THE IiKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY". KOYEMBKR. 17, l!)2l. Regulations of State Reserve Fund Uniform All Institutions Will Be Given IU crvc at Kntl of Quarter As Announced For University. Lincoln, Nov. 16. (Special.) I Allowing hm agrermriit with tnc .ute university regents 10 days ao, whirchy the 10 per cent reserve net aside from tlie maintenance fundi of that institution at tlie banning of each quarter becomes available fer uc when the quarter ist ended. Gov ernor McKelvic i notifying all oth tr departments and activities of the Male, that the same rule will he ap plied to them. ' "The amounts to he released at the end of each quarter shall take into account previous withdrawals from the reserve, and in the event that contingencies do arise, which call fur the expenditure of any part of the reserve during a given quar ter the expending agency shall file, for approval' of the' governor, sup plementary estimates covering such iidditiotial needs," the governor wrote in an open letter to the expending agencies. Corn lluskcr Highway Will Be Extended to Oklahoma Wymore, Neb., Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) Extension of tho Corn Ilnsk ir highway from Marysville to Okla homa City will be discussed at a meeting to be held at Harrington, Kan., Thursday. From Marysvillo the road will run through Manhat tan, Newton, Wichita, Gutherie, Oklahoma City. The promoters plan that the highway shall he extended from Sioux City to Winnipeg and from Oklahoma City to Galveston. The Corn Husker connects with the Victory road, which runs from Kan fas City west to the Pacific coast, at Manhattan. Corn in Illinois Too Valuable To Be Used for Burning "Corn is bringing 35 cents a bushel in the state of Illinois," said S. S. l'etcrson of Monmouth, III., "and farmers are not thinking of burning a grain of their corn. .En deavors are being made to get fecd cr;cattle of which about as many as liS'-al will be taken to feed lots." , Mr. Peterson said the farmers Jtf Monmouth were shipping in stock coming from . southern Illinois, where they can be bought for $8 a hundred and the freight is about $1 a hundred. . State Treasurer Cropsey- Lincoln, Nov. 16. (Special.) State Treasurer Dan B. Cropsey underwent an operation at Roches ter, Minn., according to word re ceived in Lincoln. The message stated, that Mr. Cropsey had re covered" from the effects . of " tho operation " and his,, condition was favoratifc Iftraf-Cropsejis with him at Rochester; ? Former Fire Inspector " . , -dciueiiccu to iriiauu Lincoln',-" 4 Nov, -16. (Special.) Darius M. TrimMe.'forme'r state firs inspector, found guilty of robbing the Liberty theater a week ago last Saturday, was sentenced to serve one to seven years in the state peniten tiary.' . Trimble got away with $1,500 in cash from the box office, after sluggh,ig"Lee H. Carroll, doorman at the theater. Wymore Community Club , . In Drive for County Fair Wymore, Neb.; Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) At a special meeting of the Community club the following com mittee was appointed to endeavor to 'move the county fair to" Wymore: Sherman Taylor, "-sr., J. J. Trauer . s , , . - , it -a !iicni anu iviayor . i uun. , r juini which will be advocated by Wymore is that the ground will be rent free, while at Beatrice it costs $700 a year. Cholera Epidemic Killing Many Hogs in Nebraska Alfred Leu, a visitor at the stock yards yesterday from Silver City, said the farmers in his neighbor hood were suffering great losses cf er having ldst'200 head in the epi demic. Mr. Leu said both corn and wheat crops were good, but that the farmers were greatly discouraged by the extermely low prices. . Work on Court House at Oshkosh to Start at Once Oshkosh; Neb., Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) The board of county commis tioners has decided upon a location 'or the court' house and J. Mackey f Sterling,. Colo., has the contract .'or construction. Surveys are com pete and work of. construction.- will .-ommence. at once and will be pushed through as rapidly as pos- :ih!p. Will Build Bridges, Oshkosh, Neb., Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) State Engineer George John son was notified by the county com missioners to advertise for bids for two state aid concrete bridges for this county, work to commence with out delay. ftyPORATtf MilK With the cream left ' in! . - Adds quality to coahing 19-Year-01d Speed Cop ::wf Pi II ri ' 'ill ?!' K ijt m i i -awn r I I?.VB W i hLiJf i ITT " III . I II I I In III . 1 II I . I J . ..11.11 Columbus, Neb., Nov, 16. (Spe cial.) Reckless mitorits ami speed ers arc warned to st;'y away from Columbus. When the city council decided to wage war on violiturs of road rules they determined that the ilriver of last cars tJiould not escape. A search was then started for a man who would drive just a little fas'ler than the fastest motorist. It is customary to have all pclicc I'hota br I'H'Wj. oDicers over 21. This was not found feasible in Columbus as the older men failed to reach the cotmc'l'i de mand for recklessness. Jack Lehman, 1, was then ap pointed. He loves speed and with his motorcycle tuned tip to a racing pitch he seldom fails to bring in "his man." His steady, faithful work has won him the respect of the entire community. State Will Supply Dependents With Big Dinner Thanksgiving Lincoln, Nov. 16. (Special.) Heads of state institutions have been authorised by the board of control to purchase oysters and celery in efliantities to supply the tables on Thanksgiving day. Chicken is to be the 'piece de resistance' at some in stitutions, while roast poTk with dressing will be served at others. Those who have nork nt this time will feast on chicken at Christmas time and visa versa. So far as it is possible the insti tutions will draw unon their own flocks of poultry. Hastings and Beatrice have ducks as well as chickens. There arc also a few turkeys at the Hastings hospital. Five hogs were slaughtered at the Grand Island soldiers' home last Monday. Mince, mimnkin and other Linds of pie will be served, depending upon the available supplies and taste of the cook at each institution. Grand Island Trust Company Buys Aurora Bank Building Aurora, Neb., Nov. 16. (Special.) The new bank building which was being constructed for the Ameri can State bank before it went into the hands of a receiver last year, was sold by M. F. Stanley, trustee in bankruptcy for the VV. C. Went company, to the Grand Island' Loan and Trust company, for $22,500. The building is two stories but the second floor has not been finished. The first floor is fully finished and equipped as a "banking house. At the time of the lie had spent $34,00(1 on the building. since tnen t ens aggregating ?ij,:uu have been filed. The lot was worth about $5,000. The Grand Island comoanv had a first mortgage of $20,000 onN the property. r : 1 Insures Your Ford for a year or more against all timer troubles WALKER INSURED TISV3EE1 High Freglit Rates a Bar To Nebraska .Competition Alfalfa is selling on the New York market for $J0 a ton, according to advices received here at the stock yards, while it is bringing only $3 a ton in Nebraska, but a local hay dealer says there is no chance for the Nebraska farmer to ship his hay to New York on account of the high freight rates. From Mansfield, Neb., where there is a large tonnage of hav har vested, the freight rate is $8.60 a ton to Omaha, and to Chicago the rate is .$11.90 a ton. California raisers of alfalfa have the advantage of water transportation via the Panama canal and can land their product in New York with a f,ood margin of profit. Wyoming Cattle Bring Good Priceg on Omaha Markte ' J. W. Webster of Meteetse, Wyo., had a choice shipment of white-faced double standard polled Hereford cattle en the Omaha market. The consignment consisted of four car loads. , A load of the cattle averaged 609 pounds and brought $6.50 a hundred, while another load of 2 and 3-year-old steers, averaging' 900 pounds, brought $5.80 a hundred. One load of heifers sold for $4.75 a hundred. A load of cows were sold for $4.50 a hundred. "Th Oaly huiircd Timar In tiw WorM' ALL GOO DEALERS AND GARAGES SELL THEM Wilker AccauorlM Co.. Cfilcut -BOWEN'S- Value-Giving SioTe . ForXmas let ' one of Mother's Xmas Gifts be a Vacuum Cleaner ' Esuy to Vacuum Demonstrators, slightly ucd. . It wiil lighten the work and give her hours of addd com fort and who, after all, should be remembered more than Mother, . Sold on easy payments. . It Pays to Read Bowen's Small Ads Howard, bet. 15th and 16th SaJe 7Mlk.x infants and invalids v ASK FOR Ho r lick's the Original , Avoid Imitations J Substitutes Tor Infants, lavtlid and Orofa Children i Rich milk, milted erain eztrict in Powder The Oriciaal Food-Drink For AO Afet No Coekini NourUhinn DifutiM WMdwaktk Twin ; Eight CHOCOLATES INNER-CIBCIX CANDIES' Blue Serge Suits Made in Omaha to your measure. Now $50.00 A Real Suit at a New , Low Price. Tailor Beck 1512ia Dodge SL Phone DOuglaa 2793 Tf '0 s3sr$ Z Vj COMPANY 1 sfg $Hinh Station ('omi'laint DUiiiuiitd by Cuiiiuiitioii Lincoln. Nov. 16. (Special) The complaint- of tlarry Ford o( Fall City againt various railroad1 operating in the Mate, asking that thry equip all twitch ktatioii ucd t night and within the yard limits. with light, and that the carrier He required to Lrrp the light burning, ha hern diini'd by Commissioner ii, L. Cook. Mr, took say there ii no evidence to reveal the need of luch lighting. Draft fo7$7,000 Is Sent To Volga Relief Body Lincoln,1 Nov. 16. (Special.) As head of the Central State Volga Krlicf association. Dr. II. P. WVke- cr of Lincoln ent a draft for $7,(K) to the national association. It is the third contribution, making a lolal of $Jj.(KJi. At the tame time , Mr, Wckesser announced 'he had rerom- mended that J. J. Halcnsky of Lin coln be sent to Russia as the so ciety's representative in rclirf work. 'J t AIYfcHTIr.MENT Are You Constipated? Just Try This Thousand of conntlpaifil r""Pl have utlrly owrrom thlr llmtit by foi lowlnc tha advlrn vt Ihona who r'nin- mrnd Ililatln. Thraa hnrinl'M liltla tub Ida ara maila In riart (onfnrwliy wllll tin fHiuaua prrairlixlon (or Ihla particu lar allm-nt. Vou muat unOiraland that Hitaxln flvia natural a'tlnn and ta an iffo'ilva llvrr rrnulatur ami not a pur(. Dliailn contain! the n ry alemrnta to ir. rcct thla human ailment and a1Juat th Intnatinal tract to a normal and hralthy alata. Willi tha mular una of I'llaxln fur a ahort tlma In accordanc with di rectluna. conallpatlon ran rv-ntually ba overcotna and tho uaa or Intaa or .any othrr laiatlva may ba antlrrly abitfiilohrd. It rnnlalna nothina nt a hnblt-furmlna natur. Thla la all tifrauati Pllaiin crratra a hralthy and artlva llmlnatlnn. It you ara troubled with cnnatlpatlon you owa It to ynuralf to glva lillaxln an honiat tryout. Jt will not dlnappnlnt you aa have other allrKrd rfmcdlra. You will (ail younger and better every day. All driiKffiala -the world over are now avlllnir Dllaxln at (Iffy centa per bo The aola dletrlbutor la tha Marmola Co., (7 (larfleld Hldg., Detroit. Mich. Nawnpaper and billboard advertlarmenta are already abDearlnc on thla product, sou ahould get a boa from your drugglat as early aa pnaalbla and prove the value of thla won derful remedy to youraelf. PIANOS A TtTHEP AND J' IWt'aiHHIf All Work Guaranteed A. HosneG). tU DmUMi Tat, tiw. Men and Women From Every Section of the City and for Miles Around Are Taking the Fullest Advan? tage of Beddeo's $100,000 Purchase Sale - ; - S, "- -. .ii i a Men's and Women's Wear ables at a Mere Fraction of Their True Worth. The overwhelming success ac corded the Beddeo Hundred Thousand Dollar Purchase Sale is only further evidence that Omaha "Men and Women are anxious to buy to the limit when the right merchandise at the right price is offered. Mr. Beddeo, just prior to the threatened railroad strike, visited the New York market and while manufacturers were doubly anxious "to dispose of on-hand stocks he made of fers so low that they were only accepted' after considerable con sideration. The Beddeo buyers were in the market to secure greater values and wider assort ments than those involved in last November's Great Purchase sale when this store broke all sales records. That they have succeed ed is clearly evident by the speed with which wrappers are going. Every day sees the arrvial of new merchandise from our stock rooms onto the sales floor. The liberal credit policy of this store is serving hundreds daily, and every man and woman is invited to take advantage of a charge ac count at Beddeo s. BEDDEO CLOTHING CO. 1417 Douglaa Street QWMHCIAl PWITS-llTHOIAPHMS - STUllfl MMJ lOOSC LKAf OCVICKS ASensational Sale of Beautiful Hue Bird Union Outfitting Co. A Great 'Before Thanksgiv ing' Sale With Savings of Practically HALF Such an opportunity to save on high grade Dinnerware, as the Special Purchase Sale next Sat urday at the Union Outfitting Co. makes possible, should ap peal to every home maker who desires to have an attractively set table on Thanksgiving day. There are 21, 50 and 100 piece sets in the evpr popular "Blue Bird" pattern that is said to bring good lurk to the owner. In addition to low prices, you can make your own easy terms. ill E Sty,e Without EKiuy'gncm 1519-1531 Doughs Street MM N7 I .TO Genuine Madison Chinchilla For Thursday We Announce This Most Extraordinary Sale of 200' Madison Chinchilla GOATS These beautiful Hand Tailored Chinchilla Coats developed into the most striking and practical styles of the new winter sea son. Light in weight but of exceptional warmth. The graceful lines and easy fit find instant appeal with well dressed women. Strictly all wool. Shown in Taupe, Brown, Sand and Navy. The four styles illustrated are exact reproductions of the coats in stock. ill v Genuine Madison Chinchiha Madison Chinchilla is guaranteed to wear longer and retain its original finish and smart appearance longer than any other known coat- 'r.-i ' Included in this Thursday sale are all sizes from 16 to 44, You will appreciate the advisability 6i an early attendance to this sale. r - .'J ....... 1 . $"'''' In Addition to the 200 Chinchilla Coats More Than ISO If Fur Trimmed Coats From Our Regular Stocks Have Been f Included in This Great Sale Coats of unusual richness of fabric and individuality of style. NORM ANDIE, BOLIVIA, EVORA, VELOURS, CHAMO, CORDANO, STEVANO These are Coats that every woman will be glad to own and proud to wear even at their regular selling prices. Loose ripple effects, wrappy coats, and straightline betted models. , ' ' . '. FOURTH FLOOR ' Genuine Madison Chinchilla Unusual Offerings in Beautiful .NEW FROCKS An additional Thursday. Fourth Floor , event that will create unusual buy ing in our Dress Section. Values to $39.50 are of fered at only $24 Genuine naiison Chinchilla Thursday Friday Saturday An Unusually Important Sale of MODELS OF FRENCH IMPORT BLOUSES i Durchas which briars to this new star the most de cisive Blouse values of the year. Blouses of extreme beauty. Blouses that possess that charming individuality that is characteristic of French Imports. Crepe de Chine, Canton Crepes, Georgettes, Sat ins, Latest Models in Russian Effects; Long or Short Sleeves, New Tie-back Models and the New Long Tunic Style. Blouses of This Cliaracter Usually Sell to $22.50 . The woman who seeks that 'something different" in her Blouse will take tie keenest delight In matiaf her selections from this most exceptional sale. - $Q8S FIRST FLOOR .