Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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    IS A
Penitentiary in .
Illinois to Be '
: v Model Prison
.Newest Methods of Construe
' - tion and Sanitation Used
In Institution, Which ,
Covers 64 Acres.
. Joiier, 111., Dec. 3.-The new Illi
nois state penitentiary, a walled city
of concrete and brick, is on the final
lap of construction, and those in
charge now figure that within five
years the penal institution will be en
tirely completed.
The new prison is located at
Statesville, near Joliet, and has been
viewed by officials of seven Euro
pean nations, as well as governors
and wardens from practically every
tate in the union. .
The prison wall incloses 64 acres,
flje walls, an innovation in cement
construction, loom up feet in
height and extend into the ground
from 10 to 20 feet. They cannot
be scaled, if is figured, as there arc
no ledges at the top where hooks or
ropes can be fastened. The smooth,
gently-sloping sides afford no
chances for footholds.
When completed there will be
eight ' cell houses, circular in' con
struction. Two cell houses will be
for the "less criminal" and four for
thofe who are under regular prison
discipline. ' -.
Use Brick and Concrete.'
i Henry M. Tomlinson, superin
tendent of construction, was con
fronted with a unique problem when
he started the building of the sec
ond cell bouse. The specifications
called for brick walls, with white
brick facing. Cost of materials and
labor has advanced so far beyond
tne state allotment lor tne work mat
after considerable experimentation it
was decided to pour concrete be
tween two walls of brick. This
saved 2.000,000 brick and, alto
gether, cost one-half the amount fii
r.rcd for solid brick construction. All
of the other cell houses are being
buih along the concrctc-brick plans.
The prison building proper is in
the center of the prison yard and is
laid out in a circular fashion, with
the dining room in the center and the
cell houses circling around it. The.
cell houses will be connected to the
central dining room by means of
one-story corridors with basements,
..making the plans resemble a petalcd
flower, with the dining ball as its
Surpass Hotel Rooms.
The cells surpass in appointments
the rooms of many hotels, each hav
ing a lavatory, with ho.t and cold
running water, , toilet,, an.; outside j
window, a . steel bed, with, ample
.clean bedding,, a table and enameled
walls. v a iijj -
. In the center of the prison yard is
ft tower with an underground en
Jrance., From ; the platform in the
lower the guard can look in every
tell. He can open. a single cell door
pr all of them' from his station and
can switch on one light or all lights
from the same switchboard. ,
If the inmate is suspected of any
Irregularity his cell can be illumiti
Ited instantly from the eemral
tower, and if some of the prisoners
get in possession of firea,rtns and
open fire on the guard, a,-steel shut
ter can be instantly dropped.
Own Wate'system.
The prison hai" its own water sys
tem, supplied,. Ky two artesian wells.
VoA'shf)PSr and a hospital at present
are under construction. Before
plans i were finally drawn, W. Carius
Zimmerman, former state architect,
made an extensive tour of Europe,
visiting ancient and modern pris
ons. The "solitary," known in the old
firison as "the black hole," is entire
y different in design and object of
ast endeavors. Silence is the pun
ishment meted out for infractions of
rules, attempts to escape and other
deviations from rules which draw
sentences . for the convicts. ' In the
new solitary there is ventilation, but
the walls inside and out are abso-
ltt.Kr eMm1nmrtf Nnt a cnnnrl
can be heard within that little build
ing. There is a cork linoleum floor
cork walls and an ingenious window
shutter which keeps out noise.' .
When using the fireless cooker,
use metal radiators for quick baking
nd the soapstone for slower burn
ing. .' '
Uncle Sam's Biggest Blimp
I, . '
h si
h '
i : J " '
. ' '. tf -HtivSV- i."1 ' v
- .18
T J :
Cctkcrt Qcicklj Soctks
IUsIsct ud Irritations
Hc taths with Ccticnrm Sop, fol-
oj agm applications of Cuu
Ointtnmt. afford immediate
saUcfiamoatcaafa of rasbea, irrte.
Heoa,acnmaa,clc. CnticmaTalenm
la alao exceUent for the tkin.
Ir ll l ilia,
STt a ymmmM Wr Mto
The Roma, purchased by the United States from the Italian government, on its trial flight at Langlcy
field, where it was recently assembled after being shipped here knocked down, carries a crew of eight officers
and 20 men and is equipped with six 300-horsepower motors. ;, It is the biggest semi-rigid dirigible in the country
and has a. speed of 70 miles per hour. '?;'.- " '
Hen on Nest Stripped of
Flesh by Lightning Bolt
Winchester, Vs., Dec. 3. A mar
velous freak was reported by Mrs.
Coleman Lyne.'who declared that af
ter lighting had struck a small pear
tree near her chicken yard she went
out to look after. a hen whose eggs
were soon to Jiatch. bhc found the
lightning .had run down the fence
a short distance to the nest, and there
was the skeleton of the hen in the ex
act position in which she had been set
upon the nest.
The bones were as clean as if they
had been scraped, and the meat and
feathers lay nearby, not even scratch
ed. None of the eggs had been
cracked, but on close ' inspection a
small hole was found in' the end of
each, and the inside of the shell burn
ed out as clean' as a new' pin.
'100 Per Cent Pure' Husband
Had Five Wives; She Says
Los Angeles, Dec. 3. Prior to his
marriage, I-sador A. Friedlander held
himself out to be 100 per cent pure,
but after Mrs. Florence Friedlander
had promised to "love; honor and
obey" she Hiscovered that her hus
band had been married, five 1 times
before. '
This she alleged in a suit for di
vorce filed here. Also she. claims
that her husband had a habit of
trying to live on credit and that most
of her callers during her married life
were bill collectors.
Improved Facilities for
Transmigrants in England
London, Dec. 3. Transmigrants
from Europe to Canada and America
who travel through England will
shortly be housed under ideal condi
tions while awaiting embarkation
from Southampton.
Instead of the temporary accom
modation now provided in scattered
linmrs nf Kast London thev will in
"the near future be concentrated in
one big camp a few miles outsuie
Greater VaIues-:-Larger Selections,
5,000 PAIRS
Of Ladies' High and Low Shoes from bur
$25,000 surplus stock must go
MONDAY ''":'
Higher priced shoes from other great
value-giving groups have been, included in
these two great lots for quick clearance.
LOT NO. 1 Consists
of our broken lots
of Ladies' ' High and
Low Shoes. Come one
come all and grasp
this great value-giving
Shoe event, at, ..... , .
: j
LOT , NO. 2 Many
"tf pair
Jded to
this groups good run
of aizes in 'black
kid, gray vamp with
cloth tops; field
mouse, kid vamp,
and kid Pumps; all
with high heels. All
go Monday at the
unbelievable price of
Come Early When Selection is Best
320 South 16th St. AH Sales Final Conant Hotel Bid g.
TTiis Renewed
My Strength
"Lyko was my health's salva
tion. I was all run down, had no
'pep' and was slipping back in
business, but this wonderful tonic
soon made me well and strong. It
will make a new man of you also. "
Ibc Oral OcmmI Took
pats new vigor into tired, listless,
debilitated people. It relieves
naoitnai consupauon
by regulating the
bowels, aids diges
tion, increases the ap
petite and tones up
the general system so
that the bodily func
tions become normal
again and then
new strengtn ana
vitality return.
It Is Pure
Lyko gin ytn the
luaoe tceie praper
tia of wlcctad drag
eompoamlcd under the
mperTisioa of cJipet t
cbcroMU and it always
teited aa to Ha ttwra-
Eitie t a I o before
Ask Your Druggist
Get a bottle of Ljfco today if Too feet
the need of a eood laxative tonic It eonas
aerisinal paekagaa only.
Safe Jfcfuafac t a rm ro
NcwYark - t KaaaaaCit
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.,
13 th and Farnam streets, and
all retail druggists.
Bee .Want Ad Produce Results.
Writ me today and I will send you a free trial of
my mild, soothing, tuaraatted treatment that will
Drove it. Stops the itching and heals permanently.
Send no money just write me- that li ail you
hare to do. Address
DR. CANNADAY, 2123 Park Seuare, Sedalla. Me.
What arc the 9 names of
countries? The letter are
mixed, yet you can make out
every name by studying.
The first is Scotland. Now
tryforall. Send your list in
a letter or on a postal card
with your name and address. r
A REWARD will be mailed
you FREE with other sur
prises. Really a WONDER.
whatever vour age. Enjoy
this pleasure. Address:
jM-BRO company .
AA-525, Station F. New Yorfc
Lincoln, Neb.
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct, and
rendering it possible- to classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen
tal diseases, no others being admit
ted; the other Eest Cottage being
designed for and. devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a time watchful
care and special nursing.
The Bee Want Ads are the best
Business Boosters.
io Set the
Original and
- mm
mmmn m
No-v Used By Millions As A
Simple Easy Way To Help
Increase Weight and
Enerjrv. Clear The &
Skin and Correct Indigestion and Constipation
If You Are Not Entirely
Satisfied With The Results
In Your Own Case, Your
Money Will Be Promptly
0, . V -T VlTMIK't
Peanut and
25c lb. ,
Hsln Floor
75) Vffj-T-rovfl M
Fresh .
- Assorted
. Chocolates,
29c lb.
' Main Floor
Yielding to the requests of hundreds of our customers we have decided on a continuation of
this sale.
3 Days More-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
- - j " ,4 SasSHSBaV aiii ' ' 1
No Profit Sale
Boys1 Blouses
Boys Flannel Shirts In khaki
and gray. Sizes 6 to 14 years .
Cost 95c
Third Floor
No Profit Sale
Boys' Hats
and Caps
Men's' Austrian, Velours. Cost
$3.25. SALE PQ OF
Boys' Caps. - Cost K(n
V Third Floor
Coats and Dresses
At "Profitless" Prices Monday
and Cloth
Cost $57.50
Sale Price
No Profit Sale
Wall Paper
. . At 7V2c Per Roll
Paper, for Idtchens, halls . and
bedrooms in light and dark col
ors. Sold with straight and cut
out borders. v 1
Atl2y2c Per Roll
Bedroom papers. Dainty new
all overs, plain and floral
stripes. Sold with beautiful
cutout borders.
. ' " :
At 27c Per Roll
30-Ihch harmonella blends in
new colorings; blue, rose, tan,
brown, gray and green. Hand
colored . applique borders to
match.' . .
Snnpinl frrmin nf MirTi
Haas filnth aiifl Pliiah
Coats made up in the
season's many styles.
Lovely range of new ma
terials, many with fur
collars. Sizes for misses,
ladies and stouts. :
No Profit Sale
Silks and
40-Inch Canton Crepes, Figured
radium, Satin charmeuse, Satin
crepes, costume velvets. Cost
price $2.25. SALE (PO Of?
Ho Profit Sale
5G-inch all-wool Duvetyn coat
ing. Velours, Wool serges, Pru
nella stripes, all-wool eponge.
Cost $2.25. . I9 or
SALE PRICE ...... V-'"
Dresses Selling at Cost
Just 150 dresses in ladies' and misses' sizes. Cantons,
satins, georgettes, tricotines, poiret twills and serges. '
Cost $20.25
Sale Price $20.25
Scores of Suits at Cost
No Profit Sale
Third Floor
Boys' Heavy
Warm and serviceable. Cost
$UK. Sale AM QK
PRICE ip't.iJO
100 Women's Suits in season's
many smartest models. Cost
123.75. On sale 23 75
68 high class Women's Suits
regulars and stouts. Elegant
values at regular retail
prices. Cost QQ QK
$38.85, at. $00,00
No Profit Sale
Tcslecs. Collar and Cuff Sets,
... Lace Collars, etc
Six Biff Lots
, These . lofs of fine holiday
neckwear were bought at half
price and will be sold at half-
First Lot Lace
Collars . .
Second Lot Lace
Collars .........
Third Lot Lace
Fourth Lot Lace
Fifth Lot Lace
Sixth Lot Lace
. Sale Opens Mont
: ; $2.48
A. M. ,
Dinnerware, Cut Glass and
Glassware at Lowest Prices
No Profit Sale
At "MO PROFIT" Prices
L o t 1 Overcoats. Cost
$17.60, At
L o t 2 Overcoats. Cost
$14.60, at
Lot 3 Overcoats.. Cost
$21.98, at
. $21.98
Lot 5 Overcoats. Cost
$24.05, at
Lot 4 Overcoats. Cost
$39.85, ct
3 $6.08 Chocolate Sets .$5.49
$35 Dinner Sets $22.50 Regu
lar Dinner Sets of fine Ameri
can semi-porcelain ware;
dainty floral spray design in
pink and white; gold -trimmed;
100 pieces; open stock
pattern. :
42-piece $10.50 Dinner Set,
special at $5.98
$11.50 Doz. Rose Cut Ixw
Sherbets; special Monday,
6 for ..............$3.95
$8.00 Doz. Daisy
Sherbets; 6 for
Cut Ixw
$3.00 Doz. Two Line Etched
Water - Tumblers; special.
6 for :.$1.25
42-piece American China
Breakfast or Dinner Set3,
in pretty decorations, $12.00
values; at $9.50
75c Hand Painted Plate, neat,
designs, special at ,...496
$2.00 and $2.50 Hand Painted
Plates, special at . .$1.50
$4.00 Berry Sets..... $2.98
Semi-Cut Glass Spoon Trays,
special at $1.00
$3.00 7-Piece Light Cut Water
. Sets
No Profit Sale h
Boys' Suits
Boys' Suits in fancy mixtures,
Oliver twist and middy styles.
Cost $2.95. (go nr
PRICE P-6.i7tJ
Boys Overalls.. All sizes. Tost
C5c SALE , PJt
Buy Your Groceries at
Profitless Prices"
1 lh. Beat Pare Can. Granulated
Sugar ........
-lb. Sack Best High-tJrad. Klour.
lr sack '. '.JS'""
24-lb. Sack Bet H!gu-viraUc
per satk JJ
I4-lb. Back Pure Ky. Klour... .Wo
10 It. Best Whit, or Yellow Corn
meal 4 lbs. Best Blu. Rose Kic.....--
4 Ihs. Best Ko. 1 Hand-picked Nijvt
Bans -
4 vkgm. Bet Domctle Macarom.
SpaBhetti or Kge Noodles.....-"
No. ! Can. Fancy Sweet Sugar
No. S Cans Karly Jun. S.fted rn.
can V"1..
No. 2 Cans Solid Packed Tonjatoes.
can ir;:"0
Xo. t Can. Tangier K-d Kidney
Beans I,MI
J2-num- Jar Pur. Fruit Preserv'-.
Jar v. .....We
It-ounce Cans wne.n Milk ! Bottle Norn". Catsup I"
ljirge' Bottle Snider-. CatNin. . -Se
I'd rill's or Bran:. A-l sairi-.
The Bt Soda or Oyster Crack--.
ver lb
No. J Cans Del Monte j-cacnes...;
DrieJ Fruit, and Xut for Xmo.
Fancy Keed Raisins. Ib........
Fancy Museatel Kalsins. lb.... !
Fancy. Cluster Raisins, lb... -
Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb e
Cholc. California Prunes, ll lie
Choice Museatel Peaches, lb lc
Fsncy fc'un Maid, Seeded or Seedless
Raisins, pkg
Sn Maid, larger raisins, pkg...J-V:
.Ail kinds of Shelled Nuts for your
Puddings, Pita and Cakes at lowest
Don't F.nret a Cap ot Our Famous
Tea wr let fee for Xauu.
Our Famou. Santos Blend Coffee.
th. talk f Omaha, per lb. ...Kle
H. B. C. Special Blend. In.. ..S3 !-.
Our Famous Ankola Blend, lb. ..40
Fancy Sun Dried or Basket Fired
Japan Tea. lb
Fancy Colons. Ceylon. English
Brrakrast or Gunpowder Tea. r-r
Breakfast Cocoa, lb l !"
Th. Best Tea Sftiugs, lb. l.'.if
Hlrh Crude lJl Cro Miel
, lb
Ho Profit Sale
At "HO PROFIT" Priixss
4-plece Solid, Oak Library Suite,
consisting of 26x38 library ta
ble, 3 rockers aiul 1 arm chair.
Upholstered in imitation leath
er. No profit
This Suite can also be pur
chased in mahogany finish.
64-inch Solid Oak Extension
Tables, plank tops extending to
7J Inches. No QM f)f)
Profit Sale i tl.W
3-piece Genuine Leather Daven
port Suite, loose cushion, spring
SST..!5'.!...'.. S150