Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Ratifications of
Treaty Exchanged
i With Geraany
remottjr Which Brings Rt
turn of Friendly Relations
With' United State
Held in Berlin.
Berlin. No.. 12 (Bl The Asso
ciated I'rcst.) Rat fictions of the
vicniiaii-mcucan peace treaty were
excnangca nere last merit at the lor
eign oflice between Ellis Lorina
Dresel, the 'American commissioner
and Dr. Karl Wirth, chancellor and
iiiin-stcr of foreign affairs.
. The ceremony, which mean a re
turn of friendly relation! between
Germany and the United Statit, took
place at 6:30 o'clock yesterday after-
roon. It consumed lest than live
Thia came by telephone late yes
terday afternoon and the American
. commissioner, accompanied by Fred
erick R. Dolbeare, secretary ci the
American mission, motored to the
loreign oltice, where they were re
ceived by Dr. Wirth and Dr. Han-el
Von Haimhausen, undersecretary
for foreign affairs.
' Signed In Duplicate
.Both plenipotentiaries signed in
duplicate, the protocol certifying
that the ratifications had been duly
executed. The duplicate copy of
the treaty containing Germany s rat
ifying preamble, which will test in
the archives of the State department
at Washington' is bound in dark red
leather and tied with ribbons repre
senting the republican colors of Ger
riny. It bears the signatures
Ehert" and "Wirth."
The preamble is considerably
briefer than that of the copy which
Mr. Dresel delivered to the German
government. It merely records the
fact that the authortative bodies of
Germany have approved the treaty,
and the president of Germany pledges
its fulfillment.
Article 3 of the peace treaty pro
vides that the treaty "shall take ef
fect immediately. on the exchange of
ratifications." Article 3 reads:
"Th nrMn trpatv filial! rati-
fied in accordance with the constitu
tional forms of the high contracting
parties ind shall take effect im
mediately on the exchange of ratifi
cations, which shall take place as soon
as possible at Berlin"
. Advance in Price of
Canned Goods Expected
Chicago, Nov. 12. Wishing one
end all a happy new year, the west-
ern canners beg to advise that the
price of canned goods of every de
scription will be sharply advanced
about January 1 perhaps an aver
age of 20 per cent.
T. ; canners are in convention In
Chicago and say the pack this year,
principally of beans, peas, corn, to
matoes, fruits and salmon, will be
about 7,000,000 cases short, or 168,-
000,000,000 tans. Of the vintage of
' 1920, which totalled 15,000.000 cases,
very little is left. The normal con
sumption in the United States alone
as 12.000,000 cases:
not canned. Packers said prices were
slumping so rapidly and deeply that
they could not go ahead on the usual
Boost Flanagan Drive
Old time street rallies with red
fire, torches, bands and orators wert
' scheduled for Omaha last night tc
boost the Father Flanagan boys
home drive, which opens Monday.
" Veteran stump speakers were to
take to the soap box to tell of the
drive and the work of the home. The
, meetings were to be held at Twenty-
lourthnd N streets at 8 p. m. and
at Fifteenth and Farnam streets at
9 p. m.
4 The speakers were: Mayor
iames Dahlman, Harry B. Fleharty,
terry Monsky, and Charles Ken
worthy, the boy-Bryan" of Father
Flanagan's home.
Merle Brehm, known as the "Kid
McCormack," vill sing Irish melo
dies. The boys' band, led by Dan
Dcsdunes. will play.
J. E. Davidson, chairman of the
drive, will preside.
Armistice Day Observed
By Allied Forces in Germany
Coblenz, Nov. 12. Armistice day
was observed throughout the occu
pied area as a holiday for all allied
troops. The German inhabitants.
ever, carried on business as
usual. s
Horse racing and other sports
featured the activities of the day in
the American area. A series of inter
allied boxing matches was' on the
program last night at Coblenz.
Retiring. University Head
Presented With $10,000
Cleveland, Nov. 12. A purse con
taining $10,000 was presented to Dr.
Charles Franklin Thwing as he for
mally withdrew from the. presidency
t of Western Reserve university, as a
token of gratitude for his 31 years
of service as head of the institution.
' The gift came from the trustees and
friends at a farewell gathering of
the alumni.
Road Conditions
(Farnlthexl hjr Owk, A at a Club.)
Lincoln Highway. Eul Road, good;
weather cloudy ev.rrwhr except Deri
son: detour for elcht mile at Marskall
' town; road from IX Witt to Cilstoa sew
Lincoln Highway. West Roads food to
Grand Island and west.
X L. I. Hlrhwmr Detour at Brldre
at Ashland; roads (ood to Lincoln and
Highland Cutoff Roads (air.
a T. A. Road Good.
C.rniiusker Hl(hway Roads good.
Omaha-Topeka Highway Roads good
Oaorg-e Washington Highway Hoad
work still In regress; detour orer tha
.Jlrt Road to Blair: good to Sioux City.
Kinr or Trail a Boats Roaas in ex
cellent shape; short detour st!U neces
sary bet veen ieayenavgrxa ana Aiues
Kins; ef Trslla. Kortri Rosow good.
River to Rlrsr Read Rough in soma
White Pola Road CndVr ennstrnction
from Anita te Adair; atx-salla d-tour cast
t Casey; roads fair te On lioiaea.
T. O. A. hortnsje Oeed.
B!m Orasa IVead Good.
r a o i
I I , I -- Vs ii1.
Y ) r j
Leaders of Nebraska grocers and
meat dealers. Front low, left to
right: C. H. Freadrich, Lincoln,
president Federation of Nebraska Re
tailers; W. C. Bcachly, Lincoln,
president Nebraska Retail Grocers
and Meat Dealers association; B. F.
Balder, Ashland.
Back row, left to right: C. W.
Watson, Lincoln, secretary Federa
Separation Pact
May End Divorce
Fight of Farrar
Rumors of Settlement Out of
Court Heard in Connection
Of Suit Filed by Prima
r.,u Vorl- Uw 1? Tti revela
tion Thursday that Gcraldine Farrar)
prima donna, has brought a divorce
action against Lou Tellcgen, was
followed yesterday by an intimation
from friends of the two stars that
a separation agreement, drafted cut
of court, will end the case. In that
event, charges of misconduct made
by the singer and of incompatibility
made by Mme. Bernhardt's former
leading man, probably, will remain
forever sealed.
The case, even if it comes to trial,
promises to be one of considerable
mystery. Justice Guy of the su
preme court has ordered all of the
papers sealed. It is hinted the trial,
if there is one, may be held in pri
vate before a referee. . But in pri
vate or open court, it is said,
chapters from the life of ' a great
matinee idol will be read into the
case in event the divorce action is
"Mash" notes, "mash" . dinners,
admiring feminine crowds and all
the atmosphere of flattery which
surrounds the handsome leading
man on tour will be exposed, it is
said, when Miss Farrar's attorneys
start going through their hand
picked list of corespondents." The
handsome Tellegen, idol of Paris
studios before he took to the stage
and idol of many a theater audience
afterward, was not inclined to give
up all this idolization after his mar
riage, according to Miss Farrar's
complaint. This angle of the charges
is held to explain the reported large
number of widely scattered core
spondents named by the grand opera
She charges that his audiences on
tour, always- largely composed of
women, frequently translated then
admiration into personal attentions.
Her array of corespondents was
chosen from the throng of these fem
inine admirers. On each of het
charges she asserts Tellcgen was
more responsive to such admiration,
than his duty to her permitted.
Tellegen had filed a denial of all
Miss Farrar's charges.
Bandits Beware! Iowa Town
Has Vigilance Committee
Griswold, la., Nov. 12. (Special.)
This town now is protected by a
vigilance committee.
At a recent meeting of the busi
ness men a committee of 100 was
formed to protect the town against
possible bank robberies and other
depredations. The main street is
being patroled each night by guards
chosen from the committee.
Light Rains or Snows-Are
Forecast for Coming Week
. Washington, Nov. 12. Weathei
predictions for the week beginning
Monday follow:
Upper Mississippi and lower Mis
souri valley: Temperature near or
above normal with generally fair
weather except for occasional light
rains or snows in upper Mississippi
College Girls Willing to
Marry $2,000-a-Year Men
Bohton, Nov. 12. If juniors and
seniors at Simmons college practice
what they preach, they will marry
men earning no more than $2,000 a
Correct in Style
Rich in Elegance
Moderate in Price
Sale Room 1710 Dong las Factory 1921 to 29 So. 13th
PhoM AT Untie 0120
Plan Their Convention
tion of Nebraska Retailers; B. F.
Traill, Grand Island; N. C Otto,
Aurora: F. A. Miller, Beatrice; Earn
est Buffet, Omaha, secretary Ne
braska Retail Grocers and Meat Deal
ers association.
Flans were made last week at a
meeting of the directors of the Ne
braska Retail Grocers and Meat Deal
ers' association in Lincolfi for the
Marriage of Woman Captor
Of Negro Prowler Annulled
Marriage of Frank V. May . to
Florence May, formerly Florence
Shearer, was annulled in district
court yesterday.
At the time of their marriage in
November, 1915, the decree states,
Florence already was married to
Charles Shearer of Elmira, N. Y.,
fron, whom she never has been di
vorced. Mrs. May is the woman who cap
tured a negro prowler with an empty
gun, when, he broke into her house at
1438 South Thirteenth street the
night of September 11. .
Three-in-One Is
Regular Donor to
Bee Shoe Fund
This Year He Increases Size of
His Gift School Teach
ers Investigate Each
Needy Case.
"Three-in-One" who has contrib
uted to The Bee's benevolence funds
for . years, came . in yesterday and
gave $20 to the fund which buys
etirtpa fnr children of the extremely
poor. In previous years this gentle
man has given $13 at a time ana
usually gave half a dozen such dona
tions pach vear. This year he has
started with even more.
Every dollar given to this tund
goes to buy shoes for little ones after
thorough investigation by school
No children that can get shoes in
any other way draw upon" this, fund
and nothing is spent for administra
tion ot the fund.
Can yon spare something to keep
a waif warm this winter? If you
can, send or bring it to The Bee
i .1 i , 1 i e en AA
IDIHHf " !.. II .-U II V w.r.vir
Mrs. J. T. Matthew 5.00
A Friend, W.t Point, Neb. ...... l.SO
Tuomaa J, Godfrey 5.00.
A Friend .Ofl
xnrce-in-une" su.mi
'11" 2.0O
Total ...... '., (115.00
Pure O. D. wool worsted with
patched elbow; JQ Q("
at 7 ipOeJO
All leather, . with knit wrist
and waist band. Wear smooth,
don't scuff,
Both new and like new
$4.25 .Bd $500
Many other cold weather
state convention to be held in Lin
coln next February.
A grocer is to be appointed !n each
town in the state to push advertise
ment of the association and the con
vention and a record-breaking at
tendance is expected.-
A theater party, visits to Lincoln's
leading industries and a banquet are
features already planned.
Mrs. Ohenchain's Plea
For Dismissal Denied
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 12. The
district court of appeals denied today
the petition of Mrs. Madalynne
Obenchain, indicted on a charge of
,the murder of J. Belton Kennedy,
asking that the Los Angeles superior
court be directed to show cause why
she should not be either tried or lib
crated at once. Mrs. Obenchain'a
counsel claimed she had been held
more than 60 days without trial.
Humphreys' Number "Forty" In
duces Repose, and Natural, Re
freshing Sleep.
For Insomnia, Sleeplessness,
Wakefulness, Restlessness.
No Narcotic, No -Opiate, No
Dope,- No habit-forming Drugs,
Strictly Homeopathic. ,
30c and $1.00 at all Drue Stores, or sent
on receipt of price, or C. O. D. Parcel Post
Humphrey s "Seventy-seven"
breaks up Colds that hang on.
30c and $1.00, at, Drug Stores, or sent
on receipt of price or C. O. D. Parcel Post.
Humphreys' Homeo Medicine Co., 15
William St., New York Medical Book Free.
Buys .
a Sewing
Extra Special!
A $lf2.00 value in a Cabinet,
Electric, well-known make,"
first:class condition through-,
out. A wonderful buy at'
f 60.00.
Five Used Machines
Will Go at $12 Each
If Yen Can't Ccme in
Phone DOnglas 1973
15th and Harney Streets
Several Shop Worn
at Special
Man's Safety Is
Learned as Well
Probed for Body
Missing South Side Resident,
At Table Rock, Reads of
Relatives Search and
Notifiet Father.
..While Detective Slezewski ind a
iqnad of men were busy with ropes
and grappling hooks, searching an
old well back of 2217 YV street, for
the body of Joseph Herel, yesterday,
a irtathlesi messenger arrived from
South Side police station and an
nounced that the young man is alive
and well.
Herd's father, Vaclaw llcrel, and
his brother, James, came to South
Omaha from Dubois, Neb., Friday
and notified police that Joseph dis
appeared from his home, 2217 V
street, October 29, just after he had
cashed checks for more than $200
sent to him by them. They feared
foul play. , ,
Yesterday Joseph, who is in
Table Kock, Neb., read in The Bee
of hit father's and brother's search
and immediately telephoned to his
father in Dubois. His father joyous
ly telephoned to South Side police.
Six Men Hold Up Bank
: At Alton, 111., Get $12,000
Alton, III., Nov. 12. Six men to
day held up the Illinois State bank
at East Alton, severely beat the
cashier and assistant cashier. and es
caped with $12,000, leaving, accord
ing to directors of the bank, only $6
in the institution. The robbers es
caped in an automobile.
Body of Nameless War Hero
who gave all for Liberty
laid to rest in
First ant occlusive motion pic
tttros of America's , greatest and .
most impressive military funeral.
Will be shown at the Rialto today
Note These pictures ware taken Armistice Amy in
Washington, D. C, by Klnoframs and shipped to
Omaha by aereplaa. .for first showing at the Rialto.
The New Millari Hotel
offers for this winter large, modern, comfortable,
homelike rooms with or without bath, well heated.
Special rates will be made to two parties occupy
ing one room. Our rooms have recently been deco
rated. With our hew sprinkling system there is the
best fire protection. -v;
You are welcome for inspection at any time.
, H. WEINER, Mgr.
you are in a hurry
the folks at home help select
the records
you would like to play a number
two or three times before deciding
on its purchase
Try the Hospe Record
Approval Plan
Take home 6 Records Buy Two
Take home 9 Records Buy Three
Take home 12 Records Buy Four v
, Return balance in two days.
- . Convenient location;
Hospe Service:
. Capable aalee force to serve you.
'1S818 Second Hand Rose (Fox Trot) Paul Whiteman's Orch.
Have You Forgotten? (Fox Trot) Paul Whiteman's
Orch 85c
18819 My Sunny Tennessee (Fox Trot) Benson Orch.
Ma! (One Step) Benson Orch 85c
18820 Tuck Me to Sleep (Fox Trot) Benson's Orch.
Wabash Blues (Fox Trot) Benson'i Orch ...85c
1513-15 Doaglas Street
The Pioneer Victrola Slore
"Bluebeard" Landru
Will Plead Insanity
Versailles, Nov. 12. An attempt
to establish that Henri I-amlru, the
modern "bluebesrd" it insane will
he made at his trial now in progress
in the assizes court here.
I.andni it charged with the mur
der of 11 persons, 10 of them wom
en, whom be is laid to have
promised to marry.
This decision was reached after a
conference between Landru and hit
lawyers last night.-
"It it my head that it at stake, to
I will direct my own case," they
quoted him as exclaiming.
Ho was under the delusion, they
said, that lie was the most famous
man on earth.
Landru would be allowed to say
whatever he pleased, they added, but
his lawyers would seek to have him
declared insane.
Trio Admits Robbery of
Fordyce (Neb.) State Bank
Sioux City, la., Nov. 12. Three
men are held in custody for robbery
of the Fordyce State bank of
Fordyce, Neb., of between $2,000
and $3,000 in cash. Sioux City detec
tives captured the trio, found most of
the ttolcn loot and tay they have
written confession from each.
The bank was robbed Thursday.
Two of the men were caught in a
hotel here yesterday with $1,180 of
the loot in their possession. The
third was arrested on a farm six and
one-half milet north of Fordyce by
Sioux City detectives, with $1,332 in
his possession. The men gave the
following names: Harold Ross, 21,
Sioux City;. Fred Stewart, 21, Sioux
City, and Joe Casey, Fordyce, Neb.
The money recovered in Sioux
City consisted of gold, silver and
currency of various denominations.
Commandant of South Dakota
Old Soldier Home Dies
Santa Crur. Nov. Il-Cot. William
V. Lun. 8rt, commandant of the
Soldiers' Home of South Dakota for
10 years and for 25 years s news
paper man of Iowa, died here yester
day. He was a native of Indiana. At
one time Colonel Lucas wai s inem
ber of congress.
The Greatest Values
-in years
Our Fine C
Suits at.
The test of a good suit la in the wear. If it hat style, feela com
fortable, and fits properly and wears will, it's a good suit
ours are that kind.
Valuea Vajuea Values Values
Up to Up to Up to . Up to
$30.00 $40.00 $45.00 $55.00
1975 $2675 $3178 387S
$15.00 Value (Q QC
$18.00 Value (10 QC
SUITS tPle&ea7
l2ui?s v?!u.e ..$16.45
SsI?1.".6.... $21.45
Corduroy Suits, $7.95
Extra Trousers
For men and young men
345 435 548 695
15th and Douglas Street
Special Sacrixice Sale, Price
And Unusually Easy Terms Will Help You Own
"Cash in" on this great
on tins wonderful
puts the Eden In your home; convenient monthly payments
take care of the remainder. You start to launder on an
economical money-saving basis as soon as your Eden is de
livered. In other words, you pay as you save.
Special Condition
To every purchaser a cash refund of 12.50 will be made oa
all machines sold since October 15th, providing the total number
of machines sold between that date and December 31st. 1921,
reaches one hundred, and an additional $1.00 will be allowed for
every hundred sold in the same period, until the number reaches
five hundred and the total cash refund amounts to $6.50.
Sanitary Sediment Zone
Unit-Type of Mechanitm
All Shaft and Gear Drive
Viaibte Water-Line Window
Armco Galvanized Tub
Large Eaay-Rolling Casters
Sixteenth and
9 A'
Dflroit Report. 4,399
More Vorkeri Given Johs
Detroit, Nov. 12. Improvement
in unemployment conditions here
was tlmwn today in the weekly re
port of the Employer!' association.
The 7 member firms during the
week added 4,399 workert to their
forces, bringing the total employed
to 115.802.
King & Co,
Overcoat at Sale PrfceS
They're easy to wear, but hard to wear out!
and in atyle, quality and value head and
shoulders above competition.
Valuca up to $30.00 fl? 1 Q 7 C
Valuca Bp to $33.00 i9fi
Valuea up to $45.00 a1
Values up to $50.00 7R
Values up to $60.00 QiAil fK
Valuea up to $70.00 , djCtf 7C
OVERCOATS ....... DD 1 D
le P
Up to
$15.00 Value 1Q A C
$18.00 Value
O'COATS . . .
$25.00 Value
$30.00 Value
O'COATS . . .
Boys' Long Pants Suits
$14.75 $19.75 $27.75
'$2.Q' Values ...... SI. 39
$3.00 Values $1.95
$4.00. Values $2.45
$5.00 Values $3.15
King & Co.
Harry H. Abbott, Mtjr.
opportunity to save $45.25
household necessity.
Hinged Cylinder Door
Interlocking Swinging Wringer
Sanitary Zinc Cylinder
Special Built Electric Motor
Riveted Solid Steel Frame
Howard Sts.