Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Democrats K;ii)
Own Measures,
McKclvie Savs
.WrU Krith Nnillc IVM411
Wbo Inaugurated Project
Rriub(icaiiK Kml to
, (jtjuiplitf.
I.inrpln, Tgn, 16, (Special,)
' Arthur F. Mullen, deniiwraic mi;
'nt mixer Ue puw.wo in Uiii.
i.a Saturday, mini lute reached
down Into tltff Imk uf iirncril ilii-oil-tent
and pullrd oul what he ihuuftM
voulii bt nunt popular itluiu run.
kNJfrmg- which party fecoiiiinr tldeti
I i He thmgi hr cimtili!iici o( in il:;
I rctolutinnt Ii.icl."
J lint aMlic KUirmrut undo iy
" !... . ai-t -i. ...a.... :.. a:
Woman Accuses U. S.
of Neglect of Indians
I -Ml
Osborne Speaks at
Sunrise- Meeting
Held for Farmers
l". Tliuina. and John
Hauiiijjiiu of l'iiijiiicr Hoard
Arc AUo Honor Guott
at (iliaiiilitT Luncheon.
f. J. CMionie, prcoiJttit ot
Nt'irvlu Kanitcr' union; F, ,
-M J 1 1 , i J ' - -
lift tJ:V.O".I.j .hi
(tuxrmor , flcKeUic today in di
t-i'inf the-'I attack on the Male ad
uinitiratiotl. He Mtiiitct to one nth
kct 'of atiL-k a(tir nmitlur. which,
h rUlmed.ere foUtcd on tlie pub
5c by the democrat. The governor
ul: I
Tirt. Jtliey criticised apnrnpria.
liutti and demanded a reduction, ai.ii
In the iieAi drcath criticised special
eiMf Vhich is the only way that
a reduction tan be accomplished.
And reduction of appropriation i:
the prK.tiary reason tor calling a po
iial rfion.
i Policy Wa Neville's,
ey attacked the tatc pulic.'.
emocratic governor, Keith Xe
v'll. urged and obtained passage "t
a law calling for a state sheriff an J
deputies. yllace WiUon. appoint
ed by Governor Xeville, s the firi"t
Hate sheriff.
"They attacked matching of state
rppropriatious with federal appro
priations to build good roads. In
'917 the democrats pledged a five
year federal aid road program, which
can be found on the statute books.
They began to carry it out and we
finish the five-year program this
Advocated Code System.
"Tlicy attacked the code depart
ment. Special committees and demo
cratic governors recommended the
code and budget system of govern
ment for years. But always they
failed to put their promises int'
no lion and it fell to the republicans
to do it.
"They demanded election of local
i'Sessors by direct vote of the pco-!
ple.""The assessors are being; elected
that way right now. Vj '
"I always looked upon Keith Nc- j Des Moines. Jan. 16. (Special
villc as a clean-cut. fair-minded man,.1 Telegram.) Charges that Sheriff
hut the role he played in Omaha : ; .;. 0b! took George Davenport
Saturday in countenancing attach.-. ' and Joe Williams to the spot where
fit plans niadc'and carried out dttr- I Sirah Barbara Thorsdale's body
ing his own administration indicated 'was found, placed ropes around their
that he is playing politics." t recks and "lifted them from the
. . ; : ' ground, while shots .were fired near-
I Pailatlirp in Art Hv. were made in court today in the
L.CgllcUUie V net arRuments before. Judge Lester
I Thompson in the trial of Joe uil
' liams for the murder of Miss Thors
j dale. Monday afternoon.
' Judge Thomas J. Guthrie, special
nrosecutor for the state, declared
; Williams was taken out and given
t the third degree only after George
Davenport had been subjected to
the same treatment. Guthrie declar
ed Davenport was given "ten times
worse treatment than Williams."
"And furthermore." said Guthrie,
"I believe this man Williams was in
formed of what was going to happen
to him by his friend and advisor.
Sheriff Robb."
Miss Elizabeth llaupt, Indian l.i'V
sionary and literary authority, of
Waiihington. I). C. now visiting
California, charges that government
neglect has deprived Indians of Cali
fornia of a home and tuanicnauce.
The reservation near Chico, Cal.,
puce their home, has been taken
from the redskins because of non
payment of taxes, and Miss llaupt'
report to the government agents will
include many other charges of neg
ler:. Th i territory grant near Chico was
the gift of the late Mrs. Bidwell,
widow of the famous Gen. Bid we'd.
Xo government reservation hiM
ever been (jrantcd. Miss llaupt al
ltgf Davenport and
Williams Given
Sham Execution
Defense in ThorsJale Murder
Case Charges Clients Were
Terrorized at Spot There
Body Was Found.
On Four Big Issues
(Conllnufd from rnge One.)
sidcivlion of those measures outlined
by the governor.
Pay for 10 Days.
The members arc permitted to
work,., only 10 days on pay. Any
time spent .in excess of 10 days is a
..patriotic contribution to the state at
no expense to taxpayers.
Amendments to the guaranty law
probably will be decided upon at a
meeting of bankers in Omaha, Jan
uary 18.
Governor McKclvie has announced
that this proposition should and
would be handled by bankers and he
probably would sanction any amend
ment they saw fit providing it did
not weaken the guarantee of losses
' to depositors.
Board Trims Expenses.
The trimming done by the board
of control in compliance with a re
quest by Governor ..McKclvie several
weeks ago to all expending agencies
includes the following:
Elimination of appropriation for
juvenile research, $20,000; elimina
tion $S,000 appropriation for new
laundrv building at Milford; elimina
tion $15,000 for new sewer system
at Lincoln state hospital connecting
with ciy sewer. $15,000; reduction
of. $20,000 in $300,000 allotment for
new reformatory for men at Lincoln;
reduction of $8,000 in $50,000 appro
priation for new building at girls'
industrial school at Geneva; reduc
tion $10,000 in the appropriation of
$125,000 for hospital -building at sol
diers' home, Grand Island; deduc
tion $6,000 in $12,000 appropriation
fcr new wells and equipment at
Hastings insane hospital; $2,500
lopped from $35,000 for complete
new kitchen equipment at Norfolk
insane hospital. .
Other Small Reductions.
There are other smaller reduc
tions which the board announced to
day could be made to ease the finan
cial depression because of drop in
prices of equipment and because
Governor McKelvie stated so em
phatically at the recent meeting that
the taxpayers must have relief.
John . M. Matren. state superin
tendent, announced today that
$40,000 would be suggested by him
' as a reduction in appropriations for
his department.
Entire elimination of $2sO.WU ap
propriated to ' build a memorial
gymnasium on the campus at Lin
coln was announced a week ago by
Governor McKclvie.
. .
Fubs With Popcorn Man
i Draws Ten Dollar Fine
Fred Maisenbackcr, 3013 North
Fourteenth avenue, was fined $10 in
Central police court yesterday, fol
lowing arrest Sunday night, when, he
and Ixsuis Freedman, a crippled
popcorn vendor, nearly came to
blows at Fifteenth and Douglas
S Maisenbacker told Judge Wappich
that he accidentally tipped over an
icecream carton belonging to Freed
man whenjie came out of the Rialto
theater. The argument started when
he returned and offered to make
good the damage, he said.
During the argument Freedman
fell to the ground and Policewoman
Ormsby, who happened along at that
time, called, for reinforcements.
Two stalwart bluccoats responded
. and Maisenbacker was escorted to
Freedman did not appear against
him in court. .
The Bee offers $140 in prizes u
Nebraska-Iowa contest for amatcu'
paatggrap hcra, -
i liutiui. chairman and John M.
l Unnii4n, jtccrrtary of the Omaha
agency oJ the War nuance corpora
tion, were the suet of honor at a
farmers' 'Sunri-e meeting" at the
Clumber of Commerce )cterday
Oppose Burning of Corn.
"Farmer of the . talc xhould not
burn or destroy their surplus prod
ucts in any muniier," 1'resident Os
borne said. "Just now it seems
hard to get rid of the surplus hut in
a fhort time the pendulum is going
to swing the other way and the
world uill be needing our surplus
produrts. A market will have been
created and those who have held ou
will be able to cll their produce
at a profit." '
Mr. Osborne also outlined the ac
tivities farmers plan for the coming
yer and how they intended to carry
on in spite of the many reverses
they have met.
Describe Finance Work.
F. V. Thomas and John M. Flan
nigan described the activities of the
War Finance corporation and what
it has been doin to help the farm-1
ers in their financial difficulties. !
A. L. Hobbs, song leader, and
Ben F. Marti, garbed as "hayseeds,"
furnished the fun of the program.
Senator Attacks
Shipping Board
King of Utah Says Harding
Should Tell Officials to
Stay on Joh.
Washington, Jan. 16. Officials of
the shipping board were described by
Senator King, . Utah, as propa
gandists, who said President. Hard
ing ought to tell them to stay on the
job and run the board. He asserted
the officials of the board were en
gaged in "stirring up sentiment for
a subsidy" and declored that the time
had come for .."stump-speaking to
stop." . : t .
Mr.. King made his attack during
discussion of a measure to give the
board authority to acquire a site in the
Virgin islands for a fuel station and
fresh water reservoir.
'T wish." he said, "that Mr. Laskcr
and the others on the board would
devote some time to the administra
tion of their affairs. That is their
duty, rather than spreading propa
ganda. Every few days we read of
some official making a speech in favor
of government subsidy, continually
and increasingly stirring up senti
ment tavorabW to a subsidy."
Their actions, he. continued, have
been, a menace to the proper direc
tion of affairs. He added, however,
that those who hitherto had been at
the helm of the board were "no. bet
ter" than those now in charge..
Finance Company
Gets Applications
.New Co-Qprratnr Concern
j to Help Farmer I Doing
JliineM Direct.
A number of applit'ittion for War
Finance loan i mining direct frum
faniurs to the Xfhrak4 Auriculiural
Finance corporation, 1411 Woodmen
of th World building. Thi organ
ization ha been tet up bv terral
bundled Nchik hitiiU to co-op-r-ate
in bringing new money to the
ute. E. F. Foldj U Kfrctary-trcii
This state-wide loan company, lav
ing stockholders in practically every
localitv. is able to extend credit for
agricuiturrfl purpotct without it bring
tiece sary for the farmer to put their
paper through their l"cal bank for a
guarantee. In cac the farmer's c
curity i good ami proper, be is aide
to git hi loan from the War Fi
nance corporation in this wav with
out his local bank having to guaran
tee it.
The number of this loan company
also are sending n quantity of aper
in for rediscount, l.cs margin is
required on this guaranteed paper
than on that coming direct. The in
terest rate on all these loans is 8
per cent.
Two Sailors Believed Slain
in Raid ou Rum Schooner
. Biloxi. Miss., Jan. 16. Discovery
of two bodies of men, apparently for
eign sailors, on the beach here has
led to 10 arrests by the local police,
who assert the men were killed in a
fight which followed an attempt la.-t
week to hold up and raid a hauor
smuggling schooner at anchor near
the coast.
Plan to Arouse
Interest in Dairies
J. W. Mj let of Extension
Sen ice Here Doing Mis
sionary Work.
A diary- association in each epun
tv in Nebraska-is planned by" J. W'.
Mylet, proprietor ' of the Morning
side dairy farm at Clarks. " He has
recently beon appointed manager o?
extension service, for the dairy asso
ciation. Although his headquarters
arc in the. Central National bank at
Columbus, he is now in Omaha con
ferring with business men who wish
to encourage the use of milk cows.
-'"I expect to hold dairy meetings
at each county seat," said Mr. My
let yesterday. ; . "Dairying is -; the
short way to get out of the. agricul
tural depression. "There is profit as
well as hard .work in dairying. In
terest must be aroused in the coun
try. Farmers must learn how to
handle cows and secure a market for
fthe milk. Once the 'supply of cream
warrants it, -refrigerator cars can be
obtained to. carry it to Omaha,; and
once there Js- sufficient interest in
dairying, .ways will be found, to. fi
nance any farmer wishing to go-into
the. business." ..-..''"-.; ;
County Board Votes Down
, Budget for Farm Bureau
Kearney. Neb.. Jan. 16. (Special.)
The Buffalo county board of super
visors, following public hearing on a
petition urging abolition of the farm
bureau in tlvs. county, announced the
hearing would be continued until
February.- The board then. adjourned
to a committee room and, after a
brief closed-door session, reversed its
(decision and denied the farm bureau
request for an annual appropriation.
What prompted the sudden reversal
has not been learned.. ' In the mean
time, in accordance with the law, an
other petition has been filed asking
that the" appropriation be put into
force for 1922. This petition will be
roted upon at the February board
meeting. . ' '
Volunteer Firemen
Flocking to Norfolk
Norfolk. Neb., Jan. 16. (Spctili
Telegram.) The fortieth annual con
vention of the 1 Nebraska "Volunteer
Firemen's association opens here for
a three-day session Tuesday night.
The delegates, expected to num
ber 1,000, are filling the city today.
C. R. Frasier of Gothenburg,
president of the association, is here
mid will Open the convention in the
auditorium at.
Following this session the firemen
will hold memorial services in mem
ory of departed comrades.
John Martin of. Fremont, vice
president of the association, is be
ing boomed for the presidency. .
North Platte, Columbus, Fremont
and Scottsbluff are in the field for
the next convention ;
Filley Youths Given Fines
of $10 for Having Liquor
Beatrice, Neb, Jan.; 16. (Special
Telegram.) Otis Wright, John Haz
clton, Guy Steece and Taylor Jack
man, the four young men of Filley
who were arrested last week charged
with intoxication and illegal posses
sion of liquor, appeared before Judge
Ellis this evening. Wright and
Hazelton pleaded guilty to the in
toxication charge and were fined $10
and costs each. The cases against
Jackman and Steece were dismissed
at the ' request of the complaining
warn r
J U Far Infanta
lr hnalids
Tbo "Food-Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch atHome,Office,n4
Fountains. Ak for HORUOCS.
wAroiti Imitations & Sabstitnte
414-M SacuritfM BU.
Caracr lath and Firau Sta.
Dsn. 8347
. Chiropractic Health Service
Headaches, backaches, colds, lum
bago, rheumatism, neuritis, throat trou
bles and nervousness respond to Chiro
practic adjustments as well as liver,
stomach and kidney troubles.
Adjustments, given at your home
when unable to come to the office.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Adjustments are 12 for 110.00 or (30
for $25.00. . Office equipped with pri
vate adjusting rooms and complete
X-Ray laboratory. Lady attendant.
Our Council Bluffs office is located in
the Wickham Block, with Drs. Rubers
r.nd Ruberg' in charge. '
Funny thing
about ketchup
You don't buy ketchup
for ketchup's own sake
You buy it for the sake
of the other things on
the table. Heinz To
mato Ketchup has a
zestful tang that gets
the other things eaten:
eaten and enjoyed.'
that rash Use
5oolhinq and Healing
The first application
stops the itching torture
and helps to clarify
the angry skin
Radiant Block Coal, $13
Plainer Lumber Co., JA dun 0725
Platntr Lumber and Coal Co.,
' t . WAlnut 0330
Farm art' Lumber Co. - KE awoed 3100
to Set the
' Genuine
Whisky Sleuths Find
Man Guarding Liquor
fifjinl l.'alid. Xt'V. Ian.
C-peci.l TKuram.)-Shen!l I r-h r I 'nluh de..iut, W hen they
irrH aim iipjr runm .-.iiitu, Hi i iniiy rf'i i jiu
iug tin a lip. nuutcd me oi tin j l n (ei i, r n.
'MlriJ KUiiJi iif the I'li'.ie a'i'l
I Hall' fall ailO! a lt g4.'
Iu limine t I , ud liia lii.inr a
Suulll tliiulu Holti ( 'irc u'll
cm gie ( tirniMii il. iiut, ltu
ever, and n-w (umi the .lunger'
,'nriil mat Ue (iiii wa t U j m.t
llllll ill iKMItill,
aiuMtnni; in a
IviiUuu nut Unuliar ta l'ti.'
one kI (he olli.ri cut ".Kid lliuii I t
nlher he l l I ahtmt nnne tlmroii'f
ly and (ituiul I,' u( h'l'M r
otr tthkli lie lud lire ii kcrpnii;
jjiuid Mlnle, a he had 4id. bt u
aitmg ta vm iiiuuhrr nun.
The l'ee finet ftr amatfiir phj
logTalihrrii f ! 1 1 hruary I.
Valiii'i!i-ii, J in. to. J he i m
iiieik'ul ni'ljin- re I'm ltd lull aj V't
C4 rut 'l I liirU h" arrived at
ill Und vi Itniuiiit M'tiih of Mir
I,i'i.iihi, jtMldli k lo a t"'l '
tftxM by the dii'mimriit.
S.i j inil r. .liivitMin nib ilii-eu In
'Hare It l-r lb' acrul cniiitr htc
beiii rri.MMh'd.
I Our Furniture Demonstration Sale Now On'
Brandeis Master-Made Furniture Lower Than Market Prices All Goods
Marked in Plain Figures Liberal Credit if Desired. Seventh Floor.
Tuesday A Great Offering of
Chippendale Glass
-r-At Close Out-Prices
Handled Bowl, 10c
Colonial Tumblers, 5c
Footed Sherbet, 5c ,
In the Half Price Aisle
Here the thrifty shopper will find very speeiiil values to'
delight her in close-out patterns of English chinas and
. Utility Plate, 10c
Kitchen Salt Shaker, 10c
Cream Jug, 10c
January Dinnerware Sale Continues '
23 per cent reduction on ell opciutock patterns. Buy in
sets on any quantity you m-iy uccu fiml you will receive
this special discount. - '
Fifth Floor East
Notion Features
In black enamel with alum
inum, shoulder and cup top.
Main Flosr West
; Uniform
Phonograph Needles
Only 5c for 100
Main Floor West,
"Where Can I
Meet You?"
What docs this question
mean to you? Minutes of
boresome waiting in a
noisy, jostling crowd? You
can avoid all that by meet
at the . , ..
If "Where surroundings are
beautiful and restful, music
is soothing," food is well
cooked and refreshing, and
service the most satisfac
tory. Tanth Floor,
Hickory Supporter Waist For boys and girls,
S to 14 years; regularly 50c; special price
Shoe and Oxford Laces ,
Specially priced for this sale, 2 pairs
Rubbsr Pant's for Babies Extra good quality ot
rubber; regularly 50c; specially priced ,
Kihinoer Snap Fasteners Black and -white, all
sizes; regularly 10c; specially priced, per card ...
Sanitary Aprons Of Para rubber; 69c value;
specially priced for this sale
Strong Shopping Bags Convenient and durable;
regularly 50c; specially priced
Collingbourne's Basting Thread 100-yard spools,
satin finish; regularly 5c each; special price, 3 for
Pant and Skirt Hangers
10c value; special price, 4 for
Shoe and Slipper Trees -
Specially priced for this sale, Ii pairs for
Tape Measures CO-inch size; .
specially priced for this sale, each
Needle Books Containing needles, darning needles
and bodkins; regularly 25c; special price '
Stocking Darnerc Egg shape darners;
regularly 10c; specially priced
White Bias Tape Various widths;
specially priced for this sale, per bolt . . ... . -.
Domestic TvyiM Tape
Specially reduced price, 2 bolts for
O N T and Star Crochet Cotton .
AH colors; special price, 3 for
King's Sewing Thread
Special price now, 3 spools for .................
Strong Safety PNni 3 sizes; regularly 10c; ,
speciallyriced, per card'.;
Ocean Pearl Buttons
Assorted sizes, 3 cards for ........
. Hair Nets
The Fashion The best silk Hair Net, with or with
out elastic; all colors; regularly lt)c; special, 4 for
Double Mesh Hair Nets Fashionette, the invisible
human hair Net; regularly 20c; special, 2 for . ..
Main Floor South
, 5c
. This wonderful Electriu
Washer has a twelve-sheet
capacity and cuts the usual
washing time iu half. It is so
economical to operate and so
.satisfactory to use that Mon
day is no longer a. dreaded
day in the household equip
ped with it. At the price of
106.23, cither cash or on our
easy payment plan, the prac
tical savings afforded by aii
electric' washer soon pay for
Fifth Floor West. - ';-
Gloves and Mittens
For Boys and Girls-
Odd lots including Jersey Gloves, Golf.
Gloves, Wool Mittens and a few Gaunt
lets. Former values, 39c to 75c.
Main Floor North
National Pressure Cooker-
Cuts jour gas bill in half.. You can save half your
gas bill. And $5 a month on your meat bill
Using a National Pressure Cooker
"Why not put this money in the bank each month? It is yours
' and there is no reason why you should waste it. '
Doctors recommend Pressure Cookers lor invalids. Nourishing
oatmeal cooked in 15 minutes. .
Demonstration Fifth Floor 4
NATIONAL Cookers Sold on Easv
Payments. .
' Spring 1922 - B
' JfviaAiU Umt Journal
Spring Home Book
of Fashions
Home Journal Patterns
- Easiest of all patterns to use.
x Every pattern guaranteed abso
lutely perfect and the very- first
paper pattern to show a cutting
and construction chart.
Whether you are experienced in
sewing or not you can easily make
i a perfect-fitting garment from a
y- Home Journal Pattern, by follow
ing me simpic cuiiing ana con
struction chart on each octtern
I , envelope.
Pattern,, 2Se. to tte.
. Home Book of Fashions, 25c
or 10c. whea pnrchated win a
, Main Floor Wet
Double Capacity