Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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Aircraft Unable
To Replace Capital
Ships, British Say
Submarine Characterized as
Mere "Instrument of As
sassination" In Opinion
Of Naval Experts.
By Tht lw.Uiy tnu,
Washington. Nov. 18. An au
thoritative statement of Dritith naval
viewi, obtained last night, ditcloted
that aircraft are not regarded by the
British ai having displaced capital
ahipt in naval warfare. Aircraft
have i distinct place in war. how
ever, and it was said aircraft bom
bardment of cities minht be justified
because of the pressure such attacks
exerted on enemy governments,
llritish spokesmen pointed out that
bombardment of London and Paris
from the air during the war had
been effective in this way, and it was
Indicated that the British delegation
would not favor too sharp a limita
tion on aircraft operations if the
question comes up at the arms con
By contrast, the British position
of abhorrence of submarines was
explained as due to the feeling that
the submersible was a mere instru
ment of assassination" and incapable
of exerting any such influence on
oeooles and their governments as
air raids on cities. . The llritish re
nlv to the suggestion that the sub'
marine was the weapon of the
weaker powers was that 1he weak
had never been oppressed by the
British navy when there were no
Silent on Tap Proposals.
- Comment was rciused by the
British spokesmen on the Japanese
modifications to the American pro
posals, xne Japanese . suggestions
were a variation of the program pro
posed by the United States and i
subject for. conference discussion, it
was said.
It was denied that in thinking of
continuing certain building for
technical reasons during the pro
posed 10-year holiday, the British
had ever formally proposed to pro
duce a ship a year. Such a building
program would amount to rcpudia
tion of the American naval holiday
plan, it was added. It was declared
nothing of the kind had been sug
gested in any official British state
ment. Many plans had been consid
ered for continuing technical knowl
edge, but the British delegation was
still not committed to any, it was
There is no feeling among British
officials that the committee of naval
officers of the five powers threshing
out the American proposals .and vari
ous modifications suggested should
be called upon to report in a matter
of hours or days. The American
plan was described as ( most far
reaching and of necessity, .it was
said, would take time to; consider.
The group of admirals, it was added,
is working at full speed and has
made some progress. It was added
that the American ratio for subma
rines, the point about which the
chief British proposed modifications
hang, had not been considered 4s yet.
To Retain Shipyards.
' Touching on. apprehension that
government dockyards might ; be
closed in Great Britain, due to the
naval holiday, it was said this was
not suggested and that repairs for
the retained ' fleet would require
their continued operation. , '
Another angle of the British view:
as to desirability of continuing work'
in. some cases through the naval
holiday, in order not to lose techni
cal knowledge, applies to armor
' plate factories. ' These plants, it was
said, could not remain idle 10 years
and then resume. Unless provision
for continuing them, in some meas
ure was made, it was said, the plants
would be scrapped and it would re
quire rebuilding 10 years from now,
which would absorb' all that had
, been saved by the naval holiday.
'Modem Bluebeard"
.Promises to Produce
One of Missing Women
; Versailles, Nov. 18. (By The As
sociated ' Press.) Announcement
made in court yesterday by Henri
Landru that he would produce one
of the missing women the prosecu
tion charges him with having mur
dered, proved the climax of the trial
of the so-called "Bluebeard of Gam
bais." ' -
f The opinion was general that if
Landru can make good his declara
tion he will be acquitted, but that if
lie fails he will be guillotined.
Counsel for the defense refuses to
give any inkling of the whereabouts
of the missing woman, but it is re
ported evidence to- be produced
today will be to the effect that the
woman, Madame Cuchet, together
with her son, is living in Rio.
de Janeiro.
- The prosecution conceded that
Landru had sprung a sensation, as
. the only direct evidence against him
will be produced in the cases of
Madame Pascal and Mile. Marcadier.
It is said that the prosecutor will
contend that the alleged Madame
Cuchet and her son are impostors.
Japan Expected to Agree
to Proposals Made by China
Plea for Right to Handle Own Affairs Expected to
Be Acceptable to Tokio Government, With
. One or Two Amendments Great
Britain Noncommittal.
Washington, Nov. 18. While Bar
on Shidehara, the Japanese ambassa
dor, developed a "diplomatic illness"
yesterday, which neccsitated post
ponement of a Japanese reply to the
Chinese proposals lor the settlement
of the far eastern questions, indica
tions last night arc that with one or
two amendments, the proposals will
be agreed to in principle, i ll is cer
tain that they will form the basis of
committee ilueussion of far eastern
politics and that neither Great Bri
tain nor Japai will attempt to bring
forth a new formula at this time.
While the Japanese ambassador is
recovering from the' "slight indispo
sition that developed yesterday, the
cables to Tokio are busy and the
home government is digesting
China's demands with a view to
seeking pitfalls that might trap the
Japanese into an untenable position.
The general situation remains favor
able and Japan will be able to ac
cept most of the principles enun
ciated, . . .
Britain Noncommittal. '
Great Britain remains noncommit
tal on the Chinese program; merely
declaring that that empire favors the
"open door." ,
France offers a . rainbow of hop
by offering to surrender that part of
China which it holds in the south
and. to act in concert with the other
powers on the surrender of extra
territory and concessions. China's
case looks fairly hopeful. These de
mands are practically the same that
were presented at the Paris confer
ence. ,
The sub-committee, consisting of
the heads of the delegations, ap
pointed to outline procedure for dis
cussion of racific and far eastern
questions, met for two hours yester
The full committee is to be con
vened at a time found to be conven
ient for members of the delegation.
To Meet in Secret .
This means that the entire con
ference will meet in secret and dis
cuss the Chinese situation, then take
up the American agenda and fit it
wjth the Chinese proposals to make
up a program. The American agen
da takes up the applications of prin
ciples under heads, (1) territorial in
tegrity, (2) administrative integrity,
(J) open door and equality of com
mercial and industrial opportunity,
(4) concessions, monopolies or pref
erential economic privileges, (5) de
velopment of railways, including
plans relating to the Chinese east
ern, (6) preferential railroad rates,
(7) status of existing commitments.
Under status of commitments the
American program states:
It is expected that opportunity
will be afforded to consider an'
reach in understanding wl;n respect
to unsettled question involving the
nature and scope of commitments
under which claims of rights may
hereafter be asserted.
This is dangerous territory for the
Japanese, The secret treaties ot
IV 18 have never come to light.
There are also said to be treaties
with Frame and England that have
not been made known..
Jugo-Slavia Pleads
Not Guilty to Charge
Of Breaking Covenant
Paris, Nov.' 18. (By The Associ
ated Press.) Jugo-Slavia pleaded
not guilty yesterday to the charge of
covenant breaking before the league
of nations council, in session here to
examine charges that Jugo-Slav-ian
troops have invaded Albanian
territory contrary to the. league
This plea was entered after H.
A. L. Fisher, member of the council
for Great Britain, had produced evi
dence contained in Serbian news
papers that Jugo-Slavian troops
were well inside the line of de
marcation which was to have stood
until the Albanian frontiers had been
outlined by the allied .authorities.
The hearing will be resumed tomorrow
U. S. May Demand
Right to Inspect
Other Shipyard:
America Prepared to Bare
All Secret If Oilier
Powers Agree To
Same Course.
Washington, Nov. 18. Right of
inspection of British and Japanese
naval shipyards and factories pro
ducinir naval armament and acces
sories is what the United States will
demand in drafting the detailed
agreement from the 5-5-3 plan.
America will throw open its navy
yards, naval arsenals and naval man
ufacturing plants, baring all her se
crets to Japanese and Britisli inves
tigators, if they will consent to ex
tend the same facilities to United
States naval officers delegated to the
task of supctvision.
Althoueh this problem . seriousi
affects the sovereignty of the three
powers concerned, by permitting
foreign officials to pry into the most'
private and intimate affairs of na
tional defense, American expert opin
ion insists that inspection of the ob
servance of the "naval holiday" is
vitally important in forming the crux
of the 5-5-3 pact.
Doubt Expressed.
Grave doubts are beiner expressed
as to whethct the admiralty in Lon
don or the ministry of marine in
Tokio will consent to reveal their
hidden ' mysteries at . the beck and
II of an officer in the uniform of
the United States navy whencv r
he appears and asks enlightenment. 1
"Without mutual inspection, the
S-5-J proposal either becomes scran
ped itself or Die United Mate ti tx
posed to the most ('angcrous menace
that ha beset it yet, said an
American naval officer in discussing
the matter.
, l he I'nitei Mates lias never
matkru its intention nor camou
flaged it policies. American news
papers have followed our naval and
military plans and programs, expos
iug them to the world with accir
racy and detail. Secretary of State
Hughes has placed his hand face up
on the table and we are entitled to
the same frankness and fair treat
ment from other powers.
Favor Control Committee.
Naval controt committee repre
scntmg the two other contracting
government should be placed in
each of the t'iree capitals, it is p ro
pe seo. Nich a committee would add
only a few officers and official to
the naval attaches staff and would
not incur any serious additional ex
Ihe naval control investigators
slroti Id function as bank examiners
in America," it was suggested. "They
should have access to the navy de
partments ot the government to
which they were accredited and
should be granted access to all navy
yards, lactones and other plants
where material directly and indirectly
connected with warship constructio.i
and operation is made.
'The investigators shou d inc ude
experts in the various lines, so that,
tor instance, one could walk through
a motor factory and tell at a dance
whether aeroplanes or automobile
motors or submarine engines were
being manufactured. In visiting ord
nance work?, the investigators should
be able to discern between naval
guns and land artillery and in steel
works, should be able to recognize
armor plate."
Economical buyers are daily read
ers ot ihe tJee tor bale Want Ads.
Armament Delegates
' Begin to Show Grind
Of Strenuous Life
Washington, Nov. . 18. (By the
Associated Press.) Armament dele
gates and the many dignitaries and
subdignitaries which - accompany
them are beginning to show the ef
fects of the grind. '
-Not the grind of work, although
that is enough, but the grind of the
continuous performance of lunch
eons, , dinners, receptions and late
suppers. ,
Many prominent international in
digestions have already begun to call
for "a holiday." Many snappy and
close fitting uniforms are getting
closer and .less snappy. The tele
phone gffkwbo. jingle the bell and
warble ..'fcbdrtofiiing' say the re
sponses art becoming less diplo
matic - , - , -
It all means that the conference is
working full hours and playing over
time and it begins to look as though
there might have to be a limitation
of entertainment with some sort of a
replacement program to be agreed
upon later,
There's health in
this hox for you
Constipation, or costive
ness, causes 95 of all
human ills. Avoid con
stipation through action
from Dilaxin the tablets
made from the famous
Dilaxin prescription, At
your druggist's, 50c. '
rail p
A standard treatment
with thousands who
know how quickly it
heals sick skins
Askanyone who has tried
Soolhinq and Healinq
Forced To (uit iosiriEss
A Real Quitting Business Sale
Our Gigantic Loss is Your Gain
This is no sale excuse. The D. & M. Clothing Co. will be
a thing of the past in a few short days. We positively
are quitting business in Omaha. Men, this is your biggest
opportunity for money savings. $28,000 stock goes on the
market at your own price.
All $35 Men Suits $ 1 75
and Overcoats h
r orcea-io-vuii rnce
All $60 Men's Suits
and Overcoats
Forced-to-Quit Price
All $40 Men's Suits
and Overcoats
Forced-to-Quit Price
Dunlap Oxfords
Values to $15
To Close Out, Per Pr.
All $50 Men's Suits
and Overcoats
Forced-to-Quit Price
$485 1
Dunlap Shoes
$12 high grade Dunlap Shoes to close out,
at per pair $6.00
$15 Finest Dunlap Shoes, to close out at,'
per pair .$7.50
$10 high grade Dress Shoes to close out at,
per pair $4.89
Regular 20c Hose to go at, per pair 9c
35c Garters, while they last, the pair. . . ,14c
Fiber Silk Hose, all colors, the pair. 44c
Arrow Collars, laundered, to go at, each, ,11c
$12 to $15 All Wool Sweaters, extra
heavy $4.95
All Wool Caps, with ear laps, blue serges in
cluded" .4Sc
Unionalls, our Quitting Business Price. .$1.79
Ribbed Union Suits, go at.
Wool Ribbed Union Suits, all sizes, per
suit $1.98
Fine quality Velour Hats, all colors, values
to $15, while they last, Saturday. . . . .$2.95
Women's Felt Comfy Slippers, $2.50 values,
for ,98c
Fine Cashmere Hose, pair 48c
Up to $3 Dress Caps, to close at only.
Just 12 all-wool Cravenetted Tweed Raincoats, values to
while they last Saturday, only. f
All-wool Snowden Blankets, size 66x80, beautiful
plaids, all color combinations, $12 values, while
they last Saturday, at only $5.75
Any Felt Hat In the, house to close at. ... . . .$2.45
Fixtures For Sale Store for Rent
Entire Stock
Now Priced
$1.85 to $5.95
.98c II
. E. COS. Ktt A. MCK&Xl Sit
Toys Can Be Charged
Wool Nap Blanket
An extra well made, warm, medium weight,' 66x80
inch wool nap Blanket in pretty Scotch flJO "TQ
plaid patterns, is priced Saturday at.'.',
Warm Comforters Reduced
Is Here Saturday
A Gift for Every Child
Jolly old Santa Claus has a dandy
gift for every girl or boy accom
panied by parent who comes to the
mammoth Union Outfitting Com
pany Toyland on Saturday.
Girls who bring in their dolls can
have them fitted with a pair of
Doll Shoes FREE.
Guaranteed Saving
of 25 to 50
On Toys
Purchasing in enormous quantities,
combined with our location out of
the High Rent District, makes it
possible for you to save 25 to
50 here on toys.
Don't take our word about the sav
ing shop around and compare.
As usual you have the advantage
of "Easy-to-Pay" Monthly terms.
. .$6.00
ntin Awn pots mn rn rt;m
1312 Farnam St.
High grade
$2.50 Dress
Shirts to close
out at $1.29.
$3.50 and $4
fine Dress
Shirts to close
out at $1.89.
$25 Floor Lamp
Given Away With Every "PATH E"
Sold During Our
Home Demonstration
Act Quickly! Only a few days remain to take ad
vantage "of the offer that has startied the Phono
graph World. Select your Pathe Phonograph Satur
day (at the "nationally advertised" price set by the
factory) and you will receive a beautiful $25 Lamp.
Models From $1 10.00 to $250.00
. '!
ill '
" 9
' v f
Women' Pump and Oxfords
Get at the Real Cause Take
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead of
taking tonics, or trying to patch up
a poor digestion, they are attacking
tho real cause of the ailment
clogged liver and disordered bowels.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse
the liver in a soothing, healing way.
When the liver and bowels are per
forming their natural functions,
away goes indigestion and stomach
Have you a bad taste, coated
tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't
care feeling, no ambition or energy,
trouble with undigested foods? Take
Olive Tablets, the substitute for
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a
purely vegetable compound mixed
with olive oiU - You will know them
by their olive color. They do the
work without griping, cramps or
Take one or two at bedtime for
quick tvlief. Eat what you like,
lie and 30c,
and j)
Nov. 25 to 29. Limit Dec. 5
2M (Inborn I imifprl
Ticket and Information
r in the'-new mid-taaton I
The Coat
You've Been Wanting Can Be Had Now On
Easy -to-Pay Terms
The weather is getting colder every day! Now is the time to select
your new Coat and get a full season's wear. Every day you put off
coming here you deny yourself another day's enjoyment in wearing
a becoming coat. Buy it now pay later.
You will find the prices so reasonable it will surprise you and our
Special Charge Account Plan will spread out the easy payments over
a lopg period so you will never miss the money.
Cloth Coats $12.50 Up Plush Coats $22.50 Up
Your Choice
of Any
City Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge St.
Douglw 16S4
Depot Ticket Office, 10th and Mason Su.
"Information," Douglas 3580
A. J. PALMQUIST, Passenger Agent
1004 Farnam Street Douglas 3530
Such a wealth of mod
els from which to
choose from that the
only difficulty you will
experience will be to
' decide which dress is
the most becoming. All
the fashionable Winter
fabrics in black, navy
and colors.- '
The new arrivals
are beautiful cre
ations, being com
binations of metal
cloth in smart
shades with an
underfacing of
fur models at
$7.95 up
Our Entire
Stock of
Scores of the most dis
tinctive models some
simply, yet becomingly,
tailored, others lavishly
trimmed with fur at
collar and cuffs, mak
ing them particularly
desirable and practical
for Winter wear. All
are cicely lined with
good silks.
Sale Blue Bird
Dinner ware
About 0ff
These beautiful sets are what
are known as "selected firsts"
no seconds, no imperfec
tions. The prices
LOWEST in years.
are the I
21-piece Blue Bird Dinner
Sets, Special Purchase price
50-piece Blue Bird Dinner
Sets, Special Purchase price
100-piece Blue Bird Dinner
Sets, Special Purchase price
Stove Sale
$27.50 Heaters 817.50
$57.60 Heaters S37.50
$59.60 Heaters ....839.50
$37.60 Cook Stoves. 8 17.50
$69.50 Ranges S39.50
$79.50 Combination Ranges,
at ....8 42.95
$97.50 Ranges ....869.50