Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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a.' .
mllE l4' l''4 beiore Thanksgiving
Xt lie enjirn minutes tirlore the brll finally rings ami you can dash out
ol Uit clan room, clutch your uiicae and sprint tor a taxi or the
trolley, aerqnling to the stale of your finances? Few of the Omaha school
finl il Ifie fiil will cat incir mrney
f ilsi uii .a!.uu-
Mint Mary Morsman, daughter
jr.. who, is at liryn Mawr, will spend me werk-enu in .vw navrn wiui wr,
and Mrs. Arthur U. Smith, who have often, visited in Omaha.
- Mi Helen Rogers, a Vassar student, will be in New York as the guest
of Wynne Fairfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. The
two Rirls are classmates.
, From We lleley Miss Frances Tatton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C
T'atton. will, motor to Concord, Mass., to spend Thanksgiving with one of
her school friends. . ,. - ,
Vis 'Katharine Doorly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorly. goes
to the National l'ark school near Washington and will spend the holiday
wilh bet grandparents. Senator and Mrs. tiilbcrt lltichcock. .
Mi Katharine Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Latham Davis, who
is 'studying in New York at the French school, will go up to Ilotchklss lor
the Tkiaiinivhig dance. . . .
Min Margaret Eastman, who is a Sweetbnar freshman, is planning to
bo io Litrhhertr, Va., for Thanksgiving with a school friend.
. . . . . 't
Luncheons at the Baur.
Mrs. J. M.. Harding will be host
cf at luncheon at the Duchesne ba
zar November 19. Lunching with
her will he the Mcsdamrs Samuel
KVcs, Myles St.iudish, Charles Har
ding, C'harlK McLaughlin and Miss
Cil.ulvs Peters.
With Mrs. Tom Redmond will be
Mrs. William Hay den of lirooklyn,
Mrs. T. T. .Dwycr. Mrs. Charles
DiiRilale and Mrs. J. R. Dwycr.
Mrs., Thomas Flynn will have as
tier giie-l1" .the Mesdaincs Harry
-ClaiV hi John Hussie. Daniel Red-
- Llai'M'k Ji'.l JOlin Iiussie. uaniei rccn
niild j iiy.idclphia. Edward Hay
dm anil Sadie Haydcn.
; The is to be given at the
CoHvriiJ of the Sacred Heart and will
he tcil 7:10 a. in. to 8 p. ni.
Luncheon, which is open to the pub
lic, will lc served from. 12 to 2.
-.Library Lectures.
' The ' Onialia School Forum,
t hrottglt ifs' educational committee,
ha . secured Miss Anna V. Jennings
of. the Kearney Teachers' college,
and M iss ,,ora I. Shields of Cen
tral. Jlix'i M'hool, to give a library
course in -ill lectures on Saturdays
from 9:M) to 11 a. m. The series
will lat from November 19 to Feb
tirary 11. and will be Riven at the
Central High school library. Jennings will deal wilh fun-
' damentals in knowledge and use of
t lie library .. as applied to school
work, i i .She will assign practical
problems to illustrate phases of the
work giving special attention to sup
plementary reading helpful in School
.subjects.-. t Miss. Shields' lectures
will be oni"Value in Books."
Music Week Luncheon.
. The 'Chamber of Commerce music
committee., will give a musical pub
lic, .affaires 'luncheon Monday noon
at 12:15 .o'clock at the Chamber ol
Commerce in ' connection with the
opening of Omaha's first music
week inaugurated by the City Con
cert club. , i
E. 15.4-White; chairman .. of the
welfare committee of the Union Pa
cific, wiH speak and music will be
furnished by the Scotch Highland
ers' b'and. .''.The affair is open to the
'l'bic'".:'.'.V' '(, " r.:,' :
" l Miss Cohn. Engaged.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cohn announce
tlie engagement of their daughter,
Rose,, to Charles I.. Marcus of this
city.rThe wedding will take place in
January. - .-,"
Ivew York. (Special Correspond
ence.Naturally the subdeb gets
the. subwaist. For she shares in all
the mature "models, no matter how
simple,, an4. why should she not in
th selohgated blouse of today's (ash
jonrVXIjiis ; frock for the girl -of
froift' it is quite as good
for. her older sister-r-is of navy can
ton 'crpe, with picoted side panels
tailing from steel plaques attached
only 6- !the sides. An unusual de
tail of this model is the vestee of
finely, plaited handkerchief linen.
This may b of either White or red.
: The cree frock continues much
in evidence, and many of the aft
ernoon models from Paris have the
same old" short sleeves. A favored
trimming-3; steel beads. Still an
other is rtjonkey fur. -
Antf th fringe, which is more or
less iliscretfited in America, is k
cate4 in Paris on some of. the most
exclusive i models. These crepe
frocLr tinge from simple ' little
tatltwedijaflairs to the most elaborate
of cfesigns'tor afternoon and dinner
Had your iron
s today?
-Eat more
vacation! Who does not remember
in iMiiaua, uui musi ui mem iia.c
of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Morsman,
Mrs. John Latenscr is spending a
few days at Excelsior Springs.
Mrs. M. W. Spicer of Minnea
polis is visiting her sister, Mrs. if.
W. Hale.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hosford are
expected to return Sunday from
New York.
A. R. Draper is now at New
Castle. Cal., recovering from his re
cent illness.
Mrs. flattie Percival has returned
from a two weeks' trip to Lincoln
and Carlcton.
Mrs. George Englcr lias returned
from a few weeks' stay in Chicago
and Milwaukee.
A son was born at the Stewart
hospital November, 14 to Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hook.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Kirshbram at the Stewart
hospital November 16,
Mrs. J. H. Johnson of Elgin, Neb.,
is the guest at the home of Miss
Lillian Gwin for a week.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Secor an
nounce the birth of a' daughter at the
Stewart hospital November 16. -
Mrs. Donald Macrae, who has
been in Kansas City for the past
two weeks, will return home Wed
nesday. - .
Miss Helen Rogers spent last
week-end in New York with Mrs.
Warren Rogers and Miss Mildred
Rogers. Miss . Helen Rogers is a
freshman at Vassar.
Mrs. William Hayden of Brooklyn,
N. Y., is the guest of her brother,
Thomas Redmond, and Mrs. Red
mond. She will remain in Omaha
until after Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Ralph Renwick is on an
eastern trip to New York. She saw
the Yale-Princeton game last week,
and intends to stop in Chicago on
her way home. She will return about
Thanskgiving time.
Mrs. Emily H.' Curtis of Oakland,
Cal., formerly of Omaha,: is spend
ing several weeks . here visiting
friendsT At present she is the house
guest of Mrs. Isaac Douglas. Mrs.
Curtis is a former member of the
Omaha' Woman's club.
First Recital of Season. - '
The" first - meeting of the Junior
Musical club will take place at the
home . of Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon
Wattles on Saturday afternoon, No
vember 26 at 3 o'clock. The club
has been in existence for nine years,
and this year Miss, Rose Dubnoff is
president and Miss Eleanor Baxter
is secretary. Mrs. C. W. Axtell is
. director of the club. The Saturday
program will include. the piano, vio
lin and singing. , '
Will Motor Through Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skinner and
daughter, Virginia, left Tuesday to
motor to New York City. They will
make short stops at Cleveland, Chi
cago 'and Washington, D, C They
sail from New York December 10,
aboard the Olympic. . They will
spend a few weeks in.. Paris before
going to London, and then touring
Germany, Belgium and Italy in their
HAIR'S BIDDEN BEAUTY tl brought to Ujht
with ft Golda Glint Shampoo. Advertisement.
"Brush Before You Steep?
UnSk,25 llnBiaahsyias
TiAcmasl For dentil hyftena latent
you can jet practical tuggettiont and
elaanoom helps from Educational De
paraneat, Colgate SlCoNcw York City.
Mrs. Syfcrt Resigns Presidency
) j
IL fc t
$fc Af&tf f
Miss Kate McIIugh honorary
president, and for four years presi
dent of the Omaha Drama league,
was elected president at a meeting
of the executive board, on Tuesday,
to succeed Mrs! E.' M. Syfcrt, who
resigned on account of ill health.
Other resignations were: Mrs.
Edgar' M. Morsman, jr.," first vice
president and chairman of the drama
contest committee, resigned owing
Drama League Will
Give $50 for
Price Play
The Omaha Drama league insti
tutes its first drama contest by of
fering a prize of $50 for the best one-
act play 'written by a resident of
Mrs. Victor Rosewater, vice presi
dent of the league, is chairman.
The rules of the contest are as fol
Prize Play Contest Rules.
The Omaha drama league will give a
prize or S&O for the beat unpublished and
unproduced one-act play.
The contest will close February 1. 1922.
and manuscripts should be sent on or be
fore that date to Mrs. victor Rosewater,
1525 Faraam street.
A committee appointed by .the Drama
"Yours always"
... A hand unscarred by
' ' dishwashing
For your hands' sake, wash
your dishes with Linn. Keep
them smooth.w hi te and com
fortable. Its lemon fragrance
tells the secret.
. Linn Products Company
Chicag; lllinait
Q 121. jy Linn trolMtt Co,'
Choice Cut
.Round Steak
Choice Beef . ' Sugar Cured Choice Fresh Choice Beef
Chuck Roast Breakfast Bacon ' Leaf Lard Pot Roast
(!i or whole)
12ic 22c , 10c 11c
Choice Salmon,
y or whole.
Choice Pork Loin Roast.
Small Lean Pork Chops.
Choice Boston Butts.
Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs:
Fresh Neck Bones, 5 lbs
Fresh Pig Tails
Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs
Fresh Pig Snouts, 3 lbs
New Sauerkraut
Fresh Pork Sausage.
Choice Cat Fish . . ;
Choice Halibut Steak
Choice Salmon Steak-...
We will have a full line of Fancy No. 1 Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens for
your Thanksgiving Dinner at Lowest Prices.
to ill health; Mrs. Luther Drake, sec
ond vice president, absence from the
city, and Mrs. "Martin Harris, chair
man of publicity, owing to home
The board endorsed the plavs be
ing presented by the Little Theater
of the Mistier school and has extend'
cd an invitation to members of the
Drama league to a special per
formance to be given on Monday
evening, November 21.
league will pass upon the manuscripts.
and it reserves the right to withhold the
prize should all manuscripts be below ths
necessary standard.
Contestants must be residents of Omaha,
and the Drama league. If It so desires,
shall have the right to produce the suc
cessful play.
Autumn Bonfires.
In the other gardens '
And all up the vale,
From the autumn bonfires , '
See the moke trail I
Sing a song of seasons!
Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer
Fires in the fall 1
Robert Louis Stevenson.
Y. W. Workers to Be Refreshed. ':
Coffee is being served every after
noon this week between 4 and 5 at
the Y. W. C. A.- building for the
workers in the drive.
10e and 25c. In Blut
packages at your grocer
f MsTwrgg
For Quality Meats, Quick
Service and Lowest Prices
212 No. 16th Street 4903 So. 24th Street
2408 Cuming Street
Choice Halibut,
1, nr whnle .
'. .25
Choice Rib Boiling Beef 9
Fresh Cut Hamburger 12
Choice Beef Pot Roast..... ll
Choice Corned Beef llc
Choice Veal Roast 15d
Choice Veal Stew 12
Choice Veal Legs, '- or whole 20d
Choice Veal Loins, or whole 20d
Choice Veal Chops 22c
Fresh Oysters, per quart 65d
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams. . . . . . .20
Armour's Star Bacon 352
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon. ........ .35
Organize Woman's
Auxiliary to
A woman's auxiliary to the Amer
ican Legion i being organized jn
Omaha and a charter has been
applied for. At a preliminary meet
ins Tuesday evening at the Aineri
ran Legion rooms in the court house
Mrs, John Kiliuartin was appointed
acting president, Mrs, Harry Huff,
acting secretary, and Mrs. Mary
Marston Kinney, acting chairman of
Memberships arc open to wives
mothers, sisters and daughters of
Ley ion members.
All who wish to join the organi
zation are invited to attend the next
regular meeting, Turday evening,
Noveuilicr Jv, in the Legion rooms,
court house
Let me but do my work from day to
In field or forest, at the desk or
In roaring market-place, or tran
quil room;
I et me but find it in my heart to say,
When vagrant wishes beckon me
astray '
"This is my work; my blessing,
not my doom;
Of all who live, I am the one by
This work can best be done, in the
right way."
Then shall I see it not too great,
nor small,
To suit my spirit and to prove my
Then shall I cheerfully greet the
laboring hours.
And cheerful turn, when the long
shadows fall
At eventide, to play and love and
Because I know for me my work is
Bridge Party.
Mrs. William Johnson will enter
tain at a bridge party at her home
Thursday afternoon.
For Our
New Home
, The thought of "our new
heme" Is in the minds of many
It may be realized this year,
or it may be in the distant
future. But the plans are in
our minds today its architec
ture, its conveniences, its ar
rangement and its furnishing.
While the plans are being
evolved, don't forget that the
final perfection in its furnishing
comes with the baby grand
piano. Let us plan now for a
baby grand for "our new home."
The Brambach
Baby Grand
' combines splendid tone, rare .
beauty, and moderate price
Durably ' Built
Classic Design
Exauisite Tone
Full Guarantee
The Brambach
req uires no
more room than
an upright. A
tissue paper pat
tern, sent free
upon request,
will show this
when spread up
on the floor.
The Ad and Music Store
1513 Douglas Street
BrambachBaby Grand
Choice Cut
Sirloin Steak
Problems That Perplex
1 1 n m Time I'arty.
A lU-mlrrl Yea, I think a hard
time purty would be appropriate
for the TliHiikBcUinf season, It
could be carried out thus:
Have your Invitations written on
torn butcher' paper In red iiencll,
and then ak your neighbor's little
boy to put on hi oldest elnthes nd
dirtlext fare and deliver them. Kor
det'oration use imier flowers real
one would not lit Into your scheme.
Have kitchen rhairs In the Ulnlnjr
room and use Imik pumpkins for
cat In the IIvIiik room. Hide all
Rood furniture and brle-a-brao. i:e
barn luntern for light and also
candle, black of corn tun Ik In
the room make Kood palm Nnd
l.irco brown paper cornucopias filled
wilh leave or paper flower are
aplondld decoration. Pumpkin and
CHbliiige when hollowed out and
lined with oiled ' paper are (food
holder for randy and nuts. L'xe tin
or wooden or paper dlhes, paper
napkin and no table cloth. Serve
rider from large bread pnn and a
tin illpi er. Civet two prize, one for
the) moHt poverty-Htricken looking
Individual and one lor the worst
hard luck fctory.
Securo a hublwird uquiiRh with a
erook near the atcin. On tho yel
low atom place a red jwppcr. and
half a red pepper on both eldes of
the s-niAhh. The result 1 a good
looking turkey.
I'or a buffet or lde table enamel
a small basket with black enumel.
Kill it with red apple, pears, white
grape r.nd - a dainty spray of
autumn vine or a few pretty leave.
A large dish may be used instead of
the basket if you wish.
They Never Hits the Sunshine
Majestic Electric Heaters
"Best in Creation for Heat Radiation"
1 l
1 w
The Time Limit Is Almost Up
Only 3 More Days
Buy Yours Now
It may be two years before we are in a position to again make
this remarkable offer, take advantage of this offer NOW. Every
washer is guaranteed. When you buy your washer from us you
can depend upon the fact that you are buying the very BEST,
that the market affords. And think of these terms. '
Low Prices
During this sale you can buy your Electric Washer at less than
even 1919 prices. The popular swing wringer TH0R Electric
Washer is now $10 cheaper than ever before. You need only $5
to place it in your home, the balance is paid in $5 payments...
Don 't Wait Longer
NebraskafPower Go
15th and Farnam St.
Atlantic 3100
Put a few shaving of paraffin on
a pretty leaf and ao over It with a
hut iron. It will preserve th color
and Nhaue of the leaf. The leaves
nmy be left on the branches, or
Huveu Into band or screens, using
12-Inch chicken wire for the foun
diition. . A Utile spray of burberry
dipped In thin paste and then In
flour will give a light touch to th
band or wreuth.
Make your own plaea cards a
dainty green spray with little red
berries fur holly is not hard to do.
Water color and brusliva may be
Hieured at any drug store. A trans
fer deitlgn on a blank railing card
would erve the purposo very well.
Suggestion for Hefmitimciit.
Johnny Cake Appl Cider or Coffee
Hot Mince or Pumpkin Plo
Apple Popcorn Mall
, (Mix raisin and nut with tho
popcorn.) , ,
Matron: The food which should
be reduced In quantities or avoided
in excpsslv overweight art) sugars,
fat, milk a a heveraxe, and cream:
fat meat, nuts, butter, cream, olive
oil, pastry and sweets. Walking,
swimming, golf, billiard, Mil climb
ing are beneficial form of exercise
for the middle aged and elderly.
Aunt Kate: Surprising how many
people, huve the habit of biting their
linger nails and don t seem to bo
nble to use will -power to stop it.
Hare's something that will: It Is a
nail varnish. Alcohol, l4 ounces;
chlnoldin, U ounce; gum mastic,
V ounce; gum myrrh. 1H ounces.
Mix. Let stand 48 hours, shaking
battle occasionally. Apply with
cornel's hair brush. Can be re
moved wjth alcohol or hot water.
Majestic Bsctric Heater
are convenient, reliable eeonom.
icsj. eaie. They serve efficiently
whenever wanted, for as long as
wanted. . '"' .
Majestic arc the original
patented heaters of this type
DanaJ Msjeitici I
Thtre art 8 frttilt typt Majeak
Tktri art 3 tutintrj tyft Majttie
Msjeitk Electric BTtlspcatCsiBuy .
MODocias or auntie
issTMrrsNioas tLteriic watis hsatiss
KsssssOt 3u frame nkMsfcia
SSESo. Y7 VWis I
Two Years to Pay
Easy Terms
Come in Today.
2314 M St, South Side
Market 1500
All One Way.
Flulib Dors your wife luve any
trouble running your car?
Dubb So; only in stopping it.-
New Voik Sun.
t Value-Civing Store
The Gift to Give
' What sy
A Columbia
in your home
this Xmn.
An $85.00 Columbia
Crafonola and 20 Columbia
Record Selection
Makinir your own terms a
usual. Buying in advance of
the holidays, makes Gift Buy
ing at the II. R. Bowen Co.
extremely convenient.
The Grafonola Cabinet is n
work of art and the Columbia,
possessing adjustablo tone
leaves, reproduces the artinfa
work in a highly finished milli
ner it really brings the artist
to your home.
If you want a satisfying,
lasting Gift, then let it bo a
Columbia from Bowen's.
Watch our window displays
and remember it pnys to lead
Bowen's Small Ads. . .
V 41
Howard St., Bet. 15th and 16th.
Bailey the Dentist
Established 1SS3
Painless Extraction of Teeth
Dr. R. W. Bailey
Dr. Bertram Wlllamion
Make Dentistry Easy for You
70S City Nat.- Bk., 16th and Harney
Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made
f Smooth, Says Specialist.
Ahy breaking out of the skin, even
fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying a little Men-tho-Sulphtir,
declares a noted skin
specialist. ; Because of its germ des-
troying properties, this sulphur prep
aration begins at once to soothe ir
ritated skin and heal eruptions such
as rash, pimples and ring worm.
'"It seldom fails to remove the tor
ment and disfigurement, and you do
not have to wait for relief from em
barrassment. Improvement quickly
shows. Sufferers from skin trouble
should obtain a small jar of Mentho
Sulphur from any good druggist and
use it like cold cream.
If your furnace don't work
right call Walnut 1258.
Inspection free.
for Coughs & Colds
This jyrup i different (rem til oihtrf.
Quiet ft I tef. No opiate. 3Sc everywhere
Take a tablespoonful of Salt '
if Back hurt or
Bladder bothers.
We are a nation of meat eaters
and our blood is filled with uric
acid, says a well-known authority,
who warns us to be constantly on
euard asrainst kidney trouble. '
The" kidneys do their utmost to
free the blood of this irritating acid,
but become weak from the over
work; they get sluggish; the elimi
native tissues clog and thus the
waste is retained in the blood to
poison the entire system. . . .
When your kidneys ache and feel
like lumps of lead, and you have
Slinging pains iu the back or the
urine is cloudy, -full of sediment, or
the; bladder is irritable, obliging vou
to seek relief during the night; when
you have severe headaches, nervous
and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid
stomach , or-.: rheumatism . in bad
weather, cet from vour oharmari
about four ounces of Jad Salts; take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before- breakfast each rooming and
in a few days your kidneys will act
fine. This famous salt is made from
the acid of grapes-and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been
used for generations to , flush and
stimulate' clogged " kidneys, to neu
tralize the'acjds in urine so 'it is no
longer a; Source of " Irritation, thus
ending urinary and bladder disor- A
Jad Salts is. inexpensive-and can- 4
not injure; make a delightful ef- V
fervescent lithia-water drink, and
nobody can make a mistake by tak-
ing;a little occasionally to. keep the
kidneys tleaii and active '
t (
r 1