Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1921, Image 13

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Cut Flower Specials
Chrysanthemums 15c
Roses ..i... 5c
Fern 39c
Narcissus Bulbs ....3c
BiareaeNeah-Fleaer Shop, Meaianlae Flaw.
Th& Dansante
3:30 to 5:30
Saturday Afternoon
Burgess-Nash Salon Orchestra
under the direction of
Special Tea Menus t 35c; 50c; 75c.
Reception Rooms, Seventh Floor, West. ;
" Burgeee-Naah Tea Room, Stvtnlh Fleer.
Peter Pan Blouses
Reduced Saturday to
: These attractive little blouses of batiste and dimity are,
so assuredly correct in their trimness and youthfulness that
they are a continual joy to the wearer. Very specially priced
Saturday. In certain styles the size range is not complete.
We offer a complete new line of stunning For
sythe Peter Pan models at $5.95.
Burfoaa-Naah BIoum Shop, Third Floor.
New Gloves
Offer Splendid Values Saturday
Kayser Chamoisette Gauntlets J EJ0
In beaver, mastic, brown and covert.
Chamoisette Gloves
Two-clasp and 12-button $1 00
Mousequetaire Gloves
16-buttcn, in French auede Ajl
and lambskin.
Imported Gauntlets
Cape leather, in brown,
tan, gray and beaver. ,
Kid Gloves
Two-clasp style, in brown,
beaver, black.
Burfeao-Naih Glora Shoe Ma:n Fleer
All hosiery needs for both women and children can
be met in this great Dollar Week Hosiery Sale. ,
2 Pair Fine Cotton
Pure Thread Silk Hose
Semi-fashioned with dou
ble soles, toes and high
spliced heels of good weight
Black, dark brown and
white. Sizes 8 to 10, a
pair, $1.
2 Pair Lisle Stockings
With double soles and a 9
inch jersey ribbed top, or a
4-inch hem top. These are
very special at the price.
awes ft to 30.
Woolen Sport Hose
Women's sport hose in lxl
rib; in the popular brown
neainer enects. Sizes 8
to 10.
Double soles, toes and
heels, in black, cor
dovan and white, 2
pair 11.
2 Pair Fleece Lined
A very serviceable
and comfortable win-
ter hose. In black, all
sizes, 2 pair $1.
2 Pr. Split Soled Hose
Black stockings in
both regular and extra
sizes, 2 pair $1.
If you are going to need children's stockings,
see these at
3 pairs for $1.00
An excellent quality heavy ribbed for boys and
fine ribbed for girls, in black or white. Splendid
stockings for school and "dress-up." All sizes.
Burfcee-Naah -Hosiery Shop. Mua Floor.
everybody!? store
Free for Children Saturday
9 A. M. MOVIES 11 A. M.
Ali Caba and the Forty
, Thieves.
eWfoM-Naeh AueUtertea, Filth Floor. ,
Sale Sa
Savings of
Close to
Half the
For Both
Women and
16 to 44
The Suit Event of the Season
A special purchase of the entire stock of a
well-known manufacturer. Suits of . excellent
quality, finely tailored smartly fur trimmed
innumerable styles to choose from fashioned in:
Tricotine Serge Velour
Panvolaine Duvet ae uaine ,
In Navy, Blue and Brown, a Few in Black
Another Group of Suits . d fl 47K
Which Will Be Sold at Close U'J
to Half Price on Saturday. A J
A Group Including Many Cirt rxttfl
of Our Own Regular Stock. y 0V
Reduced for Saturday. & Jf
Come Early for Full Choice Sale Opens at 9 a. m. Saturday
Burf tea-Nesh Suit Shoe, Third Fleer.
You Are Invited
to Attend a
November 12
From 3 to 4 P. M.
Garnet, Stories, Dance:,
Songs Given by
Miss Gertrude Thompson
Miss Thompson believes
that music can be de
veloped in every homo, that
children can bo' taught to
acquire an interest and love
for it through simple means.
In her series of four lec
tures she uses the Victor
and Victrola records, con
necting the children's fa
vorite games, stories, songs
and dances with familiar
folk songs and the simpler
melodies in classical music.
Three following entertain
ments for Children with their
Mothers . Saturday afternoons,
November 19 and 26 and De
cember 3.
Burf eea-Naah Auditorium
Filth Floor
Kodak Special
Saturday is the last day
Kodak enlargements, all
sizes up to and including
8x10, 23c.
Reprint orders at 2 Vic each.
Just arrived Something
new, kodak print fold
ers, while they last, $1.00
per dozen.
Burf eea-Naah Kodak Shop, Main Floor
Stationery, $1 .
Lady Mary stationery, an
unusually attractive linen,
in gray, white, buff and
pink, gilt edge. Pretty new
styles in envelopes.
Burfoaa-Naah Stationery Shop
Main Floor
.-..wi r :.-i
Machine Thread
6 Spools, 28c
J. & .P. '..CpatsV thread,
black and white, all sizes,
special, six spools, 28c.
Hair Nets: 3 for 25c
.. Double mesh hair nets,
in every color. Cap and
fringe styles, three for 25c.
Burf eaa-Naah-Notlon Dept., Main Floor
Saturday : Another Carload
Apples $275
' Washington Spitzenburgs and Washington
Jonathans, the most delicious of eating apples.
Standard size boxes. x
100, 113, 125, 138, 150, 163 to a box.
r, , Each wrapped in paper.
Burf aaa-Naah Dewnataire Store.
Candy Specials
Penochi: 1 lb., 4-1
This is delicious; in
flavors of maple and
vanilla, and rich with
Old Fashioned
Peanut Brittle
'.lib., 27
Delicious Chocolate
Creams: 1 lb., 44
Jumbo Salted Peanuts 2 lbs:, 35
Burf aaa-Nash Candy Shop, Maxxaniae Fleer.
and Girls
Toys For
Baby Swings
of good, stout
O f g 0 0 d AQ
heavy twill J70C
muslin, that wx
is sturdy and strong. It
is attractive in its col
oring of pink and blue,
and natural color.
Burfeae-Naah Toy Shop,
Fourth Floor.
Two-Trouser Suits,
Any color and any model a boy may
wish. All of the best all-wool materials,
with trousers full lined. ' All sizes, 6 to
17 years. Other suits up to $16.50.
Overcoats,. $10
Every style and color is included in
this group. Some have pleated backs,
and muff 'pockets. All are full lined
and splendidly tailored. Sizes 24 to 8
years. Others $8.00 to $20.00.
There is a fine line of handsome caps
and hats. Of timely interest are the caps
rvith ear muffs.
Barfoso-Naah Bora Shop. Main Floor.
Sturdy Shoes
for Boys:
The kind of shoe
that will stand
"real-boy" wear,
made of fine all
leather in Blucher
and Bal styles, with
welts and
with full
Btn-ftaa-Naah Shoo Shop,
Main Floor.
Girls' Coats
$11 95
I "eV
Styles as varied as little girls could
desire who delight already in being
distinctive. The materials are wool
velour, pebble cheviots, and heather
materials. The coats are all fully
lined and many are trimmed with fur.
Sizes 6 to 14. '
The Furcron Twins will give a
Cinderella Book
to every little customer coming into
the Junior Shop Saturday.
Borfcst-Naah Junior Shop, Third Floor.
Navy Blue Serge
A splendid quality, firmly woven, all-wool
serge. Special for Saturday; $1.05 a 'yard.
Suitings and Dress Goods
Velour3, tricotines, oxford gray mixtures, skirt
ing plaids, shadow stripe worsteds, pebble
crepes, French serges and other desirable fab
rics from 42 to 54 inches wide. Saturday at $1,
54-inch Chinchilla Coatings
All-wool chinchilla coating in navy blue, seal
brown, beaver, nutria and gray is a splendid
value at this price.
' Burfeae-Nah Faerie Shop, Second Floor.
95 a yard.
Cast Iron Skillets, 95c
Griswold Cast Iron Skillet, size
No. 8. Highly polished.
Hot Plate; $4.50
A two-burner Hot-Plate, with a
needle valve, an air mixer, and a
nickle plated manifold.
Copper Bottom Boiler
Tin Boiler with copper bot
tom and sationery wood handles.
Sites No. 8 and 9.
Coal Hod. 49c
Japanese Coal Hod. It is med
ium sized, corrugated, and equip
ped with strong handles.
Waffle Iron, $1.95
Sire 8 Griswold Waffle Iron,
with a high or low frame. It has
cold handles, and is ball bearing.
Burr ss-Nat a Houaefumiehlof Shop,
Fourth Floor.
New Model
Sewing Machines
Reduced Saturday to
: $5750
An automatic drophead
machine a new 1921 per
fected model, reduced to
$57.50 Saturday.
all attachments.
completely guaranteed.
easy payment terms.
Barfoso-Kaah Foorth Floor.