TirE TEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1922. 1 ; n t5 Society j Rnaa-Ryan Wedding. Tit wwMtiig of Ml Pauline fly, 4nthi-r U Kir. and Mr. t". J, tad K. N, Dion c( M. I'-ul. Mbit, took iUi t 'i'ueaday morning &? avcitxV bi M. Julin thurth, the , PmJmt UiBi-tn oiiituiiiin. 'J lif f'lic rre played ly Uaa Margaret Judge, and Mr. Ikttoa Cofley Aesnunn 4ng Lrlure M4 dtwiavj the wcimwy. '1 lie bride wort mm ci blue oirrf J ill with leat in Match. and a corsage of pink 5! ni whiu w-tiH-. Mi Kathtrine C:; E"fWK bridesmaid, ore ray ? tricot ine tult and a t ef Ut pink eweetpe.it. L. V. Kyan acted i u best man, i Hm w44iesr a quirt one, only family M cle friend bring pre, rat jA wadding brrak(jt lulluwti at die) koaM of the bride' parent. Aftar a warding trip to Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Dion will live In St. rauL ' for Wetem Brldo. Wtae Elleabrth Robertson, hoe tnarria,- to Jctie Thurmand ill take pluca ia Hollywood February 7, waa honor twit at a buffet luncheon given by Mrt. E. V. Dixon at hrr rharmiic Hollywood bungalow hit ,Wedosday. , Mfw dab for Young People. Tm yooBg people of Our Lady of Lonndn parish have organized a De Soto I club to promote acquaintance "d good timet ia the parish. All Vtyian Catholics are eligible for berthip. Ihere was' a dance q levening in the newly finished room oi me pansn. abater on mud nopes io promote some sus nice ii idu coxing maicnea. Luncheon for Mrs. Taylor, n. W. A. C Johnson enter- Kfc UIIIIIUI1 UC91,T I1UUII lur George Taylor of Great Bar- gton, Man. Bridge followed the ncheon. The other guests were ash, W. J. Foye, George Brandeie, V. Kirkendall and John L Ken nedy. O. E. S. Reception. Maple Leaf chapter, O. K. S.f will entertain its past worthy matrons and past worthy patrons at a reception Wednesday evening at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Joseph C. Lawrence, the' worthy matron, will head the re ceiving line. . Dr. Stastny Honored. Dr. Olga Stastny will be honor Euest at the luncheon of the Woman's Faculty club of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine Wednesday, 1 p. m., in the dining room of the University hospital. Girl students of the college will also be honor guests. More than 80 reser vations had been made up to Tues day morning. Followintr the " luncheon Dr. Stastny will tell of her work, in ; Czecho-Slovakia. The president, Mrs. Irving Cutter, will preside. Dr. Stastny is a graduate of the State University College of Medicine. Legion Auxiliary Notes. ; The woman's . auxiliary to the - American Legion of Arapahoe has .' elected the following officers: Miss Amy Tyrrell, president; Mrs. Clar ence Blazier, first vice president; , Mrs. Cecil Monroe, second vice i president; Mrs. Jack - McElhaney, L." secretary; Mrs. Finch Emmett, treas-f-'urer. The auxiliary has a member ship of 25. ' - For O. E. S. Officer. Mrs. Byron Peterson entertained et luncheon at her home Monday complimentary to Mrs. Ida M Bum stead of Lincoln, grand conductress of the Eastern Star, who is visiting local O. E. S. chapters. Mrs. W. A. Smith gave a luncheon and Orpheum party Tuesday in honor of Miss Bumstead, and Mrs. Arthur Isakson will be hostess at a luncheon today. '' Dinner and Bridge Party. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Prinz will entertain eight guests at dinner and bridge Friday evening. Personals Mrs. W. S. Weston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Howard Martin, in Sioux City. - . , Mrs.H. S. Clarke, jr., and daugh ter, Miss Mary Clarke, left Monday evening for Atlantic City, where they will spend several weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Belmont an nounce the birth of a son, Joseph Sheldon, at the Stewart Maternity hospital January 23. ..... Mrs. A.' J. Trapp and 'daughter, Mrs. T. J. McGuire. and little Dor othy " McGuire. left Tuesday to spend the remainder of the winter in California. ' Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned have returned from Chicago: where they spent a few days following a short trip which Mr. Learned made to New York - ; ' Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Warren, for merly of Omaha, no of Los An geles, are building a new home in a suburb of that city. The house is built Spanish style. t Miss Evelyn' Burwash and her mother, of Chicago, who have been visiting here, left Sunday evening for California. Last Saturday they were the luncheon guests of Miss Mayme Hutchinson at the Athletic club. ' Miss Zerlina Brisbin left last Sun day for Denver, where she will be the guest of Miss Mildred Kalmus. The two girls were abroad together las summer. Miss Brisbin will visit in Kansas City before She returns to Omaha the end of February. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston Fairbanks and daughter, Jane, of. Chicago, sailed Tuesday on the President Wilson for Italy. Mrs. Fairbanks will see her sister, Miss n-ugeme jrai terson, of Omaha, while she is abroad. Miss Patterson is planning a trip home in June. Mrs. Frank Hamilton, who is spending the winter in Washington, is planning a summer trip abroad and will go overseas as soon as her daughter. Miss Exilona Hamilton, is out of school. She attends Sr. Marys at Xotre Dame. Mrs. Hamilton wil. be accompanied by her daughter and .on, Frank Hamilton, and her sis ter. Miss Pepa Gstue, who is with ' Mrs. Hamilton in Washington. HAIB-8 mWE BEVCTT brmil to lilhl Monday Musical Club Soon to Be Launched A new ilub, to be I noun a the Muniluy Mutual club wa recently orgtuixed at the home of Mrt I.cu Huffman. The ami of thit group it to ttiiiiulate interest in mutic, Mit rrllaiteotit progumt will be given during the club year. J'Un. fur the formal openm? to be liclj Vtdnetd4y e veiling. I'fb nury H, at the home of Mrt, Sophie Shiilcy McDcrmott, were outlined at a meeting January Jo, at the home of Mrt. llottmaii. who ha been circled president of the organisation Mit Maraarct Swift i secretary- treasurer and the member are Metdamei Kutli Flvnn Dunbar. Flora Sear NUon. iicrtha torfey Attmann. 1 F. Drribut, Sophie Shirley McDcrmott, l.tnett Keete, K. K. Ryan, Krnett Kopecky, K. M. Austin, Helen Kahm Nielton and the Mute Adrlatde rogg. Winifred Traynor and Margaret Spalding. Affairs for Former Lin coln Women. Mr, and Mr. Voyle Rector of New York, formerly of Lincoln, are the guests of Mr. Rector' parents, Mr. and Mr. E. T. Rector, of the St. Regit, for a two week visit From here Mr. Voyle Rector will bo to Lincoln with her little boy for a three week' visit with Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Clupin. Mr. and Mr. Virgil Rector of Sioux City arrive Wednesday to spend a few day with Mr. and Mr. E. T. Rector. Mr. and Mr. Voyle Rector and Mr. and Mr. Virgil Kector will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will No ble at dinner and bridge Thursday evening. The other guest will be Mr. and Mrs. Nason loung, Mr. and Mrt. Max Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nieman. These three couple and Mr. and Mr. Noble are members of a bridge club which meets once a month for dinner. All four women formerly lived in Lin coln. Yesterday Mrs. E. T. Rector and Mrs. E. F. Howe entertained at luncheon, honoring Mrs. Voyle Rec tor, Mrs. Frank Weactor of Boston, Mrs. A. H. Holcomb of Buffalo and Mrs. A. B. Stoffer of Cleveland. The luncheon was at the Athletic club. On Friday, honoring Mrs. Voyle Rector, Mrs. Max Miller will enter tain at luncheon at her home. Covers will be laid for 12. Another honor guest will be Mrs. John Charles Wright, Mr. and Mrs.- Wright moved to Omaha the first ot the year from Lincoln. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham Slim Flinders was out today cir culating a petition to raise a posse .to rescue Yam Sims from the old cistern, into which he fell accidental ly this morning. Yam has sent word up that he wants to get out as soon as it is convenient. , . . v The two prisoners broke jail at Tickville night before last and are still at liberty. The jailer has sent them word that they just as well to come on back and eat those beans. Christmas passed off quietly in this community with the exception of Sidney Hocks. . Parents'v Problems Should a boy be given piano les sons? . , A boy should have this power de veloped in him quite as much as a girl. It is a national weakness that the men of America lack a cultiva tion of their artistic sense. The study of music .in childhood can do much to awaken in them a love of the beautiful. The boy who is edu cated in music is more likely to have an appreciation of the higher side of life than if he had had no such advantage. ADVERTISEMENT. TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA I,. . 1 If Mixed with Sulphur It .- Darkens So Naturally No body Can Tell. ' The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand mother's recipe, and folks are. again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youthful, appearance is of the great est advantage. Nowadays, though, we don t have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at sell the readv- uviitvt "ft j to-use product, improved by the ad-T . - r . 1 j : - nwA I anion 01 otner ingreuicins, w "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound." It is very popular, because nobody can discover it has been ap plied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it, and, draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning" the gray hair disappears, but what de lights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is that, be side beautifully darkening" the-4iair after a few applications, it also pro duces that soft luster and appear ance of abundance which is so at- (tractive. - - My Marriage Problems Adck Garrison' New Pha of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" . Tha Way Mother Grahaito Helped. Kliliard, ai )OU very tiredf Mother Graham' voice broke tilenre which we had all ued to ad vantage in enjoying Kate'i supper, To any one not in the fecret, it wn a niot caiual question, but Lillian rye and mine met in wi!t compre heniion of the elder woman' mean ing. She wat briciiiniiig the cam paign to keep Dicky away from all knowledge of or power to Interfere with our excursion with Katie. "I wat a few niinutet ago, Iier ton replied. "But Katie' 'ham and' ha made a nefr man of me. What' on your mind, Mother dear? I al way know there's fomething you want me to do when you ask me if I in tired. "Richard Graham, you know bet ter than that I" hi mother began in d gnantly. Then, with an evident re membrance of the role the was about to play, the put aside her indignation a most aitonishing proceeding from her and finished her little tpcech in a more plaintive tone, "But I do want you to do some thing for me tonight," she (aid, and Dicky alway a true gallant where hi mother is concerned blew a kiss at her and answered promptly. "Anyth ng your little heart desires, Mother, dear." "My little heart doesn't desire much," he retorted. "Only a little motor ride." , Nothing in Dicky' face howed his. dismay at this request, and I knew that he would never let his mother guess the reluctance he felt to undertake even a short drive after the long journey we. had just com pleted. But I felt a lively sympathy for Dicky, though I realized hi moth er had hit upon the only effective scheme for keeping him out of the Til be Rlad to take you," he eaid heartily, "but aren't you afraid it's too chilly for you?" v "I'm not going," she taid. "It's Elizabeth I want you to take. I've been telling her ever since she' been here about how wonderful the moon light is on the ocean, and " "But the moon won't rise tonight until almost 11 o'clock," Dicky pro tested, and I saw that he was fast be coming appalled at the strenuous prospect before him. Cash j3 J Sanaafe ' morning " 1 ""T!!ZrZIZZIZ L -J-J3DI BUY-RITE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY BUY-RITE FRUIT DEPARTMENT. 3uy-Rite Stores offer 1 carload of extras fancy Highland Sweet Navel Oranges, 6O0 value Special, per dozen 37 65c value Special, per dozen 424 Due to a heavy frost in southern California, our next consignment will be much higher. Buy now! 300 boxes of large thin shinned juicy Sun- klst Lemons, dozen 274 Dr. Phillip's or Blue Goose juicy thin skin- , ned Grapefruit, large size, 3 for -334 ) for 59) Extra fancy WInesap Apple, per dox .....$3.25 Another carload of the celebrated Oregon ' Northern Spy Apples, all desirable sizes, "- ; per box, special $3.35 10 pounds for 95 e C Golden Glow Sweet Potatoes, 3 pounds for..28e) 6 pounds for 50 CANDYl CANDY! I CANDY!! J ' Fresh shipment of 5,000 pounds of Balduff's celebrated Egyptian Chocolates, l ib. box. 59 half-pound box for.... 35c) Another fresh shipment of Borden's Milk Chocolate bars and Almond bars, six 5c bars for 23 ei 12 five-cent bars 450; 24 five-cent bars 75) These Candies are pure food products. FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! 1,000 bass of Omar, the Wonder Flour, per 48-lb. sack $1.95 500 bags of Pillsbury's Best Flour, 48-lb. sk. $2.49 1;000 bags of Gooch's Best, the popular Flour, 48-pound sack $1.89 500 bags of Red Star, the ONLY Flour, 1 48-pound sack .' $2.39 500 bags of Little Hatchet Flour, 48-lb. sk. . .$1.75 5,000 bags of Fresh Ground Wheat Graham Flour, per large sack 294 HANNEGAN & CO.. ttUt An. and Leavmwartk F. B. BOGATZ, tl.l and H Sta. Rmrth Sidt ERNEST BUFFETT Thp ilroeer of ThwH OSCAR E. NELSON, 1Mb end X. St: Sonth fiid ' FRANK KUSKA, ' Uth and Garflel "1 know that at well a you do,' hi mother retorted tartly. "Hut Llirabcih ha tome lioii!ng the want to do in Southampton 'the hat to go home in a day or two, you know, on account of the children' tchool. And when the finiuhr that you can drive back to Uridgchaiup' ton beach in time to tee the moon rie on the ocean. Then you'll be only four milet from home, and can get back well before midnight." "Some little bean on my niothrr eh, what?" exclaimed Dicky, trying to catch in my eye the sympathy to which he evideutly felt he wa enti tled. But I evaded hi glance, for frar he should tee 111 v recognition 01 the fact that hi maternal parent in deed wa possessed of 'aTime bean "Greatest little planner oil record." Dickv went on. in a oraisworthy but patently painful attempt to register approval ot me proposca cxpiiiiiou I was afraid that Elizabeth Ilarri- lon would refuse to accept Dicky' aacrif ce, for uch hi acceptance of hi mother program really was. She, of courte did not know her mother' real reason for asking, and it did not seem possible that a nor mally unselfish woman would permit a weary brother to undertake to ttren uous an evening. But Mrs. Harri son is one of those women who take all service for granted, with regal in difference to the comfort or discom fort of the one jerving her, and in ttead of protesting she gave Dicky one of her low, wcet smiles, in tended to indicate placidity and a rare nature, but which I think would drive me to ome desperate exped ient of escape were I compelled to be the recipient of many of them. "I can think of no more wonder ful trip," she said. "I have a wanted to see the moonlight on the ocean." "It's some sight, all right," Dicky admitted. "But it's really wasted upon a brother and sister. It takes an encraeed couple, an affnity twain or a pair of married spoons really to appreciate it." His eyes caught mine, and held them for an instant so brief that no one noticed his look. But I caught it. and held it to my heart. He had not forgotten, then, but had cherished even as I, the memory of our won derful rambles upon that moonlight beach. For a few seconds a strong distaste for my excursion of the eve- J Abetter ieat -ihe miller gniidsbetter L SYRUP! SYRUP!! SYRUPIH 1 gallon cans of Karo Corn Syrup, gal 43 y3 gallon cans of Karo Corn Syrup, y3 gal 230 1 gallon cans of Karo White Syrup, gal.. . 530 gallon cans of KaTO White Syrup, gal. 330 Full quart cans of Pure Country Sorghum, per quart 320 Full, quart cans of Pure Sugar House Molasses, per. quart 324 BUY-RITE PILLARS Fresh shipment of Buy-Rite Brand Coffee, 3 pounds for 950 Nishna Valley Buy-Rite Brand Butter, lb.- 360 Clover Blossom Buy-Rite Brand Butter, lb. 350 50c jars of Sweet Midget Pickles, jar .... 430 Mazola Oil, pint cans, 284 quart cans... 530 gallon cans, 950; gallon cans $1.75 All brands of Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 pkgs 250 6 pkgs ....474 Large pkgs. Star Naptha Powder, each. .....270 3 pkgs. for 790 10 bars of Crystal White Soap 530 Per box of 100 bars '.. $4.99 Linn's Cleaner, large packages, 3 pkgs... 580 100 dozen Buy-Rite Brooms, a $1.25 value Special, each ' 830 Folks, this is a new shipment of Brooms, they are a little larger and heavier, and will stand the wear 100 better. 2-pound packages of Sunsweet Prunes... 380 5-pound packages of Sunsweet Prunes. .... 830 Folks, these are extra fancy Santa Clara Prunes. Fresh shipment of 5,000 cans of Grand Canon or Prince Apricots in heavy syrup: per can, 330; 3 cans 894 Peeled Apricots, per can, 350; 3 cans ...$1.00 THORN A SNYGG, Walnut Hill Grocer fortieth aa Hamilto ' JENSEN BROS., SSth and Cominc GEO. I. ROSS 34th and Amei. J. D. CREW A SON, Thirty-third and Arbor n'ng tiffd rue, the excur.ion of vUikh Lilian did not ih Duty to know. I realised to the full it grave importance, but I could not help re Problems That Perplex BEATRICE Mulder if l ite In Ved. IVr Mln K.rMx: 1 am a mother of flv children arid ihey have hardly any fluthra. I'o you think 1 Intra are eo!a In Omaha who liava nld rlothea I could make ovr,for the children? Thanking In advance, I am your truly. MiiR. C. W. 1 hope someone may have noma old iluthlna to artid you, I will kei-p your itama and addrefti on nio to tend to anyone who w iahc It. To Old l aalilnned. Pear Ml Kaiirux: 1 read a letter in your column a tew day t;o that aeeiii Impoanible for me to dimia from my mind. I, hava never writ ten to you before, hut till letter aenda out a challnnaa that I feel it a man's duty to auawer. The let ter waa written ly a tctrl and signed "Old J'aahlouad." Hhe wanted to know whut la the truubla with tha boy nowadnya. 1 have many frlemla, both irlrta and boya, and I, tot, have noticed the an me thing that an apeaka of. hut I don't think It la hardly futr to ay "the boya." which Iniiudea all of tia. for thcra are aome of 11 a that are different Many tlmea I have come home after evening with the young folka tilled with die appointment becauae 1 thnuaht they were not whut they ahoulu be. Mother any that ia because 1 am an old faahloned boy and that the younc folka of today are different lou aaxea we ooya ir inrjo were not a vaac majority 01 ua mat treat ed a girl with wholesome reaped, 1 AnVEBTIHEMENT. Secret of a Good Disposition A woman who carefully safeguards her health benefits her disposition. She will be happy and attractive to all. The world unfortunately is filled with weet women who are unhappy because they are held back from use fulness by trouble so common among them. Frctfulness and nervousness rapidly destroy good dispositions. Sickly, all-worn-out women cannot make happy homes. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is a safeguard of women's health. This is dearly proven by the many letters we are continually pub lishing 111 this paper from women who have been restored to health and happiness by its use after years of suffering. Why don t you try it? AND THURSDAY J M. J. B. COFFEE. We searched the market ' for the besf value in Coffee, and M. J. B. Coffee is our cnoice. It's simply delicious, and economical, too! We guarantee every can. Vacuum packed, per pound, special.... 454 GILES BROTHERS, Brnwmj WILKE & MITCHELL Fortieth aad Fsrnam LYNAM & BRENNAN, 1Gti and Dnrrr- w E. KARSCH CO., Vinon an Eln fit. ARMAND PETERSEN, tses Sherman Art, belling at the fte which had con. tinned nie to spy uin amine sordid menace ! Katie, while Dttky trod the tuooiillght taudt wiili lii titter. FAIRFAX. tan proudly aay that in of ua do. I want to thank ou fur )Our wurda, "I want lo believe Iter are, and I know lliero aie," I airwila tha tHinndenra aliown tV tlm.e worila. AN VLU KAHHtoNfcU 1JUV. Woman !luut I will have to a4 vlaa yuu aa 1 did a friend t)i other day. When you grow diat-uuraaed Wllh other people, juat remember that your blageat Job la to tnakej of yuuraelf what you ttilnk other pen pie on lit to be. Ha charitable toward olhera. Tolerance la aome thing the world needa. . Ikiltblcl Weight ia baaed upon heiaht. aa well aa a if", but more particularly height. You did pot civo ma your height, ao I can form no el!mai of your weight.. I think It la all right for a high svhool sirl lo bo to achool partlea with boya provided ho doeen't let her social Intereata aaaume a arenter Impor tance than her school work, Mr. C.tTha Klna" Feature Kyn dlottte published "My Marriage Problem, or Kcvelatlona of a Wife." Write to them at 241 Went fifty eighth street, Naw York City, Twlimt I do not objeot to proper dancing. I do object to bad com pany. I object to late houra for young girls. I objort to neglect of Te nft aa ffum im,tf m iiarfiaa araa , iaa aaraafj I Almost .XX 1 here! L Soon Kk J 1 Watch for Him! y Let Hartman Feather Your Nest! '5 The Magic Power of Yeast Vitamine These Tiny Food Elements Stand Be tween Thousand and the Health and Success They Seek Are Combined With Raisinized Iron in Grants Vita-Vim, the . Body Building Tonic Which Is Amazing Users Everywhere The magls w e f ot yeast vitamin wae proved by hundreds of experi ment! by scientists a few years aso and Is being proved again tn thousands of homes throughout tha eountry today. For 6 r a 1 1 Vltt-VIm Is being used with remarkable yes, really wonderful results. i Health determines itieeess, haarlness and long life. And you oan't t healthy without yeast vitamine. - These vital food elements are present In most foods, aa you probably know. In their natural atate, but are very often destroyed In preparatloa or eooklng. When potatoes are pared, or oabbage ballad, practically all the vitamlae art lost, and so en through Fully Guaranteed. If Results are not Thoroughly Satisfactory Your Money Cheerfully Refunded. FOR SALE BY Walnut Hill Pharmacy ' Benaon Pharmacy Reld-Duffy Pharmacy Green'a Pharmacy Saratoga Drug Co. Lakaview Pharmacy Tohin Cut Price Drug Co. Sherman Jr. McConnell, 6 (tor Beaton .Drue Co. Myera-DiUon Drug Co. Pope Drug Co. Unitt-Docekal Drug Co. Tralle's Inn. James E. Correll. Be Sura to Get the Cenulne. Accept no Substitutes ' Established 1S94 RUPTIM for ordinary cases. 10 days spent here with me. No danger or laying up in a hospital. Call or write for particulars. Dr. Frank H. Wray, No. 807 North SSth St, Omaha. Neb. Directions: Take a -Mth or 15th street car going north and get off at SSth and Cuming tSts. Third residence south. : really important thlnse fr the mare urauit til lileaaoia 1 object to Ult t trait thinking. Whenever dannlng oralis any of the Ih , I tt)JM 10 II. Iwrwntii aMfliifrar I ant not putiiuMug your teller beiauM It I o inn. h lika ,'OI fr'aahloriad a' that lha repltea 10 her win apply to you. A. A. A. Aren't you tat eu treated Ilia Bit! well whether an deaerved U Or PotT Aailoiiti I cannot auawer your queeiioiia about iiooi uioaon. A Silly Song By A. CUCKOO BIRD. ' One morning, at ! cleaned t' harn, 1 heard Kanary yell, "Oh ja ma ayt lo trll you that the co ain't acting well." I went out In the lamyard and, by the rack. I found our Jcriey cow all bloated up and lying on the ground. I hurried to f tie tcirpnonr, to arnq me aoct&r word, two neighbor wives were on the line and this it what 1 hrard. "Ilc'lri. irrrrn nine I It thia you May? I'm glad I found you there." And while, (our hours, they chewed the rag l raved and tore my hair. I d wait ahout 10 minutes, then crab the crank and ring, and May would ay. Now in t he the most impatiei't thing. I'm glad the wind i rising. Our tank was nearly dry." "We tilled ours with the cnHiue." ".My cow is sick." yelled J. "The men are "cultivating corn. They say the fields are wet." "Yes, but the wecd i're growing." Tleate let me rintf a long list of foods on which we depend . for health. Pork, for example, contains no vltamlnes at all! And with many vttamlaei destroyed be fore meels get to the table the safe thins to do Is take Grants Vlta-Vlm. This remarkable preparatloa adds firm muscular flesh to tha weak and elekly; clears the skin of sallowness, pimples and Indigestion, and regains youthful enthusiasm, energy and vitality. In accomplishing these results. It brings many of the Joys of life to persons who otherwise would continue to lead haadl. capped lives. In tablet form, pleasant and easy t take. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Res Pharmahy Yates Drug Store Bcraaek at Son . Barney Dugaa Drug Co. Burgepa-Naah Brandeis Stores Lea Rial to Drug Store Be Sura to Get ' tha Genuine. Accept bo ' Substitutea I have a successful treatment for Rupture without resorting to a painful and uncertain surgical operation. My treatment has more than twenty-five years of success behind it. and I claim it to be the beat. I do dot inject parafiine wax. as it is danaeroua. Time rvnnired the Vet " "! kI i lien l!u' imi'it ing," "I n Kmr yrtrtdr,y." " ir !te nudiiMtt p-' ii; " "My vo'V v it) P )" tiiuliiik'ht v.hen gut the Wt. t i-ine out it oure," I mil. He nine and m cow and akrd, "Wow iig h ' leen deedf it Ntik.vt sr. Is That Cold and Cough Hanging On? YOU will le convinced (hat Dr King'a New Ifcatovtry (Iocs juwB hat it is meant to do auutbeg ctatb raw throats, coneration-totmenteif cheats, rnoarna the 4iH-tna pack afltt breaks tha otwlinate nail and I''PP attack, relieves) the congestion Ml lb head. No harndul druf, therelorsj uud for children a well aa grownups. Kifht away yon iU notice thai Chang for the Utter. Has con vincing, heating lete that you will eprarcute. liuy a UHt!e at any drug ri I oo the way home to-aigbt, 6Uc Dr. King's New Discovery - I M A -A IT- rorcoias ana couns Laay reople, Laay Howel7T't neglect constipation. It undermine the health, ttkea all vim out of vou. l)r. King'a Iiila will invicoratet the system, stir up the liver, move thai bowels. Alt druKKtsls. 25c. s D PROMPT! v-ont CRn I r.Kin0'sPmsi i "'.i j 4 Be Comfortable; Stop Eczema Torture Sow With Zemo Thousand! of Eczema sufferers have found welcome relief from their burning torture In Zemo, the antiseptic liquid treatment for all skin afHictiont. Zemo relieves Tetter and rashes, eliminates pirn plea and blackhead a, keeps the skin clear and smooth. All Druggists'. FOR SKIN IRRITATION! Big Chocolate Coated Doughnut and bottle of Ala mito Milk, one week only, all for. ...... Restaurants AUYKRTISlEMKIST. Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Kroe Trial f ot a Method That Anyone . van use minout iiiacomtort or Loss of Time T' have a method for the control el Aathma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case la of long standing or recent development, whether It Is present as Chronic Asthma or Hay Fever, you should send for a free Trial of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you sre troubles with Asthma or Hay Fever, our methoC should relieve you promptly. ' We especially want to send It to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forme of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our exe pense, that our method ia designed te ond all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms. This free offer is too imoortant ta neglect a single day. Write now and be gin tne method at once. Send no money, SUnply mail coupon below. Do it today-a you do not even pay postage. i FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 366 G., Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo, N. T. Send free trial of your method to: ADVERTISEMENT. An Aid to Wearing 7 This Season's Fashions . (Helps to Beauty) Here is a simple, unfailinar wav trJ rid the skin of obiectionable hairs! With some powdered delatone and water make enough paste to cover the hairy surface, apply and in about 2 minutes rub off, wash the skin and everyi trace of hair has vanished. This is quite harmless, but to avoid disappointment be sure to get thfj delatone in an original package. Itched and Burned. Lost Rest Cuticura Heals. " Pimplea broke out on my face and neck. They were hard, large and red, and itched and burned cauaing roe to acratch and Irritate the affected parte. My face waa diafigured for the time being, and I lost my rest at night becauae of the irritation. " The trouble laated about a year. I sent for a free ample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment which hejpsd me ao I purchased more and waa healed, after uaing three cakes of Soap, together with the Ointment." (Signed) Mist Minnie Zimmerman, 809 Holloway St., Akron, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1921. Uee Cuticura for all toilet purpose. tuafJe tack Trm vy SUM Address: "Hfetleera ls eestartea.Bept.a.iftltusea.tjMs.'1 boi4 Seep 36c. Olncnvnt end Ae. TvleassSJe. BafsT'Ceticara Soa akaeew visa Sana. r i f Twin- 1 ; Eight j V CHOCOLATES INNER-CIRCLE j& CAN D1EJ All pimples FACE AND NECK