Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1921, PART THREE, Image 23

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Activities in Nebraska and Iowa Cities During Past; Week
id rain
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Social Activities
Over Nebraska
Merges nd etasar.
, Neleon. Ktb At their annuel tupper
and, held In in i-reenyterien
church, th women of ll l'ulillo Library
aaaoulatlon wr givtn ail-ndld patronage.
The ni reeultt were lilt ilt4 to the
treeaury. Thm funde will ba ustd In
defraying tht Incidental espenae.
Mama la Popular.
Anaelmo, Nab "Alia Hoy" mlnttrol
ml mualcat revue, (Ivan undar the nue
pices of Joseph Palmar post, American
legion of lirukan How by a company of
sc Hroken Bo young peopl In lha An
alino community theater, ttractd ca
pacity houaa anil wa wl received, y
Community Christmas.
Anselme. Neb. Christmas eierrisea will
b.i given aa a 'immunity affair at tha
community building on ChrlMniaa ava.
Tha training nf tha children anil vounf
- t-aenl wha will take hurt ha,, ,. itt-
, ,-,... " -n pait ne vvea guma
ffuii for a wets.
wj Cora fua Needy. .
Wymore, Nth. Mr. T. M. "Walrman,
Mr. U. n. Jiihnatnn, Mra. Clarence llrlf.
fin, assisted py aavaral other woman hava
organised to taba vara nf tha tick anil
needy nf tha tlty during Ilia winter
months. Thay ara now ntsgd In pre
Paring bones of clothing, candy and toyt
for a number at poor clilldrsn at Christ
inua time.
s prejti.
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ate anl
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ChrlMniaa Pageant.
t Cambridge. Neb. The Sunday echoal of
: tha rlret Mathodlat Episcopal church la
at work an a pageant to ba given at tha
ihrlatniaa eeaeon.
Flag Arms Conference.
Aurora, Nab. The 4.00 club of tha First
Christian church ia planning a mock lim
itation of armament conference fur tho
nest meallnn on Pecamhar II. All of tha
lradlna; rharactera at tha bl confaranca
will have thalr doulilaa at thla maatln
and the (real queetlon will ba argued
with nthuelaem.
t I.actorr at Church.
Aurora. Nab. At tha rlrat ChrlitlMl
rnurvn. t nariaa w, uuti aBT na vm
lure on "Plckad T'p on the ltoad." Mr,
Vood (ava the entire receipts of the lec
ture to the bulldlnr fund of the church.
In the course of hn lecture, Mr.' Wood
recited many ot the poems ot which
is tha author. ,
M. W. A, FJecttnn. I
Albion, Neb. The Modern Woodman
elected officers ea follows: T. M. Kdgar,
counsel; B. E. Moarchead, advisor; K. T.
Flotree, hanker; H. E. JTalstcad. clerk;
C. Nlemeyer, watchman; O. Berney. aan
try: W. II. Wnthen, escort; 8. B. Moare.
head, trustee for two years.
High School Orchestra.
Superior, Neb. Tba hlKh. eohool or
chestra under tha direction of Amelia
Senear, muslo supervisor, has tnaUa sever
al publlq appearances here.
Library for ordon.
Gordon, Neb. Tha Gordon Woipan's
club has raised aaarly 1200 by means ot a
seriea of library teas and now have about
$801) available for a puhllo library which
they expect to house In the city hall.
Mra. Joe W. Leeds m Is president of tho
"Woroan'a club. ,
Plan Municipal Tree.
Ord, Neb. The Campflre Olrls have he
cun arrangemonts for & municipal Christ
inas tree. The two camps are under the
guardianship of the Misses Twtla. Cowman
and Eleanor Aden, teachers in the
Iclon Auxiliary Election.
David City, Neb. At tha regular meet
ing ivf the American Legion Auxiliary Mrs.
n. B, foe was re-eleoted president, Mrs.
O. T), Beede. vice president; Mlsa Hasel
can Slmpklna. secretary; Mra. Garth
Osterhout. treasurer, an4 Mrs. , Robert
Hlddra, historian. The women et the
Austllary are making plana to send
crhristmaa boxes to hospital for ex-aarvice
ited the
st for a. . J 1
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Hold .Tnlnt' Program.
Odell. Neb. Thursday evening the
Amerioan Legion and the public schools
gave a joint program at the opera house,
which waa largely attended. Judge Mesa
more of Beatrice gave an address. :
T). of M. Officers. '
TMvId' City, Neb. The Degree ef Honor
elected the following officers:. Chief of
I honor, Mrs. Nellie Runyon: lady of honor,
Wins Cecilia Newell; chief of ceremonies,
Mrs. I,. Green; recorder, Mrs. Mollle Dun
can; financier. Mrs. Nsncy Welte; treas
urer. Mrs. Otto Wustrack; usher. Miss
Olga Straka; watches. Mrs. Fred Maule
and Mrs. Wm. McOaffin.
Legion Klects Officers.
Columbus. Neb Members ot TTsrtman
post No. i. American Legion, at their an
nual meeting elected new offtcera aa fol
lows: Commander, Herbert H. Hahn; vice
commander. George T. Lowman; Adjutant,
T"hll Hockenberger: executive committee,
Fred Dr. J. North Evans and Martin
Shenandoah T.egion Kleets.
Shenandoah, la. .lames Ahlgren has
been elected commander of the Shenandoah
port of the American Legion. W. J. Tray
nlck is vice commander, Milo Griffin, ad
jutant: Harry Day. finance officer: Paul
Ferguson, historian; Rev. W. Ci. Harding of
Tarragut, chaplain: Charles Burdlck and
Thomas Murphy, members of the execu
tive committee. Following the election a
street parade with a band at the head
waa staged.
High School Carnival.
fhappall, Neb. The high school car
nival cleared 130. Mrs. F. 8. Copeland
directed a special vaudeville program.
Many concessions and the Juvenile min
alrel Van! gave a real carnival atmos
phere.. Doctors Kleet Officers.
Beatrice. Neb. At tho annual meeting
of the Gags County Medical society the
following officers were elected: President,
Dr. A. H. Fetch: vice president. Dr. H.
n. Brown; secretary. Dr. c. J. Reilly.
Ur. f. S. Curry was chosen a delegate
to tha state convention.
Organise Pythian Slaters.
David City. Neb. Mrs. Klla Conner
of Central City, grsnd chief ot the
Pvthlan Sisters, wss in David City and
organised Gold Leaf Camp No. :. There
were 59 charter members. Officers were:
Cecilia Selhorn, past grand; Nellie Hinds,
meet iioellen( rhlef; slat me ltewlt, a.
jeaiienl antarj Gratia VtoUaffta, axeellaat
janiari Julia lay, manasa'i Alia 1'aa.
I ehelt, ratilrees of records aa4 terraapand
ease; Anmanetla faXlugar. mietreaa ot
fiaeneei reuule Hans, prvtaeteri alakl
UoUmald, guard. Mra. Ceellla lalhara
will be rapraaentatlve In the grand teui
J I a, whlua m.ala la ida.ela la Uay. A
me for la niaiaixre faf haih Ike
1-vihian Hi.iers nl Knights ef Pythias
will ba held,
I'lioa Naaaaa Offlrara.
David city, Nan. New officer ef th
Kregger iut, Americaa l.aglaa. Ivi4
City, are M, A. Hhaw, poat roiumandar;
Fred Htafford, vie cunimanderj John
!. inner, second vice eoaaaiandar; Harry
Crouae, adlutant; Hqbart Hlddle, treas
urer, and lr, K. U. rlloh. chaplain. A
campaign fee new memuere for the I.e
glnn la Italng held. Th poal ha bean
divided Into two group to rondurt tha
campaign. The loaare will entertain th
winner an Jasuary IS. The praaenl mra
hershlp of Kitgger aal la (07.
(kalr Plana f aalala.
Superior, Nab Th choir ef 111 Meth
odist church wilt give a cantata Deceina
tar II. Mrs. J. A, Christaoa, loou
ttonjst, will be tha raadua.
Business Activities
stager Hat ton Davit,
Grand Island. Nsb. Roger Huston
Davis, 11. sou of Mr, and Mra. B. F,
Davta, died at th horn following a week't
I U Raw af tlipktbaria. Healda th parent,
three brolhera aad two slater survive.
Funeral services were held In the hew?,
Itev. C, J. Christiansen oftlclannf.
Mra, Aaibra p. Bnltr.
Grand Inland. Neb. Mrs. Ambra P.
Maker, 76. a realdent of Hamilton oounty,
died at th hem ef hr son, nar Phillips,
after a brief Itinea. Funeral eervtcea
ware hakk In the home of her eon, being
In charge of the pastor of tha Methodist
ohurcb, vf Phillips.
Joalah Hrowa.
Grand Island. Neb. Joalah Browa, 1i,
farmer, residing about twa mile north
of th city, died at his home following
an Illness of about one year. Ha 1 sur
vived by hit wife,
Rojee Junior Plummer.
Grand Island. Neb. Royce Junior Plum
mer. It months old, son ef Mr. aad Mia.
K G. Plummer ot Farnum, died at the
home of his grandmother, Mrs. i P.
Bristow, In this city. The lltle fellow
slipped and fell Into a wash boiler filled
with boiling soap suds, while the mother
of the child waa hually engaged at the
home In doing the faintly wash. He whs
brought to thla city for medical atten
tion. The body was taken to Wood river
for burial.
William K Madden.
Grand Island, Neb. William L. Mad
den. 2. former librarian at the Soldiers
home at Burkett. died at that Institution
following a brlsf Illness. He Is survived
by his aged wlf. The body waa taken
to Marysvllle, Mo., for burial.
Mr. Steve Heelling.
Kelson, Neb. Mrs. Steve Hoelting, .
died at her heme In St. Stephens pre
cinct. She waa an early settler ot thla
8. W. Beatn.
Beatrice, Nob. Funeral services tor S.
W. Beam, , pioneer of Gag eounty,
were held In the First Christian church,
conducted by Rev. M. Lea Sorey. He was
the father of 15 children, 13 of whom are
Werner C.lur.
Grand Tsland, Neb. Werner Glur,, elgar
maker ef this city, died in an Omaha
hospital. Ha had been in poor health
for two years. Burial was at Columbus.
Robert Jehnaon.
McCook. Neb. Robert Johnson, an early
settler of Valley Grange, this
county, died In this etty.
M. A. Perdue.
Ord, Neb. After but a few day 111
neas, M. A. Pardue, ona of Ord's early
pioneers, died at his home here. Funeral
servlcta were held In tha M. E. church.
Bart OlettT.
Beatrice, Neb. Bert Gletty. 48, wha
had been a sufferer from paralyels for 15
years, died at his home at Cortland. He
Is survived by his wife, who is postmis
tress at Cortland, and three children.
8ioux Falls.'s.' D-w! Greene, ewner
of the packing plant building operated for
some tlm In this city by th Wilson
company, la dead at the family home here.
He wes largely instrumental in Sioux Falls
becoming a packing center.
Archibald Mershey.
Beatrice, Neb. Archibald Henhey, At.
formerly of this city, died in New York
City. He lived In Los Angeles, Cal., and
was on a business trip In the east when
stricken. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. B. Hershey, eld residents of Beatrice.
The body waa brought here lor burial.
r M. H. Weeks.
Fairbury. Neb. M. H. Weeks, 80, one
of the first settlers In Fairbury, died at
bis home here. Mr. Weeks la survived
by his widow. He came here In 1ST and
established a lumber yard before there
was a railroad in Fairbury, the lumber
being hauled overland, until 1S73 when
the St. Joseph & Western railroad was
built. Mr. Weeks retired from business
about 15 years ago.
Mrs, aline Warren.
Nelson, Neb. Mrs. Evaline Warren, S3,
died at tho home of her daughter, Mrs.
T. W. Cole. Mrs. Warren was a native
of Michigan, and came to Nelson 35 years
Nels Ijtrsen.
Ord, Neb. Nels Larsen, Ord pioneer,
died her after several months Illness.
' Mrs. Daniel Doyle,
McCook. Neb. The body of Mrs. Daniel
Doyle arrived from Denver. Mra. Doyle
wss one of the earliest settlers of Red
Willow Creek, this county.
John Cloud.
Nelson, Neb. John Cloud, 64, pioneer
resident of this county, died In Chicago,
where he had boen visiting a daughter.
The body was brought home for burial.
Four sons and one daughter survive him.
of the Bteel City neighborhood, hre
k wa an eateaalv farmer. A Ie
jrtar at ha em t Pairkitry to retire,
trie I survived y hie wife, a daueHar,
Mra. ThaJ nhspherd and l tone, lltrry
and Aaiey.
Rev. Mm Blehard.
kyracuaa. Nab. Me. Job Kichaida, a
retired Uaptiat miaiater well knoaa It
aoulbeaatern Nebraaka. having tain to
oto raaaly la th early '. died at
hia ham hem efir a lung lilneae He
aarved at pastor of th Itaptiat hurt ft
In Byraeue for a number of yaar. after
ward uetu vaalor at Mllfurd aad ether
Nebraaka lowtia. He aervad aa aumily pol
ler for aavaral years In weaiern Nabratka
and Mouth Dakota. He la survived by
bit widow and two cmidrea.
Pearl Mmlth.
Vpland. Vab Pearl, lha 7-year.nld
daughter of XI r. and Mr. Harvey Mmlth,
died of scarlet (ever, hue bad beta titk
but ana weak. Anothtr little girl ta
auk. Thlt la tha aevend death from thla
disease la thla community.
, Noah tV Owlet.
Grand laalnd. Neb. Noah O. Gwin. 4.
a member at lha Saldler home, died at
Hurkalt. Hesldea hta wife, three son
surviv. Th body waa taken U Laurel
far burttl. -
Mrs. Clara Bradea.
Geneva. Neb. The funeral ef Mrs. Clara
Bradea. It, was held In SI. Joseph Cathn
Ue church. .
d Klaier taaag.
Grand Islaud. Nek JTred timer Fodg-.
It of Mania, died at a hospital In tbla
etty. A blow) trauafualon was resorted to
In aa erfert to save th man life, in
whleh hta wife submitted In the opera
tion, but the effort waa fullle. The body
was takes to his home al Merua r burial,
Joseph Boundtree,
Rturgls. 8. 1). Joseph Houndtrca, 79,
was found dead In bed at hia eon's home
on a reach near here. He was on of
the pioneer residents of Black Mills.
Mrs. (ieorge Moes,
Nelson. Nsb. Mrs. George Mcst died
here. She was aa aetlv worker la tho
church and community welfare. Sho
leaves her husband and three boys, and
two girls.
Mr, t'karle Uaawark.
Shellon, Neb. Mrs. Charles P.unssrk,
wlf of a well known fanner, tiled In a
hospital la Grand Island follonlng aa
operation. Mrs. Bonsack bad been a
resldmt of th community for more tban
SS years.
W. 8. Myers.
Calloway. eN'b Vf. S. Myers, a former
resident nf Custer county,' died at Mtif
Mora tlasln, Wvo.
: Martin Nebe.
Atlantic, la. Martin Nebe, 77, pioneer
shoe merchant of Glenwood, is detid at
the home here of his son, Frank M. Neb?,
Atlantic shoe dealer. The aged man's
death was hastened by Injuries sustained
rcently when he fell at his home. Mr.
Nebe was born In Srhlsswlg In 1844. He
came to America In 1S($. settling In Glen
wood soon sfterward. For a number of
years he conducted a shoe repairing shop,
later entering business a a merchant.
Joha H. Davis.
Wstertown, S. D. John H. Davis. (3.
a prominent retired pioneer tanner of
thla pan of the state, died as the result
ot an attack f heart failure while he
waa milking his rows st the family home
In Watertown. He had been a resident of
South Dakota for 41 years.
Beatrice Garage Sold.
Beatrice, Na. Prank Ketao, who has
operated a garage her tor a number of
year, has aold bl plac ot business to
Jams Smethers, who has assumed charge.
Mr. Kelso has not yet, decided where he
will locate.
Discontinue Luncheons.
Superior, Neb. The luncheon of the
commercial organization ot Superior will
be diacontlnued until after the holidays.
The average attendance for tha tall and
early winter has been 47. Adam Breede,
editor of the Hastings Tribune, will ba
th speaker Monday at th last luncheon.
PUa Highway Improvements.
Superior, Neb. A committee from the
commercial club of Superior was in joint
session with committees from Guide Rock
and Red Cloud and the county commis
sioners of Webster county. Plans were
Vnade for the improvement ot the Golden
Rod highway.
sMIIread Mast a-ramoieu.
Beatrice. Neb. Announcement has been
received here that F. H. Faus, formerly
employed with the Rock Island company
at this point, but who ha been located at
Colorado springs ror a row yeara, nan
been appointed genertl agent. Mr. Faus
worked for. a number ot year for the
company at Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Change Sales Managers.
Beatrice. Neb. H. E. Antrim, for a
number-of years assistant sales t manager
of the Dempster eompany here, hss been
transferred to ' Kansas City to become
A. D. Brown.
Fsirbury, Neb. A. D. Brown of Fair
bury, who waa injured at Kensington,
Kan., when , bin automobile run Into a.
ditch died and hi body was brought
home for burial. Brown wa a pioneer
75 pe
bnung to
paht, st
Low operating cost
11 nrne.
it on the
Inter re-
Id Frank
the new
i class
inaasaer f th kitnch h-u plant there
11 j au.cvU K. I. TiPlea. wk haa keen
lrnafrrsd la Paavar s areauh houaa
Manager. H, f Tylr. manager al that
plac. rame I lleatrlc It lake la poal
lioi t aaatstaat sal-a na eater.
Near tUlleuf tdalkta.
(lauev, Nk A new filling e'allaa la
being eieelnd ot a principal corner of th
kuaixaaa aecllua af Iowa. t karlea J
Werner haa purchased tba enrner. Th
frame kuitdiag aow aiaadlna will be saavaU
l: the back ot the lot anil ued ae a
latiiry elation. Ilia filling atailun ta to
b ef a madem type with a tank holding
two car loade of gaaohne. The ftnlah of
the uructme III be prbble-daah. The
entire totrtor will be paved with oeinent,
Bank Frontal r Kaipluir,
Kidney, Neb. J. U McCarthy, who has
been einiitoycd by the American Dank of
rHiiiey fur lhr-e years, lately as taalsttnt
eahiar. m naaa eteviea caaaier, to sue-
ced !. D. McAllister, who reelfaed la
accept th ercretaryaltip of th Wyoming
rlnauc curporatton. f ranK li. ocaro.uar
and Henry ". Hanaen hava bean dlactad
aaaialaal ta.hlera of the aame baak. They
have both been associated wllb Ike bank
fur about the same length ot Urn la tha
capacity o( clerks.
, Ira Plant Palls.
Sidney. Neb. Tha Sidney Artificial Ice
A Cold Storage company haa been placed
In the hands of a trustee by the rredl
tore. Thla nlant waa built twa year as
tud haa bad a struggling exitve ever
sine. R. II. Rotors was named trustee
and Charlea Seiutvad wUi remain aa tu-perlateudent,
' Commercial Club Ktev:Va.
Wllber, Neb. At the animal meeting at
th Wilber Commercial club 'he following
were elected officer: Anton Novak, pres
ident; J. J. Novak, vice prealdeal; Hiaa
ley Hoffman, aecrtury; Joaeph t'eruy. ;
Treaaurer; Directors, Auton Novak. K. J.
Prucha, Fred iSvonecek, Alois Slcpk'ka and
K. J. Spirit.
Dorlur Hell Practice.
I.VI. ... Wl , ,1tU. .
merer, who had been engaged In th prc-
ivc ui nomicin iui nw ymti. " - -
DuUoit. hue sold hia practice to Dr. A.
Robertson of Washakie. Wyo.
Syracuse Igloa Officers.
Syreruse, N'nb. Mansle-Riiharda poat
No. IN, American Legion, chose tha fol
lowing officers: Ferd II. Reuter. com
mander; D. L. Johnson, vice commander;
Art Dlnges. adjutant; AYIHard String,
treasurer;- Ray S. True, chaplain.
Favorable Year for Church.
Beatrice. Neb. It. Williamson, treasur
er ot the First Christian church, reported
lt.34S.ia collected during the paet year
and Sil.419.25 paid out. The treasury has
n balance of S35H.SO. All departments
were reported to be In good condition.
Rev. M. Lee Sorey Is pastor. Th ladles
of the church served a banquet before
the meeting.
Kiwnnla Club Officers.
Beatrice. Neb. The Klwanl club elected
the fallowing Afflcers: President, H. ' B.
Sackett.; vice reldent, F. W. Wessmor;
treasurer, R. B. Clemens.
Home Talent Play.
Aurora. Nab. The Christian Kndeavon
society of the Christian church gav the-
play. r un on the io(iunK Limited. i ois'j
I th first number of the "Home TalenrJ
Lyceum Course," given by the different
onranlnatlnns of the church. Tha Eaollan
orchestra will give their annual concert
January 18, as tne secona numoer oi me,
Rolnrv Club Kntrrtalns.
Aurora, Neb The Rotary club will,:
entertain th foot ball boys to a dinner
December 28. There will be 34 guests.
The annual party of tho Rotary club will
be held at Highlander hall on January
35. This party will be a "hard times"
part5'- '
Friend Woodmen Klect.
Friend. Neb. The following named offi
cers were elected at the regular meeting!
of the M. W. A.! D. M. Spence, V. C.;U
A. A. Relfschneider, W. A.; Hans Madsen,
ex. B. ; W. J. Piehenour, escort: A. Mc-fi
Farlane, clerk; William Samuelson. watch-c
man; Ira Trimmer, sentry; Aliert Wood, i
manager. Tha annual banquet and social:
good time will be. held January 10.
Discontinue Bus Line.
Beatrice. Neb. Henry Johnson, who hasi
been operating an auto bus line between
Beatrice and Wymore, has discontinued!
the service. Lack of business is given as
the cause.
Walker. Mason City, president; A. 'f.
I'hilllpa, fcaigtut, vice praaidant: Her
kuna. Hiokvn How. earretary.lraaturer, A
kaaiiyct wet eerved at t Vublla frU
club rooms.
Build! tUUai' htalk-a,
Kuuarior. Nab A. Anderson of Hu
panor baa atari,! nuutrdcliag a tllllHg
sittlun al Guide Hock, he all tlstlon is
en a prominent veraae aad an tht dlda
Rod lnar.
Will Open Ntar. ,
Vark. N'.k J. Kree haa tnad aaraag.
menta lo open a general mercheudiee ttor
Ik th vtily vacant store room In tht ny
Pita Hale Bar.
Superior, Ntb The peaaibillllaa ot the
rrecttati ur tli purvksse of a veinnsuaity
sales barn la being considered by th
Commercial club of Superior. A commit-t-e
vial ted th sale pavilllaa at Red
Knlurg ( Mhlng Klorr,
Superior, Neb. The addition built to
tie Hate A Cramer company building hat
been completed and thesa clothing nier
rhanta are Increaalng their stock and
occupy!- tht (tided room,
Bid on Paving.
Pawnee City. Neb. Bids for paving the
streets af Pawns City wer opened. Sixty
three men Interested In th bid, all from
eul-vMewn, were present.
Plan filling Station.
Pawns City. Neb An oil compnny will
erect an up-to-date filling station, con-l-mplatlng
on of the prettiest bulhllnit
for such a purpose In this aartlnn of the
stute. It will ho operated by Will Patrie,
local bualuene man.
Depositors in lie! Money.
Table Rock, Ncl. Th Community Slat
hank of Tsble Rock, which Is now In
in naillia r a rrvfinn ,,nwun-- ,
ail ciaima ai'tua anu unMr -m w
paid by Receiver Dan J. Rellly December
a ..ii i , . . Ill ha
ae. mini. w . . -
ptid a little later.
Officer for Park.
Tablt Rock, Neb. Stockholder of th
Cromwell Lake park met st DuDots nd
elected the following officers: . lid It
HunseksT. president; Francis Kerker, vice
president; A. H. Droge, secretary; George
Droge, treaaurer. It was decided at this
meeting to proceed wlih tha park nest
summsr on a bigger scale. tnslv im
provements wer planned,
x Improve Water System.
UUUfl V liy, iwu, "uin id w7,.
on the water main Improvements, About
taken up and six -Inch mala laid In its
place. oeverei nunc ...
main Is being Isld, as well aa long ex-
. , n A....inu iii.ln (leur
well Is now down about lift feet and will
soon ba completed. It Is planned t
pump directly Into the mains, using an
eiecirio mmur , .,o . .......
wells and reservoirs will also be uatd.
Ke-Uert Old Officers.
Madison, Neb. The annuul meeting of
the Midson teunty Agricultural society
was held in the city halt here. Officers
were re-elected ss follows! Henry Sunder
man, president: George P. Kolsow, secre
tary; M. S. McDuffee. treasurer. The
directors named were Joe Reeves, Sterling
Trine, John Volk, Tim Preece and C. A.
Madison Iglon Klectlon.
Madison, Neb. Al the annual meeting
of the American T.egion the fellewlnsr
officers were elected: I.. A. Johnson,
commander; vice commander, Kenneth H.
Strother: adjutant, A. C. Schmidt; treas
urer, Alden Jones: executive committee,
Joseph Cardlo, Richard Upton, Hoy Car
son, Ben Carson and Thomas Klelty. A
drive has been commenced for the en
listment of new members. Th Legion
hall will be redecorated.
year' program phbh will be entirely
different in Me area t tin and purpose, Tha
faalur nf this yar a frullo were Ikj
bargain ealaa by lb merchants, the uf
final upeuing uf the new court bouse and
lha demoattretle of tht pew fir truck.
urprta stuad Bulldep.
Ailrera. Neb k'rauk O. Jrala., high,
way eumnitealuavr fvr Htmlliuit couaiy,
waa lha aurprteed host af hul )v ef 111
former neighbor ef l'epwtil prgctnot la
honor ef hi MVenlleth birthday. Mr,
Jentaon waa at one tlm county lomnils
timitf u( (Uiuilua touut),
Basaar la Surcrss. ,
Si. Edwards. Neb Three hunlred dol
lars waa the net reut tu the "Willing
Worliera" of the LaVlva Aid toclely or
th Methodist church her at a haiaar.
Their church pie supper ta an luatilulMi
In this aartlon, and waa a Part of lha
highl'a p rug re m, The proceeds go - towerd
poking off the pledge of the Willing
Workrra for th cast of tht ntw rhuroh-
llad Knlertala Memker.
Wymore, rleb. Member of th Wymore
band executed surprise oarty at the
hum of Mr, aad Mra. 1 Roublnek In
honor of three ef their members, Mesers,
Raymond, Cloyd aad Lambert Uoulilnek,
who with their pcntt IU toot luuvg tg
Muleshot, Tex.
High Hclioel Chautauqua.
Friend, Neb Friend High ailiool Chau
tauqua company gave programa ut DeWitt
and Wilbtr. Th company la composed
of a number ef atudents who have ability
to sntartln In sm line.
W, B. C. Klectlon. 1
Blue Springs, Neb. The Voman's Re
lief corps hss elected the following offi
cers; President, Mrs. Agnes Mlover: senior
vice, Mrs. N. A. Medlaun; -4unlor vice,
Mrs. Mshsta Wilson: treasurer, Mrs. Lil
lian Dnvblnon; conductor. Mrs. Floreni e
Page; eutstdo guard, Mr. Kmma Case,
beer; color besrers, Mrn. Kate Jonea, Mrs.
Mnble McOlunla, Mrs, Nellie Connard and
Mra Kmma Dawsiui, Delegate, Mra. Kate
Jones; alleenste, Mrs. Florence Page; in
stalling officer, Mrs. Emma Caaebeer,
legion Name Officers.
Pawnee City, Neb. The Thutua little
Post. American, t.egion, elerted th fol
loivliig .officers: Post commander. Jsmec
Young; vice commander, Arthur Davta;
adjutant, Wayne Kckard; finance uffl
cer, Charles Tracy; sergeant-at-aruis, John
Flory; athletto director, Jam Daugherty;
historian, J. Harold Wilson: executive
ciiminlttee, C'harlea Luta. ebalrman; El
mer Will. Paul Klrkpalrlck. I. llason
snd J. Haloid Wilson. Arrangeltiailla
wer wade tut a American laglun bstket
ball teaui.
M, W. A. f lection.
Blue f print. Neb Th Modern Wood,
men hae elailed lb follow lg offlcciat
K P. Wad, xenarabt nutsul; Will M
plea, advianri Gorge llaruaier. haiikap;
H. Prlie. elerkl Jhu ! Hwk, natchi""!
Jorda Snyder, teatry, ad J. M. rsl
well, etvurt. . ,
. Maxwell lgien Klectlon.
Maswetl, Neb. The Ft. McPherson poit
of the American Legion elected the fol
lawlng otllrrra: Cammandar, II. B. niton I
vie vMUiuaadar, i. U. Snder; adlutani,
r. r. Wlaai vliaplala. M. K Karri finance
atllMK William U Robenai aergeant-at-arma,
THma O. Stainuaaaa; athletlo of
ficer, Arthur Burke,
' Ijuinch Comniunlty Club.
Gordon, Neb. At a nie-Hag tn the city
hsl step wr Uken fur th orinnlt.
lion f s fterdoa Cemsuuaily club. A
niembarshlp commute wst appointed
consltilna of business nj'H and farmais
and th organisation will b completed at
a baitnuot In twe weeks. Speiial work
l i be coneidared will be the ettahlishmrnt
of a co-operative marketing association
for potilue. a su.bU llbiaiy ml belter
) Ithkery C hanges Owners.
Pawns t lty, Neb Th Milts Btln-rv
company of tills city hnt sold out lo
Jlernissn Bruner of Kanaas City. Mr.
Hruuer !s a baker with ! years' experl
cm s and will de hit own baking.
, rotary Firm IHaaelved.
Albion, Neb. The gro'ery firm of Whit.
Ing tk Mnrlcle hue been dissolved, Clyde
Muriel taking over Whiting's Interest.
Mr Whiting Is considering onenlng up In
a different kind of merchuiiilltlng In th
U.,LM.,n UtiM'lt KaM.
Ptilrburv, Neb. The bankrupt stock of
Paul C Ilubcr. Invoicing a little morn
than llA.tni), wss sold In bulk to J. b.,
Poriwoiul of Nelson. The stu. U will be
ilasd out her by retail. i
Reappoint Manager.
Beatrice, Neb J. J. Will' has bean
appointed manager of th Hlley Forni-i-r'
union general star for another year.
He Is assisted In the lnsnsgewent ot the
place by Mr. Whit.
Consolidated Lumber Yard.
Antelmo. Neb. Two lumber yard"..
Organise Drug Company.
DeWitt, Neb. The DeWitt Drug eom-
fany, a new enterprise, has started tusl-
ness in the Cross block. This firm mam-:
factures and sells a full line of stock food.
Banker Organise.
Broken Bow. Neb. About 60 bankers;
from over the county and nearby townsi
met and organized the custer ounty
Bankers' association, the territory em
bracing Custer, Thomas, Blaine and loup
counties. Tho officers elected are: R. B.
Family Lcngue Klerlinn.-
Columbus, Neb. D. J. Rankin was co
elected chairman and E. M. Pace, sec
retary of tho local branch of the Union
Pacific Family league. During the pant
Utar the league spent $3,000 In relief
wtrk In. Columbus. Mr. Rankin will rep
resent the organization at the division
meeting of tho league In Omaha Cecem
ber 15.
Community Christmas Tree,
Liberty, Nnb. A general committee
consisting of J. T. Briggs. Chsrlea Man
ley, H, Shannon. H. Klrschner, R. C.
Wllsey, O. C. Hull. Mrs. E. E. Wilson,
Mrs. L. - F. Eberhart ar.d D. Vasey has
been selected to prepare a community
Christmas tree with a program and gifts
for everybody. Six school district trib
utary to Liberty will Join in the program.
Ord Legion Frolic.
Ord, Neb. Th Ord post of American
Legion feel very grateful ever the finan
cial as well aa the social aacces-s of their
first annual legion frolic. The three days
program brought In about 11.300. (150 of
which will go to the treasury of the post.
Plans are already under, way tor ncx;
-eJt i ran .
Qtmi.rlAVis-!uii Auto Co.
WUtajcY AT 2BTM. st
HAeMt CY QI23 ,
THE Ford chassis at only $295 now
makes possible a light motor deliv
ery car at a cost so low that merchants
cannot afford to overlook it. And the
noted dependability of Ford products
means a surer delivery service.
With a body to meet your particular
requirements, which we can supply at
a nominal figure, there is nothing that
will save you so much in time, help
and actual cash as a Ford delivery
If you are operating a merchandise de
livery, let us show you how the Ford
chassis at its extremely low price with
correspondingly low operating cost will
handle your deliveries quickly and at a
minimum expense. Terms if desired
Authorized Omaha Ford Dealers
GALBREATH MOTOR COMPANY 60th and Military Ave.
McCAFFREY MOTOR COMPANY.... 15th and Jackson Sts.
C. E. PAULSON MOTOR COMPANY. . 20th and Ames Ave.
When It Satisfies
Service Counts
From hundred of voluntary praises of our
service, picked at random;
J. Clarke Coit, President of Lee
Coit'Andreesen Hardware Co.
says: .,: . ..
"the frank and clever manner in which
you handle your service situations makes
me a more enthusiastic admirer of the
Cadillac and your policies than ever."
We strive to render a service xvorlij)
of the wonderful car we sell, i
Omaha Lincoln
which fcav been In oiMttu hee f"l
luaio - have titldld. Tb J. II.
Manilla Lumber cmniiaiiy, who uperaiee
a airing ot rard along tha llurnnsinn.
trad-d one of yards In anothor ptscu
fur ib IMerke yard in this place, Tin
luerke Lumber ami Cval voin-any uwua
a long airing of )id in Itui linglun l"i
HW. i
Haak Head Hellrea.
Cedar Hapida. Nab, W. A Swat lu
sold all his Inierenla tn the H H. Iladlcv
l ompany bank al Cedar Kupids and re
tired from I lie vice presidency ud aclual
illunatcmrnl, Stewart a lladlry, cs.hl.r,
li now adits manager. The bauk I Mo
ot the aldeat In lb atal. alth ratoulvea
wt t,oou.
llaay fanueii taruusboul tha country
art finding it lo their advamat com
mercial!) to give their farm aiitacilx
name thai can be ul In uramevlion
wllb marketing llioir product. l'iovnlu
the uualliy of the piuducl la kapi ui.
a reputation I itunkiy siabliehl fur
lha farm and the comiuodliy that makes
the nam ut rial worth In dollars and
oca l. uhea It eomea In emiipeiilion on
Ik market with v4hcr products. Th
name becomes In time a real asset te ise
ewnti- and baa a money value much like
the good will tn oilier klnda of buajneaa.
A. II, Del-on. Agrnl.
Syraeiie. N-b . Dec. 17. (Special.
I mi in the n.oulh uf lie amber, precinct
nieetlngt will be beta thiuusbout Hm
county for the purposo nf electing of'i
cert and uppoliillng coiiiiiilu-ct for ths
Sar. These niaeliuga al oia-u to all
pcuplo living within the arloua prsclncl
North Palmyra peopl mat nt Diairlcl
No. t lo hear Dr. Kr.uio of lha fdtra'
bureau ot animal Industry, otpMlu tht
are p'.un uf tuberculide work. About
were proaenl sun acvernl alglld Hit
agre-nionl to place ihclr herd on teat.
I.lectlnii of officeis resulted a follows:
.. .,..n..., t.-M 1 1..,,. I. an.
ntaii, il.-e cliulniiaa; Bmeot Lludholm,
We are specialists in servic
ing bearings. Garage-men
and Motorists are invited
to come to us for any infor
mation concerning the care
or replacement of New De
parture, Timken or Hyan
Omaha Branch,
1812 Harney Street.
Fhtn Atlantic 2844.
II: I Ufa' I ll flffl eUMIBr 1 li III IS ! f
Mi! wm m ill rJiti iiiy lii Hi 'iH
Mil IpfrWlRHprn HI 111 fii i!l if I! !
i mi ill mi i miliar
Make This a Christmas They
Will Ever Remember
You know -what they most desire of all things iu
the world aEeo Open or Closed Car a cozy, com
panionable Sedan, Coupe or Touring Car.
, Of all the gifts they ever have received at your
hands this gift of a "Reo Six" will please them most
and live longest in their memory.
If you see us now at once and place your order,
you can have their Sedan, Coupe.or Touring Car at the
door Christmas morning. .
Hastings, Neb.
Distributer for Southern and
Wtrtern Nebraska
Omaha, Neb.
Distributor for Eatttrn and North
ern Nebraska and Western Iowa
. IS
u-t vrar.
pit first
D0D66 BRorfiRS
f to de
k coach
s teamt