Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Tin: m:i umajia. weuntpav. jaxuauv i. im.
Girl a' CSnir Vi.h.;..1
Dr. and Mr, k. M, Mlb enler.
tamed he Cathedral Cirl ihoir of
M. t'eeilu athool on buud.iy eve.
? J" ,h c,,f"Cf Tom of thr
taihedtal, , rnueieal prvirum i
Rlvt and rerehim-nt ertfd.
ion ve promt and form:: mem
ber f the choir ( traded.
Ob Friday evening Jr. and Mr,
Salbv Kill -!.. 1 1.- ...I... I.. I
choir. Dr. bilhy it tuganiit
nd director at ttie rathed'al and
Oftctrt ol Trinity Pariah Aid.
Mr. Homer Kobimon a rhcird
pifiidtiu of the Trinity VfiU Aid
i the annual eleciitm lal Wrlnr
day, Th,'ice preidenn re Mr.
George Jjflebbin. Mm. A. L, Reed
ftnd Mr J. A. V. Kinaman. Mr.
1-atham livii i aeereiary and Mr.
W., A. Hraef trraetirer. I hairman
of courteay committee N Mil. Wil
liam aid artand.
Drama, League.
Mra. Samuel Hurn, publicity
ihairman Tor ib- Drama league, an.
iiouncei that any one who i a rent
dent of tn alia, or a member of tlie
Urania itagm anywhere, may enter
lit conAen aponaorcd by the or.
The ilcw membership mark for the
lcagueia 9u0. Cuent ticket may be
purebred at the door for any of
the rrogratn numbers. The neat
ipcalfer ill be Herman Koe, on
itagttcraft Tuesday, January 14.
National Guard Dance.
1he National Guards will give a
military dance at the Rome hotel
ticyt Friday evening. Tickets may be
erured from Amos Thomas, or at
tle Armory at 1612 llarney street.
'I he purpose of the dance is to rake
hands tor fitting up the Armory.
Misa Raftrea a Visitor.
Mrs. J. Jf. Hratou is entertaining
M several informal afternoon tra
ni week for her siter. Miss lulb.
K'.aftree of Chicago who is a aucst
at the Beaton home.
Bridge Party.
Miss Gwendolen Woli'e entertained
tt a bridge party this afternoon at
i'tr home. About 20 guests were
Mr. Wattles Entertains.
Gurdon Wattle was hot Tuesday
nening at a dinner at the Omaha
t!ub for about a hundred of his
Ladies of the G. A. K.
Garfield circle, Ladies of the G.
A. R., uill meet Friday evening in
Memorial hall, court house.
Head of N. Y.
Mrs. II. T, Bean, who it veiling
relative here, is president of the
N"eliraka society in "cw York
City. She ; in Nebraska in the in
tercut of a ?IU,000 fund to he used
to equip and endow a roo.ii for
Nebraska hoys m the Navy rltin.
There are 800 Nebraska hoys in the
navy. There is no place, according
to Mrs. Bean, where a common sea
man ran get a clean bed and good
food at cost.
Date Set for District Mor.
"Hi.? .iimu! com tiiii.'it of the Fir it
' distrut, Vebre Federation of
j Woman' Huh., Mill h held April
10, and I J. Mr. S, I. tiewp of
,S'eiuU l iy t president f hi
ditttwt. The meeting of the ffond
dutrict, Mf. I- M. jrl of Qmsh,
fireitrnt, i mhedulfd for April IJ.
H. It ii rpected that the rmnrn.
lion will mrtt in Unuha, by jniia
tmn of the i tnulu Wimuii'i dub,
I he 'Ihiiit ili-iriit, Mf. I baric A.
Millar, preilcnt. will b'M i inert
iiS Apnl lit. I' and .U Mi I the
I 'en iik of Vor' i president of lir
I ourth (h.lrirl, yhit ll lltret April
J5-Jt. lhe I hiH di-.trit. Mt. A. L
Jeniton ot llariitrd, itiilni, will
inert in Miudcn April J-X and thr
Si'mIi district iiiei'tiiig will be held
May J. 4 and J. Mr. (ieige Fritter
of North I'iatte U presidtitt of this
Catension Bible Course.
Thr Hihle oure, iindrr Prof. V,
R. Vanarian of the Omaha uni'cr.
ity will kiart Thursday evening at
7 at the V, V. I'. A AH women and
girl are not only irtilly jnwtrd,
but uijrd, to annul tin, cuu.'ur.
Current Events.
The Y. U'. C. A. current eenl
clafi will be mid oa Monday at
5:15 and on Thursday at 7. The
class in civic will be held Friday at
Bridge Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wynian will
entertain at dinner and bridge Thurs
day evening.
My Marriage Problems
A4a IMrrtssi.a t fht of
Household Hints
Queue braids of self Material are
replacing narrow belts on soils which
prefer this waistline arrangement,
lliouiil) the sirinc belt Mill main
tains its popularity in many lines.
To keep zinc tray of uas stove
clran place three of
newspaper and line the tray. ChanR'
it every other day and your tray will
be spotless.
Remove v atrr snots on waxed
floor by rumiuig in a circular motion
with a cloth saturated with turpen
tine, then with a dry piece of flannel.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Black
have moved hito their new' home at
41 1 South Thirty-eighth street,
which they recently purchased. It
was formerly, the Gould Dietz home.
Mrs. Black Will not go .to Florida
this winter, as she had originally
planned. Mrs. H. R. Cotton of Chi
cago is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Black, and Mr. Black.
Mrs. Charles RuaieH returned
Monday from a short trip to Des
Moines. ,
Mrs. C. E. Fuller and Miss Mary
ljuller have relumed from a trip to
Chicago, .
Miss Louise Hcitman kit Monday
tor a week's trip to New York.
Miss Ruth Maguire lct't for New
York Monday- evening on a two
v.ccks' trip.
After a month's sojourn in Los
Angeles and San Francisco. Dr. and
Mrs. H. C. Parker returned home
Jas't Thursday. , ,
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Walt Bit.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Tour advise
seems to be sensible, so I think you
can help me. I am Is years old,
and have been keeping eonipany
with a. young man for soma time
whom. I dearly iove. Nov.-, Mies
Valrfns, I think he isn't fair with
ine tt til. (
He told me that he Is Koiug out
of town on account of having a job
promised there: and said lie would
not bo back before February iS,
but promised to 'write to me.
We parted very nicely; s. week
was s up ana l Haven't receivea a
letter nor card, and bectime wor
ried. One evening my sister time
home and told me she seen him,
and epoke to him, but lie did not
.call me up, nor come to the house.
Xow it's two weeks since he's back,
and I just do not know what to do.
He also gave me a pretty wrist
watch for Christmas just before he
left, so shall I return it or keep it?
Shall I write to him and have him
explain why he done all this, or
Hhall I ffive up hopes? Please ad
vise me. for T just cannot stand it
any longer. Thanking you from my
whole .heart. BROWNETES.
It seems to 'me it is not your
move. The young man has given
you some evidence that he cares for
vou, but more evidence that he does
"not. Be patient a bit longer and
perhaps you will learn the cause
for his conduct. His job may not
have turned out as he cipected and
he may .be embarrassed about it.
Of course, he is not treating you
well when he avoids you, but don't
pass judgment just yet. . ;
Soldlce Bonus.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Could you
kindly tell me if thero is a bonus
for -Nebraska soldiers and sailors?
If so. to whom could I write to find
out about it?- In several states they
sive a bonus. I wanted to know if
Ihey gave it in Nebraska.
, r : : ' ANXIOUS JI. D.
There is no bonus from the state
of Nebraska. Tou know-of the ISO
government bonus, of course; and of
the government's ' land .proposition.
.U is true eome states, notably Ore
Koni Minnesota and Ohio, had done
much -for their soldiers.
A Point In Eliquet.
, Dear Miss Fairfax:' Is it proper
for a youwr man in company-with
i youn lady on the street to tip his
hat when meeting (-another young
nan'' an acquaintance, of the young
Kdy'and yet a stranger to the young
mart In her 'company? Tours sin
oTely.' ' i p. H.
Both men ahould tip their hats.
S Weart Broken t Tour lesson will
Wave some value for you if you learn
Uiat !t I a mistake to believe bad
isle about other people, and a eUIl
sreaear mistake to repeat them. T
am not sure I can lighten your grief
in losing your boy friend and am not
wre I would it I could, ..u.
Oldest Dancer in the World-Maybe
Piquant little Adelaide 1 Italics,
headliner at the Orpheuni this v.xrk,
is 104 years old, by her own reckon
ing. "I went on the stage as 'La Tctitc
Adelaide' in lhe first Parking Show
when I was nine," she said. "How
long have I been on? Xincty-five
years." she declared, burst inft into
So there you have it, though you
might have difficulty in believing it.
if you watched her nimble pirouettes,
her black curls, and the dimpled
knees that twinkle above l:cr rolled
Oh yes, Miss Adelaide is a firm
advocate of rolled stockings, not on
ly for the staRC, but for the street,'
though she admits that hosiery is a
minor matter when she wears her
new pa;r of Russian boois. She
pulled them out proudly for exhibi
tion, the first pair that has been
worn in Omaha, though llicv are all
the rage in the can. "Mr. Hughes
hated galoshes, and 1 loved them, so
he had these made for mc as a com
rroiTiifc." If all compromises could only be
equally, successful 1
In her fascinating dresden doll cos
turtie the dancer resembles nothing
so. much as a spoiled Kcwpic, quite
adorably spoiled of course. She has
not spent much of her 104 years in
growing., she is four fect ten inches
presumably she has been too busy
dancing, -and' designing' her frocks
and stage costumes, for she does the;
designing herself, though Lucille,
makes them. Miss Hughes com
plains bitterly that she has to have
everything: made except her handker
chiefs, and she has a fad for making
them herself anyway. "Nothing will
fit." . 1
As for jazz, she "loves it." And
she is not alone, for she described
the annual ball which Chaunccy Mc
Cormick gives, for the opera folk in
Chicago, and at which she ar.d Mr.
Hughes danced last Thursday night.
"All the opera slurs arc crazy
about j;izz when they get oft' the
Th Way Kant Compromised With
Iter ConniciKf,
Tor a efond or lo, no t'wpiiU
i"I i kittif't amui.-lird t-nor, I
hikJt dcteihiiiirj in gitr her i' c
tihnd rgiiiue hf aeked. i n nt
roiiinuin rne arrrd it ell, ami
I took her Mitinir Iwndk in mi.iu-
nd lu Id tin in lir.uly.
J "I iiiiikI knoiv nt htt it it )ul
, wnl, kaiic," I ald. "Jiul be mc
! ilut if it i an; ilium I C4U oUI
Co lor )ou I will u- It.
I "I know dot." he aid vi aunty.
1 lien she (rll silent, appearing to be
thinkiiii deeply.
"I ear mc ncer tn trll," lic
tAi loly after a liule, very
nim li a a iluld would think ouu 4
puilc. "Hut erf you find out tiuE
for yourself crt would not be my
tellinif. would cct?"
I quickly rtptct'Cd a siuili' at the
way in whlrh kite a yUi e the
liine-hont'ed drama of the divi and
the ttump, and uiiswucd her
"No, Kati. j on would not be in
any way rciuuible." 1 aid de
cidedly. It Mat nut the adu'ie I wo :C have
ordinarily given her, but I K",,';d
that otic had gotten lirrrlf into tlu
lower tl sonic cccidinjly un
scrupulous KTyii whom it were a
virtue to defeat.
"You Dcn't Know."
Another silence, then she r.iloed
her eye aicain, but this time there
wa riubarra.Miieiit, humili.ition in
their clear depth.
"Mccm (irahaiu, you rcnicuibcr
sonic ting I told you dot time before
I marry Jeem, veil you find :nc cry.
ing so mooch? No no" Ira.itically.
as I started to speak. "Don't My
doc tings over, but cf you remem
ber, bhoost nod your head I'tid say:
'Ves. Katie, 1 remember.' "
With a start my tuiud flew back
to the time she nientioncl, and it
was with emphasis that 1 answered
as she had reijueicd:
"Yes, Katie. 1 remenibci,"
"Den you keep on remeinbcrin;;
dose tings, every beet, all time'lo
night, and den at ten o'ebek yuu
go, take Icetlc valk ven I go. Noting
hurt you I sec to dot. You no
have to spik to anybody, shoost stay
side of road in bushes vere you can
lier rrr)ihug, Ifc'ii jou kno
fimthHig, i.o irll jo. Voa
"I Mrc," J .4i4 lowl). -ISul
BUh hi" .l c waded, "lu'l Mi
dot, You don't know, you dou'l
know, IM J'tm lie ! In m
tin by iii) h II, ui'd erf 1 d m't o
pu ti dt iiwiul devil beeiu
ifMiin io all of j on. And I no dare
tell liut rf ou rould hcai "
Lillian Help.
A oit knuvk" Liltirfn't ouniUd
on the door. Kane kp'ang to hi-r
li-el, Iirr eve gUnciug Iruiii left to
ritilil like thue ol a dapped animal,
t era-jied h'r arm reaur nutty.
"It it only Mr. l'fidcrood,'' I
Mid, "and I am guiug to -k her
advice. If he tavt to (to with you."
To my urpric, Kane interrupted
with an cnihutiaitic arnt.
"Dot ret nlioi'M the tunc! Maybe
he sn, too, link maybe nhr
iMidtrstaiid nonie tings dot put mc
way oop in air.
At the ropert of aid, and es
pecially with the loiigduiigi'd-fiir op
portunity of laviinr her rcinniliili
lirt iikjii my tlioulders, hc wat he
tinning to recover the volatile
piritf wiili which he it so geitrr
(,uly endowed. I o-ncd the door
to Lillian, in a few words acquainted
I bee with ktliv' reque.l, and
iiindul of tlie iiiiuruiue Lilhan
, apatrntly luj cicii to the reioit
j i I katf' tn4iiet, told her Ilut I
i d rtb'iie by bcr detieinn.
Mif watrd no lime in giving it,
' 'hi niiii', we'll un, Kane," he
id (Iceriully, and thtic wa thai
in her voue told me lhe pro
j oed evpnliiion prniinrd tonieihini:
dctinitely valuable lo lief, "Jnt tell
i. when you want u and we'll hp
off with jou."
I Kne brgan li pleat her apton,
uit ign tf einbarrattuicnt with
I cr.
"1 no can bo ccf ou dun I a-.k
Jeem," he md with au appealing
glance ai me.
"!?urly, he won't objril if ou
tell hmi Mm, I'ltdcrwiiod and I arc
going with yu," I taid.
M irll hi in noting," retorted he
iwiili kultrii dignity, "Ho no t'U't
I ine. trti I go ayav, he av bad thing
to mc. I no spik to ticeni untd he
.i: 'Kant, ony, I berg fool.
t4lk dot av to you,' Hut you tk
liceni, be let me go."
It mi no tunc lor me to try to
torn iurc Katie of lhe excuse for
Jim's ai'ti"ti. Ilut 1 qujilcd at the
thought of the interview bcloic mc.
The gtimpe I lud. bad of )im't
face did imt hold out anv promie to
mc of a pleasant conversation. Lil
lian came to the rescue.
'.Snppoc I a-k Jim." he aid.
"And Katie, do you go to the liousd
with Mrs. firaham and help Mr,
'l icer get tin all noniriliiiur to cat.
We're about starved to death."
in ins nimii. in aitv m tmuit i iu
Villi ft t,uMr 1,11111 .iJirf. A JlMHBtetlt.
Fit Yourself for the Joys of Life
Take Yeast Vitamines for Robust Health
stage and relax. You should have
seen Galli-Curci."
This is the first time in six years
that Adelaide and Hughes have
been in the west. Their last New
York engagement was with the
Winter Garden, and before that they
were in "Monte Cristo." Their pres
ent engagement ends in New York
on the Fourth of July, and they plan
to go abroad shortly thereafter.
Their first appearance in Omaha
was in "A Barnyard Romeo,"
wherein Miss Adelaide played the
mouse, and Mr. Hughes the cat.
Other stars in the same production
were the famous Mitzi. who comes
to Omaha in the near future, Stella
Maylicw and Sidney Grant.
Says Backache is sign you
have been eating too
much meat.
When you wake' up with backache.
and dull misery in the kidney region
it generally means you have been
eating too much meat, says a well-
known authority. .Meat tonus uric
cm which overworks the kidneys ;n
their effort to filter it from the blood
and they become sort of paralyzed
nd loggy. When your kidneys get
sluggish and clog you must relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels:
removing all the body's urinous
.vaste. else vou have backache, sick
headache, dizzy spells: your stomach
sours, tongue is coated, and when
the weather is had you have rheu
matic twinges.' The urine is cloudy,
full of sediment, channels often get
I sore, w ater scalds ' and you are
! obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night.
. Either consult a good, reliable
j physician at once or get from your
pharmacist about Jour ounces ot jatl
Salts; take a tablespoonful in a
glass of water before breakfast fen
a few davs and rour kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid of grapes and
lemon iuicc. combined with lithia,
end has been used for generations o
dean and stimulate sluggish kidneys,
also to neutralize acids in the urine
so it no longer irritates, thus end
ing bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is a life saver for regu
lar meat eaters. It is inexpensive,
cannot injure and makes a delightful,
effervescent .lithia-water drink.
Why Women Get Despondent
Arc not women naturally at light
hearted, brave and hopeful at men?
Yet, certainly; but a woman' organ
ism is essentially dilfcrrnt from a
nun's more delicate, more fnsiiivc
and more exacting. Women in deli
cate health are more dependent, more
nervous, more irriiablc and more
despondent. When a woman de
velops nervousness, blecpicssnets,
backaches. headaches. dragging
down pains and melancholia she
should lose no time in giving Lydia
E. J'inkham't Vegetable Compound
a fair trial, as it will quickly dispel
such troubles. This root and herb
medicine contains no drugs and has
been the standby of American wom
anhood for nearly SO years.
Every great factory that we represent, including the Aeolian Co., Krutz-
mann, The Cable Co., etc., have announced
Startling Reductions
We are therefore rather proud to be the firt music store in Omaha to offer erery Piano,
Player Piano, Duo Art (including the Steinway), every Phonograph, etc., AT A REAL HON
r P I I t V 1 ll f And yau will find cvtry en
Not a Single Instrument Escaped the Knife aF0'
Newest Uprights
Newest Baby Grands
Newest Players
Arid Remember, too-
' We are distributors (or the world's greatest musical , instrument factories and are now
showing the 1922 models of Kurtzmann, Cenorer, Cable, Kingsbury, Milton, Wellington and
Clarendon Pianos also tke famous Weber, Steinway, Stroud Duo Art and Pianola
Pianos. -"'
, Our New Store, new stock and reduced prices descry your Try greatest consideration.
The Baby
Grand Store
419 South'
16th Omaha
Value-Clvlng Store
Rugs of Quality
Rightly Priced
Every rug buyer, by selecting
their rug from our immense
display, will not only save
money, but have one of the
largest selections from which
to choose ever shown in
6x9 Seamless Velvet Ruga,
an exceedingly large number,
all good d -I n Cf
patterns tpxU.UV
9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs,
all over -tQO Cft
patterns PWd-.Ol
8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs,
beautiful assortment of blues;
!".?.. $35.00
9x12 Axminster Rugs; some
hundred odd, all having extra
high nap,
27x54-inch fringed end Vel
vet Rugs, splendid
tan patterns
;ed end Vcl-
Money-Saving Prices on
in golden, waxed and fumed
oak, leather seat rockers, spe
cially priced at $10.50,
$12.50, $14.50 nd
Golden oak, wood seat, Wind
sor rockers, well made, highly
polished, an ideal rocker for
the living room or library,
now .....89.75
Fumed oak wood seat rocker?,
well made and finished, priced
this month at only. . .$4.50
It pays to read
Boweo's Small Ads
jfnUowen (d
Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th
Upholstered Furniture
ISIS Jones Street Doiif. 0963
N. W. Cor. 24th and L Market 12S3
See the rich red blood, the
sign of health showing in
her lovely cheeks.
Some women have naturally beau
tiful complexions that tell you there
is plenty of richness in their blood.
Their figures become well formed,
supple, rounded, and graceful. Those
are the results of rich, red blood,
and plenty of it. There is no need
of being thin and scrawny from poor
blood. Get a few bottles ot Gude's
Fepto-Mangan take it with your
meals for a few weeks. . It will give
you plenty of red blood. By build
ing up the blood you give the entire
system a chance to restore itself
naturally, and that brings natural
bloom and beauty -and all the effects
and joys of good health. Get Gude's
Pepto-Mangan at your druggist's in
liquid or tablet form.
Tksia Food Elemsati are
Combined U Crtalt Vita
Vint with RaiiinUsd Iron
Tk.y Clear the Skin, Build
us tke Run-down aed Cer
reel Censlieetiea aad
tart ft It th Hilt of Ih lron -e
is lopg lite, poiuiUritr aits' hepplwe.
Kvoryone snU a strrnif tody. Die
nrir sod lrln that mals for
eulek thmaina and deriaito sr'lun.
pur. Wfh blnod and aheolula freedum
trnm fnntieliun and Indiiraliun,
Bui imt many enlny tha healiliM
nuallliee. A a ronaenueiic. many
Iheu.amla liavo tn make for
lh auerets and hspniM of a fr
I "or all knuw that the rk, ve-y
thin, run-down pimply fslba hatrn't
murlf of a rhenro In the ball I of HI
compared Hh the atrong, healthy,
tlforous type.
tSrlenliils h been amazed at the
feiarlllni relationship helween hetllh
and yn.t vitaotinei, Ih. myitrrious
fond element.
Try Orsnis Vita.Viea. If H e.a
held yeu-toar meoey ii I the
fully refunded.
Rut he pure It's flranls Vita-Vim. Ae.
cpl auhiiiiuloe. The formula of
liraiils Vila-Vim has been varaed eat
wry rsrefully by leadero in tho phar
mareuliral field. It at balk sale aaet
sure and ethers ana? not M.
Grams Vila-Vim contains tho ecllte
yeait vitamin juet aa nature 1 ro
vldee it in Ih. peel of raw food. And
i here are other health building Ingre.
dientt Raiiinued Iron fr tltalltf
and abundant energy, g lyeero-phoa
phatee and Nu Vomleo eorh reog
nurd for iheir proved ability to build
up the run-down.
In tablet lorm, plea.ant and easy
to take.
Cet a bottle from your drugglet today.
Fully Guaranteed. It Results are net Thoroughly
Satisfactory Your Money Ckeerfully Refunded.
Sold at
Connell (S lar"'
Reraneh Aii.
Beaton Druf Co.
And All Good
Drug Stores
Be Sure te CI
the Genuine,
Accept ne
Two solid carloads ot l'ure Cane Granulated
Sugar Per lOO-lbi sack $5.95
The sugar market Is firmer and has ad
vanced slightly and we think it will con
tinue to do so. Tlay safe and lay in a sack
or two.
1,1)00 bags of Ked Star Flour, Buy-Rile Ex
clusive brand 48-lb. sack $2.25
Our second solid carload of Omar, th Won
der Flour rer 48-lb. sack $1.89
Per 24-lb. sack 99t
000 bags of Gooch's Best Flour, the popular
flour Per 48-lb. sack $1.83
500 bags of Little Hatchet Flour, every sack
guaranteed Per 48-lb. sack $1.69
Per 24-Ib. sack 88f
White) or Yellow Cora Meal Per large sack.. 15
'i sacks for 25
Fresh Ground Graham Flour Per large sack 296
Best Rye Flour Per 24-lb. sack 99c
One carload of Oregon Rod Diamond Brand North
ern Spy Apples, the finest, julcest highly colored
fruit on the market, In the following sizes:
36. 100, 125, 138. 150, 163, per box $3.35
These are good for eating and cooking, and
are all graded and wrapped.
One solid carload ot sweet Sunklst Highland
Navel Oranges, large, thin skinned and
fancy, 60c value Per dozen 42
One solid carload of the celebrated Golden
Glow Sweet Potatoes, they talrly melt in
your mouth a lbs. for 28S r 6 ,bs- for
A fresh carload of the celebrated Dr. Philip's
Brand Grapefruit, juicy and thin skinned.
Jumbo size, 3 for 37 , or 6 for
Large size, 3 for 330. or 6 for
500 boxes of extra fancy Jonathan Apples,
per dozen, 35e; per bos $3.75
We offer one carload of Genuine Red River
Early Ohio Potatoes, selected stock, bu..$l..T
Folks, these tubers will take a big advance ii:
near future. '
Our carload of Fresh Cereals baa Just arrived.
Large packages of Armour's or Quaker Oata
Per package 25
Small packages ot Armour' or Quaker Oata
2 packages 22
Large packages of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Ten no etlr a tyo 1 ......... IX
Small packages of Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Fer package .".
Large packages of Cream of Rye Per pkg.
Large package of Cream of Wheat Per pkg,
Large packages of Self-Raising Pancake
Fiour 2 packages
Large packages of Shredded Wheat Bi3cuit
-Per nai-ku-o-A . . .........
Large package Swanedown Cake Flour,
rer pacnage
P. & G. White Naptlia Soap, the new large
size bar 10 bars for 49
Per box of 100 new large size bars ....... $1.85
One solid carload or Crystal White Soap,
new large size bar 10 bars for ........ 53
Per box of 100 new large size bars $4.99
50 feet Braided Cotton Clothes Line, on the
sash cord type, a 65c value -43
5.000 lbs. bulk Pearl Tapioca Special, 2 lbs. 25i
HaDd Picked Michigan Navy Beans 4 lba.. . 28t
Extra Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice 4 lbs... 28t
New Crop of Black Walnuts 5 lbs 33j
Full quart jars of Queen Olives Per Jar.... 43
Large No. 2'a cans of Fruit Salad Per can... 58
3 cans for $1.59
1,000 l ib. cans of high-grade cooked Corned
Reef, 35c value Z3t
1,000 lbs. of extra large Brazil Nuts Per lb. .23
3 lbs. for 656
Clover Blossom, Buy-Rite Creamery Butter
Per pound 37 s
Nishna Valley, Buy-Rite Creamery Butter
Per pound , JJge)
Fresh shipment of Buy-Rite Brand Coffee,
3 pounds for 95t
M. J. B. Vacuum Packed Ever Fresh Coffee,
the last, word In coffee Per lb. SOt
Circle B Coffee, Vacuum Packed Per lb. ..." 4jrj
Full quart cans of Delicious Ripe Olives
Per quart can ..... 43 e
2 lb. net weight jar of Grand Canon moist
Mince Meat Per jar ,. ......... . 45
1,000 5-lb. pails of Pure Idaho Strained Honey
That same good old flavor, per 5 lb. pail 95
101b. sack of Pure Pan Yan Buck-wheat .... 73$
Large Combs of Pure Honey Per comb ... 29J
Thlrty-thlnl and Arbor
Fortieth and Farnam
16th and Dorras
Vinton and Elm Sli.
Remember the ORIGINAL
i:ith and Garfield
Wnlnot Hill tracer
Fortieth an-' Hamilton
551 h and Coming
iflilt Sherman Ato.
and ONLY GEO. I. ROSS la the one
:mh Ate. and t-raven worth
F. B. BOGATZ, ' "
Slit and S Ste. Sooth aid.
The Grocer ef Dundee
Sttb and I. St.. Booth Bide
at 24th and Amea. Do net be mialead.
7he finest flour f?om selected wheat
. 1 -t Fa 1 . jt
usea 10 majie oread cfqua&lfr
ml .
"mm "MMMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaoaa '-" V-l:!" 1" J '; , ," -' ;.,' ;,,,.'.V V. - - . -. t.