'Itlti BKK: OMAHA, MONDAY. NOVKMBKK 2tf, 1921. 5 J r c YrTIME TALES THE TALE OF CHAPTER II. f Dog Spot'i Plans. Somehow old dog Spot and Miu Kitty Cat never became good friendf. By the time Mini Kitty Cat ar rived on the fann in Pleasant Val ley, Spot had lived there leveral From the first day he met Mid Kitty in the kitchen Spot hadn't liked her. Yet he claimed at the time that he was glad to nee her. She made an odd hissing noise, which amused old Spot tfreailu He said that he could tell at once that he was going to have great sport with her. He knew it would be fun to chase hcrl , Inside the farmhouse old Spot was careful how he behaved. The moment Miss Kitty first set eyes on him, she scurried under the table, where she crouched and glared at him. That was scarcely what you might call a friendly greeting. And Spot would have barked at her had he dared. Since he didn't, he only whined a bit through his nose. You couldn't have told what he meant by the sound. Miss Kitty Cat didn't like his whining. . She ' even opened her mouth wide and said as much. She made an odd hissing noise, which amused old Spot greatly. And he told Miss Kitty, in what was almost a growl (except that it wasn't loud enough for one), "Wait till I catch you' out-of-doors, my lady! I'll have some fun with you." Then Farmer Green's wife opened the door and told Spot to be gone. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself" she scolded "teasing a a poor little cat I" ' ' ' . Old Dog- Spot tucked his tail be tween his tegs and crept through the doorway, keeping one eye on the broom that Mrs. Green held in her hand. And as soon as he was safe ly outside he gave two or three sharp yelps, telling Miss Kitty Cat that he would watch for her the very first time she set foot in the yard. ; Somehow Miss Kitty Cat wasn't specially worried. ' , She knew a thing or two about dogs; and she didn't intend to let old Spot bully her. It took her a few minutes to get over her anger.. ;i And then she came out -from beneath the table and lapped up the milk that Mrs Green had set temptingly on. the floor, in a saucer. " t :' When Miss Kitty had finished her meal she washed , her face a duty that she performed with great care, for she prided herself on . , always looking neat. Watching her, no one would ever have guessed what was in her mind. "I'd like to wash that dog's face fcr him." Miss Kitty was saying to her self. "He'd have some reason then for yelping and whining." ' Having completed her toilet Miss Kitty jumped into a chair that stood in the sunshine, near a window. And there she composed herself for . a nap. When she was well fed and well warmed, she', liked nothing better than to curl herself up and doze and dream. Meanwhile old dog Spot was tell ing everybody in the farmyard about the new cat and the fun he intended to have with her. "There'll be lively times around here when she comes outside the house," he chuckled. (Copyright, 1921, by Metropolitan News- paper Service.) Common Sense ri It t'n ii i vi i 2 By J. J. MUNDY. Have You Traveled Clean? 'Perhaps you have often asked yourself if it pays to be honest. You may think if you were a little less scrupulous you might be enjoy ing for yourself and your family many comforts you want, in fact need. ' . . At such times, when your mind s all but convinced that it is foT your family you should be solicitous to the extent that you get what you need, you think of some scheme which is. not exactly honest, and you come near falling for it. Perhaps you have accepted the op ' portunity to get what the family ' reeds by this dishonest route. Do you really enjoy what you get as a result of being crooked? Ever since your dishonest act ypu havj had a weight on your mind, have you not? ' You have not felt free for one minute. Waking or sleeping, you seem to have it before youx, you start in your sleep and you cast an eye be hind you when you walk. There comes a time in the life of cvtry man when retrospection steps in and brings up the past clearer than the events of today. With those who have been honest and fair in their dealings there is no regret, but the mental anguish of the dishonest is keen. ICopyrlght, 121. international Feature Service. Inc.) Parents' Problems Can table manners be taught to a child of 2 1-2: if so. how? A child ol 2 1-2 can be taught table manners; and can best be taught by a little precept, nd a great deal of example. . . i What are believed to be exten sive petroleum deposits have been discovered on islands in the Gulf of California, .-f Where It Started "A Feather In His Cap." A man who does something note worthy is aaid to have "a leather In his cap." The phrase originated during the crusades, according to a MS of 1399, which states that "none L .. 1 .1 ...... . ...I . !.. L. '.. . auvum wear a jruicr 111 nip lap but he who had killed a lurk. Copyright, till, Wheeler Syndicate. Inc. Lady Victoria Murray, aistcr of the earl of Dunmorr, has entcrei busi ness as a dairy farmer. KidcBes' Colds Can Be Eased Quickly Dr. King's New .Discovery will id that very thing, essily and quickly. Don't say, "Poor little kiddie, I wish I knew what to da for you!" Khta the cough first comes, give a little Dr. King's New Discovery a directed, and it will soon Se eased. It's a good family cough and cold remedy, too, Lootens up the phlegm, clears up the cough, relieves the con gestion. No harmful drug. For fifty years a standard remedy for colds, coughs, grippe. At your druggists, 60c, a bottle. Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Constipated? 1 Iere"aRclief ICleaase the system, with Dr. King's Pills, They prompt free bile flow, stir up the lazy liver and get at the root of the trouble. All druggists, 2 Sc. , D PROMPT! "WON'T GRIPE . r. Kings Pills ADVERTISEMENT, IF K DNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache is sign you have been eating too much meat. When you wake up with back ache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kid neys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, . dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weathei is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sedi ment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. . . Either consult a good, reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate Sluggish kid neys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regu lar meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delight ful, effervescent lithia-water drink. DANDRUFF REMOVER SHAMPOO REJUVENATES ANt) NOURISHES ilLEIT CLEANSES The Perfect Shampoo. No exceta oils, fata, cauttica or alkali to leave the hair gummy, stringy or sticky. Two aizes: 75c and $1.50 After shampooing, us fitch's quinine tonique'superbe a an antiseptic and astringent, giving new life ana luster to the hair. Ask your druggist. MEDICINE The safe family medicine, for Colds and Coughs. Builds new strength NO DRUGS SAFE AND SANE for Coughs y Colds Tax jfnf Is eifUrtei (rea sD nVtti. Cuticura Soap Imparts The Velvet Touch Ba.0bitat.Tfcaa nVsiau a. Twi Sm: Cturr ljrtr hpll Milsse Mix NEURALGIA or bawlaxba rat) the forehead melt and infaal tbe rapon y VAPORUO 1 II W . I .an SHHSiaiHIl r-- I ! . .1 I II UJL. I H :'.TS7 jJ "II. nd Say It With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1418 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel, OMAHA Phone DOuglas 1601 Members FlorUts' Telegraph Delivery Aooclatlnn. We dri ver flowers on short notice anywhere Id the U. B. or Canada. aafay' aeSBBrKBBr BaW Space leased for long or short term Rates quoted upon request. ' MOTOR TRUCKS City Sales Room 816 S. 24th St. Servica Station 815 S. 28th St TELEPHONE AT LANTIC 3332 International Harvester Company of America Branch House 714 S. 10th St, Omaha, Neb. Ford Transfer and Storage Co. 813 Douglas St., 1102 S. Main, Omaha Council Bluff Prompt Service Reasonable Rates iinpiiiitann Omaha Lace Laundry EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS Curtains, Panels, Cretonnes, Lace and Austrian Shades 4716 Cuming St. Tel. Walnut 13SI Ladies' Plush Sailor and Valour Hat Cleaned and Reblocked RAMSER 218 South 14th Street TRY US FOR French Pastry Fancy Cakes KUENNE'S Bakery, Delicatessen and Lunch Room 804 South 16th St. 216 Leavenworth St. Order Your Personal Xmas Greeting Cards Now Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 S. 17th Su Jackson 0806 mmmmm at WRECKED CARS REBUILT Fender, Top, Body Work Repairing of All Kinds NIGHT AND DAY Western Motor Car Company Farnam at Blvd. HA racy 0868 Reliable Service A speolsllr on Aoto Tops. Winter Curtains and tailored Seat Covers. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Douglas 5677 17JS Cass St II V JONCS ST. DMAHA Merchandise Storage and Distribution ivr.i. f. noEssiG OMAHA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE PAINTER -CADIU-AC BUILDING 2570 Farnam St. Harney I44S CADILLAC A Permanent ; Value "Always Onward" t.:. : J. Hi Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln Bring or. Send Your Dress Goods to Us for Pleating Buttons Hemstitching Embroidering - Braiding Beading - Button Holes Ideal Button & Pleating Company 300-308 Brown Bldg 16th and Douglaa Opposite Brandeis Stores Phone Doug. I93S Omaha 900 separate fireproof, mouaa proof, dustless rooms for ' furniture. Come and See for Yourself Motor Vans for Removals Bekins Omaha Van and Storage 806 S. 16th St Douglas 4163 PaxtonMtchell Co. 27th and Martha St. Harney 1642 Manufacturers off Brass. Brans and Aluminum Casting Standard Six Cast Iron Bushing in Stock - Call, phone or write us for a sample of our Sheetrock Wall Board. Sheetrock is the most durable, strongest and longest lasting board there is. It comes in sheets 4-ft wide, 4, 6, 8, 3 and 10-ft. long. C. Hafer Lumber Co. Council Bluffs, la. IQanQxDQ (test) "Olwapid m - aW ar m " eu m ma. ii i i mi v -w- wr.'i lasfO hi jr- i vVLin ,, , . . lNANrg i .... -J S 1 . m m - m Making Good In Business By JACK LEE "Making Good in Business," a-recent book by Roger W. Babson, head of Babson's Statistical Or ganization, Wellesley Hills, Mass.; may be likened to a small shell, filled with high explosives, power ful enough to give a good-sized city a thorough shaking up. It will shake anybody who reads it. On the 175 pages of this little book there is enough good common sense, plain philosophy, old fashioned religion and advice to carry a young man, yes,, and an old one, through life and to success, if taken to heart. Being an expert on business matters, one would naturally conclude that Mr. Babson would deal only in terms of business. In fact, business as we know it has a very small place in the book. If adhered to, the advice in Mr. Babson's book would not only in sure success in commerce or finance, but in any po sition a man might assume in life. There is great encouragement for the young sters just starting out. Young men of today are prone to lament the scarcity of opportunities. Mr. Babson says they are greater and more numerous than in the days of our fathers. Then young men have a faculty of concluding that men who make great successes have special genius for those things in which they have succeeded. , He offsets this by this substantial advice : "If you could look into the lives of any of our great in ventors or captains of industry you would find the outstanding feature of their career to be hard work." And Mr. Babson all through his book makes the willingness to work a decided factor in success as well as happiness. Youngsters also believe in luck, that many suc cesses have been due to luck. Mr. Babson, as J. Ogden Armour did once, says that "luck may place a man in a good position, but it cannot keep him there." Both men agree that long and con scientious preparation and application fits a man to hold the position after he acquires it through luck. . The backbone of the book is the six "IV which the writer declares to be the absolute qualifi cations for a successful career. They are industry, integrity, intelligence, initiative, intensity and inspiration. Of industry he quotes an old adage, "Industry does not wish, and he that lives upon hope will die fasting. There are no gains without pains." Of industry he also says, "The greatest universi ties in America are the wood box, the dishpan and the cornfield." Of integrity he says, "Civilization really dates from the time that people began to respect the rights and property of others." "Intelligence does not mean mere book learn ing," Mr. Babson says. Intelligence is "judgment, which is the ability to think clearly, justly and cou rageously." ' Initiative is the faculty of going after a thing and doing it without being 'driven to it. Intensity means close application to one's particular line of endeavor, in an effort to know more about ft than anybody else. Inspiration is vision by which the foregoing qualities may be put to use. Every word of it taught in schools and at mother's knee, lessons to be carried all through life, but which often are cast aside with the school books and the goodby to mother. Spiritual development is absolutely necessary, as is ood health, good habits and a happy home, he writes. "The biggest thing in business is not machin ery, materials or markets; but, rather, men. The biggest thing in man is not body, mind or muscle; but soul," and this may be designated as the key note of the whole book. . He makes a plea for patriotism, a defense of the ideals on which our nation was founded and condemns mad rushes to the support of all radical "isms." He defines very clearly woman's position in active business as well as in the home. In the home she is really a silent partner as careful of her husband's business career as she is his home life. ah a" McKenney-Dentists 14th and Farsam Streets JA ckson 2872 r Staying Surface S URE URFACE G.A.SteinheimerCo. Contracting Painters "Jarl's National Brand Solid Copper Oil Cans" All solder on the outside of the can with a 6-Inch screw cop. Airtight, nan iploeive and fireproof Pricce: 4-sl., 19.00; S-irni., Ill 00: ft-e-al., tlS.OO. 10-arnl.. f 18.00, lA-gal.. 121 00; 25-unl.. $36.00: 60-gal.. (61.00. , Special Attention Given to Mall Orders CHARLES JARL & Company 1703 Leavenworth Stmt ETHEL THRALL CHIROPRACTOR PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATE Second Floor Elk Bids;. 1303 Douglas Street 8,000 Home in Omaha and Council Bluffs Are Covered With Our Ready Roofing THERE IS A REASON Call us and let us explain. All work guaranteed. Easy term. Northwest , Ready Roofing Co. l RIefenberg, Mgr. HArney 2574 3122 Leavenworth 3fcJ& BSL' JE&t I Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationer Wholesale Distributor Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Welding Cutting Reinforced Brazing General Welding Works "WE DO IT RIGHT" W Specialize in Automobile Welding 1508 Webster St. AT. 4459 RESTAURANTS There's on near yon. Highest quality foods, with quick service. Cyl-in-der Grinding Is Our Specialty Try us for "Better Service" Puritan Mfg. & Supply Go. Atlantic 3753 1614 laard XT ttor durable toecauat preotMl Cmm a tfnclc ahrt oa our lM)-to trim. 11 ort saltarr twcauM tber at do aoldemJ Jrota Ut ceitect food sn4 H can't b ttrveU BJrt 12iS4i4l-l 'NEBRASKA 4 tOWA STEEL TANK CO.. O ttia, Nc. EE? mm .m I I faV. SM . SIDE CURTAINS are mldhty hand on stormy days. The kind we make are wind-tiuht and easily put on. Prices reasonable. Superior Workmanship PFEIFFER 2S25 Leavenworth Street Est. 1S88 MALTBY, D. C. JA ckson 3072 1 5 WITH A PERSONALITY Phone AT. 4683. Mm O.L. Wiemer Wall Paper, Paint, Glass, Painting and Decorating 1708 Cuming St. Omaha, Neb Phone DO uglas 753 - THE Bee CLEANERS AND DYERS ' Main Olllca and Plant 1941-43 Vlntsa it JAokion 1440 CHRYSANTHEMUMS Never Better . , JOHN H. BATH THE CAREFUL FLORIST 1804 Farnam Street OF NEBRASKA 15th and Dodge Sts. OMAHA Modern Policiess Carrying Full Protection E. M. SEARLE, R., Pre. FALL RENOVATING o( PILLOWS AND BEDDING Feather steam renovated and hot air dried. All your own feathers back when we renovate. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 1907 Cuming St. Jackson 2467 Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. All the Drugs and Toilet Articles for all the people all the time. 6 Good Drug Stores in Omaha. ( We Furnish Clean Lines FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M. JENSEN, Prop. Phone Doug. 6381 1819 California Send Your Clothe to Be Clean DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers. Cleaners, Halters. Fur riera. Tailora and Rug Cleaner 2217 Farnam St, Omaha W Pay Return Charge aa Out-ol-Town Orders Alexander Munroe Sheet Metal and Furnace Works 1718 Case St Phona JA. 4065 Al! American Chemical Co. Chemical Manufacturers and Jobber Phone Doug. 4364. 1208-10 S. 16th St We analyse and manufacture anything. Cir Ua a CaO 1 1