Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 19

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7 B
Benton Corre.pondnt
Parent-Teacher Association.
Superintendent Beveridae of the
Omaha tchool and Mist Charlotte
Towntend, head of the tchool nurt
itig, will be the speaker! at tlie mat
ing f the Benon Parent-Teacher
ttociation Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 6, in the aembly room A the
Benson High tchool. Mimical num
bert will be furnuhed by O. Arthur
Mclcher and the Benton Wonian't
dub quartet. Mr. Walter Reihaw,
assisted by other mrnibert o( the so
cial cbmmittec, will terve refresh
ments, Chriatmaa Cantata.
The cantata entitled "Christmas,"
by Franr Abt, will be sung Thursday
afternoon, December 8, at the home
of Mn. W. II. Loechner, 2504 North
Sixtieth avenue, by the memben ol
the music department of the Bemon
Wonian't club. Mrt. Richard Skan
key, head of the department, will ac
company the tingcrt. E. 11. Uhler,
chorister for the English Lutheran
choir, hat assisted in the rehearsals.
This it one of the open day pro
grams and each club member is al
lowed one guest. - Tea will be served
by members of the house and home
B. 8. Chapter P. E. O. Sisterhood.
Mrs. E. A. McGlassrm. 618 North
Thirty-third street, will be hostess
Monday afternoon to the members of
the B. S. chapter of the P. E. O.
Sisterhood. Mrs. C. H. Tracy Is
leader for the program. The sub
ject it ' Poetry." . .
Belle Rebekah Lodge.
TheBelle Rebekah lodge has elect
ed the following officers to be in
Cfliit thi first of the new year:
Noble grnnd, Anna Fitch; vice grand,
irta Knar: secretary, maiy
. . . r i
ton: treasurer, Emma Sowerwinc;
. .... . . Tinrlnl
degree mistress, umunu ....,
musician, Ida McCray; trustee, E. E.
Paddock.' The next meeting will be
held Monday evening, December 5,
in the I. O. O. F. hall. Initiation
will be conducted and applications
of nearly SO for membership will be
Rebekahs Entertain at a Surprise.
Members of. the .Belle Rebekah
lodge entertained at a surprise pro
gram and luncheon Wednesday eve
ning in honor of the I. O. O. F. lodge
of Benson. At the close of the regu
lar session of the I. O. O. F. order
a grand march was formed and mem
bers of the two lodges were conduct-
.. i- . ...I - - l..U. me aining room, wircn ium.ii
nn ho A hrin tnrrad bv the Rebekah
ladies. A program which included
readings by Mrs. Margaret Thomp
son of Ruth lodge No. 1 of Oma
ha and Miss Jessie Sprecher of Ben
son was given after the luncheon,
Auguttana Lutheran Church.
Services will be conducted in the
Augustana Lutheran church during
the holiday season by Kev. Munson,
student pastor, who had charge of the
work of the congregation during the
summer months. A Christmas pro
gram is being rehearsed by members
of the Sunday school.. '
Presbyterian Church Bazar.
Ladies of the Presbyterian cnurcn
held an apron bazar in the church
' parlors Friday, December 2. Lunch
eon was served from 11:30 to 2.
t w.r Samuel Carmel. ,
AtnotiB those who will hear Samuel
Carmel, pupilt of Miss Emily Cleve,
in violin recital Monday evening at
the First Christian churcn win dc
the following from Benson: Mr. and
Mr ' E. G. Smith and daughters,
Dorothy and Rath; Lucile Barnum
Muriel Self, Mr. ana- mrs. "'""
Skankey, Louise Cuyler, Mr.' and
Mrs. F. B. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs.
O. Arthur Melcher. Miss Margante
Liljenstolpe will accompany Master
Carmel. r ''"'.,
Entertains at Bridge. -
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Skankey
were host and hostess to a bridge
party of five tables at their home,
2735 North Sixty-fifth street, Friday
evening, December 2. Guests includ
ed Messrs. and Mesdames G. W.
Sowards, C. N. Wolfe, Bert Ranz, A.
W. Francis. G. A. Remington and
Reavis of Benson and Messrs. and
Mesdames E. A. Beardsley and Paul
Zimmerman of Dundee and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Kehrer of Councrt BIuffS.
Miss Thelma Wolfe assisted Mrs.
Skankey. i ,. - f
Missionary Luncheon. "
The Methodist missionary luncheon
entertained Wednesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whistler and
was atetnded by three of the officers
of the Omaha district, who are also
members of the Benson church.
These ladies are Mrs. C. H, Penoyer,
district treasurer; Mrs. E. G. Smith,
superintendent of young people's
work, and Mrs. C. E. Bowcn, district
rnrrsnnnrfinff secretary. Mrs. Eric
A. Shue was leader for the study
irosrram. 1 he society is Beginning
he sturtv or the DOOK eniuiea, xhc
Kingdom and the Nations." At the
close of the program a poem, writ
ten by Mrs. E. J. Whistler and set
to the music ot the "Uia uaicen
Bucket," was sung by Mrs. Walter
Reishaw. This poem, gave in rythmic
style, the report of the district con- j
vention and the joy of the Benson
church over the work accomplished
during the past year.
Double Five Club.
"Members of the Double Fiv.e club
entertained at a surprise Friday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Smith, who have recently
moved into their new home at Forty
second and Dodge streets.
Bazar and Luncheon.
Mrs. D. C Sturtz, president of the
Methodist Ladies' Aid society, an
nounces the annual bazar and lunch
eon for Wednesday, December 7.
The church parlors will be decorated
with all kinds of fancy work and
hand-made articles. Home-made
candy and fruit will also be sold. A
hot luncheon, consisting of chicken,
mashed potatoes, buns, coffee, etc.,
will be served from 11:30 to 1:30.
Special table for business men and
teachers. The price is 35 cents the
plate. -
Extended Trio Abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonde left
Thursday for New York, whence they
will sail for Europe. Mr. and Mrs.
Bonde will visit in Switzerland, Ger
many and Denmark before returning
to America.
Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Glandt enter
tained at dinner Thursday t their
home in honor of Mrs. Glandt's father,
R. D. Crossett of Denhoff, X. D.
Covers wete placed for Mr. and Mrs.
Cull Walnut 5370-
Raymond Young, Mr. and Mrt.
Frank Kohlrrt and ton, Bertie: Mr.
W. J. Welch and daughter, Mabel;
Mrt. Glandt and family.
Farewell Luncheon.
Mrt. Ben Smith, who leaves Thuri-
day for California, entertained at a
farewell luncheon party Tuesday at
her home in honor of her friendt
and ncighbort of Keystone park.
. Mianer Entertainment
The kecond number of the Mianer
entertainment course, tpontored by
the Methodist Ladies' Aid society,
will be given Thursday evening, De
cember 29, in the church auditorium.
Luncheon Guest
Mrs. E. G. Smith wat a Thursday
luncheon guest at the home of Mrs.
H. G. McQueen of Bemit park.
. Birthday Surprise.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wright enter
tained 20 membert of the Benson
junior tocial let at a turprise party
at their home, 2813 North Sixtieth
ttreet, Saturday evening, In honor of
their ton Harold B. Wrighft 16th
birthday.' The evening was tpent in
music and tocial amusements. Lunch
eon was terved by-Mrt. Wright, as
sisted by Mrs, E. G. Smith.
Executive Meeting.
Mrs. C. E. Bowen, Mrs. C. II.
Penoyer and Mrs. E. G. Smith were
in attendance at an executive board
meeting of the Omaha district, held
Saturday at the home of Bishop
and Mrs. Homer C Stuntz.
Victrola Concert.
At the Victrola concert, given
Thursday evening and Friday after
noon in the Benson west gymnasium,
Samuel Carmel, the 10-year-old pu
pil of Miss Emily Cleve. rendered
several violin selections. Other num
bers - on the program were, folk
dances, reading and vocal solos. Pro
ceeds to be used in the purchase of
a Victrola for the grade schools.
Entertain at Dinner. -
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Oliver enter
tained at dinner Saturday when
covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs.
William Morse and sons-, Richard and
William; Mrs. W. A. Pcden of Hard
in, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
and son, Robert. .
. Personal!. . i -.- .
Gorton Roth made a business trip
to Lincoln Monday.
Homer Franklin, 'son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wyman Woodyard, has been
ill during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch and
daughter, Gertrude Irene, returned
Monday from Culver(j Ind. '
Miss Edith Dalstrom leaves Sat
urday for .Chicago, where she will
remain until after the holidays. '
Mrs. C. P. McPherson returned
last week from a visit to Mission
chapter of the O. E. S. at Walthill,
Mrs. M. E. Hoagland, mother of
Mrs. A. W. Francis, left Sunday for
California, where she will spend the
R: D. Crossett of Denhoff,' N. D.,
is spending the winter at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. F.' Kohlert and
Mr. Kohlert. , . s
Mr. A. J. Sengcr of Ashland was a
Tuesday guest at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Loechner and
Mr. Loechner. '
' Mrs. Ben Smith and son, Eugene,
of Keystone park will leave Thurs
day for California, where they will
spend the winter. '
The Misses" Myrtle and Carolyn
Snell are week-end guests at the
home of Rev. and Mrs. John Calvert
of Plattsmouth, Nebi-
Mrs. W. A. Peden, a week-end
guest at the-home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Morse, left Monday for her
home at Hardin, Mont.
Miss Esther Shaw, teacher in Ma
nilla, la.,' will be a week-end guest
at the home of her cousin, Mrs. E. J.
Whistler and Mr. Whistler.
Hershel and Gladys Babcock re
turned Sunday to Lincoln after
spending .Thanksgiving at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M.
Babcock. .. - . ,
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Cruets of
Wausa, Neb., who are en route to
Seattle to spend the winter were
dinner guests Tuesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McMichact.
Mrs. Elizabeth Naffziger, 84 years
old, of Lexington, Ky., died Tuesday,
November 29, at the home of her
daughter in Illinois. Mrs. Naffziger
was a sister of ,the late E. A. Stiger,
a Benson pioneer, and at the time of
his death was the last member of his
family to survive.
Y.-W. C. A.
Sunday Gipsy Smith Bible circle,
4 p. m., second floor central associa
tion building. Lunch will be served
after the Bible study hour.
Monday High School Girls' Bible
circle, 3:30, in the club room; leader,
Miss Elizabeth Howard.
Federation ""of clubs, supper, 5:45,
followed by business meeting of in
dividual clubs. ' Classes in interior
decorating, bead and basketry work
and Christmas gift making, from 7 to
8 p. m. Match volley- ball game at
8:15, Federation team against Athletic
club team. This is the first of the
volley ball tournament series.
At 6 p. m. the big membership din
ner and final meeting for reports on
finance campaign takes place in the
auditorium. Registration for dinner
must be made by Monday morning.
Tuesday The, Freshmen Student
club of girls ' from Central High
school meet at 3:30 in the club room
for an afternoon of Christmas songs
and stories.
Wednesday The Girl Reserve
club of Commerce High school, mem
bership party, 3:30 p. m.
Concluding lecture on "Art,' -by
Maurice Block, from 7 to 8 p. m.
The Morris Girls club, supoer at
5:30, South Side center, followed
by business meeting and gymnasium
class in South High gymnasium.
Thursday Busy Circle club meet
at 8 p. m. for songs and basketry
work. ....
Friday W. W. G. and Burnasco
clubs, supper at 6:15, followed by
short meeting and gymnasium and
volley ball games.
Saturday Open house for younger
girls at 3:30 p. m. with songs, stories
and Cmes in gymhasium.
' Christmas banquet at 5:30 p. m. for
the girls of the five High School Girl
Reserve clubs. This is to be a Christ
maQ parry,! '
Rarely Beautiful Furl Offered at
Half Price For Holiday Gifto.
ORKIN BROS., Conant Hotel
huildinir. Sixteenth and Ilarnev.
are offering their exquisite fur pieces
at one-half price, less than they can
be duplicated for in the market to
day. Mink, sable, Baum Marten,
the chic fox scarfs so popular among
the ultra-smart of the feminine fash
ion followers, will prove gift offer
ings of more than usual appeal, to be
bought at prices you can 'well af-.
, Fascinatingly roomy the new
tiered workbasket fashioned by slim
brown fingers.
Luggage Shop Offers Gifts of Dis
tinctive Originality.
EVERYTHING of leather in gift
concepts is offered in the holi
day showing' at Freling & Steinle't,
Eighteenth and Farnam. Discrimi
nating 'art lovers will find lovely,
indeed, gift pieces in bill folds and
card cases in the well-known "Cross
London" line. - Unusually varied in
selection is the extensive display of
hand tooled Cordova bags at prices
inviting . comparison. Cigar and
cigaret cases, purses of all kinds,
photograph frames, collar bags,
music rolls and portfolios . for the
professional man, traveling bags
from the sturdy Gladstone to the ar
tistically leather-lined and ebony
fitted traveling bag sure of apprecia
tion by the discriminating man,
dainty fitted bags for women, mani
cure sets, the popular iiartman
Wardrobe trunk, hundreds of gifts
to delight everyone, gifts unusuall
line in quality, fair in price are to be
found in the 1921 holiday line of this
gift shop.
Rose, cerise and pink and a great
deal of bright red are seen at dances
and restaurants, while the all white
fashion makes an effective back
ground for this dash of color.
Woman's College Club Exchange
Offers Handmade Exquisitties For
Gifting Homemade Dainties For
the Holiday Table.
THE Woman's College Club Ex
change, Nebraska Power com
pany's showroom,' entrance on
Fifteenth, just one door south of
Farnam, has a marvelously extensive
showing of .sheer "undies", dainty
handkerchiefs, aprons,- novelty ap
parel for tiny tots, gift suggestions
that appeal. The hurried holiday
hostess will, breathe a sigh of relief
when she views the toothsome delica
cies offered from " skilled , cooks,
pastries, cakes, sweets and whole
some nut breads. A Christmas show-
ing in which to revel 1
Phone At-
lantic 1710.
FancifuIIy tinted are the exotic
birds in art glazed ware. -' Seme of
them are planned to hold flowers in a
flat bowl, others come in pairs for
ends of fireplace mantel or dresser
' '
Oriental Gift Shops Ready to Serve
Holiday Shoppers.
TINY Buddhas gaze with impen
etrable expression at the cease
less line of Christmas shoppers in the
Nippon Importing Company's shop,
218 South Eighteenth street. Ki
monos in silk and crep, china, both
delicate and heavy art ware, baskets,
hundreds of gifts to suit every purse,
will now be found in this shop.
You Can Make Your Own Frocks
For Gay Holiday Affairs
IF you take advantage of the 10
days' sewing couree offered for
$7.50 at the Keister Sewing school,
Sixteenth floor, City National Bank
building, Sixteenth and Harney.
Originally designed, skillfully fitted
and finished in fashion most artistic
will be the garments made by Lady
Fair's own iingers.
Quarter Box Lunches Delivered to
Any Part of the City.
IMMEDIATE auto delivery service
is part of the delight of a Miller
box lunch, 25c, which includes three
sandwiches generous fillings of ham,
tongue, cheese, two kinds of cake,
pie, pickles and fruit. Twenty-five
hungry newspaper people ate box
lunches last Friday at The Bee. Lots
of fun and delicious tool Phone
Douglas 6390. . .
. . '.. -
Great garden have a glory, though it does
way; .
The lure of little gardens it a grace for every day.
In the white radiance of the dawn, the' fender nee of dusk,
There's magic in the mignonette and witchery in musk.
Just underneath my window sill the shy violas grow;
Their wise, wee faces tell me half the things I want to know.
The foxgloves know when fairies pass; an ancient story tells
They hear the Little People ring the Canterbury bells. ,
Among my roses linger smiles that faded long ago
Rarely Beautiful Interior Planning
at Your Service Free of Chnrge.
VERY few Omfta people know
that the interior decorating de-
partment of the Orchard & Wilhelm
company have an art service which
will plan the entire interior of large
or small home absolutely without
charge. It's the unusual planning of
carpets and walls, placing of lighting
fixtures, . the inexpensive little
"nooky" table, odd chair or shaded
lamp that makes your home a place
of individuality regardless of the
money factor in the purchasing, I'll
be glad to submit your interior prob
lems to the department upon request.
Fragrant . . Narcissus Grown in
Water. .'v-f. ' '
. ,( i. . . f . .
rnHOSb who .are interested m
J- raising the exquisteuly iovely
Narcissus from bulbs in watetr will
find bulbs ready to grow in new art
pottery bowls at the John Bath
Flower Shop, Eighteenth and Far
. nam, .in price .range from $1 to $3.
' Truly marvelous selections are
notes of rare color for the present-day
frames and trays for the boudoir. .
Sweet Shop Shows Novelties For
the Holiday Entertainer.
THE popular sweet shop, Phelps
..Hut, .' Athletic . Club building,
Seventeenth and Douglas, is daily
adding to its collection of interesting
j"?vf V-ls -for T, hobda7 entertamr-
. "c (w-
v scintillant ornaments grow seem-
ingiy irum liny puuis oi cuutoicuc
lovely favors for the holiday dinner
guests.' If one is a follower of
"Lady : Luck" there are the crepe
paper 'sweet boxes with dice "spots."
Fruits and nuts will play an impor
tant part in the menus for holiday
dinners this year you'll find offerr
ings of exceeding interest at Phelps
Gifts for men are characterized by
a sturdy worth to be appreciated.
Especially pleasing are the gifts ' of
leather.' . '
"Holiday" Tarts Original Pastry
Tendered the Holiday Guest at
Gay Social Functions.
IF the party be a large or small
one there's sve to be an appear
ance of the original new "Holiday
Tarts" on sale at the Northrup-Jones
Shop, Sixteenth and Farnam. Rich,
brown pastry, gay red fruit centers,
such a delicious flavoring, seems like
"everything nice" has gone into the
making ; of these delicious new
desserts. . Phone Atlantic 2934 the
day before you entertain and order
the .number you need.
For Her
Ostrich Pen of Jade, in
container of glass.
Last Look Polychrome
Bridge Lamp of Mul
berry Brocade Bor
dered in Black.
Lacquered Work Stand.
Black Enameled Table
and Tray of Wicker.
BEDSPREADS are always a necessity that requires thought on the part of tape particular housewife. They must be suitable for the. rooms in
which they are to be placed, minimize the laundry problem if possible,. bV-decorative and up-to-date as well. .' " , -
Satine covered with dotted muslin having a ruffled edge and ribbon ties are popular for girls' rooms where laundry work is done at home.
The lace all-over spreads may also be used when they can be done up m the houstJ-
Linen, embroidered or stenciled spreads are fashionable just now. Some have appliqued floral patterns. Others have taken the form of the
old-fashioned patchwork quilt. One spread that was much admired was done in thi old Star of Bethlehem pattern, the star being white with pale blue
stitching, on a deep blue field. , . - ' i
- The candlewick spreads are rather more expensive than in the old en days, which does not seem to affect their purchase by those who have the
old four-post beds upon which to put them. In one instance, a woman had one of the spreads dyed a soft willow green, and the effect was charming'.'
and quite original. . . - 5
Silk spreads are considered economical by many. They are cleaned by dipping in gasoline, which does not fade their tolor or affect. the' em-: '
broidery upon them. But the original cost is more than many women feel they can put into a spread. Wash silk spreads are really .the taott prac
tical of this kind. . . - - ". -11 .Cr".'. -
" -
Iiotdr 5b Jloppin
CiO deceiving thit balmy weather
0 deceiving this balmy weather
day is coming just three weeks
been sent. It't much more economical, too, to make careful listing
your list send it in with a tentative
cither shop or purchaser.
If There't a Possibility of Wear in
Your Old Cbapeau This Hat Shop
Will Discover It.
rTUIE Kruger Hat shop, third floor,
Barker block, Fifteenth and Far
nam, will repair and retrim your old
hat in amazingly lovely fashion; they
will also repair and. remodel your
furs, marabou pieces, or feathers.
All the gleaming loveliness of frost
'in the sunlight is embodied in the
cunningly made Christnjat tree orna
ments. .....
Rich Golden Nectar the "Jersey
Brand" Cream For Coffee.-
HE Alamito Dairy, Phone Doug-
las 0409, offers richly delectable
products particularly suited to the
holiday table. Have you tasted the
delicious "Jersey Brand" cream for
coffee? One of the most wonder
ful of their unusual products, it
imparts an exquisitely rare flavor to
the coffee.
offered ia the art gift departments
living room, dainty lamps, pillows,
Jewel Shop Overflowing With
Christmas Gift Stock. -
THE C. B. Brown Jewel Shop, 220
South Sixteenth street, is over
flowing with the finest gift stock
shown in years. Diamonds, care
fully selected through many months
for the gift time of the year, when
love is most appropriately expressed
by the precious stone mounted in
pure platinum exquisitely brought.
The gold trinkets are represented in
large numbers, ravishing little vani
ties to swing from infinitely fine
chains, many of them holding cun
ningly enmeshed sapphires, pearls
and diamonds. For the beauty lover
there is the unusual pearl showing,
the pearl necklace in its matchless
loveliness, the three, four and five
pearl beginning . ofa necklace on
tiny chain, the Ad-A-Pearl chains
of which. .you may , -have heard.
Silver in every conceivable form
from complete service, chests to the
tiny pieces of quaint beauty. .A
jewel gift shop which stands in read
iness to serve every holiday' desire.
Ask for one of their gift suggestion
booklets; you'll find them invaluable
in making out your Christmas gift
lists. ' - ' . - .
One of the latest shades brought
out for underwear is silver.-;
"Cavalier" House Boots Ar
Daintily Lined, Fur-Topped Af-
I i nr. snoe oepartmenr oi ine. new
Herzberg shop, 1519 Douglas,
m ttt? t . . r.,.
second floor, is showing an unusual- ?ne wl" a worinwm e
ly lovely line of house slippers for "? a gifting way m Kilpatncks
Christmas gifting purposes. Of - Bowm "
captivating charm is the new.- 'w . . ,
"Cavalier" house boot of black :,Satm lowers to Find a Place on
quilted satin, lined in red, old rose. Dainty Gifts; Handkerchiefs For
or lavender, with the new Spanish Every1 Costume.
cut heel and a banding ot fur around
its widely flaring top. An exquisite
gift for $6.95. Black kid and satin
slippers are shown, too, "with flat
heels that assure comfort, these at
Touches of metallic are shown on
new hats. Wool appears on many
of the satin models.
Inexpensive Gifts Which Require
But a Bit of Dainty Stitchery,
rT,HE Art Needlework depaiiment
A on the. 2nd floor at Burgess- -
Nash offers gifts which require but Wonderful Values For the Repaper
a little delicate stitchery to make - ing of Any Room in the House
lovely remembrances; quaint aprons - For MoUday Entertaining,
in white, pink and blue, 25c and3y;,tTp' . nA : D, ,
towels finished in "spoke" scallops.
t50c;- 54-inch luncheon and breakfast
doths, $1.5 to $1.95; the new col
ored luncheon sets in heavy art
lfiien blue, gold and tan, a 36-inch
cloth, with four napkins, at $4.45 a
set; 13-piece luncheon sets on In
dian head musiin, 50c on un-
bleached muslin, $1.95; gifts to de-
,.- i . ,
ugnu . ,
- Bedspread is Real Source of v Artistry - ; T
not come my
the succeeding dayt bring!
the succeeding dayt bring! Jut
from today we're bound to be a bit
pricing on each item of the list. You
Specialty Shop Offert Undiet,
Sweater and Bloutea In Gay Box
ingt For the Year's Gift Season.
Lamond Snecialtv Shoo.
Seventeentli, and Farnani, has
received a large showing of colorful
blouses, ideal gift offerings, vivid
flame, delicate blues, greens and
beige shadings, the unusual little
blouse which Madam or Mad
emoiselle would not buy for herself.
On Santa's Special came the colorful
little taffeta breakfast coatt and the
new "undies" in tints borrowed from
the rainbow.' For the outdoor girl
one might make a selection from the
chic new sweaters, the demure little
Peter Pan slip-over blouse effects
are particularly appealing.
Your Jeweler Is An Adept At Gift
VOU will find that there's an ex-
pression of nicety in selection of
gifts at the John Henrickson Jewel
discrimination shown insures gencr
shop, Sixteenth and Capitol. I he
ous value at moderate cost, and here
you will find jewel experts who wel
come the opportunity to aid you with
your Christmas gift list, gift counsel
ors who have your best interest at
heart' The Christmas gift showing
now complete includes: diamonds,
many of them dainty little stones
inexpensively mounted; pearls, both
real and in graduated chains Opera
length of the charming indestructible
pearls; watches in every standard
movement at almost any price you
wish to pay; clocks' made by the most
expert craftsmen of the world; sil
verware, both hollow and flat ware,
in designs of artistic loveliness. Write
for price quotations, you will find
this a shop absolutely at your serv
ice. Holiday Showing of Wallace Nut
ting Pictures.1
TTIHE Picture department of the
: - Brandeis stores, sixth floor,
have arranged a special ' holi
day showing of Wallace Nut
ting pictures for the entire week. In
sheet form they range from,$l. to
$6.50, and are,shown with suggested
framings; v unusualy i'ifAsonable in
Holiday silver assures new dignity to many dining rooms delightful
pieces are shown in quality plate and sterling.
Great Store in Readiness For Christ
mas Shopping. "
T"! HE-different departments- of .the
Thos. Kitpatrick Company
store, Fifteenth and Douglas, have
taken an air of delightful Christmas
mystery. Especially lovely is the.
section - devoted to the tiny folk, .
where are found unique new.; dolls,'
walking:;and talking dolls to delight
the most particular little person. Of
unusual interest are the handkerchief
and glove departments, the -stationery
counters whereon are displayed
' the newest and cleverest cards and
wrappings for the gift offerings.
Holiday linens were never more love
ly, needlework from Spain, France,
Belgium and Madeira to cause even
. . . .
rne most experienced linen lover io
marvel. Gifts artistic, or practical,
t' I il ,t t I
m HE .Mode Pleatine Company.
fourth floor, Paxton block, Six
teenth and Farnam, will make to
order: Tiny satin roses for the chic
ribbon , :garter, the round petaled
flower v for the sheer "undies."
mounded blossoms for the new
f achetst, Jiandkerchiefs for both men
and women in pongee or linen with
artfully drawn threads in contrast
ing shades. -
Modish wdhien are purchasing fur
cape models for evening wear,
. I "... i"",
fifth floor, Brandeis stores, arc
offering for &'2c a roll paper suit
able for 'the repapering of any room
in the house. An excellent oppor
tunity for the brightening up of odd
rooms, about the house in readiness
for Christmas time, is it not? You'll
find th Values offered truly wondcr-
villi Jbly
'A crlrjori rambler stooped, and bared her heart to tell me so.
While secrets whisper still in tall anemones and phlox
That stand in stately rows behind my border line of box.
With goldenrod and clematis the year Is growing old;
A page from summer's bfeviary, dim garlanded with gold.
There is a benediction In a little garden's grace
A chalice filled with wonder at the heart of commonplace;
Where homely colors gleam and glance like stars upon the sod
The grace of little gardens is the eternal grace of God.
-"THE GRACE OF LITTLE GARDENS,". by Ella Grant Wilton.
cant bring ourselvet to even plan lor
rueful when we think of tomeone to
of gift expenditure! in advance of holiday
11 enjoy our prompt tnopping service, aone en
Parchment Mottoea
Framed Make Ideal .
1 Fittingly
TO express the season's greetings,
what better medium could one
select than one of the exquisitely
lettered and tinted parchment
mottoes daintily framed which are
to be found in the art department of
the A. Hospe Music and Art store,
1513 Douglas, at from 50c to J2.50.
Silver and cold oencils to be worn
on the watch
a chain or smart black
ribbon make individual gifts when
bearing a distinctive monogram.
Perfection Heaters Make Winter
Automobiling Comfortable.
THE Western Automobile Supply
Company, 1918 Farnam, has an:
interesting window' display of the
Perfection Heater, which is easily in-
stalled m any car at small expense,
omiuri ior ooui urivcr nu bucsis,
a true delight when one wears eve-
nmg clothes, indispensable On the
long drives in the country. It un-
able to inspect the Perfection Heater
display, write for illustrated folder
with price quotation.,
'. ':-
Flower Shop Receives Shipment of
Holiday Baskets.
THE holiday hostess will welcome
with interest- "the centerpiece
baskets just arrived ' at Welsh's
Flower shop,, 21,0 South Seventeenth
street, entrance in . Brandeis . theater
lobby. ' Charming, indeed, is an
orchid-tinted gold basket with
handles beginning at the base of the
basket, ideal for the violet center-
Holiday Cleaning Service of Imme
diate Promptness. f ' "V.
T F you're planning.'to go away for,
the holidays you'll want every
thing to be in readiness for donning
upon arrival at your destination. The
Stranger within the gates is enter
tained lavishly during the holiday
season reason for having evcrv
garrhent in the wardrobe, cleaned and
pressed before ...leaving; home.'
Dresher Bros.;-- Tventyseeopd and
Farnam, phone Atlantic 0345'. have
planned a preholiday cleaning sen.
vice unusually, convenient in prompt
ness of delivery. - ' .
.' ..
An Aid to Christmas Gift Fashion
ing. rr. tit? tj...i n..i. tii.!
iixic iucu Duuonana rieaung.,
J- company, third floor, Brown
block, Sixteenth and Douelas. has
facilities for the finishing touch of
extreme daintiness which "makes"
the Christmas gift. Baste your silks -together
for one of the new undie
sets, step-ins and chemise, they'll ,
hemstitch double scallops round th?'
top and skirt in a copy of the most
exclusive French "intime" apparel..
The gift of linen, too, will be doubly
appreciated if there's a hemstitched
finish round the edge of the lustrous
surface of cloth and napkins. A
Christmas gift finishing service at
your instant service.
For Him
Cigaret Holder:
Individually Designed
Swiss Watch. '
Stud and Link Set for
Dinner Suit.
Platinum Scarf Pin.
Books Selected From
Carefully Compiled
uirntmas. can we.
But the reckoning
whom the personal gift should have
shopping. -When you ve completed
entirely without charge to
Nothing So Prosaic as "Stays' Could
" Be Uted In Connection With Thit
Gift Cortet Model
SUCH a beautiful gift corset was
shown at the Hattic Putnam Nu
Bohc Corset Shop, fifth floor, Kar
bach block, Fifteenth and Douglas,
this week. Every bit of the flexible
boning was covered by a lustrous
strip of satin, the whole a delicate
' pink confection - of bastistc, sa'in
ribbon and lace it offered a, delight-v
ful ' gift suggestion. ' Everything
dainty imaginable is offered in the
new gift showcase in this shop.
Exclusive Beauty Parlor Opened in
Dundee Home.
specialist, has opened an exclu
sive beauty parlor in her home, 3917
Farnam street, phone Harney 3555,
with a reduction .of v 25c on every
beauty operation, a reversion to pre
war prices., A shop for your con-
yenience, tor it you re eniertaming or
eing eniertamea
during the day, or
if you're a work-a-day lady you can
make evening appointments. You'll
find most delightful the complete line
of Dr. Blair's beauty preparations ex- ,
quisite gift offerings when encased,
in vivid wrappings of the .Yuletide.,
Dr. Blair is a well-known physician
in Lynchburg, Virginia, famed for
his fragrantly scenjed medically
compounded beauty aids: As lovely
as the name, Voice of the r lowers,
the talcum is 50c; face powder, 75c;
toilet water, ?1.50. Blush ot Koses, a
. rose , petal tintin? for cheeks, lips
, an da;nty finger tips is a liquid
. roUKe for 35c. Of unusually fine
medication the toothpaste, 50c; soap,
25c, and chap-stick for hands, face
and lips, 25c. Effective for both day
and evening wear, the instantaneous
facial, which imparts a delicate fine
ness to the skin, in jar with tiny
sponge for application, $1.00. The
children will love to play the Vic
trola while they wait for a curl and
bob, which is done for 50c.
Heavy silk and lisle combination
'hose'arei being worn more than ever.
:i ' .
Lounging Robes Present An Inter
esting Gift'-' Suggestion 1Ter;Ien.
THE J. T. McQuillen shop for
men, 1512 Farnam, is showing
a complete line of lounging and bath
robes lor men, many of them with
slippers of the same material.1 'A
blanket-robe of merging plaids has
predominating coloring of purple with
a shoulder backing of purple,', silk,
this at $15. Terry cloth obes
eminently practical, ideal as bath
robes, range in price from $9 to $15
Brqcaded silk in a three-quarter
robe f deep rose and black," with
slippets to match, $25. An iimisoal
value is'a black corded silk with two
tone red and black collar, cuffs,
pocket bandings and sash girdle, of
fered at $35, : a robe which would
have' been priced at $65 or $75 last
year. . . ' . .
Dainty Dresden ladies serve as
lamo basts in a manner charminc.
inaeea. , .
' .'.'
Picture Studio Independent of
Weather Conditions Uses ' Motion
Picture Lighting System. I-'.
rTI HE Nelson Studio, second floor,
- Paxton block, Sixteenth r and
Farnam, continue ' to make-;their
exquisite photographs regardless of
weather conditions, for they employ
a motion picture lighting system.
Have you seen their original 'little
greeting cards with your picture
embodied in the art -work above the
greeting? The photograph is about
an inch in head size exquisitely
done, the cards offered at unbeliev
ably low prices.
Mailing Dates for
Delivery by Christmas
TpHE dates set forth below are ap---
proximately the latest datet for
mailing parcel post packages to be
received in the foreign countries
listed in time for Christmas:
Australia Nov. 23
Denmark Dec. 7
Finland Dec. 7
France Dec 7
Germany Dec 7
Great Britain and Ireland. ..Dec. 9
Holland Dec. . 7
Honolulu Dec 12
Italy Dep. 7
Japan Dec' 8
Korea Dec. ' 8
Newfoundland Dec 9
Norway Dec. 7
Ontario Dec. 19
rhifippine Islands Nov. 26
, Shanghai, China Not. 26
Yukon Territory, Dawson,
- White Horse, etc Dec. 12
Alaska, Coast towns .'.j... Dec 17 and TT4mrlt r.- ,t-rtil 11
Faunt Otfic Adc