lftC THE BF.K? OMAHA, SUNDAY. JANUARY 22. 1922. AUTOMOBILESJP0RJALE. euMri Y.i..ius la ueed furd.1 eiaiapl tleiin.iy new Curdi ii i ah motor ro.. Th hands 4 nor!.' mall. t'b aadJa ke..a '"' J' , Wli.l.tVkSlilMT Itus.leiw. Jt. liaol iuii 4 ta.n, baleor 11.ui.1hlr Free aier. asa hum iribg. Mi. Hull. mil. rrasm nt. iiCK .ii.. Ilk. I'm .. I tl, Mer ...I heuaing. It . Hi"! gear. , Net Aula Hern. Do. 4l, liHih l.lhei NrWj Jl T HKAC ihuiH. I liiHT I'll "' IT AT til b'AltNAM PI, f IINW l" MT, imxA TiVv i. nui i iFi Vku cau. A efa Uvealtiiei.l. f'h d Kerneiit "I HOima laiiit1 J AvViHV'T'u.-lirVltiii: iti,"wnrtli mora; .h.. enn.titiun. kTltul'U COMI'AMf, 1-1 II AM A M r'U. IhKIl ara Iwusht. ..d and es.hans'd, TKAWVKR At TO 1 11., Ill Fainsm ! "MMIITUI Vl K N T HUN! lKI Helms, all make I' Ml. au.tt. nt'iwiqr neair. " r MrliClis Almost newi I"'"' be ulJ by Jan SUK rail DO. , iTol.t.Y. etert aula Iriniirsr.jnl I4tn. FARM LANDS. 'Canadian Land. " TAX SALE LANDS Buy These Bargains by Mail. tor I" ' arllh buildings. Hi for a beautiful wooded lot. t;i fr ! ai'rra wiih Iroul airaam. fur Mrga auraia an .luli'ul Ht for pramlilni gold mlnlnc prop. H)l (at : acraa Bunny Albarla, A-l '"aIh baaullfully altuatt hunllna rami anl flahina IhI(h whrra Ihrra la ral hunllna and fmhlna. nunimrr 'nllnaa aura. Inlamla nf all alv-a, hrv. ly aoo.l'd it. all alluaiad In Mm I. ub a. liruralan lUy dlalnrt. wilh Ha la.Bnlt l.lin.la. AKnnnum park with Ha 0A l.k.a. Hmhlanila of Ontario, Ijiko f liaya ami tha famnua Muaknka l.tkn roaion. Alro farnia In ulil On tario. W ht farma and raltla ranrhra In aunny Albvrla. Arraara of all In Haakatrhowan and Manitoba. All of farad at I r-nla on tha dollar of thnr talur-, and on raay monthly paymania of i and upwanla. For tha fifth 'ar vta ara offrrinx fanadlan Taa Ha la T.anda In th I'nltrd Htalaa, barauaa Anirrlran money la atlll at a amall prrniluin In t anada and barauaa Can ada and tha t'nliad Htalra ara tha two lnurt proaparnua rnuntrlra In ' tha world today. In Canada Iraa than ona In avrry I.OOB farma ara offered thla vrar for ta. Hrnd for llluatralrd liai of above and too other propartlra aolrtd and aold for taxaa. Every prop erty la fully dea-rllrd and offered at a atalrd prli-a. Kend no money, arnd for Hat today, an you will iiava flrat rham-n. Tax Mala Uureau. 12 Quern St., Want, iMntrlrf. 31, Toronto. Canada. Idaho Lands. Where Can You Beat This Offer? l-S. I I. or all of 0 acres of Rood Idaho farming land for aula at 111 10 per acra caah. or IS on lerma. 4 thla land la under cultivation; nearly all tillable; lava aah soil; fin rav deep wall of purest water. Would leans to reaponalhle parties. Addrrss T. O. Hox lllarkfoot, Idaho. Iowa Lands. iOO-ACKB corn farm, Hamilton county. Iowa, near Story City; beat black corn aoll; 170 acres crop, bal. hay and oas ture: well tiled; Kood blilg.t sacrlfu-e equity for caah. Owner, F, O, Box 17, Terry, la. Minnesota Lands. J.'QUITY Land Bichanaa. 8t Paul. Minn Wisconsin Lands. I.ANDOI.OUY. FREK. SPECIAL NUMBER Just out, contulnlns many facia of I'luvrr, land In Marlnetto County, Tl3 conaln. If for a home or an Invest ment you ara thinking of buying good farm lands, whero farmera grow rich; ' nend at ones for this special number of l.ANDOLOOV. It Is frea on request. Address Skldmore-Rlehle Land Co., 403 Kkldmore-Rlehie Bid.. Marinette. Wis. For Rent. Dairy farm, 110 acres, on Underwood avenue. Immediate possession. George & Co., AT. 3024. 902 City National Bank Bldff. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WK have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. I.OtJOEB. INC.. 63S Keellnn BUI ft OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. lets Om. Nat. Bk. Bldn. Jsckson 2716. 1100 TO 110,000 made promptly. P. D. Wead and Bowman Co. U'ead Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. I'IRST farm mortgage. I1.00U. 7, 6 J re appraised value 110.000. Write Kloka Inv. Co., 845 Omaha Nat'l Bank. LIBERTY bonda and stocks bought and sold. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW & CO.. 860 OmahR National Bank Building. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 3644. Mack's Bond House. 1431 1st Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE HAVE BUYERS WITH GOOD CASH PAYMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING. Five or six-room bungalow In Dundee with living room across front of the house. . Six-room house In Montclalre. Colonial house In Dundee, not over 110.000. Eight-room house, centrally located, for rooming house. Six-room bungalow In Dundee with garage. Duplex brick, centrally located. Call Mr. Buchtel, Douglas 8632. J. J. Mulvihill, . Realtor. JA. 3353. 101 Brandels Theater Bldg. Dundee and Field Club Property Needed W ipecializ la these . locations. Courteous, efficient service. Evenings HA 4747. Mr. Ivovejoy. C. G. Carlberg, ; Bealtor. JA 0585. Attention, Property Owners! WE have calls for rental property. List your property tor rent with American Security Co., BO. 50U. 1802 Dodge St. We Have Cash Buyer for 6. 6 or 7-room homo In Field Club or Hanscom Park district. Quick sale it priced right. N. P. DODGE & CO. 404 Mlckel Bldg. Douglas 0821. Charles W. "oung & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 1603 City Nat Bk. AT. 9668. To boy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1421. GRUENIG rZ&:,thx' 3418 1st Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson Hfid. DrDTETTR E A L ESTATE AJAAVrVAX J. Sells, Rents. Insures. 550 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 0(133. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A Orlmmel. Omsha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. IF TOU wish to sell your t or 6-roorn house ouickly. call TV A. 6704 evenings, or JA 068. as we have several buyers. D. ROY WOODWARD. - Investments and Insurance. JA. 3135. 703 Petera Trust Bldg. WANTED Several thouaand acres west ern lands. Western Land and Loan Co., Sloua City. la. . K. H. BENNER COMPANY. Insurance. Call Edward Pcley. Douglass S40S. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WANTED To exchange land In one of the best Irrigated valleys In Colorado for stock of general merchandise, gents furnishings or hardware and machinery , Lac. Addrtsi Sex X-li79. Omaha Bsa. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE I.Ookl ii r I-" I ' ' lUlie from r. Ib.' Cmm4h I a. tea knee I laud, batsaie P' Int.. lain S.aie s . lU liki any Mum I taa bono II. M a4 baver geeum l:e puf an' lb pier. V4drs II. A. Dty, V M.l. eiui p.d rsa.-b end siock, will trhanaa fur ia4 farm ar Incuiiis, r a4 task nua Fin wheat (arm r I1' ar ia (lata Uni lr iniprii acr'ese. Howell Inv. Co., 1:1 ! inn. UAVH goad, aii.oolh, laial ! land In ilii.irr uumr, e.a, to esrnanae fur ftir-aina aia-a. anua. naraaaia ar gma furntatiifiga. t lemanl U u son. Trli.un. lriy ruuuty, Kaueaa. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Owner Must Sell. On 5.o merifase an farm and ranrii w.irih lie.oso, improved; also oaf .ftft4 morigaaa M.ooa juat as lol as a first, an riuee In Uluht income, MI aall ao that your money will aet oa II per ceni. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, us ut anuria i neaiar. Close-In Corner I by lth t houaaa, wiilun a Mi k of the sua of tha nw f l.aoo.oao i'.iks nun. n.jun.i i.i mcreaso in value, fcva US fur parllculars. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtor. -1011 Omaha National Bank Bldf. Jackson 1711. Investment Bargain Apartment houae, beat locatlnf In Omaha; Income 17.000 yearly, l;Mu) with 111.000 caah handles this. D. Roy Woodward, JA. 1331. 701 relers Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. H1X-ROOM HKAUTr MUUKHN ISO CASH Spacious reception hall, eiceptlonally large living room and dlnlg room. A lovely bedroom downaialrs with a closet. All downstairs finished In bssuilful golden oak; hulli-ln features convenient ly plsced. Time saving kitchen, built-in pantry: two large bedrooms upstairs esch with two closets. Enamel bath, clothes chute, linen closet, cement ba le nient, bullt-ln laundry. A moat com plete home, everything up-to-date, HHOPEN & CO., J A. 4228. Dundee. HAPPT HOLLOW BLVD. Ten-room, Spanish typ. Kellaatone; double garage; large corner lot with double frontage, all kinda of flowers and shrubbery; vapor heat; oak through out, with Ivory finish; fireplace; all bullt-ln featurea. One of the most com plete homes In the city. Pries. 130,000 on good terms. Sunday call WA 0QJ1. J. I.. IHATT COMPANY,' C. C. Hansen, president. 1114-lt Douglas. AT 0013. Dundee Home Sites $760 on up. List of over 100 to choose from. Belman, AT 1350. WA 1241. 723 Peters Trust Bldg. START YOUR HOME NOW We will build for you on any ona of several choice Dundee locations. Build ing costs ara right. Let us show you soma attractive plans. Terms can be arranged. MATTSON & SMAILS. 1214 City Nat'l Bank. DO. 810J. Florence NETH AWAY sells and trades. KE. 14.i. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Leavenworth Heights Lot, $750 on this lot or on one or two othe-s that we own In this desirable district. We will build you a house or bungalow according to your Ideas at the low?a possible price consistent with good con struction. Call 13. N. Benson, Harney 0844, Sunday. Benson & Garrett, BETTER BUILT HOMES. 414 Arthur Building. Atlantic 1640. Price Reduced on Field Club Home 1326 S. 35th St. Strictly modern, extra well built, quarter-sawed oak fin ish; 7-r. home, -4 bedrooms; modern basement, big attic. Owner has moved to Chicago. Must sell. Worth I9,o00; If you have 11.500 cash you get this for 18,250. See it by appointment only. D.E.Buck& Co., 743 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. JA. 2000. Newlon. HA. 6942. Perro, WE. 0832. VACANT LOTS. 60x124. south front, on Lothrop street, near 21st St., among nice homes, for 11,250. , 60x124, on 21st St., near Sprague St., for $760. 50x130, south' front on Decatur St., between 38th and 40th Sts., with sewsr, water and Eas, for $400. Two nice laying lots, 60x146, well lo cated, only one block to car line, at a bargain price of only $250 each. W. II. GATES, , C47 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA- 1204. Close-In Bungalow Owner takea .loss of $1,600 on this beautiful six-room, all modern Kella atone bungalow. In best close-In neigh borhood; paved street and drive; one block to car line. Full cement' base ment. Compare this value with any thing else In town. It's a bargain at today's values'. Sunday phone Mr. Shaver, Kenwood 37(8, or Mr. Metcalfe, Walnut 2776. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mickel Bldg. Douglas 082$, Big Value in a Field Club Home Strictly modern home, 8 rooms ind bath, Ice sunroom and sleeping porcn, nicely decorated, large pleasant rooms, aU oak floors; full cement basement, floor drain, coal bins; lot faces south; good garage. A real bargain; 17,300; terms, 91,500 cash, balance f 60.00 per mo. Open Sunday t to 5 p. m. for in spection. Phone Harney 6942 or Douglas 890. or see S5&6 Pacific St. $6,000 Fontenelle Blvd. Brand new oak finished bungalow. East front and large lot. One of the very finest locations in the city, adjoin ing Clalrmont. High and sightly. Easy terms can be arranged. Bedford-Johnston Co., 806 World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734. Sunday call Mr. Johnston, KE. 1835. BEMIS PARK DISTRICT LAFAYETTE NEAR 33RD STREET ' A fine bungalow type home. Built a few years ago. Five rooms first floor. Attic finished Into three rooms. Prop erty all in fine condition. Priced at 16.760. Call Mr. Kyhl, Walnut 4230 today. . H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT. 2403. 61S Petera Trust Bldf. 33d and Davenport, $4,950 8-room, modern house and beautiful south and eist front corner. The chouse neeas a mite repair, dui me location is fine. $1,350 cash. This has good possibilities. Bedford-Johnston Co., 80S World-Herald Bldg. JA. 1734. Edgewood Addition New six-room bungalow, east front, close to csr Una on paved atreet. A real home. Owner leaving city. Can give Immediate possession. For par ticulars call Walnut 2112. HANSCOM PARK LOT. S00. Paving paid, ila neighborhood. HA 1ZIT. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED, IU HniW4 AMI alrr.llSu I'tlMlti N4M HiSt. IIU likli I. Litn.0 fmi a rwe f'aaij diHiwg fmun e4 Itiuhaa aa fuel fi""'i I UjlM.a. Mia sa4 aiMpiHg pure a .na4 n.apla 1 1 mi re ikmiaam will .. I ruraiiura Inaaawt la-lay. 44 aus.lar ar a.iaa, HA IIS" $110 Per Month Income A.Vf) I.IVISil HiXlilS r"ie l-mant lutn,; II sea. aaa- m Iw4 raa.tuiaH Ml it pay fur la.lf Mr. ifcejoy, fl A ir, I l.OTANI rtOuM'ltoL'Pli. IMsa, Laxa'ad faw aiu.as aaal ef Krua rik Hsa furnare and aleeiria lighia Heal arialn. J A a, evrnlns. WA Star f R l 1 M M 1 I " It H V " II O r K lTH AND Wtl.HTKM. Il.s Mtory and a alf Irp baM, aiilnly madam. Kauia Hani, paved atri J A st4 iB4y r evening, w, 4111 IKMI PARK MNTKUT S. I roam fcupgalow, aa.t front lot. ta le.ks I ear. K till ar J A 4!l fi. K. lil'I'K A tia. boy and sail b-m-e North. Minne Lusa racing Miller Park. A fin bom. Raven rooms. Hun room, villi French dears, titra larga living roam Hh fireplace) and book cases. Splendid din lug ropnt and kitchen. Pantry and rear Vestibule. Three fin bedraama and III bath en second floor. Heal ef oak finish and floors. At m pre. war price, with 11,100 caah. Be It today. . Bungalow ef five large room and breakfast ream. All bullt-ln f sal urea. Fireplace, ale. Full basement with fruit room and scaled eeal bin. Large aide. Coat te dupllrai today, 17,100. Tou can buy thl on for much less, Kellaston. twe-story, sis room and breakfast room, Alt large rooms. Tiled bath. Fireplace, Laundry treys. Prick foundation. We want an offar on thla. or might consider an rhang en well located T-room house In Dundee er Field club district, and pay cash for differ net, Sunday call KE, 1471, er KE. Hit. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTOR). TIT Omsha National Dank Bldf. AT. 1117. Administrator's Sale To close an estate, I offer for Im mediate cash aale the five-room cottage at 1421 Larlmore avenue. This bouso has five rooms, thoroughly modern, only a few years old. In flrat-elass condition Inside and out. There la a good fur nace, cemented basement, hot and cold water, food plumbing, gns ranaj In the kitchen, woodwork and floors reflnlshed, wslls newly papered throughout. Holm haa Just been painted on outalde. with two good coala lead and oil. South front lot, 46x100, on paved street, one block from 24th street csr line; convenient to school, churches and stores. Heirs desire an Immediate aale. Art quickly. Phono Ernest Sweet, Administrator, AT 4701. , Montclair 3 167 Lincoln Boulevard, corner lot; new home, rooms, hot water; has all modern Ideas, cost $15,000 to build; will be sold right; look It over. 3001 Lincoln Boulevard, t-room bunga low: fireplace, sun room, tile bath, two bedrooms; price, 1.1,200. Binder & Otis, . RRAI.TOR8. . 123 City Nat'l Ilk. nidg. J A. 2511. Loans on Real Estate. KOr.NTZIS PLACE. 17.350. POSSESSION AT ONCE. ' a Well built -room. full 5-story homo on Lothrop street, near 22d; ock.aml pine flntah; good basement; large lot; garage for one car; close to car and school. Priced low nt 17,350 far quick sale on very good terms. Now vacanl, possession at once. Sunday call KE 4125. . . J, l: HIATT COMPANY. - C. C Hansen, president. 1 1114-18 Douglas. AT C063. Hot Water Heat Nice appearing B-rm. cottage on a large lot In a very good home neigh borhood. This Is not an old place, but just a nice home. Strictly modern, of course, with a very attrcatlve yard. Yon ran handle this If you have got $309. Call Mr. JIUrhell,. Kenwood 0799, or week day evenings. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, Douglas 8330. 510 South 18th, Ground Floor. Minne Lusa Bungalow On a nice south front lot. Flexotllo stucco construction, oak finish. Has vestibule, large living room with book cases, dining room .with bullt-ln buffet, kitchen with wall cabinets and one-piece sink; rear entry. Two nice bedrooms and bath. Full floored attic; full cement basement with plastered coal bin, and floor drain. Thla bungalow will be fin ished complete In the next 10 days and purchaser may select Shades, wall deco rations and lighting fixtures. Located 2570 Bauman St. Call KE. 04110. Florence Blvd.' Bungalows If you want to buy a well constructed 6-room bungalow, finished In oak, with bullt-ln features, full attic, full cement basement, drive out today and see these. Located 6918 and 6924 Florence Blvd. Large east front lots. Sunday call KE. 0460. Norris & Norris, VS02 Dodge St. ' JA. 4270. PLEASE READ THIS Minne Lusa bungalow, weather-proof stucco; fire proof roof; large living room with fireplace and - book cas: beautiful dining room with large buffet; cozy kitchen; bullt-ln cupboard; tile bath with base tubs; I dandy bedrooms with clothes closets; full basement; excellent hot air furnace; garage to match ex terior of home; cement -'driveway. Oh yes, oak floors, oak finish, brick; ma hogany In bedrooms, 11,000 cash down. Will show try appointment this week. R. F. CLARY CO.. 14th and Ames Ave. KE. 0176. MINNE LUSA SPECIAL. One of the very choicest homes In this beautiful addition now offered for the first time: extra large living room with mssslve . fireplace and bookcases, de lightful sun room, dining room witn pretty buffet, good sized kitchen, three large bed rooms and tiled bath. A,! rooms except kitchen finished in finest of oak. Large attic; full press brick foundation; laundry tubs; garage. Hera is a 112,000 value for 38,500. Terms. Phone for appointment. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. JA.' 2282. NEW BUNGALOW Almost completed, S large rooms and bath, extra large living room, oak fln . ish, bed rooms white enamel; large kitchen cabinets; full basement; south front lot, close to car. Miller Park and Prettiest Mile club. A classy high grade home. Price, 15.750. Terms. RASP BROS.. Realtors. 110-12-14 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0751. SIX ROOMS 14,0 KOUNTZE PLACE TERMS. Reception, hall, living room, dining room and kitchen first floor. Three bedrooms second floor. Paved street. Call Walnut 6711 or Walnut 4230 todav. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. 8403. 615 Peters Trust Bldg. LIVE FOR NOTHING. All modern house, arranged for two families; I rooms and bath on each floor. Garage for S cars. Rent of one floor and garage will more than take care of payments. 18th and Locust 8ts. GLOVER & MORELL. 701 Keellne Bldg. Atlantic 3623. FOR SALE Seven-room house, close to car; oak finish, hot water heat. Can ar range terms Immediate possession. Phone WA. 2343. NEAR 26th and Larlmore. new, all mod ern 6-room bungalow; complete; 14,7.0; easy terms. at 6o. 4464 BEDFORD AVE. 4-room, modern bungalow; terms reasonable, CREIGH, 10 BEE. JA 0200. REAL PtTATE IMPROVED. Somw. Build Your Home In Parkvale I M huii.br of very 4rirt! lata ll. 1 an the rest eld ft a.-d eiiMt. eatae. ( aud riedem a ifMii; tm tk et side tf 111 eirt. btvet ua aad Purtag streets; 4 m ii.. ...i aula t Ion .tisei, btea r't.o.il, k and storing st'r'a, 1 a Ike . aide uf lam air!, btiaava wiiaat .it j Pi.rina iin.ii fat a. I ". tUaaiae in i.ri. a from ! ta l tea Attractive laritta t baa tt I futly p.id fd I HI arransa le Its uu muaay to uii your pausa, C. G. Carlberg, Has Her. Ill Brand Tb, TH'teSTT ACRKS rrt HAI.K - T It APE, fonar-asloN Af p,M fc. If you are leaking far lb finest era li.tl In IHtuglaa eounlr let ur shear yau thla one. Improt.ntenia ran ei.t ef goad a .room railage In fine r.pair; giiod barn, chirfc.n a out, oul Boaae: lata rave, bin ..4 ana memed I fruit end frepae, alfalfa, all kinda of f lawere and eftrubaer) I ett-e trie lights, windmill aalar In kllrh.n, t.tephune. Land Has asesptlonally fin. on main rued, close te pavei otraei. Owner will Mil en good terms or trade tor rattaae In Omsha. wall located. I'liaseaaion Iminadiaialy, aundsy call kg 4U er WA iaj. S, I IIIATT COMPANT, t', Hansen, president HU H Pouglaa, AT till. Parkvale H?l SI, ith St., roams. J story. I4I II. I4h Kt., I roams, t-elory, 0I M. lth Nt., I -room bungalow. lull K. I4ih Hi., t-room bungalow. 30(1 8. !4ih St., I room bungalow, Ail of these houera are brand new, enme of tham are under routes of coo. airuction. r"Jnlshet in oak aud white enamel with built-in featurea. This la n bonis owning community, t'loee to car, school and etorea. btrect and allele paved. Kaay terms. Open for Inspection today between t and I o'clock. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor. J A. till. Ill Brandel Bldf. IP you 'are looking for a home and ap- S racial acmetning thoroughly well ullt. conalrucud to keep out the cold In winter, well finished and arranged with the latrat bullt-ln featurea. large roonia. It will pay you to eiamln the homes wo ar building on South 14th Street, near Frederick Street. Located .lust two block from tha West Hid II unworn Park car line and close to school. Paved streets and paved alley Prices are low when quality and loca tion ara taken Into consideration. Fa vorable terms. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, JA. 0683. SIS Brandels Th. Bldg. Field Club Six roma; 3 bedrooms, sun room, sleeping porch, garage, a real home for 17.450. 330" Walnut, 1 rooms, I bedroom and sleeping porch; fireplace and everything; beamed celling; finished attic; double garage, etc. ' Binder & Otis, Realtors. 123 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. J A. 2:CI. . . Loans on Real Estate, 3702 S. 23d Street Six rooms and sleeping porch; corner lot; cant front; one block east of V4th street car line; paved street and alley, paving fully pild. House hsa Just re cently been decorated. Price. 15,500; 3500 cash, balance 160 per month. Im mediate possession can be had. C. G. Carlberg, ! Realtor. 312 Brandels Th. JA 0585. South Side Bargains Four-room house and garage; full basement, partly modern; good lot on Q St. Price 12,700. Six-room house, all modern, 6127 So. 41st St. Can be bought for 500 cash, easy terms. Louis Cohn, 4S23 So) 24th St. MA 0143. . 27th and Poppleton Owner out of town will take a real loss. He paid 17,000 and will take 15.850 this week. The place In fine shape; 6 rooms, oak finish, paving paid for. Call Mr. Toliver at KE. 1086; Sun day. AT. 0721. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. GOOD 6-room modern house near 21st and Bancroft. Garage 13,000; 1,000 cash. D. Roy Woodward, JA.' 3235 Sun. I to 4 702 Peters Trust Bldg. Ralston Lots t u payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. FOUR rooms, modern except heat; 31.800 Bargain. JA. 0327. 5-ROOM, all modern house; full cement and garage. AT 4009, C. Elsnsser. Vacant Property. A FEW VERY GOOD VALUES FOR THE CAREFUL BUYER. DUNDEE. 2 lots on Seward, between 60th and 61st; very sightly. Price, 1750.00, or would trade for C-rm. house. S. W. corner t49th Ave. and Izard, 60 by 126 ft. ea. Easiest terms. 11,200 ea. Discount for cash. 2 lots on 1 Jackson, between 61st and 61st Ave. South front, alley. Want offer. North front, on Nicholas, between 60th and 61st. 31,900 and '12.000. A few west of 61st on Nicholas. 11,800 to 12,000. Corner 60th Ave. and Cuming. Tacea 3 streets. Only $2,650. 75 ft. on 63d St.. between Dodge and Farnam. East front. 13,760. Adjoining N. E. cor. 62d and Jackson. West front. 60 by 125 ft, 2,260. NORTHWEST. ' S. W. cor. 46th and Spencer. 46 by 126 ft. Water, sewer, gas in. Only 760. Eight lots on Wirt, just east of 45th. 40 by 137 ft. ea. All Improvements In. 1575 to 1750 ea. So. front on Font. Blvd., between 45th and 45th Ave. 65 by 160 ft. 1,600. West front on Font. Blvd. A dandy, at only 11.600. Others In this locality, 1925 to $1,800. Business location cor. 69th and Mili tary. Only 11,600. .. MONTCLAIR. 2 lots across from new Commerce High. 12,000 ea. Corner Blvd. and Oregon Trail. Large lot. 11,700. NORTH. Some excellent values In Minne Lusa addition. N. E. corner 18th and Fowler, 80 by 138. Immediate sale necessary. 1600, Terms. These are just a few of our large Hut of lots. A V III be glad to submit your offer on the above. Let us show you our list before you buy. -Willard C. Slabaugh, ' Realtor. McCague Bldg. Jackson 2968. SOME SPECIAL LOT VALUES THAT WILL GO QUICKLY. $375 buys a 60-foot lot near Deaf In stitute; sewer, water and sidewalks. $375 buys a 60-foot cornor lot near Clalrmont;- essy terms. 1550 buys a corner near Miller Park and Miller Park achool. 1750 buys a fine lot with water. seWer. gas, sidewalks and paving tn; paving not paid. $800 buys a lot 64x145 on 4tn street, between Gold A Wright streets. All specials in. Easy terms. $900 buy an acre adjoining paved road and car line on very easy terma. At 68th and Q atreets. $1,000 buys ona and one-third acres In Benson Gardens. A high, sightly cor ner all in alfalfa. Easy terms. - $1,000 buya a 60-foot lot between IJth and 40th on Franklin street, with all apecfals paid. Shade and fruit. Terms $1,236 buys the only high corner Ht left in Clalrmont. All specials paid for. The best buy In Omaha. $600 to $1,000 will buy any lot In that fine tract at 60th and Military avenue. All specials In and paid on some. tV to 1100 down. Mr. Forbes, lot specialist, will be very glad to give you further Information re garding any of these lots. Call him to day at AT 6220. or H. S. MANVILLE, Realtor. AT 1401. VI Pster Jttaa Bldf. JREAL ESTATE IMPROVED Vacant I'fopeny. aFIi'lAI, .t.TiAhiATN !s-;aia ,,, ruiasr lt, Sl), u.ar l.evatwur!Uj iL.sltia, lw baM Ws ta vsr. i.s-..r Itth and Kprsgue St., i a a.w.r, are'", gas Ks.v terms, I'aaVtfur route f,. tnty uis la.ua, nki4 fclwn iif .svan ttarth ll.igliia bl-ba to rar, I, ;t li.ri.a.ki.t fenlaoelle prj Ju.i nlf the aunt., a id taslia. :aa '..,i. n i f.it. ..i. 414 tad tiraad akeau. p.ar rar and e-'html, II aa a.al float iatlli), 1 gpiais in ad paid, Mua.ie. II. l-a.uuil, f enMa,N park. il H. all rl.ar; a snap I! ma-Ci-M rluk .prl '.aH.lKu talus In llmlial pail af I'mbiI oaitxliNK liVAl.Tr C'. f-.'T .tf"".H''' i. .. . , ' ' Itl'T tMS f f THtUB UJta, can aeeure far ou loan for at least thi.e limaa Ilia alu ef our lul, If " Kaad flnsntlng Ilia lavsnaorih Halgbta, black le far Una, liaoo Nar tlsirmonl, south front, pa. ad l.l&llth A .near Taeirie Pt. I1.U 'Hanecatn Park, east front. And host of other, A'a will fisuis your plsn, build, help flnanra, averse th Jub nd render full lleattor ssfvitt, BCHROepKIt INVESTMENT CO., Ill Itr. Cirhangs. lTth and Harney, JA. Sltl, Dundee Lots U ft. en t'hlraan a(ret brivmn iut an 174. auih fM, trioft, M-HoUm irrvi Pfiwnn M, aim p i, faAHl faasalaaaat aaakarlta I Ultra a as ai sal . a. hrtu n , iftftiioeiMitltrat t-urtif r, f 7lf ami i apuni, f i.oqu ' Binder & Otis, Realtor . KJ City Nat'l Hank Hid. J A, tUl. Loan on Real fatal. LOT n.ar Htll'r park en pavrd atrl, paving paid. H'.o. Terma. Jsrkaon lilt Acreage. Florence Acreage five srrra practically level. Nice five room bungalow with cncloaed porch. Furnace; city water; electric light; sewer; cement walka: fruit and berrlea; garage; poultry houses, hog houses: flv blocks to car line. Immediate poser slon. Reasonable terma. Call KE. 1471 or KB. :iJ2. West Dodge Corner Only eight blocks west of Kslracrss; 1.77 acres; price. 13.160; terma on ap plication. The Byron Reed Co.. . nottr.LAI" 02-.. HIT Farnnm Rt. Central. 23D ANl CALIFORNIA. I nice roonia. strictly modern; a real speculation. 14.200; I,200 down, 40 per mo. Act quick. Jacltaon 1282. Weddi mgs Rubblna-Hlns. Grsnd Island. Neb. The marriage of Miss Emily Hlni of this Ity and Arthur Rnbblna of Fort Collins, Colo., took place st the Catholic parsonngo in this city. Rev. Fatheg tlelmea performing the Im pressive ring ceremony In tha presence nf only the Immediate relatlvea. Fol lowing the ceremony a breakfast was served at tha home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Torpey. After a brief honey moon trip In the west the couple will reside In Fort Collins, where the groom Is engaged In business. x MnrmH-Mlddlrton. Table Ruck. Neb. Mtlfred Marmet, the Indent son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Msrmet of F.Ik Creek, and .Miss Alice Mlddletnn were married nt the home of the bride at Steinauer, Neb. lAne-tiooftale. Tawnee Cily, Neb. The story of the marriage of Miss Lois Goodale of Burch ard, former Pawnee City High school student, to Wesley Lane of Lewlston, has been made public after having been kept secret by the couple and their few con fidants since December 28. The bride wont to Omaha to visit an old friend, Miss Helen Hswson. and while there was married to Mr. Lane. Upon returning home, the affair was kept secret. Mrs. Lane Is teaching In the consolidated schools at Lawiston, and will complete her year. Mr. Lane conducts a garage at Lewlston, where they will make their future home. Frlrntl-Otonpallk. David City. Neb. Mrs. Frances Otou pallk has announced the marriage of her daughter. Virginia, to . George Friend of this city. The mnrrlage has. been kept a secret since September 11, 1321, the date of the wedding. Mllls-Lawson. David City, Neb. The wedding of Selma Lawson and Dewey Mills, both of this city, took place at the M. E. parson nirc. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. G. Bader. I'nuver-Holleit. Beatrice, Neb. Earl Eugene Fauver, 24, and Alpha Mae Hollett, 20, both of Wy more, were married. The groom is an overseas veteran. The couple will live In Wymore. Biirr-Shodeen. Anderson-Shodeen. Red Oak, la. There was a double wed ding ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Shodeen when their two daugh ters, Esther and Elphle, became the brides respectively of Leonard Burr and Ru dolph Anderson: Ths ceremony was per formed by Rev. Mr. Andreen of the Lu theran church. Holechek-I'esek. Table Rock. Neb. John Holechek and Miss Lena Pesek were married at Seneca, Kan., County Judge Slocumb performing the ceremony. Mr. Holechek was born and reared on a farm south of Humboldt, and the brida la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tesek of DuBois. Wlnkle-Groffer. Beatrice, Neb. Karl C. Winkle, 22. and Lena Bertha Groffcr, 19, both of Bea trice, were married at the court house by - County Judge Messmore. Thleman-Majhew. Beatrice, Neb. Ernest Thieman, 23, of Wymore, and Miss Mildred Mayhew, 17, of Marietta, Kan., were married at Marys vllle, Kan. After a brief wedding trip they will make their home in Wymore. Slattery-Klcln. s Wolbach, Neb. Word has just leaked cur of the marriage of Fred Slattery and M'ss Anna Margaret Klein at St. Paul on December 29. Because of the popularity of Mr. and Mrs. Slattery in their nelgh Lorhood near Wolbach, thoy were treated tu an old-fashioned charivari, followed by a dance. Petera-Slebert. Aurora, Neb. Leonard Peters and MIbs Sarah Slebert were married at the home of the bride'a parents In Beaver precinct. Humphreya-Horner. Wymore. Neb. Will Humphreys and Mrs. Sadie Werner, both of this place, were married at Beatrice by County Judge Messmore. , Schoenrock-Cooplach. " v Fslrbury, Neb. Olive E. Coopisch. dnuahter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coopisen, antr Frederick J. Schoenrock, son of Mr. ard Mrs. Fred Schoenrock, residing near Fslrbury, were married at Zlon Evangeli cal church near Gladstone, Rev. Wil liam Kockhelm officiating. , Meyers-Crouch. Grand Island. Neb. The marriage of Miss Ida L. Crouch of Cushing and Emerv W. Myers of Palmer toek place at the court house In this city. County Judjo Mullin officiating. Klsor-Hunnappel. Grand Island, Neb Dewey L. Kisor and Miss Evelyn Hannapnel. both of Clarks. were married at the First Methodist par scnage In this city, the ring ceremnnv bilng performed by Rev. J. Henry Stltt. Mr. and Mr. Kisor will make their home la Clark. Thant-Long. Grand Island, Neb. Miss Hazel Mae Long and Conrad Thaut, both of Hastings, were married In this city - by County Judge Mullln. Double Wedding. Grand Island. Neb. A double wedding occurred at the First Methodist parsonssa In this city, when Rev. J. Stltt united in msrrlnge Chsrles Ernest Storms and Miss Etta Bowser, both of Litchfield, and Elton Leo Bowser and Miss Florence Alice Rich mond, both of LHehfield. Both couples will mak wwaVje'S "o Litchfield. A.. tvttrn furo ws tj a" -Ty that cV. af the groom., yr. Storms, Mat,, served dperseas in the artillery in t!l am afjriaioo. (36th) a bad, Rev. J. H. Vtiil, Mka pa. f.. i in. 4 tn rstauiia, V.lalri-J.kaM.u. Orand lsUit.1 K-s .i.ni.g a tr iim la their lrl.ii.la in Una nt) as I "a ai auu ewalit ft Ilia ln.irl.Sa of 'I'a I . tn. l. Juknw.a .ad T II M.tielev. abt-b n.'.ilii.a at lb (a.'deaca . Kr i kj ..n,.:i,a, ..lr at Tm-I VI . iiur-h Mh.uIh Mr. ll' llaiay is .aie it iii. ad lai.n.l as ei'vi.l aaant fur ia Uutual l.if. i..m.n.a iuiM.ny af New oik. Ili.y Kill tanlinu la IMsa Ihir h.'iua baia, fj.hrr-rtolis. firssd l.'.n.l. Nb-tltoa ll.i'i Halts id Arni.,1 larl rlakar, lih of Uiand lalaad, wet unlied in tiiairni.ny Ih. ourl mu. In tkla ,-llr. I Mump Judge Mulun peifarmiPi Ilia teremo&y. Iluliari-Haulf, frl.nd, N.b Miss tr.a Wuulf, daufh. ler i.f Mr. and Mra. T. A V will, farm-" r aiding nonkoeai af ibis riiy, and a 1 1 1 -bin I! "( it of lla,arl t'nv, la., war. n arrir.l at HI. Jua,h I'aih.me rhurrh in in. a rllv lire, lather idll"), rcaident (r.Ml, ifflri:il' I Deaths ; I .i Mra, jKargerrt K, I Indies . rrlend. Neb Mrs Margaret R. I.ladi.r, I, died at her bom In tine rily aflar a shi.rt Mine... Mra Limit. rhnae to live alone mthvlth. landing the fait lhal she la one nf Friend's wealthlrat rlm.na, and It la only y clisnca thai anyone was ailrt her khan she died. Hit was taken auk In th. night Kun.lay and aha luin.d on Ihe lights in. her home ami unlocked lb iloi.ra Imping llial some neighbor would th lights and rail to enquire about her. Mlaa K.lh.r llll..nn of :. lr, to whom Mr. I. in. II. y had rttlen aaking her to mine and sew fur her, ram and found tier frlsnd auk. Mra. I.imlley had her grave dug and arranged null a hu marble slab to pi. is over It. 10 .ate ego, at ih lints of Ilia .l..th nf her liu.haiid, M.e had also aeieci.d her fske several y.ara ago, aha ha no relatives In Ihls part of the slat, tier tiMiihee, Morgan Mei.hana, resides at knuatllle. III, Thomas llrt arly. N'atiraek Cltv. Neb Thoinaa MeC.rle a well-known carpenter of this city, died fnllowlnc an lllne.i f .ev.ral months' duration. Ha was snu.lnv.ii fne ..... ., the Mrton-Ureg.,in plant and wee for ennio time wim me iiuriington railroad. M was born In Ireland and came to America when H. lie is survived by his -iv ii 't I wo eoua. Mra. .Mary MrCrra. Grand l.l.nrf v.i. it ii , . Cres. 77. a member of the Hohli.r Hum ,i.ni, .iieu iniinwin a lingering III ne. Funeral aervlces were held In th Soldier' Hum chapel. Mrs, Pearl Hrown. Grand lalantl M.n i-. i i, - .. ... . ...... ..-.ii mo,,, Wife of I !;. r.n... L 1 1 , . . . -- " ...i.wii, niacniiiiai, died t her home following brief itinera. .. . Prions sn Inrant daughter (lied. Healtle. Ih. h,iBl,..j . , , " 1 - , i iv 1 1. vnne anil a daughter .urvlve, aa also her mother. Mrs. Victor Porter: on sister and three. brothers. I'rlvat funeral serv. has were held In the home. Key. J. H. Stilt nf the First Methodist church con- ... J,n"Ph Knglert. Grand Island. Neb. jn..,.h p..i.. !t'.?f7 i,m"B.rl!:, k?own '"r J""Pb Kuff. died at h a hnm. .... . ...... following a audden heart attack. Sur daughter.;" hl' WHio"' "ncI th James Whalrn. Beatrice. Neb. James U'hslen for 40 years in charge nf the Burlington section at Wymore. died in a ho.pital at Lin coin after a brief lllne.a. 1, . ,urvived by two daughters. Th. body was tak to Wymore for burial. Dr. J. II. Conaway. h.T ' eb1r- J- B- t-'onaway. died York re Hi" " Prp,t,lt'ln Phy.lclsn In ,il a ru.65 e"r"' Hr '" survived by two daughters, Jessls snd Cora Conaway Dr. Conaway was a veteran of the civil braskaniWl."atubrTember ' ,he " ,u "t r,rl 'den. ou?rrrr, N'h-C"n Madsen. prosper n? ii?. 'ey.C0l;nty-far,nr n1 resident if L I ZU"ly or S """ died suddenly d.ug'heVmv,v"rhr- 8o" -nd n0 ,, , , Thomas J. Tracer. f.uthrle Corner, la.-Thomas J. Trarry. ho crossed the plains In a prslrle whor7ernISI" tnr Wl5. .nd Town S M)M2rnnec'",,h' filers "f the hne. Mlllstone' Sask- died at his home Te.h ADIr'w Anderson. .."3' ,ia',TAn',r'w "' Anderson, 67, i th. merc,,ntll,, business here a brilt &"" at h" hom '""owing mark? Illncss- H was a native of Den- ... . Michael Doyle. ih?eiS0,n' ,Neb--llchael Doyle, 87. one of he? H ZZs1ent .ot,th" Pl. died to i Tm. ! ' bffllLn ln eland. nn: came bns been making h,,' hTwMJ ch..! r S.for 80me ,lm' "n-1 died at the home of his unmarried daughter In NelSon. ., '" J. W. Deerwester. Grand Island, Neb. Mrs P w n... ruT"2', ,mr, tim6 "ldenrofD?w; iii - "hi".,?" 0n",h'1 hospital follow" & "h& h"". dnJerra'nYtwo foc'llyor ffiVk .Inniea 0. Ilackthornc. thor'ne1 1S?!i K'bcJ C. Hack tnorne 63. died at his home In this cltv hvTw"5 br'ef J1"1""' H " urvlt"d .y.a ?ne iaufhter and two broth- forbuTial ta"en t0 0gden- I- ' Mason H. Low. Grand Island, Neb Mason II. Low 81 ame?,b7 of. the Solrtl"' Hnie at Burk ett, died nt that institution. Funeral chapel8 WCre he'd 'V.0 Soldiers' iJome . Fred A. Vangnrdon. Grand Island, Neb. Fred A. Vangor- nth.Jsv.7'Iw.lvel fa,al ln"r" iLJl Ja,rm ot ,Martln Schlmmer. while f,??. sawing trees, when a large tree fell, striking him on the head and fracturing the skull He . Survived by a wife, three daughters, a 'son. three brothers and a sister. ' e . .. ' . William Parker. ' Pawnee City, Nch. William Parker prominent resident cf Table Rock, died at the hospital there. Funeral service T,Z" 5ellatr,,he Flrst M-thodist church. Rev. J. T. Rowan officiating. Arthur Sanford. Tork, Neb. Arthur Sanford. a former resident of this city, died at McCook d the body was brought here for burial. i ., iv He,en Hnbbell.' Atklhson, Neb. Helen Hubbell. 19, Sul? i-r.t M,i'. an(i Mr' r Hubbell. died in a hospital in Omaha. She had been teaching school In South Dakota. Mrs. Rosa Potman. i70rk',,eb'Mr"- Roa Putman, II, an old resident of Tork county, died at hospital following an operation. Thomas W. Potts. Bradshaw, Neb. Thomas W. Potts, 63, for 40 years a resident of this village, died at the home of his aon, Charles. Virginia Aniadon. York, Neb. Virginia Amadon, 11, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amadon, died at the home of her parents. Raymond L. Brolt. Tork. Neb. Raymond b. Brott, S2, who died at the aanltorium In Lincoln, was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brott of this city, Mr. Brott suffered a nervous breakdown about one year ago and for seven months had been a patient in the sanitorlum. Washington Hiett. Sidney, Neb. Washington Hiett, a civil war veteran and member of the O. A. R. died here. The funeral was In charge of Ihe American Legion and the body was given a military burial with the Legion members in full uniform. Frederick Stoll. Arapahoe, Neb. Frederick Stoll, 68. a retired farmer living In this city, died of paralysis. Funeral services were held at the M. E. church. J. W. Lewis. Arapahoe. Neb. J. W. Lewis, 60, of thla city, died at the home of his son. Sam E. Lewis of Denver. The funeral was held at the Methodist church, Fred Schuli. Beatrice. Neb. Fred Schuh. 60. of Ohlowa, died at a hospital in this city. He is survived by three sisters who re side In Germsny. and a nephew. Phillip Koppert, who resldea at Friend. The body waa taken to Plymouth for burial. r Marlon 8isler. Beatrice. Neb. Dr. Marlon Slsler, 30. who served overseas with' a msdlcal corps during the war. died suddenly at his home at Odell of scarlet fever. .His wife sur vive.. He wa. reared In Gage county. Ira Brewer. Beatrice. Neb. Ira Hrewer, 77, pioneer resident of DeWItt, died at tis home there after prolonged Illness. He had been resident of Saline county for 40 yesrs na some time sgo retired from the farm an snoved to town, 'ldow, thro son and ( '(ughler aurT State Social Activities Hotarlsa Hlrtkaar. Aurure, N.i, -i na anuael Irlkdat" fariy u ilia Auiuie H.i.lr club will b k'ld In lliglilaiid.r hail J.ttu.i y IS. It lll b 'h.4 tuna' in ad p.iaaa .pasiti.g H Hiud.ra up-IU'daia fluitie mil pa iaa.lisl, ' v. vr. i'. a. iirtiMM. ' Haaln.', N.i. ai i,. annuel maallnf d bll'IUt If Ilia V. U. I' A. held In Hi. rn.i l liii.ii.u ir.m.u ih.. oltu.ia were i.ia.i. l ie. .rni. Vl. Nuall men; tire president, Mia t'. I. Fail; M 'elary. Ura J. M. Plaiai l,....i.. u . fla lna.lley. Aeeui.mg is. repail of lha o.reiay, Mta li.a.l It. Iluil.r. field, lha inenibarship af I He si,ri.ii.,n la I, a. lb p.al rear .s a auir.Mrui aae f..e li,a eieantsallun The tawcii. Una .UI sa mrupy IK new hum in me ppii er block. Homes) (barrh ilfflrar. Wrtnofe. N.u lha U'Iki Auxiliary ef Ih l.plaeapal rburt'b els led Ik. fel. Iiiwing iiffteeis! Mis Derail FettlUa!, preai.leni; Mia Ulillani VnuJ.. tl,. pieauleni: Mia. Ilnglund, Iraaaui.r, Mia Sena llroan, reiary. Inatalt Odd Fellow a. Wymara, N'.n liefulv tlrand Mtatar siarie tlli and staff or Harneatna. m stalled Ih officer ef th t'dd Frlluw. riaa Tag isay, rlroken How, Nrb Tha proken How nuiiian'. rlub has e a.ula M.iurday as tag day for the benefit ef lha juvsml. .I,,M..H I. .1.. ....kli. 111..... I. (I. II. r. Off I. era. Kroken lli.a. Neb Fallowing era the "inei. eierien and Inaialleit ey V, '. ttaaliburn l'-l u A. H. at Ikelr last meeting; rnmniaiider, It. W. Huckner, ecmor tie. n, i I'naiar; junior !, .'"Iin Marford; iiuarieriiisier. M. K H.,r; g.Huignl, J. M. Kodge- chap lain, vv, M. taniilcei officer of th dy, 1. A. Ilaii luuiit, k. nf . Inalallatlaa. I'ntiMitliii.. Neb The iviuiiiuua Knighls nf I'llhlas Hi. tailed nffirer hero Willi W, N, Henaley. chancellnr co.iiiuander; w. I'. F.sgerl. vice cnnimander: H K. Hluarl, m. .i.r nf work: Fred llearl. pralale; llaml.1 Kramer, keeper of reeorda snd seals; fail Ithede. ar., niaatar of In enheujuer: M, C Hloednrn, maaier of fl. nance. John Klae, inner guard; J. II. chaw, oulrr guard. Klwanle Club Mealing. Wymore. Nrh At die meeting of the Klwenis iluh Mahlnn J, Neumann gsva sn e.euiit of vieii lo the Klwanl. club nf Omaha. I'harlea II. pin, diatriet truaiee. reimrled on his recent attendance st Ilia dlttrld contentlnn hell at Fort I'odge, la. Rev. K. K. Powell of Ihe ChrlMtan church addresaeit the rlub on th subject "Our Iiuty tn th Community." Intpert Maaanlr IMlge. Superior, Neb, The annual Inspection of th Knight Templtir Masonic lodge tenk place here. Mr, Day of tha grand lodge of Lincoln ass th Inspecting offl ctr. Banqurt Athlete. Schuyler. Neb. A banquet In honor of th Schuyler football team was pro moted by Maplrhurst hotel. Superintend ent Fosnot, Principal Hobson and Coach Iloettfer. , T. O. O. F. Installation. Schuyler. Neb Th officers of SchuyW lodge No. 2. I. O. O. F. were Installed by Deputy Grand Master Clarence Cornell of Columbus. Officers Are Installed. Edgar, Neb. Emerald Rebekah lodga Installed officers. About 46 members. In cluding the drill tram, came over from Ong. ' Legion to Knlertaln. Alliance, Neb The Alliance post of the American Legion plans to hold meetings twice a month In the future. Interest ' I growing In the actlvitlea of tha post and It la now one of the lesdlng organizations of the cltv. A list of entertainments ha. been scheduled for the remainder of the winter. Including boxing and wrestling bouts, dsnces. etc. Groin Company Elects. oennire, rtiD. ine annual ineeung or the Cortland Farmers' Grain and Coal company re-elected the old hoard of di rectors and officers. The company made a net profit of 11,800 on grain and ap proximately I960 on coal. The deprecia tion on the property was figured at 13.000. v. a. .racnaon la preeiuent; uavifl !oe- slger, treasurer, aand W, E. Bobbins, secretary. , Opens Farmers Market. Broken Bow. Neb. M. M. Linder has r.pened . a farmers' marketing exchange and will run the business along co-operative lines. Consolidate Two Store. Broken Bow, Neb.. J. G. VanCott b sold his large stuck of hardware to H. P. Slmonson. Mr. Slmonson purchased th VanCott furniture business five years ago aDd will consolidate the two departments. Farmera Name Officers. Wymore, Neb. The Farmers Elevator company at Hoag elected the following officers: John H. Buss, president; Carl Wokenburg, vie president; Fred Nie meyer, secretary; H. J. Pflngsten, treas urer; directors, Andrew Goosen, Henry Iteimer and Frank Maranvllle. i .. New Clothing Store.' Friend, Neb. Friend is to shortly have a second clothing store. The fixtures are being placed in the building. The pro moters are C. C. Eckhard and Tony Ed mondson of this city and M. .J. Regan of Dmaha. Seek liOwer Rates. Alliance. Neb. The rates committee of Ihe Alliance chamber of commerce Is working In the interests of lower freight rates on the Burlington for livestock ship ments from western Nebraska and has Pledged its assistance to the Midwest Commerce Traffic bureau of Grand Is land, which Is working along the same line and seeking the co-operation of all chambers of commerce in the state. Bur lington livestock rates are higher than those of either the Northwestern or the Union Pacific, It Is ' stated, and because cf this, many shippers who formerly di vided their shipments among the differ ent railroads are now using exclusively the roads which offer the best rates for Intrastate shipping. Opens Restaurant. Callaway, Neb. Edgar Pierce of Ar nold will open a restaurant here. Henry Lamber, the tire man, will occupy the old Streeton restaurant. ' Build New Garage. Beatrice, Neb. Work wa. started on a brick block to be erected.- by . F. Nlchola at a cost of 110,000. It will be used as a garago and will probably be ready for occupancy early ln the spring. Community Club Officer.. Dlller. Neb. The following officers hav been elected to serve the Community club for the ensuing year: F. E. Hale, president; C. L. Tlnstman, secretary; 3. C. Hatchlnson, treasurer. Entertain Community Clubs. Broken Bow, Neb. At their last meet ing the members of the Public Service club made plans and a committee was appointed to make definite arrangements to entertain the representative, members of the community clubs of the county. Tlfis series of entertainments will begin In April. Fill Ice Houses. Wymore, Neb. The Burlington has just finished storing 125 carloads of ice here. It came from the Blue river at Crete and Is about a foot thick. Farmers are Entertained. Fslrbury, Neb. At the Chamber of Commerce luncheon each member enter tained a farmer friends with a view of exchanging ideas. Milton Coffman for the farmers and A. R. Nichols for the Commercial club made the principal ad dresses. The matter of high tax was j.i-...i I, i.u nr. lied that the people were responsible for much of the Increase Decause iney wem ..I......-.. mor Improvements ln roads, schools, etc. . . . ..n....nl.llv. nf this james a. jvAicii. itc - - county, was present and in view or ins .it : a eTnafe Igkcrifatfii 111A coming special sensiwii v "- v - inked for an expression of those present on maner ui tt'i - - , ' ',am for road purposes. No decision was reacnea. Want Streets Marked. . . . , a -tle. Ian heal ap !. Frlena, iseo. a prtnni . ; : culatod-tn this city which will b pre- . . . . . J . . . .......I! ..bin. In. aentea to ine -nr v...v.. . - body to place markers at the Intersections of the streets, and Instruct the resident to number th houses, preparatory for the establishment of city free mail delivery. Public Service Club. Broken Bow. Neb. The member of . ,...... o-m.i... -iiih k.H .. their .-ileal tne i-uuiic ac. -it. ..... at their weekly dinner, Lincoln Mccon- nell, a lecturer or. national reinnt. Community Club Offlcere. T.-.. i vr k T1. . a, v.i Cnnfmunltv club elected the folloalng officers: C. J. Chrlstensen. president; W. J. Lynch, vice president: judge rt. a. nagsan. e;""i, E I. Andrews, treasurer. Board of direc tors: Frank J, Tajlor, 1. T. E1U W. b. Business Activities , Li i Ufca4ah Isalalled. Armor. Nea Ike atruai tt.. i , beksk ul were laeisUed . . 1 dlkaer. air. la. Jaaaa. A , , piaalilsal, la in . ft IK , Ineal.a Install (Ifflaar. OthkaaN. Ken. Iein.t Uepulr ,, U.eiar lie.". II M'" d eiaff . , . luly Install.! Ik r..ilan K...i. lb. OJ.I pellaae Nelila ...n.l I I.., , Vt. hreuingeri tba ii..l Mali.' amltk; ea.reiaip. M Watliail.jj i. , Uisr, Ham Vt Nsaklrk. Ikes V. M. r. A. tUtlroe. tl.alri. a, Nan Tb btti4 vt dire-' of ins V, M . A d lei.. i e fellna.na effiearet 1're.id.nl. A. J at. d.ril, ire p(e.il.nl, V. II. ""a . , l.larr. t, ' t ad. I'll' ' I., kl.ei.. ireaeuier. I'karl.a k.. I'lath tt l-i.i baa., ha been named .haiial re lor, f rlebrala lrf lew, lavid dir. N-aA eaiei, aarti.a a raietorsiian of tka anforr.n.eat rr . lain am.adinent waa paid In lha M. h, ediat ihuieh. TP mealing was la ck.i.e af tb Woman tbrialisn i Tempei. . . union. I Hatlval Meotlnga Rulkertand. !a Havivel lueetints . . new In pfo.lee. at Ih MelkrMtlat rbu Itav. tt". II. Wright, en ( tha rei .. em evaagallaia, ha been I eiigag'd rnndurl ,h meeting. . 4'rlehrala llame l enelng . I.d non, ,N.b Tb niemlyre ef tie rhri.H.n church e.lahr.le.1 1 ih.ir annuel hnitte.tmitilng, Mlaa K Uira baa I, a rsiainrd a past or far Hi unilnf tear I ul Nel.lihar a WeJd. I.lbeily, Neb The meiiilieil. af lha I, f, ii, K. al Liberty held e. L.l, .a In tn wnods on the W Y llew.'.V farm "d rut ne, fnr Will hVi.H, i ..a famil) have bad a freat deal nf sirkliaaa. Install lifnrer. Wymoro. Neb iHairiri Inpft y u. p. Tangerman and staff of II.. " . e, tn r or Hearse, tnaellug tv'fe-J present si n regular Kul eni-amument I. . U. r. llf stalled haw ofllrera. ' Joint loatallalina. Iwl, .o ll.e l(u).l Nelfb. ur llla Modern Wno.ln,... ..I ...... j"ini inaiaiiaiion rrmay evenin.. i nn ramp Mi. 4 inaialleit the l Off f.rri...... f,t..l. a... ii..i.i.. .i. r.mma Khliniian: bast ma. le. Am'""' ier; ina.i'ili.r, aiayna ihnrn- rt iirrtha . Htspatricki tereiver. Miflai; marshal. Itena CatuDbell: inn tlnei, rturenre Wiiiera; outer i, .j Mary Itayiuer. Tork. I'alnu No. i-""-'- aiallu) th. following officers: Vet. It ..Winn, , ,,. r.nieu, wiiriny "r' .au, Mapps; banker. William Utiianlit nyw i nrl, Jamea Clirl.l; watchmsii. Jta ll 'arey; sentry, Clem Hall; mmif er. the , trie I. O. O. Y. Officer. iU Broken How. Neb. Mure than 100 O Fallow, aiiended the liislallallun cet i "ilea. roiiowing are ine airicere Nnble Grand. W. J. Wants: vl-e ar.nd. John Harley; secretary, T. W, Baas; treasurer, J. H. itnlcoinb. . Red Cnma Llectlon. Pawnee Cltv. Neb. The Red Creie electeit the following officers: Chairman, Dr. w. It, Buyer: vice chairman. I'r. W, It. Smith: set ret a ry. Mlaa Acnes li.ry. and treasurer, C. A. Schapiiel. I. O. O. V. Inatallallon. Hayea Center. Neb. Havea Center lodsa Nn. 21 I. O I". Inalallrd officers nednesday n ght as . fnl ows: Nobis grand. W. R. Itathbun: vice grand. John J. Garrett; secretary. Fred Frilling; treas urer, (.-. a. rtreny. ine report or tne ii nsnce committee showed the lodge Is excellent financial conditions, besides owning 12.000 In Liberty bonds, they hste a nice rash balance, and own their own bulldlnf. Monthly Pay ftoclol. Wymore. Neb The Kn worth league of the . Methodist church gave a social at the church In tha nature of a Monthly Pay social. Th admission on thla occa sion waa 1 cent per Inch of waist ineaaure. Paul. J. F. Webster. t)r. F. V. Bell en Oeorge J. Welsh. Plans were msd foi the club during the coming yesr. The Rr.nual club banquet will be held In the near future, a committee having been authorized to make arrangements. New fandy Kitchen. Superior. Neb. Fixtures for tha new candy kitchen re being Installed In th block formerly occupied by the Cuff store. Zlnb Brother are Ihe proprietors ot the new enterprise. They expect to be open fnr business in a few days, with the most complete line of confection in the south part ot tha state. - Theater Is Sold. David City, Neb. Ed Newlon of Frt . tr.ont, takes possession of tha Community theater, recently purchased by him froirt W. W. Hughes, who has been manager of the theater for six yvears. A large gath ering of people collected at the theater Sunday afternoon and partook of a fare well cafeteria supper, which the guest, brought with them. . !, Remodeled Elks Home. Beatrice. Neb. The work of remodeling the old Lyric block, whlrh the Elks pur chasedfor a home some time ago. haa been started. ' It will cost approxlpately t',5,000 to remodel the building, and the Elks expect to occupy It early in the spring. Hanks Name Officers. Columbus, Neb. At their annual meet lug the several hank, at Columbu. elected the following officers and directors: First National President, O. H. Gray; vice president, J. H. Galley: cashier. A. R. Miller: ssslstant cashiers. P. A. Peterson and J. I,. Brunlicn. Directors: G. H. Gray. A. R. Miller. Jacob Orelsen. J. H. Galley, O. A. Schroeder, George Rmbour, Jacob Louis, C. C. oodrlch and P. A. Peterson. Commercial National President, P. A. Becher; first vice president, Henry Buss; second vice president, G. W. Galley; cash, ier, A. H. Vlergutz; assistant cashier. Otto Thellen. Directors: John J. Gslley, D. A. Becher, A. H. Vlergutz, Henry Buss, G. W. Galley, Herman Brodfuehrer and G. W. Vlerguta. Central National Directors: G. W. Phil lips. C. C. Sheldon, Theodore Friedhof, R. M. Campbell, E. W. North, A. F. Plage man and Dr. F. H. Morrow. The direc tors will elect the officers at their meeting to be held this week. Community Club Election. Schuyler, Neb. The Community clu'o elected the following officers: J. Folda, president; E. V. Zerzan, vice president; R. . P. Brftwnell, treasurer-secretary. J. R. Henry and B. F. Farrell. who attended the -recent telephone rate meeting ln Lin coln, reported points of interest. Ice House Filled. 'Nebraska City, Neb. Thomas Brother of this city have filled their two large lc houses with 11-Inch Ice off the Mlseourl river. The work gave employment to about 80 men for nearly two weeka. The ice houses at Morton-Gregson packing plant hav been partially filled from tha company . pond, near the plant and the job will be completed with the aecond cutting. Milling Company Elect. Tork, Neb. Tha York Milling and Grain company elected the following directors: L. S. Loonier. W. V. Macartney, A. W. Thompson, Fred W. Romsdale. L. W. Baker, Benedict; Robert Beckord, Waco, and Harry A. Peterson, Aurora. L. S. Loomer was elected president; Fred Romsdsle, vice president snd tres.urer, and O. S. Gllmore, . secretary. Mr. Ma. cartney announced his Intention of re signing as president and manager, having accepted a similar position with a milling company in enver. Mr. Macartney will continue to serve a. a director and will also continue as manager until March 1, by which time board win select hi suc cessor. New Bank Officer Tork, Neb. The City National bank at Its annual meeting elected tha following officers; C. N. Beaver, president; ' Frank; Borden, vice president: E. C. Nelson, cashier, and J. E. Shrlgley, assistant cashier. Two new director, were elected: T. J. Klrby and W. W. Seng. J. L. Moore, former cashier, has resigned. j Elect New Manager. Beatrice, Neb J. C. Goehiing ft Rarneston has been elected manager of the Odell Elevator company. He has been engaged rn the grain buslnss at Barnesl for soma time. Open Winter Season. Columbus, Neb. The first meeting the winter series of the Columbu. Cham, ber of Commerce was addressed by Guy C. Klddoo, vice president of the Omaha Truat companv and formerly secretary of M. E.vSmlth & Co., on "Buelnese Out. look for 19JJ." Ms. Klddoo reviewed In detail the present business situation and predicted that 1921 will see a steady Im provement in general conditions New Fair Officer. Havs Center, Neb. At the annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Hayea County Fair association the report of lha treasurer showed about an even break of Ihe 1921 fair. Officers elected were:- 8. M. Kissinger, president: P. Romerhouser, vie president; C. E. Rice, treasurer; F.. HIKman. secretary: board of dlrectnra, .T. S Wise. M. B. Smith. C. A. Ready. L. W. Enyeart and George Strong: general superintendent. V. B. Msy. Th 1J21 falp will be held September 20 to S3.