THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1921. 8 C tessifid Mwtitixj Rita )U pee llee Mt ( tm Ua I 1m r na par dt, l MMMtiuv par lla per day, V wmtiiUM es It 9e tut e r. I MaaaruilT r N 4 UkN l mm lka rtal t IK 1 Ma rata tlf allkw t lb. Dll fcunda It. All rtlMial PPr In koik anuvnlag 4 ! Sally pepars fur lk n chart , CONT.Arr HATCH ON I APPLICATION Wt 4 accepted t th. foltwtf ( uain rrm 111. koulh Sid ......4lt ouik Mi I unrl Bluff ....Ik sWotl . WANT AU RKCBIVKD Bf f UONK ATLANTIC 19 TUB BKB will aol t ronll fot )isr I ha Incorrect trllan ( 1hUmdii rdered for naoi tka eae CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT A0& Eveelng Kdltloa 11:11 A. M. Mornlaf Kdltloa. , ......I t P. U. Sunday Editlo I: . M. Saturday DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. IK KKKOKD Mr.' Hvhatl, beloved wife of Joseph. She I aurvlvad twalda bar huaband by en eon, K.iward of Ruck Island; Ihraa daughter, Mr. K. H. Ilendrlg of Kan.aa City. Mo; Mr. K. lalt o( Oman and Air. T. W. Wklerh of Seattle, Waeh. Funeral Monday morning from John A. Oentleman mortuary, luurmanl Holy Hapuh hr cemetery. ARNOLD Harry. December 1. 1921; (gad 71 year. 4 muni ha and 1 day. Funeral aarvlce will b hold from Ttrallar at Dorretic chapel, Cuming at Nineteenth street. Monday, December I. at I clock. . New York paper pleas copy. ' SMITH Allan P., M T" : Thura day night l (ha horn. 2024 Houlh Tath alreet. Survived by mother, on brsthar and flv (later. Kunaral from realdenc, 8:30 p. m. Saturday. Ilurlal at Fort I.awn ceme tery. AUTOMATIC ellng conrral burial vault on display at leading undertak en. Writ Omaha Concrete Burial Vault Co., Omaha. CEMETERIES. Forest Lawn Th largeat ramatcry In Nebraska; 120 acres juat north of th city limit want uf Florence. An Ideal location safe1 from dlaturbanc by th city' growth. Perpetual car. Not ooerated for profit. Cemetery offlc Foreaf Lawn Btreat cr termini). 42d nd north city limits. City offlc, 710vBrande:a Theater Bldg " FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., " uccauor t Rtack U Falconer OMAHA'S REST. AMBULANCEV..! Thirty-third and Farnam. Hulse & Riepen PIONBER FUNERAI. DIRECTORS. Formerly at 101 S. lttb St., bav movd to 8I4 Cuming Bt. Ja. llll. HEAFEY & HEAFEY - Undertaker and Kmbalmera. Phoh HA. J8S. Offlc Ull Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON ITdT BAY' IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HKSS A 8WOBODA. 1415 FARNAM BTRBBT. - FLATIRON FLOWER SHOP. 1758 Bt. Mary' AveTel. At. 6gl. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackion 10. 1. Henderson, 1507 Farnam, Jackson 1268. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births. Daver and Larlvar Zea, 261 S K etreet, girl. Carl nd My Peterson, 242214 Leaven worth street, boy. Jacob and Victoria Saarat, 4414 South Thlr,y-lghth street, girl. Pr. Edward and, Tholma Muhlholland. koepltal, boy. .Tame and Nelll Opdycke, hospital, toy. John and Addle Groser, 2701 South Flf- Harry and Idahel Roll poert . hospital, glrl Clarenca and Mary Andreaaen. Be-venty-4lxth artd Lake strdtt,' boy.' ' ; Dairti-nd BH Waks, hospltajr'rtlri: aTM Hllma si, UosVuiT Tsrlrl. Henry nd Anna Slicliy, 'Wapltal,. gfrl. Claronc and Anna Johnson, 7518 North Twenty-eighth street, boy. j Oeorge and Marl Soric, 22( South Twenty-ninth street,- boy. , i Ueaths. ' . Allen P. Smith, 46, 302 South Tenth treat, , , , Mr. Iulln C. Hoctor, 85, 4102 South Twenty-fifth street. Mable Lewellan, it, noepltal. Leo Kenneth Wilton, 2, Thirtieth and Harrison streets. navld Brodbeck, 71, 1714 Center street. ' John; McArdle, 78, 1515 Ames avenue. . Alonzo Arnold. 73, hospital. - James II. Psttlgrew, 42, hospital. Jack Brown. 10 months, hosplta'. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th following persons were issued per mits to wed: Benjamin F. Sawhill, . 43, Omaha, and Frances Caley, 40, Omaha. Frank J. Koly, '35, Mason City. la., and Johanna Halverson, 22, Beresford, S. IX Stev Ansa ski, 26, Omaha, and Frank SmVrak, 18, Omaha, SPECIAL NOTICES. J'HK CL1MATB, CURES TUBERCULOSIS at Mountainalr Banltorium, Alamogordo, N. M.: board, nursing and medical caro, 816 to $20 per week; for reservations or partloulet-a address, H. L. Hoover, Manager. . . , ANY l;lnd of Illinois coal, 89.50; Rock Springs, $14.80; Petroleum Coke, $19 per ton. Delivered to any part of city. Call Webster 0534. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. !03t4 TIRE, rim and wheel lost from a broken axle, v between Farnam , and Dodge on Turner Blvd., Saturday mornins:. These articles were together and picked up while owner -was using telephone to get service car. Appre ciate Immediate return to owner, 2572 Harney street Dg. 8515. WILL th party who picked up package containing dress In Federal - Bakery kindly return sathe to.bakery or call Webster 49S8. .Reward. LOST White .Fox Terrier, wearing studded leather; harness. "Bob." Re ward. WA. 6385. LOST Black leather purse, , letter In (Oerman) party may keep money. WA. S528. LOST Black and white bull dog. tag NO. 1030. Reward. KE. 2505. LOST After dinner ring, large red stone, valued as gift. Reward. Wal. 5758. LOST One red rubber hip boot. Re ward. KE. 2505. XMAS HINTS 11 SELECTIONS FREE v WITH COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS I Sacrifice sale of type E-S Columbia Orafopolas. slightly used formerly $120. While they lsst, $72, witti twelve selec tion (Columbia records)- free. Easy Term '. . No Interest . HARTMANS. Sixteenth and Howard Streets. , FURS! FURS! FURS! MJnk choker make an Ideal present; $B to- $2: owe-liavf -their- value,- DRESHER THE TAILOR, 1515 Farnam. PICTURES ar always appreciated. On th 6th floor ot Brandeis stores. In the pk-tur framing dept., you will find a large assortment, including "Garden ot Allah." by Maxiield Parnsn., attractive ly framed. $19. TRADE your ued piano on a new player piano. Balance a low at $19 per month. ; A. HOSPS CO.. 1513 Douglas. PERSONALS. Delivered, Frc In Any Part of th City On nr a Thousand MILLER'S BOX LUNCHES , - Lunches Consist of SAtoWICHBS. FRCTT. PIE. CAKE AND " PICKLBS.'$5e and Jc v v Lunelle for Al! Occasion PK one PO. 8. 1818 St. Mary- Are. PROSTATE and bladder trouble, piles, censtlpatlon nnlckly, painlessly treated. 9 knife, massage or dieting. Simple, private home treatment. Booklet fr-c In plain wrapper. Electro Thermal Co., M Baird Bldg-. Stesbcavili. O. PERSONALS. Missing.. $1,000 Reward for atlafrtry praef la b fur. niahed by April 1. IIJJ. ditt-leeiug l ha preeeal whareaaoui of Mia l.u-y W, Cvaite, r ut bar re main. . alt. a rna. long teacher Ik lb publl ackaol of Omaha, dla. appealed from In ford lloaplial, in. aha. on th night f February ). Jill, Sli oaa about 41 year f a; I feat In height, dark complected and whan well weighed about It, pound. All her leelh had been lrotd. ' Report Information t Trust Pprtniitt, Ftr Trut Com ibl. tavttK m Sum thm tmirA hB ixMi, nffAsiiM, ar h. r. iiinp ), hit of folic. Omiiht. NtU. Anna E. Meyer THIS MALVATION Army Induetrlal horn aollclia your old clothing, furnltur. liiagailnea. Wa rollact. W dlatrlbut. I'hon 1'ougla llll and - our wagon will call. (.'all and Inaueot our uew horn. 1 1 10-1IU-1IK Iodie Bt. EPILKPTH'B Would you rare to learn about New Rational treatment for Imme. dial relief of Kpllep.y, pnaltlvaly amp. ping aelaurea from first dy' uaa. In formation free, tfpeclallal, lJrawer C US. Lander. Wj. St'PKHKH-'dUH hair removed by elec tricity; work guaranteed. Ml Allen dar, 401 Harker Hlock. KATHUVN L. RILKf. akin and acalp apa- EI.KOTIUO bath, maaaag. 911 Nevlll blcx'k. RENT Hoover vacuum, $!.!. HA. 1071. ELKOTRIO bath. Hwed. maaa. WE. HI I. KXPKHT MAHMAUK. DOUUlH Hit. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleatintj. ACCOU1HON. aid, knife, box pleating, covered buttona. all atylea; hamatltchlng. buttonhole. Writ Ideal Button I'leHting Co., JOS Brown block, Jackion 1J. r NEBR. PLEATING chBu,: tons. 1806 Frnam. 2d Floor. Dg. $670. Chiropractors. TAKhl CHIROPRACTIC sdjutmnt at your horn. Dra. Mortenen. Palmer graduate. Walnut 1910. Dr. Frances 1L Turner, 821 Brand! Theater Bldg.. Atlantic 3836. Contractors-Painting;. PAINTING, papering and plastering. J. Nan. Walnut 4567. Dancing Academies TfRF.P'S 18111 Dougla 844. Av A-'-1-'-1" J W have taught mora than 16.000 people to dance. Let ua teach you. Export Instruction, Beginners or advanced cIsbs or private lesKons. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT Mildred Maxtn teaches all oranche dancing. Studio Leflang Bldg. DO. 475. Dentists. Dentistry . All kinds of dental work don under th careful supervision of professors at the Creighton university, college of den tistry. Fees moderate, extractions free. New building, 26th and California Sts. Take Harney. Crosstown or Cuming street car. Phone Atlantic 2648. DR. NASH, 724 City Nat'l Bk. AT. 0637. Dressmaking. PRACTICAL ideas given; reasonable charge, gowns and suits; also remodel ing. WA. 8668. FURS, suits, dresses, remod'l, relined. Ha. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Bli Bldg., JA. 2066. Night, KEN. 8812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. Atl. 6501; night. Wal. 4TJ56: K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured in all cases. Atlantic 1136. DETECTIVES that get results. 409 Pax ton block. JA. 1819. DO. 6767. Kodak Finishing. FILMS deyelpped; printing and enlarging. mums" lovi nowara nr. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio. 218 Neville Blk. Patent Attorneys. J. W. MARTIN, patent attorney, 1712 j 'uuhq, vuiaua, HIBO v HSIIlIIKlon, u.' We help sell patents, models made. Printing. EDDY Printing Co.. 212 8. 13 St. Do. 8647. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS We pay u,e beat to buy back at small profit GROSS JKWEI.ItY CO., 402 N, 16th St. Doug las 5049. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 36c; nouoiij eage, ton aoa. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co., 10.1 N. 16th. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price of new beds. 1907 Cuming.. J A. 2467. FULL dress and tuxedos for rent. John Feldman, 109 N. IStli St. Jackson 312H. NEW arid rebuilt electrical apparatus. neuron iviectric, 818 S. 13th St., Omaha. ROGERS Confectionery, -24th and Farnam BRITT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. COMPLETE household furnishings at re duced prices; 3 rooms of furniture com plete for $67.50; furniture for 5 rooms. , complete for $112.50; also high-grade aming room sets, leather upholstering, living room sets, rugs linoleums, congo leuma. phonographs, ajoves. rttc. VICTORY FURNITURE EMPORIUM, EMANUEL VAKS. Pron.. 6011 So. 24th St,, South Side, Opposite Liiy jiau. MARKET 2370. . ' Crosstown cars go right by my store at, corner 24th and O streets. NEW round oak stove for sale cheap. one Doay rjrusseis rug. HA. 0810. WICKER tea cart, iron baby bed. I'M!. BASE BURNER Med. size. A-l condition. iu. uougias Ktitin. 2328 8. 23d St. .1BRARY dinner, oak buffet, WE. 0947. GOLDEN oak buffet, like new. Wal. 4180. ACORN baseburner, No. 62; $10. AT. 4237. Pianos and Musical Instruments. YOU don't need money to buy a phono- grapn, anyming ot value will be taken in as first payment. Records, 29c; 4 for $1: records exchanged, 10c. KHLAES PHONOGRAPH CO.. 1404 DODGE. JACKSON 2147. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums. xylo- puoaes, eic: instruction, ranalrinr; 2761 Davenport St. Phone Harnev 2967. YORK slide trombone and case. $.".5, also steel gultsr and case. $10. Walnut 5136. Write 4607 Marcy St.' JOHN TAFF ssxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 306 Leflang Bldg. D. 8474. Clothing and Furs. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, . all-wool 'Dundee" auits, cheap, alterations free. DUNDEE WOor.KV viii.ts Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney St. FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned? KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 8. 15th SL. - Douglas 7288. Typewriters and SupnUes. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired Sole agents for tte CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jackson 4120. lu Farnam. UNDERWOOD typewriter like new, $4. Oreat bargain. 1613 Chicago St, front room- Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needle and part. MICKEL'S 13th nd Harney. Pougla 1973. Texas Pecans CHOICE FRESH NUTS, Jec-LB., II LBS.. $2.75. E. E. See, 119 No. loth St WB by. e:i safe, make desk, abow rase, etc Omaiia Fixture As Supply C & W, Cor. 11th aad Douglaa. J A. 2724. FOR SAI-E. MiKelUncoug, Article. VJAKOI.INB tugln. $ K, p. with fe4 grinder d Iniltlng, n fratn. Oatd candiiioai $$, I3U lavaaoorth. II A. 8141. TnHAClO A real naiural amok ready fur (ha pip; undupd, mallow, smooth, ailafylng; a bit; aampi nd priaa free. H. I- 1'anl.l, tiwanaboni, Ky. UKIiTt'M weight, doubl tat of tisrnaM, I block sad tackle, aura heavy . ft, of haavy rope I.H nhia, m. Mil, FTirIaLIC Al a bargain, b.auilful wild fumed oak hurtat. walnut lot FOR BAl.aV Mtrlcily fra.b gg vfy dag. I'hon Co. Uluff !, WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS. DESKS Near decks, uad desk bought, old and traded. J. c. Rm4. HOT Farnam. O. 4146 WANTED SITUATIONS Mala. DANISH man wanta work on dairy farm, thoroughly penanced, will work raa onabl If poallios parmamant; under lands auto cara. Douglaa 7051. LXPtRIENTKO young man st.nographar wlaha work two or thra evenings a week. Ha hi own typwrltr. Writ Hox I.-331, Omaha Be. YOCNU man with Kurd touring car, wlaha work, eervicae with car; very reaaunable, know rlty, ha food lef-rem-. Wabatar 4094. CHAUFFEUR Privet, white, married, 89, competent and reliable. Six years' as- Jarlanc. But out-of-town reference. ,-311, Omaha Be. SOUTH room, privat family, modern con. venloucee. no other roomora. no chll ' drn, realdentlal sactluu. Box A-21. Omaha Be. MARRIEO man need work. Expert over, hauling, hlgh-grada car, can drive any car. Any kind work acceptable. Call Ken. 832$. EXPERIENCED offlc man, 24, capable of taking charge. Want connection with reliable concern Mr. Olson, Jack son 1765. RESPONSIBLE position wanted; xp. as sistant mgr., offlc mgr.. auditor, cost accountant, treasurer. Vry bt of rf. 319-B'e. WORK a demonstrator, aaleaman, col lector, elevator pilot or other light work, phon evenings. Doug. 9168, for White. BOOKKEEPER and offlc clerk, 10 year' experience. Temporary, part time or ateady position. Box L-296, Omaha, Be. RELIABLE young man wlhea work, as truede driver,' la careful and knows city and suburbs. Reference If required. DO. 7051. MAN out of work 'wanta Job varnishing, polishing furniture and woodwork In private homes. Reasonable prices. DO. 6786. YOITNO man, capabl taxing charge of set of books, 10 yra. exp.; all llnea office work. Good ref. Box L-217. Omaha Bee. MUST get buayS exp. lumber, grain or other lines; office or road; buyr, sales man, -i ry me out. i.--s. omana Bee. YUNO married man wishe position a , grocery clerk or driving truck or motor cycle; exp.; best of ref. po, 9375. EXPERIENCED house man wants work either In hotel or private home clean Ing. Phone Atlantic 2030. J. Pratt. OFFICE work of Miy kind by young mar ried man; 18 wtrs experience In office detail. Box it. Council Bluffs, la. YOUNG man wants work on Ssturday or Sunday nights, or both. Box A-29, Omaha Bee. GENERAL housework wanted by Jap man with good ref. Call Atlantic 4699. Morning or evening only. GENTLEMAN adventurer at leisure. Any thing considered. Replies will be held in strictest confidence. L-317, Bee. A YOUNO MAN wishes position as motor. cycle driver or chauffeur. Call Lester De Lay, 4038 Seward street, city. CONSCIENTIOUS, resourceful, have in itiative; 36; desire work not too heavy; rererences. 1,-zdii, omana Bee, YOUNG married man must have work; experienced store and office work .Box L-333. Omaha Bee. POSITION by young man, 19, a stocg clerk or office work. of any kind. Ref erences. L-29I, Omaha Bee. BOOKKEEPER, truck driver, any kind of work; recently out of hospital, result of army service. KE. 2012. REGISTERED druggist desires permanent position. Address W. H. It., 217 South 7th St.. Council Bluffs. BAKER, lst class. All around.' Twelve years experience. F. . JFj-ankotf, JU North Nineteenth street. A YOUNO married man desires position as experienced chauffeur. Call Cleo DeLay, 4638 Seward St., City." . YOUNG married man wants work any kind; can drive car; three years ma chinist. HA. 1759. . YOUNG man wishes position as solicitor or collector with salary guarantee. Box A-25, Omaha Bee. ' FURNACES repaired and cleaned. Coils overhauled. Gas stove ' connected. $1.00 Wal. 358$. YOUNG man. 19. is looking for position, office or otherwise; high school gradu ate. WA. 2057. LET the man that knows how polish your . floors, furniture, wood work. Delaney. Douglas 5103. STUDENT wants work on Saturdays. Call Mr. Steven after 8 In th evening at Harney 7252. i' GOOD experienced blacksmith with tools wants position at once. Address L-295, Omaha Bee. . MIDDLE-AGED man wanta work of any kind; willing and capable. Box L-270, Omaha Bee. - CITY SALESMAN, 3 years exp., groceries or notions. Have good ref., and is a hustler. L-325. MAN and wife want work in flat, man as janitor, lady as maid. Phone Jack son 6637. " WANTED Hotel, restaurant or any other aina or worn, . in or out of town. Bee, Box L-315. . ALL around dairy man wishes position, wiy uuiKer ana a goou caretaKer. A-26, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man wants work- of any kind; I need immediate employment. Phone WE. 2560. COLORED man wishes Job as stationary luiuuu, aw years experience; ref. DO. 7736. YOUNG man, experienced in meats and groceries, wants work. L-292, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED lather wishes work. By i-vuiract, yaro or nay, uaii Maritet 1386. 4 YEARS of experience in grocery store; good references. Call Douglas 6751. COLORED janitor want day work. "Can furnish three references. MA. 2866. SITUATION wanted. House clearing or yard work. Box A-23. Omaha Bee. YOUNG MAN. married, wants work of any kind. ,rCall Webster 6915. POSITION Experienced fireman, ster 3005, after 6 p. m. ALL around handy man Want position. L-316. Omaha Bee. YOUNG MAN wants position In tor or office. Walnut 6869. MAN wishes work In private family or garage. Web. 6927. WANT any kind of work. 4832 So. 26th St. S.. Vantne, MARRIED man wants work. Willing to no anything. Box L-820, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED man wants any kind of office work. Douglas 7084. Bert Stanley. Female. - WANTED Sales position by refined lady with experience. Musical line preferred, any accepted. Ethyl Zimmerman, 416 r.o. jiwrence Ave., vvicnita, Kan. YOUNG lady wanta position answering n-tepntme or as cleric in ory gooos store in Omaha or Council Bluffs. Call B-I173. - EXP. tenog. thoroughly qualified, com petent and accurate, desire position. $110. Best ref. L-328, Omaha Bee. A RELIABLE colored woman wants house cleaning and laundry work, of any kind. TeL Dougla 7084. WANTED By experienced women to take charge of first clfts roomtD; house. Call 2467. Coucll Bluffs. LADIES' snd children's coats and fur re lined. Black 3364. Council Bluff. la. STENO. desire work. Good reference. 6 yra. exp. Consider salary $29 to $:.. Har ney 6956. - TYPIST, experienced, want work at home; price reasonable. E. McKay. DO -!. WANTED Typing to do at home address ing envelope, circular. Telephone AC 1168. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE and family washing waoted: satisfaction given, by dosen $1.26. called for aad delivered. Ftum Web. 19L WANTED SITUATIONS. hkLIAULK .alar.d lady waul dar work. Heat referenee. Wabatur tla4. fcXi'krtllCNi t.UMeuiidi.ea wai buadia washing al her horn. W abater 4.11. DAY work, laundry or claanluf waolad; rafaraar. WK. 404. PLAIN and fancy clolha carefully laun. dared, else curtain aad blanket. Web- tr 3H. TWOnat colored girla daair day woik. W'K. 13I ar WK. 441$. W ANTIC D Fancy laundry wuik by whit girl. Atlantic 9411. Misccllanaous. HOTEL work, any kind, wanted by man and wlf. Mr. Harry Gordon, $613 Harney Bt., Oinah. Nan. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. RAILWAY mall and poaial clerk eianilu. tlona. ged 1$ upwards, $110 monthly. iperlenre unnresary. For fra par. . tlculara. writ V. 8. School Civil Barv lea, 90 Equltabl Bldg., Washlngten I). C. MEN To qualify for railway atatlon and offlc positions; experience unncaary; tranaportatlon furnlahad. Writ Baker, Supt., Dept. 411, Walnwrlght, tit. Lou I a. MO. $135 month commence. Railway malt dark. Many wanted. Llat position free. Writ Immediately. Franklin In stltute. Dept. 319-R, Rochester. N. T. Professions and Trades. WANTED Conductors, brakemen, fire, men. bollermkrs. machinist and of flc men desiring foreign mploymant to inveatlgate Cuba, Central America. South America and th Islands, through our booklet containing . th correct name of 21 railroads in thos countries, th proper official to communicate with, and their poatofflc nddreaaea. Prlc $1.00. Not an' empluymont ugency. But occupation, and addreaa all com munications to Directory of Foreign Ry, Official, P.'O, Box 248$, San Francisco, LSI. " TIRE REPAIRING. tsught In th ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIR SCHOOL IN OMAHA. Learn repairing, retreading, tub repairing and rubber vulcanizing. Three week's train ing. $25. Writ ton complete Informa tion. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave., Omaha We do not sell vulcanising machinery, BIO MONEY! DO IT NOW! LEARN THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE BEST WAY. IN THE BEST PLACE AND SHORTEST TIME. I, EARN IT ALL AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 2B14 N. 20TH ST., OMAHA. WRITE FOR FREE tjATALOG SUCCEED Be an automotive electrical specialist; learn starting, lighting, Igni tion; generator, armature, mngneto work;, battery building, repairing. Greatest school. Free booklet. Johnson's Auto motive Electrical School, Dept. J, Broad way, Denver. WANT work at good pay? I .earn Phot engravlne: competent workmen alwaya in demand. write for catalog today, Illinois College of Photography, 123 Wa bash Avenue, Effingham, III. MEN wanted to qualify for firemen, brake- men, experience unnecessary. Transpor tation lurniHnea. v rue v. ioggcss, St. Louie. MEN Age 17 to 65, experience unneces sary: travel: make secret Investigations, reports. Salaries; expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 476, St. Louis. BK a detective, $G0-$100 weekly; travel over world; experience unnecessary. American Detective Agency, J99 Lucas, St. I.ouls. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN, beginners, $150, later $250 monthly- Write Railway, Box Y-1737. Omaha Bee. MOI.ER BARRER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. Glove Salesmen To sell manufacturer's line of Amer ica's best, make of leather work gloves, mittens, automobile and .semi-dross gloves. This line Is direct from the fac tory to the retailer and positively can compete with the best lines on the mar ket. If you are a glove salesman here's a good opportunity. . No drawing ac counts advanced, saleslnen must be fi nancially able to carry themselves. The line is large and varied enough to war rant earnings of from $5,000 to $15,000 per year. Address H. W. Hascall, 1229 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. TO A CAPABLE SALESMAN., ARE YOU PROSPERING? We have closed the largest November business in 20 years; we are increasing .oursales force! If you are capable and "want to build a permanent business aid ed by our co-operation and national ad vertising, write at once. Line ts staple; sold to the better class retail stores; excellent commiswion contract with lib eral advance to producers. Address Continental. 1920 Euclid Ave., Dept. 101, C.loveland. O. JUST In time for inventory and income. 1 lax: tnousands awaiting marvelous new calculating machine, retails $15; work equals $300 machine; automatically adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides; speedy, accurate, durable, handsome; 5 year guarantee; sells on Sight to clerks, ptores. factories, garages. Write quick for liberal trial offer end protected ter ritory. Dept. 438, Lightning Calculator Co.. Grand Rapids. Mich. MEN You've always wanted big money. Here it Ik;' $16 to $32 a day. New pat ented alumnlum handle cutlery set. You simply display set and write order. We deliver and collect. Pay you daily. Ex perience unnecessary. Sample free. Try it out. Jennings Mfg. Co., Set 445, Day- ion, O. SALESMAN Young man with experi ence to sell metal beds, springs and dining and bedroom furniture in Ne braska and western Iowa, on salary and commission;- fine opportunity for , the right man; prefer man who has been traveling In that territory. Ad dress Box Y-1733, Omaha Bee. WE wnnt experienced salesmen to take over virgin territories now open on the Kale Ford oiling System. If you can deliver the goods your future is as sured. We want men of proven abil ; ity. none others need apply. The Yale Corporation, 124 W. 4th St., Los An geles, Cal. ADVERTISING Specialty Salesmen One of the oldest and best known manufactur ing concerns in the business has open ings for six men for 1922 ; large and attractive line; established trade In each territory; 30 per cent commission paid in full on receipt of orders. Address Lock Box 612. Clinton, la. A COMPANY 36 years old with $10,000, - 000 assets has a permanent position where ft is possible to have a big In ' come if you are a hard worker. Only applicants with a clear successful record will be considered. Give age, exper . ience and phone number. Box A-113, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN to sell retail drug trade na tionally known line ot high quality toil et soaps. Want man about 20 years old with clean record, a hard worker who can get results against difficulties. Omaha headquarters, answer In your own handwriting. Address Box Y-1738, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN with good references and some acquaintance among the shoe re- - pairers preferably. A real live perma nent proposition to the right man. If you are honestly looking forward fo building a business for yourself, com municate. Box Y-1734, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN CHILDREN'8 DRESS MAN UFACTURER DESIRES REPRESEN TATIVE FOR LINE OF POPULAR PRICED WASTtt- DRESSES FOR NORTH DAKOTA. SOUTH DAKOTA. NEBRASKA. LY-BEL DRESS CO., 517 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. r 'HAT SALESMAN. To start January 1. Liberal commis sion; expenses advanced; salesmen trav eling in auto can clean up. but car not absolutely necessary; Commonwealth Harvest Hat Co.. Dept. 18, !zd and Washington. St. !,ouls. Mo. WANTED An experienced clothing ami shoe, salesman, steady position with ad vancement for the right party, good salary to start. Address with reference Th Bloom Shoe and Clothing Co., Deadwood. S. D. , SALESMEN WANTED For permanent work beginning January 1, two sales men f ability to command good salary; experienced In advertising, grocery or specialty lines; write, with record and reference. Box 495. Iowa City. la. LADIES 3-ln-l Leatherette shopping bags. Every home a sale: 100 per cent profit: spare time will do. $a to $15 a day easy; experiance unnecessary: sample Tree. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. 5024, Bal timore Bldg.. Chicago. WASTED Three collectors, good chance for advancement; steady employment. 181$ Capital Ave.. Apt. 2. Apply week day after $ p. m. Sunday between 9 and II. SALESMAN wanted, to sell knit tie aa a sid line. Ten per cent commission. Give references and territory traveled. Hurst-Zucker Neckwear Co., 1322 Wash ington Ave.. 8C Louis. Mo. CUTEESUITS for children. Sweeping country like wildfire; nothing Ilk 'em No competition; every general store buy; big commission. Write today. Cuteeeult Frtorl- S., o. CAN use two llv salesmen, woraer eaily, i lead fnreoed. Good Pay. Boson 999, Finance Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTkll Malaaman to al auraary alvrk permeaent elttploymautt atparlenc ua nacaaaarx; reinmleeioa paia waaHiy; eui fit fr.a. Katablian.d 1179. Apply F. H. Mannard to, Utlaw. Kan. Al.a.!iii;N ICicpuonal opportunity for , few laamea who writ at one. l.K men now earning $1 I 6I0 par day, Mm.'laary t leader Factory, Washington, WANTED I6sutlood alamn to ll eomplat Hn of butcher nd billiard supplies. 11. Rnrllcb sons Altg. .., HI. Joaepn, o. SALESMEN Bld.llu man, $1 to $19 par day; no aaniplaa to carry; nothing Ilk It. Lincoln Mala Co., 3146 Lincoln Av Dapt. $4, Chicago, GROCERY aaleaman with oar, aaperlano unnecessary, direct to cooaumer, guar, anteed Una, 1494 A ma Ave. WANTED Flv ollcllor. hou-to-hou.a propoaltlon. . A. J. McKanil, lilt Douglaa Bt. all t to 1. SALESMEN for hlgh-grad auto aoc.a ory. call Mr. Hvgar, Walnut 3124 froi 7:30 lo 9:39 p. m. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS You' v alwaya wanted big mon ey: her It la; $16 to $32 ft day: new paunted aluminum nandl cutlery set, You almnly dlaolar t and writ or der. Wa deliver and collect. Pay you dally. Experience unnecessary. Sampl fra. Try It out. Jannlng Mfg. CO. Set 545, Dayton, O. MAKE $100 weekly Introducing $09 candle power tamp or lantern; brighter than electricity; burn or ga.olane coat half cant oar hour: absolutely safe, Quick Mller; get fra outfit offer. Writ today. Akron Lamp Company, 11 Lamp Hlilg., Akron, o, AGENTS No dull time representing Per fect Comfort Guaranteed Hosiery; must wear or replaced free; steady year round business; $300 month quickly earned. N penance unnecessary; sample rre. Trial will prove, Jennings Mfg. Co. Trial S46, Dayton, O. ' AGENTS Largs and small towns: our mm ar making large profits weekly lritroduc n new. auaranteed. auto acce. sorv to Ford owners: sells on sight. $1.60. exclusive territory. Standard Specialty Co., Mayer Hldg.. Milwaukee, wis. AGENTS make $10 to $30 per day sell Jo Primer for Ford ana otner cars; starts enalne In coldest of cold days; sells $2.50. costs you $1.00. Send for sample and particulars. Allied Products company, Hox J-lis, Waterloo, is AGENTS Something new. Christmas Sun Itary Soap: lathers freely, especially in hard water: send 90 cents for one dozen cakes, one dozen samples; tarritory pro tected. Our rating A-l. The M. Werk Co., St. Bernard, O. Agents 8 in 1 Leatherette shopping bags. Brand neW; selling fast; 100 per cent profit; $5 to $16 day easy: every lady will buy: exnerlence unnecessary; sum plo free. Rallen Mfg. Co., Dept. 4024 Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. AGENTS, Salesmen Crew Managers Make si.090 nerore i:nrtKimaa; nign-graoe combination shopping bag: new. Im mense profits: free circular. Pelletler . Mfg., 117 No. Dearborn, Chicago. SELL Necessities Everybody needs snd buvs the "Business Guide;': Bryant cleared $800 in 20 days; Gutellns, $560 In 26 days. Send for sample. It s free. Nichols Co.. Napervllle. 111. AGENTS 60-$200; free samples: gold sign letters, anyone can put on store windows: big demand: liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 4oS N. Clark, Chicago. A BUSINESS of Your own Make spark ling glass name plates, numbers. cnecK erboards, medallions, signs; big Illustrat ed book. free.. E. Palmer, 132, Woos- ter. O. AGENTS 90c an hour to advertise and distribute sample to consumer. Write nuiclc for territory and particulars. Al bert Mills. Gen. Mgr., -4776 American Bldg.. Cincinnati, o. AGENTS Wonderful eller: 96c profit on every dollar sales; deliver on spot; li cense unnecessary: sample free. "Mission Factory 7, 2819 W, Pico, Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS Undersell retailers, complete line factory to consumer; shirts: sure, fast sellers; price sells them, quality get re peat orders: $16 dally easy. Chicago Shirt Co., 206 S. LaSalle, Chicago. CHEWING GUM Sell to store: profitable . business built up quickly; spearmint ana popular flavors. In novel packages. Write today. Helmet i;o.. Cincinnati. i. AGENTS Big profits: genuine Gold Leaf window letters anyone can put up.pcriDis and 57 varieties. Chicago Agency. uo, 840 Altgeld St., Chicago - AGENTS Good 60c seller, every motor ist will buy. easily handled, cost you $1.00 per dozen postpaid. . Dobbins, 326 River St., Chicago, Illinois. AGENTS Our Combination bag, is big Christmas seller; sample free. Koenig Soles Co.. 806 Carpenter, oak rarK, in. MEN wanted for detective work; experi ence unnecessary. Write J. Ganor, for mer government detective. St. Louis. Boys. WANTED Boys as ushers after school. Apply 11 a, m. Moon theater, ua not phone. Miscellaneous. MEN Traffic association wants. few clean cut men under 36, willing to work hard for an executive position; selected ap plicants will be thoroughly trained and placed where future Is assured; start ing salaries $50 weekly and up; ex perience not necessary, but must have grammar school education and be now employed; right man should earn up ward of $5,000 yearly. Write in con fidence giving phone number.. Box A 20. Omaha Bee. BE a railway traffic Inspector: $110 to $350 monthly, expenses paid after 3 months' spare-time study. Splendid opportunities. Position guaranteed or money refunded. Write for Free Booklet.- E-271,- Stand. Business Training Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y. MEN Bo. free now .of bladder, prostate trouble, piles and constipation. No drugs, diet, massage or operation! Sim ple, painless treatment at home. You will be helped at once or no charge. Free booklet. Electro Thermal Co., 661 Balrd Beebe Bldg., Steubenville, O. $36 TO $56 weekly In your spare time do ing special advertising work among the ' families of your city; no experience nec essary; write today for full particulars. American Products Co., 4776 American Vmg.. Cincinnati, O. MAN wanted to run small furnace In exchange for . room and board. Call Doug. 5711 IF you can sell a good article and are willing to work, call Atlantic 1572. HELP WANTED FEM .LE. Stores and Offices. CLERKS for postal-mall and government field service. $125 month, experience un necessary. For free particulars of ex aminations write J. Leonard (former civil service exsmlner), 909 Equitable Bldg.. Washington, D. C. $1,100 year paid women. U. S. govern ment;, steady positions; common edu cation. Apply today for list positions. Address Box Y-1720. Omaha Bee. WANTED Young woman to do secretarial work and assist doctor in examination room. State age and exp. Box. A-27, Omaha Bee. - STENOGRAPHER and dictaphono opera tor wanted' at once. Apply In person. 1424 First National Bank Bldg. Wanted Girl at 1211 Douglas St.; and candy store. fruit Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. Special rate and inducement. TRI-CITY BARBER COLI.EO! " Saleswomen and Solicitors. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, over 35 years of age. one who will appreciate a good home in country town; small family, fair wages snd good treatment. Ad drees Boa Y-1738. Omaha Bee. LADIES Everywhere. Full or spsre time. Make ISO weekly selling Waterproof Kitchen Aorons. Sanitary Aprons. Belts sample free. Writ Miller Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. Household and Domestic REFINED houaekeeper for modern horns, no children: one in family. Reference required. A-Jl. Omaha Bee WHITB girl or middle-aged woman to assist with housework. Oood home. No laundry. Ref. reo.. L-324. Omaha Bee. COMPETENT white maid for general housework. Must be a good took. Three I family. Walnut 9578. WANTED White maid for general house work: small family. Wainut 6118. Miscellaneous. WOMEN earn 110 dally distributing won derful Medical Adviser by Dr. Plerc I nfolds eeert of marriage, happiness often reveeled too late; 1. 998-page, rlotb InoBd book. Illustrated with colored ' plate, retail 1.. free wHh Instruction, to worker. Sales enormous. - Encloae lec to blp pay poatag nd peeking. Medical Press. (48 Washington Sc. Baf fal. N. ' T. PHOTOPLAYS 4. Idea needed. Work ing girl paid II. for Idea e thought worthies. TVtll free. Writ Pradacer League.:::. St. Louis. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. AN a.taptlonal ap.ctlng. TUoa eella plala lng hum. Any sawing m rhla. I'Hy r country. N ratvaaala Steady. prvsnl eurluaity ftaakaia and II can la. sample, inr.irmatiun Good War Cloth Co., A. bury Park, N. WANTED IMMEDIATELY klaaettemed hand embroiderers, erorhetar, h.m.tllra era W furniah. malarial, raying Ilk. rally for making. pia mp4 en.elop bring parilrulara. .Underwood am ttaoda Co., Purtamouth, O, , KARN $:l weekly, spar time, writing for n.w. papers, magaaine xprinee wa neraeaary; detail free. 1'raa Hjodleata. 811, nt. Louie, Wo. HELP WANTED. Malt and Female. LADIBS wanted and man, too, la ddra envelope and mill cdvartlalng mailer t horn for lane mail order firm, spare or whol llmt, Can make $1 to $3$ weakly.' No capital or txpar. requlsed. Book a.plalnlng av.r. thing mailed for loo te cover poet a i, to. Ward Pub. Co.. Tllton, N. H, WOMICN OR MEN Copying lellera. mall lag clrculara, etc., at horn, all er apara time; big weekly Income for honeat, sin cere paraona; xprlnc unneceeae ry, splendid traveling position ale open Commercial Bervlr Bureau, Dept. i Isabella Hldg., Chicago. MAN or woman wanted; aalary $34 full time, 71c an hour spar ttm, sailing guaranteed hoeiery to wearer: txperi enc- uttneceaa ry, ' International Knit ting Mills. CI 23. Nnrrlatown. I't WANTED Men. ladle and boy to learn barber trad; big demand: wages while learning; alrlctly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodg St. Trl-Clty Barber coiiene. NURSERY GOVERNESS for . 2-year-ld boy. Must be. responsible and furnlan references, -Call Atlantic $611 til this week. ' ' ADVERTISERS Save money, gat re ams; (6-page book tells how; mailed tree. Standard Advertising Agency, $00, St. Louis, Mo. COLLECTOR (For rental), experienced. who covers residence districts. II Omaha National Bank Building. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In sccountsncy, ma chin bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting. railroad and wlrelea telegraphy, civil eervic nd ll English find commercial branches Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. . Day and Evening Schools. 220 Oinaba National Bank- Bldg. Douglaa 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. WONDERKlMi opportunity for ambUlout lnvn find women fo become e8tabllhd In permanent, independent, refined bunt nc'BH, as our branch office ma on iter; no house-to-house peddling; deal only with business and professional ; exclu sive territory; clear $500 to $1,000 month ly. Wo provide expert training and verythlnjr neceaxary for success; no In vostment In goods; Investigate, John C. BonneH, Sec, Desk 17, Woodruff Build Inpr, fiprtngfleld. 1o. SAVE Incorporating' expenses and excess profit tax eg and avoid personal liability by organizing your company, on the common law plan under a declaration of trust. Anyone,, anywhere, can fill In temaree standard form. Issue shares and begin doing- business same day. Pam phlet B-iU free. C. S. Dehiaree,' Legal Plank Printer. 613 Walnut, Kansas City. 1o. LARGK manufacturer of nationally-adver tised Automotive Products, offers oppor tunity to business man, with financial responsibility, to necura rights or agency for counties on new proposition to be placed on market; It will be widely advertised and will develop Into a profit able business. for a man who will pat his time and energy behind It. Address Box T-1735. Omaha Be. ATTENTION" INVESTORS. Carefully selected oil-and gas leases in proved and prospective territory; also lands in fee simple. - Pncea right, ac cording' to location not a promotion, scheme; if interested write for informs tion. .P.. A. Nellan. Hotel Cotton, Hou ston, Tex., or J.. J. Chadill, Rosenberg, Tex. , FOR SALE Fully equipped pleating, but ton and ncmstttchtng business in town of 60.000; can he worked up tilt a mo nopoly of the -business is obtained; -can be" handled by man and wife; have other business and cannot handle both: Bank references and fullest investigation. Ad dress Box Y-1723. Omaha Bee. TH 15 best wallpaper, paint and. glass busi ness. In southwestern Towa. Done $18,000 In business ' last season, and am doing better this season; in sale of goods only. No time for contracting. Oool location. Cheap rent, will sell for cost. 'Invoice about $3,000: Some trade considered. No bigger profits for a email Investment. Faoklers. The Paint. House. Olenwood, Ta. ABOUT FLORIDA Get unbiased facts, Avoid pttfalls. . We publish state Jour nal to neip nnmeseeKers, tells about soils, crops, Conditions; send 10c for personal reply ' to questions and 4 week's .trlaj subscription. Florida Grower, Tarn pa. Fa. MAC DONALD. STEAM BOB-CAT. Small popular-priced Steam automo bile, past experimental stage; manufac turers desire financially responsible sales representatives, unlimited possibilities. Address, with references, Manufactur er, Box 62, Garfield, O. YOUR own business conducted at Home. Unlimited profits with puts and calls in stock market; with J40 you can trade In 100 shares of any stock; with a few hundreds, a living Income Is possible. Folder B-14 exnlalns. Paul Kaye, 311 Brondway, K. T. ' Sale of Bankrupt Stock $10.J00 general merchandise will, be sold at auction December 9. at 2 p. m., Kalrbury. Neb. R. E. Riley, trustee In bankruptcy. MAIL Order Business Would you Invest 9100 to earn 90 weekly the year around. Anyone can operate. Write for proofs, plans and bank references. United Buy ers Association, Holland. Mich. 8ALKS organization market, complete line products, consumers and dealers; direct: liberal discounts; opportunity for big turn-over; market unlimited. Apex-Supply Co.i -88 S. Dearborn. Chicago. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C Mcconney, i err mlnsl Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Half interest In 3-table bil liard parlor. 2o53 Farnam Bt. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Choice Room . In Private Home ' with privilege of use of parlor and kitchen. Young married couple pre ferred. References required. Geo. T. Porter. & Co.; ' 105 So. 18th St. At. 2998. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call t office for llet of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefit both advertiser end room seeker Wanted A good, aeualble working couple to rent 4 good, clean modern- furnished rooms. 2866 Chicago, call evenings. SOUTH room, private family, modern con veniences, no other roomers, no chil dren, residential . section.. Box A-24, Omaha Bee. DESIRABLE warm room. Private home, walking distance. 210 Faxton Court. Harney -6661. PLEASANT room, first floor, private lava tory, good location. Harney 2349. AT 4701. apt. 601: warm, pleasant room; close In; traveling man preferred. ONE. large room, with doubl closets: gentlemen. jt2l. No. 20th St. TEL. WE. 6482. Furnished room In mod ern prlvste home. TWENTY-FIFTH 8T.. lit N.. X CLEAN, WARM. MOD. AT. 6518. NICE warm room, home privileges. S. 21th St. Hsrney 69D5. ATLANTIC 6243 Very nice room, suitable frr 2 gentlemen; close I. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO th better housekeeping rooms ra th directory furnished to advertiser - and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy cootainlrg deslrabl vacancies In all parte of the n:r 2 on fur. rma.. first floor, connected with bath: near 2 carlines; prtv. home; hem privilege. 88. Walnut 149. TWENTY-SEVENTH St., 661 8 One sua ny aoeth room, with board, for a young lady, employed. - - - 638 SOUTH 27th St, furn. 2-rm. aulte, it fir. 81 wk. or reduced rates by mo 2451 S. IITH St.. two rooms, light houie ketlne. mt."v no rvw" t RF.Aeov ' riced housekeeping room. i WILL ob. let nice, large offlc with re 2::i Dodg St- ' ceptioa rm. accommodation. JA. 1352. FOB KENT-BOOMS. Housekftping Room. AI L uiodei kuuaakaeping rime, Vi la alia 11 . SITH ST 1 laig. plaeaaitl reom. fur, rentplel! prl. heme. Har. Oil I r ( rni. f lust h,p. Sirlniy mad. heme, remain car Ilea AT 9a8. Board snd Booms. l.AMUU front ream far I girl "lib beard yield clua diatrlcl. frhei hem. Haraay 1408. NICM ann rra In prlval family for I people vita eieellaat meal at 19 week eh. Haraay 1TIJ, KAHNAM ST., Ideal hums far I fnllinn A-l meal If deal red. WiL HI. HOOM and beard for 1. ham csoklng would car for child. HA. !, Hamilton HI, 8119 Moorn and beard ml- bt for 9. walnut !. TKU HA. 9519, employed married roup for room and boara lit private raniiiy. HA H. 4595 Room, suitable fur I gentle, man l room, board, washing, II each.. Unfurnished Rooms. tkiVKN aaml-modam unfurnlehed room t Wl MlllUry Av., unatalra, III. Atlantis 94, Mr. F. T, l.ynrh. CLARK and 11th tret, 1551 N. 4 furnlahed room. 'H Webater I'll. POR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RKNT Completely furnlahed room hnue. Modern, garage, good I. cation. Kenwood IH6. 189 VICTOR AVE. New 5-room bunga low. Hot water heated. Wehat..r 1016. UnfurnisVied. AT 4 1 Barker Avenue, brand new slue. Co bungalow, built-in features, strictly np-to-th minute, exceptionally good furnace. If you r looking for Horn thin fin ae tht at one. I0. 3101 Dorcas St., T fin room, in good condition. 114 blks from liansrom Peril car. 855 per munth. Sunday call At lantic 0088. j; I III ATT COMPANY. 1914 Douglas Street. Atlantic 0088. 4611 Kontenelle Blvd., I rm In good con. dltlon. ICO. i J. L. II1ATT COMPANY. 1914 Dougla Street. Atlantic 0083. Sunday call AT. 44. DUNDKU HOMbi. Chanc to own new colonial l-room horn by renting at 1125 a mo., and a little cash. Owner leaving city. Malt eon Small. 1214 City Nat'l. - 826 8828 H street, flv rooms. 1172847 Y street, four rooms. STEFFEN RKAL KSTATK AV INS. 542 SIJCURITIF.S BLDIL CO., 4-ROO.M steam heated apt.; 135. Stebblns. HilO Chicago. 0. P 6-ROOM house, modern; rent 10 to right party. W'B, 8778. FIVR and a 8-room house, all modern, 23d near Vinton. Harney 6273. ALL modern 7-room house. Ken. 6110. Miscellaneous. 2101 CHICAGO STREET. Seven rooms,, modern, walking dis tance, !5 per month. .- Benson & Myers Co. . 424 OMAHA NAT'L . JACKSON 071 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. Hyland Apartments 1 101 North ISth street, under new management:' 2-3 and 4-room apart ments; .strictly moderp, completely fur nshed. -reasonable price. Fhoue Webster 0H06. OLARINDA. 31st and. Farnam St.; fine ; 7-room apartment,,, estra large com fortable rooms: living' room with fire place..' ':; four large :bed rooms, including - rrmld" room and extra. - bath. Phone HA. 3583 Sunday. A ELEOANT -7-room apartment. 3303 Pop pleton; rent 175.' L. O. Olbson, 3316 . M street. Phon Market 1516. or HA. 490.' ' - COMPLETELY furnished '2 nd 3-room apartments;' prlvste bath; steam heat; walking distance. Brown 'Apt., 508 N. 21st St. DO. 6644. APARTMENT for rent to party buying furniture. Call Jackson '2895. Drake Rental Agency. ' ' 2-ROOM mod. apt., brick building. V4 blk. to car. Harney. 6291. 1731 Park Ave. TWO ROOMS and bath. 311 N. 26th. Unfurnished, - Attention, LighJ; Housekeeping ' Tenants Po you know that .we have a one room, private "bath, large closet and kitchenette apartment that rents for an average of 110.00 A WEES? Thej' are in new, sanitary, fireproof buildings; walking distance to down town; heat and water- furnished. These are the' most complete low-prioed llv ing quarters In the city. You only need a small amount of furniture to-make these rooms a very comfortable home. . W are prepared to whow these apart ments at any reasonable hour. Rents payable, 142.50 per month.' Drake Rental Agency JA 2805. JSD AND JONES. ' -'.'New -v.'. Hanscom Apartments io:r PARK AVE. . Just finished. 1 2 and '3-room apart ments, - all outside exposures, in ftre proof building. Only a few left. Rate from 157 to 366 per1 month. Make a selection AT -ONCE. Drake Rental Agency OFFICE 1SI DRAKE COURT. 23D AND JONES. JACKSON 2805. DANDY large 4-room apartment, 6-room accommodations: good- neighborhood. 22d and Wirt Sts.; price 79 per month includes, best, light, -gas. hot and cold water and phone. - Call H. 3582 Sunday. TO LET Small apt.. Mercer Apts., 3920 Cumins. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., JV. 0564. 1320 Farnam. TO LET rooma with bath, Uercer Apts. 3930 Cuming. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Jackson 05C4 1320 Farnam St. FIVE rooms, and bath In brick duplex. on Dundee carllne. In west part ot cuy. Possession December 12. Will lease- 1 or 2 years at 0 per month. DO. 2968. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENT" 3316 DODGE Strictly modern flat. Oood location. Call Jackson 3352. CENTRAL, 4 or 6-room apartment. A-l porches, no superior. Apply 220 V. No. 2.'.d. 6-ROOM modern flat. 2308 So. 24th. 146. Tel. Harney 4711. S-ROOM FLAT AT 2226 NO. WEBSTER 2345. 20TH ST. FOR RENT Business Property, THREE-STORY and basement building 2037vFarnam St., right In the heart of the coming retail center. Will leaae for term of years, about 12.900 square feel In all. For further Information see ALFRED THOMAS SON CO. . 814 First National Bank. TO LET i. aquara feet, ground floor Farnam St.. between 2otb and 24th. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. Jichaon 5f4. 132 Kern. an fit. TO LET 19,909 aqnar feet. 118.-14 Howard St. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. Jackson SS4. 132 Farnam St. NICELY furnished offic for rent, three months. Reasonable rent. 10 Keeline Bid. FOR attractive aad comfortable office-. with reaeenable rent. See u at 4v F!nnr building. FOR RENTBuslntM Prop. orVTcti ""m' . w jr reaeeeabla 11 . Uih a. 4844. TokAill. i"V WAfteW IliilHal I'D, Mix nd Sis I a. I. W D. Wa.AU, II 'llJ.'aTrT 'WANTEDTO 11XNT. TWO .ilentea deair anting room and to badreem, Hh break f. at and sup. per, I privet family. Weal FarMin dirlrt, renvenlenl t rri uid pay amply fr dequt nd emnfortabl accmmoilallnn. Mtgbeat reference. Addreaa A-fl. Omtht Ha, er pbf la.k.on llll. ' , Furnished Apartments and Hou. Hoiliio" furnished r unfurnlahad, lluade o rAai t K r n n n 1 n t r4- H Vji , MOINO" AND 8TQRAGE. Moving Moving W i.aambla and forward rrlod f both houeabold good na gatomeblle. Watch this column II will' kS you Informed wher w rd making ear . load shipment! la. If yon r chipping I ny f th cities rsprraentiHl or to town adjacent to our shipping points, are ua about our rate: our through rat I l than th regular rata, nd you have th dvntug of carload aarvlr. Whether you ar shipping free Omaha or from point In Nebraska er Iowa, you can sav money by using our crlod earvlct. i . , Today w ar accepting shipments t th following cities: , , I. oe Angale San I'lego . San KrancliCO i OaHlnnd Kitnaaa City Minneapolis i Gordon Fireproof Warehouse & Van Co. ill N. Uth St, Tlion Doug. 9394. Omaha, Nak, Shipping Storage WANTED To hear from owner, of good farm for sale. Stat cash price, full particular. D. F. Bush, llln.ieapollr, Minn. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Sepiiat locked rooms for brussholS goods and piano, moving, packing and "hipping. RKKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAOIf.' log Bouth I6tn. ' Douglas 41 is, ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr, Olob Van St Slnrag Co.. J A. 4331 AT. 0330. 120-34 North 18th St, AUTOMOBILES FOR SlUE7 Oakland Touring Here is a nearly new Oakland toiirln equipped with a Rex Sedan top. Thio Is an exceptionally, good car and th present cold weather makes closed car comfort very desirable. Flv new tireg on this Job snd reflnlahed Ilk new. A. reel bargain at 1500. Terms. Com 1978 " today or ca" Dauglaa "Guy L. Smith Rebuilt Reo Speedwagom Don't Judge used truck value by the pr(c tags oh true), in ' ". ,.,: Listed below ar trie best lie. built Reo Speedwagons" In town. nhy shouldn't they bet When . ' buying a used Reo Bpeedwagon buy It from the Reo dealers. TV go a long way to mak satisfied customers. Look this list over, then com in and see the trucks, ami get prices; a small payment start j ou in a business of your own. ; On J . lU-don ..Reo,JfeoV . n-agon, overhauled, has good body and cab and cord tires, - ,. One 1919 Reo Speedwagom ' over hauled, has cab and cord tires ; will mount any kind of body. One 1918 Reo Speedwagon, over hauled, express body and cab. One 1319' Reo Speedwagon, demonstrator, canopy lop' and express body, has new tires. . Jones-Opper "Co. Harney 0635 3588 Farnam St. ESSEX We have two Essex tourings and one Essex roadster ready to go. They ar completely re-bullt and refinlshrd. Our guarantee protects you same aa on a new car. These cars are priced fur action and are real bargains. Come in to our en lea rooms today r phone Douglas 1970. Guy L. Smith No Cash Down , Necessary to purchase a new Oak land five-passenger . .touring . or tliree passenger . roadster. The. opportunity you have longed for. ' For a limited time, we mill accept your old car, any make or .model aa the Initial down payment of $426.60 balance in twelve equa I monthly pay ments. If your used car is worth more you will get it. Only a limited number of cats will be sold on this plan. Eli ml- . nate winter driving troubles by getting a new car with new battery, new tires, and a new motor. -. . Thla offr open any place !n N bruska and Iowa where we have n representative. See the cars on our aalrs floor.' Plrk out the one you want. Open evening during this sale. Touring, $1.2X6; road ster, $1,235, delivered in Omaha. Oakland Motor Car Co., Oakland Bldg., 20th and Harney Sta, Omaha, reb. Buick Roadster Buick Touring Maxwell Touring .... Overland Touring King "8" Touring ...1260 ... 160 ... 269 ... 250 ... 376 ... 376 Mitchell Six Touring Karon Six 260 WillysrOverland, Inc. Factory Branch. 2662-4 Farnam St, Open Evenings. Hudson Sedan Here Is a beautiful Hudson Super-Six Sedan which we have re-built and re- ' finished complete. Car 1 equipped wlta five cord tires and many extras. In terior trimmings and all details Ilk new. We have placed a special prico of $700 on this car. It i a real bar . gain and you should ace It today. Call Dougla 1970. Guy L. Smith FIVE 1921 light five-passenger louring car will be sold at once at an enormoun discount. A small cash payment down and a note to be paid a you ride will buy any car In the lot. Call Mr. Glaa t HA. 353. LIGHT SIX touring car with Continental motor: In good condition: 129 and will accept one-third cash and a note for balance to be paid as you see car. Se Mr. Morrl at 3542 Krnm 8t. SOME bargain In uaed Ford; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFRET MOTOR CO.. Th Haady Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sta. DO. 169. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 221 Farnam St. DOIKJE SEDAN A BARlSAIN. TKU HARNEY OWNER. BUICK Six Inarin. like new. 1426; will accept email paymeta down and a not tr the balance. MR. HOI.IA ROFT. 25i Fargam St. BUY A UUY 1. SMITH USfcl CAR. A Safe Isveetment. nd Fa ma in St. Phone Dose's 1;. i;TEI 57 a'a'dillac roup, bargain- for cash if taken, at voce, l'vlloa Cirage, 219 Faidaut. 1 -t1