Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Gipsy Groups
Christians in
y- Three Classes
They Are Called TW That
Think So, Those That Hope
. So and Thoee tbat Know'
' By Evan gel Ut.
Personal tastei, action., com.
paiiioni. even the way one walks de-
termine to whom he belongs, God or
the devil, Gipsy Smith, the evange
list, told 6,000 persons who attended
the Monday night revival service at
the Auditorium.
'The sinners belong to the devil,'
he said, "and those who hate sm
and love the things that God loves
belong to God. Those born of God
have the love of God in their hearts
and althoiiBh sin may he near them,
and the devil may tempt them, they
have no desire to sin because of their
love for God. ' ' '
Courage Requisite. ""
"One great trouble with us today
is tttat we haven't sufficiently cmpha
sized the difference between the chil
Cxcn of God and the children of the
devil. We've got to have the cour
age to look people ii the face and
tell them where they are wrong.
"I don't believe this hodge-podge
that you can be a Christian without
knowing it. There are three
tinn of Christians, that H. those
that think so, those that hope so,
and those that know. .
"The Salvation Army is a class of
men and women who know, and they
are on the job every day snowing "
Has Joy in Heart.
"I know Jesus saves me because
of the joy in my heart. You don't
need to know the exact date of your
rebirth. If you but do His bidding
you are born again, i here are tnree
birthmarks on the children of God:
He overcometh the world; he loveth
his brethren and he keepeth. himself
in the' love of God." '
Following his sermon more than
40 minutes were consumed by the
evangelist and the personal workers
in their canvass for converts.. In the
' call for converts to come forward
many men and women, among them
several families, a Sunday school
teacher and her class and boys and
girls, crowded the aisles to get near
enough to shake the evangclijt's
hand. '
Would Tell the World.
"You know it makes you feel a lot
different when you've been saved," he
said. "Isn't that so?" he asked of
a man sitting in a delegation of col
ored folk.
"I'll tell the world it does," the
colored brother replied, and the
whole auditorium joined in . the
laughter that followed."
Every church has been invited to
be represented in the Armistice day
parade next Friday afternoon. Each
church is asked to have an automo
bile and a 'banner thereon stating
what church it represents. , - - ;
Following the parade there is to be
a mass meeting of a patriotic na
ture at the Auditorium. v , ss .
The offering taken up at the spe
cial meeting for women Sunday a
week ago needed little more than $100
to make it an even thousand. The
women of the choir promised to make
tip the difference. Last night, J. R.
Cain, jr.,. financial chairman,, an
nounced that , the money had been
. made up and the women's offering
was now $1,000,. one of the largest
of the campaign. :
Two-Minute Sermons
Written Especially for Ths B by Clpiy Smith
There are some in this world who
are debton to the people, una the
time comet when each of them
must render an accounting.
Let it still t
remembered that
the Scripture dc.
dare: 'To . him
that knoweth to do
good, and doeth
it not, to him it fi
sin." So, wme
people are bigger
sinners than they
appear. The
amount of my
light determines
the amount of my
responsibility and
the amount of. my
sin, if the light be
not lived up to.
If people . sin in
the face of light
which shows,' them the right way,
then their condemnation is all the
greater, i'.-
ihc debtors ot tne people are its
leaders. I wonder what would hap
pen if the strongest men and women
in the city would set the example of
Christian livinst. I mcsn thoie
strongest in an educational, financial
and social way: those who are look
ed, upon as, the proiu'iiciit ones in
the'citv. -it these wi.i oniy con-
duct their lives so with a clear con
science thev can take their stand
and lead also in the sp'ritual world,
what would happen?
No one can estimate the uood that
would be done if Shese pivotal peo
ple Consecrated themselves to the
service of Jesus Christ. After all,
culture, money and breeding do
count people look up to those for-
tunate enough to posies . thtte
qualities. And the bolder should
leel their responsibility to thote less
fortunate. For th God of Love
who sit on the throne i also the
God of Justice.
Some day He's coming, back to
this old earth, and Jesus is coming,
coming back to claim Hit own. He
will ask what the man of culture
did with hi learning, what tjie man
of wealth did with hi riches, what
those of' social position did with
their optmrtunitie and ' power.
We'll all have to render an account
ing. Some day we'll find out that
we are to be judged, not only for
what we have done, not only for
breaking the moral law, hut for the
thing we might have done if we
ha been let selfish and let inter
ested in the aggrandizement to be
gotten out of our privilege.
Jesus once borrowed a mans
fishing boat, and from that old fish
smelling boat preached a sermon to
the hungry multitude. That boat
was Simon business, hi daily
avocation. And Jesus is taymg to
the man of culture: "Let me help
you spread the knowledge that will
save the world;" to the man of
wealth: "Let-me help make your
dollars honestly and then spend
them for the kingdom of righteous
ness, and to the man and woman
of society: "Let me come into, your
homes and leaven your program of
entertainment, so that every flower,
every note of music, the spread
table and the evening of fellowship
will show, my presence. Let your
every- deed, shine so that your
friends will say, 'This man and this
woman have been with Jesus, and
learned of Him.'"
People Desert
God for Folly,
Asserts Pastor
Americans Gped by Pagan
Philosophy of "Eat, Drink
- And Be Merry," Revival
Hearers Told.
Mother of J. C. Robertson
Dies of Paralysis in Texas
J. C. Robertson, manager, of the
Retail, Credit Men's association of
Omaha, received word yesterday of
the sudden death of his mother in
Galveston, Tex. ,
Mrs. A. 'O. Robertson lived in
Omaha with her .son for about five
years prior to 1918 and is very well
Jen own . here. '
She was about 60 years of age and
suffered a sudden stroke of paralysis,
causing her death,
Mr. Robertson, who lives at the
Hotel Rome, left for Galveston fol
lowing receipt of the death notice.
Economical buyers are daily read
ers of The jBee For Sale Want Ads.
The naaan philosophy of life of
"eat, drink and be merry, for tomor
row we die." has taken a fast hold
on the American people and will be
difficult to: shake off, Rev. A. De-
Larme, pastor of the Hrst Baptist
church,- declared in his 10-minute
sermon- before several hundred busi
ness men and. women at the Bran
deis theater -Tuesday. ' 1
"The people are on on a maa
tampede after pleasure, excitement
nrf follv that takes them far away
from theoossibilities of spiritual life
They lack the strong faith in the
te promised atter xnis ana arc uv
lg to the utmost here.
' Pagan Philosophy Fails.
"This oaean philosophy has been
tested through the years and has al
ways broken down at the crucial
time. Lone indulgence to self has
made people insusceptible to things
that belong to God."
Gipsy Smith, the evangelist, who
followed Rev. DeLarme, said: .1
"The last thing to die in us is self.
He who loves self cannot please
God. Your greatest enemy is your
self and is the real cause of your
being without the fellowship of God.
Self-Abnegation. .'
"The secret of the true Christian
life is self-abnegation. It means liv
ing for Christ and the other fellow.
You should take no -pleasures that
bring injuries to others. The only
way to get rid of self is to kill it in
the service of humanity."
One of the largest crowds that has
attended the noonday meetings was
present yesterday. " ,-
Trustees Ask $161,000 of
City for Property Damage
Elmer J. Neville and James E.
Neville, trustees of the estate of the
late James Neville, filed suit yester
day in district court for $161,000
against the city for damage to their
property in connection with the pro
posed widening of Harney street
from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth
They had been awarded $46,230
damages by the board of appraisal.
But a Few Short Days Remain, and the
Special Display of
Baby Grand
in our Salons will be over.
(Size 4 ft, 10 inches long)
The success of this exhibition of thoroughbred small
Grands has been remarkable, and we are delighted at
the interest and enthusiasm displayed. We feel sure ,
that the music-loving public would be strongly at
tracted by the combination of qualities embodied in the
Premier. The "sold" tag is becoming more and more .
conspicuous and frequent, v-
There are, consequently, but a few of "these ' V
, . . artistic instruments still available Grand "
:; Pianos in every individual detail. . '
You may never again have an opportunity to obtain
such a wonderful Baby Grand at ; .
- such an attractive price -' -
. Therefore, do not put your via it off one single day.
Terms arranged to suit - C
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
Doigm St.
DougUt 1623
British Negotiators
Hold Meet on Ulster
: London, Nov.' 8. (By The As
sociated ' Press.) An imporwint
meeting for consideration of phases
of the Irish question :waj held in
Downing street today, , the - partici
pants being the majority of the gov
ernment's negotiators, . including
Prime Minister Lloyd George. It
is believed the meeting mainiy con
cerned itself-with legal .steps neces
sary to fulfill the government's
pledge to Ulster that - the - Ulster
Parliament will be enabled to func
tion propCrly and be provided with
funds. . ; , - ?
, Action along thes,. lines, it is point
ed out, does not seriously affect the
general : negotiations for an Irish
settlement, for under the govern
ment's plan Ulster would be left . a
local Parliament with more power
than the present Parliament has.
Red Oak Man Fined for
! ' Assault During Fight
Red Oak," la., Nov 8. CSpecial.)
A fine of $500 was imposed by Judge
Rockfeller on Ralph Griffith, arraign
ed in district court on a charge of
assault with intept to do great bodily
injury, ihe complaining witness was
Carl Coombe, who was shot and
seriously wounded by. Griffith during
an altercation. A suit for damages
brought against Griffith" by Coombe
was settled by the - latter" ' paying
Coombe $1,500. V - '" ;
- . ..
Confession in Fogg Murder
Case to Be Investigated
A thorough investigation will be
made by the county attorney's office
of the confession made in Kansas,
City by Frank Piercer Confessed ac
complice in the Fogg, murder, in
which he stated that a sheriff's
deputy released him from the county
jail the night of the murder.
Chief Deputy County Attorney
Raymond T. Coffey intimated that a
charge of murder will be filed against
Pierce. -
Japanese Crew of 35 Lost
As Coasting Steamer Sinks
Tokio, Nov. 8. Thirty-five sail
ors, the entire crew, were lost in the
wreck of the Ryuka Maru, a Japa
nese coasting steamer, which dis
patches, received . today, announced
was sunk off the coast of Hokkaido,
November 2.
War Certificates
Of State Ready
For Distribution
Douglas County Legion Post
Has Secured Places for Ex
Service Men to Secure
Douglas county post of the
American Legion has arranged for
the distribution of 12,000 war ser
vice certificate! for ex-service men
of Douglas county, starting Satur
day. -
The certificates are issued by the
state, and signed by the governor,
the secretary -of state and the ad
jutant general. More are to be dis
tributed in Douglas county than in
any other county in the state.
Unless the certificate! ire called
for within a week, they .will be sent
back to the adjutant general. Men
who went into the service from
Douglas county, but have since
moved out of the county should
write the .Legion post here for their
fo obtain certificates ex-service
men should call at the following
stores, according to the first letter
of the last name:
A, Nebraska Power Co.; B, Bur-gcss-Nash;
C, Thomas Kilpatrick &
Co.; D, Orchard & Wilhclm Co.;
E. II. R. Bowen Co.; F, Union Out
fitting Co.; G, Guarantee Clothing
Co.; If, Food Center; I, Sun theater;
J, Rialto theater; K, Ihompson Bel
den & Co.: L. Y. M. C. A.: M. El-
dredge Reynolds Co.; N, Browning
King & Co.; O, Central. Market; P,
Nebraska ClothinK . Co.; Q. Mickel
Bros. Co.; R, Table Supply Co.;
!s, Brandeis stores; I, Kogers con
fections; U, Wilco)f& Allen; V,
Strand theater; W, Hayden Bros.;
X, Milton. Rogers & Sons; Y,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.;
L, Nebraska ruel Lo.
Judge Takes McMartin
Suit Under Advisement
District Judge Willis G. Sears
took, under advisement at 2 yester
day afternoon the divorce suit of
Peter McMartin against' ' Pearl
Washburn McMartin.
Hearing was to be given at 5
o'clock on an application filed by
attorneys for Mrs. McMartin, ask
ing that her husband be required to
pay her .traveling expenses trom
Buffalo, N. X., where the vaudeville
act in which she was playing was
engaged when the case was called
for trial.
Decision in the case, which Mrs.
McMartin seeks to turn into a suit
for separate maintenance, probably
will be rendered before the end of
the week.
Iowa Miners to Demand -
Continuance of "Check-Off"
. Des Moines, la., Nov. 8. Drastic
resolutions demanding the continue
ance of the "check-off" system will be
passed by the United Mine Workers
of America', district No. 13, which is
in session in Des Moines, according
to District President Joe Morris.
"The miners want nationalization of
mines," declared E. R. Quick, editor
of an Iowa labor newspaper, in a
speech this morning. "It is a neces
sary and coming thing. No other
solution . of the miners' problem
seems possible."
Senate Agrees to Vote on
Anti-Beer Bill November 18
Washington, Nov. 8. An agree
ment to vote November 18, on the
anti-beer bill was reached formally
by the senate today with the meas
ure's supporters predicting its en
actment with a . large majority to
spare. , , - -
no nf nA t..
70 uciuic vriaiiu juij.
Jtiviaence against vo persons al
leged to be involved in the narcotic
traffic will be presented to the fed
eral grand jury, which convened
Monday, Joseph A. Manning, fed
eral narcotic agent, said yesterday.
CAn exclusive
Press straight down on the point of your Redi
point Pencil. '
The Automatic Push-Back whisks the lead back
, into the barrel instantly.
There it remains, safe from breakage, sheathed
against damage to pocket, bag or blouse, until
you are again ready to write. . ,
No other pencil gives you such convenient protec
" tion. For Redipoint alone has the Automatic
; Push-Back. No pencil without it can satisfy you,
once you have used Redipoint. -
See it try it-at your dealer's today. .
' Made and Guaranteed by -
Brown & Bigelow Saint Paxil
5! M
Standard and
Posy Sixes
Aluminum or
Nickel Ptated
b to. us. A pat. orr.j .
Attorneys Petition
Court to Postpone
A motion for continuance was
filed yesierdiy by the attorneys for
Masse and Wohlbcrg and McWhor
ter, charged with using the mails
t odefraud. They petitioned for
postponement of the case until the
next term of federal court.
The motion is backed by affidavits
that the public mind in Nebraska
at present is so inflamed against
stock promoters that it would he
impossible to secure a fair trial for
According to statements of both
McWhorter and Masse, the local
newspapers have been bitter in their
denunciation of all stock promoters
and salesmen. 'L
The attorneys also claim in their
petition that a delay is necessary in
order to obtain the presence of wit
nesses to testify in the defense. .
Economical buyers are daily read
ers of The Bee For Sale Want Ads.
Pardoned Veteran
Returns to Family
YoungMood Sayi He was Not
Near Scene of Crime for
Which He Wag Sentenced.
No bands or committees of wel
come greeted Roy O. Voungblood,
27,.jioii of Frank M. Youngblood of
Omaha, pardoned Friday from Leav
enworth prison, but a happy family
greeted their son and brother at the
station yesterday.
Smiles, tears and embraces made
up the welcome home program of a
family that has been stricken with
sorrow for many months.
' Youngblood with four other
soldiers who also were pardoned at
the same time, was convicted by
court-martial of the murder of an
English army officer at Ranz, Ger
many, in IO.
It was charged that Youngblood
and the four other soldiers were
members of a party in a roadhouse
American State Bank
18th and Far nam Streets
5 Interest on Time Deposits
Present you 4 Certificates of Deposit and we will pay the in
terest up to date and renew at 5 for 6 or 12 months.
In our Savings Department we pay 4 interest, compounded and
added to your account quarterly. Deposits made on or before the
10th. of any month are considered as having been made on the
first day., .-. . : :.'i,;
We invite your banking business.
All deposits in this bank are fully: protected by the Depositors' .
Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. ,
American State Bank
D: W. CeUelm.n, President D. C. Ceiielman, Cuhie.
. H. M. Krofh, At. C.hl.r
at Ram, hout miles (torn Co
Lion, when the Eiitilinh oiheer was
struck on the head by a flying; bottte
and killed.
"None of ui was near the place
at the time," Voungbluod aid yes
terday. Fashion Revue to Be Held
In Orkiins Show Windows
An exposition and fashion revue
will be presented. by Orkin Bros, in
their show windowe Wednesday
evening from 8 to 9.
Living models will appear in the
windows, displaying gowns, coats
and other women's clothing of the
latest styles.
mm ,
Thirtffti Airmen Detained
Here Tuesday By Storm
Beaue of the iitcleim-r.t -weather
yesterday 1.1 airmen attending thev
air congrcn here diJ not hop on
as expected. , . . -
Weatherman Robins advised them
ngaiiit having as the weather condi
tions were reported bad in all direct
Air Mail Pilot Hrown, scheduled
to leave at 8 a. m. for Cheyenne, did
not get away until noon.
Who thought money could bu
every woman.
Every Style and Size
Flashlights and
lfttAfltTlTEt 18 S
Hardware " Household Utilities
Special Shoving
1 distinct
Ladies' Hand Bags
In Black or
Brown Moroc
co Grain, pi
The two leather strap han
dles, outside pockets, silk 4
lining and glove button
fastener all lend in making
this bag a remarkable value.
This bag should make a won
derful gift for Christmas,
and we urge you to make an
early selection.
s Mail Orders Prepaid
Freling & Steinle
1803 Farn.m St. Hera IS Yrs.
Always take an EVEREADY Flashlight
with you Everywhere
Eveready Flashlights should be in
every home. They are a necessary
'and comforting companion. To
avoid a misstep ; when lights
go out and accidents happen a
portable light when and where you
need it, tne handy eveready is
. to you many times its price, take
it back and ouraealer will refund
your money. "' .. ; '
-There is an Eveready Flashlight
for every purpose tubular. Docket.
and lantern types at prices ranging
worth a thousand times its price, down to 70 cents, including the
new rocxec ugnt at fu.75. the
Money Back Offer
We have arranged with our dealers
to let you try the new Eveready
Flashlight. Order one from your
dealer, pay for it, and then use it
one evening, and if for any reason
you do not think it will be worth
Focusing Flashlight is designed '
especially for outdoors, for auto
mobiles, and wherever long distance .
light is required; the Diffused
Flashlight for indoors, and wher
ever a broad field of light is
needed. -
The win traveler always takes
his Emeady Flashlight
Only genuine Ertreajj Batteries trill insure long-lrvej, hight
htming service for your Eneready Flashlight. But Svertady
Batteries fit and improve til flashlights.
National Accessories Go.
2012 Farnam Atlantic 5524
Th New
Any lle, may be had at
1514 Farnam St.
FlathlighU for Sale by the Five Drug
" Stores of the v
Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
Burgess-Nash Company
Complete Line of
Sporting Goods DepartmentFourth Floor
High in Quality
Rich in Texture
ARE the new Eng
lish, Scotch,
Irish, Belgian and
American fabrics,
all made from pure
new wool. , ,
There can be no
question about their
' quality, so you need
only concern your
self about the kind
of clothes you should
have. . ., ,
The question of
style, fit and work
manship you can
safely leave to us.
Suit or Overcoat
: $45 $55 $65
and Upwards
WJerrcms Oom
209-211 So. 15th Street
Karbach Block
I Expect to find the
Fisherman, the
"Mark of Supremacy,"
on every bottle of
emulsion that you buy.
This means that you will
always ask for
. SeettABavme. BlooofieU, H. X
(Tablets or Granule)
Fn. luniftrcTinN
One of the interesting things at the
"Made In Omaha Show"
Booth 24
Lithographing Co.
Labels Stationery General Color Work
See the novel display of Nebraska's
purely Lithograph Label House.
This will fix
my cold
I ALWAYS keep Dr. King's New
Discovery handy. It breaks up
hard, stubborn colds and stops this
paroxysms of coughing. No harmful
drug?, but just good medicine. All
druegists, 60c.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
Stubborn Bowels Tamed. Leav
ing the bowels unmoved results in
health destruction. Let the gently
stimulating Dr. King's Pills bring to
you a regular, normal bowel function-
ing. 25 cents. All druggists.
. r. Kings Pills
.Iik1 ruff strp BIrFHlii
Rertores Color asd
Baatrtr te Crar and Faded Habj
and ?i no m umrron
I Apply thickly ovtf thfot
covet wRh hot Banrxl
V VapoRud
Cher 17 Million Jan Ut4 Ytm