8 A THE BEEs OMAHA. SUNDAY. KOVEMUEK 13. l'Jlil. Palmer Mail Gets 120-AcrcFarmat Legion Program 'Armhtico Day Celebrations Held Over State Draw Largo Crowdi to Observe Holiday. . SJssaaaalBaBasBWaBaBa) By EDWARD BLACK. Columbus, Neb, Nov. 12. (Spe cial Telegram.) There would be no Armistica Day if it had not been for the boys over there, was the spirit reflected in this prosperous and en terpriiing scat of Platte county. Following the boxing program in the evening, the 120-acre (arm which ha been offered to the lucky attend ant at the Armistice day celebration was awarded to Ross Miller, 20-year, old garage owner of Palmer, Neb. The farm is located nine miles north of Columbus and is valued at $20, 000. The second prize, a $1,500 corner lot in Columbus, was secured by . Lillian Saalieidt, pretty Columbus telephone operator. Miss saalicidt is an orphan and ha made her home lor the last year directly across the street from the prize she was awarded. The third prize, a lot adjoining the corner lot won by Miss Saalfcldt, was awarded to John Overrockcr, also of Columbus. Columbus was policed by 50 special officers, deputized from the rank of the American Legion post No disorder was observed. One of the features of the morning was the ar rival of hundreds of automobiles from towns within a radius of 100 miles. Visitors came from Madison, Lincoln, York, McCook, Fremont. Schuyler, and many other points. Lindsay and Humphrey suspended business for the day and started early for Columbus, enmasse. It as estimated that 20.000 visitors were here during the day. Nelson Celebrates. v Nelson. Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) Armistice day was observed here with a program of patriotic music, readings and an address on the need of international peace at the high school auditorium. . Present Certificates. I'lattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 12. ' (Special.) Armistice day was widely celebratcdjn Flattsmouth. Although the national working agreements of the federated shop crafts docs not recognize this new holiday, every man in the Burlington shops who desired to lay off was given oppor tunity. Barely a score of the 550 employes remained on the job. Busi . ness houses of the city closed, flags were flown from every building and at 11 church bells tolled for two minutes while the body of Amer ica's unknown was being lowered into the grave. In the evening the American Legion had charge of the presentation of the state certificate? in a public exercise at the high school auditorium. Approximately 300 of these were given out. Follow ing this a dance and refreshments were held for ex-service men and their friends. .,' Visit Other Towns. Bigspring, Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe cial.) Bigspring attended Armistice day celebrations at Julesburg aud Lewcllen and other towns. Banquet for Legion. Fairbury, Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe cial.) Armistice day was generally observed in Fairbury. Banks, the court house and most places of busi ness were closed for the day. Two games of foot ball were part of the amusement program. Prayer . serv ices were- held at the churches in the evening and all ex-service men were given a free banquet at, the Chris tian church, which was 'put on by the American Legion auxiliary. All G. A. R. men and soldiers of the Spanish-American war were guests of honor. I Big Crowd at Wymore. Wymore, Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe cial.) There was a tremendous crowd in Wymore, to participate in the Armstice day program, which was made up of musical numbers and addresses by Kev. Mr. Slaughter of Beatrice and Rev. Mr. Burnham of Liberty. In the afternoon there were free picture shows at both theaters, tickets being paid for by the Com munity club. There was a big dance in the evening for the benefit of the American Legion. , 5,000 at Broken Bow. Broken Bow, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) Fully 5,000 soldiers, their families, sweethearts and friends throughout Custer county responded to the invitation to come 'to Broken Bow to help celebrate Armistice day. The early morning hours found the city decorated with flags and na tional colors and the day's program started with devotional services at the various church at 8:30. The military parade Was followed by the barbecue at one of the largest ga rages in the city, where more than 5,000 were fed. Banquets were ten dered the ex-service men in the eve ning at the Public Service club and 'the Baptist church dining hall. A grand free ball wound up the day's festivities. Geneva Celebrates. Geneva, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) Armistice day was observed by a program in charge of the American Legion, post 68, of Geneva. A me morial service was held in front of the court house at noon for the un known soldier buried at Arlington, when a salute was fired and taps sounded. Dr. C. M. Shepherd made a patriotic address in the afternoon and the high school glee club fur nished music. The orator was in troduced by T. J. Keenan of Amer ican Legion post No. 68. Wrestling, a foot ball game, dinner and supper served by the auxiliary of the post were other features of the day and the program closed with a band con cert, dance and fireworks. Film, Showing Burial Of Unknown, to Reach Omaha Today by Plane An airplane Is scheduled to land in Omaha at 8 o'clock today with motion pictures of the burial cere monies of the "unknown warrior" in Washington. The plane left Washington with the pictures at 3 o'clock Friday after noon and arrived at Cleveland at 3 yesterday afternoon. The pictures are booked to be shown at the Rialto theater throughout this week, begin ning today. Governor Will Not Probe State Engineer's Acts Lincoln, Nov. 12. (Special.) Governor McKclvie will take no ac tion in the requested investigation of George Johnson, secretary of the department of public works, until the Richardson county residents pe titioning for an investigation file specific charges. That was the mes sage sent to them today by the gov ernor in reply to a request for an investigation of Johnson's office. Several months aeo Johnson was re- ?uested to investigate the office of . F. Relf, Richardson county en gineer, and turned in a report that resulted in an attempt of the coun ty commissioners to put Relf out of ottice. Various political tactions took sides in the controversy since that time. Search and Seizure Law Argued in Supreme Court Lincoln, Nov. 12. (Special.) The state's right to issue search and seizure warrants for liquor, unless positive information is in the hands of officials that liquor is in the possession of the person against whom the warrant is directed, was argued before the supreme court by Eugene O'Sullivan, Omaha attorney, Sullivan declared that when the home of William Watson in Sarpy county was raided officials had no positive information that there was liquor hidden in the house and hence their raid was illegal and the court s subsequent sentence is null. Denison Farmer's Neck Is Broken, in Fall From Horse Denison, la., Nov. 12. (Special.) Willis Lentz, farmer living six miles south of this city, was found dead in the road after being, thrown from a horse which he' was riding. He had started for the home of a neighbor in the Evening. About midnight the horse came home riderless. The wife thcn began search and aroused the neighbors, who found Lentz with his neck broken. He left a large family. Bayard Gets Injunction To Reduce Heavy Taxes Bayard, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) The city of Bayard was granted a temporary injunction by Judge Ho bart against the Nine Mile Irriga tion district. Bayard, property own ers have been paying a high rate of tax to the district on lots that are riot benefitted by the water, and this injunction, if made permanent, will save the taxpayers between $11,000 and $12,000 each year. , ' Armistice Day Observed By Program at Lodgepole Lodgegole, Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe cial.) Armistice day was elaborately celebrated here. Patriotic speeches, parades, drills and athletic events were included in the program. A big community dinner was served and a dance given at night under management of the American Legion. Pay State Employes Lincoln, No. 12. (Special.) Warrants of certain state employes, held up for a week pending receipt of tax money, were released for pay ment today by D. B. Cropsey, state treasurer. Beatrice Liquor Case Is Appealed to Higher Court Beatrice, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special Telegram.) Charles Ridgley was fined $100 and costs by Judge Craig for the illegal possession of liquor. The case was appealed to the dis trict court and the defendant re leased on bond. Ridgley was ar rested two weeks ago when Deputy State Sheriff Fulton found about a quart of moonshine buried near, bis houe. . i Blue Springs Farmer I Released on Check Charge Eeairice, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special Telegram.) Porter Collins, Blue Springs farmer, was released from the county jail when it was an nounced that the ia against him for pacing worthies checks on a firm at St. Joseph had been settled by his father. Kxarniuation Day Set Lincoln. Nev., 12. (Special.) State examinations for physicians will be held at the state house No vember 14, 15 aud 16, according to H. II, Antics, secretary of the de partment of public works. I'hanua ceutical ruminations ill be held at the cullrge of pharmacy. Lincoln, November 15. Heavy Court Docket Bayard, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.) District court is in session at Bridgeport wotking on the longest list o( cars ever dockrted in the history of the county. Equity ciisrt were heard and the jury will report for duty Monday. - Fanners May Organize to Combat Chicken Thieves Parker, S. 1).. Nov. 12. (Special.) Chicken stealing is lirimr carried on in such a whulesale ruanucr in some, srctiiviis (f Turner county that iatitw rn may orgauire a vigileure com miitee. In a number of itttUnces in Turner county recently the farm, rr' wives hate had all the fowls stolen iui at a time when they were ready for market. The For Sale Want Ad will help you solve the buying problem. ADVERTISEMENT $40,000 School Building Is Dedicated at Verdon Verdon, Neb.. Not. 12. (Special.) The new $40,000 school building here was opened with an Armistice day celebration. The celebration started at noon with a chicken pie dinner in the gymnasium, followed by a patriotic program. A. J. Weaver f Falls Gty was the principal speak er. A home talent play M-as given in the evening. Be Beautiful, You Can Be! Stuart' Calcium ' Wafers Have a Knack of Making the Complexion the Kind You Rave Over. If utter each meat you will tk a Stuart's Calcium Wafer there will soon b discovered the coming of a complexion that will make . you proud of yourself. You can wear your best gowns and hats and feel at ease. AH you need to do to clear the skin of pimples, blotches, liver spots, black heads, muddy complexion and skin erup tions is to use Stuart's Calcium Wafers. These troubles seek the skin as one of the natural outlets of the body. And if you supply it with the proper materials the skin will pass off Impurities through the pores of the skin instead of retaining them in the form ef ugly accumulations. Get a box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers in any drug store at Sd cents. You will then realise how easy it is to ha beautiful. ADVEBTI8EMKXT BLACKHEADS 60 QBICK BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD j Blackheads big ones or little ones 1 soft ones or hard ones on any part f ! the body, ga Quick by a simple method that ' just dissolves them. To do this get about ! two ounces of calomte powder from your , ururaist sprinkle a little on a hot. wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly i r . r i t L. V Ml ' lor lew iKVfluviaa ...u uli. i dh u wonder where the blackheads have gone. The calonite powder and the hot water have just dissolved them. Pinching and squeesing blackheads only open the pores of the skin and leave thesn open and an sightly and unless the blackheads are big and soft taey will not come out. while the simple application of ealonita powder and water dissolves them right out, leav ing the skin soft and the pores i their natural condition. In eaa get ealwrita powder at any drug stare and if you are troubled with these unsightly blemishes yon -taenia certainly try this simp) method. Serves a Doable Purpose! Library Table-Bed This li undoubtedly an unusual opportunity of buy ing a lilch-jirede library table which open up In nn instant to a full sized double bed rt such a Ww pries. WUIIum andi Mary period design, as shown Jacobean finish. Hrcclal SWSmNBs aw. iiwii 'si .saw i jjiwsikw.vmk" mi A Very SpeciJ Price! ,ajflMsaj.snjmsajis ' I jg Dining Tables With 6-foot Extension Splendid, solid onK ainins i;. at a pries that Bocms almost too gooa to no hub. offered from new stocks Just re ceived, at . ?21H Electric Washers With Metal Tub No need to pay cash for your labor' savin electrlo washer. This coppei tub. with swinging w rin cor. specially w priced at. , only 9P " Baaa ' . Join ; Our Grafonola Club $1.00 a Week Confidence in Hartman's CONFIDENCE in a store may be considered as the store's best "Good-will." The best kiad of good-will is that which expresses itself in mouth to-mouth advertising. The development of public confidence always happens in accordance with the laws of sound merchandising. Advertising is but salesmanship. Its success depends upon the honesty and reliability of the advertiser. Unless every promise is lived up to, there will result dis trust and lack of confidence. An institution which puts forth truth in its advertising is building for the future and lays the foundation to lasting prosperity. " ' ' "1 TTTE aim tn fall tha tenth .j. .-J l. V suit has shown itself in ample measure by the good-will we enjoy in this community. We invite you to come in and profit by our method in quality, in tastinesr fd best of all in ECONOMY. s Special Sale of Windsor Rockers We offer several styles In this typs of roeUor, all manogany finished. Thick wood seats, assur ing strength. JJar galns at IP Mahogany Finish Spinet Desks A spinet desk Is always appreciated In a home. Kent appearing aud most useful. Ask to see this Monday sps cial at, only '43 Jacobean Oak 54-iii. Buffet This buffet. Is splendid example of fine cabinet work, from ths Rok(onl cabinet- shops. Is C4 Inches In length and a bargain at Rug Values! Th new fall' rugs In a splendid variety of beau tiful patterns. In a variety of rich and harmonl oua colors ar ready for you at prices that rep rejent a saving of the most exception character. S-3xl0.fi Seamless Velvet lings. Special, at ......... 9x12 Seamless Wool Fae Brussels Bnge. Special, at ......... 7-x9 Seamless Wool and Fiber Bugs. Special, at ......... 27x54-lnch HeaTv Axinlnster Bogg. Special, at . ; : 32 ' a eaSBsasiaaas- HIM Sale of Comforters, Blankets! Thia year w are specializing In fine, warm bed covering-. You can get anything here you wish. A wonderful line of plain and fancy Comforters and an unlimited variety of blankets. $450 Special Box Couch Da-Bed Select Art Denim Upholstery Just Imaglna this attractive da-bed at such a price as this! Note the roomy box couch beneath settee when turned. Very specially priced at Regular $55 Value! OonBlder the sav in? possible do not hesitate, but attend this sale Mondaj". Just As Pictured! The picture shows It just as you'll find it on our alesflour. No exception. Mahogany and Cane Suites Rich Blue or Mulberry Velour $ 1 em CP These suites are typical of the fine living- room furniture that may be purchased here on the most convenient credit terms. We are offering; several styles, with pillows on davenport only. Tlje three plecea complete at the special price of only IB1 110 Piece Dinner Set! - With Your Initial on Each Piece A splendid neatly decorat ed dinner- set service for twelve with your mon"- gram on eacli piece. Will make an unusually pleasing set for Thanksgiving- dinner. Dace, yur order now to insure delivery. A $45 value for $34 JL . r Complete Davenport Tables In Queen Anne! It la Just a part of our usual policy of . giving an extraordinary ttf1C value. Attractive design in )'IU) rich mahogany finish, i'ull itOr size. Only w A lw sale prlee for this greatest exa'arter valne ia Omaha - Th surprise kara-ala. In a eiuallty lata klaaket at ly Poster Bed! a. Is full 26H Neatly turned posts. size ana 'eomesw in the rich brown mahos;- ' any finish. .At., Gate Leg Table! An slfc-n unusual distinctive ana 1 special price for tomorrow has been placed nt. . fle- 26-Piece Silver Sets! Extra heavy plated ware. A design of. rare beauty, and the quality Is excellent. Special at $12 Big Lamp Sale! Piano Lamps Complete! Graceful In their beautiful simplicity and distinctive In design. Mahogany finish bass with neatly lined fringed shades, complete at- $ 17 85 Several Styles in Shades Electric Art Glass Table Lamps! This price should at ouce attract your attention. Metal table lamps with attractive art 4 Ac a glass shades for f I ov Monday's selling, a special, at.. Boudoir Lamp Special! Beautiful shades with mahog any finished base. Choice of gold, rose or blue Bhades, S inches. Special at $75 ; IT -7 If ' IWS "Buy NowPay Later' Heater Bargain You'il Like White Enamel SELLERS Kitchen Cabinet H The nationally advertised Sellers" with the ea to matte lewsrtnr floar bin. base shelf extender and othsr exclusive tVstares. In white enamel, with porttlain sUainc top. Oa easy terms at TTISfflri Polychrome Mirrors Special A wonderful opportunity to buy an appropriate mirror for your tome. Handsome and artistic. In up- ri?ht and oblong shapes. Finished In powdered ST 95 gold. Quality plate glass ana nigmy uecm amo -j 1 ' . rnAflisl m nnlv .................... "SANICO" Porcelain Range A heater that you ran feel, assured will give extraordinary warmth with the least possible amount of fuel. Has the hot blast construc tion. .A very special offer at $2175 The ranpe with the ?5-ywir guarante. Attractively nickel trimmed; has 20-inch oven, jar pre warming closvt. Bold tvme feir f montns ego at Spe cial at STOVES 114 firrrF3 Cast r : SIXTEENTH Between Harney and Howard 46 i V r,