Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tin: r.EE: omaiia. Saturday. PErnMr.BR 10. 1021.
Fremont Hanker
Returns to Face
Criminal Charge
Frank 11. Knapp lMculs Not
Guilty to Kniliezzleinent unJ
Larceny Left Town
After Hank Crash.
Fremont, Neb., Dee. 9. (Special
Telegram.) Frank U. Knapp, prcai.
dent of the bankrupt Fidelity Trut
company, returned to Fremont to
face clurRr of embezzlement ami
larceny of $J,585 from Stephen Car
penter, farmer, lie pleaded not guil
ty to both counts ami was released
on ?6,0)0 bond, furnished by John
Monnirh, Fremont, and L. R. Gur
ney, Omaha.
Knapp'i return to Fremont wa
not marked with a reception like
the one accorded President C'lar.
idge of the Castetter bank at Hla-r
some time ago. The former head of
the trust company left Fremont a
few weeks ago after the Fidelity
Trust had been placed in the hands
of a receiver. He was accompanied
by Mrs. Knapp.
Two cases were filed in district
court against Knapp, but no replv
was made. When Carpenter filed
charges with County Attorney Cook,
alleging the embezzlement and theft
of $J,55, which t lie client stales was
to be used for the purchase of Lib
erty bond', it was learned
Knapp was in Chicago and would
return to face 5 he charges. Days
passed and no word was received un
til the first part of this week, whci
Attorney Cook was notified that
Knapp was en route to Fremont.
I'pon his arrival he went directly
to the county attorney's office, ac
companied by his bondsmen. Jus
tice of the Peace H. M. Kidder was
called into the county attorney's of
fice, where Knapp waived prelimi
nary hearing, pleading not guilty.
Ciurney, one of the bondsmen, was
formerly connected with the Fidel
ity Trust company and prominent
among local bankers.
Specifications Accepted
For Hospital at McCooV
McCook, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.)
The Dominican Sisterhood and the
citizens of McCook accepted plans
and specifications of a Kansas City
architect for the building of a hos
pital in McCook.' The three-story
niodernly constructed and equipped
hospital will contain 40 beds and cost
fcbout $50,000. Advertisement will be
made at once for bids, work to begin
in March and be completed in Sep
tember, 1922. An entire block has
been purchased for the hospital
grounds and an option secured on a
whole block adjoining. Provision is
made in the plans for a wing addi
tion to increase the capacity almost
Rev. Titus Lowe May Remain
In Omaha Until February
Rev. Titus Lowe," -pastor of the
First Methodist church in Omaha,
may not leave for New York city
to take up his new duties as corre
sponding secretary of the board of
foreign missions in .the Methodist
church until February 1, it was an
nounced yesterday.
The time of his departure rests
upon the appointment .of a successor
to his pastorate here, according to
Bishop Homer C.- Stunz, who re
turned home yesterday after a pro
longed absence.
Man Accused of Assault
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.)
Earl Hart of Liberty was arrested
on the charge of assaulting a resident
of that place named Wignall. He
pleaded not guilty and his case was
set for hearing Saturday. He was
released on $200 bond.
Road Conditions
(Furnished bv Omaha Automobile Club.)
Lincoln Highway. East Roada fin.
Cedar Fapids to DeWItt roaiia reported
rourh. Hewitt to Clinton now open for
Lincoln Highway, West Roads flna to
Grand Island and west. Gradins near
North Plitta ia nearlnfr completion.
O. L. D. Highway Roads fair to Ash.
land, detour at brldga In fair condition.
Roads to Lincoln and west ara line.
Highland Cutoff Roads good.
S. y. A. Roads Excellent.
Cornhusker Highway Excellent.
Omaha-Topeka Highway Roada good.
O Street RoadIn excellent condition,
work near Eagle has been completed.
George Washington Highway Roads
fine to Sioux City.
Black HUH Trail Roada good to Norfolk.
Kin of Trails. -"North Roads fine to
Missouri Valley, then good to Onawa,
north of Onawa roada are reported Just
a little rough.
King of Trails, South Roads In ex
cellent condition to Hiawatha, Hiawatha
to Leavenworth roads are a little rough,
till necessary to detour between Leaven
worth and Kansas City due to road work
In progress. This Is nearlng completion.
River to River Road Good to Dea
White Pol. Road Good to Dea Moines
itlth exception on one detour which la In
air condition.
T. O. A. Shortllne Roads fine.
Blue Orssa Road Roads bad between
Council Bluffs and Glenwood. one or two.
detours. East of Glenwood roads are re
vorted fine.
For Colds. tirlp or Influenut
and aa a Preventive, take Laxative
BROMO QUININE Tablets. The genuine
Iwars the algnature of E. W. Grove. (Be
lure you get BROMO.) 30c. Adv.
InRashOnFaceandHands. Itched
and Burned. Cuticura Heals.
"I suffered with eczema on my face
and hands. It broke out in rash
and itched ana Burned so
that I could not sleep. I
could not bear to touch my
face and bands with water,
and they were very badly
"The trouble lasted five
Mars. I began using wiucura ooap
and Ointment ana n
two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one
txsj of Cuticura Ointment I was com
pletely healed." (Signed) MissEdna
DelW.PaoH, Indiana.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum are all you need for all toilet uses.
Bathe with Soap, sooths with Oint
ment, dust with Talcum.
SZttToaet B. Matex .a. Haw- SM rT
riTTspc.Ca.Sal ae
"Hard to Take Human
Life," Says Girl Slayer
Knoxville". Turn., Dee, 9,-"It'
hard to tAe a human life, but i.
was my li(e or his, I could not do
anything else. It nearly worried me
cray ever since," aid Maude Moore
(Mrs. ttibbi) amid tub during
cross-examination at her trial for
killing Leroy JUrtli here in icflein
ber of VH'K She related ill detail
her version of the event of the
She said khe purposely met Hut lit
for the purpose of gelling a revolver
he had loaned hint and told of their
trip in hi automobile; of how, she
allrgesj he attempted to subject her
to a iiindignity, of a atruuijle that
followed, during which her revolver
fell from llarth' pocket, how both
attempted to cie it from the road
way, how she beat him to it and then
used it w ith deadly cllect, despite the
pain from a blow which hc aid
llarth had dealt her.
Trust Company of Lincoln
Huys Nelili Paving Honda
Ncligh. Neb.. Dec. 0. (Special.)
The Hrst TriM company of Lincoln
ha purchased the bonds of NVIigh
paving district No. 2 at par and ac
crued interest. The regular district
bonds amounted to $Xt.(X)0, and those
covering the paving of the intersec
tions 'amounted to f-'o.OW, atl ol
which were taken by the Lincoln
Sclmylcr Pallor Hoigtis
Schuyler, Neb.. Dec. '. Spe
cial. ) Kev. J. C. Cook, pastor of the
Prcsbjteriaii church for three years,
resigned to take effect January 1.
He expects to take post graduate
work at I'rinccton theological scnii-narv.
Dr.Ilailley (Joes
For Wife Murder
Former Army Surgeon (lalui
Anil Stoical as lie Fhccs
L'xevutioii Sigm-il
Kiihmond, Ya.t Dec! 9.-Dr. Wil
mer Amo Jladley, formrr army aitr
gton and ranchman, put to death
m the electric chair in the state peni
tentiary early today for the murder
of his w ife, Mrs. Sue Tinslcy I lad
ley, in November. 1'I8. I'rison at
teiul.iiits declared lladley went to his
death calmly and stoically.
Dr. lladley made no statement bo
fore bis death further than to say
be had "made hi peace with God"
and was prepared for the end. The
execution closed one of the most
sensational murder case in the his
tory of Kichmomt.
Body in River.
Mrs. Madlcy's body was found in
the James river near Richmond on
December ,i0, 1 j I Jf. by a neuro trap
per and was identified by the wom
an's sister several weeks later. A
search for Dr. lladley was begun by
local authorities which carried them
through many states and parts of
Canada and he finally was apprehend
ed on a ranch in New Mexico. At
the time of his arrest he was in
t'isguise and under an assumed
name. lie was taken to Denver,
Colo., where, according to the Hen
rico county authorities, he made a
written confession that he had killed
his wife.
This confession was used against
him in his dial In the col (ci.i
lie ie laird he aim shot a myUr
ions "Dr. tirittui,M a fellow surgeon in
the army, but an investig iti. a proved
Una to be unfounded, which lladley
t.nally admitted,
t rout the time of hi arrest last
Augu-t until hi death today, Dr,
lladley maintained a taciturn calm
nra and indifference.
Clark Youth Held on Check.
Charge at Central City
Central City. Neb.. Dec. , (Spe
cial.) The short but meteoric ca
rter in high finance indulged in by
thailrs Albert McConncll of Clark
was terminated when two complaints
against him were riled by County
Attorney Walter K. Kaecke. lie is
charged with forging checks, sign
ing his father' name. The checks,
numbering about a tkcn, ranged
from $. to fl',50. They were passed
on Central Cily merchants. It is
alleged that a desire to appear well
t'quipped financially in the eyes of a
young woman to whom he was pay
ing attention was the cause. Mc
Conncll is about' -1.
Schuyler Boy Hadly Hurt
Hy Fall ou Lead Pencil
Schuyler, Neb., Dec. 9. (Special.)
The U-year-idd son of Frank Tare-
lnj.1.- t.-iw ,1 ;i n .ru it u lit fntl
ing .on the sharp end of a lead pencil
which penetrated into the pelvis,
lodging in front of the backbone.
An operation was performed on hiin
at the emergency hospital, with pros
pects of recovery.
Charities Hotly Formed
Neligh. Neb., Dec. 9.-(Special.)
Representatives of various organiza
tions of Ncligh met to form an asso
ciated charities body. The follow
ing officers wcre elected: V. If.
Van Tatter, president; Kev. A. B.
Roberts, vice president; Mrs. Mabel
Johnson, secretary-treasurer.
! ft
The fwT!" i i. vTT'm i J tt.l W
Holiday Values in Men's
llitS and
Two Barga Specials
Finest hand tailored garments ft
in all wool fabrics. It's a pleas
ure to spend your money when
you can buy such high class
desirable garments for such
comparatively small sums.
Values that, were to $50
Quality Clothes
Good assortment of
- stylish Suits in neat
patterns. The Over
coats are Ulsters
Ulsterettes many
leather lined, very
An Ideal Gift Beautiful Bath Robes
Many are cord trimmed. Made from good heavy
Beacon blankets In this season's colors.
Tallies to $10.00
Ladies' Felt Slippers
Many fur trimmed, others
with little flower trims.
Values to 14, g(J
- Men's Felt Slippers
Extra well made in the new trimmed
beaded stitch effects. Values to $3.00,
100 Pure Silk Handker
chiefs, Saturday
Extra Fine Silk Knit
Beautiful New Silk
Mufflers Wonderful
50c 10 $5.00
Adler's Dress
Box of 6 Initial
Madras Shirts
Fast Color
Ladies' Silk Holeproof
x Hose
Bradley's All Wool
Boys' Blouses
Neat fast color stripes
with new low collars
Boys' Mackinaws
In plain colors or plaids, good
weight wool fabrics; 5 QQ
$10 grades vv.w
Big Boys' Overcoats
Belted styles in brown, blue or
gray; plains or fancies; CO QKT
very special PO.a7l
Novelty Sweaters
For girls or boys in coat or pull-
SiSSX S2.98
Children's Warm Gloves
Fleece lined gloves in mocha or
Sr."!' si-oo
Two-Pant Suits
All wool fabrics in new mixtures
in inverted pleat CO QTZ
models, at
0' coats Ml
Settlement of
Leading Issues
On Anns Is Near
Agrmmuil for Peace in Far
lljiht Briiij? Successful Cul
mination of Negotia
tions ut Hand.
Washington, Dee. 9. With the
United Slates, Great Itritain, Japan
and Frame about to feign a mo
mentous compart fr the preserva
tion of peace in the far east, the
sucreshful culmination of the nego
tiations centering in the conference
rtenews Strength i
Where there is
need for a build- Vjm
ing-up tonic after JW
prostrating illness,
taken regularly, usually
spells renewed strength
and vigor.
Saatt & Bowaa, Bloonfiald, N. J.
(Tablets or Gramilaa) I
for iNnmrcTinu I
on limitation t a iiMiiirni i at
The quadrilateral iiKrcemriit liiinl.
the power to icapevt the territorial
integrity of the posaekaifiiit of the
other in the J'acihc ami jnovide
that in the event 01 the menace of
the vital interest vuf any of them,
the nation threatened Mill consult
with the other before taking action.
It I.-o provide that if difference
arie between my two of the con
tracting power the other two cigna
tcry power lial initiate mediation
and arbitration.
Member of the American and
Uritish delegation are of the opinion
that unit unforeseen complication
khould develop, it will be poaaildc to
hold a, plenary mion of the con
ference by next Monday or Tuckday
to record the acceptance of the major
Friend 1 1 ijrli School I'uniln
(live Program at DeWilt
DeWitt, Xeb Uec. 9. (Special.)
Seventeen member of the Friend
IliRh chixl, accompanied bv S"tt.
Don . Leech, visited the PeWitt
High kIkh I and gave an intemting
New SI.KK1.000 lUnilal
Tor Ils-Solilier Atjrovea
Washington, IVc, VApproval o(
the Kptndiluie ol $l,4'W.0tK to pro
vide a permanent former o!dirr ho
pital br tiervou ami mental catet
at 1'alo Alto, C'al , v. a anuounctJ
yctterday by Secretaiy Mellon. Tho
public health trrvice, Mr, Mellon
aid, i at ptenent operating on tin
ite with a capacity of 550 bed in
temporary building and the new
lio.spitul i being built with provision
for enlargement to 1,'HM) bed.
Wool Shirts
Pure O. D. Wool Worded,
with double $Q QL
elbow pO70
Leather Vests
All leather, with knit wriat,
neck and waitt band, wear
smooth, don't C 7 C
.cuff J)0. O
Army Shoes
Genuine Herman ttC Cf
Mumon Ut ...POaOl
Turkish Towels
Fine Quality,
22x44-inch . .
Army Wool
. Underwear
Reclaimed, QC
per garment .......
Auto Robes
Reclaimed Blanket, each
$2.00 to $3.00
Many Other Cold
Weather Wearables
Auto Tourist Store
1501 Howard
in the
in the
Our Entire Stock of Over
0 New Winter Hj
On Sale Saturday Only
$20.00 Hats
$18.00 Hats
$15.00 Hats
$12.50 Hats
Model and
Sample Hats
Scores of one
of a kind
There are
Dressy Hats,
Head Shapes,
Hats for Every
fBuy One for jj . .y
Now, or for Far " Q
in the Future Wear f . a
. " . ,
Buy One or More for Gifts
Charming models of Lyons Velvet, Panne
Velvet, in many effects. Duvetyne Hats,
Metal Cloth and Novelty Fabrics, Velvet
and Metal Cloth, Ostrich Trimmed Hats,
Flower Trimmed Hats, Hats for Evening
Wear, Hats tor Miss or Matron. ,
Every Winter Hat in the House
Included Not One Reserved
$20.00, $18.00, $15.00 and
$12.50 Winter Hats
9 j 1 1
II I 1111
Give Slippers
Always Welcome Gifts
The gift that is sure to please man,
woman or child is a pair of slippers.
In the assortment at this store you will
find a variety of patterns that will win
anyone over with their attractiveness.
We have just the kind you want at
just the price you want to pay.
An Ideal Christmas Gift
For Father or the Boys-Make Your Selection Early
Grapefruit Sets
Bread and Cake
Boys' Whitling Sets
A household without a et
of real working tools is as
bad off as Robinson Crusoe '
on his desert island.
Here, at surprisingly small
cost, is something absolutely ,
new in the tool world.
A handy container of black '
walnut, with a'l the necessary
Stanley Tools for repair jobs,
"puttering around," etc. ,
Other Gift Suggestions:
Cases of Scissors
Safety Razors
Jack Razors
Mail Boxes
Shur Edge Pocket
James Morton & Son Co.
The Tool Store
When in Omaha
Hotel Rome
Bailey the Dentist
E.tablUkcd 1S83
Painleaa Extraction of Teetb
Dr- R. W. Pilr
Dr. Bertram Williamson
Mak. Dotittry Ea.r for Ym
70S City Nat. Bk, IStk mnd HarM?
All Werk GuaraateW
IJII 1511-13 Dodge St
a f Twin- 1 f Wml
a, II r Li T IT II I I II ill I i a
I I:
1512 DotifU.. 1.L Douf.