THK BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. JANUARY 22. 1922. 0-C o I SAT IT V 4) Advertitint Bates "'""Hmi, I fcu&MUll. . , ' aer, f IM.vvll.t !, ' lib. MS day. t .HhMull UkH far I... tka ii.i f .. eg"' itk la lb Daily a, a i iilb,t.ui. . . i-VT" """ ".ma: H e. Ik haia. CUTRT BATHS UH rru-.'ATi'N . 4 tag l4 U follaalbg af rvaai JtAii, OrrUB Uik and r . mill u... .,..,..,,,ln etoum tun -i !') auaf- ...II vtt "I WAUT AW flah btf lltoM, ATLANTIC tHB pes ui na ,.aiM far Ika trrrl n.artoa of H UMibI rti rT Inn U , I'lltee) HOURS rOH WANT APB. eamg e.llilM.. .,.,. II 41 A, M, cl Uiim.. ...,...,1 (. M, Malay fcditira I, VI, fcarder BlKkOU aarak, aaaeml'aa I ha limn ( bar liMBUf, Mia. k,4'4 I. "', U M. (lib. January I". I 3 i. 14 iMra Mr. Hr u urv.d by ihra enktee, Mrs. Kdvard I. rw'r. Mia. I'ealal ( Omaha. Ufa. I". U kpaaear, U"4 Island, Nek, ranaral Mvl.x Iruin b horn, 4?;i N. ttih til Monday. January ;i, 1:i. I I a. i. forest !. -am alary. iFae informal! call l,'rb Maw. W.Mar ?. kll.L Mr a. Johanna. ! I ai. Hh l eurvivad r Ibra William ni Mrrtala of Omaha ami John i( Nw Varks Iw Ideagkiar. Mra. K, U .log arks (d"gkir. Mra. K. 1- ll( f Omaha, Bare, I. O. Ikbelbel, Wllcog, nja.ral ttmday morning front raal. rlfiwa, fi Parifia at raal, al 1:1 . in. to H. WaifT Magdaiaa tnurrr? at a. in. Iniruaai cemtry. attentAom, r Im.ruBsal i u ilary laJali.a ITTHH UM1K 171, Uanb.a'n ration lodaa til. A O.U.W. nf lawal ara raial I (Hani Ih funrral i oar Ui krallor, -lanir H. Klrr. JunUajr. J.auarr 11. from hia lalaoViouia. 401 koulk tld KC. tMinrit ...... .v. . i . ...... ria l a iw. aw w. ihwii " l '.3lr2:l erulrr. . . U P. KAHMl.kHICM, Racordar. Wllllnui Ulad Thundajr, Jaou- 14 44 yaai. I arvr Monday, Januarr SI, m. at lb raalilanc. Ii Norib B iraat. Int.rinrnl Waat latwa 'ary. rrlando aalrom. ATIC aaalinf eoncrat burial on at landlnc a4rtnk Wrlia or aa Omab Coaerot al Vault Co., Omaha. CARD OF THANKS. rl.h lo (hank our many (rlanaa and IVhhor tor kinUnraa and wym ihy durlnv our lata ttravainoU r. A. C, BrhulU and rauhleia. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., Buccaaaor t Btck A Fatronar OMAHA'S BEST. riKnrB a MPTTT. A MCVERvirH ARBOWW'UWJUiiitvi-iiiA, 00ft. Thlrty-tWrd and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen (ITH FLOWKR3 FROM HESS & BWOBODA. 1411 FARNAM RTRE3T, U Handtraon. UOT Farnam. Jarkon 18H. JOHN bXtH. 1HQ4 Farnam. JacKaon 1I0. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Th Urifat and mult baautlfuV remr trry In Nbraaka; 120 acra. Just north of rlty Umlta A mututl cemetery all Tevenue ud fnr Iniprovementa and perpetual care. . Offle at entrnnc to cemetery. Olty otflce, ' 7J0 Brandeia Theater Building. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. " Jlerl and 'Edith Tocker, hospital,- toy. Ival and Mildred D Freece, hoapttal, Irl. Jamil and Elizabeth Stuart, 1403 North J rf PIONKF.R rUNERAt, nnECTOR. Formarlr t 701 8. 1tb St., hav inovad to i54 Cumlni; Ft. Ja. 112. . IlEAFEY & HEAFEY" Vndrtkr and Embnlmar. - rhonilA. lib. Otflc Hit Krnnm. V FLORisTS J, d,EE LARMON 1. ;U -'Thlrty-flrat atreet. bey. ' ,. ueorv ana iMeiiia iroxcii, duuih Twenty-fourth trel, boy . .... Prink and Ethel Hots, 5H . North ' Frirllelh avannn. hov. - . TlApnar,. mnA THanha iTrintch. hOSDltal. .'. '?!'.... - - ...... William ariCl Weill tihi, noepuai. noy. Carl and Oaorglna Madsen, 6014 Miami treet, (Irl. : - - - ' . Alfrd ana France Kledmann,, ;B04 " Slartha treet,; lrl. ' .- Walter and Llla Quale, riosplUl,, tlrl. Guy and Uasel Hunter,, hospital, girl. Tleatha. Oeorg Alley, S, hospital. .: ' Warnella Sizemore, . , 5914 South Thirty-first street. " ' ' Lena Boemmlch, 69,' ST.14 Drenel ktreet. William Kuaer, 44, hospital. Carl W. Burnett, 80. hospital. Heatr Durnall, 7S.-4360 Charle? itreet, Mra. Anna Koerl. 35. 4131 South Nine? teenth street. . .. w ,. Christiana Bcrgmann, It, 47 IJ South Eighteenth atreet . ' Baby Pteron, infant, jHOl ..Croby "'sVrah C. Bloro,'7I, 4721 North Thlrty 1lhewltA!etilaBgoia, 68, 3408 Ilawtborne "Ruth ' B. Krcheval, SI, 1521 North Elt,.ttnth treet. : ' . LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Femal fox terrier, bronnlsh head. ' MA. 1300. whit with Keward. 110 REWARD, beaded bag, Burgess-Nash glov dept. Keepsake. Har. 62-. PERSONALS. EPILEPTIC Would you car to learn about New Satlonal treatment for Im mediate -el let -of Epilepsy positively stopping all seizures from first "ays use. information free. "Specialist. . Drawer D-612, Lander, Wfoming.i ' THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magazine. W collect. We distribute. Phone Douglss 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn, 1110-1113-1114 Podge St. HEIRS 'wanted. Estates seeking claim ants; you may be one of them; send 2-cnt stamp for descriptive circulate. : international Claim Agency, 107, Pitta - burgh. Pa. " KATHRTN L. KIl.EV Skin and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment. JA. 8268. Theatrical historical masque costumes, for plays and partle. at Lleben'a. Omana. SULPHUR bath. Swedish' massage, chi ropody. Evening to I. SOI So. 20th St. MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with masages. 614 S. 19th, DO. 3.. RENT vacunm cleaner; del, II. KB. 4110, feLECTRlO baths. Swed. mas. WE. 2911. RENT Hoover vacuum, 81.86. HAv 1071. EXPERT MASSAGE. DOUGLAS 8641, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating, covered buttons, all ityles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleating Co., 308 Brown block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. 1836. . NEBR. PLEATING SZT& ton. 1800 Farnam. 2d Floor. DO. M73. Chiropractors. Dr. Frances K. Turner. S2( Theater Bldg.. Atlantie 3830 Contractors-PaintinK. ALLEN ALLENBACK. AN UNUSUAL PAINTER. Specialise In mok stacks, standr pipes, elevators, mills, high work spe cially desired. Phono AT. 4845. 630 N. 23rd St. PAINTINO and decorating. January. 30 discount. E. J. Thornton. Wal. 087. PAINTING, papering and plastering. Nau. Walnut 4567. J. Dancing Academies TTTTP'D'CJ 1818 Farnam, Douglas 8441. tLElEjr O Classes Monday. Wednes day and Friday. 1:11 p. n. Private les sons by appointment. Sure methods. Sai!fct1on gnararrteeil " Dressmaking. MAKES suits, fancy gowns, remodeling, by day or home. DO. 3977. Room 403. Fur, eult. dresses, rem'd. relln d. HA O04 PLAIN eewtng dijne.- Call AT. U7I3. Bee VVaut Ads Produce Results, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dnnt, Dentistry All ktrnia r draial UiH 4oh r4? tit taialul aai k i,.t u.uicaau.a t i baiaiaiir, culi.aa o 4a !..!, i.4ala. a. 1 la. 1 1 ..Ha 1 1 .a. K. kunJ.a. j.ui oh4 (.aliluifcia nt laa ilafMa. (..MaalaoM or IWU44., '"' '' t'nono AlUHltK t.4 UetoCIIVta, . KalloOal .ll.. AfalltS, '""M '" I4a4. llal)al , In A i lam la lit. lailauandam, hulaau. al Katlll Ml.ti-"! !JJ"' ,k ii' HB! ,U HKI.IAIH e talo-ll Ui4. l.lia .. H.4,jA.lia, N a hi, kit, .t IS Mr.k A ULAN. Ill Killin.'K'i4aw' MMraJa)llraa A'Unll 1114. C-TKi-rtvt? tbal .l rMii. u -. Ion klark. J A, Ml. Ih Hit. Printing. KliliY Cilniia Co.. Ill a II t- ! Mil KotUk Fjuhlnf. . KM.Alliir-.Uk.Mil oil ralunn. .l...lnf . Wnj"' Kao rlU.Iln, 111 N. villa Hi. Kn.M.""uk5vitu"PBU rr.K- h Ka.iin to.. Its? Hnar4 Pottnt Attcrneyt. i. W, AIAHTIN. tala., allurnay, ro-l. luiuha, alo Uaahlnalon, I). C V h-lD al paUnia, muUaia ma. I. Micrneoui Announcemtnli. to kuy kack l mal profit, UKutnl I'n. lli.iah. N.lfc, o , imtt Ml. Talaphnna lo. lol, Carlsoi A, !., I hlropra. lur. on klHk. AT, ' 1741. (ifrii- hour, II m, to .l u, in. RAZOIt UI.AbfcS !iarpaiiel. MIikI. lie; doulJla ila. He iloa. Malt oro.r ao. Iiclird, tmiah Whaip r.. IOIN.Jih. OMAHA HLI.OW CdMI'AN'r. Mallreaa. mad er In near lu ka at hall Piir ol new bada 110? umlnl. JA. lit?. MiUTlilyian and 'orrhaa. Dr. T I. MvQ'iill.n. nenllat. 1 1 00 ITtret Nat l Hank llldg. Tel. J A. C4I4. Praacription cerafully uompoundad at th I (thermal! Mui'onnall lru aluraa. Fl'l.l. drw and tuiado for rant. John Ke Lima n, o I N. ! rijl I .J ck im III 1. liHV and rebuilt electrical apparalua. l.aQron fflaclrlo. III 8. Uik IH., Omaha. LEARN piano and elael guitar; price rea eonabl. WB. 4!7. HHITT Prlntlna Co.. T Elk Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Houiehold Goods. Everything , For The . Home ..ran h bought at decided Mring at ,-mir aucflona. Our sale tncludo every thing from tho washing machine In t he basement to th baby rarrlai stored . away In th altlc. A mall order cata log does not contain any mor differ, ent Hems than you .111 find on mle at Rtephentun during a week' time. . Our dally-ad list only th mor Im. portant piece of furniture. It doea not ' tell hout the odd and end used In rvery bom' that go with tho sale. If oii are In th market for anything needed In a home, phpn AT 120a and . w will tell you If It will b on auction be Monday evening Bee. , Stephenson, Auctioneer, . IBM Capitol Ave. UHKL) machines, atandnrd makea, 16.00 up. Buy, sell, rent, repair and exchange all makes. Omaha bowing Machin &x change. 24th. and Leavenworth, JA.-0617, ON U ilorria chair. IH: one walnut hall rack. H; two rockiug chairs, 11.60 and Z. Kb. 331. FOR SALt Furnltur of 6-roojn house. 2871 Van St. (Minn I.usa); will rent lious to purchaser. KK. 1411. For Sale Seller- kitchen 4601.- cabinet. HA. Fl'RNITl'RB of 4-room apartment. Every article In excellent condition. WE. 3KJ7. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A Few of the Bargains ,'.;:';; at Hospe's: Klmbell :. Marshal & WendaJI. Haines Bros. Howard- ' Fmersort .-........ .- Emerson - Victor Camp & Co...., Stulti & Bauer....... Wiasner - Cable ,. 'Knabe Khabe .. 16 110 .. 125 .. i sr. ..150 .. 106 .. 176 .. ISO .. 186 . . 16 .. jxr. ... 106 .. 276 A. HOSPE CO., 1313 Douglas. BEAUTIFUL Baby Orand and Upright Planus for rent. Lowest rates. Pianos ' tuned, moved, stored and reflhlshed. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., The House of Stelnway,' , : 1514-16-18 Bodge St. "' Phone X)0. 1023. BIO reductions on all makes of phono- graph.i. record, . 29 record ex cJlangcd, 10c. - HLAES PHONOGRAPIT,. 1404 Bodge. GEO. - A. SMITH Dealer in drums, xylo - nbones. etc.:- Instructions. reDairine: 2761 Davenport tit. Phone Harney 2967. WILKINSON MUSIC SHOP-Band and orchestra Instruments, accessories and music. 211 Arthur Bldg. DO. 8132. TRADE your used piano on a new player piano, balance as low as $iu per monio. A. HOSPE CO., 1613 Douglas. SHUBERT Piano, just Ilka new, at . bargain, . Jackson 3066. JOHN TAFF saxophone hop, repairing and supplies. 300 Leflang Bldg. DO. 8471 Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. ..For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alteration free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. FURS' remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. ' SOS S. 15th St. DO. 7288. VELDYNK uult, lur collar, rrown velour and satin dress; both size 86. AT. 3061, Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All .-MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agents for the CORONA. Oet our prices befor you buy. Every machine gunranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. .7 A. 4120. . 1911 Farnnm. Miscellaneous Articles. Merchants The big Cumpert Department Store, Fremont, Neb.. Is going out of business soon and is offering to merchant and prospective buyers, ail thlr Fixtures, Show Cases , 40-line Baldwin Air Line Cash car riers; thousand feet of counters; same of show canes; all floor esses, square fronts, round corners; cases facing two ways;. hundred finest grad bevel mirrors, from small to very large sizes: ' cloak racks: dlsplsy fixtures nd standards; lil monster safe; shelving; display uoubls deck tables; grocery de partment fixtures; triplicate show mir rors, almost new; oil paintings for background windows; In facUevery de tail In a big department store. Also entire SALT) OF ALL MERCHANDISE AND STOCK after March 1. 1123. In lota or entire. GUMPERT'S BIG DE PARTMENT STORE, Comer 5th and Main. Fremont. Neb FOR SALE CHEAP. . ' On T-reel western feature: one S reei comedy drama: comedies; cne Hol burg ecomomlzer 11H AC 0 cycle; on Orld Reestat, 110 direct current. Want Job operating and piano playing, man and wife, both ex. A-70. Omaha Bee. GOOD HAMILTON PIANO. AT. 4000. FOR SALE. M!rllnou Ariiilr, t.l vll' H AOS4 F4.-it4 ,iij in ui n.fnii. n:i H. K..I II 1 tti., IIH AkH ki ki, M.I aafa. maa u.aa. attuw. raaea, i., Oh. Piiiui A auri'ly . W. . Ilia an.lti.iuil. a, J A. Il;4. aVki'aVkr aln in., hi ,a.,lli4g. kil. kt-l , lllb a4 Harary, IVt, IIII. LAHtikS eiea Uid a uo.M kuiiahia fur akuira) ur o,.mii.g Haiwi Will Mil ar lr.. WA 5 WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Htm daaka. a4 daak kauilit, ol4 l traded. J. i . Head l;il liln.ui, t.l III ""wanted sitFations. Malt. VofSH WKV. over It. eVeiring ver inanl puaiusn. Ill moniniy, wrila for free flat of u.lllun now pprn. J. Leon atii, irmtlirr I'lvll (., e ataitilliart, lu k.iuuaiil Ul l hiniton, U, C. ATrKAIilN'J rt.-lla a).'iTI"a liDUaamait fur ru.m nd koaid, Itf, lli.tAl. iimah Ilea. Ctil.l.kUai ludant uclre ani li' maul either morninv or NfieM". Any thing con. i.l.r.d fall KK. , AriH'and ruhUi.'bT liauiing""w n"t7. Female. LAUV. Amarnan, aatii poaHlon a hauaabeeper whera ah will kv full rharle. Iloa A. 73. Omen Ilea. Laundry and Day Work. KXpfciuKNi'Kli rolnredTglrl want day work, or general buuavwurk. Call 1I4 W.L.I.r. CiX.OHIlIt woiiiaa waul day work. Kt n. LAT NtiHlf and bundle work by day. Web, I7I. ' HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Office. MKN To iiuallfy for railway aiallon and uffir poaiuon. Ktparlrnc unnrrea ary. Tran.poriatlnn furniahed. Vpi Baker, HupU OepU 80 Walnwrlgltt, IfL Louis. Mo. I1J1-IH3 month. Bccom Hallway Mall clerk. List ioslimn frea. Writ to day aur. Franklin Institute, Uept, 1I'-1. Kocheater. N. Y. Professions and Trades. Bill HONKTI IM IT NOWl LKARN THK BKRT Bt HINKHft IN TflM BKST WAY. IN TH R BfcST Pl.AC'K ANI BIIOFTKST TIME. LEARN IT ALL AT THIS NATIONAL AUT0MOBI1.H SCHOOL. tl4 N. J0TH ST.. OMAHA. WRITB TOR FFKID fATAI.Oa liKTKCTI VKr! Nedel everywhere, good pay, Inlarrstlng work. Send for free Information covering our system of elu ratlonal advncmnt. International De tectl fcichange, ill W. Adams, Chi cago. JKWRLKRR, platinum men, diamond t lera, pollaher and ennravcm. Nonun ion ' only. Forty. eight hours. Beat working conditions. Porter A; Wiarr Jewelry Co., Oreen Jewelry Co., Knsa Clly. Mo. MONOTYrii combination caater and key board man; permanent position, splen , did working ronditlona. In moilnrn - American plan ahop. Th W. II, Klat let! Co., Piuver, folo. hi F.N wanted to quality for Fireman, Brakemen, experience unneceasacv Tranaporlallon furnished,' Writ W. Bote, St. Loul. BE a detective, KO-tluO weekly; travel over world: experience unnecesanry. American L'etectlvw Agency, 791 Lucas, cr. Liouis. MKN wanted for Detectlvo work. Kipori enco unnecessary. Write J. Gannr, for mer government detective. St, Loul. FIREMEN, brikeineii, b"Klimcr. I HO, laier $260 monthly. Writ Kaljwny, Box T-17M, Omaha Bee. WANTED On flret-ciaaa plejio pollther. - Apply A. Hospe Co., ion So. inth. MOI.BR BARBER COLLEOH), 110 8. 14th. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. An r.tabllhcd insurance com pany doing' a good, conservatlvo . health and accident butfnestt In ' ?x pan Ciin its business In N'ebranlta and desire to cstablteh a numt'pr of local agencies throughout the utata and ?n large Its sale organi sation. There are several good propositions open to active, experi enced (talesmen and agents. Give full particulars regarding ago, ftxporiont's and references in ftrnt letter. Address, All, Omaha Bee. .. EXCLUSIVE SKI.LINU RIGHTS. New Patented BED CLOTH KS FASTENER. Keeps Children Covered. Having tremendous aale In Kew York. Require, .men to assign pnii of stato rights. Smalt capital re quired to finance themselves with possibility of earning $10,000 per an num. WRITE FOR PETA1LS. UNIVERSAi. FIXTURE? CORPORATION J ii WKST 23U ST., N. T; SIDE LINE salesman wanted covering Kebratikit, Iowa. South Dakota. Wo- mlng, Montana. Colorado, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma to carry line lo Be LI from Illustrations and smalt hnnd samples to General Stores, Jewelery, druggists and the Ten-Cent store trade. Strictly commission basis. Fine oppor tunity for men with renersl Bales abil ity. References required. Give age and line you are in or have carried, , Iiox A-13I, Omaha Bee. , Men's Furnishing Goods Salesman. - '" ; wanted for territory tributary to Lin coln. Must b thoroughly experienced and well acquainted on tho territory. None other ned apply. Give references. H. A. Baker Company, Wholesalers & ' Manufacturers, Men's Furnishings, Sioux t:ity. la. BIO MONEY. Local and road men to handle the finest line nf books on the market. Experience not absolutely necessary, as w have th rignc goons, eucn as makiv. twain, HARVARD CLASSICS, REX BEACH, ENCYCLOPEDIA. DE MAUPASSANT. M'HITCOMB RILEY, and several others. . flail or address, Collier s, 308 Balrd Bldg. AT. 631H. ' IF YOU THINK IN TERMS OP $0,000 THIS YEAR, WRITE ME PERSONALLY Wonderful opportunity, strong prop osition of merit for general retail stores. Established concern nationally advertised. Rush season here. Splen did commission. Liberal weekly ad . vane to producers. W. Morgan, Sale Mgr., 1920 Euclid, Cleveland, Ohio, Dept. 101. SALESMEN capable of selling Davis High orade made-to-measure clothes at pop ular prices direct to the better class of trade. Liberal commissions. Pro tected territory. Towerful advertising campaign and Davis "Square Deal" guarantee of Satisfaction or Money Re turned back Of you. Write today giv ing three references, Tho P. H. Davis Tailoring Company, Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN OR SALESLADY Ba tmlepct'lent. Sell our high grade Imported coffees to homes direct, also hotels, restaurants, etc. One salesman each city of 1,000 or over. Exclusive territory. 30 to 50 weekly for your spar time. Samples free. New method. Write now. Sanlchu, Incorporated 8620 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 111. SALESMAN Covering all of Nebraska and the Dakotas. Dignified side line. Men's accessory. Call on high class haberdashers. Jewelers. department stores and. luggage shops. Neat sample - case, iits the pocket. Commission. Habanlx Leather Products Co., Toledo, Ohio. SALESMEN wanted. Two traveling sales men of ability.-, permanent well-paying positions, staple' well-known line sold from factory direct to merchant. Rapid advance for workers of ability. Write, giving experience. Box 496, Iowa City, ' Iowa. SALESMEN calling on Hardware, general atorrs ana variety stores to hand quick selling resale specialties direct from manufacturer to retailer. Com mission paid on receipt of orders. Pocket samples irec. oepartment It. Lock Box No. 612. Clinton, Iowa.- SALESMAN To sell Jiffy Polishing Cloths in Home. Hotels and Office iJuuaingp. .Polishes al metsls. You can dispose of large number and reap good profits. Commissions. American Mase. to., 100 N. Wells, St., Chicago, .Illinois. SALESMEN Income Tax Record. Meets government requirements. Big demand. un. nunarep per cent profit, well tabllshed. Writ quick for territory. Industrisl Utilities Co., 628 Tempi i-ouri, i.ienver, i;olo. SALESMEN Exceptional opportunity tor few salesmen who write at once. Live men how earning 110 to $100 per day. McClery Calendar Factory, Washington, lows. JMELP WANTED MALE. Slrmrn and Soliciiof. tHalltl'V M ANAik.taiary ! irtHia and iMiaua, ii. fair t-auei, iiia tuil I'aniiuUra. vruiiaiMliiy, '.(rail. .lia.-a. flral laliae. uiob Maauie luring I'j.ul aer, I'ar.y, !". bAl.kUAT " '' a kama I Iflluix it a al.l tuiaina ana tjaaetj! erniiig wuiMiiluiiutwa. IJiftia t .oeiiaiica. Mi, fteflun, H M4 !., I ia.'iaiieil, tibia. bULU lljlmea Tia and Tabaa. Sa rap. il rUirel, iea axaiy meuirie i n. a a. II. Ih. ill. lalliy gal reorder. Ilaiinea ituutrfr to, ltt W, llih, thl- ' IH'l ICVias t MleamsH la aril lu d.ei-is anly I'umplei line nf well. know linpl. riiaiita, ioniniiai'ii baaia liaeluaiaa ir rliarr OniaU Mesiaia Bala to,, Oin ka. Neb W A NTtCU t Uly ! lltrlliiliiia Unit ai'PL.d nind.hisid, N Haia ( alll rlulld lir.l pi la; gueicniaad, , N.Inki llid.h.eld tils . HI :. h, l,J m.iw,til. hi'l li'lTi'MH rait ln.ka b ri.nn.y Apply rveiaaiii auudui, aund Hour, rasioa ?ld, rer m and Varna m k' Agents and Canvassers. AtVKI'T Hi'S after If u waul real riuuey. l m.a II Je leu moBin, Hows. l. l-ais-xt vompany of I' kind In America, four profit II la I pr or.lei, W full luipmant. All "U do I rail " our .u.lnmrr ami take orders fur fainua Cuinr All.Wf.ih.r Coal. Ill, prr.po.ilnm, kpar lima r full lime. No rapnnl renuirad. Writ ejulck fur offer that alll put you on the r4 to smceaa. Th t'oniar Ug. Co., Dept. U- . l:, 1' ihi. A'iENTsV 14 n hour for your parilMi. Wrll for Danvaaaars nmitl remaining II aainple of guarnl'd Hn of I'ur Food Flavor, l"rfuin, Hnp. Toilet l'reprallon, !'. Hell In every ham. Big repealer, steady Income, Sand for sample fas today. Light weight, beau tiful pncanr. Amerlraa Product i', 10 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. NO HUM. TIMES HEI.LINU KoOI Pixipla niu.t rat. federal di.lrlliu inr mak big profll. I1.00 yearly nd up. No rapltsl or e.perienca need d. tlurntd aale. unanld goada ran l roturneit. Tour nm on product ur. Kxclualv terrllory. Wrll Fed build your own liuaiuea repeat Order era I Pur Fond Co., Chicago. llli profile. Sell Plate lilse Wlnd4te. flerlora. near lew jurrors. Aluminum Foot Scraper and I nationally ad vertised cceaorles. Car owner, deal era, garagea buy on lo gross. -Writ quick for llluatralrd bonk let and agency prices. Rapid Hale Corp., Dept. to, tlrand Rplila. Mich. AtiKNTM Yiiu'v alwav wanted big money. Her It Is. Ill ir 33 a flay. Near patented aluminum handle cutlery acf. you simply duplay set and wrll order. W deliver and collect. Pay you dally. Experience unn.reu.ary. Sampla free. Try It nut. Jennlng Mfg. Co., Set 1340, Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS and manufacturers' agenta, a lln of dlaplay alien that sell tliam .lve. No talking or selling (iperl- enc necessary. Ill per day. Every merrhent ft steady customer. Th M lercrafia, 3601-3 W. North Ave., Chi cago. III. AGENTS Enormous profits, star, manu facturing Polar Pie new sensational seller,' lcri cream In sealed chocolst shell, 10c package: com 2c. Outfit and complete Instructions. 137.60. Phsfer Co., 621 Jackson, I'hlcsscr, A' JENTS To sell I lie greatest Aulo- Owncr's Necesslly on the markel. enor innu profits, requires no capital: aend self-addressed stamped envelope for particulars, or 26c for ssmple. P. O. Box 14.r. Stsllon C. Cleveland, Ohio. COAL 83 PER TOffi Our pew kerosene (col oil) burner reduces , coal bills. Cheaper, better, cleaner. Fits any tov. Every home bujs. Amaslng big profits. Marvel Co.. o Fulton, ChicaKo. MAKE from ll,00 lo $5,000 per year and share profits besides. wo investment or experience necessary. Best season elieHd. Free raincoat. Associated Ksln coat A rents, Inc., 444 N. Wells, Chicago,- HI. ." . RAINCOAT agents, $90 a week. Carry sample line and write raincoat oruers. No delivering. No capital, famous "2-in-l" Reversible featured. Sample free. Parker Mfg. Co., 760 Cover St., Dayton. Ohio. - - . AGENTS Oet into money-making bual- nees. sell something now. wonuer com binstlon hand bsg. Every woman a customer. Act quick. Writ for sam pla snd territory. Goldsmith. Mfg. Co., ISO N. Wells. Chlcsgo. PRODUCING tailoring agents wanted. Men made-to-nrder doming tunion made). Beautiful materials, lowest prices. New spring swatch lln ready. Leeds Woolen Mills. Chicago. AGENTS 160-8200 week. Free samples. Gold' Sign Letters anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Let ter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. EASY money. $15 a day, something pew. "Simplex Ironing Board covers. Men on. sight. New agent made $6 first hour. W. Lynch, B-718, Springfield, III. GAS fire in any conk stove from coal- oil.. New selling plan. NO Investment. Experience unnecessary. Agenta. coin money. Get big offer. U. Si Mfg. Co., T)ept.- 19. Columbus. Ohio. A BUSINESS of your own. Make spark ling glass name plates, numbers, check erboards, medallions, signs: big Illus trated bonk free. IS. Palmer, 153 Wooster. O. , .-'' AGENTS Wonderful seller, 96c profit every dolar. sales. : Deliver on spotfi Li cense unnecessary. Sample free. Mis sion, Factory 2, 2421 Smith Ave., De troit, Mich. MEN'S shirts. Big sellers. Factory to consumer, $16 dally.. Undersell stores. Complete, line. Free' sa'mples to work ers. Chicago Shin Co., 208 So. LaSalle, Chicago.; . AGENTS Get particulars, best selling article ever njrerea men. Big proms, costs 6c. sells for $1. 815 made daily by one huatler, aworn . statement. C. Leroy. 2633 N. Lswndslc, Chicago. WE HAVE an exceptional side line for a man who can meet, and talk to the farmer. Write us today. Flnnlgan Mfg. Co., Box 57-0. Anamosa. la. WHY work for others? Make and sell your own goods. We show you how. Free book, explains everything. N. S. Laboratories. 625 Main. Richmond. Va. ELECTRO-Condlte startles world. Age home-made drinks, etc. Thousands old. Price $0. Fastest seller. A..B. C. Co., 233 west 61st St., New Tork. CHEWING gum, sell to stores; Profitable business built up quickly, spearmint and popular flavors In novel pSakagas; writ today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, O. Miscellaneous. MEN You've always wanted big money. Here H Is. $16 to $32 a day. New patented aluminum' handle cutlery let. You simply display set and write or der. We deliver and collect. Pay you dally. Experlenc unnecessary. Sample free. Try It out. Jennings Mfg. Co., let 1246. Dayton, Ohio. $30 to 850 weekly In your spare time doing special advertising work among th families of your city; no experience necessary; write todsy for full partlcu- . lars. American Product Co., 6603 American Bldg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. MEN Age 17 to 56, experience unneces sary. Travel; make secret Inveatlga tlons, reports. Salaries: expenses. Amer ican Foreign Detective Agency, 476, St. Lbuts. THOSE out of employment or wishing to Increase present income, conynuni cate with Chsutauqu Commercial Agency, Jamestown. N. ' T. HELP wXNf ED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. Short courses in shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. etc. Position secured free. Call DO 7744, or writ American 1 Institute, I. O. O. F. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. YOUNG lady with soma knowledge of bookkeeping and stenogrsphia wa wanted. Call personally. 1008 Howard St. WOMEN Girls, over 17. Oet government positions. $92-8125 month. For ssm ple examination question pply Box T-17C2. Omaha Bee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. LADIES All or spar time. Make 116 day selling "Simplex Ironing Board Covers." Something new sell on sight. New agent made $6 first hour. W. J. Lynch. B-178, Springfield, 111. AT ONCE Five ladies to travel, demoo- . strata and sell dealers. $40 to $76 per "week. Railway fare paid. Goodrich ' Drg Co., Dept. 108A. Omaha, Neb. Household and Domestic. V.'ANTED An experienced cook. Rcfe: ' ences required. Mrs. L. L. KouuUe, 433 Mouth 3tn street, Harney mil. The Bee contest for amateur pho tographers closes rebruary l, HELP WANTED FEMALE. MitcilUneoua. v ASfr-li imiiirdiaiaiy. .tp.iic.4 lian mbriitdaiwia; ru.kaiarj h.nt, iu. Mia. inalarial, palling litwraiiy for mak.n. siisuipaj ui. ktins pariii'uiara t'iitirMrtt4 Alt tiiHHl t , I'lirismueih, oin.. kvAHN 1l Ipai.'lim., wiliie, fur a.aapapars, inagaaut.'. Kapartaue va ftaary, drt.iia frM, tee ?adirl, III, !. I.eul., la. Fli 'To f UA ii'.ult idea i.Md.d Wmk" log "l paid I !, f"f Mm alia tiiuuht wurihlsea, I'aUlia fraa, Wrll fri'duc.. Laaiue. 27.. at. Loul. HELP WANTED Mile and Femala. t.AI'll.M wanted, and pi. a, too, la a. I. tfrea anil iitsil dvrtiaing natter t kotti for tar piait vrdrr firm., .par or wkul urns, I'm mak II la lit weakly. No capital or tienenc required. IUwH siplalnlngv avvryihinf mailed fur 14 ta cover po.t. as, etc, Ward Pub. Co, Tlltsn, N. II, MAN ur woman' a.anta.1. It weekly full tun. II an hour spar Hm, eelling guaranteed ho.iory lo wearer. Lipnrl. en. unna.e-.ary, Inlernailopal Kalt ting 111 I la. C-l:l. Norri.lown. Pa. WANTkO Man, ladia and boy la l.arn barpar trad: big demand! waga while learning! alrielly modern Call er writ l"i liodga St. Tn ctty Barber Coll.. EDUCATIONAL. DAY bVHOOi- MUHT rV'HOoL. Complat course In oceunlancy. ma. rhln bookkerpiiK, coniptometry, abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wlr.lea t.lrsraphy, civil -rvlre and all Kiictiali and fonua.rctal branch.. Write, call or phone Jackson liili for Urg lluatraled catalog Addrani Boyles College, ttayee Bldg., Omah. N.k Van Sent School of Bualne. lay and Evening H'-hoole. 120 Omaha National Buk Bldg. llougla 6l. BUSINESS CHANCES. An established Insurance com pany doing a good, roiia.rvatlv health and accident business Is ex panding it busineaa In N'.braaka and desire to a number of local agencies throughout th tat and enlurg It sslrs organi sation. Thera ara several good proportion open l active, axperl eneed aalesmen ajid agents. Glv full particular regarding age, expertenc and reference in first letter. Address, Box . A II, Omah Bee. MONEY IN WALL STREET. A few dollar Invested In an option on any active stock may return quick unlimited profits. No margins and no further risks. Best and safest way to trade. Booklet mailed free. PECK & SIMONS, Puts and calls. Eslablshed 1178. 63 Brondwsy. New York Clly. SAVE Incorporating expense and excev profit taxes snd avoid personal liability by organizing your company on the Common Law Plan under a Declaration of Trust. Anyone, anywhere, can fill In Demaree Standard Forms, Issue shans nd begin doing business earn dsy. Psmphlet B-83 free. C. 8. Demsrce, legal blank printer, 113 Walnut, Kansas City. Mo. FOR SALE Plumblnr business. Lain imrring compelled to sacrifice my plummng business on account of poor health. This Is a splendid opening In a good lo cality and is a money maker, stock in voice about 83,000. and will consider some trade -and give good terms on balance. Must be sold In two weeks. H. M. Slgsbee, Julesburg, Colo. For Sale, Stock of Merchandise. - Hardware, dry goods, notions, es tablished business In a refined North Omaha neighborhood. Stock and fix tures Invoice about 36,000. Immediate possession csn be given. No trade. Owner leaving city. If interested en ewer Box A-7S. Omaha Bee. OWNER offers a few bona fide leases In Mexia oil field, $10 up. for quick sale In order lo drill balance adjoining. Best opportunity of lifetime. Similar leases recently sold $25,010 per acre. Will give terms. Write for free map. Act quick. J. E. Pope, owner, F, & M. Bldg., Fort Worth. Texas. WANTED Experienced man, food prol uct shop. Salary should run $100.00 to $160.00 per week. We guarantee $75.00. Must purchase half Interest at $2,600.00. No curiosity seekers need answer. Address Box T-1773, Omaha ' Bee. CONDUCT your own business. Acquire Indepdence and prosperity, trading in the Stock Market with Stock Privileges. 140 to $135 controls 100 shares of any slock. Large profits possible. Free Booklet No. 14 explains. Paul Kaye, 149 Broadway, New York. STOfcK OR BOND ISSUE WANTED We have extensive private Investors; must be legitimate; will consider the eale of securities on commission; no publicity; confidential. What have you to offer? Address Dept. O, Suite 836, Slngr Building, New York. RESPONSIBLE corporation wants general sales -managers to open branch office, manage salesmen; $500 to $5,000 neces sary; expenses to Baltimore allowed if you qualify. Address, Manager, 603 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. ICE or refrigerating machines, A-l order. Several sizes for markets, produce, dairies, small Ice plants, big bargains, half price, erected guaranteed. Born Refrigerating Company. Chicago. FOR - SALE One of the best equipped restaursnt in Alliance; reasonaDie casn payment will handle.v Address S. B. Wright. Alliance. Neb.. RESTAURANT, big money maker. Larg est and best located in Casper, wyo. 316.000 buys It, terms given. The Dob bin Reslty Co., Casper, Wyo. FOR SALE Grocery and rooming house, an run, money maxer, ti.svv. Terms. 645 South 24th avenue. SALE. Interest In auto repair. DO. 6434. , . Rooming Houses. I ROOMS,, well furnished, fine homo, good income. In good residential dis trict. Must Bicrlflc. Ownr, H. 0547. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. . The Hamilton, Farnam, at 24th Single room with private batu for per manent or transient guests. Equipped with single, double or twin beds to meet your requirements. . All our room are outside room. Location very fine. Di rect car line to all parts of city. Prices reasonable. $10.60 per week and up. Always glsd" to show- you. . GET YOUR ROOM through Th Be furnished room di rectory. Call at office tor list of choice desirable room In ill part of th city. A oervic that benefit both advertiser snd room seeker. SINGLE or 2 connecting rooms, north snd south light; good heat, elevator service; splendid location, 3rd floor, Douglas St., across from Fontenelle. Call Douglas 4743. GLOBE HOTEL 1107 Douglas. New man agement, respectable, first-class, ' newly decorated, pome-like rooms; S0o, 7oc, 81 per day. Special weekly rates. DOUGLAS 7504 Lovely room In nicely furnished bungalow for young couple , employed; meals If desired. No objec- tton to small child. ; FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. Most desirsble large roorn for one or two gentlemen, also garage. HA. 1624. FIELD Club district Will har my very . romtortabl home with married couple. Tel. Harney 1918. ATLANTIC 4109 Comfortable room to refined person. No other roomers; walking distance. 84 per week. WEST Farnam. near Blaokstone. Attrac tive large front room In first-class home. Tel. HA. 8144. SWEETWOOD AVE., 410 Three mall ' sleeping rooms 1q modern .brick flat; clos In. PLEASANT room, gentleman, modern, private home, walking distance. HA. 2786. LAKE, 1606 two pleaaant rooms, sll newly furnished, reasonable. Web 0478. ROOM, board if desired middle-aged wo man preferred, priv. family. WA. 6402. PLEASANT rooms, single or double, close In. reasonable. HA. 0913 even. At Sun. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; steam heat. 1506 Farnam, third floor. LEAVENWORTH ST., 2564 Large, nicely furnished steam heated rooms. AT. 5461. 170 8. 24TH AVE Large, roomt walking distsnce. warm, front AT 6476. DESIRABLE, clean front room: lo-ely. modern home; no children. HA 4761 A-l, well-heated rooms, cheap. KE. 4610, FO RR EN ITjF 00 M 3. Housekeeping Rooms. MCtLr turnT.11.4 iu..iu"lit ptit luiuc, ham pnvii.e. Wai'tut I.. NIC.I.Vturni.hd Vnia "in l'ik Am Housekeeping Room. 'J H W ta iliri v lb fcHer kuu..kaaMlng roam la Ih llieilmy fttiaielted I al..(ii.r iid mat) kasl.r. tall al Be tfu fur fra ropy cwftUining 4aiikla tan.e ll pan I th wis rTKMHHKU l.xm.V lilt lllM houkt ins WK 41 ; I ; 7T II T. H Ta auitea u( illil rnort.a AT ll?i- Vkl Kt"i riel ,$ .J J J laTl" .ulTt frent rm.l luodara Iihiiii. t ii k K.i.l ijf 1 IINT AVK "jlodria liiiMMkreplliJ rnoina. 4 ta II par ocas. II A III! KEN OK J rnoma. unfurm.lied, ur pail y furniah.! for k.11: priiais Ii..iii fvvjari fruat room, lil Union, Tel. J A 4. 41 A I' f'.inl ruiini hnma. w tin la a irnsi I'unile HA, 'iJ4, nr V.:. Clian. warm r'ma fur Imht h'k'p'g; arthlng fur, TW'll rooms for llglil hutl-rkeepiitg, tea Inn lights, gaa i all AT it. tW K.VTI KTHslT . 123 . ATrHliTN wi hapg. rm., mealy lu.-au.t Mi lIiEKN Thoiii. rlnaa IN. MA. 035. Board and Rooms. MOHtiRN room with board. uitbl two; Hanavum Park; Ibtt . Sat HI. II A. 8100. CoMMOLill'H room with talk lur tu MERRIAM HOTEL 101 Mouth IHIi HI. DO. 171, NVAiVrElt O.nliemen, pilvate home, board and rnum; no ether roomer. Call Dougla mil Sunday morning. Ui'Oti room, meal a day, for tnployed couple, no other boardara, n Bristol, w.n.irr into. I'll IV. horn. Urg rm., Vary bl boa id, Ion. grnilamaa. HA 1217. Unfurniihrx Rooms. VERY Urg utifurmahed ruom: b.t4 light and gaa furniahed. II A. 3341. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. A vary nice I room furniahed linusa en Cuming alrecl, facing Beinl Park; 1100. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and farnain Sis. UCNPEK HoUK. TEN BOOMS. MOD ERN; WITH tlAnAGK. 4u PAVEN- I'Oll'P ST. PHONE WALNUT 2471. Pl'KNlHHEli modern 8room Kpartineut. 8KJ7 n. 13d St., corner of P nt. Unfurnished. Houses and Cottages, v Strictly Modern 7 Rooms 2101 Miami 81.. larxe room, handy to everything 835.00 7 Room 101 rark Ave., large rooms. 4 bedrooms, close, in; new brick row. aas ranie ln- eluded; available February t... 80.00 T Rooms 3103 Poppleton Ave., sleeping porch. . fireplace, oak floors. Field club district, very choice 78.00 I Room 104 N. 41st St., close to car and school. West Farnam - district; choice 75.00 10 Rooms 2161 Pacific, SI., In brick terrace, Hanscoin park dis trict: rood condition: suitable fur keeping roomer 75,00 Flats, Partly Modern 4 Rooms 291014 Farnam St., mod ern except fumace: lars rooms. handy to everything $20.00 Rooms 3101 N. sot n Pt.. splen did condition, two bedrooms;- heat and hot and cold water In cluded $40.00-850.00 Oet Our Complete Printed List Before Renting. , Payne & Carnaby Co., Omaha's Rental Men. Ill Omaha NatL Bk. Bldk. JA. 1011. Eight rooms, north of Bemls Park well built; well arranged and well lo cated home: 8510 Charles street. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. . 17th and Fanam St. 7-ROOM house, modern except heat, $40. 1428 S. 13th. Inquire 1414 S. 13th. Atlantlo 1291. S615 NORTH 19TH 5-room cottage, all modern except neat. Webster 6071. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. Morris Apartments istw And dodge sts. furnished complete for light housekeeping, atlantic .210. Hotel Service HA. 1602, DO; 8867 Three-room steam nested apartment in the Sweetwood FOUR room all moderm heat and gaa mrnisneq. du. . jiarney isiy. WIRT ST., 2420 Two-room furnished Apt., nor. water neat, walnut 2539. 3 ROOMS, heat and bath. 811 No. 35th. Unfurnished. APARTMEOTS 8 rooms. No. 1 Klngsborough, 263S Dodge street 8 65.00 4 rooms. No. 12 Troy. 8009 Harney street ) 65.00 rms. witn o-room accom., No. 207 Turner Court. 8106 Dbdg St $ 70.00 a rooms ana sun room. rvo. 6 Arn more Terrace, 4th arid California streets IU5.00 5 rooms, No. 1 Elwood, 49th avenue and Dodge street $125.00 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT 0644. '17th nd Farnam Sts. Heated Apartment i Apartment No. 8, tho Lamond. 26th and Woolwbrth Ave. Three rooms, with four-room Accommodation. Hot and cold water and steam heat furnished; fiu sumnir, sou winivr, Geo. T. Porter & Co., 105 3. 18th St. AT. 2998. 62H SOUTH 26TH AVE. HIGH GRADE FLAT. Hss six big room all on first floor. Ourter-awed oak floors, til bath. r-.veryt.ning in the pink of condition, ueaay to move in. Rental $76. HASTINGS & 11EYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. OOuO, LEIOH APARTMENT. Twenty-fifth Ave., 205 South; hav two nice apartments, tour rooms with five-room accommodations. Rentals 167.60 and 375. Possession February 1, HASTINQS & HEYDEN, 1614 Hsrney St. AT. 0050. PARK AVE.. 1537. Strictly mod. 9-room trick. Newly decorated throughout. On car line. r ing park. Close to school or church. Goo place for sub-renting. Reasonable rent. Bee this today. Fn rent to Februsry 1. Phone Harney 1927. MILTON APARTMENT 1164 JONES STREET. Three-room apartment, five-room ac commodations. Immediate possession. Can be seen today. Call WE. 0988. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. 006. FOR RENT. Beautiful 6-room bungalow. 60C0 Davenport St., $76. Call Harney 028S Sunday. A. V. TL'KtY & SON 620 First National Bank. J A. 4228. BEAUTIFUL t-room' apartment In Clarlnda, Slkt and Farnam, contains 4 bedroom. S baths; extra large rooms. Available February 1. Call Doug. 7715 week days, business hours. TO LET I and 6-room apartments, 3920 Cuming. W, FARNAM SMITH Ar. CO. Jackson 0664. 1320 Farnam'. 60 SOUTH 30TH ST., 3-room flat, elec tric lights, bath, in good repair, all modern except heat, 323.60. RASP BROS.. 213 Kllne Bldg. AT. 0721. STEAM .heated. 4 rooms. $35. Stebbln, 1610 Chicago St, r. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. 1.) ! ruem HU4r apia. Is , M O pttAKH ItK.NTAI. AUtNfT. 1t) llo.t. i r. ia a. .- PcTers Tnis'f Company, klit'lg UMAIIA HUST CIO.' IS, tumfett U ."B c- liunal I I VI I iwaitt ai' . JN .itn id r. .. , FO R R ETBuTnea Property 111? iin(Hi M --Too '"' ' WI" .SJH II r f ""' riev...-. lilt iKidS at V. .-eld lr. ttee (in window Hi.piay i 1 11 J Ih'ilg t. -In ttavdncr Bldg " I1114II ullii. l. U'" ulU'', l' American Security Co., t .al fio. Nl fougla Ml T'l 1.V.T ' (lfl a.Ual. iaal I ill IS HorJ, A KAHSAM Mllll CO. Jackson '.a4. IJi Faiatm. Foil (rtT Hushing 1111 al 4t; 24111 at. I-al. lor laciury, yaiiii en, m, aula le niiiiniiy or auira.. la qiltie 4IM H :ilh HI-. MarkM 1, f'AKNAJUJ HT. 314 rr .. Hloi iimiiii, lauuir 4. r Murphy, nil aouia 4Hi Hi Mfki u7l, tll HE N'T Hi or room In AiUnllu Iowa, will remndai aun i.nani, lvrur I'. I'ai.alhak.i. A'lanile, looa. SOI KAHS'AM HT ll.Octl ..U.r. feel. AI.KKKIJ THOMAS) wi V.U. MKItl.'ANTII.k; KTDHAGs) ANI WAIH- IHil'SK 111. IHU and Jrm. Hi ALTANili" 5I1 tiffins pail f.c.piioa room. Klrat Nat. Bank Bldg HAI.i'uvr fur uffu or email buaius, J0K Mouth lth Ht. II. M Kr. Chriaile, warehouse tvek'g area " W K A fi" A N l "HOW M A n"C0, Garages. Ill N. l.l h A... tiaraga. 1 car II A. 8417. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. A SMALL mod. bungalow or Addrrs Bog rut la., T 1111, good location, vititab lice. M0V1 ,N GA N D STO RAGE. FIU KI'Ht oV W A R EH TUrtki Separat locked room tor houeabold giMida and pianoa. moving, packing and aliltit.lhff. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND RTORAOB. Kim Smith Kill. DO. 4II. ESTIMATES furniahed oil atorag and moving. Contracts taken py Job or nr, lllnb Van Us Ktnrag Co.. JA, 4338. AT, 023O. 630-34 North Hill St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. HAY. 10 per ton. A. W. Wagner, 101 N am nt ja hi.'. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Orange-colored Persian ( ma I rat. 1 year old. DO. ion. ONHJ TOGOENBERll BILLY 1TOR SKRVICE. KE. 43. I'ANAHIKH for sale, reaaonsble. Ke 3663, FOR SALE Sjill puppies. 610. HA. 7017, ROSE Comb R. I. K. rockerela. KE. 4608 1IATCI11NO EilGS. Wy. Yard. Ka 03. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED FORDS S All Styles E- " All Models D ' Priced Right F When buying from us O you are buying from an R Authorized Ford Dealer D and that means every S car is as represented 13.0 Nerttrn $400 Sedan 260 Coupe, witlt etarter. 278 1920 Coupe 350 Coupe 395 1920 Touring, with tartr 200 1921 Touring 396 1920 RoadBter, without starter 176 1820 Roadster, with start. 221 Light Delivery cab and box body 160 Light Delivery, cab and express body.. 261 Ton Truck, cab and , express body 121 , Ton Truck, cab and express body .... 300 Sample-Hart Motor Co., Used Car Department "WE TELL THE TRUTH" ' Open Sundays. 1810 Cuming St. Atlantlo 6468. Used Cars Backed, by a Good Name - One of the most Important fae. tors in buying a used csr is th responsibility of the eller. OUR USED CARS ARB RIGHT! Auburn sedan; In fin condition throughout: upholstery like new; newly painted; in good mechanical condition; good tire. A real buy, Buick touring, 1921, In fin con dltlon. Newly painted. Bulck touring, 1922. Practically new car. Cole Eight Phaeton; in nice condition. Priced right. Hayne 13 touring. Look Ilk a new car; new dark green paint, white wire wheel. California top; - In fine mechanical couditton. Hudson Super Six touring. Good paint, good tires and in good me chanical condition. Mitchell limousine. Ha had th care of a chauffeur and Is In fine condition throughout. New paint. A. fine car for taxi at a price that 1 right. Term to responsible parties. . W will trad In your old car at what it Is worth. . ' . A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 26th Ave. HA 0710. Special Used Truck Bargains If In need of a good used truck don't fall to look over our unuaual used truck bargain. Here'are a fty of them: On 1920 Ford, 1-ton chassis and cab One 1919 Oldsmodible truck', convert ablo farmbody and. enclosed cab, A-l condition. One 1920 Dodge delivery truck with, screen sides, used very little. One 1919 1-ton Stewart, open cab and rack body, pneumatic tires, good condi tion. , One 1919 4-ton Ropubllo truck, and cab and platform body, pneumatiu tires. . One 1917 1-ton Republic truck, ex press body and csb, solid tire. On 191 Reo Speedwagon, csb snd express body, overhauled and repainted. On 1920 Reo Speedwagon, express body and canopy, top. This truck is Ilk .new. One 1919 S-ton Stewr, enclosed cab and stake body, excellent condition. CASH OR TERMS. Jones-Opper Co., Inc., Phon HA 0135. 2568 Farnam St, FORDS'. ORDSI ' New and Used Cash and Terms. We hav them all prices all model Be aura and see u befor you buy. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., "Th Handy Ford Servlc Station." Authorized Ford Dealer. 15th snd Jsckson Sts. DO 3600. Open Sunday from I to 11. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ?25 FREE THIS AO, IK PHtftNTKU AT tH'R tULK h.MUt ANY TIM N HI1 HI Nil THK W KKK KNWNiJ JANl'AItT M. KNTITt KS TUB iui.i;k to a trtKiHT or 1:1 ON TUB rt'ltCllAHH mien or ANT Or OUR I NKU CAlt. Just Look These Over I An Overland Chummy - Wli Whael. gmx hap. :i OldtumbU -rour" (l.d for lif lima ......,.. ;i C Tourlni A reel rwrful ear :! pldsineml tight Touring A good family rar and In good ran. dlllun IIH Mllrh.ll Sl Rfpaliilcd and I vry good condition. A durable 6 fee Roadster R. painted and Ov.rhauled , .....III! Oldamobll Kight, Sport Modal Itabullt and in first ela shara Mv tlrx practically .... 1171 Oldnnobll Six n.condltloned. Look good a new,,...,..60 Hayna Taurine Cr In very good oondltlon; good paint, good lira and rung fin $750 Oldamobll Stdan R.newed .t covers. A very .-onomleal n closed car. A good looker.. I960 Cadltlao Touring Car An eight eyllnd.r car la good condition and replntd 11,15 TRUCKS FORD TON. ..till Commerce ton new TIRES 5 OLDSMOBILB iconou t PICK TOUR OWN CAB AND BODT 7( THESE PARS WILL ALEi BB SOLD ON LIBERAL TERMS AND ARB OFFERED AT 6PE CIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON LT. LOOK THEM OVER. PICK TOURS OUT AND BUT NOW. . WB WILL STORE FREE UNTIL! MARCH I. A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . . WILL HOLD ONB OF THESE FOR YOU UNTIL TOU ARB READY FOR IT. BUY NOW. WHILE THE BUYING IS GOOD AND CHEAP. NEBRASKA" . i OLDSMOBILE COMPANY, 18th and Howard, 'v Atlantic 1770. Dodge Sedan Hers Is an exceptionally good Dodge sedan which is In excellent condition throughout. We hav placed a low Price of 1600 on this car and this la jour opportunity to get a real bargain. See It today at our salesrooms on Far nam street, or phone for a horn demon stration. Guy L. Smith LOOK for bur unusual of fer on used cars in Au tomobile vDisplay Sec tion of this paper. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, 2659 Farnam St. Phone Harney 7280. Omaha's largest used car sale. . All Makes. All Models. All Over hauled. Dodge. Ford. Chevrolet. Stude bakers at lowest prices ever known. Positively no car over' 1400. Some good ones at $75. If you ara not. quite ready for a car at present, Just come in and make your eiectlon and pay a small deposit and we will keep car until eprlng for you free of atorage charge. Payments? do not begin until 30 day after you take car out In the spring. One-third csh and your not for th balance. No finance charge. WILLYS OVERLAND, INC., 3562 Farnam St. AUTOMOBILE owners, gsrsgemeu, me chanics, repairmen, send todsy for free copy of this month's issue. It contain helpful. Instructive information on over hauling, Ignition troubles, wiring, car buretors, storage batteries, etc Over 130 psges. Illustrated. Send for free, copy today. Automobile Digest, Hi Butler Bldg, Cincinnati. Motor Trucks for Sale TO SATISFY CREDITORS I will t-ll at great sacrifice 3 Packard 3-ton truck, chassis only. 1 Master truck, 3-ton truck, chassis only. 1 Republio truck with dump body. CONRAD YOUNG. 823 Brandel Theater. Jackson 1571. 60 REAL USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Tim. Buy or 611. Ford from 160 and up. Dodge Bulck and other. $100 and up. , Ford bodies, winter topa OOLD8TOM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Oarag. 1912 K-44 BU1CK LIGHT SIX ROAD STER; FIVE CORD TIRES; PERFECT CONDITION. A REAL BUT AND A REAL CAR. - 3061 FARNAM ST. PHONE DO 1917. FOR 8 A I. F OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. WIRE WHEELS. DARK OLIVR GREEN PAINT. OOOD 8HAPB. ' Wlt.l, SELL ON TIME OR TRADE. GUARAN TEED. CALL MAHAFFY. HA I06C r 4. ',,. V ..a-.i-ar-..!.. ... """"'7' "' -" -i . ,. I, i .