THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1921. I I In A Fruit Basket prepared by James will satisfy the moot fastidious Rift seek er. Such a gift will .find universal favor. D. G. JAMES 1521 Howard St. AT. 4916 t,iGive Gifts " Furniture this Christ ls, selected from the jre of ' Exceptional Values . Smokers' Sets Library Tables ; Tea Carts Cedar Chests Floor Lamps Windsor Rockers ZIorte-Alclous-Hqnt Company The Store of Exceptional Value Farnam at 24th mas Gifts The eift of Jewelry is tho proper ana lasung gut. ve i are in business to supply you L W1UI ifUCOU giio priees, , I - T.a Vallleres, diamond . . . i jw Stick Pins, solid gold, $1.50 to $10 Wrist Watches, at . . ..J9.00 to $75 Pearl Necklaces, spe cial indestructible solid sold clasp, $6.50; same with diamond clasp at $8.75 Complete stock of Diamond. Jewelry, Clocks and Cut Glasa. Diamond Mount ing and Watch Repairing. OUR INEXPENSIVE LOCATION A enables us to sell at rock-bottom y prices. LOUIS N. BOISEN ' " , 601 Securities Bldj. Qivt Her flowers, - for . Qhristmas THS' fascination 3. thst a Gift of i r Flowers holds for I woman, and the keen nthuilism which I Awars greets a boa of . ' Nsh cut Flowers is the tasoa why it makes uch an xcllnt ShrbtmssCift. x very moderate sett. nn send her a TtrT rtrtlful box of Flow- if you sty the oi ijTeredtnytlmaTOSJ Open Christmas Day Until Noon LEE L. LARMON 1814 DoogUa Phone DO. 8244 f 4 1 Hint I C MART Luggage is a grift Rsix Jj that Is attractive and use- - EHglff ful. One that shows thought- ' "Kg fUi consideration. For every- flwji&s Ef 6 one needs a trim Case or Bag vgr ' whether he be a regular Sffl 0 j Bit Essf traveler, or just for week-end . jgitflr $jJ trips and vacation. jSK 1 1 Ml We have all kinds o smart Bll Luggage at a wide range of - Rajf? 1 pp prices reifdy for your selec- W&L 1 LB Omaha Printing mk epf!! Parnam at pS Make It a Real : " Merry Xmas With one of our, famous ' Woodrow" Electric Washers U 79 ica Vacuum Cleaner (Unlimited guarantee ' by the factory) SHE may need an iron or toaster, too. All of which are practical and useful gifts. . Electric Company 2516 N. 24th St. Web. 0582 Travel in Shop Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company . will make it A Real Xmas Make the Christmas an-. ticipation a reality. Make this Christmas one, which will stand out in the minds of your family as the . best ' ever. An ; Oldsmobile will do the ' trick; Ask your family. Prices Range From $1145 to $2625 f.o.b. factory NEBRASKA COrtPAWf CHAS. A. TUCKER, Pres. OMAHA DES MOINES 18th and Howard Sts. 920 Locust St. Early and Com fort Is the Qiji for Her and Its usefulness will appeal to all It Is Nebraska' Made See Us for Special Prices on . Box Candies Toilet Articles Cigars . A Complete Line of Drugs PRESCRIPTIONS A ' SPECIALTY FoxDrugCo. 1S04 Farnam St. (Give her candy in a genuine leather covered box, full satin lined and attractively shaped. Neatly packed with the best quality choco lates. . You will be remem bered long after the candy is forgotten as a dainty box of this kind will always find a place on a girl's dress ingtable. Specially Priced at An $00 Phelps Hut 1708 Douglas Street .mportance OF NEBRASKA 20 to 30 Reduction on American Watches We have a large stock of American watches and eases in all sizes Hamilton, Howard, Illinois, Ellin and Waltham watches fitted in Boss, Crescent and Crown cases, from $12.00 to $85.00; complete Inerersoll line, $1.75 to $11.60; Swiss and American wrist watches, $5.98 to $45.00. Accurately adjusted and closely tuned to a high srrade regulator. Don't fail to look over our 2.000 , solid gold rines from $1.00 to $675.00, and our fine line of, new Jewelry at the new low prices. - Expert Repair Service. BasyajjjjjjjjjjjjmNorth W wm L I aSaaaaal 1 1 sal . HVWaaas IS Make It y Something Electrical MAKE her happy this Christmas ; by . giving her a thoughtful v gift one; she vaU appreciate and remind her of your thoughfulness. Choose from this galaxy of labor savers time savers and , 4 energy savers.- -1 Royal Suction Cleaners Electric Toasters Electric Grills " Electric Percolators Electric Lamps . Electric Irons 1 Or Anything Electrical We Have It Dependable Electrical Merchandise Granden Electric Co. 1511 Howard St, tie Cgif t the Children thrifty judgments - .Kryptok vi; Glasses, - V- Dr. L. C. Larsen Registered Optician. -' Tisitxvnri. OhKi. aiauissa te of Fostofficeaj J9 n W Xmas Suggestions What could be more appropriate ; , , , than something for the auto. Special Xmas Prices , Mototneters ....;...... $2.9S to $8.25 Motometer Lock (Monofrram Type) S5.45 Sun Visor (Neatest of All) ZiV-V'fHJ Spotlights $3.50 to $8.00 Weed Chain Jack..... Ford Heaters 'JJ-W Sedan Mirrors ::VTii' Clocks (8-day) ...s $4.75 to $5.55 Cocoa Mats . Robe vffOO Ford Radiator and Hood Covers $3.75 Windshield Cleaners 60c to $8.00 Windshield Wings, per pair.; f 17.50 Many others at special Xmas prices Weed Chains, Goodyear Tires and Tubes,' Tools, Parking Lamps, Flashlights, Sunoco and Veedol Oils. Troup Auto Supply Company 2027-29 Farnam Street Phone DO 5230 he Neglected Gift Can Be Quickly and Properly Filled ; : With Nature's Gift. ' PRICED RIGHT ' ami The A Iways Appropiate Gift The Sweetest Gift of AH! MOST everybody has a sweet tooth, especially at Christmas Time. Candy is the Always Appropriate. Gift for Young and Old Alike. - Whatever may be your Candy wants, we caii supply them. .We suggest the following: . Box Candies Hard Candies Baskets Stockings Novelties Bulk Candy , A Few of Our Xmas Specials Smyrna Fig-Filled Kisses, lb .71 . .30c Cocoanut-Filled Butter Cups, lb . . . . . . . i ; . . 30c .Cut Rock Mixture, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .25c Broken Mixture, lb. ... . .v. 25c . . t- - i Made fresh daily in our Own Sanitary. . : Candy Kitchen. , , ' Take Your Lunch in the Walnut Room 2 Quick service is assured and the comfort afforded will be a treat worth" while. , Candyland Crystal Candy Co. 16th and Capitol Ave. , , CANDY DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY - JohnIH. Bath ' The Careful Florist ?l " 1804 FARNAM STREET v ... 1522 Farnam Street 4 ATlantic 0681 it ?r WIS AM 1