10 TUN HfclK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DKCKMBKlt 10. l'Jlil. Society ChrUtmit Party. The iliil'Ircu enrolled in the kin- j uiTgani ii me i niwruy o; uwi umlcr I lie ilimhoii u(,Mit lux, liraJ vI the kindrrgurtru depart m nt a ti I tudnt teacher, will i(iv i I'lirulnui parly tor Ihrir purnil Friday. December JO. The children ?rc nukiiiK decoration (or their Christina tree and gift (or their parents. The work in the kitidcrKartcn i the university i conducted in the mwe manner m that in the iuhlic uhool of the city. The tudent arc K ivcn praeiical traehiuff expert vn ce and an opportunity to tudy children. ChrUtmat House 1'arty. Mr. and Mrs. George Uraudei are plannititf a large limine party (or I hrifcrtna week at their Imnie in lairaere. Their jsur.l will ar rive the day before I'lirUtiiid and uill slay until alter New Years. A tht'y ari in themselves a larjjc party, their entertainment will probably include itw outside guests, hit they are pi. inning many irstivitic to fill their days. The members of the house party wilt lie the Mews, and Mesdaitiej. M. J. ('amey of New Vork City; Harry llosworth, Town Miid Neleher, llr. and Mr. W. W. tlirpcr and li. I'. Nolan, all of C'hi- .Ml. The paity will spend New Year' eve at the Itrandii.s restaurant, which i planning an el.ihoratc din ner and entertainment, winding up with hreakfast at .? a. in. Omaha Chapter D. A. R. 'Omaha chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, De eeuiher 13, at the Bur:ess-N;;.sli au ditorium. The meeting will he pre ceded hy luncheon at 1 o'clock in me lea room. Aiemucrs may urmg guests. Reservations should he made with Miss Anna Adams. Atlantic .S4U Mrs. K. P. Schoentgcn of Coun cil Bluffs, state vice president gen eral for this district, will he the guest of the chapter and will give a short talk. Two vocal solos will he given hy Mrs. D. K. liradshaw. following which Dr. David Cole will give a talk on "Observations in luiropc." Return to Omaha. Mr. and "Mrs. R. K. Foster were pleasantly surprised at their, home Thursday evening by a crowd of friends, the occasion ,leing in honor of the return to Oniaha of Mr. and Mrs. Foster, who have been in Chi cago for the last few years. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Corrca, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dun bar, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Frohart, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Langi Mr. and Mrs. A. I J. Niks, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Row I and Mrs. Wrightson. ! I Players' Club. , The Players' club of the Univer-j sily of Oniaha held a meeting Friday,, at the home of the president, Rhcu villa Blair, 2525 Sherman avenue. Tryouts were held to fill the vacan cies in the club. The membership is restricted to .'0 and depends on dramatic ability. A three-act play will be given un der the leadership of W. G. James, university dean, the latter part of January. Maple Leaf Chapter. Maple Leaf chapter, Eastern Star, will have a business meeting at Ma sonic temple at 8 o'clock Saturday, and will be followed by the follow ing program: Mr. Edgar L. Hoag, past worthy patron, will read a pa per, the "History of Ruth," and the entertainment committee will pre sent a one-act comedy, "Sister Ma sons." Mrs. Charles J. Zicbarth is coaching the play. 1 ' Heads Business Women . 'l Vr 1 I; iff U Si irj b , 2" f$&r ,v'V .,;" V "i: 1 Miss Fay Walt, vice president of the Omaha Business and Profes sional Woman's league, was elected president of the organization to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Miss Mary Sturgeon, whose mar riage to Fred Peterson takes place December 14, at a meeting of the hoard Thursday evening. Dr. Amelia Brandt was chosen vice president; Miss Beulah Hall, campaign secretary, a new office. Miss Blanch Fuller was elected a member of the board of directors and Miss Belle Ryan chairman of ways and means committee. Other officers and hoard members arc Miss Lena Bellman, secretary; Mrs. Leona Sweetman, treas urer; the Misses Belle Hatch, Grace Rowland, Iniogenc McCaig, Bertha Krugcr and Anna Doyle. The league will meet for luncheon Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon in the Brandcis resturant. "Keeping Fit" will be the subject of a talk given by Miss Charlotte Townsend. Miss' Bella Ryan is "in charge of the program. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Florence Chamberlain, Jack son 2067. Mock Initiation. ; A mock initiation was held by ivappa Psi Delta sorority, of the University of Omaha, at the home of Olga Jorgensen, Thursday evening, December 1. The pledges initiated . A n A . . -r. eic: gnes rray, - Amelia imi miston, Mary Mann, Doris McElry, Dolores Patsch. Elizabeth Sowell. Dinner Party This Evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kennedy en tertajned at dinner Friday evening at their home, when their guests were the Messrs.- and Mesdames M. (..Peters. G. W. Wattles. Howard 'Baldrige and James L. Paxton. Futurist Club Party. The Futurist club will give a (lancing entertainment at the Prairie . Park club house, 2605 Ames avenue, Saturday, December 10, at 8 p. m. Tickets may be bought at the door or from the members of the club. For Mrs. Bosworth. Mrs. E. S. Westbrook will enter tain at a luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Harry Bosworth, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis. Covers will be laid for 10. - The luncheon will be at home. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Personals Cecil Berrynwm U recovering (rom an attack of pneumonia. Max Levine lu returned to Oma ha alter a wc.-k' visit in Chicago. Mri. H. H. Montgomery returned last week from an extended visit in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mm. J. N. Mar!i leave early next week for San Uiepy, Cal to upend the winter. J. K. DavitUvn i in Huntington. Kau,, at an electrical convention, He will return Monday. Miss Lee Sherman of Fremont will upend the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Byrne llolmuit. Mr, and Mrs. Kiisscll Fisher have taken an apartment at l.M North Thirty-fust street, until April. Mrs. F. M. Russell of Lincoln will arive Saturday to spend a few ilavs with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Parish. Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Ilarl.tu have bought a 'new home at 35 1 North Forty-first avenue and moved into it Friday. Miss Sophie Naiinska. piano teacher at Browncll Hall, lias been Vonlined to her home the past week on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. George Kicwitt leave Saturday for San Francisco, where they sail next Wednesday . n the "Maui" for Honolulu. Mrs. G. W. Holdrege, her mother. Mrs. T. L. Kimball and Miss Arabel Kimball leave for Long Beach, Cal-i next Wednesday, December 14, Dr. Clyde Roeder leaves a few days before Christinas for California, where he will join Mrs. Roeder and small daughter, who have been there iucc early fall, Tlu-y will return to Omaha alter the holidav, U T. rower"oM)ul!a. Tvx.. the stiet of lii (iister, Mr. l' t. Bruner and Mr, Hruner, Another Kuet at the Primer home i Mi Madeline Jones of Pittsburgh, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, Kileylone, tor inrrly of Omaha. Mis Jones is a niece of Mrs, Itruner. Miss Frances Luidcrhnlut, who i attendiu; the National Park school near Washingington, 1). I'., will spend part of the holidays with Mi Jessica Recti, daughter of ('. A. Reed, former principal of the Omaha High school, now of Youngstown, O. She will also visit friends in Cleveland and in Newark. N. J. them at once to the chairman of con lest committee, Mr. Lama Mc t.ainjhlui Funis. JJ-H Faruaui street. Manusnipw have been received from all over the state and several i high school children have entered ! The poetry class lu hv far the lariiest number of entrants. J The Judaea will be announced in a I few days ami the silver loving tup awarded the wiunrrs at the annual banquet of the I res club some tune in January. ' Reception for New Members. The Wainm club of the (mis' Community Service league will hold a reception for new member and j nuking Ua at 7 . in, all fiiil who may he interested in LydU Rowe, hostess, the league on Tuesday evening at S:5 h i bu s, m the chili rooms, J0 Gardner building, 1 7 1 J Dodge street. The club will niiet for supper on Tuesday at 0:1 S p. in. Mrs. (!, It, Cantor uill have charge of the home- Mrs, Mary Flower bulbs to be stoied in ti e cellar should be marked with label. ') hee can he nude from cardboard pieces, marked and dipped in paraf-hn. Clubdom Mrs. Wilcox Rc-Electcd Head of War Mothers Mrs. V. A. Wilcox was re-elected president of 'the Omaha chapter of American War Mothers at a meet- j ing Thursday evening in Memorial hall, court house, J Other officers chosen were Mrs. i M. F., Lewis, first vice president; Mrs. A. Mullock, second vice presi dent ; Mrs, Mabel Jordan, third vice president; Mrs. Cauiilia Weeks, cor responding secretary; Mrs. J.ones Shields, recording secretary; Mrs. C. Haarmann, treasurer; Mrs. Anna Leaverton- historian; Mrs. William lleinzie, assistant historian, and Mesdames John Neihart, Joliu Par ish and Silas Wolfe, auditors. Press Club Contest Will Close Saturday. The writing contest which is be ing conducted by the Omaha Wom an's Press club closes Saturday. De cember 10. Those who have not sjent in their manuscripts arc requested to mail, . Breakfast Brownies NOW 25c Appetizing Jfi tflft lit tfnrikfit Brewnwa In gu II tiflitilitlully didrmit lUtnrmt fmi itim li, titt m tttllv tul mlMnlKtn llut Mlif even tli tnM j-irlimUr Ut(-ani It unbkr ntnthtMt nu fvrr ptifn in rrrl fo-wU. Many eat it wiilii nit fttiKir. Yt ti u not itwrrl, lite hIiuIp family will like it. A. Food Surprise f'ilktAiT' Let's Get Together, Girls. THE old-fashioned girl and the new-fashioned girl. We hear them dis cussed all the time nowadays. Girls write to me protesting their al legiance to one or the other camp and their insistence on being enrolled in one or the other classification. And more and more I wonder if there's all this need of building fences and drawing lines of demarkation. Isn't the heart of a true woman to be found beating under chiffon blouses and blue serges and ginghams too, regardless of certain externalities? I like to see a woman holding fast to definite standards of fineness and dignity in this whirling and somewhat unbalanced world of ours. But I hate to see a trimly tailored, rougeless, long-skirted woman looking askance at a sister whose character may not be tabulated and accounted for by sheer silk stockings and skirts revealing practically their full ex panse trom the knees down. After all if there were a fire 'in a building where both w-orked and it was found that the top floor hadn't been warned, have we any proof that it wouldn't be she of the scant skirt who'd race up at risk of her life to warn the other" girls? ' The trouble with most of us li that we place too much faith in ex ternals. We see something which is symbolic of something else and im mediately we conclude that we know, all about it. I m not arguing tor all the ex ternals, cheapness and tavvdriness oi costume-, which seem to have such a bold on the lemmtne imagination" today. 1 d like to do away with it, Girls shoujd go to business in neat, Kappa Psi Delta. Kappa Tsi Delta sorority of the University of Omaha will entertain at a formal dancing party at the Blackstone hotel, Monday evening, December 26. Sigma Chi Omicron. Sigma Chi Omicron sorority of the University of Oniaha will give its annual Christmas dance at the Prettiest Mile club Monday even ing, December 26. Food Sale. The women of St. Mary Margarets parish will conduct a food sale all day Saturday at Buffet's store. Fif tieth and Underwood, for the benefit of the church fund. Holiday Tea. Miss Maurine Richardson and Miss Charlotte Smith will be hostesses at a tea December 24 at the home of the former, 3100 Chicago street. Francis Gaines a Host. Francis Gaines entertained 14 guests at dinner Thursday evening .-t his home for Mr. and Mrs. Casper Offutt. . - ' . Evening Bridge. Miss Helen Carrier entertained at a bridge party at her home Thurs day evening. " Bridge Party. Miss Elizabeth Barker will enter tain at an evening bridge party next .Wednesday evening. j practical business clothes their mii form, their badge of honor as women who work. I am arguing, however, for a clear er understanding between girls. 1 want to see women stand together I'm sure that if we didn't draw our long skirts away from the short skirted sisterhood, and if they didn't flounce their briW skirts at us, it would be to everybody's advantage. You don't see men turning their back on a chap who happens to be wearing. a pink shirt and loud checks. They get by the clothes and go after the man who's wearing them. And frequently he turns out to be a fine chap, in spite of the fact that his taste hasn't been educated. If he is, he's likely to be keen enough to ob serve how gentlemen dress,- and be fore long his garish checks become quiet blue serges and his loud talk moderates, too. The overdressed little girl we see parading the streets may not be vic ious but just silly. She's modeling herself after a sporty type of society woman or souk of the get-rich-quick upstarts of the new industries. And she doesn't know what a caricature she is. She may guess what appeal she makes to men of the cheaply emo tional type, but she doesn't know how dangerous that appeal is or how little good it will bring her. And how is she to know if she's on one side of a barrier over which no hon est, simple, health-, common sense girls ever glance? Preaching wouldn't do any good. Lectures would antagonize. But simple friendliness, good fellowship, a warm taking it for granted that women are really "sisters under their skins," cordiality, confidence and all the honest kindliness that men show each other and that women fail so often to practice these would lift our feminine standard. Is the "real girl" afraid to be de cent to the sham one? Are her standards so weakly embedded that she's afraid they wouldn't last? Fie! Are not truth and honesty strong enough to stand the onslaughts ct cardboard swords? Lets stand to-;, gcther, girls. For together we may j meet and solve the fiifTirtilt nrnMpmc of our turbulent world. Bacucy Club. The Bacucy . club, composed , of the kindergarten teachers of the University of Omaha, will hold its monthly' meeting Saturday, Decem ber 10, at the home of Miss Leona Johnston. The following new mem bers will be initiated: Ethelyn Ber eer, Janet Bruns. Wilhclmina Hib bcler, Lillian Kavan, IT. King ston, ' Helen Muxen, Laura Mad sen, Eugenia Mansell, Helen Mancuso, Ellen Nordstrom, Arline O'Brien, Mildred Roberts, Dorothy Sandberg, Thelma Wolf, Marian Zickeioose, Dolores Partch, Doris McElroy, Irene' Carlson, Pearl Pearson and Gretna Charles. The officers of the club include Marlowe Addy, president; Mildred Roberts, vice president; Gretna Charles, secretary and treasurer. Vorim. One in compatible - atf' sixteen supreme amona violinisfs oPhevse J insists Chat he accouv pamment? te upon he jytexttomy teloveJ vidin7 she aysI look on floe .Mason uflamlin 2s One most inspiring . of musical instruments. seems to begin where omer pianos leave ofP in giving lire and voice to he genius ct music? bspeXlo, . 1513 Doughs St. The Art and Miiiic Store BEATON'S Specials for Saturday and Monday We mention here a few of the many appropriate Xmas gifts: f Perfume Atomizers, $1.00 to $6.00 60c Ivory Combs 39 $3.50 Ivory Mirrors $1.75 $1.50 Ivory Buffers. .89 85e Ivory Nail Files, Cuticle Knives or Button Hooks at ' 39C Dainty Perfume Sets, $1.75 to S1O.00 Xmas Cards, each, 5 to 20tf 50c Fancy Box Stationery at .29e $1.25 Perfume, fancy box, at 750 85c Perfume, fancy box, at 50 MAZDA LAMPS The Original and Reliable One. 15 to 50-Watt 40& 60-Watt -150 Fuse Plugs, 10 to 30 am peres, at IOC DRUG WANTS $1.50 Graham's Beauty Secret, at $1.00 Aspirin Tablets, Squibb's, bottles of 100 48tf 30c Honest John Corn Remedy 160 10c Wanous Shampoo Bags, 4 for 250 TOILET ARTICLES AND SUNDRIES $1.00 Piver's Azurea or La Trefle Face Powder... 890 $1.25 Goutorbe Face Powder -for 980 Tov Balloons for the children, ' 6 for 250 $2.00 Coty's L'Origan Face Powder 69c COc Sempray Jovenay. . . .460 $1.00 Krank's Lemon Cream, at 690 Denatured Alcohol, for the car. per gal 600 (Bring your bottle) 35c Vick's Vapo Rub 270 81.25 Nujol 900 1 lb. Epsom Salts 100 81.15 Swamp Root 890 GOc BarboCompound. . . .460 30c Eagle brand Condensed Milk for 220 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine at 220 75c Milk's Emulsion. .590 60c Glycothymoline. . .490 60c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil at 380 $2.00 American Alarm Clocks at $1.39 30c Packer's Tar Soap 210 30e Woodbury's Facial Soap at 190 $1.15 Vitamon Tablets at S40 $1.00 Listerine 690 70c Sal Hepatica 540 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste for 360 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste.. 360 50c Orazin Tooth Paste. .340 20c Pears Unscented boap. at 12 $1.00 Newbro s Herpicide, at !0 80 60c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, at 480 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia, at 390 $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for ..980 $1.10 Nuxated Iron 830 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, at $2.89 PHOTO DEPT. Films Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered CIGARS 15c Mozart Queens, each, 100 15c El Pano, 2 for 150 Box of 50. $3.75 8c Heineman Bros.' Famous H. B. Cigars, each 50 Box of 50 $2.25 ,10c El Durbo, each 5 Box of 50 $2.50 Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention BEATON DRUG CO, 15th and Farnam Sts. H. J. Hu?he Co., McCord-Bmdy Co., and Paxton A Gallagher Co. can supply retallera immediately at new price. I ' 1 Once you become ae qu.iinted with Gown' Best Flour, you understand fully what we mean when we say "It rays to buy the best" Gooch's Best Flour males more loaves per sack- EPOCH'S BECTfUfjyL zAho Gooch'i IV Piank Ftomr Gooch'l Bat Buckwheat Flo Gooch'i Bat Wheat Heart Gooeh'g Dot Macaroni Gooch't Dot Spaghetti Gooch'i But En Noodlaa ) Harney Come Once and You Will Come Always A Few Saturday Specials 100 lbs. Best Cane Sugar for. 18-lb. sack Pillsbury's Best Flour $5.95 $2.25 48-lb. sack Gold Medal Flour $2.25 48-lb. sack Gooch's Best Flour, per sack. .$1.75 Pillsbury's Pancake Flour, per pkg.. 12V&0 Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkg... 380 Advo Assorted Jell, 3 pkgs. for ...250 1-lb. can Stallwieck Milk Cocoa, can 490 Assorted Campbell's Soups, 5 cans 550 Tall Cans Milk Pet, Carnation or Wilson's,' per can, 110; per case $5.25 Elkhorn Milk, can, 100; Per case' $4.50 Uncolored Japan Tea, per lb t.-4S0 Tea Sittings, per lb I...150 No. 3 cans Extra Fancy Coast Brand Sliced Peaches, Apricots, Green Gage Plums, per can . . . . i 290 No. 3 cans Broken Slices Pineapple 220 No. 3 ca-ns Sliced or Half Peaches in Syrup, per can, 250; Pel" dozen $2.90 22,i0 ...200 120 ...150 Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. . . . Legs of Young Mutton, per lb.... . , Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per lb Best Cuts of Fancy Shoulder Roast. Fancy Young Veal Breawt, per lb. . ....... .100 Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb. ....... .150 Fancy Steer Round Steak, pfr lb. 200 Pure Pork Sausage, per lb .200 Fresh Cut Hamburger, per lb 150 Our Central Special Coffee, lb., 300; 3 lbs. 880 Our Faney Snnlos Coffee, per lb 22 0 Advo Extra Sifted Peas, can, 28; doz.. Advo Corn, per can, 20.0; per dozen. .. J. & M. Corn, per can, 180; Per dozen. Extra Standard Corn, can, 100; dozen. Early June Peas, can, 150; Per dozen. . 10-lb. can Wedding Breakfast Syrup. . . . Iten's Sunkist Creams, a new rich cookie vanilla cream, per lb Iten's Fig Bars or Cocoanut Snaps, 2 lbs. $3.25 $2.20 $2.00 $1.15 $1.75 450 with 450 McCombs' Home-Made Chocolates, extra special, per lb 49t Double Cream Caramels, lb., 50 Creamy Bitter Sweet Italian Creams, lb. y. .69 Oilman's Genuine Fruit Cake, lb 600 Angel Food and Orange Loaf Cake, each. . .300 Pecan Nut Butter Rolls, per pan. . . .' 250 Danish Cinnamon Rolls, Butter Rolls, doz.. 200 Extra Fancy Cranberries, per lb.... .250 Extra Fancy Smyrna Figs, per lb 300 Extra Fancy Alabama Sweet Potatoes,' lb. .100 4 lbs. for . . .'.250 Mushrooms Artichokes Kumquats Tomatoes Green Beans Persimmons Extra Fancy Country Butter in Rolls, per lb .'.370 Creamery Package Butter, per lb. 400 Finest April Stor age Eggs, Af) per doz. . .. "ait v Special for Sunday Florida Fruit Delicious ice cream flavored with fruit from the sunny south. H Ullulil Totir Dealer Can Supply You The Fairmont Creamery Company Checked Eggs in Cartons, doz..... 350 Swift's Snowflake or Gem Nut Oleo, per lb ,....240 Twudahy Product 4 M Pi I fit ft w- nams and 3 a cio n Have You Tried Fairmont's Original mm pi Made by Fairmont Creamery Company Sold by AH Delicia Dealers 10 CENTS YOU'LL LIKE IT 10 CENTS Kemember how good anything tasted in the days when you trudged off to school? Here's something to eat which will recall that long-ago zestful relish. THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY