4-C THE. BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1921. Haynes Says He Needs $50,000,000 For Enforcement Sura Necessary, Dry Chief Will Tell Congress, If Pro- hibition Laws to Be ' Upheld. Washington, Dec. 17. Fifty mil lion dollars count 'em is' needed to mike a success of prohibition en forcement. ' 'Hill put declaration conies from I'rohibition Commissioner Haynes, v ho sees dangers ahead for the Vol stead act. - He will tell congress, hi ays, that it must come to the rescue, it the law is to be upheld and respect for it secured by compulsion, if necessary." ' Commissioner Haynes' estimate of T WE NTY-E OUR-LESSONS IN PIANO PLAYINGSIXTH LESSON: A MINOR . (ORonrs uvue simplitiek.) (Copyright, ItiO, by W. leott Cro, ' v . ScrantoB. Ta.) ' . ' . '. i , i rractlcs.msUs' perfsct ' If you hivs fully.5 mastered the flvt previous lesions you are fully , Qualified to undertake the itudy'of thla, the elxth ; lesion of Mr. Grove's interesting-coune. . The. Tky, of X Minor Is the relative of C Major as shown by this chart. ' ' i' ' IKSTRUCTIOX Wute the chart upon the 'keyboard of piano so that the small letter D with a dash above It at the bottom of the chart is directly over the key D on We keyboard. The -'White and black spaces will then correspond to 'the white and black keys. Each of the three horizontal series of letters represents si chord. Beginning with the upper row, play the wlilt letter with the left hand and play three black letters with the right hand, making tiio tlr-t chord. Then, in the same way, ply the nuh'i indicated in the second horizontal series, then those In the third and back to tho first, forming a complement of chords In A minor. The first I liinm iiCcewary for becoming a tioud player are putleiiee and practice-, Pining ihe tints before the nest lemon the chord shown Miuuld be plujed over and over sgttin until )uu meinorise It and can pUy it without t tie chart. Memurise the letter slxo. You Will II ml Unit before long you will be able -to pluy simple so coinpnniments In this key to sny melodies you or your friends may sing, . If you wish to go further In studying, learn the fluttering of the sai shown on the huff In eneh ihait. upper notes played wlih the rlk'ht I, mol, lower with left Inwid. NUXT Li:HUN Key of A Major, three sharps, j;very tiiml In black U tter Is marked 1, 3, C. Always read It so, no matter In what vertical order the notes may be written.' Note tluit the small letter I with a dash shove It must not be played. . ' the sum needed for running expense fpf the treasury s prohibition unit now before Budget Director Dawes for approval. It covers needs of liquor law enforcement for the fiscal year Hiding June 30, I9J3. "I absolutely need $2,500,000 more from congress next year than was a'lowed in the current fiscal year," w.iil Haynes. "That means an ap propriation of ,$10,000,000. Hut that . not rnougli. I ought to have $.i0.000.000 to taikle this job right." Cireatly enlarged forces of dry law .-.gents in. all, slates, to co-operate ' more.. actively' with the state and municipal 'authorities are imperative, in Haynes' opinion, to insure literal compliant with the Volstead law. L'dmmssioner Haynes said the government is now Roing the limit in an assault with illegal trafficking In rum.' A smash is now on to stop diic leaks at distilleries Stopping liquor at its source, officials said, is p prime need. What they aim to do h to stall permit applications so closely that diversion of whisky withdrawn from warehouses to illegal uses will be made virtually; impos sible. . i Put Haynes is fully cogniv-ant of ' 1 lie fact thai even after all his efforts hae been exhausted, with the com pa'raHvely limited group of dry law agents at his command, there still will remain other and perhaps .equal ly baffling phases of 'the Volstead law problem up to him for action. Jed When 13 to Avoid . School,"Wife Says '' Portland, Me.. Dec. ' 17.-Gladya Nf. Rhodes, ' seeking a , divorce from Rolley Rhodes,- Easlcy, 5k C, testi fied that she married, him when she was 13 years old to avoid attending school., ' '.... .... 5 Key of A Minor; relative of C Major rr 3 C E 1 J Jack and Jill "Jack, dear, you are the molt careless, sloppy old loveablc thing in the world.. Can't you keep the soup in the spoon? 'Look at tho.se spots on , the lapel of that nice new coat." ' Jack studied two .dark spotches with a puckered brow. ' "I suppose I do need a bib'.", "I don't mind your splashing around, dear, but it looks ,so dread fully when you do-it in company. To morrow night the Higginsbys are coming over. . " . "And if I don't cat my consomme better you'll, just disown me?" , "Indeed I will. ' You must not spot up your dinner coat." "In other words,-"soup should, be hoard fyif hot seen. "; Is -that the idea?" - - ' '; ' " . '' ' . 'Exactly,. Now be careful,'' dear look out!'; ' : . ." '' ' ' . Jack . in . his.' endeavor to promptly remove the spots with his napkin had overturned a glass of water. ' . . "Oh, well that table cloth is soiled anyhow.' ' It won't hurt it to. have a little .soaking before you iron .it again," he said with profound phil osophy. , ' . ' '. Jill shook her' pretty head with a .hopeless' look. . :' : ' .. ,, "You're., terribly slow in learning carefulness,-dear. But, I -suppose that' is one of the. sorrow s of being married to an overgrown boy." ' Just, far that; Jack came around the fable and gave her' such a hug that ' she"' admitted his 'strength matched up to his years, 'at least.' The Higginsbys did . come the next evening, and Jill was tired and nervous over the preparations she had .'made for the dinner. Jack missed a train an J, was thirty minutes lale. But both of them were all smiles for their guests. Susan, the Sene gambian engaged for the evening's' assistance, entered beaming with satisfaction over the stcamirtg soup tureen. 1 ," " ' . "My gracious, but that docs smell wonderful,." observed Jack as Jill reached up 'for. "it! . "You know Mrs. Higgmsby,'; my wife . is the most wonderful cook in the . world. She can make 'soup taste, as good as angel cake!" " . - In a .'fatal moment of hesitation Jill looked at Jack- with a modest remonstrance. : .. ;' y :' "Why, dear, Susan, cooked it; not Toyland's Latest Arriyal Noiaeleaa Rubber Wheeb Swirel Steering i Wheel U A Toy That the Children Never " aMssaaaswssMsw Tire of. INTRODUCTORY OFFER For a Limited $ Time Only THIS IS HAPPY DUCKY QUACK, who has just come from Toyland to thrill the Kiddies of all ages. He ia new and ' chuck full of character, and will furnish more real fun than "a bar-. rel of monkeys." DUCKY QUACK is equipped with solid rubber wheels and. for that reason ia almost noiseless- It will not mar or acratch the f ineat polished floor. The new SWIVEL STEERING WHEEL g-uidea by the motion of the child's body. It ia ao designed aa to. act instantly and will not get cross-wise or throw the little tot on ita head. ' Here ia a toy that helpa to solve the question, What ahall we get Baby for Christmas? Each HAPPY DUCKY QUACK" More Fun for the Kiddiea Leaa Worry t for. Mother Bring the Kiddies in and Let Them Ride Ducky Quack cornea packed in atrong car tons ready for mailing or expressing' anywhere in the U. S. We prepay shipping chargea on pur special introductory , offer of $3.85. , Dealers: This Is Your i Opportunity Hera is a new toy with a wide appeal. It is a real money maker lor you. Sells fatter thaa any similar toy em the market. Get our prices. Put in a stock of Ducky Quacks any quantity you desire. Put a few In your skow window and watck them sell. Don't delay. ' This means big money in yeur pocket. , Distributors for Omaha and Vicinity Stephens Tire Stores Co. Omaha, Neb. 2248 Farnam Street - Also Said by the Following Omaha Stores l. I BRAN DEIS SONS , , HAYDEN BROS. HARTMAN FURNITURE CARPET CO. ORCHARD a WILHELM CO. Special Offer Order Blank Stepkens Tiro Stores Co., . 204S-S0 Faraaa St., OMAHA. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find the amount. 93. S5. Kindly skip mo one complete DUCKY QUACK as adrertisod. It U nndorstood that yen are to prepay shipping charge. II" and she missed her liold cn the tureen, just as she attempted to' aid the startled Susan to place it on the table. It - was a shocking catastrophe, but Mrs. lligginsby escaped the flood entirely and Mr. lligginsby barely got his sleeve wet. Jill's gown received a bare April shower of the splashing drops, but Jack was the victim of the deluge. , . "Gracious," he said, "My dress shirt looks like a Turner sunset. It's wonderful how much luminosity there is in tomato puree pink!" "Oh, dear, it's dreadful. I'm sorry. . Bui you must run up and change your clothes. You'll gel colli from your wet suit." "N'ot'this soup." exclaimed Jack with a groan. "I'm feverish!" . He whs back in a few minutes, by which time the dinner was going smoothly, on a tiew table cloth. ..It. was a. very, jolly evening after all, and no one mentioned., soup. When Jill followed Jack iiplairs to bed she sniffed and sniffed. , , "What, on earth, is the matter up here, dear? It smells like a ;jaraR". "Oh; nothing, dear. ' I'm just tak ing the spots off my. coat lapel, and my sleeves, and. my' troiisirs,. ami my collar and my waistcoat, ami inf.'. .." : . "Jack, dear, you nan spill, all the spoons you want," was her contrite i.nswcr. "ltut you must never men tion soup again fur a month" (Cup.vrlcht, Jii'JI, Thompson Fcaturt HvrvU-e. air circinc iiirnacc lor making smure steel castings for machine shops. ' 4 fflOcKXR? THESE'cars have i been delivering at $ 1 225 in Omaha since July first, including the tax and (freight, and prior to that at $ 1435. I They will be offered for sale tomorrow morning, December 19th, at a price hundreds and hundreds of dollars below the manufacturer's list; and with freight and tax paid. . Liberal time payments will be extended. None of these cars may be bought before the sale opens on Monday. Everyone will have an equal opportunity to share in the benefits of this remark able offering to automobile buyers. These cars bear a name with which the American public is very familiar. They are built by a manu- , facturing organization, the financial standing of which is unquestioned. Your investment is pro tected. Vour service is assured. This sale is unique in the annals of the industry. Probably never again will there be a chance to secure such a bargain. Don't Forget, the Sale Starts 8 a, m. Monday, Dec. 19th, and Continues Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 2(ith.-21st This Is Your Opportunity ' , ' 201 9 Farnam Street s OPEN EVENINGS . ' ; . All these cars carry the standard warranty of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce V Nam Address f mm