THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY II, 1922. - Special Session , Opponents Cited as Inconsistent (j'omiior 3)t Organization .k Lonrr Tuxfi Mini (). Mip (!on ruing of I.rg-i.-ljlurc at Same Time. l.liuoln, Jjtn, J, ( PjccmI ) In tuii.i.trucy l lite word ucd by Gov rriur McKcUiit in de.irihiiitf ilie ac luut of rriuin Mrg4iiitioi)ii in pa ' lug one rr'oliiiinii d'litaiulmir, low. rr Utt ami 4tln2 uf another one ilc-:i,mJnif that there lie no tprcul r.ion (A Ilie legislature. "If the mm who drafted the.e re .' o'ut!or rrally Hint Uxe reducrd tliry ihoifll M and Mtidy lvw the lew ran lie rui," lie id, "Tint y U throtiRh a r.ii)ti an J one can't tonic without tlie other. "Thone grntlcnirn. draftir i mill diul resolution, will find thfmiclvr. on a limb hortly after January 24, when thry find the (pecial tetsiuii had reduced (axe on property at ht Jl.OoO.OOO at a cot of $15,000 for special settinti, "A'ld when I y reduced taxe of CI.0O0.00O. it meant absolute reduc tion in appropriations, and is aide from the gasoline tax proportion," , Japs and Chinese Agree to Open Shantung to World Washington. Tan. 13. (By A. I'.) -The port of TingtHO and the en tire Kiaochow leaed territory would be onened by China to the commerce of all natioua on equal term under an agreement reached by the Chine.w and the Japanene arm dflcgilicn to day jn continuing their conveiation over the Shantung controversy. For lately (irlp r Inrlarnsa .nil Pr.v.niiv., UK IIKOMo Ql'INI.NK Tabl.ts Th. K.nuln. t.r. Ih. .icnalnr of K. V. Urova. (B. ur. you (( fcKOMO.) JOc Adv. Sinn Feiner Is Deported to U. S. for. Threatening Dail During Pact Debate London, Jan. lJ.-(Ry A. P.) The Dublin correipondrut of the Morning l'ott telegraph tlit fol lowing: "Th tliipinent to the United State of Daniel Preen, who appear to have been hanging around the Dad l.ufaiin with a band of lliut threatening to enter and ihnot up the entire aaeinhly if it ratified tiie treaty, .ugge.ts that Miiharl Collm and Richard MuUahy are alive to' the neceity of the ca.e." There lui tieru no previou inti mation that Daniel Urrcu wat to be deported from Ireland. A London dispatch in October. IVjO, identified Brrrn ai commandant of the Third Tipperary brigade of the Irish ic publican army. The British authori tie in Ireland were .iid to have of fered a reward of 1 .000 pound itcil ing for hi rapture in ronnection with the murder of a MaJ. Smyth and he wat alto accuied of killing two' countable and perpetrating a eric of other outrage. Political Prioner Freed. London. Jan. U.-(Uy A. P.) The Iri.h political prisoner in the London jail Brixton, I'cntonviHi and Wormwood crubb were r-J- l..ised this morning, under the am nrty proclamation issued by Kfftfc George yeterday. Instruction wer stent to the provincial jail for lim! lar releases. Kept Secret in UUter. Belfast, Jan. 13 The Ulster gov crnmcnt, it in understood, will takj no reponsibility for the release of Sinn Fein prisoner who might come under the amnesty proclamation af fecting political offender. They will, it i stated, be transferred tonight to southern Ireland, leaving it t 'he British government to liberate them if it desires. - 1 The strictest ecrcry i being; ob erved with regard to the pri.oncr, (or fear of rioting. There wa further .hooting in the street of Bellatt last night. One man Ma critically wounded. Joy in Dublin. Dublin, Jan. IJ.-(By A. MatcrLtluatiou of the amnesty of po litical prisoner in Ireland 1 elicited nun e outward enthusiasm here than" any other development in the peace nciivitir. It may be remarked in passing that the choice of the phrase "act of oblivion" rather than an "act of clemency" in the announcement i recounted a a happy diplomatic troke. 0 Dublin' citizen indulged in livrlv demonstration last night, a large crowd outside Mount Joy prison welcoming the (uccessive batches of iirik.inHra u.ttll trtllil rh(rl Similar scenes were enacted in Cork and Limerick, where other were re leased. Regret Withdrawal. London, Jan. U.-(By A. P.) Tilf tt'tm in Ir.1nnr1 tt'tiii'h Hpnfllt finrmriullir frnin till- nresenre of Hi ish troop use expressing tomcthin liL-n r-ifictftrnatimi at their will drawal, according to the Morning I'om uuniiii corresponaeni. The inhabitant of the military cen ter nave sent tetter to jjudiiii an rifn in fti Urilith novrrnmcilt atL ino rtfifinn rtf th trrtrvn. wlmc fx peuditurc of their entire pay in Ire land meant important ir.iue ami cm- pioyment ot a nunmer ot tne natives . Wrestler Killed. Chicago. Jan. 13. William Kre- lich, 27. a college student, died today of injuries received Wednesday night in a wrestling match with Walter Maurer. Krelich fell, fracturing hi spine, during the match. Maurer wa not held. it- 1809 Farnam St. CABLES '1809 Farnam St. Investigate the Marvelous ClothingValues We're Offering During Our Remarkable Choice lli House Sale And to try and duplicate these all wool hand tailored Suits and Overcoats at our prices would be a task impossible for you to fulfill. . 'Absolutely Nothing Reserved Every Suit and Over coat Must Go Regardless of the Former Cost--At t$3S $4S - :. . ' ' . ; , Our policy forbids us of carrying merchandise V 1 f rom one season to the next, and for this reason we reduced prices for quick clearance. We urge you to e these unparalleled coin ing value. Upon investigation you'll quickly . see the wisdom of buying the season's need. Every Purchase Has Our Usual Guarantee Stratford Clothes . 1809 Farnam St- CABLES Vogue Clothes -One Door East of Wellington Hotel V fiv An Announcement to Omaha Men Folks The Crounse Shoe and Clothing Company have taken over .the stock, fixtures and lease of the D. & M. Clothing Company : - and commencing Saturday will Startle All Omaha With a Mighty ' Close Out of All Remaining Stock Come Down Saturday and Save Real Money PDm TMCr SHOE and CLOTHING j v i N sjju COMPANY Agent for Dunlap Shoe i. "Where Your Clothing Dollar Talks Loudest' 1 1312 FARNAM Convict Weds to Win Freedom, hut . Fails in Effort TelU Parole Board lie 11a. Wife Acquire One to Make UikmI Sutruicnt While Priuu (iliattffeur. Jefferon City, Mo.. Jan. 13. Frank Jandro. touviit, married to obtain hi freedom and not for love, according to h' tatement here yi( terday, following the announcement that hi wife, formerly Ml. Mayme Wadley. had applied for an annul ment of the marriage v.hrn m; learned her husband w a conviit jerving a two-year teutencc in iat uriaiin for iail breakimr. Ian- dro, prison authoiitie said wiil crc ni tun term. lamlrn aai.l he uanted to vet mil ricd a he had faUely told priivin aylhuiilir 1 aJi a lltjflM'l i.ui.. .ind he Mas iiiiriiiliii la app-v for a, thiKiyht it wo. ,l t l.n.i I.. I.- :.!.!.' I.. a wiie, Jaudia wu r.'J a! iliaulieur lr pr:ini oiiuidia. it; acipuinume hIi Mi Wajlit, eletk in the l i'Jiial Linldu', duftl. oped while he was allotted lo, wrjl civilian rloihiiig. I rr.Uri aulomo. bile trip., Jandro said, rii.tbU J him tu win a wile. The itiattutie is the fii( of n kind on reeoid here, pri.on' t say, ra(daiiin.g that nurriaiii to convicts often rvult from iuiir; ship while men were in pruoo, u that no marriage were ftrr nr. formed while a nniwil v. icitm. a scntcme. Atitillicr Cut in ForJ Car. Set for Jan. l?t, Aiuiountnlj Wathiiigtun, Jan. I.I Another re duction in the pi ire of I'nrd aulomo. biles, including all inodcN, tllevtive January 15, wat announced hire to day by Henry -'ofd, lie s.nd the reduction would be in small amoiinl hciause production already wa cloc to "rocK bottom." ExScnator Millard Expires Suddenly UMfclUtfH fmai ftta aw I tig .rilled i-pi'lly, and Mr. MiiUrJ'k l'i t tnlripi x ii vii rmpoiui. bil.iy the Unatuig ct srtiUr on i!,. , utile tiacl. (if Uu.t A (ililr Utrr he lKiiif part id the land tiieuiy i'f IUirms, MilUrd k to-, Comprised of I r Milla'd, Joseph II MilUid and UilUid KartoMs. The In m .imciiiI aud. (ruin d.inifc' a gnirral laud bninr and handling riuliaiiitr. It deffd into the banking buiie.t. .Situtli S. t l.lill l4iaiua a partnrr in the hutiiie in i Two yeaif later Mr, M'll.nd withdtew. and ingaged in hn.ini.. ahme. iu 1Ki I ra Millard oriiauued the Ontvlm Na tional hank, and in the January (id. lowing Joaeph II, Millard became it ca.lnrr. l.ter ainre that ime up until Jy', he had been president of la-hirr of the bank. In IK'Al Mr. Millard wa one of the incorporator of the Omaha ft Northwe.tern railroad which con ktructrd in Xrbra.ka a part of the ireMu line t,( (t,e (Tiicago, !t. Paul, Minneapolis and Duiaha arilroad, ll Mnitf ear he wa elnttd trra. urrr of the .t,ir .ili.n.l for the dial and dumb, which had jut bttn treaiea Jcintly by the stale and city of Uniaha. In Hotel Syndicate. Mr. Millar.) wa a nnnihtr of a ijndnaie of fue tapiiahst which netted the Millard hotel, tor ear noted amoinf the important hctel of tin ue.t. ll wa in IK; one the orit.nlei of the Omaha and Council UlufU Hrirt Kailuay ami bridge fompany, which circled the second budge acro the M'.mmi rivvr at Omaha In liot'i Mr. Mil lard, associated with i; W. N.h, J. J. Brown and N. W. Well, pur chased three-fourth of the capital tock of the Omaha oMtur railway company, the first electric syaem ( the city, which i now a part of the Omaha & Council tlluff Mre. way compayu't system. Director for U. P. Mr, Xfillard wat an orcanucr and for a time president of the South Omaha National bank.. Fw IS year he wis a director of the Union l'a. ci lie Hailroad company, ix ear of whi,h he served in the capacity of K.fl , I ,uit iif linn iu,, has alwa adhered to the principle of the republican party. 'He wa never an active poluiiun and refused i. I.e. nine a candidate for office un til IH7.', when ivuditioii led hint to become a candidate fur mayor. A.''" in IVM. when hi election ap pealed to be the only peaceful aolu lion to the most protracted Uuued Nate tenattwial coutest in the his tory of the state, a contrst lasting three month i the ttate kgitlat ur e. Mr. Millard wa. elected enator a cnnipioinue, lie ended h' term In l'7. .... . 1 .... Mr, MiiUtd lit married in me ill of 1K" to is Caroline G. IUr- ... a III t la. r. iiiarq Oil row of Davriixrt, dii'il lanMuarv vived by a dangl lar,l nf flniaba! Willaril iif t bieMH n, Har'ton, Jo ,.. , 1. . . v iii.ini, an oi yj l'JOl. lie i sur er! Jessie II. Mil ton, wuiara n ami four Brand th. If; Hay -nd ah. .".14, mil . i ... 1 1 um W'.tljf.l la nnur return. i't to the state (r.Vii a trip to South America. Mr. Wiltird traveled ex tensively throiiKhouk the latter year of hit lue, having vitYicd Europe and the Orient on nuinerjou occasion. Trefousse Gloves for $2.69 Imported French kid gloves in one and two clasp styles, P. K. sewn, with Paria point and em broidered stitching:. In black, white, taupe and navy. $4.25 and $3.75 glovea for $2.69. 'A oip0n,teCa S Silk Petticoats , $3.95 Originally priced to $7:50. Including Silk Jerseys, Radium Silks in ' navy, black, brown, green, rose, henna, purple and gray. All Felticoals priced above $7.50 are offered for 25 per 'cent discount. Fashion's Favorite Trimming Real ostrich feathers in pink, red, jade, orange and black. Priced $1.25 a yard. , ' Newest Bags in These Styles Velvet and duvetyn bags in brown, beaver and black plain and beaded effects, silk lined, and fitted with a mirror. The prices are most reasonable. Leather hand bags in . flat and ,swagger shapes. Silk lined and fitted with purse and mirror. Priced from $1.75 to $20. Black leather hand bags with gilt and silver frames. Silk lined and has coin purse and mir- V ror. A few for. half price. V Canteen boxes In black with red handles and ' red with black handles. : Priced $6.50 each. Artamo Package Outfits for Half Price Attractive centerpieces, luncheon sets, chil dren's dresses, women's nighties, combination suits and corset covers are all offered for one half price. Women's Union . Suits for 98c CotUn suits that have sold up to $1.75. Three styles: Low neck, sleeveless ; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves ; high neck, long sleeves; all ankle length. Second Floor Two Bedding Specials $5 blankets, $3.95 a pair. A heavyweight wool nap blanket, size (66x80), in grey, tan or plaids. $3.25 cotton comforters, $1.98. Size 72x84, in heavy winter weight, pure new cotton filling in silko line coverings. Remnants of Silk and Wool Dress Goods About Half Price Women of this community, who know values and qualities, fully appreciate this annual January event Every yard of material is from regular stock nothing has been pur chased for "sale" purposes. . ' 'Superior qualities of crepe de chine, canton crepe, satins, taffetas, lining and kimono silks. Silk duvetyns, chiffon velvets, wool serges, tricotines, poiret twill, and fine coat- . ing fabrics. , . . For About Half Price A few of the remnants are listed for your guidance. 3 yards, 54-inch navy color ed all wool crepe. $2.50 qual . ity. The Remnant for $4.23. 314 yards of navy wool pop lin. $5 quality. Tha Rem nant for $6.95. 314 yards navy French serjte. $3 quality. The Remnant for $4.49. 3 yards Pekln blue Veldyne. $7.50 quality. The Remnant for $12.50. 3 yards of dark brown trico tiiie. $7.50 quality. The Rem nant for $9.75. 3J4 yards henna silk and wool duvetyn. $7.50 quality. The Remnant for $10.95. 3 Vs yards Pekin crepe meteor. $3.75 quality. The Remnant for $5.98. , 4V yards black satin crepe., $3.50 quality. The Remnant for $7.95. 3 yards jade silk duvetyn. $7.50 quality. The Remnant for $11.95. 5 V2 yards pink crepe de chine. $1.60 quality. The Remnant for $3.98. 3 's yards black and white novelty twill. $3.80 quality. The Remnant for $5.98. 4 U yards Haskell' black .chiffon taffeta. $3.50 .quality. Tha Remnant for $7.25. 4M yards henna chiffon taf feta. $3.50 quality. The Rem. nant for $6.98. , 3!4 yards brown Canton crepe. $5 quality. The Rem nant for $7.98. 2s yards black chiffon taf 'fcta. $5.50 quality. The Rem nant for $5.98. 5 yards black all silk' duvetyn. $7.50 quality. The Remnant for $13.75. 3 yards crepe. $1.50 quality. The Remnant for $2.69. 31.2 yards crepe. $1.50 qual ity. The Remnant for $3.93. Purchase of New Furs Reduced One-Third to One-Half from the Regular Prices New Furs, purchased in New York after the luxury tax was repealed January 1,1922. The best fur sale of the ' season, with the lowest prices. The Fur Shop Third Floor These Linen Bargains For Saturday The lowest prices of the year are in Jan uary. A few of the many offerings are listed here for your guidance. 6.00 Linen Table Cloths for $4.00 7.50 Linen Table Cloths for 5.89 . 10.00 Linen Table Cloths for 6.89 8.75 Linen Napkins, $6.75 a dozen. ' 12.00 Linen Napkins, 8.95 a dozen. 1.00 Linen Huck. Towels for 75c. 1.25 Linen Huck Towels for $1.00 40c Linen Glass Toweling, 25c a yard.- v , 50c Linen Glass Toweling, 3c a yard. 8c Wash Cloths, 5c; 20c Wash Cloths, 15c. 65c Jleavy Turkish Towels, 49e. 75c Hemmed Glass Towels, 50c. 2.50 Crocheted Bed Spreads, $1.95 10.00 Marseilles Bed Spreads, $7.89 ' 10.75 Marseilles Bed Sets, for $8.89 20.00 Imported Marseilles Spreads, $15.00 A Sale of Coats For Miss Sixteen to Twenty $16.95 Originally Priced up to $59,50 Attractively fashioned, of Duvetyne, Tweeds, Marvella, Silvertone and "Wool Velour. For the most part plain tailor ed, a few fur trimmed. Every Coat New This Season Sales for Men A Disposal of Many Desirable ZtT l Aa-hatiiMStl. ' T yk 4 Dm si i -b .lui nusiiutyis jui uuw r i vvto Manhattan Shirts Now $1.65 to $4.65 Every styte is Included in this semi-annual , event. 35c and 50c soft collar for 25c. Wool Hose, 35c Three pair, $1 Heavy wool in nat ural, black and ox ford. ' ' All Neckwear Is Reduced $5.00 neckwear, $3.35 $4.00 neckwear, $2.95 $3.00 neckwear, $1.95 $2.50 neckwear, $1.65 $2.00 neckwear, $1.35 $1.50 neckwear, 95c $1.00 neckwear, 75c Gray Fabric 1 Gloves for $1.50 Gray with black stitchings, sizes 7i, 8, 829. Outing flannel night shirts and pajamas and knit union suits are offered for im portant savings. The Men' Shop To the Left A You Enter Sorosis Slippers $5 Values' to $12 a Pair A Saturday Sale Event Black kid pumps, one and two strap styles, with Louis heels. Black buck pumps, with bead ed tongues and Louis heels. Black buck pumps, Avith instep strap and Louis heels. . , Bronze kid pumps, two strap style, with Louis heels. Brown buck pumps, with ankle straps and Louis heels. $12 Values $5 a Pair 5 -V-