A . Cholera Epidemic In Iowa Serious College Warnr DUea-e Travels io Cycles Dean ,Stanga Declares Urges Prompt Vaccunation Of Hog. Ames, la , Oct. 14 That the prcs rat epidemic of hog cholera in la in more serious than most people think and that thrre will be a greater Outbreak- if belter control measures . arc not taken at oner, is the opinion cf C. II. Stajige. dean of the division 'of veterinary medicine at Iowa Stale college. ''Protect wur herd Itirfore cholera rts there.'' is the admonition of Dean Stunge, Many farmers due to the tightness of money and low mar ket prices have become careless and have not vaccinated. With propel care and vacriisition under proper methods- the hum will be reasonably ( safe from the disease, says Dean , .Stanfte. According to Dean Slangc, who has made a . study of the history and progress of tlac disease iu the state. hog cholera appears to run in cycles from 10 to 15' years apart. In 1897 a Rreat oytbrcaJc of cholera occurred' 'with a loss of over 320 head of hogs . per 1.000 swine population. Again in 1913. II yrirs 'after the other out ' break had been halted, another epi demic occurred with nearly as dis astrous results. From a close analy sis oi uie course 'Ot the disease and ' of specially prepared graphs, Dean Stange has deduce! that the urescnt 'outbreak jniay.be the , forerunner of another tm nous epidemic! . 5ince IV18 hos cholera has been on the increase in the state. Last year Jpwa lost 261, (MM) hogs, about 26 per -fiit ot the state s hog population. , Present indication are that this loss ,'will be exceeded in I21 unless ade quate precautious are taken to con ' tro the disease. ' ' . N : Certain sections of the tfalo appear yjo sutler trom the ravages of cholera ,more heavily than others. Plymouth , county last year . was the heaviest loser in the state. 9,850 hogs dying irom cholera. Sioux. Jasper and v Hardin counties also suffered heavy t losses. Allamakee and Ringgold coun ties lest" the minimum number iti'the state. 'Keiiorts from the above sec tions of the state indicate that the 'disease, is progressing in about the ; same proportinns'.with a large num- bcr of counties suffering heavy losses. ' Otoe County Teachers Hold Meeting at Nebraska City ; Nebraska City, "Neb., ' Oct: 14. 7 (Special.)- Otoe' county 4cachens' in stitute is being held in the . high 'school building. Several notefT speak ers are in attendancC. indirding: Pro 'jfcsVr Sealock, University of Ne :bra's"ka;' Professor -Saani, i Council . Muffs.. la.; Miss E. Ruth Pyrjle, 11 Lincoln; Professor Morton, Fair . bufy. and jiifm others. The- session, 'I ended .by attfeiiding the -Cfemtycrcc-(NcraSk City foot Ball2' game i at jHay ward park. ." District: Court Holds -i ', Session in Webgter County Red Cloud. fNeb..VOct -14. (Spe .';ciab Telegram.) District court is in J-session here this week. Judge Black ledge presiding. A. M. Householder of;Bladcn is suing the Nispel ' Land company of Chappell for alleged yhre'Sch of cotitract" 'teT'raiisfer . to ..'him' land in 'Deuel count v, valued sat $28,000. The defendant's set up tthit the written contract was sub Vject to an oral condition and was ivoidj. The jury fouri'd -for -the nlnn tiffnd that his damages' were $2,400. Pawnee City Will Stage '- Aerial Circus Wednesday. Pawnee City, Neb., Oct. 14. (Spe-s -;'ciaL)- An aerial -circus will be-staged ,1'ni PaWnee i City Wednesday; Tjvo air planes will give an .exhibition of gtuitf lying. A racing auto will be here," driven by John, H AmenswTiO :'.will Race with.. the airplanes, and against .'time,. Curtis , H. Friday and lWaltcr ?tL; peach , will,, .pilot; , the planes. :,,..v,;'..; i v.--'' 'i 'X ' ' M JL'A Seasonable Hardware ; V - ; Furnace f Scoops . Tt A roaj scoop built lo fit the furnace box and ash pit door. Long, stout, D handle. X .Very pe- cial, Saturday at 77c Carl It Gray AUent atM . Firl liureau Meeting The first meeting of the agricul tural bureau of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce to be held since its reorganiiatmn several weeks ago was held at the Chamber of Com merce at noon yesterday. Carl K. Gray, I'nion Pacific preident. chair man of the bureau. was unable to be present, Vice President D. P. 1 la gan of the Icdrral Land bank pre sided. Cass County May RecaH Officers Aboliclinient of Tbrre Posi tions Urged in Petitions Now Being Circulated. Platlsmoutli, Neb., Oct. 14. (Special.) petitions arc being cir culated over the county and signed quite freely by taxpayers, asking the recall of the county agent, county assessor and county highway commissioner and the abolishment of these offices. The petitions will be presented to the comity board as soon' as they have been signed by a sufficient number ot taxpayers. Of the three offices sought to be abolished, that of county assessor has been iu existence in Cass county the longest. The present incumbent is Vitliatn Rnmmell.. The office of county agents was created by , the 1918-19 legislature-, which made its establishment mandatory upon the county commissioners when request ed by the taxpayers. L. R. Snipes has held the office since it estab lishment. The county highway, commissioner was added about the same time.'1 The prcscur incumbent. James B". McKce. came here Janu ary 1 from Saunders county. Woman Wbo Bought Movie Wins Back $5,200 in Court Ludmtla Strilka was awarded a verdict for $5,200 in District Judge Stauccr's court yesterday against Louis and Gail Margolin, who, she charged, sold her the Loyal moving picture theater in South Omaha last fall through misrepresentation. She sued for $8,500. . She gave them $5,000 cash and her note for $3,000, she says, when they told hci the theater was making money. In stead, she testified, -she lost (hcavsly as a result of her investment and at times was in actual want. Negro Slain in Attempt " To Break Into Negro Home Sterling Tolk, negro, was shot and killed by Joe Edden. negro, 2212 Seward street, when he broke Into the Eddcn home Thursday night. Earlier in the evening polk had vis ited the Eddcn home and threatened to !'blow up" the place, Eddcn said. --5v (TiAKFOKD - ,4fa y HCsic Co. IF 1807.FARNAM ST. ? . ' OMAHA A S HADDOtW KINGSBURY XAN0VER STECK ' ; KSTABtiyrrED 1835 44t i mm ILTON iOGERS A V COMPANY AND SONS Hardware n Houhold Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. An Extraordinary Sale of Saturday Scout Axes A . scout axe with a strong -hickory handle, high qual ity steel blade. A real - bargain. Very special Saturday at 79c Buck Saws Household A buck saw for the vood pile, stout; nat ural finished - wood frame. Tempered " blued steel blade.' A special bargain, Satur," day at ; Axe !'Ar handy household axe.1 Highest quality, guaranteed blade, . heavy hickory handle. ' A 'real axe and a real price,, Saturday at ' fllE Unemployment Decreasing in Central States Important Cities of Illinois Report Conditions Approach ing Normal Unemployed Decrease in Wisconsin. Chicago. Oct. M.-l'nemplcymcnl was khown to be decreasing in t immbcr of the important cities of Illinois, with several reporting con ditions ' approaching normal in re turns from a survey received today. Construction weik was declared in full swing at several points, while factories and railroads were report ed adding to their forces. Work for n. any unemployed also was provided by extensive municipal improve ments. Kenorts from agricultural ccsmmu nities indicated that the demand for cornhuskers exceeded the supply. Aurora and Galesburg, railroad centers, reported additions to rail road shop, forces, whic.h were de clared to be near normal. At Elgin every industry was op erating at virtually the normal rate, while at Dixon only one plant was closed and considerable construction work was in progress. Champaign add Moline reported heavy building operations, although at the latter place "w'ork iii implement factories virtually was at a standstill, with 2.500 men unemployed. Improving in Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 14 Uncm- rJoyniont conditions i it Wisconsin were improving, a survey in several r.it:es showed todav. Milwaukee's 50.000 unemployed had decreased in recent weeks to 40.0(H). a special committee of the Association of Commerce reported. Oclwein, la., Oct. 14. Seven hun dred men will return to work after a long layoff, when Chicago-Great Western shops here open Monday morning for two weeks. It is an nounced by officials that operation after that term will depend on ac ceptance of the company's wage and hour schedule by the men. Business Depression Is Blaimcd for StoreV Failure Hastings, 'Neb., Oct. 14. (Special Telegram.) Under examination1 be fore Referee Norberg, L. H. Sutter, president, blamed the business de pression for the filing of the petition in involuntary bankruptcy by . the Hastings basket system. The report of, th,e appra.is.ers shows assets in tne sum of $25,352, a shrinkage of $14, 000 from the list in the petition. Lia bilities are $35,762, Bee Want Ads. Get Results. J807 FARNAMJST. ii.. OMAHA KUKIZMANN CLARENDON WELLINGTON and the great STEINWAY DUO ART : Long Handle . ; A x e. A long handled axe of the highest qual ity, stout hickory handle, fully guar anteed steel blade. Priced, special Sat urday at;-. $1.57 A f I BEE: . OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1921. Fire au$c$ $1,500,000 Damage at Charleston Charletton, S. Oct. 14 -Dam. age estimated at more than $I.H),00) vai cauted by a fire late yesterday at the C'hrleton treet terniinal ot the Charleiton Terminal company. Fertiliier mairrialt valued at vpprox imately $1.3(K),000 were d.''royed and a considerable ktretch of ware houe and wharfs were heavily dam aged. School Party of Union, Neb., VUitt Omaha Industries Pupils of the aevcuth and eighth grades, their teachers, parents and member of the school board, all of I'nion, Neb., were entertained in Omaha yesterday. The party came to Omaha by automobile and arrived at the mock yards at 10 a. in. Members of the party visited the Mock yards. Armour's,. Northwest ern tlell Telephone company build iig, American Smelting and Re fining company. 1 ten's, Omaha Cold Storage and the Florence water works. They were entertained at lunch con at the Chamber of Commerce at 1 p. m. "Style Withoht Extravagance" Main Floor Blouses, Undei Skirts. Blouses, Underwear, Hosiery, Skirts. Mezzanine Floor Shoes, Marinella Beauty Parlor, Children's Hair Bobbing, Rest Room. ' Second Floor Millinery Section. Third Floor Suits, Wraps, Frocks, Furs. Fourth Floor Children's, Juniors' and Flappers' Dept. Fitting Rooms, General Offices. New Live Stock; Loan Companies Urged by Meyer Director of War Finance Corporation Sayi Additional Firms Nereary to Aid Industry. Vahington, Oct. 14. Formation c.f additional live stock loan com panies to aid in the financing of the industry iu co-operation with' the war finance corporation is urgently needed, according to a statement by Lugene Meyer, jr., managing direc tor of the corporation. Mr. Meyer said that a number o( these companies arc being organised in different sections of the country. He announced that a loan ol J-'215,:HJU has just been approved by the war finance corporation to aid m financ ing the live stock' industry in Wyom ing through a loan company ct this sort. The Wyoming company hs Corsets and n-' Music liril lot nu d Willi 4 MiI U! iJpil."l tf $.lu.im . , Mr, Meter aU amiiituned the appiosul of 4 I'M n i( f liHi.tCKi tor ag ricultural pin poses id tank in Smith tarnliiu. A number of important :nuue roiupames sic bring crt;.ini;fd thnii itlioiit the timutry to u: i-l n the (inritH'ing ni the live stoclfc indus try, with the cuHiperatioii of i he war finance corpuratum, S4id Mr. Meyer. Home Sen ice Secretary I'laa in Adams County Hastings, Neb, Oct. N. (Special Telegram.) The Ada ns county thapter of the Red Cross h.-. tak en steps to appoint a county wel fare worker a Lome service secre tary. A committee has been appoint ed 'to recommend a person tor the place. Wymore Couple Celebrates Golden Wedding Anniversary. Wymore. Nth,, Oct. H.lSpriial.) Mr. and Mrs. ), W, llrown, old residents of this city, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their I........ Tlixip ,1, ...... .-I.il.lr....' Mr. I' A. Jausen of lteatrire, I). K. Krowu of llcrington, Kan., and J. 1, Brown of this city were present. 1 i. . sSSiis jtnnotmcing fanSaturJay. Evening, October Fifteenth, v Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-One 7:30 Until 11 P. M. The Formal of the. New Uf v .i if! v. illlIS"S i ;1519:1521 Douglas Street ' Tlie presence of yourself and friends is most earnestly ro. quested on' this occasion wherein we seel your apn . proval of our ei'forls to provide Omaha .viUi ou of America's truly dominant Apparel Stores. : From the leading Apparel sources of the world we' have assembled for this event . wonderous showings of real style successes ' incorporated .in this greater store are many depart :.nicnts new in the llerzberg Mercliandiscing. No merchandise will be sold dur . ing the period; of the opening; Specialist on Stand in Suit Over Property Physician . Says He Believes Man Who . Deeded Away Belongings Would Be .Wute in Business. Cin a Paranoiac conduct business transactions? Dr. Frurst Kclley, specialist in J metiial diseases, was ' put on the stand' in federal rout yesterday to answer Ibis question in a nit .u recover property which lidwin Davis Kulierls, now judged insane, deeded to half a doen persons. The doctor answered that a para noiac would be rei,uri.ably astute iu business and exhibit no outward signs of dementia. "Hut he never would be able to carry out his well-laid plans because his judgment iu the end would be warped by persecutory delusicns," he stated. Kobcrts himself sat unmoved iu Opening Home of Souvenin j the mint roof while, bis inriidl state was coiisiuetca nunuieiy 'uy attorneys fdr both sides. . ' His wife, Funcet Irene Koberts, one t4 the parties' la his suit, sat across the table from hint. Koberts was mmmittrd in 1911 after bt had driven his wife out cf their home at the point of a gun, hi lieges. Woman, Asks $15,000 For Hurts From Street Car Rosa McGuigan, 55. sued the Oma ha and Council Ululfs Street Rail way company for $15,000 in district court yesterday lor injuries she is al leged to have received when thrown from a car step at Seventeenth nd Cuming streets on September &.i She received an injury to her spins and was badly bruised, according to -her pctiiion, when the car started with a jerk before she had alighted Ages Aggregate 25,400 Years At Hastings Sunset Social Hastings. Net... Oct J4.-(Special Telegram.) Three hundred and thir- tV-five LfliestS with affrrral . of i5.4HO years, attrnded the annial -uii'vi Bin ii ii inr .iriiiouisi cnurril, ls4C DrUcnbaugh. VI. nd Mrs. II. Martin, 91, were the oldest persons present. $1.08 $1.26