THE BEE: OMAHA. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1921. S-C I 0 n it n f - -I ' - 8 ?sJ t I, New Cadillac Car, Tyj)e 61," Scores Huge Success Acclaimed hvcrywliere at Triuiniili of Motor Vehicle , Pf sign; an J Building PrieJ 'Eviprywnere. With both public and the dealer Acclaiming the, new Cadillac, can, Type 61, and with "thi acclaim re fleeted in ordrft which have forced the factory into lit production, the new Cadillac can be genuinely put don as a tremendous nucces. Since the car was fiiitt idiown to the public, the factory has been over whelmed with' congratulation. The reception given Type 01 has beeft unanimous throughout the country. In the cw S'ork metropolitan area, where Cadillac has Ion been a leader, it has been given marked ap proval. Out on the Pacific coat it even surpassed the mark of good esteem in which it lias always been held, and the , same condition exists throughout the countO'. The .Vluiigcr Automobile company of Dallas, 'lex., and the San .An tonio Cadillac 'company of San An tonio, the same state, both reported that their difficulty was keeping enough cars in their show rooms to make a proper exhibit during the presentation week. ' In Waterloo la., there was a big cattlemen's convention on and tho Morris Motor Car company kept )o shifts of 'four men each busy demonstrating the Tpye 61. r In Youngstown, O., more than twice as many people as had been formally invited attended the opening showing of Type 61. -The Mabbett Motor Car comnanv of Riirhptpr. T Y.. was nrnmntlv n I it i few AvM after the showing started with a plea for an' increase in their quota of cars. ' i v .. In San Francisco and Lbs Angeles. Don Lee had such a jam of people at his opening that the crowds could not be handled at all.and the same was true of a number1 of other cities. Automotive Activities . Throughout the "World Pennsylvania has 'close to 635,000 passenger automobiles. More than 25,000 applications for 1922 automobile licenses have been already filed in Pennsylvania. 1 Baroness Marion Antonietta Avan so is distinguished as a motor race driver in Italy. ' 'According- to-official figures, there are 4,800,000 people in the United States owning automobiles who' do not pay income tax. ". Three wordless signs to guide mo torists have ; been adopted , for Massachusetts highways. ' Danger points are marked1 by three diagonal ly parallel lines, an intersecting road by a T laid on its side and a cross road by a cross. The warnings will be placed 200 feet from the points in dicated. - . '' A luxurious type of limousine motor-coach fs -constructed ;m England. It is designed for long tours and has all the 'comforts rid- conveniences of a Pullman car. There is a sitting room ana a smoking -room; each fit ted with a full-sized table, leather upholstered armchairs, Standard elec tric tabic lamps and other fixtures. The roof is so constructed that it will carrya ton of luggage. TheH J tl 1 c- o i . .1 4ft '1 wuojjja la powcrcu wan a.oo-norsc-lCwcr tl55. '. '"' ' Prices Of automobiles in' Germany are quoted without ' tires. .Setting agents say ft is done because of the varying rubber 'costs. London is said to be 'tfie best reg ulated city in E.ti rope from a traffic standpoint and Pans is the worst. The cities of Boston,-Chicago and Philadelphia boast of their wonder ful park . systems - through which motorists enter and leave. . - The Chinese are .very fond of elec trical attachments to their automor biles: They like electric horns, and the larger and louder they are the better. Such luxuries as cigaret and cigar containers, vases, vanity cases and electric cigar lighters are very popular with the people. . . . 20.7 Miles on Gallon , m I - ' V t-. MIL- V vsir? r56 fea , I'l ( Vi Florida Agent " Orders Entire Train of Reos taken as Positive Evidence Of a Return of Better ( Business Condition! In South. This It a Picture of the Car That Did 20.7 Miles on a Gallon of Gasoline, After receiving several threatening letters from the president of the Bootleggers' union and being carded with the list of prospects on file at the office of the Highjackers, Limit ed of Omaha, Dean Weaver, sales manager of the Scott-Bury company, decided it was high time "to "declare himself" as to the purpose of the suspicious looking container which is attached to the side of a certain Packard single six, seen on the streets of Onuha often. In order to dispell all doubts and eliminate, the ray of hope which has sprung up in the minds of the thirsty ones. Weaver had an explanation printed on each side of the con tainer. .- ' The message reads: "Nol This is not a private still nor a patent gin mixer merely a container for one gallon of gasoline, officially proven to be enough to run a Packard single six more than 20 miles." The container which caused all the disturbance is connected with the carburetor through a coiled copper tube, and when anyone doubts the mileage which Packard single six drivers obtain from a gallon of gaso line the aforesaid suspicious looking container is filled' with gasoline and the car driven until this gasoline is consumed. Recently, with a party of newspaper men as guests,- Pack ard single six registered 20.7 miles before the gasoline was consumed. Buick Sales Lead Six-Cylinder Cars Again Awarded First Space Choice at National Shows. , In the automobile world Buick, several years ago, attained the en viable position of leadership, , evi- .i i .i . t . . aencea Dy ine iaci inai. u . was awarded first choice of space at the national automobile shows, an honor conferred upon Buick by all other automobile manufacturers "who are members of the National Automo bile Chamber of Commerce, in rec ognition of the fact that Buick had done the greatest volume of busi ness during the previous year. As each year has since rolled around, BuicK has been in the lead. Not only for, a short period does it lead all others, but year after year its business . constantly increases, with the result that the Buick ex hibit will be found this year occupy ing the same space at the shows it has occupied for the past few years. It is significant' lo' note that the figures on which the award for the 1922 shows were made comprised only the" sales of six-cylinder cars, ! proving Buick to be the largest builder of six-cylinder cars" in the world. ,'. Willard, Battery Has ' Insulation of Rubber "VVhin rithpr iiq nf a fitter milc or neglect, begin ' to break down , . . . . , . . . . . upon your Dauery, mere is one spot that has almost invariably been - at tacked first." says Elmer Rosengren of the Nebraska Storafee Battery company. "It is the vveakest pot th insulation lipfwrph ' the ' nlritpc Anyone who has an electric light, a telephone or any other electrical de vice knows that the wires and other metallic parts have to be kept apart or "insulated" so that the electricity will, not escape and cause damage. Likewise everyone" knows that the ideal insulation for most purposes is rubber. . , "Battery builders knew long ago that rubber would be ideal for hat. tery insulation if and that was what ruled it out if a way could be found to us it. Tt- r"mninpft for Will-ir.4 to discover the way threaded rubber insulation. ... I AUTOMOBILE I i f n F A P a MP17 C A I 17 OF- NEW and USED CARS AT V; Bargain Prices FOR TEN DAYS ONLY We are putting it up to you, just as it is: We have more automobiles on hand than we can profitably carry in stock and must arrange for our allotment of cars for spring delivery which the factory will start shipping 'January 1. The new automobiles that we have to offer are current models which will be continued after January 1. ' Therefore you need have no fear of these cars being out of date. We have only a few used cars. All of them are in first-class condition and newly painted. These will be sold at 50 cents on the dollar. Now we have told our story in ' simple, truthful language. If you want a car at a rock-bottom price, come and see us immediately. Nebrash Terms to Responsible People Open Evenings a Paige Co. Automobile Business in Johannesburg Improves General business is languishing in Johannesburg, but there is an up ward trend in the demand for motor cars, with country districts display ing more interest, according to the National Bank of South Africa, Ltd. One of the most substantial and encouraging evidences of a return of better business conditions in the south is furnished by the tralnload order of Reos which has just been placed by the Reo;Va:n Motor com nsnv rf Tirlcsonvilte. According to advises received by J. M. Opper of the ones-UDoer company, ra- mediate shipment is requested nd it is understood that the units will be about equally divided between speed wagons and passenger cars. The Jacksonville distributors have consistently refused to admit that there was any business depression in their territory and they have gone ahead mo'st optimistically with results which are really remarkable. A trainload of motor cars sent southwards would be a significant event under fairly normal conditions. A trainload of automobiles and trucks sent into the Jacksonville territory at this particular time, when it is gen erally admitted that business in the southern states is not all that it might be, lends a most encouraging aspect to the order. Harvard Graduate Becomes . U. S. Motorized Minstrel Charles Sceger, Harvard '08, com poser, and brother of Alan Seeger, late war poet, has become a motor ized minstrel, .according to the New York Times. He and his wife, who is a violinist, have been touring the country with their three boys in an automobile with caravan trailer. They have been giving concerts along the broad highway, from North Carolina to Maine. New Jordan Car, Motor, Speeds Up Plant Production Announcement of the new Jordan car, including a new and exclusive motor at lower price, has resulted in doubling the production of the Jordan factory at the season of the year when production usually falls off. The Tordan comnanv Is regulat ing production in accordance with salts reported week by week by dii-1 tributors. The production for 0i tobcr and November will exceed by 30 per cent the total production of tne tniru quarter ot tne year. Confirmed orders from distribu tors indicate that the production for the fourth quarter will be about twice that of the third quarter. New Machinery and Lower Wages Cut Auto Repair Co6t Installation of new repair and overhauling and a reduction in wages to mechanics have resulted in t great decrease in repair work charges by the J. . Hansen Cadil lac company. Tower hoists have been installed which lilt up cars so that mechanics can stand under them and make re pairs. A pneumatic gasoline spray system is used for cleaning mechan isms. Springs are greased by expand ing the leaves instead of by dis mounting them. These ,and other improvements have resulted in a cutting of time on repair and overhauling, 20 to 25 per cent, with an even larger cut on prices charged. Mexican Automobile Market Is More Than Double 1920 Exports of motor cars and trucks to Mexico for the first eight months of 1921 are 237 per cent of the same period last year, says United States Department of Commerce. For delivering bricks, a . motor truck has been designed with a bodv that travels in such a way as to un load its contents neatly piled. . Declares Oakland Sales on Increase "P. S. du Tont, president of the General Motors corporation, in an article recently published in Button, said. "It i but natural that there should have bet u coiitut gottip during the pt lew weeks while autoinolnle price revisions were under way. The policies of General Motors corpora tion with reit to certain of its manufacturing divisions were not immune, the future of Oakland being the subject of persistent rumors. "This divUiott Is In a healthy con hJiiun, yitb its business ttabilited and sales increasing. Tlie picsent tine of parncr cars, with gradual Improvement, will be continued for thr lVJJ telling eainTiiwettfter, nrw models as may be J-cquited by the trade, may be introduced." The municipality of Rotterdam, I toll J vchii n- iiiiiiniit'.Miiy ui ivim tcniaiu, dlaitd, his tiioretbsnn.jO motor liclcs. . , . 1 t'J a NO CASH DOWN - , ..',, ..' - t : t- . ' ; ." Necessary to Purchase New Oakland 5-Passenger Touring or 3-Passenger Roadster SERVING CADILLAC OWNERS BETTER REDUCED COST " On account of the increasing volume of our repair work, the installation of labor-saving mechanism and toots and reduction in wages, we can now repair at less cost Effective immediately we shall decrease our charge.) ' for mechanical labor to $1.25 per hour, oiling and greas ing to $1.00 per hour.v v ''.- We shall keep a mechanic for minor adjustments, until 10 o'clock p. m. on week days and until 6 o'clock p. m. on Sundays. A night watchman will he on duty through out the night for the convenience of Cadillac owners And, we shall continue to do our utmost towards greater efficiency and economy in serving our large clientele. - , , ..These change have been made for the benefit of the hundreds of Cadillac owners who have o loyally patronized ut in the past, to whom -we extend our thanks. Authorized Cadillac Service Shop 30-day charge accounts are continued to reliable parties. . J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam at 26th Street . Harney 0710 $425.50 For Your Old Car Any Make or Model NEVER AGAIN Will you have the opportunity to purchase a new Oakland Touring or Roadster and not be out one penny cash. There is no joker to this offer, our cards are on the table. We have too many Tourings and Roadsters on hand. Neither have we a cut in price, nor do we contemplate one. We invite you to investigate our responsibility DON'T TAKE THE WORD OF THE ANVIL CHORUS. Ask the man who bought one. , - Remember, $425.50 for your old car takes care of the first payment, and includes insurance, 12 months to pay the balance. More for your car, if it is worth more. ! TOURING, $1,286.00. ROADSTER, $1,235.00 DELIVERED IN OMAHA. We haT only a few more to sell on this plan. All are new cars. Regular fac tory guarantee on parts. See them on our sales floor. Select your new ear, and insure against winter drlTlng troubles by getting a new mctor, new battery and new tires' Oakland Motor Gar Company OMAHA FACTORY BRANCH Oakland Building: 1 . 20th and Harney Stmts - 7 . Retail Sales and Service Station, Phone Douglas 5251 Wholesale Office, Phone Atlantic 2929 "UHIT OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION" Low operating cost Gnicri4JAVin-Ctut) km Go. OMAHA. NEB. HARNEV AT 21TM. 5t MABHtVflt23 COUNCIL BLUFT5.1V 33-3S FOURTH ST. COUNCIL. BLUFFS, 61 I Dodge Brothers SEDAN v UO00D o- R, W." Austin, Mgr. 27th Ae. and Harney St. Omaha. Phone Doug. 3660. i ' ' . :' ' ,-