THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1921. D C 4 I Hie l trite lur 6 Florida Is Seen As Great Farm State of Future 1 laglfr'i Daring Railroad Pro ject Opened llytt of Olhcri To New Foil)ilititt on East Count. By HOLLAND. Iu company with Hairy II. Flag Irr and Kicliard H. Edmonds, liiorge W. Ttrkiin ome year ago went ovrr the greater part of the "Over the Sf railroad which Mr. riaglrr a then causing to be con tinued to Key tit. Mr. I'crkini wa intensely inter ested in thi constructive work and he aid, "No one but a man of vision such a characterize Mr. f Maglcr and of such vast command V, as he possesses of his own capital could ever have carried out this un dertaking; for while we can all now recognize that it is a preeminent success, no hanking house in th world would have dared to finance it when it was first projected." The three companions on that ex ceedingly interesting journey of in- erection lived lona enouch .to re joice in its completion, hut one alone of the three, Mr. Edmonds, is now living. Mr llaglrr lived long enough to realize, although not real ly to see, the completion of that wonderful engineering work. He was unable to see with his physicil ryes all that had been accomplish ed because of serious impairment of vUion, but with his mental c"e this -.Ivast project was visibly demonstrat- Market, Financial and Industrial News IL livcStock Official Monday ,, XfK'lai Tu.a.1. ., urrirui wi,..i.y uiflrlal Tnui-Mtay (ffli-lal rnUay ... Kallmal Xaimdey " aay mi , Kaine last wk. . earn !(. at, am I a. bio om )4r u . Rwlpi and Omaha, prmr If, ('ill H lllMf llll ! 11.111 lilt t.ttr ,im 1.IU 0,:t 1.148 i.iu! ,eo 4I..71 4. HI Mill 3i.UK 41.418 U.K1 11.414 II, u! I .0.111 41.1 tl Oil 1.4.1 t till 1,111 " ...SOU 7 1 ...ll.4i ,..:iii ...ii,: lDoaltta or Hva at in 1 i niuit alu. a yards, Omaha. Ir II hour a. Mr 11, h.m (It Nab, nlln tl 1 p. m., tltccin Wabaah Tl. ft, Mlaaourl racial t tuan Panda K. 1 1 V. ny. . 11. .. N. W. ., ..t.. HI. P. SI. O. By. '. H. A I). Ky.. aal... '. II. y lly., -Waal., '. II. I. I'.. wal.... Total recent ,, Caul Ho- a S 1 1 LlSPOSITION-!lEAt. 1IIS . til , Sl 111 147 SI) . 311 Financial Tf etl him. "A , KHatcl (a Stw pr Alt that Mr. Ftail.r r. Projerla rn-nnllahail la r-latni to tnm of th wonrl-rful plana now under ronslderajluii which. when r-ompltl by and l.y. will open up lo riavtlopmtnt. to transportation and In full realisation anm of the almost lncon 'Ivahly ureal nntural reaourcea of the t'nltril Statea. It may he that aa it ho com- upon waa with Mr. Flaeler anma of thnao w f have thea plana In mind will he , I pelled to rely for tha moat rrt tneir own capital. f 1 tor while It la true that hanklnir hou -- ara now far more dlapoaeil to haten 1 houaea to pew and original, umlertnkinga of mattni tuda than Ihey w,re when Mr. flaitler ventured to redeem Florida and to make It a connecting- link between the Unll-i fitatea and Cuba, neverthelera, aom of them atill herniate. The early development of trade over thla Kin icier ayatem, between Cuba and tho I'nlted Ktatea, equaled, if It did not aur paaa, Mr. Flapler'a own forecaat of what waa pnaaihla. If he were now livlns: he would he gratified to know that this trade ta rapidly increasing. Ha waa, aa Mr. Perkins said, a man of vision, who was fortunate enough to. command peraonal . capital of many millions. When ha undertook the building of that road his engineers, after a atudy of weather recorita and high wavea. whlr-n waa carried on for soma yearn, planned for a road of a certain elpvation above the higheat wave record. But before the road waa completed one of the most vio lent rftorma that ever rami from the Carlbean aea to the Florida coast In undated 'much of the en.Ht coat of Florida and tha wavea rose much higher than a considerable part uf the Over th Sea railroad tracks. Finder plil Not Falter. ' Mr. Flngler did not hesitate for he was pot appalled by this experience. Although It waa to Involve nn additional erpendi ture of many minions, nevertheless, he ordered the engi'u'1-r.s to reiae the level of the road to a point where it would always be anfe to operate the road, no nm'ter how Ii'trli the wnvca roae. Unless Mr. Flnglfr rnuld have had com- ' nuind1 of hla cvn great crtiltal he would have been unable to lntl'ine bankers to invent anything In the enterprise. His own investment, on the whole, must have reached something like $76,000,000, per- , haps more. Mr. Edmonrta at one time, asked Mr. Flagler why he had become so heavily Intercnted In the development of Florida. Hla answer, perhaps the first recorded expression of hla purposes, was that he felt that he could do more good for humanity In opening up the Incredlhly rich territory of the east coast of Florida with railroads and hotels than In any other way, because he ,would establish health and pleasure resorts, but what was more Important, the opening up to cultivation of a region In which many thousand farm era would be abl to make a profitabl liv ing. ' Today many thousand farmers are mall in. nmfiinhle living there and Informa tion comes to New York from Florida that probably many more thouaeids will soon establish themselves there. The win ter migration from the farms of the north and west to Florida has now be gun. The fact the progress of Florida Is . VBntH itn future so well assuretl as to make It certain that It will be recognised aa one of the great centers of pooulatlnn and wealth whereby tne easr coast of the United States will match the west coast, which Is California. Men Hnd Vision. Some citizens of New York are already venturing the cultivation of sugar m -irinta w.iahinirton E. Connor is one. u ..i.hii.hf.l voara ago a large citrus growing f.irm near Paytona, but a sud nA Kioat from the north destroyed tt Kove he and; his son are beginning th cultivation of sugar. At lcaat 40 years ago, V.Mlllam I. Kelley. long known (is the "father of the house of representa- l anil man who was Intensely Interested in everything that gave promise of high development or natural resources, . visited Florida. Judge Kelley was'a man of vision and if he chad abandoned a political career ..An.nin,,n,iu iicrei'sfiil as that was. and undertaken the development of natural veannrrea. he would have gained success. a iur., fortune and recognition aa one ... r,r,... of the United States. ire. unon that trip to Florida, pointed K nnaalhiMtv of BO developing FlOC Ida as to make It a sugar growing state - ...... i.r. acale and tt was 11 T,.r dua to his enthusiastic recommenda- that Haiallton Disston, another man of vision, undertook a very great de- .... irt.pirtu i ru.afon had vision, but he could not command the great capital which was needed He should have had many more millions than the amount able to command. - it reauired the vision of men m i.. . I - nttnn end Ml. blned with' the capital they were able to command, to Puada bankers now ha tt is worth while to aid 4n financing great propositions which, if worked out, i. trin-trta conanicuous among ai th atatea of th union for agricultOfS and even for some forms of manufacture, as well aa the great link by railroad trans n.,i.nnn and ocean ferry for trad be tween th United States and Cuba. w York Coffe. New fork. Dec. 17. There was fur ther scattered rcallaing of liquidation in the market for coffee futures today. The ' disposition to taka profits on long con tracts sine the earlier -week advance to S 19 for March probably has been vronipted by the rather nervous and lr i.aTila.r ruling of Braall. and the official c.o? rece "d today ahowed further Ir gu"rity in that quarter. March so d off to S 7!. making a net decline of 11 TKilnta and a reaction of JS points from .h- recint high level. The general mar L,T oned at a decline of nine to II iolnt. and after .om irregularity closed sTcorffJQu.t. Hio. rtv t t. ts: Santo. 4 a, to v 1W flood. New TorkT Dec 17 Cotton goods closed st-ady today, .with trad of mod JrauT volumi.. Tarnlhav beet, bought free,y .hi. week at low prices Th, higher, but sales ?,r!7iy""a " i .ooda markets, alow waa quiet. No. Av. Sh. Tr. No. Av. Sh. Pr 39. .655 ... 4.75 67. .316 SO S 35 GS. .296 330 6 60 66. .304 210 6 '5 66. .270 80 S 15 61. .308 7ft S 00 64. .260 ... 05 62..S63 ... 6 20 44..S51 130 25 13. .Hi ... S 30 86. .225 ... 35 60. .224 ... S 40 66. .211 ... 45 71. .197 ... S 60 64. .196 ... 4 65 k which ho was like Mr. Plant, com Ap- w Trk DrWrntHi. Xew fork. Dec 17. Evaporated fclea Scarce. Prunes Quiet. Apricot and Peachet rirrau Raisins Dull. . ... Chicago. Dec i:.Potatc Kecelpta -, . i - i . ... c,m ahinments. 12. I, rin, ioiii v.-.- sacked I.MI.7: IS; Idaho Armour Co ,,, I'udahy 1'aiklng Co. ,. Morris packltlf C'u. Hwlft A t'o 1. W. Murphy Swam A lo Tout rattle Th only rattle on sal today ei holdovers from Friday's mean ! nil lha tir.taiWM.tu ware that luoat of them would t kept for Monday, atom ' decline 40 head r received nway nearly im direct, making the Kirk's total 20,4.10 head. Fat isttl have slumped sharply sine th middle of th we-k and after showing strangtli Monday and Tuesday are closing unevenly owee man a weea ago. Hleer show losses of SOcfpll.10 anl eli stock I generally 21V50O lower. Fri day' market being; lifeless at I Me lie. clln. Mocker ami feeder reacted oti the cloa and ar not much mor thun alealy for th week. (Juotatlona nn Cattle flood to choice beeves, I1.fc04l7.76; fair to good beeves. IMn'(.60: common to fair beeves, 15.00 46.60; good to choice yearlings. I7.7M 9.25; fair to good yearlings, lo.25f 7.6u; common tn fair yearlings. $3.ftttl 6 0; (nod to rbulc heifers. 16.7506. 25; fair to good heifers. I4.SU06.6U; choice to prim i'Owk, I4.60tl6.00; good to choice rows, 53 9014.10: fair to good cow. 63 25 A1.K6; common to fair cows, l2.0iiQ3.i0; good to chol. e feeders. I'i.OOC 6.60; lair to good feeders, 66.405.90; common to fair feeders, 94-601 6.35; good to rhoic stockers. Xt.lbtyQ.'lb', lair to good stocker.', t5.7KH6.16; common to fair atorkera, 96.00 tfS.75; stock lieifcra, M.00W6.00; stock rows, f2.764jf3.T6; stock calves. 14.60V 7 60; veal calves, 3.60tfS.OO; bulls, states, etc., :l.:66.00. lings Hog receipts, JM(b head. Th market was active today with an advancs of 6t-10c, th good light hoga moving readily at an advance mostly 30c, while heavy mixed and packing grade were hard to sell and were mostly steady tu strong. Light hogs sold from ti.u6tp6.4i for tha bulk with the top of 96.55. Mixed louds from $5 76416.25, packing grades at t5.606.00 with th extreme heavies sell ing down to 14.76. Bulk of sales, 16.15 tt 45. Compared with a week ago tho market Is 16 6 26c lower. Sheep Ther were no fresh receipts of sheep and lambs Saturday. Ths general trend of the sheep and lamb market for the week has been downward, mostly ac counted for by the falling of ahipper de mand which waa the outstanding feature of last week's market. Fat lambs closed week with the bulk moving at 9.7tf 10.00, showing a decline of 607."o under last week's close. Feeder lambs have been steady to stroi4V all week.'thero be ing a fair demand sufficient to take care uf the light receipts, quotations are 19 00 tl65. The sheep market has Deen weak with best light ewes selling st H44.60, compared with J5.00 for lust week, heavy ewes are hard to sell and are quoted from t2.50&4.00. Quotations on sheep: Good to choice fat lambs, t9.7iji.10.00: fair to good fat lambs. 19.009.75; good lo choice feeder lambs, 18.76M9 60; fair to good feeder lambs, t7.50lt.60; cull lambs, 65.25 6.25; fat yearlings. t6.0Ufi7.6tl; fat weth- era, $4.50Ji5.25; fat ewes. 13.00J)4.50; feeder ewes. -.50y 3.&0; cull ewes, ti.oo 2.60. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Dec. 17. (IT. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle RecelptB, 1,000 head; compared with week ago,' beef steers, mostly &0c$f81-00 lower, medium and good erades ahowing full decline; strictly com mon steers little changed she stock gen urally 25 to 60s lower; veal calves, steady: heavy calves, sharply lower; stockers and feeders, strong to 25c higher; bulls, 25c to 50c higher. Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market opened steady to 10c higher than yester day's average, closing slow and 10c to 15c lower than early shippers bought about 7.500 head; holdover lights; top, 17.30 for light lights; 170 pounds average up to J 7. 1 5 ; bulk of sales, t6.507.00; pigs, steady to 10c higher; bulk, desirable, 17.207.30 with some at $7.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000, bead; market mostly packers direct; compared with week ago. fat lambs, $1.00 to $1.25 lower; fat yearlings, 75c to $1.00 lower; fat sheep. 60c to 75c lower; feeder lambs, 50c higher. Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas City, Dec. 17. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 60 head; for week, beef steers unevenly 60c $1.00; Christmas yearlings, $12.75; fat she stock generally weak to toe lower, canne-a, bulls and calves, mostly steayd; stockers and feeders, 1625o higher;' stock cows and heifers, steady to 25c lower, stock calves steady to 60c lower. Hogs Recelpta. 1.000 head; 610c high er than yesterday'a packer trade; good hogs mostly $6.556.70; top, $6.70; bulk, $6. 50 (S 6.70. Sheep Receipts. 8.000 head; today's -e-ceipts through billing, for week:. Sheep, 2500c lower; lambs mostly 25c lower; top, $10.35. Sioux City l ive Stock. Slour ' City. la., Dec. 17. Cattle Re ceipts. S00 head; market, steady; market for the week, 264i76c lower; fed steers and vearlings, $7.5010.60; warmed up, $4.50(17.00; fat cows and heifers, $3.50rD 7.00; canners, $1.002.00; veals. $3.00 8.00; feeders, $4.00Jj6.00; calves, $3.50fl 6.60: feeding cows and heifers, $2,504.26; stockers. $4.006.00. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 head; market, strong, 10c higher; lights and butchers, $6.356.60; mixed. $il.006.35; heavy, 5. 00(56.15: bulk of sales, $6.206.40. Sheep Receipts, 200 head; market, steady for the week, 25 4 7 5o lower. St. Joseph Lire Stork. St. Joseph. Dec. 17. Cattle Receipts, 100 head: market slow: steers, $5.00 9.75: cows and heifers, $3.259.50; calves, $4.007.00. Hogs Receipts, 7.000 head; fully steady; top. $6.65: bulk, $6.4006.65. Sheep and ltmbs Receipts. 300 head; market nominal; lambs, $9.5010.25; ewes, $3.2i.2i. New York Produce. New Tork. Dec 1". Butter Weak; creamery, higher than extras, 4545c: creamery, extras, 44jf44Vc; creamery firsts. 37 47 43 c Eggs Firm, unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Poultry Livi and dressed, quiet; prices unchanged. I n.arkt it.ldri WiSCOn-Wl. t whites. tt.79t : Minnesota . Tmind white and Red Rver$ Iriaho sacked ru-seta. $:.8!-l Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 17. Turpentine Market firm. 74t4c: sales. 167 barrels: receipts. 586 barrels: shipments, 18 bar rels; stock. 15.910 barrels. Rosin Market firm: sales. 1.000 casks; receipts. 1.49 casks; shipments. 103 casks; stock. 79,993 casks. Quote: B. P. E. F. O. H. I. $4.03; K. $4. SO; M". $5.20; N, $5.35; W. G. $5.60; WW. $5.90. New York fieneml. New York. Dec. 17. Wheat Spot, bare ly steady; No. 1 red, $1.26: No. 1 hard, $1.25: No. 1 Manitoba, $I.24V,. and No. ! mixed, durum, $1.11 c i. f. track New York to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No. S yellow. 6Sie: No. 2 white, 66c. and No. S mixed, 65 Kc. c. t. f. New Tork. alt rail. Oats Spot, firm: No. 2 white. 46c Other articles Unchanged. FerHtra Kxrhange. New Torn, Dec 15. Foreign Kxchanfe Strong. Great Britain Demand, $4.17 H; cables. $4.H. France Demand. .7Stt; cables, .7t7. Italy Demand. .464Ui; cables. .0455. Belgium Demand. .t756: cables. .a"56 Germany Demand. .e06a; rabies, ."051 Holland Demand. .3S5! cables, .3461. Norway Demand, .1542. Sweden Demand. 45. I'enmark Demand. .196. Switzerland Demand. .1945. Spats Demand. .147. Greece Demand. .422. Argentina Demand, .SZZi. Bratll Demand. .127. Montreal,: 1S-14. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. thlrsjg TrlkuaatMliaaka He l-awd H'lra, .New York, Dec. 17. The highly ptofrtaional character of the last uetk't movement on the ttock ex change wai illustrated by today' reactionary market. One of the provisional specu lator's traditions is that whichever way he has been operatinj, he must "even up" at the end of the week. J he tradition has possibly some warrant in the possibility jbat good or bad news may conic to hand on Sunday, with the stock exchange till able to adjust itself to the situation, hut its real basis doubtless is the frchnir that when prices arc being moved in no relation to the news, it is just as well to fix some recur rent date to wipe the slate clean gain. Prices Movement Downward. ; ' Today's movement of price was gen erally downward, sum Industrial stocks losing a point or more,' but moat of tit day's declines being fractional, with st-attrit advances. Comparison of to day's final prices with those uf a week sto show clearly the natura of th pres. ent activities. Advances of two to four point have occurred aid by side with declines which were quel!y larg and without any assignable reason for either. on th whole, anyone anxlotia to draw, conclusions might Infer that th Wash. Infton conferen' and the Irish settle ment were having their principal effect on the petroleum Industry- ami the motor car trade, of th bond market' changes for the week Itl s one more posalhl to say that dexplt th general trend of lomewhat luwr prices, a very substan tial nui;r of noteworihy further net ad vance have been acored. Foreign Ilonds Higher. NVsrly all foreign bonds are higher than a week ago, as are most of the United Statea war loans, and as might have been expected after Thursday's municipal bond sale, outatsndlng New York City bonds are up all the way from 1 ' to 4 points. Foreign exchange also ended the week with "evening up" of prices. Sterling ad-i vanced about 3 cents to $4. 194s. which Is nearly 6 cents below the high point of Monday, but 1 above the low level of the aul.aeiiuent reaction. If the week Is i taken as a whole, there will be shown ftnm tnday'a closing raieato have been not only a !-cent rise for the period in sterling, but substantial further advances In rates tn every other European market. Chicago Grain 1 1 . Omaha Grain Omaha Produce New York Quotations Range of prices of the leadlnr stocks furnished by Logan A Bryan, Peters Trust building; RA1L.S, High A T & S V . 93 Baltimore & Ohio 35 Canadian Pacific. 123 N T Central 7344 Ches & Ohio .... S64 Krle R R 10S C,t North'n pfd... 75H Chi Gt Western., t Illinois Central .. 9914 Kan City South'n. . . . .. Missouri Pacific . 17 N Y, N & H.. 13 North'n Paciflo Ry 8014 Low 91 354 121", 7.1 66 " 10V4 7444 6 9 ', 4 Friday .Close Close 12 35 914 :: 131V4 12114 7314 73' Chi & N W 6714 Penn R R 9314 Reading Co 73 C. R 1 & P 3214 South'n Paciflo Co 80 Southern Ry 19 Chi. Mil & St P.. 1914 Union Pacific ,,.12714 126H 1264 12614 Wabash 7 STEEL. Art Car & Fdry...l46 145 145 1454 17 12 79 67 33 71 32 80 19 19 60 1914 75 9914 134 79 6714 33 7.1 33 8014 19 1914 66 10 75 'A 99 23 17'4 13 79 67 32 71 32 80 19 1 Allls-Chal'ers Mfg 38 Am. Loco. Co. ... 99 Vtd. Alloy S. Corp. Bald. L. Works .. Beth. Steel Corp. , Crucible Steel Co.. Am. S. Foundries.. Lack. Steel Co. .. Mid. Steel & Ord.. Rep. I. & S. Co.... Rail. S. Spring -. . S.-Shef. Stl. & I. . U. S. Steel Van. Steel 38 8 97 67 6714 34 46 28 63 91 38 84 ... 32 COPPERS. 56 6C 33 46 28 63 91 38 84 32 99 96 67 66 33 46 28 63 91 38 J 32 38 V. 98 25 97 67 67 34 . 47 28 63 .92 84 'A .. 36 34 60 31 6 70 97 38 77 12 2S1J 33 42 31 21 117 117 An. Cop. Min 4948 48 49 Am. S. & Rfg. Co.. 46 . 45 45 46 Chile Cop. Co. ... 15 16 15 16 Chlno Cop. Co. ... 28 27 27 28 Cal. & Ariz. 68 Insp. Cone. Cop. ., 42 41 41 42 Kenn. Cop 27 26 26 26 "Miami Cop. Co. .. 27 27 27- 27 Nev. Cons. Cop. Cq. 15 14 16 14 Ray C. Cop. Co. .. 15 15 15 -15 Utah Cop. Co. ... 64 63 64 64 INDUSTRIALS. Am. B. Sug. Co. .. 28 28 28 A., G. & W. I. S. S. 33 33 33 Am. Inter. Corp. . 43, 42 42 Am. Sum. Tob -11 30 30 Am. oCtton Oil .. 21 20 21 Am. Tel. & Tel.... 117 117 Am. Agr. Chem. Bosch Magneto Amer. Can. Co. Chandler Motor Central Leather Cuba Cane Sug. Cal. Packing .. Corn rPod. Rfg. Nat. Enam. ... Famous Players Flsk Rubber .. Gen. Electric . Gt. North. Ore Gen. Motors Co. Goodrich Co. .. Int. Harvest .. Am. Hide-Leath U. S. Ind. Int. Nickel Int. Paper Co..;. Island Oil AJax Rubber Co.., Kelly-Springfield Keystone Tire . . . Inter. M. M. com Inter. M. M., pfd., 65 Mex. Petroleum ..116 Middle States Oil.. 14 Pure Oil Co 39 Willys-Overland Co 6 Pacific oil 45 Pan-Am. P. & T. . 55 Pierce-Arrow Mot. .... Royal Dutch Co... 53 U. S. Rubber Co.. 65 Am. S'r Rfg. Co... 63 Sinclair Oil A Rfg. 23 Sears-Roebuck Co.. 68 Stromberg Carb. Co 35 Studebaker Corp... 81 Tob. Products Co.L 63 Trars-Cont. Oil ..11 Texas Co V.. 47 V. S. Food Pr Corp 10 Union Cablde 44 White Motor Co... 39 Wilson Co.. Inc.... 80 West se El. & Mfg. 50 Am. .Woolen Co... 81 Sales. 11 o'clock, 224.500. Money Friday's rlose, 6 per cent. Marka Close, .0052; Friday's close, .0051 . , Sterling 14.18: Friday's close. S4.16. Chicago Stocks. The1 following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan: Armour & Co.. pfd J2 Continental Motors 6 .Llbby. McNeil & Libby 6 National Leather Swift A- Co 98 Swift International 20 Union Carbide Carbon Co 44',i 31 11 36 8,1 60 Alcohol 39 12 65 2 18 44 15 13 2954 25 30 36 34 34 34 50 50 60 30 31 30 6 6 6 70 70 70 96 96 97 37 37 38 76 77 76 12 12 13 140 140 141 31 31 32 11 11 11 35 35 31 83 83 84 60V4 60 61 38 39 39 12 12 12 64 64 .65 2 2 2. 17 17 18 43 43 43 14 15 14 13 13 14 64 64 65 15 115 116 13 13 14 38 38 .89 6 5 6 49 . 49 49 53 55 55 14 61 62 61 66 - 65 55 61 ',4 61 '63 22. 22 '23 67 68 68 35 35 35 80 81 81 62 62 63 10 11 11 47 47 47 10 10 10 44 44 44 39 39 39 29 29 29 60 60 61 80 80 81 w Tork Brfston Montana ... Federal Oil Glenrock Oil Simma Petroleum Tonopah Divide ... U. S. Steamahip ... C. S. Retail .Candy Curb SS I'j Stocks. 87 ....7 7-153 ...1 1-161-3-10 .... 110 H ....68 60 .... 13 4FT 17 .... 'i By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chlrag Trlbuae-Osuha lie ImhiI Wlr. Chicago, Dec. 17. 014 crop futures of "A heat showed a heavy undertone a Rood part of the t'ay and closed Jitttbc lower, with the De cember leading despite reports of a large export business which included considerable durum. Continued un favorable crop reports frtm the southwest influenced buying .oi July and it gained 'Ac for the day. Corn a firmer early aud vfeakcr later, with a net los of Jsti ic while oats were ItWhc highrr. Kyc was off iidiH Strength In Win nipeg was the feature of tho wlxat market, but 'it had little effect here, The grain markets developed con siderable irregularity the past week. Liquidation was on in December wheat and it closed 5'jC lower while the May was off -c in " Sympathy. July gained Jic, however, uid closed iiround SMe under the .May. Corn was heavy the greater partot'thc time ami finished with net 1'scs of lJ4ti)lfc, while oats were !4c'.liighcr on the December, due to buying'. by cash houses and 8c lower 'Cit tlic deferred deliveries..- Ucarisli lion news and slow cash demand infected provisions and laid lost 17200 and ribs, iZ'Ac for the week.'; v tieneral News rlcurlsli,- ' ' with lh vai'ciitlnn of ills filling uf lite Greek order for Manitoba . wheat, wl(lt total sales In nil pooltlons o ;..u".uu bushels late Friday and today, n good part of the newa was ruther bearish. The NorthcHiern liraln Urnlcrs' association's report on the three Canadian provinces, while showing a crop of ibt.non.iiuo bush els or 57.ono.uuo bushels less tian last year, fell flnt as a market Influence, as It was based on the unrevlsed acreage and traders who bought on It eurly were forced to sell out on a decline. Pry weather continues in Kansas inn ribi..hnniu where moisturo Is most necdeil and this had sonio effect on the July, but tho undertono wus easy a goou part "i the lay. Local sentiment generally wus bearish' and at the Inside figures prices were off about 1c from the previous day's finish. The closing rally was due to short covering on tha reports of a liberal export business and on weali -end evening ... a.- , lorn t loses rjisirr, Corn had a range of 'jjic and oats of if9c. corn closing Hltgntiy. easier while cats were firmer. Trode in both grains waa light, wet wcavner nau ff,. on corn earlv. but when wheat weakened pressure increased and the un dertone was rather easy at the last. Country roads are reported as ImpnasaMe In the central west, which checks, "the movement from the farms, but there is sufficient craln now -In Inferior elevators and in transit to keep receipts liberal for some time to come. -The basts of lite sam ple market showed little change.- with shlnplng sales of " pMrFl1 f Tin " rn' 'in eluding 25.000 busht-TH" 1 tlitr! seatjoard and 40,000 bushels. oats. . '. - Rye continues to bo dominated by the action of wheat and closed fractionally lower. A- good part of te trade was In spreading between wheafr and rye. Export demand slow. tPIt Notes, f three northwest provinces estimated by' Northwestern Grain Healers' association of 261.656,000 bushels. Average yield per acre 14.4 bushels. Oat yield is placed at 314.000.000 hushels: barley, 42, 000,000 bushels,, and flax, 4,981,000 bush- el9,'Tho export trade from this continent is fairly good," said Clement. Curtis & Co., "but the shipments are largely from the Canadian ' accumulation. The large visible In the United States is not falling off to any great extent: the trade has been waiting on the revision of this year s crop and expecting an increase in the esti mate." Winnipeg wired: "This business in wheat for export via Vancouver Is growing all the time. They ere btddlng 8c over for No. 1 northern for January shipment basis in store govern ment elevators at Vancouver." "We believe a bullish situation is de veloping rapidly In wheat and loci for higher prices in the futures market,'Vald Logan & Bryan. According to the report of the Canadian Northwestern Gsln Pealers' association, 146.153.000 bushels wheat has been in spected to date with 31,000.000 still re maining aln farm. hands to be marketed. Frank B, Rice, who has for many years been the vice president and Kerieral manager of the Star and Crescent Milling company, will retire from active business December 31. He will be succeeded by his son. Lawrence E. Rice, who has been connected with the company for several years. . 1 . , - . ' Predictions were for much -lower tem peratures all through the grain belt. Liverpool prices were' steady for spot wheat and a trifle lower for futures, with snot corn and futures unchanged. ' Argen tine markets were a little firmer for. wheat and easier for corn. Deliveries- this morning were 252.000 bushels wheat, 127,000 corn, 48,000 oats and 19.000 rye. Buying of December corn for .erevator Interests has been going on for., several days. This buying. In face of the liberal receipts, has attracted considerable attenji tion. .' . ' Some traders believe the' -time Is' nbt far distant when the oats market will be gin to show a gradual improvement. -- Greece was reported to . have closed orders for 1.750,000 bushels of whest and was said to be inquiring for flour also.. M E XI A Free ownership map of Mexla, Tx. treat rusher oil field, covering- -entires field from Corsicana to Kosse, Also information on Mexla. on Stephens County, and on the Great Toy ah Bell Dlicovery Well. Write today for this free map and Information to . i SCHIMMEL JL COMPANY. Suite 1161, Nell P. Asdenon Bldg. -Fort Worth, Texas ;'. ! . , Wrils Far Our FREE BOOKS On MUNN 8s. CO. Tower Building. CHICAGO. ILL. Scientific American Bldg.. WASHINGTON, D. C Wooltrorth Building. NEW TORK Hoblrt Uldg.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. $62 STOCK PRIVILEGES C 1 0 C PUTS AND CALLS 0 I L U 30 DAYS ODD HOTS Best, safest way to trade. No margin. Calls possible, as risk is limited. Profits unlimited. Ask for free booklet. "SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET' With small outlay hundreds of dollars are made. UNLISTED SECURITIES KENNEDY & CO., Est. 1884 Member Consolidated Stock Exchange.N.Y. 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Kansas City Frodoc. Kansas City, Dec 17. Egss lc higher; firsts. 41c: seconds. 32c. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Linseed Oil. Dtiluth. Tc. 11. Linseed on ll.t4H4Jl.S7U. Arrive, tl.4 Vi- track, $12,000 City of Scotia, Nebr. 20-Year, Funding Bonds. Denomination $500. No option. Aar obligation of th i Entir Municipality. Price 104.59 to yield 6.10 C E. JOHNSON Morkspal Bond 211 Kectji BW. Jackson 1720 Safety and Profit PC STOCK MARKET TRADING. Learn HOW to combine these in . your trtdiug by the use of Puts and Calls With $40 to $125 yna csn trada In 100 ihirn of any stock. Writt for FREE expliottory folder No. 1. Ill Broadway New York : PAUL KAYE Money in Grain $13.30 buys rait or calls on 10.000 busbels of wheat or com. No further risk. A move ment of 6e from vrlce gives you sn pir ttuiity to take 4c. HW. 3c. etc. Write for particulars and free jnsrket letter, lavsitors Dally Geloe, Seuthwest Brssrh. Ceik E. 1004 Baltimore Aw.. Kanui City. Me. Oiiiahi, Dec 17. Corn receipts today were libera!, with 95 cars, against i.H cars week ago- Receipts of other ctains were light. Wheat prices were lt-'c low er. Corn was generally lower. The bulk of th white and yellow uas lie olf. No. 3 mixed was unchanged. Oats were un changed to ',ic off. Kye declined lie and bailey was oft i(i2e WHKAT. No, t hard, t ear, 11. OS (dark, smutty t! 1 car,' 11.04 (smutty); l car, II. 01 i.niut lyi: t car. Hoi. No. S hard. 1 rr, 11.07 drk))'trar. II t'4 per rent heat . damaged, drk); I car. It. 0.1: 1 car, II CI oiuutty); 1 tar. 11.03 (0 Ihs.l: 1 car. Iso (yellow) , No. 4. hard. 1 car, '.o.iAJgw. smull). r.n. 3 nttaea. i rsr, stu toutuni, nc"yi, 1 car,, lie tduruin, smutty). No. i lllltcU, 1 car. sic, ClHtM. No. 1 while, 1 cars, lil'ie. Nn. i white, S cars, 31 ac. No, 1 yellow, S cars, SI kit. No, S yellow, II cars, JIVc; I cirs, 31 40 (special billing!. No. I niii.-d, t car, lie. ', No. 1 tnUe.l. s cars, ! c; I cars. Ho. ' ".No. 1 ined, 1 car. Sic. . OATS. Nn. 3 whit. S cats. SSV.C. No. 4 whit. 1 car, JtVic; 4 can, tt'ie; cr, 2c 1 car, JDo. ItYb). No. J, 1 or, TSSc KARLET. 1 car, 44c. JtKCKIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (CAKLOTD) trumpl white, No. 4. OMAHA Week " Receipts Today AJ Ao Wheat 17 41 tH Corn , ,, SS IU t on .i.,.i..w..,:.1MJi ,n t '.ri. .14 jjinrley ,s 1 i I Shipments Wheat 41 St 14 Cor S7 4 . 1 . Oats , 3 , .1 1! Kye Is !1 14 Harlry 3 t- b l'lUMARY llJICKirTH AND SHIPMENTS. (ULMlt-.l.iV) No. 1 ... f..MI(. 11.10 fWMMaTd- 'W. frrW'W rat Receipts ' Wheat ... Torn ' , . . . . OhIs . Shipment Wheat ... Corn Oats Today , 60.000 .1,954.11110 . 401,000 , 441.000 , 6K5.000 , 658, 001) Tear Axo !,:o9,ooo 611,000 4I1.0IW 629,000 383,000 4:3,000 : , ,. EXPORT ri.EARAMCIJS. ' (BUSHEI.H. " Receipts - Today-- Year Ago Wheat aud Flour..,. 180,000 1.063.0UO Corn 412.000 CI1ICAOO RECKIPTS. : Carlots Today Wk, Ago " Tr. Alto Wheat,,.'.. 95... 11, 11 Corn .;...'.-. W 30S " 74 oat'-'...'...', -.- 66- St -. ' KANSAS CITT' RECEIPTS. ' Carlots , .'., Today Wk. Ago Yr. Alto Wheat 1.....1I66 27 193 Corn . 43 13 -. 46 Oats :S--- ' I - , - , ST., LOPJ8 HECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ao Wheat 64 311' 130 Corn -:i 118 SS 34 Oats .n 28 16 dl NOKTHWEST ERN WHEAT RECEIPTS. Carlots Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis . .'' 208 31S 1 26 puluth lOD 91 SH Winnipeg 860 t7S 111 ' . Minneapolis Ciraln. Minneapolis. Dec. 17. Flour Un changed. ' -Bran $31.00S2.00. Wheat Receipts, 209 cars compared with 286 carB a year ago; cash No. 1 northern, 11.2414 128 (4 : December, 1.18: May, 11.1914; July, U6!4. Corn No. 3 yellow, 374c Oats No. 3 white, 2&Z0e. Barley 37 50c. Rve No. 2. 7677f.c. Flax No. 1 tl.82Hgt.ome. Kansas City drain. ' Kansas City. Dec. 17. wheat Decem ber. 11.00; May, 11.04 : July, S614C. Corn December, 3tc; May, 46c; July, 47?ic. . St. Louis Grain. St. I.ouls, Dec. 17. Wheat December, $1.09; MB, 11.10 asked. - Corn-4December, 49c asked; May, 61 H 51ic hd. .. .. . Oats-iVF-emher, 34Ho asked: Msy, sse. Kuitilahed y (lata at Nanus a, d. ririuieiit til ssrlcultui. bur. as mar ts aud marketing: .' ; LIVU I'Ol'l.Tnt. U'll'HIi W'hsalk ' fluying ; Selling ' I'tlc l'rlr 8tsgs Hidings IM ,:n ,v:w !i Han. Ilglil ..... .!.-,, IT, .Hit .21 liens, haaiy 34f ,ri ,t:. :4 iaa .,..,.1.., .low ,J .4 .IS Duck , Ilei ,11 .:" ;t line. lt .1. ."nf rarken rtrnller Hprliij Itens , Cock Duck (leese ik) I. , V.'l ,V. fr UW4l' '' .liitKttsirn fiii'i TrlT . ijL- ..4.. .4 V H'. .St ,4:( .4V, Wtorag . , rrs JtUTTEIt, Cramery, Brlnlf, t'reainery, tub. ., tv. Country, heat ... ."I4v Country, cum. ., .tilt liuttnr rat, station pric .30 .ii .4V( .314 Pralrl No, Plain Nu, Pralrl No. Pralrl No, Pralrl No. Pralrl No. Prulrl No, Pralrl Nu Alfalfa (Jholc 9 II AY, t fill 1 ,,. t I'plmtd ,, S I'plund ,, 1 Midland . t SlldUiid . 3 Midland , I Luwland t Lowland . . 00 Thr wr (orty-lw car uf I f a If a and 94 rar of ptairi hay. Wry Inn i-hii( In tuu-r occurra-d. Th lower gratia of alfalfa wr rapurtsd So lo II per Ion higher lhn pi lues uottJ th week be (uiu , rovi.Tnr. . Tli Miliary market remained quit fetady tal week, with vary liltl rltans III prlrea. riptlngs wet lepnrtdd Sllglltly higher th last uf III Week. A sllkhl flticiiialltiit nccurred th mlddt iit tha week, hut prlii reunited the last uf III week, mi .itioH Ulndtt of piuiltry wr ahoat th Mina (boa reporltd lb iiri-dtng wrk,- KfiflR. ' Th r market waa vary unsettled ail week. Ill continued warm weather In ergiisd .the ri-ltta of fresh egga oil Itie niarlK-l, 'Wild-lilts, together Willi tha 'act that an luiunrliou asslnal the Chicago market lml iemporMtlly rinsed dealing t.4lhe,..cuuMfiiK a iirtrked il.H'titied of c je-n.- le'irn. 1 Itna'ltm Siwl 'thrt ' Inad rK" r' fcalk .Kk-a there, i-uuai-d a th i.tii.:ihk - market. Dealer trvea u 412 cane the laet of rk. Ill-aids' vi not auaiKii to tin Irarlly on Ireli egss. rHorase ri'iiiarncil uni-nanged, aeiung at oi' kraile. . 1 ti.iiun, t 1 i, 4,-111 pr dosn. accn4Jii tu Meet ....wv.,: vj. -F'JK'. 9'n?S$ Wll. track ,.,..."...: f.A .fl.., Luv4ilV,'-0'''; """"l " .,, JOy .f M, j" V "ra lr ouuer uo .CHICAGO. CLOSING PRICES. firsln Co 1f). 527. Dee. ,17. .Ill SO0 . I bOfcl 10 IiO . 7.1i0if to . IObiiii II. Itl , I. tow 10 00 , "oo sou . loot too , 1.00 A I. .10 ll.OOtl II i'V lii.MKi. 11.60 . )0 (i0( U.liO 7 OOtt 11)011 1.00 (,(, j S.II0 7.0.0 it 's.uo 8cl No.-' I", No. 3 tiht straw Wheat straw FRUIT. Fruits Itahanas. per ' lb.;.' Organges: Site 216 and rargerM.otTT-SO; slze'250,' 10.0090 75; sUe 2t. llsOifi.DO; af-S24, I.OdtyS.tiO. l.ctnons. iioxeuM. I&.fi0. tr 60 Grapes: Euiperur, Ui Jugs. I3.00M 3.60; liniperor. In fcigs, -Xr- Almeriusa 110.00. Orapefrult. urates.! 1 4.104J: Apples, according to. gradv'i ' JunaiJFrag l2.EU(f'3.S0; Delicious. Jl'iiir Beauty. tl.00tag.vo; Spllg, t.Wifi SO; Htamen Wlnesap. tX5U4.,0) t-nhert Bbl., IS.U0fe20.tlU: 1-3 tiBT.,. ITIlSfflllO. Figs: 4-8 or... I2.002.t5: l2-iy"z.. 11 : Ivonicuar ard.J I),., 20 x. .iiO.. . ' 60-S o:.. I3.60 3.75. Dales pkga. per box, t1.T5V'a Jlallowl, IP.. 17c; Golden, bo Vegetables Potatoes: ..Nebraska. Early Ohio. No. 1, tl.7S32 .00;. Nebraska,. F.arly Ohio. No. 2, 11.6081.76; Red Rlver-Ohlna(i No. 1, ,13.004(2.60; .Red-River Ohtos. No. 2. I2.004J2.26. Sweet potatoes: Per bu., Il.754i2.00: per bbh, 3.U05..'25. Celery: Jumbo., crate. II. !tl. 60: ', Michigan', do:.. IjklUi 75c. Lettuce: iieud. In crates, ,14 00 44.0: leaf, per doz. 60t60o.- onions: tied, lb..- 6H47c;- yoliow. lb.. - 4Hc; Spanish, crates, reguisr, 12. 6n; 'Spanish, 140 I Us., crates, 17.0007,60. Csbhage, lb., 45c.' Cucumbers: Dos., tl.6C93.0: box, 15.60. Cauliflower, crate. 12,7,6 Radishes, doz., 76X0o. . bquash, Hub bard, lb.. 2to2Hc. Turulpa.' 202Hd. Carrots, lb., 2H3c.- Egg' plant, bu.. 14.00. Garlic, lb., 25( Peppers, lb.. 20 oe. Brussels sprouts, lb..- 25c. Shallots, doz., 86&90c. Carrots, southern, young, doz., tl.00. Beets, southern, fresh, -doz., II. U0. Honey, case, 15.50(5 8.00. ' Nuts Black walnuts! ' ib.. 5J6c: Eng lish walraMs, No. 1, lb. 32Q-3iie;.. Brazil, washed anri large, lb., 1.4c; Brazil, wasted and medium, lb.. 15 1 Be : pecans. No. 1, lb., 2030c; filberts. Roond.- Sicily,' lh., 1618c. Peanuts: Jumbo, .raw. .lb... 12H 16c: hand-picked, raw, Jb.. 9Hc; hand picked, roasted. 111 2c, ' . ' -' Weekly Suramry,5;7 , .... : ; .!. .-. . .. . POTA WE& V' W:Vv i-- ' Potato receipts were considerably heav ier last week than they have been for some time. Thirteen cars were unloaded in Oroaha; 10. . fr,om Nebraska,-. Jne from Wyoming, and; wo faom i linne- sota. mt cdmparod with a" tAtal a fivet :.-rJces:rnmaina ri .ra-l. .iaoted, cars,' unch.a'hged.-V'htitveVj tho weak-before. ' HAY. Hay receipts were somewhat lighter last week- tnan vera reported the.- ore ceding Weeki A? total';dt 6! ckrs.fwere reported - as having arrived- .at.'-Mve ex-' change the first five days of the week. lie l1lk Art I Open, i High WIH. Slay I lw I I'liis. I Ye July Ry I lee. May Corn Dec. May 1 07 1 1.13 I 7V I.WV, 1 12V 1.03 V I I.02H i, i .15 .2'. .IIHl .8 I .44V 3Vt loK 1.11 i'oVi' ""i .11 H , .4W .124. ah.tiins.4v,4-. y.v.t.l.s... . . July ' in IS 1 tec. May i.l Ulv I'm It il i.aru Jan. May Itlha Ian, . May .64 ,Vs 1 .144.1 .64',, .J7',l .38 1 07'4 1 .114 1.12 1.024 , I I .114 Ss4 ,40 V. 62V .5241 .3'il .3141 .H .34 i 14.74 . IH.JO . .114.70-,- I.H.TOrv- 3Hta I 61 t-r T.60 7.K2 K I t.06 7.S2 7.90 I.53-S.96. r.3 t 0I 7.10, f 1 62 7 l3- I 7.80 1.07 4. 1.124 1.124 1 014 1.0:4 .sin .814 .44 .(3 .6:1 4 .644 .32 4 .a .SI1 14.70, S.87 IM T.s6 New York 'nt(nn. ew York. Dec. 17. The cotton market .(timed, suddenly upward in .tudny'a short session, following early Hteadincss, until It was 10 to 60 points net hlvher, with near month shorts flooding the with buying orders. The openum was at a level of se,ven polnts'Miiwei1 .at) , seven points higher. On the upturn, realizing waa well -absorbed by Wall street shovls a.r.d.4rads interests. Near the end of the session ' January sold -as high as IS.jOc,' or "Ho a pound over last nlghfa close,-and- December was st 18.40e. up 40 points. The market was within a point ' or so of -4ta high et the- rlns-' i-l-h tncal spot quoted nt 18.76c, or up 45 rolnts, . Bonds and Notes Aran. ' Pi4 Al Ti-t'l AW. T, A V. Cti. la, 1S:t.y. l it 4 u Am. T. T. I ., I ; 4 . S14 104 I it Anaemia 7s, ): I1114 1014 4 74 Armour t. IliS'.a 10? 4 ( li.-l.-un ll.nt. . Ull i.lS), , 114 if Itelsian 1I111I,' 14a, IMS. IM't 1044 7(J Huh. heel Is. llll ,,.,,.100 4 ln4 4 If Hrltlsli 14a, Hi: , 114 114 lit Hriti.h I',.. 1121 II si, s.u lana North'n 44. III4.1I Ins Ski ('. H. g. Jt. 4 4s, I0J4.I0I4 mi I ml t'llll , llll 101 1014 T .i Denmark Is. llll ;aa nC 7 I'u Pont 14. llll 1014 104 S so Fram-h ilnti, .-IH .,)na loo1. 7 If French (!ot, T44. H4I,. 144 4 t.sf II. F. (I.Mi.lrlih 7s, 1131,. 114 SI 4 7 (J ' Goodyear Tlr Is, llll. .,1104 111 4 Great Northern 7a, i1l,,0l 10414 I S Jap. lmt. I.t 44". !:.. 114 174 ..' J 1. P. Govt, (a. nil 71 144 7 i Norway is, 1140 1 on 4 1084 1 10 X. It. Tel. Co. 7s, I 4 1 ... lad 4 1074 ;io N. Y, (Viiirnl 7s. Iliu. .. .11114 1014 tl.H Penn, l(y. Co. la, l10,.olt, 104 41,:, I'siin. lly. Co. 44a, 111., .1044 I0I4 S 13 M, II. Tel. Co, 7. 1121, .1004 1014 4 Hnirt Co. 7. 126 1004 I004 . so Nwift A Co. 7a, IIJI.,,.,,1014 lot 4 75 Hwtes tlovt. k., 1940 113 111 H.lli I'. H. Ilulilier 74. IIJO1. .S044 10 ' 6 71 a.nunt oil Is, 1834 14 1o7 (I t., XV ..t era I trlon 44. 1814. 1074 1074 S 7I Wn gh'sa ihlec 7a, 1131.101 106 1 11 Plilguay. Is, 1144 -1814 J.Ji .New Yrk Bonds. . Tha following quotations sr furnished ly l.ngan A Hryan, I'eter Trust bulldlugi A till.. Gelt. 4a, II. '. .Gold 4a .... It.-th, Steel ltf. 6s Cent. I'sc. lat 4s M. . St. P. Gen. C. ,i N. W, Gen. 4 I.. A N. XI. 4s Nw York Ry. 4s .... Nor. I'sc. P. L. 4 ... 1, P. 1st 4 I', H. Steel 6 V. I. 1st Ret. 4 S. P. Cv, 6 H 1". Cv. 4 Penn. Con. 4 4 Penn. Gen.. 4 4 c. it o. Con. 6s ...... Ore. 8. U Kef. 4 ... 44s 84 tf 164 77448 774 ,, vutv sn , 8148 82 . ' 62 4 , iti 114 , 17 48 sl'i . 24 4 48 2 4 , I444JI j . 744v 84 , 884r8 88 . 13 4 84 . 14448 87 . 87 48 7'd . 93li 934 . I4 87 IS 48 85 4 . IIHO M Foreign Ksrhnng Rates, Following re today's ratea of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fur niahed by the Potors. National Bank. Par Val. Todav Austria ,. nidgluni' -.', Canada ......... Czecho-Sluvakia Denmark 1 Kn gland Fiancn Germany Grenco , Italy - Jugo-Slavia Norway Poland Hwpden Switzerland ... .80 .186 .100 ...1...4.HH 183 .231 .18.1 . .196 '. .27' ; .iV , .195 . 006 .11761 .9275 .0124 .il97U 4.176 .11793 ,00!. .0410 ,04i6 .0046 .1660 .0004 ,240 .1950 , Liberty Bond Prleea. New York, Dec. 17. Liberty bonds closed: 34s. 84.90; first 4s. 86.S0; sec ond 4s. 96.70: first 44s. 87.20; second 44, 96.12; third 44a, 97.81; fourth 44. 97. 26:' Victory 34a, 100.04; Victory 4,, lOO.o;. Give a l Bond for Xmasl 1 III Any high-grade marketable bond you select will be sold on ouri I attractive partial payment plan. Start an account for a Xmas;-I I gift or purchase outright - . n , s. ' H We" recommend interest - bearing tsaby iioncis as the most desirable Christmas gifts you may give. A gift that will increase in value with time. ' Its coupons a pleasant reminder. mrchase outright. , . , , 250 Peter .' ktia StMBd Go. I tr) -Tru,t Bld- OMfl)C.apiEB. Phon Atlantic S027 I t ;Write for "Sensible Spending," sent free upon request. TEXAS OIL BULLETIN n AH A beat m Hv EenwlUml Oil Fitld M-E-X-IA Hoim of 2. (WMi barrel hI in.!hsm mj Imicl vclun (urtuoca are uad oraisbu TEXAS OIL BULLETIN IsmiM wrkl7 to? expert: it nmtains Intemtinit ilhistratnins: lutfieutir mi Md all the Ut !. reliable nm rf lh rich ofl fi4ll!i in Uw Sfuthwf.; ntf th pkt lusnttal -TTrni p pratlnir thtrem. Upw rMsect, tb Tn tt BuJMiti will bo nailetl lo jrua Ut ttirc atth ABSOLUTELY FREE. Writt fw It tedir. and nK frr trv tafflarmatifan !mo iiira alyirt ai-y il rmpnT. oil rtflk. r oil field m Iht TEXAS OIL BULLETIN Sv'tt IH. Waf9cr EWf. fart Wwlfc. TfXn .V.t ! S for andPrbducM S: .;.u Grain -,. k. w.' hp 1 n lUROm al)d Cou ncil Bluffs terminal elevators are openS the public for storing qf all ; kinds i of ;raih. In case the 13Sducer is properly equipped it, of course, icheaper feep the grain in storage right on the faips. How anyone .wishing to store grain whilfnotequipeitoh can take jadvantg tminal 'm$fk& Storage ' charge in our elevators ik lztfbirhcehttp&r busheler day brrl xeTrtpCT bushel per month x. n l- .. t & To PrQaJuGeFV flOan:;mgke;:arrailgemeiits with.". 1 o rroaucerts. YOuR WQAL dealer to have your, grain handled through him and stored with us on the above basis. ' f I Th Updike Grain Comp The Reliable Consignment House OMAHA i" - - NEBRASKA any - . V aaaked rurals. tI.S5ffl.S0. -i rf'-.' .