Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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News of Omaha
In Paragraphs
' Cindy CoiirVmm-d Shtriff Clark
In tha poassssor of flva caa-s of pop-
fiim fndy. acn containing n
i,rir.. but Mlka dartl not own 1c
Tlta randy wa ortlsrtd condemned
y district Judgs Troup.
irv i:tu Airs. Columbia
r.iou, plonar Omaha woman hotel
iinntnr. who dlfd suddenly Init
May. Irft an tat totallntc M1.6J1.
according to an appraiser's report
flltd In county court yesieruay.
Calur IUmia) Cnr A 11k tour
ing car and 4 quart of flue wliinky
wera captur4 by federal nffnta In
Falrarrsa Tuesday night. Louis
Tllm-h and Harry Merrlam wrt ar
rested as owners of tha tar untl
Frwd on lHp Charcc Harvey
Le, 1. negro, was freed In fed
eral court on a dope charge yes
tsrday, Judge Woodrougl) aen
tewlng; him to two months In Jail,
rhlch he had already served await
ing trial.
TluinkaRlvliis Glfw Omaha
school children have been re
curred to brln their TrmnUhclvIng
rifts to school with them next
Tuesday. This Is an anniml affair.
The gifts are distributed to the poor
of the city. ,
Piirrhnwtta; I)'inrtnifiit Resolu
tions were adopted yesterday nt a
t.uetlng of tho executive committee
of the Chamber of Commerce urg-
ing that a central purchnslos de
partment be created by the Omaha
city council.
Dr. Sump lo Lecture Rev. Dr.
Timothy 6tor.e. pernor of the Fourth
Presbyterian church of Chicago,
will deliver an address next Tneu
rioy evening In the First Presby
terian church, at an Institute on
men's work.
Steals Onn of lU-nn JuUse W.
I Wapplch sentenced George Cass
u t'ne city Jail yesterday In default
a 110 fino he was unable to pay
, vlun found Kiillly cn tho chargo
of steiilinK a cm of beans from a
grocery Btos-e.
VI? In OrlAndy C. KjeldFnurd
SI. 319 South Nineteenth street
rild Tuesday In Old, Neb., follow
l.ii" an operation for tonsillitis, ac-
cni a tig o word received rrom
'here. The body will be returned
' here for burial.
Pstolo Tt evoked The parole of
E. Swobodii. found guilty of com-
iiikilnc arund larceny several
months ago, was revoked by Dis
trict Judse Trouu Tuesdey. when
S roboda 'as arraigned before him,
charred with furtcery.
A.k8 Release Helen 3d. Brear
Jl.ed the district court yesterday
to annul her marrlase to William
Brear on the ground that his dl
vorce decree from a former wife did
not become effective until after she
had married him last April.
Man Hunt Knrte A man hunt of
two years ended yesterday, when
Postal Inspector Coble here received
word of the arrest of w. E. Dun
canson at South Bend, Ind. Dun
canson Is wanted here on a charge
of using the mails to defraud.
Seeks Annulment In a petition
for annulment of her marriage,
Mekal Opdahl, wedded to Muchel
, A. Davis last June, states that they
were happily married until last Au
gust, when she learned that Muchel
was married lawfully to another.
Heavy Fine T. A. Vaughn, ga
rage man, arrested Tuesday night
by Motorcycle Officer Sheehan on a
charge of fast and reckless drlv
ing, paid a fine of $S5 and costs In
police court yesterday. lie is said
to have been traveling 62 miles an
Nickel-son Transferred James B.
Xlckerson, for Id years chief dep
uty In the United States marshal's
office, waa transferred yesterday to
the office of U. S Itohrer, federal
prohibition officer' assuming the
duties of chief clerk and legal ad
viser. Talks on 'Banking J.' Kessler
Jones spoke at Central High school
yesterday, delivering one of a series
of lectures to be given by the public
education committee of the Ameri
can Bankers' association. He
talked on banking and kindred
Will Recover Theresa Holt, 22-year-old
Arlington (S. D.) girl, who
was attacked by two men and
thrown from an automobile at the
entrance to Rlvervlew park Monday
night, will recover from her In;
juries, it was reported at St. Joseph
hospital yesterday.,
. . Waives Hearing Ben Williams,
negro, charged with first degree
murder. In connection with the
death of Bud Turner, negro, in a
soft drink parlor, waived prelimi
nary hearing before Judge Wap
plch yesterday and was bound over
to the district court
Honorary Members Ten promi
nent Omahans were made honorary
members of the Omaha Aero club
it a meeting held Tuesday night.
Commissioner Koutsky. one of the
10, has already experienced the
thrill of a trip skyward, but Ever
ett Buckingham told Aero club
members he'll stick to the ground.
Seeks Ketiirn of, Prisoner Dis
trict Attorney Kinsler is having a
jolly little go with the United States
marshal at Indianapolis. He has
wired the latter repeatedly to re
turn Joseph W. Johnson, held in
that city in connection with the
failure of a Nebraska bank, but the
Indiana official states he will do so
when he has time.
Convicts Himself Lawrence Mc
Farland, proprietor of a soft drink
parlor, 1212 Douglas street, was
fined $100 in police court yesterday
after he had appeared on behalf of
George Nemeth, arrested in McFar
land's place on the charge of un
lawful possession of liquor. His
testimony resulted in his own con
viction and dismissal of the other
left PiY.-rriMe nAiijEsl
1 ciffr arthur sarrMiLEY
fe If
A Sign of Rain. '
There was a terrible hubbub in the
hen house. The Rooster squalled to
loudly that he waked up every hen
in the place. And when they heard
him crying that a skunk had knocked
him off tm roost ihry were as inght-
cned as he was, and set up a wild
cackle. All but Henrietta Hen! She
knew there was no skunk there.
"Don't be a goose er don t be
i gander!" she hissed to the Rooster,
'I nt the one that bumped into you."
"You must pardon me. tie saio.
The Rooster quickly came to his
"Don't be alarmed, ladies!" he
called to the flock. "There's no dan
ger. There's been a slight mistake."
He pretended that he hadn't been
scared. But he had been.- And now
he was somewhat uneasy about Hen
rietta Hen. He feared he was in
for a scolding from her.
"If you had answered me when
I spoke to you I wouldn't have left
my perch in the dark." she told the
Rooster severely. "When I moved
to your perch to see what was the
matter I -blundered into you. And
then you thought I was a skunk!
You owe me an apology, sirl"
The Rooster was Elad it was no
lighter in the hen house, for he felt
himself Hushing hotly.
You must pardon me," he said. "I
had no idea it was you, for you
waked me out of a sound sleep."
"Sound sleep, indeed!" Henrietta
Hen exclaimed with a sniff. "Why
you had been crowing only a few
moments before. In fact it was your
crowing that roused me."
No doubt 1 said the Koostcr.
'But you see, I fell asleep again
"lhen you must be ill, Henrietta
retorted, "for I've never known yotf
to go to sleep again, once you've
begun your morning's crowing."
"But it s not. morning now,' the
Rooster informed her. "It's not even
late at night certainly not an hour
since sunset. ; ;
Henrietta Hen was astonished.
"I noticed that the night seemed
short," she muttered.
The Rooster thought it a great
"Ha Hal" he laughed. Ana ne
said to the rest of the flock, with a
chuckle. "Henrietta Hen thought it
was morning 1 No doubt she'd have
gone out into the yanj it the door
hadn t been shut. Ana tne otner
hens all tittered. They always did
if the Rooster expected them to.
Well, if there was one thing that
Henrietta Hen couldn t endure, it
shouldnt I think it was morning
when he crowed almost in my ear?
"Dont vou know why I crowed?
the Rooster asked her. And without
waitinir for any reply, he said, "I
crowed to let Farmer Green know it
was coine to rain tomorrow,
Of course, Henrietta Hen had to
have the last word. The Roostef
might have known she would.'
"Then," she observed, I suppose
you squawked to let him know there
was a skunk in the hen house.
(Copyright, 1921, by Metropolitan News.
paper service.
Having a total length of 5,715 feet,
vehicular tunnels to be ; bored
through hills at . Pittsburgh will be
the largest highway tunnels , yet
More Applicants Needed
For Jobs in Civil Service
'The Civil Service commission in
vites special attention to the fact
that in examinations held recently in
Omaha and other cities throughout
the United states for domestic
licence teachers, Indian service, ap
prentice fish cultunsts, bureau of
fisheries, and for telegraph operat
ors, departmental and field services
applicants were not secured in the
number desired, and that these exam
inations will again be held Decern
ber 7.
Persons interested in these or
other examinations should apply to
the secretary of the U. S. Civil board
at the local postoffice for detailed
information and application blanks.
Tobe Green Indictment
Abated by His Death
On the report of Tom Dennison
that Tobe Thompson, alias ; Tobe
Green, is dead, a 9-year-old indict
ment against the latter is to be abat
ed by the United States district at
torney's office.
Tobe was indicted in 1912 for
using; the nails in an attempt to de
fraud Dennison in a Petitions land
deal Qirgs Nolen, police character
Of McMphis, TentL, was a cocon-
Every human being is born with a cer
tain quantity of "nerve force" some
with more than others.
Your body normally makes or gener
ates nerve force only about so fast, and
if through overwork, worry, constant
nervous strain or other excesses, you use
tip your nerve force faster than your
body makes new nerve force, then your
nerve power becomes weakened, and as
a eonsaqntnee Tear blood may become thin,
pale, aad vaterv, and you become feeble,
cms, aad Irritable. In tuch a state you may
not only suffer tarrible tortures from a mltl
rode of alarming symptoms, bat in yota
emtly weakened condition yon are an easy
prey for the multitude of dangerous germs
with which you must coma in alnxwt daily
contact, aad yon may therefore easily coo-
tnct some dangerous or ren fatal disean.
In cases of ncrre force exhaustion in which
your nerve and brain cella are starring for
want ef a auftcicnt supply of nenre force or
aero-Thai fluid it ia won than fosluh tn
waste your time taking mere stimulating medi
cine er narcotic dnifi. Your nerr and bram
cella must have nerT food or something to
supply more aerre force the same u a starv
ing person mutt hare bread to build flesh
aad tissue. For centuries science' has
searched for a ncTre food. At last a reaiark
ablc product waa brought to the attention of
the Paris Academy of Medicine by a cele
brated French physiciaa which contained tha
principal chenUcai constituent of actir Ut
tng nerre force in a form which moat nearly
resembles that ia the brain and nerve ceUs of
man. This remarkable product ia today eon
taiaed in Kuxsted Iron to that you may now
easily obtain what might almost be termed
artificial nerve force simply by taking twe
tablet ef Kuxated Iron three times a day
after meals. Nuxated Iron also contains or
ganic iron like the iron in your blood and
hk the iron ia sntnach. lentil and apple.
Organic iron enriches the blood aad plenty
f rich red Wood means mora nerve force
as that Named Iron not eaty directly sup
plies the important chemical constituent of
ective living nerre force to the nerve and
;braia cella but it also stimulate the blood to
miiflui a greatly isKreaaed supply of
new nerve xorcc. in xact. xnc manufacturers
guarantee asturfactory results to every pur
chaser or they win refund your money.
A Lecture Recital : Friday Afternoon
From 3 to 4 P. M. By Miss Gertrude Thompson.
These recitals are ctesitrneii to furnish suggestions for music, literature and history, m applied to the home or
club. Thin week Mltu Thompson will Jecturc on "The Land of Italy" and "Nationality in Music," following:
Friday, November 25, "American Compo.eri." Friday. December 2, "Opera.."
Friday, December 9, "Moods in Music"
Burgsss.Nash Auditorium Fifth Fleer
Thursday : AmoftSier Fe&fairiini
Chappy Coats
Chappy coats of suedine, in soft $") C
greens, grays and browns, made J J
doubly warm with a chamois lin- v
ing and badger collar.
Burgess-Nash Coat Shop Third Floor.
Fox Scarfs
Beautiful scarfs of brown, $Q Q50
black or Taupe Fox. Won- J
derful values. Specially
selected for this one-day selling.
Burgess-Naah Fur Shop Third Floor.
Polo Coats
are $ . nQ0
In the Downstairs store
these all wool coats, in
and brown shades. They are
length, fully lined and trimmed with novelty
pockets, belts and buttons. Sizes 16 to 40.
Burgtss-Naah Downstairs Store.
Smart Spats
These spats are cut td fit ttirf.r-n
very snugly and smoothly, pQ50
and are a bargain at this
price. In gray, mode, brown, tan, and
mastic. ' '
Burgess-Naah Shew Shop Mala Floor.
Night Gowns
Philippine gowns of fineA.-Q-nainsook,
all hand made and P
hand embroidered with tiny
scallops, square neck, kimono sleeve.
Burgess-Naah Blouse Shop Third Floor. '
Tunic Blouses
These are dress length blouses, g QC
in navy and white, navy and v I - j
henna, brown and bisque, and A
black and white. Beaded and embroidered.
Burgess-Naah Blouse Shop Third Floor .
Silk Step-ins
of crepe de chine, elaborate- q - qc
ly trimmed with lace or in
plain tailored effects. Very
specially priced at $1.95.
Burgess-Naah lingerie Shop Second Floor.
Silk Chemise
Of crepe de chine, daintily trim-jj- QC
med with pretty laces and em- I
broidery, bodice top with ribbon
strap; a most exceptional value at $1.95.
Burgess-Naah Lingerie Shop Second Floor.
Philippine Chemise
Hand made and hand em- q
broidered Philippine, envel- "y,
ope chemise in bodice and
regulation top, an unusual value at
Burgeas-Naah Lingerie Shop Second Floor.
Plush Buttons, 5c
Good quality for far and plush coats. Every size.
Kotex Sanitary Napkins, 39c
Bath Robe Cords, 19c
Rick Rack, a yard, lc
In white and some colors.
Double Mesh Hair Nets, 3 for 25c
In cap and fringe styles.
Burgess-Naah Notion Show Main Floor.
Winter Suits
Attractive Suits of tricotine $ "V75
and velour de laine, made in I M
straight line and belted mod
els; some are fur trimmed. Lined with fig
ured silk.
Burgess-Naah Suit Shop Third Floor.
New Dresses
Smart Dresses of taffeta, Can- C 7C
ton crepe, crepe de chine, trico- I y
tine and Poiret twill. ' Beauti-
fully trimmed and attractively made.
Burgess-Naah Dress Shop Third Floor.
Pleated Skirts
Smart sport and street models, in$i AflH
all wool materials, with stripes III
or plaids, in attractive colors, or v
in plain serge.
Burgess-Nash Skirts Third Floor.
Wool Scarfs
Women's all wool scarfs in c oc
brushed wool effects. They v "
are 2 yards long, finished
with the popular fringe trimming.'
All colors.
Burgess-Naah Sweater Shea Second Floor.
Mina Taylors
You may choose these popular $ be
aprons, from a great variety of J
styles, in splendid stripes,
checks and plaids. All are of excellent
make and quality.
Burgess-Nash Housed ress Shop Second Floor.
Union Suits
A well reinforced garment of $r00
medium weight wool and cotton, y
with low neck, no sleeves, ankle
length and band top. Sizes 7-8-9. $2.50.
Burgess-Nash Underwear Shop Third Floor.
Stockings .
Silk and "wool stockings Re
made with a good elastic v5
top; In the dark or light
brown heather effects. All sizes 8
to 10i,
Burgess-Naah Stocking Dept. Main Floor.
of 'jersey silk in all the new rr
street shades, trimmed with
flounce of self pleated mate-
rial or with contrasting colors.
Burgess-Nash Lingtrie Shop Second Floor. '
Lowney's Imported Lemon Cream, 50c
Colgate's Assorted Talcums, 17c
Daggett and Ramsdell's Cold Cream, 47c
Bourgcis Imported Face Powder, 35c
A special purchase of Imported Perfumes,
Face Powders, Hair Tonics, Skin Creams,
Face Creams, and Glycerine Creams, at
ibout their regular price.
Bnrgraa-Naah Drag Dept. Main Floor.
i F aimM
g of M
j Hand blocked drapery linens ofhfi
description towels; toweling, stayp
j by the yard. Whether or not vdp
I wonderful showing. The prics
Linen Damask Table ClotSrc !
Cloth, d m
$4.85 rr
Derryvale Genuine Irish Linen Table Cloth,
2x2 yards, of excellent quality, m
some circular designs, remarkable at
each. , ,
22x22-inch napkins to match, dozen
This large size towel of good quality $ -1 25 In size 18x36-inchl
20x40-Inch Huck Towels
" with hemstitched. A most exceptional
I value, $1.25 each.
Irish Linen by the Yard
I An exquisite quality, for hand work, for napkins,
ri p
bureau scarfs, center piecet, luncheon cloths,
doilies; most unusual value; 20 inches wide.
Also 22, 24, 27, 45 and 54 inch widths, ranging in
price to $1.95 a yard.
Size 18x45 inches
Size 18x54 inches
Block Pri
Drapery MfM
These are in jffVf
riiviriiigl email , W
print patterns.
Hand Made Decorated Linens
There is a limited number of these beautiful pieces
slightly soiled or mussed. Each is a work of art; included
are: Banquet Cloths, Round or Square Center Pieces,
Scarfs, Luncheon Sets, Pillow Cases, Napkins.
On Exhibit in tha GalUriea of Inlarior Decoration Fourth Floor.
Sheffield Silver
Exceptional values, specially selected
for this Thursday selling
Including: Sheffield Silver Fruit Baskets, Shef
field Silver Roll Trays, Sheffield Silver Bon Bon
Dishes, Sheffield Silver Cake Plates, Sheffield Silver
Flower Baskets. I
Burgess-Naah Silvsrwars Shop Main Floor.
Linen towels of firl3ua
damask borders andle?ls
Large size. I ' r
linoii T 801
. .. v. vi noil IVIVCS y J
no lint,
- "1-Jm4
French Lawn paper in
white only, a very niceK
grade of paper. A pound,
25c. Envelopes 10c.
Stationery Shop Main Floor
Heavy weight
J i rr
wide. A yard
Burgoas-Naah ll
st.raP $125
to inn t
Swaerzer batrs and top
purses. Calf skins, seal grains,
and noveltv tooled leathers
handsomely lined and fitted with mirrors,
are represented.
Burgraa-Naah Leather Coarfa Shop Maia Floor.
Fifteen patterns
Axmmster rut-
ard makes, in neat
al, all over, ar.dy c
Bursss-al Kt'.
i, (mi