and
thong handles-j-to carry "just in
case it should. There are suit
case handles, too. Priced for the
new season at $4.50 and upwards.
Burgesi-Nash Main Floor
Everyday necessities at interesting
prices Thursday.
Dress Forms Gray jersey covered dress
forms, in sizes 32 to 44.
Special .$1.69
Brass Dressing Pins The Puritan brand
260 pins to the paper 10c
Carter Elastic In three-quarter inch
width Yard, 5c
Vassar Pins In silver and black
at . ........'......'...Set, 10c
Carmen Hair Nets With knotted
ends 3 for 25c
Gainsborough Hair Nets In cap and
fringe styles, every shade. . 3 for 25c
Hickory Baby Pants III all sizes; very
special '. . 39c
Hickory Waists For boys and girls,
ages 2 to 14 years-.Each, 49c
. . Burgcji-Nah Main Floor
A Cupc and Ffoik ef
Navy Trket'tnc, Military
ond Soutathc Braid
t n
New Dresses
Introducing the Frock with Matching Cape
Just to prove that the new Season is exercising her womanly
prerogative of changing her mind, we are offering dresses repre
sentative of all her whims.
There are smart cape frocks, nonchalant and gaily confident
of a warm reception, crispy taffetas, gay and saucy, svelte street
frocks of tricotine, and Poiret Twill and Sports Wear Models
of light colored Valette and Crepe Net.
IV e cordially invite you to see the ncu display.
Burftas-NaiB Ready-to-Wtar Third Floor
New Silks : New Woolens
Exquisite fabrics in new weaves and colorings, so attractive
that they awaken anew the art and craft of the needlewoman
and designer. , '
In Silks:
Taffetas, Crepe dc Chine, Ceor-
gette Crepes, Radium Silks, Pussy
Willows, Messalines, Canton
Crepes, Sat'm Cantons, Crepe Chif
fons, Satin Charmeuse, Tricoleltes,
Printed Crepes.
'Soft Challis, Velours, Henriettas,
Striped Swirlings, Jerseys, Sports
Flannels, Nuns-Veiling, Covert
Cloth,- Tricolines, Checked Ve
lours, Corduroys, Poplins, Poiret
r wills. Plaids.
Burf cai-Naih Fabrics Shop Second Floor
Colors that recall the freshness of spring
look ahead towards 1923.
-new laces that
The Ginghams:
With each fresh shipment the
spring ginghams seem lovlier
and to add to their popularity
let us whisper that they are lower
in price than last season. Our
new Tissue Ginghams are quite
bewitching at 69c and 75c a yard.
1 Burgcas-Nash Second Floor
The Laces and Embroideries:
Have come from many, lands.
New Val laces, in matching
widths ; Venetian laces for col
lars and cuffs, at 85c to $2.25 and
daintiest Underwear Laces at 25c,
35c, 50c, and many beautiful
pieces in Filet, Irish and Cluny.
Burges-Nah Main Floor
of Daintiness
and Charm
These very sheerest and lovliest
blouses with roll Tuxedo collars, we
offer to you at this wonderfully low
The wonder part is that they are trim
med with real Filet and Irish laces, one
and one-half inches wide.
Their charm, as in everything made
by hand is in their amazing daintiness
for they have rows and rows of hand
hemstitching, and are fashioned of ex
quisite batistes besides.
Sizes 34 to 46.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled. . ,
Burgeaa-Nash Blouse Shop Third Floor
New Footwear that Is S mart
Oxford3 are unquestionably the correct wear for early spring. Many
of these smartest models are in low walking heels, though they are
to be had too m the higher Military
heels. Among new distinguishing
features is the saddle strap, and the
banding of contrasting color
In gun metal, patent colt,
tan, calf, brown kid.
V cry excellent values at
Something New Under
the Sun
The thrill thai comes with the
firU robin$ long, and the first
glimpse of snowdrops through the
mow comes earlier still in our
Department Store World.
For here, today! we have our
new spring slocks pouring in. The
fresh new colors, the bewitching new
fabrics, the fascinating rxw fashion
notes in hat and gown.
Today we give just a glimpse of
these bewitching new things await
ing you, NOW, in our beautiful
Do You Know?
That Art Saunders, the Field ,
Club Assistant Golf Professional,
is in charge of our
Indoor Golf Course
where he gives free instruction
in putting, driving, approaching?
He will also help in your selection
of clubs.
Burgaaa-Naih Fourth Floar
Do You Know?
That Madame Helena Ruben
stien, the famous beauty expert,
is with us this week, giving ad
vice to our patrons, in the use of
the famous
beauty preparations. Come in and
see her today.
Burg aa-Nah Maia Floor
Do You Know?
That Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, from 11:30 to 1:30, we
are feautring our line of
Shoe Polish, and we will shine
your shoes free of charge.
Extra Chairs.
6 Extra Shine Boys.
Shine in all shades of brown
and black for kids and calfs.
Men, Women, Children Come
in during these three days.
Burgeaa-Naah Main Floor
Do You Know?
That Our Beautiful New Vic
trola Department is the home of
the Cheney and Victor Victrola?
Our new models will please you
and may be. bought on terms to
suit your convenience. Try too,
our "Record Approval1 Plan."
New records are coming in daily.
, Burgeaa-Nash Fifth Floor
Do You Know?
The ease and satisfaction
Avhich is rolled into a " ,
It is the fairy tale magic of
olden times, brought to the mod
ern home, like a genii or Alladin's
lamp. Come and see our dem
onstration today.
Payment Terms Arranged
to Suit Your Convenience.
Burgeaa-Naah Fourth Floor
Do You Know?
That we have a whole new
little department just for Valen
tines? Whether you want a card
for your lady love whether you
want a Valentine Tally or Place
Card you will find them here
in fascinating variety.
Burgeaa-Naah Main Floor
DruffS and Toilet Articles, specially
priced for Thursday.
Chypre or Jasmin Perfume, an OZ., 79c.
Bourjois Imported Face Powder... 35c
Dorin's Compact Face Powder 25c
Pozzoni'a Japanese Rouge 19c
Imported Lotion for hands and face 39c
Gem Rasors, new style ....89e
Whiskbrooms, large size 33c
Bocobelle Castile Soap.... 11c
Royal Lemon Cleaner ............. 1 8c
Black Rubber Combs... ..39c
Hot Water Bottles or Fountain
Syringe 89c
. Household Rubber Glove. 49c
Dr. King's New Discovery 42c
Bell's Pine Tar and Honey 21c
Burgeaa-Naah Main Floor
Burgesa-Naah Shoe Shop Main Floor