Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1921, PART THREE, Image 29

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l-PAShENUKH Kl-.ll tourist 7n bsr
f ' OWStuBlMi suuilltlo. UX
toll," . i
tOH t A l.K-v t mmiii Iuhms taurine
heapi fWHt mechanical condition,
llam.y 4111.
tOH SALE A' light Bules) sts tourlsg
ear. -(setlel '4(-D In (In hsp aad a
hargsla. Walnut 4844. -
AJ ?Dt, kiM, 441; (paa-antir coup;
reliant condition; loiptpar acceptable.
tIBKD radiators, all makes for sals. UreeaT
ough Had U tor Hepa I r, 803S Cam am.
BTUDKBAKKH Kit, 1371 cash, be Mr.
Olaas at 8444 -Ternar St. "
UOUr, sipert auto trimmer. Ill a 84th
1 Painting,
JACKSON 11(11.
Autos for Hire
HUT nut rent a one-ton true and drive
i yogrsir to o your moving jon haul
lug? It wilt save you out-half your
moving bill."
Drive It Yourself Co..
131 'Howard t " Doug. f2t.
Tire Inventory Sale
To mak room for oar Incoming snrlnr
.lork. m ar going to tnnka radical
price ruut oa all our stock of tandaril
and rebuilt. The following prices
nuipm oi wnai we oner.
. Firestone
30x3, non-eUld I (.25
ZOxlH non-skid 10.(0
3MV plain 14.00
Racine Horse Shoe
80x3 Bon-akld , (.(
S1a non-skid
U03S truck apariat II.:' 5
S2xJt non-aklU 13 (It
33x4 non-skirt , 18.(0
Sx3 Overland , 7.00
3x Retread (.00
.......t (.00
32x4 10.60
34x4 14 60
Goodyear Factory
S 1 x 3 Va non-skid
84x4 non-alild ,.
S4x4( non-akld
18. 00
National Tire Shop
llth and Capitol Ave., Omaha,, Neb.
: Tl. Douglaa 8427.
. ' Mall order ahlpped U. O, D. '
WHY hvy i beau new tlrea when lou can
- get. siigntiy wen a, not rebuilt ur Jantt
, Urn. for there --l-(.
30x3,, fi.OO; 32x3',, (7.60;-32x4,
18.(0: 32x44, 111.(0: Kit, H.oo: 34x4.
(10.00; 3tx4H, 112.00; (4x4. $12.(0;
36x('. (13.00.
Cor da 3 extra.. All tlrea honaklil. Send
ft per tire; balanca f. O. D. 6 per cent
ff for caah with order.
service Oarage 18 anil Leavenworth.
VOUPET tops for Fords.
lowest prlcaa aver quoted.
NEDDON. 41 IS Farnam. : DO. 4509.
1( ACRES, north of Florence, improved,
15.(00. . Jackson 0327; .
Alabama Lands.
OPPORTUNITY of lifetime. 826 caah and
85 monthly without. Interest, buya 10
ncros at Frulthurst, 'Ala. On railroad,
grow anything,' Ilea well, high, healthful,
llvst rllmata on ' earth; no negroev;
prlre (250. Also 20 and 40-acro tracta.
"VVrlt U. . TS. -Oheuvront, Owner, Hef'
lln, Ala. (Formerly from north.)
California Landa.
ine Ranch f 9$ Sale oil60
' Acres
Iri Mowed' cotinty" California,- In a
1 Ighly developed section near paved
atate highway, SI) acres fine alfalfa,
balanca. level, g4Md tillable soil, complete
wates. syatf tq .for .Irrigation purpusea;
huuat- ., bain and reservoir, making a
fini (dairy am' 'or for general farming
near achool, .atora and poetofflce.
Price only 1300.00 per acre. and long
- eay' pajmenta If dealred. .
Waller Caaad, 48 Kearney atreet.
San: Franciaco, Cal. ' ,
Iowa Lands.
FARMtRS Sell your land; caah. terms,
exchange; information free. Georga W.
Brown, P. O. Box (63, Clinton, la.
Minnesota Lands.
KQUITY Land Exchange. St, Paul. Minn.
Nebraska Lands.
130 ACRKS Washington county, 17 mllea
from Omaha poatoffice; sbeat Improved
farm In the county, good land, all ad
joining farm well Improved, real home.
Let ma ahow you thia farm; priced, to
sell, will, tali aomo trade. Sea m at
once, '
H. O. ypRDQUlST.. 333 Tevllla Block.' -i'OR
8AL&-Farm 'of ISO acrea, i miles
from Omaha on the State highway, (2-5
per acre. For .Information, Commer
cial State, Bank. Tel. Ken. 0314 or (007
N. 31st, St. . Konvood 4203.
(0 IMPROVED, i Good. ' Near Omaha.
Good terms. - Box' 16, Elkhom. Neb.
South Dakota Lands.
4S0-ACRB well Improved farm, one mlla
south of. Iroquqla, 8, I. J, 11. Moeller,
I,elgh, eb. . 7 . . .
'Real Estate Loans.
WE have vaab ob tand to loan on Omaha
residences, ...
(38 Keallna Bldg. .
10! 8 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 171 (.
(100 to 3I0.0U0 made p romptly. .
P. D WEAP. WaaJ Bldg.. 310. S. 18th 9t.
To buy or sell Omaha Real Estat pee
3 180 City Nat, Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1138,
3418 1st -'Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 19SC
FARMS, city real .estate, galea or ex
change. All kinds of Insurance. REED aY
CO., 1207 Farnam. Douglaa 6148.
HAVE Inqulflea for homes do you want
to sell your property t List It with
C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nafl Bk." Bldg.
Jji-iVIVlJ X 1 . Sella. - Rents, Insure
S50 Petera Trust Bldg. Jackson f 633
S. H. BKNNER COM PANT, Insurance.
Call Edward Parley, Douglas 8406.
Investments of Merit
Every one of tha following properties
la paying a larga return on the invest
ment and 4a located ' where ground
valuea are increasing. -
- ' 1 ,'i '
. 111-15 South i;th Ave. Two larg
houses with ground 7a-ft. front
age by 12S ft. deep to ?q alley.
, This la. -Just north of where Doug
las St. will be put through. Now
rented for (2,330 per annum. Price
. (20,000. . -. .
: a
((-(-. N SJth It. Tills Is a fwo-apart-.
meat brick flat, one of S rooms ami
-. one of 7 rooms, new rented at
, (1.380 per annum.' Price (10,500,
and oh very easy terms,
S4S-1 No. 24th St. Tills is a double
"' frame fiat of six rooms on each
aide, about years old. Present
rental (t per year. Lot 40 it.
frontage - on 24th St. located
, Just south of Pinkney. , Thia la
the rfceaaest property in town, at
. ((.CM. .....
George F. Jones Co.,-
- - Realtors
JJ3 Keellne Bid. ' ' Douglas .
Two-story bulld'.ng oa car line, very
attrarttv tor groceries, .meats, etc,
Secoad floor taeiude five comfortable
rooma with arreeod la porch; all com
pletely modem: deub'e garage 1b rear
with paved alley. Will accept a small
payment down. This is a rare Investment.-
For particulars call
Kcalters. -
fjcaglas 30:4.
2(4 X!!n B!d.
tecat4 on good avslneas street, stxe
e' baiMiag :3x7S. srttb large basement.
of uxllt. with frame Building la rear.
' - TT. H. GATES
M7 Omaha Natl Baak. . J A. l:4.
Income $1,770
Price $13,750.
' Twt separate double ' arese-d hrU-k
filial five reems sacs; srrlctly moe.-
am ana up-to-nete.
Income $900 '
Price $6,250
Double frame flat la flrat.tlaaa ran.
dltlon; strictly modern; full lot, walk
ing niaianro, - .
Hastings & Heyden
1114 Harney IN. Atlantle (.
till acres grating land, 14 miles sosth
west of Tbetfford, Tauinas county, Neb.
Only (8.(0 oer acre. far. (.(e. three
years 7 ncr rant. E'tulty 7,s.. We
want stork of goods, garage, rare, pool
hall, horawa, cattle, corn, eta. What
DO you want to convert your farm Into
Income property f If so, send a eom
plate description of your lend ti) Orant
Shaw Investment, Co.. Bryant Bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo., who make a specialty
of exchanging- high-class monthly In
rome properties for farms.
Shaft die
IstMce from paved road.- north
of Florence;' -nicely Improved; lots of
fruit, one acre raspberries, fine variety.
Have (7.000 . equity. Exchange for
home In city. Call Mr. Tracy, HA. 4400.
INVESTIGATE exchange system. Forced
cash as I. a. CHAB. MKTtl. 1(2( Farnam.
Dundee Special ,
t-orated at 100 Webster 81.,' 2-story
Kellastonc-, 7-roonts and bath, ureakfast
nook, extra toilet and lavatory between
two bedrooma. oak floors throughout,
Ivory enamel and mahogany finish, full
basnment with laundry traya, toilet,
fruit room, etc. Lot t0tl!( with paved
alley: actual cost, (1 (,(00, ' but ' owner
anxious lo sell and will consider a rea
sonable offer. Call me up for urther In
formation. - ,
C. A. Grimmel ,
Omsha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Phone JA. JSlf.
Drew's Dundee Heights
315 So, 54th St, .-
Seven-room atucco home, looaled on a
lot overlooking . Happy . Hollow and
Elmwood Park. Thia home If finished
In walnut and birch, with oak - floors
throughout. Complete bath - second
floor; extra lavatory and toilet on first
, floor, furnace heat;' two-car garage.
Here Is a home worth your Investiga
tion, reaaonably priced. Terms It tie.
sired. , , .
George & Co.,1 Realtors
Atlantic 3034.
Happy Hollow
. 5207 California St.
Exceptionally well constructed frame
home, large living room, dining room,
sun room and kitchen first floor;' three'
bedrooms and Bleeping porch second
floor; two bedrooms, toilet and lavatory
first floor, and toilet in basement, ' In
terior finish of oak and ' white enamel.
Hot water hea't. . Ruud hot water
heater. '. Two-car garage. ; Immediate
.possession.' '' " ( ' ' -i-
George & Co., Realtors'
. Atlantic 3034.
Owners Leaving State
We have Just listed two houses In
Benson, one- ( rooms, other 7 rooms,
both modern. Prices (3,(00 and (4,(00,'
Here's an bpportunlty to get a bargain
at owners must sell at once. - Call us
for particulars. . . w . .
: Best & Gestring v :
Douglas 613. .; (02 Seaurltled, Bldg.
BRAND new Dundee Kellastbno bungalow,
28x38 ft., on the ground; beautifully
finished ' Interior: , fireplace, bookcases.
kitchen cabinets, tile bath, finest
plumbing; south front lot? In fs.rt,-''vry-thlng
you want. Want offer, terms or
caah. Walnut (70 or Harney SS1S.
BEAUTIFUL (-room, brlek veneer, on
east front corner Jot, .75x135 rt In rio
est. part of , Dundee. Everything' the
latest and best. Double -ggrage.'. Owner
moving away and has priced ' house to
sell. Call Walnut 6701 or Hartley 341 5.
SELL my (7,000 Dundee home fr (8,000.
Must be turned quick. 7 .rooms all mod
ern, garage: half block to car t line,
good terms. Thia la a real bargain. Ad-
dress Box A-21. - . , . .'.',
FOR SALE Seven rooms and bath, mod
ern; corner lot, 132xl3t one block from
atroet car and paved street.. For In
formation call (007. N. Jlt St. Tel,
Kenwood 4303. - ' ', . . ; ".
Netliaway. Flor. prop, no colored, KB. lest
A REAL BUT -., i... . . . '
(6,300. , . - ". " ''.,' '.; . '.
Practically new 8-room strictly mod
ern home on 18th St., Just ' south- of
Leavenworth St. - Oak first- floor, pine
second floor: large (0-foot -lot; posaea
slon on short .notice.'' (1,600-cash, Sun
day call Walnut (75T.'- ' 3 v''
, J. L. HIATT COMPANT, ' v ;
,"' " - .'- Better afues. .. .-
Hlatt Bldg. '
1114-18 Douglas.
. Atlantic 0063;
West Farnam - Home -and
Investment ' -
102 South '4fot; 60 feet on Dodge :
and 138 feet on. 41st, Ideal apart-,
ment site; on corner Is (-room'-
' house only seven years old. all oak -and
up-to-date; 4 rooms and bath,
upstaira with "Outside entrance, -now
being rented lor (80 per ,
month,' four rooms and bath'
- downstairs, can be used-as a' etngle '
home-If desired; owner-will Belt
complete furniture for eight rooms '
Including high grade, pianofor'
(1,000. '' . -.
Ay real ', opportunity for home .'
. and investment. --. i
Binder & Otis V
t!3 City Nat. Bank Building.
- Jackson . 3((1: -. , ' .
y THIS PAST WEEZ. , -' '
. ' :,
. WEST END. . t
Beautiful 2-story frame and ' atucco
house .consisting of large living room,
dining room and kitchen on first floor.
Three large bedrooms and sleeping oorca
on- second floor; oak floors -throughout.
. This house Is only- 4' years old. Price,
(7,25 (. Terms can be arranged.' y
' k'tckvi '(..- rfV
(20 First Nafl Bank."' Jackson 422!.
- i- . - - ' - i ...
Sunday - Call Mr. Laraon,' -Harney 4 4G4.
Brand New Oak ..
Five rooms on one floor.-knigstene
stucco, oak floors throughout, beautiful
decorations and fixtures, large south
front lot, one block from car, alt ready
to move Into. A coat price sale at ((.((.
Can be bandied tor (500 and balance
less than rest value.; : . : -. ,
Bedford-Johnston Co.:
... .
(t( World-Herald Bldg. Jackson 17(4.
NEW BCNQALOW - j , , .
EAST TERMS. ..;..'
Beautiful new strictly modem Xella
stone bengalew, oak throughout, -fireplace,
ail bum-la features, tiled bath:
owner will consider a medium priced
lot. a good mortgage and a small
amount of rash as first payment: bal
ance same as rent. Sunday call Wal
. nut (75J. . . . ; . t
. Better Valuea, . '
Hiatt B'dg.
K14-U iMiUg'cj
Atlantic iHt.
w.t .
8520 Dodge Street I
$5.75pj-$j.000 Cash.;,,
This Is n (.room, madern house;
flrleee fait south frost let with a
rage. Net a new ha us but certainly
a bargain at this prke. Immediate pea,
ssselea. Arrange with us for Insuee
tlon., Owaer leaving cMy thia ek.
Glover & Spain, .
Realtors. ' '
Jaclusa t(C(. , (M-is City Naf)
with seven flae rooms and ' sleeping
poretl which Is healed.- The living
room, whl-b bee a large fireplace, is
shut off from the res ef the house
with French doors, as la the sun room.
First floor l finished In oak and oak
floors throughout. This heme Is Very
complete. Ales has garage.
First Trust Co.
40 First Kat't Bank Bldg. Atlantlo (728.
We have lust listed the Baldwin home
at 404 South 4th St Thia is oKs of
Omaha's fine homes In a snoet lUstreole
district. Four large rooms first floor;
four bedrooms, two baths, two sleeping
orrhsa. second floor) maid's room third
floor; ( fireplaces,, steam heat, l-rar
garage and full cement driveway, . For
further Information rail Mr. Craig, At
lantic 3310. Sunday nr evenings. .. . ,
DousUs 8074. ' 104 Keellne Bldg.
Cathedral $1,000 Cash
Beautiful new-, (-room home )n cathe
dral district, ( large moms with) built-in
buffet. French doors, etc. AM oak finish,
large east front lot. Immediate posses
sion, (1,000 rash will handle.
Bedford-Johnston Co.
- s. I..V . .1 .
80( World-Herald Bldg. Jackson 1734. 1
Don't lieslutel Just, what you want.
Tvo handsorge, new ( and (-rojm bun
galows, low price and good 'terirls, largo,
comfortable rooms; fine attlo; oak and
-enamel finish. Don't wait. Costs you
nothing . to took snd beats rent. . Sun
day call Harney' 0223. or' Harney 0411.
- ' Jackson 32(1. " "
Kth and Hartley. . S38 Ry, Kxrhange
- In a beautiful Kellsstone bungalow:
( large .rooms and bath on the onu
floor and 3 largo rooms, .upstairs. Fin
ished in the oak and white enamel.
The Owner will -gncrlflce (2,000 for
quick sate, .' handled wltn ii.H'O
cash, ... , 1 .
(3 Peters Trust Bldg. - ; Jackson 3283.
Six-Room Bungalow
Oak floors and finish; garage; fire
place, bookcases, buffet, beam ceHlngs,
cement basement, y Make us on' offer.
Sunday vail Mr. Voorheess,. Walnut 1744.
R. D. CLARK COMPANT, Realtors.
Atlantlo 3(31. - -- - 402-3 HecurtUtfS Bldg.
FIVE rooms, strictly modern, brand jiew,
exceptionally easy terms, oak .finish.
Kragstone exterior, 1 block' to car. At
'' lantlo 8(01 Sunday.1 ' , - .- y '.
SEVERAL choice homes In splendid Iocs,
tlons, only (200 down.
SHOPEN A CO.. Realtors.
JA. 4228. - - 234 .geellne Bldg.
BEST offer - made buya 4177 Wakeley
Ave., fine 7-room bungalow. Cathedral
district. Crelgh, M Bee. J A. 0300:
J B. ROBINSON, real' estate and Invest
ment. (43 Peters Trust DC (T.: .
D. E. BUCK ft CO buy arxl sell hemes.
' ;Minne;Liisa4: ;,
We want an offer on this elegant bun
. galow of ( large rooms and breakfast
room.- Best of 03k finish nd floors.
Every built-in feature, "Including fire
place. To.' responsible .party Will make
very easy terms. Sue thia' today.
' If yon are looking fbra feh.i. classy
home In a choice residence 'district, lot
- us' show, you this, ideal bouse. , Splpn
dtdly arrunged,. All large rooms... largo
living room 13x21 with -fireplace,, book''
. cases,..' buffet In- dining' room: Mirror
-' Uoors,, beamed ceilings. T-hreo. bedrooms
with, enclosed sleeping porch snd ' tile
bath on second floor. Large attic. Full
basement, laundry trays. - Beautifully
finished In. oak and decorated. , Owner
will; take good' .-mortgage for equity, or
will, discount for cash. ' A. real -bargain.
Beat buy In city today.;. - ,, ,. ,;.
Fins double corner, 'east , and -.'south
front'.-' An. elegant home of 7 rooms.
Excellent, arrangement' of rooms. Bsst
of oak .'finish.-'' Splendid: ,,'baeement,
separated with o'ross walls, for" Itundry,
furnace' and billiard room: Beauttful
shade trees. Garage for one ear. Ground
alone Is worth (3,000. Owner says sell
this -week and . has made-- the , price
B,MM). ... ;' . - ; ". , " - . ' .
Sundays call - Kenwood 342,' vr Kn-
woodi28S3 - . i ,-.-'- I, .-. .
Charles W Martin & Co.,
'".''' ' '' '"IReallorg.' ': ., .,
743 Omaha Nat'l Bank-Bldg. AtlenUc 0117.
. Field Club
. Seven rooms, practically new; modern.
Large living room, with fireplace, dining
room, 'beautiful butlt-tn and enameled
Kltcnen ana sun room on itrst noor; 3
exceptionally large .bedrooms and bath,
' second, .floor; oak : floors L" throughout;
beautifully-decorated." Plastered garage,
south front lot, c. nick possession., Price,
((,110v.,- . . ..... . v
- On', the Boulevard :. -H l
1 . --.i"'.'-' "'.. '-'5.' ':. ',' ' ''" :.
' Largs living room arrangement,' fire
place and built-in bookcases, dining-room
and dandy kitchen first floor, combina
tion, sun room, and sleeping -.porch and
three good 'bedrooms and bath second
floor. Garage connected, with house;
large lot, -awnings and plenty of shade.
Price. (11,000. . Want, offer. .
Owners really want to sell.; Inspection
Invited. -'".'''' " '
; , Glover tS; Spin ; 1
' ' Realtor's.- .' .'
Jackson '2(50. - (18-26 City Natlonkr
I -'fr Specifications -a 1
.'J, l.'BSx rooms :and. ' bath, :!-story. -.2.
Fu basement. Holland' furnace.
. S. Oak In .bathroom and. dining room.
Fireplace. , : r - .
-; (. Built-in kitchen conveniences.
(. Three large corner .bedrooms.
' J. Entire house decorated. - .
(. Beautiful fixtures, -i - ' ;
.. (..Electrically lighted,-clothes' closet;
10. Elastica stucco,
'..31-. Corner , lot, paving paid. .-
13. Double garage. . '. ' ..' . , " -'
1. Property Is 1 year old
'14. Price (S.500 and. only (1,500 cash,
-i:. Loated-:itt Montclalc,
KorthAvall & Johnson
. , ' . '- .- O ... . (V
Douglas ttSl'S 'ttZ Electric Blag.
. .. Sunday Call Harney 74i(.. ,
; Near;iMth and Fort :
In this home locality, -convenient .to
car llnea and scores, wo have .for sale a
(-room house, really a (-room house, on
. eno floor with just -one room upstairs
besides the attic. This house will stand
the -closest Infection as-to workmanship
and material. - It Is . finished in oak'
throughout downstairs. Is, of course, all
modern. . Paving ia paid. Let us ahow
you this. Phono Mr. Mitchell. Ken
wood Tt, or , ; -. -
Amos Grant Co., Realtors
-. .-- -1 -.(..-, i.
Douglas (380.- " ' 101-2, Arthur Bldg.' '
(I 8. Kth St., Ground Floor.
' : - VACANT. - ' - -
This house can be bought on .vary
- small payments -or owner would tans
a- good vacant lot for part payment
Price of property, Is li,4M; Is newly
decorated and' In good-order; baa oak
fioora, corner lot with a largo garage at
(3( North ,21st St . .. . j. , .
' - YvVH. DATES- .. f.
(47 Omaha aNfl Bank. - .-'JA. 1284.
NEAR 37th and Kittseu. new. all BrstWa,
5 -room bungalow; compreta. 14.7(1
" Kaay tenua. Atja'Je IHt. . ' -. ... I
Nortrt " .
rHICB, (.(0-l.0t CASH.
. StrUtly modern home with reception
nan, cssmi opening to living room,
lovely dining room, large kitchen,
three bedrooms, each with olo..
oil tile bath, seeend floor; full cement
etasement with the best of furnace aid
plumbing; south front sne-ear garage.
ve iois noma louay. Viebater (3(0,
4 riKH A price, ;'
111 Cuy Xat'I Bk. Bldg. Jackson 141s.
Two Cottages, $2,700
One, 1 rooms: one. 4 rooms. ' V.'ster,
r srsa. ..laMttpl,. 1 1 t. , v . - - , .
and Franklin bts. - 11,300 cash balance
Jackson 3185,
New (-room oak finished bungalow,
built-in features, garage, corner lot,
paving paid: can be hsndjed with 17(0
i.-n ana tie a montp just , Hated.
srsr .a real value.
130 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 12(3.
Sr D U , , ,, u- i- it n r , . , , . . 7 n . . . .
- ' VS Dl At.LUIllUfl,
1 1 nnrt S.vaam ........ .. . . . . . .
w,,, v.,v iiuuisi eiriciiy
modern, , garage, Jol (0x1(0, 1 blocks
v-n t vi eguaieu ror fi,ito
viwv piinr. use rent.
(30 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 22(1,
. 44T11 AND SPAtl'l.IiIN'il
A nifty, brand new. five. room oot
tags; strictly modern; oak finish, well
ouii. anu a nnap; 4,iun, ussy ttrmt.
Jackson 0044. (I( city Nat. Bk. Bldg.
BRAND new 6-room bungalow at (403
Florence Blvd. Elegant modern home
ror oniy i.tno Caau and balance month
ly. WA. 11704. . ..
Uff.t.KIt PlDL' !lT SUA
If Is on paved street with paving all
paio. e.nsr iront snn a comer, jx, o&s.
' Field Club
;, No war time pries here. In fact,
the price la below cost of present
day construction look It over, get
our price 'and be convinced.
. Ti rooms; lot, ((x26; full of
shrubs and trees and facea east
.on Blvd.; living room 24x38, fin- .
tshed In mahogany nnd cross
beamed and -hand-pslnted; two
sets of French doors lead to large
porch, one from living room and '.'
one from aun room, theMatter dec-
orated with grass cloth and fin
ished; In mShogany: large fire- ,
place with music nook and, built- .
. in. mahogany - bookcasns with '
leaded doora; two vesllbulo en
trances' with guest closets; din
ing room 14xl(, finished In mahogany.-
decorated with grass
cloth: well arranged kitchen and
nccessorles; on -second floor three,
large bedrooms ami : good-slxed
sewing room with airing. porch and
extra lavatory; second . floor fln-
. lshed In white oak. all beautifully
decorated: there ore eight closets,
on second ' floor; bath' room- tlle;.
floor and tile side walls;, third
floor, two bedrooms and bath;
full - liaeement,. well-arranged six-
. compBrtments, hot - water heat .
and oil burner; this' place' was .
built ' by the owner who has at- '
ways lived t here and . no : money ,
wasspared in 'making It Ideal in '.;
every respect. Call us for ap
pointment. Binder & Otis
S23 City Nat'l Bank Bid,
i .'. w . . Jackson .25(1.. . -'-.
: " . Field Club;;.' :;
.f.; Stucco and Brick
' .Seven .rooms, .-t 3 bedrooms and j sleeps
iig porch; garage .to match house! front
vestibule with guest closet' and mirror
door:-largo living room with fireplace,
music, alcove, beamed celling, bullt-ln
bookcases ; large dining room, paneled
Side walls and celling; ' connected with
living' room by colonade: kitchen, re
frigerator mom, etc:: atl Oak en first
floor', second floor nicely arranged-wetti
3 bedrooms and sleeping - porch and
bath: oak and curly birch, upstairs;
plenty of large closets, etc.: attic fin
ished , for one hedroom and closet, for
maid: basement full, with tubs, etc.: a
very hnmv house; must be sold an par
ties are moving away. Priced low
enough to move It It It otherwise suits
you. ."' ' y '
' Binder &' Otis
. ' 323 Citv Nat'l BnnK Bldg.
. , Jacuson 2a61. .
' . , . . 500 ' CASH
and balance tike rent;, starts you on the
road to Independence. Just completed
and ready for occupancy. Has living
room with select oak . finish, cornice
ceilings, -plate rail and panel strips In
dining room. : Convenient kitchen, with
bullt-ln kitchen -.cabinet, also soap cabi
net above sink. Two dandy bedroom-j
and bath. Stairway to attic, large enough
for two rooms, or can be uaed for e-tore
room. Full cement .basement with
Rogers', guaranteed furnace, dvlstproof
. coal bin, fruit .closet, floor drain.' laun
dry connection!!. House complete with
full set of screens, walks, lighting fix
tures, yard graded and seeded nnd -is a
real buy for a,70. Good, clear build
ing lot taken as down payment. Here
Is your chance to let jour rent apply
on your own home. .
Douglas 0297. 1C1S Fnrnara St.
, Hanscom Park Home
$4,250 $1,000 Xash
hj. t V . ' '. ' ''... wl :
And ba.anc like rent. J uut listed
a seven-room, all modern home con
BifttlDir of reception -hall, llvtna room,
and one bedroom downntnlrn. Three be1
ropms and bath up. - Hard pine finish,
irood furnace, larre barn could be used
for rarase. Pavefl street, pavlne; paid.
Tarire east 'front -lot and a down right
bargaftf at-the above -price. 1 , ,
The Byron Reed Company
BO. "' ''0517.. I v Ills Farnam - Street
; ( Field Club ; ;':
alio So. '36th Street
opposite Field, club;' large living room
with fireplace: and bookcases; guest
closet and vestibule; large dining room,
built-in "benches; kitchen good size; re
frigerator . room, etc.; three bedrooms
and sleeping porch; several closets;, bath
on 'second floor; large attic; all oak
below,- oak nnd ourly , birch- above;
house In excellent condition; full base--ment
A bargain at thia price.
. Binder & Otis
(23 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
: ' ' Jackson 2561. .,.."' "'
A BARGAIN, (-room house - and - lot
(1,508. Jackson 0327.
25 ACRES - ' 4 '; - ' .
2i acres north of Florence, Improved
. with a good 4-room house .etc.; ( acres
of fine bearing grapes. 4 acres of alfalfa,
about '300 bearing fruit trees, balance
natural timber.. Few crops will, pay for
this place. Will consider a good (
room cottage on 'this, or -might - con
sider s good lot snd some cash as first
Payment Poeaeealon March 1. 122.
Call Owner. Walnut ?(", or Kenwood
Five-room cottage, garage, chicken
house, fruit trees,, with Ktxlte feet of
ground, opposite the new Florence
Field addition; can be - picked up If
taken quickly at (4,00. Hera Is a real
Peters Treat Bldg. - Jackson 2.
About 3 acres, 4-room houst price
31.764. terms (7(0- down and 11 per
month- -This place ts located about It
minutes by auto from city limits. This
Is an Ideal place for chicken raising and
gardening. If you have a motorcycle
or Ford why live In the etty and pay
high rents? Jackna ..
. Five rooma and sleeping ' porch, long
living room a.'ross front, oak finish,
'- strictly modern I owner leaving city and
will make a big sacrifice for quick
sale; rented for )?( a month. It you
want a bargain rail .
(( Peter Trust Bldg. Jackson 33(3. '
Vacant Property.
ONLY 11.000. '
This snakes four lots each 44x117 an
Decatur atreet between (Ith, and Kth
streets, near Harney ear lln.
Realtor. - '
WE. 1418. .
(47 Omaha Nat'l Bank. J A. 12(4.
Ralston Lots . nX.tZl
bring a building boom and' prices will
be higher. (200 up. Pay any conven
lent amount down and balanos easy
payments Sts or phone Stewart Rals
ton 1S-W. an -
In Florence
Oa top of hill, S blocks west of car
line. Fins view. In every direction.
Beautiful . shads trees. Good 7-room,
modern house: oak finish first floor;
hot water best. Splendid chicken
house; new l-rar garage. Lot 122x130
ft. Prion l.7(0. . Must be sold; want
Dundee Bungalow
11.(09 cash, balance Ilka rent. i
rooma, modern, nearly new, In excel
lent condition. Hot water heat, ouk
finish, beamed celling, bullt-ln buffet
and bookcases. Lot (0x136 ft. Pav
ing paid. Chalet location; immediate
possession, ctco ut at once If Inter
ested as. homes on these terms are few
111 Dundee. Price (7.500.
Sundsyrsll Kenwood 4253, Walnut
0170. or Harney 60M.
Fowler & McDonald,
J A. 142V 1180 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Home investment With
. Returns
A large tine home arranged Into three
apartmenta. Two apartmenta on second
floor now rented foe (110 a month,
whole first floor one apartment com
plete with private bath, Ideal for owner,
'This apartment' rents for (70 s month.
Home fully modern, efficient steam
heat, 75-ft. . lot, 3-car garage, whole
place In first-class condition. In re
stricted Kounts Park district, near
cars, schools snd churches. .' Owner
needs 13,000 cash. Has priced at sacri
fice for quick sate, at (10,000. Ar
range an appointment to see thia, -
The Frederic L. Heyn Co.,
443 Omaha Nat'l. DO. 7716 or WE. 81(1.
GOOD automobile- token- as first payment
on rive-room nearly new mgr.' class bun
galow near 43d and Mason, all atucco,
concrete porch;- large living room with
fireplace, tiled bath, wall tub. Sunday
call Walnut 67.57. . , . ,
, J. L. HIATT COMPANY, "'.'., ;
Better Values. .- - ' .
Hlatt Bldg.-1914-16
Atlantlo 0063.
Mitchell Investment Co.,
Experienced and personal supervision
of rental property, north. Absentee
and nonresident owners' patronage so
licited. - - .
THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office.
16(i Dodgs St. . Douglas 1345.
-Used Cars.- 3: :
That Are.
Mechanically , Right
;.' We have a fisw Used Cars tlmt . ,
are : In' 'the . pink of mechanical
condition. Come In and Investi
gate our spring delivery plan.
-..1918 Dodge" Touring. , ---
' 1321 Ford Tourmg. -
liii Oakland Roadster.
1(10 Oakland Roadster., .
' .. 1J17 Dodte Roadster.
1913 Oskland Roadster,
- 1920 Studebaker Btg Six.
. . 1918 Studebaker' RoadCter. .
' 1331 Scrlpps-Booth,-NEW CAn..
1S21 Ford Sedan, extras. '
19U Dodge Touring.
1(20 Ford Touring, extras.
Buy from a responsible firm.
The 0. N. Bonney Motor
. ' ' '" ; '' - - ,i
Studebaker Distributors.
SusO Farnam St. Harney 0676.
Special Bargains ;
Ford. Touring ....,,....'..(160.00 '
Chevrolet .4 ...(200.00 -
Cadillac 4TC.0f ,',
! Uollh Knight .'....(250.00 '
Bulck Truck .1225.00
Overland "4" ............1250.00
Elgin "6" 13(0.00 .
Ford Truck '. (350.01 ,
These are good cars at very .
' low prices. Small down pay
ment balance by the month.
Will demonstrate ' any of the
above for you. Call Atlantic 1770.'
Nebraska Oldsmobile Co.
Omaha Natl
Bank BMg.
When Out of Employment
A Be Want Ad
Secret Treaty
Prolonged War,
Avows Czernin
Agreement . Negotiated By
England, France, Italy and
Roumania Brought Latter
Countries Into War.
Paris,' Dec. 3, Secret aar'uent,
negotiated by the British and French
foreign offices, in 1915, to briuR Italy
and Roumania into the war actually
prolonged the war nearly two years,
at the cost of the hundred of thou
sands of human lives.
Count Ciernin, former Austrian
foreign minister, made this revelation
in a statement at Vienna, one of the
few public declarations made since
the war ended. Thcae agreements,
he (aid, made it absolutely Impossi
ble for the peace efforts made by
former Emperor Charles of Austria,
in 1917, acting through President
Wilson, Premier Clcnienccau and the
prince of Bourbon, to succeed.
Count Czernin said that he d'd not
want to in any manner
Charles himself. -'
"This reservation having been
made," he continued, "I have no hesi
tancy in sayint? that peace was not
concluded in 191, between the en
tente and Austria (it, was conceded
that this would have brought ocace
with Germany) because it was abso
lutely impossible. .
"France and England, to obtain al
lies, had promised to pay them at
tlie expense of Austria. This was
quite natural, but these engagements
made by the governments of Lon
don and Taris, fatally tied the double-monarchy's
interests to those of
Germany. .' ' ' ' '
Some of the "Plums."
"The treaty of London, concluded
in 1915 between France, England.
Russia and Italy, promised to Italy
the Trentino, German Tyrol, Trieste
and Dalmatia. - Another treaty at
tributed Bosnia and , Herzegovina to
Serbia and later Roumania was in
duced to enter the war on the side
of the allies bv offering it Transylva-
nU art.- W-ilmvin.l.
"The allies thus had sold one-tium
t ,mnir, in advance, certainly
not because of special hatred of Au,rv -tint to increase their
military forces and their chances of
victory. I he mistortune . was mat.
Austria was to support byatself the
met nWhie nolirv. 'France and Eng
land, in 1917. could have easily made
peace w.ith us, but,, oounci oy secret,
treaties, they could, only-offer, condi
tions to Austria-Hungary . which
would satisfy -the aspirations of the
Italians, the Serbians and the Roumanians.-
But these conditions were
unacceptable for us. ... .
- "Think of such a paradoxical sit
uation! Our armies occupied Rou
mania." Serbia and maintained invul
nerably the Italian frontier; yet we
were' asked to dismember the mon
archy for the. profit of our enemies,
who, at that time, seemed indeed to
be conquered.: From the very first
conversations . Italy made known to
Paris and' London that she expected
to receive the territories promised
norland that nothing could modify
her. attitude.'; France and; England
remained . faithful to their ally,
which was' ciuitc 'natural, ; It' was a
question of loyalty. If they had
done otherwise Italy would have de
tached herself from, the alliance, an
event which would have produced a
very disagreeable effect throughout
the world for the entente.; '
" Couldn't Make ' Peace.
"But at that moment we could
not have consented to the dismem
berment of Austria-Hungary. Our
army and our people, who considered
themselves victorious since they oc
cupied vast enemy, territories, would
have thought themselves .betrayed by
their . government; -revolution would
have broken out, and the emperor
would haye been overthrown.
"The , Austro-Hungarian govern
ment, therefore; could not separate
its fortunes from those of Germany.
It was .not for love of the king of
Prussia that we, continued the war,
but because the- treaty of London
prevented us from laying down arms
If the entente had been willing. tt
content itself with changes in fron
tiers in place of wanting to cut up
our empire I would not have hesi
tated to make peace, whether Ger
many liked it or not. I would have
said to Germany: 'I am making
peace,' and I would have appealed
to German public opinion and to
Europe, and Germany herself would
have been forced to accede."
Mrs. Ashbaugh : Was ' Intimate
With Man, Says Witness
West Union, la., Dec. 3. Wit
nesses introduced by the prosecution
in the trial of Mrs. Effie Ashbaugh,
charged with . murdering her hus-:
band, Ross 'Ashbaugh, - by - poison
last summer, attempted this morning;
to establish the intimacy between
the woman and "A. J. Cahoe, hired
man, ' which ; the state alleges was
the inspiration of the crime. - - .
ecial Guards in Bluffs '
During Christmas Mail Rush
TheJChristmas mails at the Union
Pacific . transfer terminal - in Coun
cil Bluffs will - guarded by ' nine
marines and two civilians, all armed
with sawed-off shotguns, according
to H. B. Stowe, clerk in charge of
the. terminal. . ,
Real Estate Transfers
Dean W.. Burns and wife to Mary
A. Belohlavek, S. "W. Cor. 14th
and Avenue N. (5x111 ( 4,7(0
Ralph E. Segur and wife to Bailie .
Siosburg, 8. W. Cor. Jth and "
California Sts.. (0x133 7,7(0
William Rlesenberg and wife to
Otto Wolff. Corby St.. 0 ft. E.
' et Kth St., 8.-8. 20x78 1,(00
Hugh H.. Harper ansr wifa to Mar
guerite Jensen.. S. W. Cor. 4th
and Grover Sts.. 40x120 (7(
Joseph F. -Swell la to Lena Nor
gard. 4td St.. 108 ft. N. of Martn
da 8V,E. & 60x124 1,(01
Charles H. Shirk and wife to Peter
C. Hagen . and wife. 45th Ave.,
30 ft. 8. of Maple SC. W. 6.
40x125 1,(00
S. W. Grace to Robert J. i -bnson,
(1st St., (( ft S. of PaVleton
Ave., E. S. 64x143 I,00
Millie M. Savtge and husband to
Howard Herroru Crown Point
Ave.. 200 ft. W. of tSth Ave.,
N. a (0x138 S.I50
Marthena Saunders to Frances Noll- '
man, N. E. Cor. (4th and How
ard. (4x134 ,(
Josephine V. Freeman to Henry 8.
. Raymond .and wife, N. W. Cor.
2tth Ave.. (4x183 (0(
Theodore K Carlson to Gertrude
A. Leeson, llth St . 10 ft. N. of
Laird. W. a '40(13 (,(51
Gertrude A. Leeeon snd husband
to Alva V. Artllp. Kth St.. (S
ft. N. sf Laird, W. 8. (7X129.... i
Large Gowd Attends '
Glenwood Legion Meet
Glenwood. Ia., Dec. J. (Specie!,)
The American Legion meeting
here was welt attended. A hastily
formed parade in the afternoon, let)
by the high school poverty band,
added to the general amusement.
The cartridge race held on the pave
ment was won by James R. Ander
on. Curtice Kier was second, and
Bernard Mathews Fas , the worst
bruued nose.
Many antu(ing stunts were pulled
off during the ceremonie( attending
the initiation of candidates into the
40 and 8. which was organised 'af
ter the general public meeting at
the armory. Twenty-six charter
members and five out-of-town can
didates attended.
The ladies auxiliary elected of fi
cers as follows: Clarice Rist, presi
dent; Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Hollings
head. vice presidents; Mrs, Tiffncr,
The evening meeting, open to the
general public, was addressed by
Rev. M. R. Dixon or Persia and Ned
Williams of Council Bluffs, f
Iowa Education Week
Set for December 4 to 10
Des. Moines, Ia Dee. 3. Ameri
can education week ij to be observed
in Iowa December 4 to 10, under the
auspices of the Iowa department of
the American Legion and the state
department of public instruction. .
T. E. McClenahan, superintendent
of public instruction, hs sent a let
ter to county school superintendents
suggesting the following activities in
Iowa schools during the week.
Monday Flag day. Instruction
on the meaning of the American
flag. ...
Tuesday Instruction on Aqieri
can ideals. "
Wednesday English, the language
of Americans. ''!
Thursday Emigration day. " ' '
' Friday Naturalization day.' ,
During the week the school chil
dren will , draw patriotic posters,
write slogans, listen' to four-minute
speeches, and visit public places.
There will be patriotic music aii,d
community singing. V -'
Midwinter Fair at
Coon Rapids Success
Coon Rapids, la., Dec. 3. (Spe
cial.) Complete success attended
the first midwinter; fair, of the state,
which has just come to a close here.
There were live stock and grain ex
hibits from the four counties of Car
roll, Green, Guthrie and Audubon.
One thousand dollars -in premiums
were distributed.
The swine and sheep filled a large
garage. iwhile the city, hall held the
Targe poultry exhibit. ' The grain
ey.'.ibit ' was placed in the', opera
house. " '! s " ". . v. - . ''.
The midwinter fair will . become
permanent. '. Two-thirds -of the
needed capital has been subscribed.
Omaha Man Arrested in
"- Idwa on Forgery Charge
: Iowa' Falls. Ia., Dec. 3. (SPecial
Telegram.) C. . A. ' Gilbert, ' alias
Stephen Kreider, alias J.'1 Lamberr,
was ' arrested here, charged with
forgery. He is wanted in a score of
Iowa cities for ., passing cashier's
checks, purporting- to be issued by
Vernon (Ia.) Commercial bank. . He
had in his. possession, $150 in cur
rency and considerable merchandise.
He was taken to Marshalltown on a
warrant charging forgery on four
counts. , He. claims to have a family
iii Omaha. . , , . ,
Guthrie County Boys Win ' :
, Honors in Corn Contest
v Guthrie Center, la., Dec. 3. (Spe
cial.) Guthrie county- furnishes the
three-best juvenile ;corn growers in
the state,-according"' to' decisions
made in tlw boys' corn club con
test. . !. :
Estell Morgan stands first, having
produced 107 bushels on an acre of
ground. He lives in Baker township.
Glenn BulU living in the north
part of the county, was second with
103 bushels. Third place went to
Oliver- Simmons, jr., who raised 102
bushels on. an acre. -
Mel Coogan Outpoints
; Milwaukee Fighter
Milwaukee. Wis., Dec. 3. Me)
Coogan, Brooklyn, outpointed Tony
Dennis, Milwaukee, and 'Eddie
Boehme. Milwaukee, shaded Tommy
Carter, El Paso, Tex., in 10 rounds
no-decision bouts last night, sport
ing. writers agreed. - All boxers are
lightweights. - '
- t - ' :,. J -.'',.'-. 1 . ' ..
Sioux City Boxers Beat
Opponents at Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls. S. D., Dec. 3. (Spe
cial.) Glen Milligan of Sioux City,
defeated Len Schwable of StPauI
in a fast eight-round bout here last
night. Ted Zanfes of Sioux City
gave Johnny Dorghty of Sioux Falls
a boxing lesson in four rounds.
Iowa News Notes '
Geneva When Arnold Slater em
ployed bloodhounds to run down the
thief that took a quarter of beef and
half a hog which had been butch
ered, the half of the porker was re
turned to the place from which it
was stolen, and the owner is bewil
dered over the. unsolved mystey..
Monticcllo Uncle Sam -has put a
$6,000 liquor tax lien against - the
farm of Mrs. Peter Mundiner, whose
husband is charged with operating a
still thereon.
Des Moines Eight Iowa - cities
are acting under a city manager plan
of government They are Clarinda,
Grinnell, Dubuque, Iowa Falls. Man
chester, New Hampton, Sac City and
Webster City. -
Ames The 700 members of the
Iowa Beekeepers' association will
hold their annual meeting December
15 and 16. F. P. Padlock, apiarist
at Iowa State college, is secretary of
the association. Recent reports show
that there has been considerable dis
ease among Iowa bees, and plans
will be formulated for eradication.
Preserving of
German Graves f.
Burdens Frencli
m a.,...
France Seeks to Change "tlit -Treaty
Requiring Nation to
V Care for 460,000 Sol- ,
diers' Graves. - ,
" exexaxaaBtasssssaatsa
. Paris., Dec. 3. A distinct move."
ment in favor of the revision pf cer
tain provisions of the treaty of Ver
sailles which are unfavorable to
France is becoming noticeable In a
portion of the French preu. which
roundly condemns every attempt by
Germany to soften the terms on its
behalf. . '
The Matin, a strong supporter of
the present government, announces
that France proposes to ask the
council of ambassadors to revise
articles 225 and 226 on the ground '"
that they are manifestly unfavora-
ble to its interests. These articles
refer to the preserving of graves of
German soldiers who died in France
and of French soldiers who died on
German soil. .
460,000 German Graves.
"The allied and associated gov
crnments and the German govern
ment," reads clause 225, "will causa
to be respected and maintained the
graves of. soldiers and sailors buried
in their respective territories."
' But in Germany there are only
20.000 graves of French soldiers
prisoners of war who died and wera
buried by, their companions, where
as in France there repose the bodies
of 460,000 Germans. The Matin es
timates that it has cost the French
Rovernment at least $10,000,000 to
bury anal care for graves of German
dead, while Germany . has paid out -but
little. Belgium, whose rep-
rcscntatives ' were . not consulted
when . the article was written into
the peace treaty. has 250,000 German
soldiers resting in its soil and mu3t
bear a similarly heavy burden. "
' - ,' Proposes Change. H
France , already has proposed to, ,.,
Germany a. modification of .the, two 1.1
articles of the pact, offering to as
sume the cost of the burial of 50,000
Germans. The German ' govern--
nient rejected this proposal in a . -note
addressed to the French forl .
cign office,'' expressing appreciation
of the ' manner in which Germai), ,'
prayes, were being respected, but!-y
falling back, upon the two articles ,'
of the treaty. ' , '
The Matin blames former Pre
mier Clemenceau. for permitting the
articles to be inserted in the treaty
without debate and declares thatr
they . were .copied without change
from the treaty of Frankfort at: thj.',v
end of. the Franco-Prussian war. ucg
'; North Platte High school's foot!
ball team has been awarded the 1921
championship' of Nebraska by the
State. High School Athletic asso-
ciation. -' 1 ';,':. . ' ;;"-. . ' ,?,.r
.This bit of news no doubt was -av
hard blow 'to the Hartington (Neb.)
High - followers. The Hartingtotfr
team plowed through the.- season
without : a defeat, or tie game. -' S.0 i
did North Platte, but . . - -
-It will be' a hard job4-to make
Hartington fans believe their-team ,
isn't as much entitled, to state hon-...
ors as North Platte. '.
Certainly-it was no fault of the
Hartington gridsters that they didn't
play the same teams that , North
Platte did.
.When two high elevens go through
a 'season without a defeat they should
play a post-season game to decide
the title, at least, that would settle
a pile of after-season arguments
throughout the. state."
' When Andy Schrriader, the Louis. '
ville (Neb.) . heavyweight scrapper,
and George ; Lamson, Walthill In
dian, ;signed articles to meet in a
10-round bout in Omaha soon, it .
was- all' their . respective managers
could do to keep them from staging
a : parlor - combat. ' ;
Following trie signing of articles,
however,' their managers started exe
plaining this and that and when the
two fighters left the room they were-',
good friends. ' , .. "
If -you think '13 is not a hoodoo
to- fighters just ask Sam Slosky,
manager of Earl McArthur, the
Sioux City bantam;.
Sam, who handles ' Earl, was a
downhearted, manager recently when
his protege was stopped in the
fourth round by Frankie-SchmakcY,
It -was McArthur's 13th fight and it
was a sorrowful ending for both'1
Earl, and Sam. - .-. ' y,f ,
However, Sam informs us that Mc
Arthur failed to hear the referee
count. The Sioux City bantam wa.,T
able to arise, says Sam, but was
resting, expecting to bounce up it
the count of nine. . ; - .
Earl Caddock Pins
Joe Stangl to Mat -
Iowa Tails. Ia.. Dec. 3. (Special. V
Earl Caddock threw Joe Stangl
with a bdy hold in 28 minutes here
last night Stangl was dazed when
his head struck the floor and he wa
unable to continue, the" verdict beinji
awarded to Caddock.