THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE ROTOGRAVURE SECTION ijfiri i gficstiou v For Hds Christiisivs Gift Wi? ( Arm IsHlaatla (r ll tutHMU J ( Ul ssttWissft a4 ik i MfMJ MB j Pirating Embroidering I Hemstitching Picoting buttons tiuttonholfj Eyrlrtt Scalloping 'i aaar w. mm'' m ar sa 5 f r w V. N I w da" w. I FMtlrj' ROOSEVKLT HOXORKR Dan Biard. National Boy Scout Commissioner ami pioni't-r with th late Theodore i3o? velt for the preservation of the nation's wonderlands, leads 1,000 of his Boy Scouts on their second annual piljrrimap" to Young's Memorial Cemetery it Oyster Bay and places a wreath at the grave of "The Great American." Will World m 4 . w L --kaftrW-.. -- AMERICAN MONEY FOR AMERI CAN WATERWAYS. Some 150 New York business men and 34 Congressmen from 16 states snapped at Lock port while on a week's inspection tour of the New York State Barge Canal now being used to but one-fifteenth of its capacity with the object of discour- W A I T E HOYT, the Yankees' pitching ace, signs up with the New York Countv Chapter of the Red Cross (Mrs. C. C. M i c k 1 e officiating) , adding his bit to the Manhattan quota of half a million members for 1922. aging the appropna- Ifajf lion oi iou minions oi American dollars in the projected St. Law rence waterway. Kao(on mo -a Gfefl a XLnJ ft? 0 ' j-nr CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FROM THE GIFT DEPARTMENT Ittirigr lainpd. H.W Tble lamps. ."i.(M) to ."0.HI (.laH-tjpril nnl of UblrK, $3 (Ml to .5.00 Cologne bottles, 2.?5 each lwr stop-.. 4.ti to flN.00 Nut bowl, $5.00 Mrxlrun water bottles, $3.50 to ST. SO Mnlioicun eienr Ktands. upwariin tonsol tables, 313.50 SwlnjtinK piettire frames, $1.73 upwards Prism eanrile sticks, tHi.W a pair Cigarette box, 5.(M) Miihotun) tip Ubles. $8.50 upward oli nlal door knockers, $4.50 Pottery eat, $.VU Chimes, $i.50 Itiass and iron And irons, $31.50 iind upwards .Mahogany eandle stick, "5e eaeh Book ends from UAH to $I3.U0 Col fee table, $31.50 fainted plnques. $15.75. It will please you to see this large selection. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY (Fourth Flour) ! frT31ack Satiio I" H I ) TSArBoorShop L S-W-Cor. 16 & T&rn&mmmmJ 1 1 lll!lii!iy!!!ll!EP;: .V" r a with uiur n impiot in ftoirt Kill rj ( rtwi . mmm iK-ihr or I t I'MiMtf . tnlcra 0Mt nlMt 4 Ititur , r 0 MUARD. TW tmJ M ' 10 V Skart. Rm Vfc Ov fill t f& I f- jr. '. ' A Belter Way Tku Dieto aai Eitrate Far Diet and eurcti mn an clillHI bgtp- Ml for redaciag. Bttl tkev are mcom- venieai and itapleaaat, aad uaiully produce only temporary reauks. Then, loo, they are merely correct ive measure. A better way i to aid the digeftive organs to turn food into muacJe, bone, and sinew, and not into corpulent tissue. This method allows you to eat many kinds oi food which others eat and does not require strenuous exercise. Thousands have found that Marmelm TmMett give relief from obesity in just this way. Mmtmolm TmUtlM are made from the same formula as the famous Marmots Prescription. If taken after meals and at bedtime, they retard the de velopment of fat by helping the di gestive system to obtain full nutri ment from food. When the accumu lation of fat is checked, reducuon to normal, healthy weight soon follows. AM good drug stores the world aver sell Jsfai mim Tmktmtm at one dollar per box. Ask roar druggist far them, or order I beat direct and tssey win be seat ia plain wrapper, postpaid. MARMOLA COMPANY 22S CarfieU Bldg , Detroit. Mich. g lor f aiwt mm4 pm I sal Ideal Button I Pleating Ok i Pept."H Broken Springs and achin6 feet can both be corrected the Feet here! nzn A Delightful Christmas Gift Distinctive Unique Pleasing AN IDEAL PRESENT FOR CHILDREN THREE PENCILS 60 cents in beautiful embosied genuine lent her caw with your name en graved inlSkam Gold on pencils and case. Sumps accepted. THE IHPPINT PENCIL COMPANY 530 Broadway, New York, N. Y. The Perfect Flesh Reducer BtbBctM Arrsl. Noted Ooem SlNser. TakM Off 34 LSI. by DrlaMni Tts llerlm. NO DRUGS NOT IN. JURIOUS TO MELTM NO DIET-NO EKER. CISE. Roiled and unl same ma ordinary Tp. Alto In TaMet Knrm. 8m 4t Stamp for 44- Pass Booklet. Tkli Flra Hat No ' Arrsl'i Tlka Tra Cn.. Room 441. 600 KlfUi An.. Nnr York. .vial I s-e5SsK iZS 1 s c c) n s V - cnvi'ki: I.A K()Si:jA(. IMINOI .VMIiKi: ANilitCH - s i v. JASMIN' Dl:. COKSI I. I-1 I I.KL RT I. ! a 'M i si i s -1'( nm s ii 1.1 I M 1)1 Hill I I I I - IIKII I MIM I OT IONS - POIIWI-'S A III i- ALCOASRaVURF INC NF VORK ST LOUIS BALTIMORE