TUB BKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17. 1921. 13 7 t Nebraska Girl in China Writes Her Experiences By LAURA SCOTT. When American lecrctiriei go lit. to foreign countriei (or the Y. V C. A, they wait to t invited to take up the work. Mm Ethel Hart. ley, Nebraska girl, graduate of the state university, who hai gone to lion Chow in China, tella in let ter written September 16, torn ol per interfiling exoencneei! "I have leiteri here which remind rue that I have been vcrv miiin in not writing to my O .ha family lately. 1 luunoie the clavi will set fuller at the year goei on. We are getting to eiciiej now that there u really tome hope of becoming a reg ular attociiition. Mii Kyuiig (pro nounce J Una).' hat come to u at cur' first Chineie secretary.' We re- reived the final word from her last . tprinij that the would leave her $100 position at teacher in the govern ' mtnt normal tchool for men and '. come to be a oung Woment thru ' tiaii association secretary at $30 month. She it planning already to co over and mend .Sunday alternoon v. with the girlt at the Girlt' Korrtial school and start a Bible class for those .who w ill promise to come reg' ularlv. It'a tuch iov to havo tome. one who knows the conditions from the inside and dares do thiiiRS which we foreigner cannot do because wc j not know their background. "How we hoped there would he peace and plenty this year, but alas, 'poor old China doesn't teem ready for it yet.' The drouth ended in copious rains, which made the north . ern dry country bloom as a para dise, but the river-drained broad nlateaus have been flooded. It' all because the sluggish old Yellow , river, which meanders along some thing like our Platte river, will not tut for itself a nroocr channel "I here have been engineering proj ects v. men mignt nave rcrncuica mc situation and saved the lives 01 thousands of people who have been drowned, but these projects meant money to back them up, and the Chinese government has no money because its rulers arc carrying on constant petty warfare between ' northern and southern forces, trying to gain ascendency for the sake of personal power and money for some ambitious general. It's the saddest . thing tq sec the way; China's gov ernment is batted around between different war lords, the one who has the most money to pay the most soldiers or to bribe the largest num ber of officials being the one who rules for the time being. And while they amass soldiers on both sides of the Yangtze river and cap ture a few towns and loot the vil lages, the people are dying because of flood and famine. Selfishness it's the keynote to misery the world over, isn't it? .'-.. "Yesterday was the biggest meet ing, or perhaps I should say, the most particular '' meeting -of those held so far, .The committee mem bers each made a list of their' non Christian friends who would be in . tcrestcd in association activities, or ' who would be influential among their own circles and could help much to advance the organization. . 'The civil governor's wife was in vited and also the other . women members of - her household. A . ... prominent official in the days of the g; emperor lives in Hangchow, and his ',; son's wife came in great dignity, seated stiffly in her sedan chair, but !, . not extravagantly , dressed. She sat near the Victrola, which it was my job to operate while the audience was gathering. The formidable neatness of her hair rather madev me , feel bashful but she started to con verse ' by asking if I could talk - Chinese,, whereupon I felt better. That question, at least, I could an swer in the proper, polite way, hav ing practiced it on other people, iso I promptly replied. 'No, not at all.' Of course, she came back with the usual polite response. 'Oh yes, you, you can: you talk it very well.' . (When , you go out shopping at the talk Chinese! you teel a warm glow of honest pride. But after you have been' here a year and z half you know that it's simply Chinese polite ness, and the proper thing to do is to respond with true Chinese mod esty that 'Not a little bit can you talk.'" , ..... Furbelows of Fashion. . Sport capes are popular. . Black kid gloves in. elbow length are popular. . The use of large beads seems to be growing. ' For the .: 6-year-old the 1 Cossack . blouse -costume, generally combining ' a checked skirt with a velvet jacket, is being shown. y Dance frocks for tiny tots are de veloped in tulle and pink taffeta rib bon ruffles, the whole posed over a foundation of pink silk. Wraps for the little ones are usu ally accompanied by a hat to match. If not of the same material as the coat they are made up in velvet, but . in the same shade as the wrap. Sheer velvets on the Salome or der, so delicate as to be scarcely heavier than a chiffon are being used for evening frocks. White in this ; material is a favorite. Among the smart silhouettes are Jie fitted waist, the long billowy tkirt, the Greek, straight and classic, ndn the low waist with a belt con fining long-pointed draperies. ADVERTISEMENT If yoa're frca Iron constipation show ibis to so3 sufferer. On of the freateet benefits to ha Bkaaitr that hat been mad aTailabl to every man, woman and child in America ia KeUegf "a Bran, cooked and kmmbled. Kellocge Braa will relicv coutipatioa permanently if it ia eaten regularly. If people of this matkm generally would eat Kellofj "i Kru nine-tenth of all eirknew would bo eliminated. Phytieiaaa adore Kt'lott' Braa, cooked aad knunbled, for eonatipay tiea beeaus eoastipatioa ia aaturally relirrad thratjfh proper feci We gBanataa.XeHofgfe Braa will refievt eomatiaarioa if at leaat two tableapooa fula ar aataa dally. We adria as Back aa amaaary for earoaie eatea. - Kfle Y Braa acta a a avseper. aadfiurttjiaf. put a a an Household Hints I Annies for cannine' should -be bleached .for 'one minute, as they shrink greatly. Grape juice is an excellent sub stitute for wine in preparing grape fruit for table use. It is . better" to ; save cauliflower. summer cabbage and cucumbers in brine " than" to can them. ' To make starch for black waists. cook one tablespoonful of starch in one pint of boiling coffee... ; . ,; Baste, a roasting ham with a few tablespoons of grape i juice. -This gives it a delicious flavor. ' Make your own syrups for waf fles and pancakes; they are delicious when made of fruit, juices ,andre much cheaper when ;made at home. Things You'll Love To Make L o the -Tt imm ad Urrr Blouse Leather trimming will be quite popular this fall and winter. There fore you will want a leather-trimmed over-blouse. Cut strips of leather or kid one-half inch wide. , Interlace them as shown. Stitch a group of the 'lattice work at each side of the blouse and a group, smaller in size. below the center from the neck line. Trim each sleeve in the same man ner. In each box fasten a large-.bead or celluloid i ornament. , A'leather- trimmed over-blouse -is ' very ' chic worn with a fall suit. ? ADVERTISEMENT EndsStubbornCoughs in a Hurry For ml nTertlraiese, this old ' ' homo-made remedy has no equal. XaiUf and cheaply prepared. You'll never know 7iow quickly a 'bad cough can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-made rem edy. Anyone who has coughed all day and all night, will say that the immediate relief given is almost like magic. It is very easily prepared, and there is nothing better for coughs. Into a pint bottle, put 22 ounces of l'inex; then add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Hither way, the full pint saves about two-thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, and gives you a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly, and tastes pleasant children like it. You can feel this take hold instantly, soothing and healing the membranes in all the air passages. ' It promptly loosens a dry, tight cough, and soon . you will notice the phlegm thin out and disappear. A day's use will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it is also splendid for bron chjtis, croup, hoarseness, and bron chial asthma. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, the most reliable rem edy for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2Vi ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. . ADVERTISEMENT a "remedy"; rather a nature food! Unlike pUla and cathartics, which ar ' not only irritating- to the delicate in testinal tract, and afford but tempo rary relief at beat braa is not habit forming. Effects of pilla and eathar ties wear off and it ia necessary for the anfferer to find some new aad mora -violent bowel-agitator. Kellogg 'a Braa never eeaaea its regular work. Kellocg'e Braa at the asm time r wQI clear a pimply complexion and sweetea tb breath. - Keller; 's Braa,' cooked aad knrm- bled, ia on of the most delicious . eereaJs yos ever at. . Its not-like favor ia delightful. Or sprinkle it oa your favorita cereal and cae it in varioua foods sues aa braa bread, muf fins, pancakes, rraviee, ete. Becipes ar priated. oa each cackaa, South High Girls in Pageant Thursday v 3 These South Omaha High school girls will appear as Indian maidens in the pageant, "Nebraska,", to be given for the Omaha public Thurs day evening, November 17, at the Auditorium. From left to right they are: . : ' Thelma Martin, Margaret Coulter, Smart Winter Gowns; Simplicity of design and slcnder-ness- of outline are the combined forces that -make for winter smart ness, says the December "Designer." Color,, too, is quite as important as the silhouette in catering to the mode. For street wear nothing is more fashionable, and surely noth ing is more wearable, than black. It seriously threatens to disturb the long reign of , navy blue as first choice in the scheme of modish col ors. If black is not your color and you are, moreover, weary of navy D WRIGLEY'S has steadily kept I to the pre-war price. 1 to the same high sU rd j No other goody lasts so long costs so little , or does so 1 Handy to carry beneficial in effect full of flavor a solace and comfort for -. ) young and old. Sealed Tifiht-KcPt Rifiht .P Marie Novak, Marie Johnson and Lucile Larkin. - i South High gives the second act of this beautiful three-act perform ance. Miss Marguerite Walker has directed the dramatic features, Miss Jcanette Doyle the dancing; and Miss Kathryn Lowry the costuming. and other blues, 'there are wonder ful brown shades, and decp,a rich reds, to select for your coat, suit and street frocks. Grays are also very favorably spoken of,-some of the newer grays having a'hint of brown or blue in them. In. Honor of Miss Stein. ' ' Miss . Gertrude' Sicln, whose wed ding will take "place next Sunday, will be. honor ,guest,! Thursday, at a luncheon at the Brandeis restaurant and an Orpheum pafty afterward, when Mrs. Simon Whitebrook of Council Bluffs will be hostess. After Every Meal . , . . Parents' Problems Can anything be done to help children not to forget absent rela tives? Photographs help to keep the ab sent members of the family in the children's minds. Letters or picture postcards and, occasionally, little presents sent at other times than Christmas and birthdays all these things help greatly. ' Short coats of padded silk such as one associates with boudoir gar ments gaily printed in bald colorings of birds and beasts arm disks and triangles are being worn. They reach just below the higs, where they are edged with fur, as are the sleeves and neck. : , Jack and Jill -Jack." lh dinner dihei had been cleared away and Jark was imnieried in new hook he lu.l frichrd home from Ihe library "Ihc Livrr of J"inou tirnrritli" for Jack, as a rule, was givrn to lerimu rrailmg. "Jiick," hc prompt again genily. lie glanced up with a tiny frown, ..What it it. honey?" 'What is the Eincin theory?" "lie itsred at her in-gennine sur prie, . . ."'Ihe what?". . . .... "The Kiiinein theory." 'Jack placed his book on the cen ter tabic and whittled his surprite. "For goodness sake. dcaree, what do you want to know for?" '"Will, l ain reading about it In this magarinc and 1 want to know about i it." ', Jack thought quickly. '"Why not take a peck flito the en cyclopedia?" he asked, dodiiinK. '1 UiU but there i nothing- in there about ii," "Well, it isn't very important, any way," said Jack drprecatingly,' ,11c reached for his "Lives of Fa mous Generals." "Hut Jack; dear- ' 'Oh. dear, Jill, what is it?" "The Einstein theory must be Im portant. F-vcrybody'a, writing about it in the niauazine, and in tire pa pcrs. and"- , "Well, then, what do you ak me to explain it for? Surely, you can understand filaiii English if it's io the magaz'nc and newspapers." "lcs" pouted Jill, "thats the trou ble. I can read the words, but I can't tell what they mean." "That's not my fault, you know, dear." he reminded her gently. Jill, pondered. "i'l II bet you don't understand it, yourself," she said, a little spitefully. '.'Who doesn't?" he. demanded, lie chuckled. "Goodness, Jill, , every body understands it. -Its as simple as pie." "Well, darling. T should think you'd tell your Jill-girl about it For Firm Flesh "Pep" That Makes Men Win Take MastinV Yeast Vitamon Tablets How Thia New Discovery Helpa Increase Weight, Put Fresh Energy Into Tired Bodies, Clear the Skin auid Correct Constipation Easy and Economical Result Quick If you want to put soma firm, healthy "stay there" flesh on your bones, increase your energy, nerve force and power, clar your skin and complexion and feel far better, try this simple test: First weigh your self and measure yourself.- Next, take Mastln's VITAMON two tablets with every meal. Then welgn and measure yourself each week and continue taking Mastln's VITAMON Tablets regularly until you are satisfied with your gain in weight and energy. Because they fall to get from what they eat enough of the health - giving, strength-building vltamlnes con-. atalned in fresh yeast as well as mow iuuna in raw muK, coa liver oil and certain fruits and vege tables, thousands of men are not living up to their possibilities. Yet, Science has found a simple easy way to supply all threa of these precious vitamlnes in the ionvenient easy-to-take form known as Mastln's Yeast VITAMON Tablets. So great has been the success of thesa tiny tablets in quickly build ing up weakened, nervous, run-down folks and putting the system in fine condition that they are today being used by millions. By increasing the nour ishing power of what you eat Mastln's VITAMON Tablets supply Just what your body,i.eeds to feed the . shrunken tissues, strengthen internal or gans, clear the skin and renew' shattered nerve force. Under their in fluence pimples, bolls and disfiguring skin eruptions seem to Your Weight Indicates Your Health, Are You Gaining or Losing? K you want to quickly get mot trenflti ad vitality and hava that firm fleth MpepH which makes you look and feel 100 per cent better, just try Ukinf two of Maitin'a Yeaat VITAMON Tablets with each meal for a short time and watch the truly amazing results. Alexander Jacobs, J. L. Brandeis, THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE ARE POSITIVELY to Put on Firm Flesh, Clear when Taken with Every HsMai - A mild system of Rectal Diseases in A eure rusranteed in every esre accepted for red. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, SIS' iw S ""''L. Stiv II inous fjY f An "incut! cvtST m-A f . W A , cmT is wcua I fr J A Vly l incut! SlCtPS I A Jl I VI V SKIPS li "'""lilf I 11 llMMCHU niTt III yl JwmSTJ llK)iiSI III jj 5VS"ICI pmottS If I J imncueS SJMCUli I 11 l i j"ll!oUJ HI l.OOS prominent people who hare been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY Saaatoriuat. Feftre ' just a tittle bit. so I'll know what I'm reading about, I d so ant to know about it." ' Ban S'lmiiwi j BjH4 y tv largely, "it's it'a a lot of new stuff about Ihe future, Uuija board stuff, you know. The future, and all thai sort of thing." -Splrltualum," asked Jill, "Oh, something like that," And Jack reached fr "The Lives o( Fa mous Genrralt." There was a long silence and Jill, deep in the fcicutilic magaiine that Iwd been the cause of the diicustion, wai quiet. . Then suddenly she squealed, "Now what," aked Jack pleasant ly, masterfully. He frit prepared to solve any ni ght problem she might have for him to consider. Jill gigtilcd. ' "Oh, liKtrn, dearest." she said t citedly. "Thia magazine says that the F.instriii theory ia to utterly pro found that one may not grasp it, that it is so frightfully scientific, hav ing to do with mystery of the world's attraction and gravity, that" "Aw, Jill, do shut up and let me read, will you?" rasped her husband (Copyright, 1MI, Thompion Featurs HvrvUt.) RESItlOL ioolhinq and Htlinq Does wonders for sick skins One application of this reliable ointment and the inflammation is reduced the itching stopped and healing begins Try it and see That firm flesh "pl" what gives the Power and Energy to win get it yourielf by taking Mastin's Yeaat Vitamon Tab led with every meal. Resulta Guaranteed. vanish as if by magic and the complexion becomes radiantly clear and beautiful. Mastln's VITAMON Tablets do not upset the stomach or cause a bloated v feeling: on the contrary they aid digestion and by acting In a nat ural way as a general condi tioner of the whole svstem help to put on firm flesh, correct con stipation and increase energy. Important! While the amaz ing health-building value of Mastln's VITAMON Tablets has been clearly and positively dem onstrated in cases of lack of energy, anaemia, indigestion, constipation, skin eruptions, poor complexion and a generally weakened physical and mental condition, it should not be used by anyone who OBJECTS to having their weight Increased to normal. - Be sure to remember the name Mastln's VI-TA-MON the original and genuine yeast vitamlne tablet there is noth ing else like it, so do not accept Imitations or substitutes. The name MASTIN'S on the yellow and black package Is your pro tection. You can get Mastln's VITAMON Tablets at all good .druggists, such as Sherman & McConnell. Adams - Halght, Hayden Bros., Eurgess-Nash. YEAST VITAMINS TABLET GUARANTEED the Skin and Increase Energy Meal, or Money Back Pay WHien Cured trestment that cures Piles. Fistula aad ether a short time, without a serere snreical am oration. No Chloroform. Ether or other venerm! anenthetie nmA treatment, and no monev is to he mid until with simm and iMttmonial, f inn tk.n Trust BMg. (Bee Bld.) Omaha, Neb. Silk poplin is one of the uplioU stcry (ubrlis jMrtimlarly veil aiUptctl to covering cushions, , It cctues In, all the good colors, liw eluding Jovcly pumpkin yellow, a toft, bright tue anJ a particularly irood ml. t ' j M r Rrir.wKT.- BtTIERJANCALOMEL Tltousandi 'Have Discovered Dr. Edward' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute i i , " . Ir. KdwanU' Ollvi Tul'U-ta the anbatltute (or calomel nre a mlM but sure Inxallvo, mill their effect on the liver i nlmnnt iiiMinntiineoua. Tlieso little ollve-coliirod tublutN are the result of IV, KiIwuiiIh' dcliT nlimtion not to tn-ut liver and bowel cotiiiiliiintM with enlouii'l. The pleuwint lltttn tnblta tin the good cnlonivl iloca, but have no bad art-r effectM. Tlwy don't Injure the toeth like Htronir liiuiu or calomel. They take hold ot the trouble and quickly correct it. Wby euro the liver at the fxpenno of the teeth? Calomel aoiuetlioea 1'lnyn linvoo v.lth the KUIIla. rJo do HtronK llilll(lH. It Im bent not to take ralouiel. Let lr. KilwnrdN' Olive Tabluta Uiks Km plaee. Uemliichea, "ilullneHS'' . ami that lnzy (eellnir i-oine from conNtlimtlon nnd a (llsiinlereil llvef. Tuke Dr. Kdwanla' Olive Tablet when you feel "logy" and "heavy." They "clear" clo'iiled linUii nnd "perk up" the miliilH. . ICio and 30u. AltVKKTISKMKNT EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR You Can Brihff Back Color ' and Luttre With Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken jour hair with Sage Tea ami Sulphur, no one can tell, because it'a done so naturally, so evenly.' Preparing this mixture: though, at home ' is ' mussy and troublesome. At little cost, you can buy at any drug store the rcady-to-use preparation, improved by the ad dition of other ingredients, ' called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound." You just dampen a uponge or soft brush with it and draw this through y6ur hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as vye all desire a jiouthful and attrac tive appearance, get , busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, and look years younger. ' ADVERTISEMENT Relieves Rheumatism Musterole loosens up stiff Joirrts and drives out pain. .A. clean, white ointment, made' with oil of mustard, it usually brings relief as soon as you start to rub it on. It does all the good work of the ld-fashloned mustafd plaster, with out the blister. Doctors and nurses often recommend its use. Get Musterole today at your drug store. 35 and 65c in. Jars and tubes; hospital size, S3. 00. f . . y BETTER THAN A MUSTARD PLASTER A I) VEBT1SEM ET Kidney and Bladder Troubles Conquered or . Money Back ; r-"t For 40 years, said D: "Carer. I hare bn prescribing Marshroofpr kidney and bladder sickness . and now uiat I have re tired from active practice I have made ar rangements with leading druff ists to dis pense this wonderful . prescription at a moderate price, on the 'money back if dis satisfied plan. . -v ' Beware- of kidney 'disease thousands die of it every year wiio ought to be en joying the blessings sot life and health. Watch the symptoms. ' If you have specks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clam my feet or moist palms, backache or side ache, you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's Marshroot right away. it has wonderfully benefited tens of thousands of cases of kidney and bladder troubles and is the medicine you can al ways depend upon. Results are guaran teed. NOTE Dr. Daniel G. Carey was a prac ticing physician tor many years and his great Prescription, Marshroot, aided thou sands of sufferers from kidney and blad der troubles. Hereafter you can always get this effective Prescription in both lionid and tablet form at the t Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Stores and all reliable pharmacists the country over. Keep in mind the name. Dr. Carey's Marshroot Prescription No. 11X. - No other medicine can take is place.. , . ADVERTISEMENT . Harmless Means of Reducing Fat Many fat pwmle foar : ordinary means for reducing their weight. . Her la aa extraordinary method. Extraordlnaw be cause while perfectly harmless no Vetine or exercise are necessary. Marmot Prescription Tablets are made exactly la accordance with the famous Marmola Prescription. Ton reduce steadily and easily, with no 111 effect!. Procure thera from your druggist at SI for a case, or en( price direct to the Marmola Com pany, 4612 Woodward avenue, Detroit. ch. r.. .. If V Ira dowa. taraech excess or othar cassia, we want to mail yea oar book which tells abeat SEXTON1QUK. a rcetcraUre rwaeST that wUl ecet too anchine; If y aond or beneatea. Enrr au nmlim a leaJe to awimn personal weilssss, ete shwiH rt tois Ina baok at eoea. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPACT 440 Berry Block, NsshviUa, Teas. Let CuticurajBe Your Beauty Doctor 8e.OirtriTstsV"tw.aBe.eerT ilwi fwaele are aamm, ilnasHiat. . I