THE BEC: OMAHA. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1921. 11 C LiveStock Omaha. ta. (. tit-nipt ! Official Hh4i Off-rial I') . Official w44ar Official Thara-lay Bctlmat Haiare'ar ratlla Haft 4.IW 1.4 I.IK II i.m l.lf 1.SIT 4 ltd 44.11 Sl.aiit ll.iil U.i 11.41 1.1.1 Dill 11.444 1.444 4. 4.1 IT 14 IKI to. day thu wee; am da laat we ama day I wk a (a Kama day I k at .11. HI 11.711 14.411 11.011 14.414 41.114 ta.Tt) Hill It.lll ama day yaw .S4.IM Kaoalpta an 4 dl.poaltloa ef llva stark at In. 1'iJoa (la yard., Omaha. Nab., for 14 hour, ending at I a. m. U.cernber I, i:n . . Cattle sltsaeurl Pari tie Bjr I Vnlon 'ai lflr R. R J I C. N. W. nr., aaat C, N. W. Ry., weM :., fit. T.. M. O. Ry 1 C . B. A 0,, Mat 1 (?., B. A Q. Ry.. wt ... (.'., R. I. P., aaat ... , C R. I. It P.. want Illinois l 'Mitral Ry C. U, W. Ry 1 Hon 'i; i 1 14 1 1 1 1 Total receipts 11 DISPOSITIONHEAD. Cattl Armour a Co . 41 Cuilahy I'.eklng Co.,... ST lxild Parking Co Mnrrli I'arklng Co 21 Swift & co i J. W. Murphy Rwarti Co , Hlggln. Parkins Co John ttVrvty It lings lot 111 !S 154 (40 1144 411 44 45 Totala 4il Cattl. Cattla war nominally atrarty to. day. aa uaual on Saturday. Ahout bOD liead war received but th.y war nioatly dlrart. Thla week', run haa ban very inodarala, only 11.4(10 head, and aa ther haa b.en a healthier ton to tha demand nearly all claaae ar aelll tlaT aharply higher than on last week'a low close. Handy any waatern b.evaa hav been here. Corn-fed steere ara generally 7 So . 1.05 higher than let Friday, row and lielfera ara lOo higher and atockra anil fleedera hav advanced 26410'.. J Quotation on Cattl- Oood to choice yi-.v... t7.7l0l.TI; fair to-good baeve. J .7&T.60s common to fair li.ev.. 11.71 .a,, -a. .. -..-i . .11 . 14.00; fair to good yearling., 17.0001.25; common to fair yearling. 11.7101. 75; 4Tood to choice heifer.. It. 1104.54; fair to good heifer.. I4.750S.74; good to cholc. row, 14.1501.10; fair to goad ' cowa. 14.0004.76; common to fair cow. I3.SS3.7S; good to choir feeder., 15.76 04.25; fair to food feetlere, 14 :505. 7o; common to fair feeder. ,14 4006.25; good to choir atoekera. 14.1004.74; fair to good atoekera. 15.5001.00; common to fair torker. 14.6006.15; gtork h.lfir, 12.76 05.00; stock cow., I3.00OI.T5; atork reive., 14.0007.00) Teal calva, (3.100 I. SO; bull, atnga, tc I2.T6O-6.00; good to choice graa beeves,; fair to good graaa beva, 16.0006.60; com mon to fair graa beevea, 14.60 0 6.00, Hokb RclDte of hois war 4.200 head. The market opened fully aleady today, developing atrength and cloalng 1010c higher.-Light weight hogs brought $4.46 . vro.ou wiin a top oi uooa nuxea loads. 16.3504.40, medium weight packer, , l3.76efl.7S with heavier packer dowa to t 15.25. Bulk of .ale waa I4.2S0D.4O. Com pared with a week ago the top Saturday l ISc helow the high flgur of 19, H) paid . Saturday a week ago. The bulk of sales , one week ago war In the range of 18.260 1.45 or little changed from the bulk of Saturday, ( 16.2591.10. No. Av. 8h. Pt. No. Av. Ph. Pr. 22. ..473 ... $6 IS 37. ..324 140 5 60 28. ..324 ., 1 60 .-.St. ..101 140.6 75 39. ,.21.1 ... Ill) 67. ..338 40 15 71.. .233 70 6,20 4I...-2BI 140 6 20 n.. , . go. iu a as oz....l ... e vw 68. ..255 ... 145 12. ..210 ...160 81. '..206 ... 66 18.. Ill ... 40 15... 210 ... Si Sheep No frsh hep or lamb were received Saturday. Quotation ar steady and tha general trend of the lamb and sheep market for the week haa been up ward. Choice (at lambs brought . top figure of M.4S which I 26a abov the high mark laat weak and la the hlgheat .paid sine Bptmbr. Fair to good lambs ar quoted at 11.0001.40 and feeder I8.50 0t.09, thla la a gain over laat week's . quotation of lOe when feeders sold at a top of 16.60. Light weight wa alio reached a new high mark of 14.71 which .la 60c abov laat week.' clo.e of 14.26. The heavier grade ar ,. quoted about steady at 13.1001.60. Quotations on sheep: Tat lamb, good to cholc, tt 40 01.16; fat lamba, fair to good, 19.4001.40; feeder lamb, good to cnoice, 4i.tocrs.oo; reeaer limn, lair m choice, tl.IOOI.T6; feeder lamb, fair to good,; cull lambs, 11.1601.21; fat yearlings, 13.60 07.00; fat wether., I4.50O5.I6; fat wa. light. t4.OO04.T6; fat ewes, heavy, 13.0003.60; factor awes, 12.7503.50; cull wc. ll.OIQMt. i , Kanaa Oty Ut Stock City. Dc. 1. (U. 8. Bureau ot Marketa.) attl Receipt., 400 head; for week; Beef te.r mostly atrong to 25a higher; top load, 18.26; ah stock steady to atrong; bulla, cannera ana atocker cows and halters steady; calve mostly 1101.50 higher; atoekera and feeder staady to 16o lowr; calves most ly 76c 01. 26 higher. Hoga Receipt, 100 head; fairly active to packers and shipper; fairly teady with average yeaterday; on load 146 pound average, to shipper., $1.10: two loads. 2100236-pound weight to packers. 36.6004.40; on 274-pound load to packers, 19.70; bulk ot sales, 11.1001.10; odd Iota heavy packing sows, 15.75. Sheep Receipts, Bona; for week: Ft limbs, 2501OO higher: top. H.I0; sheep generally 160600 higher; soma yearlings and wathars, up mora; feeding lambs steady to atrotig. Chiracs Live stock. Chicago, Dec. 1. (U. S. Bureau of Market..) Cattl Receipts, 1.008 head, compared with, week ago; beef ate re, strong, mostly S5 to 60o higher, with Rood to beat little changed: fat ah stock, 25 to 60c higher; canners and cutters, strong to 25c higher: bulla about ateady; veal calves. 60 to 76c higher, with de sirable stock mostly 26o higher and oth er, little changed. Hog. Receipts. 1,000 head; fairly ac tive and steady to 10c higher than yea terday' avers g; hold over lights top. 17.26 for 140-pound average.; practical top, 17.00; bulk, I4.I0OI.I0; pig, ateady to 10a higher; balk desirable. 17.100 7.1B. Sheep Receipt. 1.100 head; compared with week ago; fat lamba and hep mostly too hlgh.r; yearlings and tedr lambs, lOo to 45o higher. St. Loal Uv Stock. . Eaat St. Loul. 111.. Dec. . Catt! Receipt, 280 head; market compared to week ago. atears, steady to 2Sc higher; heifers, steady to too lower: canners, 10 to tsn lawar: bulla 26o lower: atocker. ' and feeder. 15e to 16o lower; light veal calves, 76o to 11.00 lower. Hogs Receipt. 6.000 head; market. active, loo to 20o higher; spots up more; bulk light weight, and lights, 37.SSW t 7.3S; bulk mediums. 17.1007.26; packer sows strong. 16.0001.00; pigs. 10c to ISO hikher, up to 17.40; quality, good; cloalng ' with good early clearance. Sheep and Lamb Receipts, none; mar ) ket compared to week ago; beet lambs, steady to J So lower; sheep, lio to 60c 1 higher. Skwx City Ltv Stock. Sioux City. la.. Dec 3. Cattla Receipt. 204 head; market ateady at 26e advance i"i . ii wwn, iru .mi. ,uu jni unii, I7.54trll.00: warmed uo. 14.007.00 grax ateera. 14.0406.00: fat cowa and heUera, I4.4O0T.IR; rannara, 11,0002.76; veala, 13.6001.00; feeders. $4.00 0 7.60; : ralve. I3.50OI.00; feeding cowa and hetf- er. 13.541 4.4 : erase cewa and heifer. t2.75er6.tH. Hogs Receipts. 1.600 hesd: msrket .tronir. loo higher; light and butcher. . 4.5n84.T9; miied, I5W4.60: naavy, 1 5.7504.36: bulk of rt. t 160t II. Sheen and Lamb FWetpta. 60S head; market steady, ahowlng 3Sc advaac for tha wek. St. Jwak Live Stark. St Joseph. lc Cattle Receipts, 10 head: nominal; steer. I4.6t0ia.69r ' -ow. and heifer, .60tJ 14.60; calve. $l0 01.40. Hogs Receipts, 4.001 hesd: about teady; top, $4.71; bulk. It.2!0l.t. 8heep Receipt. 1.000 h?ad: steady; lamba. t.P0.l: ewes, 04.44. Chlnur Prod ore. r, : a n. 1 . Rirlt.r iMmmr' rreani- ery ettr.. 45c: firsts. 34643c; second. 7 j&r ; stanoaroa. .etc. Calrsro, Dec i. Poultry Alive, ua- cnaogeo. tendon. Doc a. Bar allver.- ITU tw DUreant rate, abort bllla t per coat; ew Trk gvaawrat.g PVelta. Hew Trk. Dwa. 3. Appie Evaporated, market oratr. Prus Easier. Aprlret asd PMchea Firm. Rahnaa Qalet. IJ it.l OH. tltaW Sk 1. Unwed Oa track. IIU V; arm. $1.11 . Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Produce Purnlihed by lata of N.braaka, da pari man! of at rlcultur., ( mar it. la 4 nurknilngi Uv P.allry. Wh'aala fb'l. flaying Mlllng . Prtra. Pi-tre, Rrallart IT 4)1 21 014 4)1 si? 1 J 13 II OH it Kprlng 14 tjll II Nee, light 14 H.aa, heavy I Cock. ,.,,....,.,.14 Pucka 14 (Java IS Turk.ra .v.. ......44 IT It 41 CM 10 Irr4 Pltry. Springs Hen. ,. Cocks . Duck , UM ,, Turk. 31 aw 033 02. 3 yio 36 036 041 033 II ill Kgg. Rggi, per eaM.ll.uo013.0t Select, freah 41 OI0 No. 1, freah .....41 Ot No. t, freah ......14 Oil Crarka, fr 33 4)36 Storage egg (ac cording to grad.) Batter. Creamery, prlttta Creamery, tub ,. Country, beat. .....SO 032 Country, common,. 21 036Vi II 41 36 it 011 06 040 031 tl O40 41 44 Si Zi 041 046 0 31 03u nutter rat. station price .22 May. Pralrl No. Upland No. Upland .. No. 1 llpland .. No. 1 Midland.. No. 1 Midland. No. I Midland.. No. 1 Lowland., No. I Lowland.. Alfalfa tehee) . No. 1 Standard ...... No. 1 No. i Oat Straw ..... Wheat Straw .. Fruit Dellclou 11.60013.60 I SO J 10.40 7.60 1.40 10.60011. 6 .60 10.00 7.00 0 1.00 4.00 ( 4,00 7.000 1.00 18.OU01t.OO 1I.0UO17.00 li.00016.00 10.00013.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 , 7.00 0 I.OO appplrs: Extra fancy. C4-100, 15.00;. choice, 44-38, 14.60 choice, 1U0-113, 14 00; choice, 125-163, 13.60 choice, 176-188, f 3.00. Jon. than.: Extra fancy, all alset, $3.50; choice, all sixes, I2.7S; choice, 176 and .mailer, $2.60; Uanoa, all slses, $2.(0; Spits, all slses. I2.S0; Milwaukee, all slses, $1.00; extra fancy Staymen wlne.aps, $3.00;. extra fancy Staymen wlneaapa, $3.T6; cholc wlnessps, $3.60: extra fancy Roma beauty. .'.on: extra fancy Horn beauty, $3.75 oholca Rom beauty, $3.60; extra fancy wlneaapa, $3.60; extra fancy wlneaapa, $3.16; cholc wlneaapa, 12.76. Bananaa: Per lb., 8c. Orange.: Naval. Ill and larxer, $7.00; 150. $6.60; 284, $1.00; 124, $5.00. Lemon.: 170-300, Sunkist, $1.50; 360, Sunkiat, $0.00; $01. choice, $8.00: S40, choice. $5.60. Grape fruit: 10-71-14-64. Dr. Phillips. $5.00: 41-11; 14.76; other brand, all aixoa, $4.60. Qrapea; Dram Red Emperor. $7.00: Drum Almertae, $10.00. Cranberrlea: Box or baaket, $7.00. Vegetable Onion.; 8k Red Glove., 7o; .mall ert. h, $2.60; large crt. Spani.b. $7.60. Cabbage: Crt. lot, 4o; .mall lots. 4c. Potatoea: Nebraaka Ohio.. 2c: R. R. Ohlos. branded. 2V4c; It R. Ohio., plain, 2 Vic; baking, ic. Sweet Sotatoea: Baaliets or hampers, $1.75; a.keta, lota of 6, $1.50. Celery: Califor nia, crt., rough, $7.00: large washed, 11.25; Jumbo washed, $1.50; special, washed, $1.76. Lettuce: Fullerton bead, crt... $4.00; Fullerton head, do.., $1.60; loaf, do... 50c Cauliflower: Per crt.. $3.00. Ureen Vegetables Green peppers: Per lb.. 36c. Root Vegstables Parsnips: Per lb., tc. Rutabagoea: Per lb., 2tt. Beets: Per lb., 2Vc. Carrots: Per lb.. 2H. Turnips: Per lb., 2Uc Cucumber: Fancy or extra, box, $5.61; fancy or extra, dosen, $3.00. Hide anal Wool. Beef Bide Qreen Baited No. 1 (late take off), per lb.. 107c; green salted No. 3 (late take off), per lb.. 106c; green No. 1 (late take off), per lb., 405c; green No. 2 (late take off), per lb., 3 0 4c; green aaltad (old atock), per lb., 3 5c; 'green salted bull hides, per lb., 3c; green bull hides, per lb., 2c. Horse Hides Large, each, $2.6003.00; medium, $2.00: small, $1.60; pony and glties. 75c 1.60. Sheep Hides Pelts, green salted, as to six and wool, each, 15090c; shearlings, green salted, a to all and wool, each, lOtoc Wool Cholc fine and blood, per lb., 15018c; choice medium and 44 blood, per lb., 12015c; cholc low 54 blood, per lb., 10012c -NUTS. --- : Black walnut. $0lo. Engt.h walnuts. No. 1, ISc. Brasll nut., large, 18c; medium, 16011c. Pecons. No. 1. 20 0 24c Filberts, 16jiae, reaitui. Juinoo, saw, 124 016c; hand picked. 11c. The wholeaal price of beef cut ar as follows! No. 1 ribs, llttc; No, 2, lHc; No. 1, 12c; No. 1 loin. 22ftc; No. 2,' 16Vic: No. 3, 13c; No. l rounds, 13Vio; No. 2, 13c; No. 1. 10ttO No. 1 chucks, me; No. 2. 8c; No. 3. 7c; No. 1 elate. 7i4c: No. 2. 7c: No. 1, 5V4c Mlacellaneou Fig: 24 l-os, package, box. 12.00; 10-12-ox. packages, box, $1.50. Honey: Crt., 34 frames, $4.00. CocoanuU: Per tack, $8.00: per doxen. $1.26. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By TJpdlk Grain Co., DO '2627. Pec. 2. Art. I Open. High. Low. Clou. Ye. Wht Deo, May July Ry Dec. May Corn Dec. May July Oatt Dec. May July Port Jan. Lard Jan. May Rlba Jan. May .1 .1 1.11 1.13 1.11 1.11 1.01 1.08 .16 .10 1.11 1.12 1.16 1.13 1.13 1.17 1.17 LIU 1.06H 1.06 . It I .41 '.Vt' 1.09 1.01 .IS .10 .41 .54H .48 .48 .64 .64 '.64 '.61 .54 .61 .66il .22 J .66 .66 .1 .32 .28 .38 .ti .32 .38 '.31' .22 .38V. .38. .38 '.'' .3SS .31 16.31 8.60 l.tO !T.4, 7.77 .39 .31 .1 1.13 1.12 'i.W 'i.11" "i-'oV 'iii .15 .84 .11 .10 r 1.53 1.61 8.47 $.47 1.10 1.10 $.12 I I I I 7.37 I 7.37 I 7.3T I 7.17 7.75 I 7.75 I 7.71 I 7.T3 M-E-X-I-A The Land of Opportunity Five New Gusher in Two There aenr hss ba a grauer opportunity for In vestor, than that offered, by MEXIa today Millions of dollar, now being pro duced by giant oil gush er, throughout tha TJuited num ana in.aa, UayS Write today for FRT.H Added Wealth. DOOBiei A mum nww of Wlatem" It talU about this wonder oil field and other valuable loionnatlon. ' ADDRESS MEXIA PETROLEUM SYNDICATE Dept. 127. Rm B. Secva-ity Stat Baak, tort wort, iota. $1.50 r$lexia Maps Free Latest copyrighted MEXIA map, 24x41, abowatg all pro pert iea, loca tion., drilling well., producing well., how. distance.. Also colored geolo gical map entire Tex field. Both nap retail for 11.10. Wt tend with out charge and copies of ILLUS TRATED NEWS .bowing latt de velopment in this GREATEST OF ALL OIL FIELDS. STATE SECURITIES CO. Dept. St, Box 1174 Fart Worth, Texas. MEXIA Pre. ownership a.p of Mexia. Texas treat tuaber tl futld. eorerlng .tin field free. Csrtacana to Kotw. Alar tflforraatiea est alexia, en ta.i tSat. asd a Ike Sistt Tya BM Welt. Write today for UU fre. ma and trtforsMtlrw t SCMIallltL 4 COMPANY. Salt 144 Nl p. A.rM Blag. Fwt Wart. Tax. TEXAS OIL BULLETIN FREE asnat tk seertanlar 1 held, n t wl erklj; atta aa the attest .ataeM ett fteM : twt ye waer t v or n any tl stert; wirt 4r tt r. and ask fo n any tafwaikia ye sui GILBERT JOHNSON ft COMPANY Fw II Tarn OH IwwiNn aad arakara 1114 117. W..I..W Skta, fart Wert. T Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Cbtragw Triba-4aha Be Lraaatl Win, Chicago, Dec. J. A breaking- of the drouth in the touthwrit led to s genrril iclline; and a lower range for wheit, but the'old crop dcliveriti re ceived excellent lupport on the de cline nd cloied over -Vjc lower, while the July wn off 2jjc Corn wii itrong and cloied 'Ac higher to lie lower, the former on December, while oati were He lower on Decem ber and He hignrr on July, Rye nnifihid the same to J4c better than Friday. While wheat price av'eragcd luRher for the week, net sains were only liQlc, at compared with a week ago. Corn finished c lower, oati Hdiiic lower and rye off J& lie, as compared with the previous week. Lard was under preisure and lost 2a5c for the week, while ribi gained 7c. Those who lold wheat on the breaking of the prolonged drouth in Kansas and Oklahoma were sur prised by the underlying strength shown in the market. Around $1.16 for May, large resting orders to buy in the hands of strong commission houses were encountered, and offer ings were readily absorbed which checked the decline. Corn Closes Strang. A small Incr In the vl.lble would not aurprt.e th trade Monday, due to the ahlfllng of grain from one market to another, but th gain are axpecled to b almost entirely at th ..aboard. Milling demand waa reported aa generally slow, but premium allowed little or no change. Corn ehowed a atrong undertone throughout th day and cloaed about th top. Th statement of the war tlnanc corporation waa regarded aa bullish, while th proapect that congress would bs aaked to permit th sal of grsln abroad o credit cam a a aurprl.e to th trade. 8entlment generally waa bullish and there waa aome buying of December by caah In terest., which held that delivery higher In the face of th break In wheat. Th latter waa mainly reeponslbl for'slnes In th deferred future. Country offering are small and con signments from Iowa falling off. On ot tha leading house, reported that they had not booked a car to arrive In three days. Receipts, 176 cart, with shipping sale 120.000 bu.hela. ' ' Oata war unsettled end while there was tslk of export demand at th tea board, sales could not be confirmed. De cember showed more weakneu then other deliveries, although there was further buying of December and telling of May. Receipts, 61 cars, with shipping talet 90.000 bushels. ' Northwestern Interest were less ear gresslve on the selling of the ry and the market rallied quickly from the breaks. Norway wa reported In th mar ket for 560.000 bushels at the ae. board. No. 1 on track, waa 1H over December, rit Note.. Wheat tradera generally bellev that the breaking of the drought In the aouth wett will hav little effect on the price of the old. crop deliveries and they ar expected to go to a larger premium over the July. Th cash situation is believed to b the dominating Influence, and with no pressure to sell either in the northern or southern hemisphere, some upturn in futures would not be unexpected. An In crease In the southwestern movement Is looked for a a result of th breaking of the drought. It Is understood that the proposal that the United States make a loan to buy grain for tha famine stricken district ot Russia has been discussed by the cabinet at Washington and that th proposition has been approved, "Farmers should at once make applica tion for loan from tho war finance cor porktloln to enabla them to carry their corn for reasonable prlcea," said Warren McCray, . governor of Indiana and chair man of the corn belt advisory committee. "Corn that leave, the farm at preaent prices does not benefit tha community after value have advanced. It ia ab solutely essential thst the loans be se cured a qalckly a possible it iny are to do any good. There is much less red tape about It than generally believed. Tarmera should see their country bank ers at one and hav th proper forms mad out correctly." Iowa banker and farmers' organisa tion will hold a meeting at Dea Moines on Wedneaday, December 7, to consider ways and means ot rapidly distributing the loans to be secured from .the war fi nance corporation, and Nebraska banker and farmer meat at Omaha on Decem ber 8. Practically all of the old mixed corn In store at Chicago Is .aid to hav been sold to exporter, and the only grain remain ing la old yellow. The latter was 1 cents over December asked c. I. t. Buffalo today. The atock of corn at eastern points la said to be rapidly being placed abroad. Otto Weltzmann of Bosenbaum Bros, leaves Wednesday for a two months' trip through Germany and will make a care ful Investigation of conditions. "In Kansas. Oklahoma and Texas, with a ''total ot 17,600.000 acres of winter wheat, leas than half of the aeed ha aprouted and that which has coma up is sickly and weak and liable to great dam age from th winter cold." said Clement Curtis and Co. "The unsprouted grain may com up In th spring It molstur Is ample, and make a small crop. West, ern condition Is not offset by the bright prospects In the eastern seotion, and a small crop at the best can be expected from the outlook, based upon previous averages." Continued demand for corn from th United Kingdom this season, according to Broomhall, I largely due to th partial failure' of the potato and other root crops. First threshing reports from Australia show a yield of 11 bushels ot wheat per acre of good quality. WrUtFirOifFIECIOOKSOs Munn ii Co. Towar Butldln. CHICAGO. ILL. SdeiitMlo Amerleaa Bids., WASHINGTON, D. C Woolvortli Building. NEW YOBK Botnrt Bids.. SAN FBANCI8CO. CAL, tROSTOCK PRIVILEGES M 0 K IQ L PUTS AND CALLS fUJ 10 DAYS ODD LOTS Best, safest way to trade. No margin. Calls po.iible, as risk is limited. Profits unlimited. Ask for fre booklet. "SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET With small outlay hundred of dollar arc made. UNLISTED SECURITIES KENNEDY & CO., Est 1884 Members Consolidate Stock e.N.Y. 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK The Mexia Oil & Stock Exchange, Inc. W hav Itw Sham f Humphries Company Stocks, Smith-Wilder Royalties, E. L. Smith Company Stock. We ar specialising la 10-acr taaa fat thla field at $10.00 per acra. Writ for fr' mark.t tatter quoting all stock.. The Mexia Oil & Stock Exchange (Inc.) Mxia. Texas. Safety and Profit I!t STOCK MABKKT TBADUWJ. Laara HOW t eoeabia tbe. La roar trading by UM an of Puts and Calls Wtth 14 to I12S ye ea tno t in thane ef any atork. Writ for FBES explanatory Mder K. 14. PAUL KAYE "IZ"&T Money In Grain 111. SI boys put or call oa 11.111 bankets ef wheat or corn. No farther risk. A movement f 6e from price give you an opportunity to take 1601; 4c. t40; lc 111, etc. Write for particular, and fre market tetter. In vaster. Daily CaiaV. Smtawwt Braack, Desk E. 1001 BaltiaMr Are, Kaaa City. Me. - n Bfrrajffiea Omaha Grain December 3, 1921. Arrivals of corn today were fair, wheat moderate and other grains light. Wheat pricei were unchanged to 2c lower, torn was yic to Vtt up. Ooti advanced Jic to He, Rye was up lc to 2c and barley wai nominal. While corn wai J-c to lc higher, yellow yiz to IJc up and mixed J3c to lc up. WHEAT. No. i hard: 1 car, 11.19 (71 par cent dark emutty); 1 rar, 11.07; 1 car. II. Ill 4 nr., 11.06 (y.linwi; J r.r.. 11.04 (yellow): I car.. 11.04 tyeOow): 1 car, 110 v (yellow, 4 per cent dark tmutty): 1 r.r, 11.01 (y.llow). No. 1 hard: 1 rar, 11.11 (dark amuttyh 1 car, 11.01 (y.llow); 1 oar, fl.U 11 per . j i. , cvni VRIH I. No. 4 hard: 1 ear, It If fheavy). No I hard! 1 rar. II 40 (yellow!. Sample hard; 1 car, 11.00; 1 ear, 170 (y.llowl. No. I mlx.di 1 rar, 11.11 (11 per cent winter, 14 per cent prlng). No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 16c, CORN, No. 1 white: I cara, 4014c. No, 1 white: 4 cara, 40t4C No. 1 white: 1 car, 4"Hc. Nn. 1 yellow: 1 car. 4m-. No. I yellowi 1 car, 4140 (15.1 per rent mol.ture); 1 cara, 410 tapeciai billing): 1 car, 41 car, 410. No. 1 yellow: 1 cr, 41e. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 40es 1 car, 40t4c. No. I mixed: 1 car, 40Kc; 7 cara, 40tio. OATS. No. 1 white: 1 car. 104JCJ 1 cart, JO'ic No. 4 white: I car., suc. Sample rwhlta: 1 car, 21 TtTB, No. t: 1 car, 76c No. 1: 1 car, 76cj I car. 74 e. No. 4: 1 ear. 75c. NORTHWESTERN WHEAT RECEIPTS Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ato Minneapolis 263 " ri! Duluth 70 17 HI Winnipeg 701 760 174 PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Receipt Today Tr. Ago Wheat 1.070.000 r.lll.OOO Corn .' 1,291,000 481.000 Oata 607,000 4i3,vo Shipment Wheat 1,071.1)00 ftt.OM Corn J7I.00O 342.000 Oats 297.000 434,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today Yr. Ago Wheat ; 423,000 1,666,000 Corn 228.000 ......... Oats 74,000 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Week Year Receipt Today Ago Ago Wheat 40 20 71 Corn 17 43 7 Oats 11 12 1 Kye 11 3 1 Shipments Wheat 24 lit 81 Corn 36 36 Oats 1 SI - I Rye , 7 17 Barley ' 13 I CHICAOO CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 2 27 61 Corn 294 315 HI Oata 71 117 67 KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Week Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 271 122 140 Corn 45 24 22 Oats .'. 1 6 4 ST. LOUIS CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wek Year Today Ago Ago Wheat 66 35 . 8 Corn , 132 64 46 Oats 21 1 31 Chicago Stock. The following quotation ar furnished by Logan ft Brysn: Armour & Co., pfd 91" Armour Leather Co., common Ills Cudahy Packing Co., common.,,,.., 61 Continental Motors 6'i Libby, McNeil & Llbby to Montgomery Ward Co. ,,,., 16 National Leather 3 Swift & Co 1004 Swift International 20 4 Union Carbide & Carbon Co. ....... 47 V4 New York Curb Stock. Allied Oil 3 4 Elk Basin 7 7 11 7-16 1040 10 l 4 12 Olenrock Oil Midwest Refining Co. Sapulpa Oil Simms Petroleum . . . v The First Trust Company of Omaha announces: An Unusual Nebraska Farm Mortgage Offering ' $150,000 First Mortgage 5-Year 7 Bonds secured by the well-known Robert Taylor 8,776-acre farm near Grand Island Interest 7, payable semi-annually. Denominations Appraised Valuation Location 7 miles from Grand Island, with Burlington Railroad passing through the Price Par and accrued interest to net 7. These mortgage bonds are exempt from all forms of Nebraska taxation. Robert Taylor, in addition to this farm, owns 26,000 acres in Nebraska and 1,000 acres in Wyoming and has an estimated net worth of over $2,000,000 The First Trust Company has never offered a more attractive mortgage bond ' . and strongly recommends these bonds for investment. Call, write or telephone for detailed descriptive circular. One of our repre sentatives will call and personally explain the offering upon request. 4 The Phone Atlantic 0729. j Financial By ALEXANDER DANA tyOYES. Chirac Tribune-Omaha Ilea I.1 Wire, New York, Dec, 3. In today'i for eign exchange market, which wai, in tome respect, the most interest ing: o( the market!, the downward reaction of Thursday was disAictly checked and a moderate forward movement occurred. This tignilicant firmness wai evident rather of an inlrintically itrong position than of any such possibilities at "interna tional conferences." Some speculators believed Anglo French relations had reached ionic sort of a crisis at the time of Uriand't Washington speech and that Ger many was about to declare itself in solvent and pull down, France along with it. Price Irregular. Prices on th .lock enchant moved Ir. regulurly today, both for stocks and bonds. In .lock, th rnarkot waa divided betwemi net advance ami net rieclinra. Th U vamea ran In sum Industrial atock to a point or more, wbereua decline. wra moKtly fractional, but profeaklonal spacu latum waa evidently th aoveiniiix furce. ' Althouirh fractional declines In bond war numerous, tner wer also caaea In which the price advanoed. Thla waa true or th Liberty bomls, several laaurs of which went above the year' previous high prlre. Th 44 per tent of inn. at 197.14. sold barely 4. point below the hlgheat pries ever reucneu uy mem on the stock exchange. In view uf the general bond market' reactionary tendency during lb laat half ot the week, th predominance of eubatantta! net advance ovar th pre. ceding- Saturday running In many In. atance to 1 points and even 4 Indicate. th market Quality, in stock, th week net movement 1 divided be tween advance, and decline., each ranging in many shares from 2 points upward. Bonds. 170 Am. Smelt Kef. la 174 213 A. T. at T. 6a II II 124 67 4 714 77 It 04 84 744 624 98 4 134 II 714 684 724 16. is" 844 624 84 166 Armour 44a 67 I n, u. rtef. 6. T' 1 B. & O. cv.. 44S 7746 141 Calif. Oaa Unl. 6a 94 16 C. M. & St. P. cv. 44a.. IS 13 C. M. & St. P. Ref. 44t 104 83 P. R. I. & P. Rpf, 4a.... 774 39 I). A R. O. cv. 4a 74 47 Ot. Nor. 4Ua 864 60 III. Cen. Ref. 4a 824 68 Mo. Pac. Ref. 6s, 1923.- 18 4 69 Mo. Pac. Ref. 6e. 1926.. 93 61 Mo. Pac. 1st Ref. 6a..'.. 834 10 Rio Grand A W. 4a.... 78 l St. L. ft S. F. Oen. 6a... 100 81 St. L. ft S. P. 11. 4s.... 684 86 St. L. ft S. F, adj. 6a. ... 72 84 St. L. ft 8. F. Inc. 4.. 64 4 87 St. L. ft S. W. Term. 6 7J4 163 Wilson ft Co. 6s 964 9 61 K. C. Southern 6s 84 4 0 26 C. O. W. 4s... 1249 89 S. A. L. Ref. 4s 32 & 31 Colo. Southern 44 844 23 C. ft O. cv. 6s.... 864 O 84 844 644 764 114 I. R. T. Ref. C 64 & 113 Hud. & Man. 1st Ref. 6s 76 Foreign Exchange. New York. Dec 3. Foreign Exchange- Irregular. Orat Britain Demand. 4.04 4: cable. 4.014. France Demand, .0728; cables, .07284. Italy Demand, .0426; cables. .04264. Belgium Demand, .0703: cables, .07034. Oermany Demand, .0046: cables, .00454. Holland Demand, .3644; caDlct, .3670. Norway Demand, .1437, Sweden Demand, .2378. , Denmark Demand, .1166. Swltxerland Demand, ,1115. Spain Demand, .1398. Oreece Demand, .0407. . Argentina Demand, .3237. Braxil Demand, .1800. Montreal .91 6-16. Chlcneo Potatoes. Chicago. Dec. 8. Potatoes Receipts. 46 cars: total United States shipments. 464; .lightly stronger; Wisconsin round whites. sacked, 61.00W1.80; duik. si. 70911. 90: Min nesota round whites, sacked. 11.6691.80; Red Rivers, sacked, ll.6ntjit.60; sand land Early (Jnios, sacked, Jl.u&w l.2t; laano russets, sacked, on car. 43.10. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Dec 3. Butter, lc higher; creamery, 45c. Egg Unchanged. Poultry Turkeys, So higher, 34c; other unchanged. $1,000, $500, $100. Land Buildings Affiliated with First National ! New York Quotations Han of arte af Ik l4Hn( atocee furnished by Lege ft Hryn, rtr Trust bulldlhg: , KAILS. frlOay High Law Clo.. Clua. . a m. m M . ft t, . ,,b an ' n . ,. pi w, r ..... . m - - r- Haltlnmr ft t 'hi II 4 114 II Canadian Paclrie .III. 111 III N. T. t'Mitr.l .... 1114 16 16 Cha. A Obi 114 114 17 Krl v 114 114 11 (II. North nfd 1t4 114 11!. 17 Chi. (It. Waat 1 lllhint Central ... , 194 K. ('. South I4 fS 244 144 Me, Pac II II H II N, T . N H. ft .. ! 1 11 l4 11 North. Pc, 114 114 114 114 t'hl. A Nw IIH 114 I4 114 Pennsylvania Ry. 14 4 34 114 "4 Raadin I'd 714 714 714 C. R. I. ft r !( 31 "4 H Hoath. Pa. Co..., II 44 II Snath. Hy If4 194 ) ( hi. Mil. A St. P.. 114 tl M4 114 t4 Union Pac 117 III 1314 Waba.h I I I I STEBU Am. Car. ft Fdry. IM4 1414 1414 13 allls-Chalm.r ... 174 114 174 'H Am. Loco. Co 16 4 17 4 l'4 I'S Haldwln Laco WK 114 44 "1 " Hrtb Steel Corp. 114 114 644 14 Colo Fuel. Iron C lit it zi 14 16 Truclbl Sleel Co, 16 4 Am Steel Fdry..., 144 l.arkwnn Steel, 4411 M hi vale Steel, Ord 104 Preaaed Steel Car 174 Ftep Iron. HI eel (J II Ry Steel Spring., I! 44 it 314 414 444 44 tl l 4 174 II 614 II a It 93 41 34 SIH Kloaa-Shef Stl, Iron Utd State Steel., 14 't l4 144 Vanadium Steel... 134 II " COPPERS. Anaconda Cop Mlit 44 4 414 44 4I Am Smlt, Rfg C 49 4 44 4 4 3 4 41 I'hll Courier Co... 134 114 114 114 cnino copper co.,. 114 it si 17 Calumet ft Aria.. 46 ln.plr.t Cona Cop it 4 114 Kennecott Copper. 164 16 4 164 Miami Copp.r Co. II 164 II Nev Cons Cop Co. 114 114 H H.y Con Cep Co. 144 14 144 Utah Copper Co.. 614 614 114 INDUSTRIALS, Am Bet Bug Co. 144 II II All. OftlWSSIlU 11- 13 i4 26 U 16 14 144 114 274 10 - Am Interest Corp 414 814 414 314 Am. 8. T. Co ... II 31 4 II IIH Am. Cot. Oil Co. , 114 114 114 Am. T. A T 111. 1114 116 1164 Am. A. c. Fro. ..114 11 11 i'Vi Am. Can Co. .... 114 114 11 324 Chsnd. Mat. Car . 47 4 414 47 44 Cen, Lea. Co. 114 "H t4 74 714 71 614 814 114 l't 104 314 Cuba C. Bug. Co. 1 1 714 71 88 4 18 4 Cat. Pack. Corp. Corn P. Rfg. Co. Ni.t. E. ft 8. ... I'a m. Play. Fl.k Rub. Co. .. 414 414 414 424 494 614 69 684 . 10 4 10 10 .1414 1404 141 1314 , 614 13 314 II . 11 104 104 104 . tt 32 4 324 824 . 82 4 714 12 4 7 9 4 Oen. Elec. Co. .. Ot. No. Ore .... Geh. Mot. Co. . Oood. Co Inter. Harv Am. H. ft L.. pfd, U. 8. Ind. A I. Co.. S7 4 314 Inter Nickel 13 114 84 4 344 12 114 624 12 3 14 184 174 Internet. Paper Co. lift OH 8 62 Ajax Rub. Co. ... 18 4 Kelly-Spring. Tlr4. 424 Key. T. ft R K Int. M. M.. coin 17 4 41 4 42 4 43 Hi I. 104 Inter. M. M.. tfd, 164 !U 65 604 Mex. Petroleum....l2 4 U0 111 "24 Mlddl mate oil., 164 144 14 16 Purs Oil Co 314 374 174 114 wiuys-uveri o CO., a a 6 44 Pacific Oil 414 Pan-Am. Pet. -ft T. 61 454 464 46 4 6O4 604 614 14 484 Pierce-Arrow Motor 14 4 14 144 Royal Dutch Co... 474 U. S. Rubber Co., to '4 Am. Sr Rfg. Co.. 664 474 474 60 4 104 604 664 III 664 Sinclair O. ft Rig. 13 4 22 4 12 8eara-Roobuck Co., 61 68 tt . Si 114 76 4 Stromb ar Carb. Co. Studebaker Corp... 774 764 Tob, Product Co... 694 61 Trans-ConL Oil.... 114 104 77 IIH H4 114 10 Texaa Co.: 464454 414 464 104 Union Carbide 47 4 47 4 White Motor Co..., 89 89 Wilson Co.. Inc.... IS 4 314 West's Airbrake.. 4 14 Western Union .... 474A 74 81 38 114 214 14 144 West's El. ft Mfg. 414 - 484 494 ' Am. Woolen Co.... 80 4 804 "4 0V V Total .ale. 381,110. Money Friday's cleo, 6 per cenL Marks Close, .10114c; Friday' close, ,00494c . Sterling 14.06; Friday' close, 14.07 4- Liberty Bond Prleos. ... New York, Dec 3. Liberty bond closed: 34s. first 4s. 97.10 tlil; second 4s. 17.62; first 44. 17.62; second 44s. 97.40: third 44s, 98.00; fourth 44. 97.88; Victor !a, 100; Victory 4i. 99.18. $565,520.00 - ........ 75,000.00 ma i 114 Total ........,.$640,520.00 the main line of the farm. . Bank Omaha, Neb. Bonds and Notes Aa. TlelO' I II I It 4 14 4 44 t II til I It 1 II II I II I 11 til 111 I 71 t It I. a T l f 0 til I 10 II rtio 1 ti 4 14 410 I 15 4 40 III I.U 4.(3 4.11 III III 111 1 54 1.11 Tliil A !! Am. T. A T. C. I, 111 !', H am, T. T. C 4.. t:4 tit i Aaaooaoa ta. tj 1414. o Arsnnr Is. Ill HI4t i1 Hslglaa tlov. la, Illl ,...14 V 1I Halgisn Uv. 1 a. lilt, .14 1 044 Beih. lil 7. li:l I4IV. i Hrill.h m. 1939 I! l Hrlll.h It,, 1981 th 14V, Can. North. It.. 1141. ..141 lei t:., n. (J. Jt IV,e, '84.14; lam t'hll la. 1141 1l 1IH Denmark ta, 114. list, loiti l) font 1i., 1911 IH4H l4V( Kraarh (lav. 4.. 1141 9111 100 14 Prtnch Uov. tta. 1141 ,. I4W 14'. B. r. Oood. ta. III! .... t1 ', tlooO. T. It. la, 141 . . in4 llt4 (It. No. It, 114 14 1 oa s Jap. tlov, lat 4t4,a, 1911,, 4t 41 Jap. Uov, 4a. 1 Pit Tin. tt Norway la. 1941 in 4 II0V, N. W, R. T. Co. Ta, 141.107 104 N. T. t'.nlral la. 111 ..144 lit H.ntu R. R. I'. 1., 1911. 14 101 K R. R. 10. I4. IIH. ,104 104 i . W. u, T. C 7a. 111. ,AI 10114 wirt a Ou. 1. iit ,...los 1H win A Co. la. 111 ...I 114 Hwim Uov. la. 14 ... ,lll4 lilt 1'. A Rub. lite. IS , ...1414 V.roum Oil fa. lti ....10 1U4 We.t, Union IS, 111 ..loly, Elv ta. Illl ....11 10(.A Uruguay I, till 19 14 Broil la, 1141 104 104 H 4 New York Hond. Th followln auotatlona are furnl.h'fl building: 40 4IS4 H 14V4 by Logan A Bryan, P.t.r. Trust Ateh. Uen. 4 4 H. A O. Gold 4. A Ilelh. Rte.l Rof. t tent, l'ar. Jat 4a ('. M. A Kt. P Uen. 4V... ', A N. IV, O.n. 4 I. . A N. U. 4 New York Ry. 4a WO "H 14V .... III tl V .... 9 tt ifl llt H 14 Nor. rar. U 4a II V. P. I.t 4a U. 8. 8ieel la U. P. 1st Ret. 4.. 8. P. Cv. I H. P. Cv. 4. ...... Penii. Con. 4 He... Penn. Oen. 4.... C. A O. Con. it... Or. P. L. Ref. 4. II .4 94 17 92 m 94 i I9vt 17 14 II Mlnneatmll. Or In. Minneapolis. Vllnn., Dec. I. riour Un changed to I3o lower; in rarload Int.. family patent quoted at I7.i4l.0 a bar rel In ll-pounl eotton ackt. Ilran 117.00411.00. ' Wheat Receipt. Ill ' car. compared with 310 cara a year ago. Cash: No. 1 northern, 11.17 411.1914 ; December, 11.2314; May. II.S2V,. Corn No. I yellow, 4144ir. Oats No. 1 whit. 10 411 VC. Barley II Me. Rye Net 1. I04IH?. Flax No. 1. II. 7741. 18, tit. Leul drain. ft. Louia. per. 3. Wheat December, II. 09 a.ked: MaW 1114 bid. Corn December, 48 aaked; May, II Ho bid. Oata December, HVio a.ked; May, II H aaked. ' Kanaa Cltr Grain. Kan.a City. Dec. 8. Wheat Decem ber, 11.04V,; May, 1101 Vi ; July. llVie. Corn December, 414c; May. 47 c. J I ' ' We Specialize in J I Listed Securities Oii Lots " l Local Securities . Foreign Bonds 1 1 y Seasoned Bonds HA most intereatint; itory tf the) ccumulation ef wemlth is told In our booklet, "SENSIBLE SPENDING." Sent free noon request. .1 : ; : K Omaha Stock 1; 350 Peters Treat SUf. Direct and General Obligation MUNICIPAL BONDS "... Exempt From All Federal Income Taxe $ 50,000 Cascade County-, Montana S Road Bonds Due 1934-1936 I $200,000 Tulsa, Oklahoma - 5 School District BondsDue 1925-1927 $300,000 Smith County, Texas 5K Rood Bonds Duo 1930-1934 $100,000 Winn Parish, Louisiana 5 Rood Bonds Duo 1921-1940 $ 30,000 Wichita County, Texaa 6 Water ImoVt Dist. Bonds Due 1926.1946 These bonds are offered subject to prior sale and -chang-e in price. Circulars sent upon request. INVESTMENT BANKERS a E. HARRIS, Res. Mgr. 701 Peters Trust Bldf. II , H Updike Grain Company OPERATING a lar?e, up-to-date Ter minal Elevator in the Omaha Mar? ket, is in a' position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner t. e., cleaning, transferring, storing, etc. -MEMBERS- Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St Louis Merchants Ex change Kansas City Board of -Trade Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain .Exchange All ef tkea effice except Kansas City and Milwauka ara caectl with etr hy arfvat ware. It will Par rn t get ia teejeh vltfc f ur airtcM vti.a waatiag to BUY t SELL aay kJtae ef graia. Wa solicit year CMlgaU t all kiaaa ml graia ta Oraaaa, Chicago MUwaohee, Kaaau City Skxix City. Every car racaivee careful ir.aaal atteaU. '" Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment Hovae Kw York fetlon. ' N.f TTorh, le. 1. I'rlcv .Ixiul 4 ut a .nl a pound Mt moat op tlona I th rotten mark.! today. aVat t.r.4 week-end abort covering, loeather with a lull Llvaruoul euppott ot lb lat poattloM g.v th. market a fairly alaadv anearanca. Kllln by th aoultl it A wire hoa waa wall abeoroed. but tho mark! unalil lu fully inalnlaiu It openintt adnne ot .bout t lo U uolala JCarly In th second hour th ll.t came hack, however, ino.t option eelllng up to their opening levela. Th mrkl held well In later da. ling.. January bein bid to 11.43', a net gala of II polnta. There a.emed to be not a llltl uneaalneM .moiig .hurt, and cover ing for a Mm. w.a active. Tha market cloaed within a point or two of Ita beat level, firm York ( effe. New Torh, Dm. I. Tho msrket for cot fee future wa hlgh.r toil.y. owing to further advancea In Ihe Ura.lllan mark.t which aerved tu recent report of unfavorable new crop pro.pecta. The op.alag w.. It point higher. Ther wa v.ry little bualne.. In December, which eld at lie or I point below la.t nlgkl'a rluae. but later mealha old 14 In II point higher, wilh II arch touching l.4lo and Aepirmber. I 47c. Iji.i price w.r th ant of th day. net 1 point low.r ta II point hither. Kale wrr .Mmted about 11.00 Cloalng on tatlonat Doeember, I llu! January. I 44e; March. I.4ta: May, 140c July, l.4lc Sep tember. 1. 41c. . Coffee Market aleadv; Rio la, IV l'4c; HantPB 4a. HHtvllSjc. New York (leneral. New Tork. Pec. 1. Wheat Spot, mar k.t ea.v; No. I red. II .!: No. 1 hard. 11.14; No. 1 Manltnba. II. in, "d No. I mixed iturum, 11.11, 0. I. f. track New York, -to arrive. Corn Knot, mark.t firm; No. 1 yellow, 10c. n1 No. I mixed, lli.c, e. I. f. New York, all rail. ' Oat Spot, market quiet No. I white, 4IV.C. Lard Mark.t eaay; mlddl we.t, II.JJ 4 I 45. Other articles, unchanged. Mew York Dry Hoods. New York. Dec. 1. Cotton goods show ed softening tendency at first handa In today' market. Tarna war quirt. All atapl llnea of wool dreaa goods were qui. I, as were most of th. lines of men's wear. Sllka were marked up following the rite In raw materlala, hut drni.r-1 light. Jtorlapa were lower with a alight ly Busing tendency while llneua were Heady.. New lork rrotluce, , New Trk. Deo. I. Butter Barely steady: creamery, higher than extra.. 47 D47V4c: creamerv eitraa, 4C4J460; creem.ry f I rata 11J946C. Egg trregulr; fr.h gathered extra fin. i, Italic: do flrata, IllflOo. ; Cheee Ateady; unchanged. Live and d reused poultry, quiet, un changed. Turpentine and Roaln. Savannah, Oa., Deo. I. Turpentine Market firm. 73c; aalea, 111 bbla. ; receipt. 211 hbla.; shipment.. Ill bblt.; ttock, 11, 117 bbl. Roaln Market firm; ealee, 1ST leak: receipt. 1.18 caaka: ahtpments, 1,101 casks; stock, 71,324 casks. . h.iihi nay, Kansas City, Deo. 1. Hay Ugchangeit & Bond Company Pa. Atlaatl W37 frk ta Yield 5.25 5.35 5.50 6.00 6.00 OMAHA. KANSAS CITY ' ftCosssiiv CJ COTssTjy KJ DOulas 6816 OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. HASTINGS, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. SIOUX CITY. IA. ' HOLDREGE, NEB. GENEVA, NEB. DES MOINES IA. MILWAUKEE, WIS. HAMBURG, IA. KANSAS CITY, MO.