Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1922, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 10

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' Winter-Martin.
11 In All' Martin of Council
Bluffs and Whitney Winter of Uroa
lik cre ouictty married before a
few of their, friend lat Thursday
evening t the home tf Mr, and Mr.
Frank 1 Howard, 4612 North Twenty-eighth
avenue. Mr. Hort it
niece of Mr. Winter. Tin Her, E.
M. iiruun performed the ceremony.
Min Lylluu Blair ofeCotmcrl Uteris
was briuVmaid and Royell D. Friend
wi bf t.' Iliau. 'I tie bride wore a
dark gmtVand a coriajre of rose
and ret peas. An informal rerep
tion fnllord -the ceremony. They
will hiake their home at the Mer
riani apartment. ' ,
. , Adler-Moskowiti.
Mr. and Mr. Adolph Mokltowrtx
announce- the engagement of their
laughter, Nellie, to Leo J. Adler, son
of Mr. and Mr. Simon Adler. .
To Honor Wellesley President.
i At the Wellesley tea Friday after
noon at the Hitrgcss-N'ash tea room
the alutmne of the college made ten
tative plans for the entertainment ,of
Mir.s Kilcn Pendleton, president of
Wellesley, who .is to visit , Omaha
January 19. In th afternoon there
will be a tea for Mis Pendleton at
Hrowhcll Hall,' and for alumnae,
parent of students and friends of
Wellesley. In the evening there
will probably be a diilner at the Uni
versity club fur the atmunae. Miss
Pendleton is on a western trip to
. meet the head ,of secondary schools.
Dinner at Local University.
A dinner was given at the Univer
sity of Omaha Friday evening for
Coach Lrnie Adanis ot. tne basket)
ball team. . Mi Margaret iTbonip-;'
son and' Alice Crocker were in '
'harge,'-ajid the toastmaster was Dr. j
Vahau.Vkrtariaii. Coach Adams and
Leonard Thomas of the freshman
class were among the speakers.
Other ' 'honor guests were Miss
Frankic-Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Jollcy, Miss Ruth Parker, Wil
liam Rbb'crtvaud Hugh DowU. .
Legion Woman'- Auxiliary.
The! Woman's . auxiliary, of the
American Legion wilt hold its,next
meeting'at the legion headquarters at
the courj hotue on Tuesday, 'Jan
uary 10, Ht 7:30 p. in. OftitcnKwill
be elected,' the year's work will be
. planned.'. and moveittent-- will be
initiatcd'jo foster arid '- maintain ' the
same ideals among: 'Ac memberj.-of
the Woman's auxiliary that art en
dorsed and upheld by. the American
Legion, the big brothers of- ths
auxiliary,; , , ' .--'-j-V
Trinity Auxiliary Elections. " "
The Womajis' Auxiliary of Trinity,
parish held. .'a-; meeting; . Friday, after-:
noon for the'.elcction of officers,' with
the following results: Mrs: IScTijamin
K. Diggs, president, , Mrs. Charles
FranktshL yice.pre5idcntr Mm.. 0. K..
Pettingil, - secretary, , Mrs.. Charles
Reynolds, treasurer. The delegates
to the annual diocesan meeting of the
council to be held at Trinity January
17, t were 'also eIected:Mrs. Diggs,
Mri. Pettingil and Mrs. Reynolds. .
Tea Dance.
Mrs. T. M. Baldrige was hostess
yesterday: afternoon at a tea -dance,
at the BbrfceasNash lea robftr When
her gues veire.fjilr.i and .Mrs.vHerv.
bert Negere, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Klopp, the. Misses Winifred Smith,
Winifred Brandt, Ruth Carter, the
Messrs. Dick Smith, James Hun
saker, George .Radcliffe and Dr.
George Bochler.
L. O. E. Club. ' '
The L. O. E. club will have" a
card party at-the Elks' club rooms,
Tuesday 'at 2 o'clock. On .Thurs
day evening' they will hold a dance
in the same place for the new mem
bers. Only those who have paid their
dues will be? admitted, and dues may
be sent to Jl!rs, "F. Os Brown..
Hosted at1 Bridge 'Party.
Mrs. Robert -Vari,' dei'"Ven 'enter
tained three .tables A6 bridge at the
home of hr , mother? ,Mrs. Charles
Caughlan, aftirday afternoon. The
honor gueMtaff reVf rs: Charles E.
Koonev ot"vYH''.TO':. and Mrs.
. Richard OW'elt' 'of '-Driver.
-j ,!
Miss 'Denny Hostess. v
Miss Charlotte Denny was hostess
Saturday afternoon at a bridge party.
for Miss' Elizabeth McUonald, who
returns to Bradford , academy this
" evening. , Jiiss Denny entertained 12
guests -and1 the' -decorations were in
Pink- '.'. . .
Club Dania to Elect Officers.
The Club Dania of the Danish Old
aii.c iaiua iiic banian w m
Peoples" home will meet Wednes- .
day, January 11 for the election of
otticers, at the home ot Mrs. C.
Jansan, 1813 North v Eigliteenth
street. .
Lord. Lister Alumnae. t
The aluiiriae: hi the Lord -Lister
hospital school of nursing will hold
a reunion and luncheon Wednesday
at the Rome hotel from 10 until 5.
Mrs. W. J. Leahmer is in charge of
the arrangements. '
0. vL L,- Club' ,
The 0. L. L. club of Our Lady
of Lourdes Parish will give 'a tard
party Thursday at their hall, Thirty
second and Francis street ' : '
' Delta Gamma.
Delta Gamma will meet Wednes-
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Arthur Draper Smith.
The Breakfast Table
Mother, ensconced behind th coffee
pot- ; . (
Dispenses cups of her delicious
: brew,
. To a play-tumbled and school-go-
' wit crew
- "Oh, Susie, dear, what dirty hands
you ve got:
"Harry, please drink your coffee
while it's hot;
"Elirabethi do . button np your
She iterates, uhile Father readi the
And wonders who has bought that
corner lot
Apotheosis of 'the commonplace-
Yet its normality does more to
- keeo
Our country tafe-when strikes and
tunnou sweep
Across it breadth tha any speaker's
- grace.
Since, who -would not protect from
riven tries
' The sanctuary of the simple things.
- Charlotte Becker,
Ue brown eggs if you wish a very
yellow custard, white ones if
lighter one is wished, , . ..,
Ala V'! 7 '
Mist Helen
"Miss Helen Watkins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J.. B. Watkins, returns
to Faribault, Minn., today, where she
is a student at St Marys school.
; - Personals
Halleck Rose returns today to the
Sewickley Preparatory school. -
Miss Frances Nieman returned
Wednesday from a trip to New York
City. ,
.Mrs.. George B. "Prinz is confined
.torlw'rvbed with a severe attack of
grippe.. V , . " :
' Mr and Mrs. Ed Pcgail leave the
middle 'of the month for a trip to
Mrs. Leonard Trestor returned
this morning from a trip to Lincoln
and Hastings. ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke have
inovecf into their new home at 712
South Thirty-eighth street
. Mrs. A. E. Berry of Tulsar Ok!.,
is the guest of her daughter, " Mrs.
Jameh.oub,,vaiiel JXr. gouby.
Mn ati't MrsV Arthiir'li Jensen an
nounce, the birth of a daughter Mon
day at the Nicholas Senn hospital.
- Miss Katharine v ' Davis returned
Thursday evenitrg to New York,
where she attends die French school,
Mr. and Mrs. George Flack expect
to move into their new home on
Thirty-eighth street, by the end of the
mon.t- iH:ttt U. ;
Mrs. William Beatty. Miss Ruth
Beatty and Miss Marjorie Barrett
,Ieft .Thursday , for . California . to
spend .soveral weeks. " -' ;'. ,
fiss Barbara Burns has been con
fined to- her home by, aa attack of
bronchitis, and will not be able to re
turn to. school until next week.
Mr, and Mrs: William Newton
left Thursday for San Francisco,
where they will sail January 14 for
the. orient on "The Golden State." j
. ;',Mrs.:V: E.' Bolin leaves soon for
southern California. She will sail
earlyin February ;for..', Honolulu,
where she will remain for several
weeks. ' . .
Miss Dorothy Beit left Friday
evening for .Kansas .City, where she
will join the Misses Madeline and
Katherine Dickey for a two months'
. ... w . M
Ffnda: sOjourn.7
Mrs. Daniel Carey has returned to
hef home at Murfreesboro, Tenn.,
after, spending two months here, with
ner aaugnter, wrs. ' roster - spain,
and Mr. Spain. , .
Mrs. Kenneth S. Smith of Detroit,
Mich., left Friday . night for het
home after a visit here with her sis
ter, Mrs. S. J. Howell, Mrs. Smith
was honored with a number of social
affairs during her stay. .
Miss Margaret Eastman left Fri
day evening to return to Sweetbriar
college. Miss Eastman came home
from college early and had an opera
tion for appendicitis before Christ
mas. , She returns quite, recovered. .
Dr. R. S. AnKlirr returned Wed
nesday from Portland, Ore., where
he spent the ;ljolidays with 'his wife
and two sons, Robert' and Richard.
Mrs. Anglin, who went to Portland
for her health, is greatly improved.
RobertForgan of New York, who,
with Mrs, Forgan, has-been a guest
atthe 'Isaac' Congdon home, under
went an operation for appendicitis
Thursday and is . recuperating rap
idly. He is at the Clarkson hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Malcomb Baldrige
returned Saturday morning from
their wedding trip. They-' plan to
move jnto an apartment .at the Jus
tin ther.middle of. the month. Pending
that time they will be with Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Baldrige.
Mr. and . Mrs. A. D. Peters are
planning to leave for Hollywood,
CaL, in about two weeks. Their
daughter, Miss Katherine Peters, and
Miss, Beatrice Johnson will accom
pany them, and will spend several
month atvCarmei at Miss Portia
Swett's schoolof dancing. . v . .
Mrs. W. A. Wright and daughter,
Miss Lila Wright, of Ord, Neb, have
been visiting their mother and sister,
Mr. Paul Lambrecht and Mr. Lam
brecht 4510 North Twenty-eighth
avenue, for the last 10 davs. return-
lioff to Ord Saturday, morning. . Tne
to School
, Cttchell Photo.
Miss Watkins is specializing: in dra
matic art there. She will finish in
June and plans to attend the Univer
sity of Nebraska at Lincoln next
visitors were guests at dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Rogers
Friday4 evening. ' ' 1 ..'
A cablegram has been received
from Yokohama .telling of the safe
arrival there of Mr. and Mrs. Gould
Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Dunn
and Victor. Dietz who are on a trip
through the orient. They report a
stormy passage from Honolulu to
Mrs. T. F.'Carpenter'and daughter.
Miss Eleanor Carpenter, who went to
Europe last July following the tat
ter's graduation from , Wellesley col
lge, are now, at Lucerne, Switzer
land, with Frau Meyer Brun. They
spent November touring Italy. Mrs.
Carpenter and daughter expect to sail
next month for home... , , . .
In Masquerade
Many persons never seem to be
too old to enjoy "dressing up," arid
these are some metiwho would find
a conventional ' dance tiresome who
never miss an opportunity to go to
costume dances, where they have a
chance to appear as Capt Kidd, Ma
homet, a Chinese laundryman or an
Italian organgrinder as the fancy
prompts them. Needless to say,
there are men who rebel invariably
at the prospect of having to "dress
up." And if it wertiot for the Sid
of . some clever sister -ior ; wife qr
chum these men 'probably never'
would go to fancy dress parties at
all. Usually it is the men. and women
with a taste for costume designing,
a reat enjoyment in'' mimicry and
acting and a strong admixture of
eternal youthfulness, who take most
interest in fancy dress parties.
Invitations' for fancy 'dress parties
-r-whether formal or informal
should be issued in time to make it
possible for the guests to provide
themselves with their costumes with
out being incohvenrenced. If the
party is formal and the invitations
are worded in the third person, is is
customary to indicate the nature of
the party by adding the words
"Fancy dress" or "Oriental cos
tumes" or any other period of style
Of costumes that have been agreed
upon at the lower left hand side of
the invitation card.
At a fancy dress ball recently given
by the -younger set in . Washington
society, the costumes were especially
varied, many of them being genuine
peasant1 costumes from our- -various
style m ;
grand piano
Antique Mah'ogany Case
$1375 ;
" This is the smallest of the sjx styles of Steinway
grands, but much larger than the "baby" grands of
other makes. We call it "The Miniature " but its length
is 5 feet, 7 inches, giving sufficient sound-board area
and string length for the best effects of the grand piano!
Every extra inch of strings in a grand multiplies the
value of tone and volume so tremendously that buyers
should be cautious of "grands" that are grands ,only
in shape. V ' (. ' . -
We cordially invite you to call at our new tales
rooms and hear the incomparable STEINWAY tone.,
liberal allowances made for instruments of other makes
in exchange. Convenient terms of payment arranged
if desired. ,
Dodge St.
Ezclulva Stiwy RaprtMnUtivM for Nebraska, and
Wester lowm
Walking Club to
Elect Officers
This Week
The Omaha Walking club - w ill
tun at 2M o'clock tin afternoon
from Pearl and Broadway, in Council
It I ii rf . taking the car to the north
end of the Harmon street car line,
where the walk beeiiu. The leader.
Leslie Williams, claim that this t
one of the moit picturesque walk
ever scheduled' by the club. The
route it practically north from the
Harrison street car line, thence went
and south over the High Line T rail
pat Myniter Spring ending at the
north end of the Eighth itrcet car
The club house at ' Wiley Toint
Fontcnelle Forest Reserve, will be
open this afternoon and evening after
3:30 O'clock, to club members and
visitors. Mark W, Wittget will be
In rharse. '' ,
The third annual ocial gathering
and election of ofiirers flll be held
Thursday evening. 8 0 clock, at Jul
brary hall. South Side, Twenty-third
and M streets. , .'
The nominating committee rec
ommends Harriet Mueller for presi
dent; Edwin S. Jewell, first vice
president: Allies Houston, second
vice president; Corienne Armstrong,
lecretary; Irene Higbee, treasurer;
Lea Bozell and Norman J. Weston,
executive committee, unexpired term,
1922, and Mrs. John W. Kobbms and
Miss Edith Tobitt executive com
mittee, full term, 1922-24. Nomina
tions may also be maae irom me
floor. '
. The following amendment to the
club code of laws has been proposed:
That Section 4, Article III, reading
"persons . elected to membership
snail pay annual dues of $1," . be
amended to read: "Persons elected
to membership shall pay annual dues
of S2."- ' ,
. The 1921 photographic history of
walks and walkers will be exhibited
and prizes awarded for the best pic
tures. Miss Elizabeth Drage will
read an original poem and Norman
Weston will lead the singing.
Anklets, Straps
, and Shoes
A few women who like to dress in
a spectacular fashion may be inter
ested in copying the fashion of a few
French women who- have taken tip
the fad of wearing an anklet beneath
very thin stockings, depending on
the thinness of the stockings and the
brilliance of the stones or glitter of
the gold to make it not difficult to
behold. ", ;.
Another rather striking fashion
that we have taken from France is
to wear leather straps above the an
kle in connection with strapped slip
pers.' .These straps are placed about
where the top Of a high shoe would
come. They are -made in soft leather
or satin to match the shoe, -both shoe
and strap usually being stitched in
color red or green or bine. The
straps on the ' shoe 'buckle on the
onklc and the matching straps buckle
just above. . -
The sandal, type of shoe is still in
favor in France, and the effect is em
phasized by slashes and perforations
over the toe. Often the slipper shows
almost no support just above the arch
of the foot . ' v J
Quite new are some sandal shoes
that show very low heels. The low
heels and rounded toes of these shoes
make it possible to wear them xin
short lengths -that would otherwise
be impossible, so instead of making
the feet look larger, as the woman
who clings to high heels and pointed
toes insists, they make them really
look very much smaller. Added to
tfiat, they are ; very comfortable,
which has recommended ' them as
dancing slippers to dancing enthu
siasts. . -. i - : . '.
White shoes and white and black
shoes have proved immensely popular
this season at the resorts, and with
them white stockings are almost al
ways worn. f
allies. Other costumes selected were
these: That of Queen Elfiabeth, a
girl of 1830 in hoops, an Indian
princess iri chamois - costume em
broidered in beads, Yama-Yama girl
and a Greek dancer's cestume.. Even
young girls nowadays do not refrain
l from going to such dances in cos
tumes that 10 years ago would have
been considered appropriate only for
an artist's costume dance. 'Thus in
this ball given recently there was a
Turkish lady in white trousers, a
Russian lady from the Steppe
provinces ' in ' bloomers, . and other
costumes innocent of petticoat. .
-' Omaha
Recent Bride
The marriage of Mint Mary E.
Wilmoth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. ' S. Wilmoth, and Robert P.
Kimball, was solemnized last Wed
nesday, the Rev. J. E. Jenkins offi
' Mr. Kimball and his bride will re
side at 6904 Florence boulevard.
D. A. R'. Sponsors
Program at
Cass School
A musical program sponsored by
the Major Isaac Sadler chapter of
the Daughters of the American Rev
olution will be given at Cass school
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock
under direction 'of Edith' May Miller,
assisted by Mrs. A. F. Anderson,
flute: Mrs. G. C. White, violin; Mrs.
Patrick Gill, contralto, and Milton
Reynolds, pianist.: ' '. ;',
Omaha chapter, D. A; R., meets
Tuesday afternoon in the Burgess
Nash auditorium, ters. Ralph Doud,
head resident of the Omaha Social
Settlement, will tell of her duties in
connection with Americanization
work.' Vocal numbers will be given
by Mrs. James Hanley and piano
solos by Richard Bender.
Helpful Hints.
If silver is to be stored away for
some time pack it with dry flour.' It
will remain untarnished, v:,
Housekeepers can save time by
using casseroles of attractive, earthen
ware in : which food may :i be -both
cooked and served; : 'v . . - ,. '
ft L
. , , '. . , ' . y.,. , -' 'A' - . .' ... r -"."'.' V; ' ' ' ' ' j . - . ' '-.
Organ Recital by
John Keys Biggs
Musical- Event
Mrs, George Sumner and Mrs.
N. P. Dodge will sponsor an trg;an
recital by John Key Biggs . of
Brookryif, N. V.. wtiich will be given
Tuesday evening, February 7, in the
First Unitarian church. Miss Eloise
Went will assist on the committee
in charge of the affair. " . . '
Mr. Biggs 'is orgnnit and choir,
master of the beautiful Cathedral
chapel in Prooklyn, whrre there Is
one of the finest otgans in America.
He will be heard in many of the
prominent cities of the country this
winter, ' ,
The organ in the. Firtt Unitarian
church is a mcmorjal to the late
Thomas , Kilpatrick, given by his
daughter, Mrs. George Mixter. of
Moljne, 111., formerly MUs Florence
Kilpatrick of this city.
The presentation of. Mr. Biggs in
recital will be one of the most inter
esting organ recitals to be heard in
Omaha this-winter. '';'
Mr. O. W.' Eldridge will be the
soloit that evening. Mrs. Sumner
and Mrs. Dodge will be in charge of
the ticket sale and the proceeds
will be given to the Woman's aux
iliary of the church.
Girls Community
Service League
The Lafay"ette club of the Girl's
Community Service league will give
a membershiD nartv in the club
rooms, 210 Gardner building, l7l2
Dodge street, on Tuesday evening at
o o clock. An invitation is extended
to any girl interested in the league.
The schedule for the week is as
follows: . .
Monday Cluga club supper, 6:30
p. m.; gymnasium, 7:30: Mrs. Charles
Mussclman, leader; volley ball, e:JU.
luesday Wamm club- supper,
6:30 p. m.;, home making class, 7;
Mrs G..B. Cantor, leader: open
house, 8:15; Lafayette club party, 8
p. m.
Wednesday Lafayette club sup
per, 6:30 p. m.; basket ball, 7; dra
matic art, 8.
' Thursday French class, 7 p. m.;
Miss Bess Borell, leader.
Friday D. T. A. .club supper, 6:30
p. m.; qhorus rehearsal, 7; Mrs. Wal
lace,', leader; , gymnasium class, .8;
Miss Katherine Carrick, leader.
Saturday Dancing party, ' 8:30
p. m.
; Sunday Open, house, 3:30. p. m.;
Mrs. Mary Lydia Rowe. hostess.
Rummage Sale.
, Circle ladies of Trinity Methodist
church will hold a rummage sale in-
the church parlors at Twenty-first
and Birtney streets on Saturday,
January 14. Doors open at 9 a. m. .
f?ame dS w yourmilk,, cream,
Woman's Exchange in
New Location Monday.
Mrs. A. K. Meader hat been ap
pointed chairman of the committee
in cliarge of the Colkg Club Wom
an's Exchange to fill the vacancy
made by the resignation of Mrs.
Harvey Newbranch. . Member of
her committee include Mesdamea A.
J. Randall, Harvey Newbranch, C
Jf. Horn Harold Bcrgqulst, Bryce
Crawford, and J. E. Wallace. Mrs.
I E. K. Houghton is sales manager.
Ihe exchange which was open last
fall has already outgrown its quar
ters in the offices of the Nebraska
Power company and will be located
beginning tomorrow on the second
ReeerU far Weak Enalna Saturday. Dacarabar 31. 121
Max. Min. Mean Max. Mliu. Mean
Long Beach ............ fl tt PtiSdena .61 id tt
Announce that, in accord with the
their rates have been reduced a
last year's schedules. Beginning December 12,' Hotel Green wil
open on both European and American Plans from $2.50 and l
per day, respectively.
Full Privileges of Celebrated
Pasadena Golf Club .. '
to guests of all three hotels. Pasadena is the Golfer's Year-Round
Paradise 20 Golf Clubs within an hour by motor. Conveniently
accessible to old Missions and hundreds of points of historic interest.
Only 10 miles from Los Angeles and 25 miles from California
Far Information Adores
J.B.COULSTON, President r
., Y Hire Not Sees Callferelt
Until Yog Hne Vlilted
Superbly located an the blue Perlfle. Loot
Beech le nut only the mott brautlful reeori
In America, but a htgh-oUM residential end
Industrie city at mil. Only 10 miles front
bos Aneeles, the metropolis of Boathern Ceil
fornls. Fesfeest Krowlny city tn the country-,
population Increased from J, 250 In 1&O0 to
15,000 In. 19 2L Borne of the world-famed
Hotel Virginia. Ample hotel and apartment
socominoriatlrms at aU prices. Write for Inter
esting literature .reterdlnf this "City ot Op
portunity." L. W. BALLARD. Executive-Secretary.
Lous Btach Chamber ef Cemmraa, . -Lous
Bsach, Calif.
floor of the Silk Shop, 1517 Dougtn
street, the space having been, donated
by the proprietors, Messrs Kahan
and Jonca
A wide variety of needlework and
home cookery may be found at the
exchange. Orders art alio taken for
houte dresses, children's clothing and
A Real Treat.
"Let' invite the Dubleys over for
a rubber of bridge tonight."
. "But he it such a dreadfully poor
player." . . .
"I knowi, but I like to hear hit
wife nag' hifc about it."
Omaha Wall
dab ThnnHUr, I .
Mouth Twenty-
m.. Liberty In,
third and U i
. Annual Irctloa or
I meetinf. Pians far
((ftcra nl
lh year will
Famous Hotels
lower trend of prices genv!'?.
total of more than 80 per centvom
-All Gleaners
and Dyers
don't have cleaning .
plants. Know that
your cleaner, is a
cleaner. .
151S J one Street Phone Douf. 0043
N. W. Car. 24th and L. Phone Mar. 12S3
1 V