THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOUEJl 15. 1921. 13 Cbssifiri Uver'tit Bj laTts 1M kf MBO 4Oltal lias) Sai its v I'M rnwlii dais J SO pmt ! kr . ' oaaewwlisa d.e lie sr ' . I iMMtun ks ads lake far tax laaa a imI at it. )wm tiikir anker la Ika (ailr ar Me. Ail a4rtiMreate appear la ! raoratag sa ealf daily baperB far i aaa arg., CONTHACT II ATM ON AFPLICAriOM Waa ada aassiitsd at lb lullela af. MAI orrtCE.,,.Tlh sad remain (la, via ai-i. tits g-outa ikb at, iowarll Wloffa U Kotl H. want ua HrcrivK ur rriONE ATI. A VI IU 1MB THB MEK will aui a reepoeelbls ,ff mora lhaa aaa laoorrart laeertloa of a adiartlssmoal ordered lof mora lata set liwa. cuini Mourn roit want adi. Kveaing K lilies II It A. M. Mrain rutins.... I K M. awadar Miuua 90 r, M aelurdsy jmtlTPUNERAirWOTICES. 5on.AJI Joaephi a 39, al local feus' alUI. Funeral Saturday morning from reel. denes, til No. 3ih HI . al I a. m.s 81. Jabae rhurib. 9 . a. in. laurnaal Hiy Sepuirher c.niei.ry SMITH Kila May. beloved wife of Ueorgs It, ralth, 4111 Norih Uth Ml. Funeral from Cols-MrKsy Company parlors, lilt Farnam airet, Saturday, at I a. in. Friends w.liont. CARD OP THANKS. VK wish la lhank our kind friends and neighbors, employee of Byrne anil Ham. mar fa,, officers arnt smployes of Ths uniaha Trual Co, Camp II. M. W. A., tar their sympathy and kindness shown ua during our great sorrow In tha lose of ogr beloved wife and mother, Mslh.w Potter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Unit Wslker. MONUMENTS. Beautiful Memorials And Monuments. Our Entire Stork Now Offered at pricks nniCATi.r reduced. Wrlia for fraa catalog, or visit our Ul.piar nnini. Art Memorial Co. AtUitl (lC TO! South llth It. CEMETERIES. FOREST LAWN CEMETERY. An Mtal wratloa juac north of city llmlta and wcat of Ploranca wltb mllaa of macadam tiavament. 110 acrta. Fit- prlual rara. Not oprratail for profit. Offlca 4t4 and No. City Mrails. City offlca, 710 Brandrla Thaalar. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F.J. STACK&CO., Succcaaor to Htack A Falconer ' OMAHA'S BK8T. ARnowAM B ULAN CEJ we? Thlrty-thlra and Farnanr Hulse & Riepen PIONEER FUNERAI, DIRECTORS, Formerly at 701 S. llth 8t hava moved to l!U Cumin St. Ja. 1H. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakera and Rmbalmara. , Phona HA. 56 S. Office 111 Farnara. FLORISTS. LEE LARMON WogrX JOHN HATH. 104 Far nam. Jaokaon 1I0. L.' Henderaon. ICO? Farnam. Jackaon 1261. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. nirth. . Joaeph and Tharara Palma, 1023 South Twenty-fourth atreet, boy. William and Lavlna Uowen. 470( Bed ford avenue, boy. 4'harlea and Porta Loula. hoanltal. boy, ' -William and Marie Rleaer, 2314 North Twenty-aevanth atreet. boy. Eggert and Myrtle Otte, Benaon, Neb., boy. ., Jenaa and Cordelia Johnaon, (921 North Twenty-fifth atreet boy.- Albert and' Lena, Oiimm 1005 Atwood avenue, flrl. Harry and Julia Chrletlanaen, 1021 South Thlrty-alxth atreet. boy. dam and Franreaca Campagna, 1114 South Ninth atreot, girl. Proctor and Cloria Shelby, hoapltal, girl. Joseph and Oenevlare Home, hoapltal, boy.. . Wesley and Roaetia Sutton, 2101 P atreet, girl. Adolph and Kl.le Perlna, 4911 South Thirteenth atreet, girl. Arthur and Marlon Toy, 21 Vinton atreet, gtrl. , William and Florence Pewey, hospital) girl. Waltar and Mar Reiner, hoapltal, boy. Henry and Thelma Moore, 2431 South Seventeenth atreet, girl. Jamea and Stary Vrchlavaky, Fort Crook, Neb., girl. Ronald and Therraa Thomaa, 4023 North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl. . :? Itantha. Tin by T.ongwalh Intnnt. hoapltal. Joneph Morah. 25, hoapltal. TtRby Topping, Infant, 1010 South For ty,elghth atrecfc Dnby P.rodhury, Infant, hoapltal. flnna Peraon, Al, hoapltal. Tom Lanlena, 15, S20 Clark atreet, tttephan Srhlrker, 70, 1711 South SeV Olrteenth atreet, . Pala Anhburn, II. 2G3J Washington., Rmll Monnler. (It. R, F. P. No. 3. Helen Cralvonle, 10, Thirty-ninth and Slartlann. . Michael Jfnvham, t, In v MrMt Mary A. Whltmer, 77, 40 North Slx steenth atreet. Erneat E. Thomaa, 41. .315 Fort atreet. Anna t'rbanovaky, C6, 4108 Mid City kvenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following peraona wera iasued per-: Jnlta to wed: Glffont W. P-hime. 27. Chicago, 111., and Marlon B. Ourney, 21, Omaha. . Fred J. Neltner. 22, Omaha, and Marie fctuhry. 20, Omaha. Frank Artamowtcz. Ctl, Omaha, Sullla ' Maakouakl, 5S, Omaha. Joseph Laszaro, 24, St, Louis, and Mo., and Margaret f aana, zi, omana. Harry Shulkln. 3. Fort Dodge, la., Fannla Olllinakv. 31. Council Bluffa. and la. Joaenh 14. rlorya. 14, Omana, ana Eelea- Bar Clerllnskl. II. Omaha. Penlel C. Hype, 21. Wakefield, and Frhnrea Brown, 21. Alambla. Cat. LOST. FOUND AND RE WARD FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cara tele, ptone Tylar 1(1. Wa ara anxlnu to ra atoro loat article to rightful ownera. . OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANT LOST Oold mounted elk'a tooth charm; engraved on back. Tel. DO 8824. Liberal reward. LOST Poodle; mule; reward. Web. 0071. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE Trinity Lutheran church Is goin U hava a cake aale Saturday all day. PERSONAL TUB SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing-, furniture, magaxlnea. Wa collect. Wo distribute. Phono Dougtaa 41JS and our wagon Will call. Call aad inspect our new noma. iiiv-iuiiit war. a. AT IT WITH FLOWER8 FROM HESS SWOBODA, 141i FARNAM STREET HATTIB Potman, Nubons Coraat Shop. 13 Karhach Block. AT. till ELECTRIC hatha, Swedish massage. WE. MIL - HBNT HOOVER vacuum. II up Har. 10T1. MAS8AOB treatment 311 Neville Blk. KXPERT n.nit Douglas ti4l. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accord eon PleatJnK. ACCORDION, aide, knlfa. sunburst, dot treating, covered buttons, oil slsaa ana tt cat work, buttonholes, pennaata. Ideal Button and Pleating Co. 33 Brown Blk. Jaekson Ul MER Pleating Button Co., 13t Famam St.. 3a floor Dougtaa M7 Contnctorf-Painttng. JTOR carpenter work, repairing and paint ing. 71c per hoar. Call Doug, fill. BRICK plasterer aad cement, new and ' repair work. J. Nao, Walnot 453T. Dentista. aWTIBTRT All kinds of dental work , ano at the aaw infirmary of tka , x Creiffktoa University Coiiewo of De- rvtf.h.MMl : Fee. moderate. Extracttona free. New I Isasjlloa 3h and California. Tike I Horary a rrosatewa or CiuaUpt street I car. AUaatle 344s. BRINGING UP MACIE HAs NC CLOTHCfi HIDDEN OH 10 ftC AIM.K TO "aNCAK OUT TMC window I HA.TC TO Nltb THAT DAHTY AT ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dinclflf Academict. V C V D'Q nail room and fancy dno I.EjEjI O lua for children. Hura malbod. oulrk rtaulta. Pa. tllL 111! far- num. Panrint Tu . Tnura.. ni aun, T1 T.'- lurn to I'anca for II ICl-f JIJC Krhiiol for lancln(. 112 Farnain. , Pouglaa Tit. i vi u'u r7t tMi'U HlJilT Mildred Mailna trarhra all oianrhaa d n, Ina. Htudia UIUM nm Vi MJlaxr . fancy. Claaale- Bilirnuni, 1UIUIVI nil lOd( HI. AT, I"" Detectivei. tin ii'ti u niiM,tlva Hureau. Itauwa jja Bid... J A lK Night. KEN 3lt Indrpvndenl pelocllvo Bureau. Q neviiia nik. atl. ISM: nlaht. Wal. 4tit; r.. uses. JAMK8 ALIJN. 313 Nsvllla Blk Evldanca secured In all caeca Atianuc Dreiamakinti. Ft'RS. suits, dreases remodeled, rellned. H. 3104. Kodak Finiahing. v im Hveiniiert nrintlns and enlarging, Write for pricea. Tbo Ensign Co.. 107 Howard St. ENI.ARaE31F.NTS. oil coloring, developing, printing. Kese ntuflio. lis nevnie m, Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J w MARTIN, patent atty.. IT13 Dodge. Milceltaneoua Announcementa. v Big Sale Bankrupt Stock Commencing Saturday, Oct. 15; consists of shoes and dry goods B. Fleishman 24th and Lake. slock DIAMONDS $ pay tha beat Dries with privilege to buv back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 40J N. loth St. Doug' laa 04. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaea made over In new ticks at half tne price or new beds. 101 Cuming. Jackson 1467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. 3(o: double edge, 45c. dos. si an orders so llcltcd. Omaha Sbsro Co.. 101 N. Uth, ROOER3 Confectionary Mtors. 24tb and Farnam 81. Jackson tin?. FI'l.l. dress and tuxedoa for rent. John Feldman. I N IStb Bt. Jackson ii.s. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatua. LeBron Electric, 81 S. 18tn St., omsna. EXPRESS trunk hauling. Phona Atlantic 541 . CALL Herman the Olailer, Kenwood 2701, BRITT Printing Co. 1 Kike Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ELECTRIC washing machine, used at dembnstrator; good as new; lesa man half price; can be aeen at umnna vnu ft ntorage co., iota ana jjeaveiiwurm, PO. 4163 or Phone Hogirblade & Co. PO. 67.11, Sunday HA. 1050. TWIN beds, nearly new, table, chairs. Morris chairs, chiffonier, dressing tabic, double bed. geese feather quilt, couch covers, ruga and other sundry article. Walnut set of drawers with marble top Harney 6132. FOR 8 ALE Colonial hand tufted bed spreads, 315. Write Mrs. R. It, Mc Cutchon, 1721 Pleasant St., Dea Moines, Iowa SINGER sewing machine, drop head, $21); Eclipse vacuum cleaner, 8J5, botn in good condition. Walnut 1806. SEVEN rooms with furniture, will sell separately; leaving city. Douglas 50. GOLDEN oak library table. WA 2244. Pianos and Musical Instrument. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylophones, etc.. Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport st. for catalog. Phone Harney 2167. Try Smith's pedal. vIOI.INS. bows, strings and repairing at lowest pricea Hattnewa- stuaio. "v Pnuslaa Blk.. Opp. Hayrtens. AT 20. TRAPE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low an iiu.uo per month. A. Hospa Co., 1513 Douglas. BIGGEST phonograph bargains in the city. SHLAES PHONOOKArH CO., . 1404 Podge St. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing and supplies. 806 Leflang Bldg. D. 8476. Clothing and Furs. FURS! FURS! FURS! Buy direct from maker. Save re tail costs at prices that defy compe tition. COATS. WRAPS, CAPES, COATEES, ,, STOLES AND CHOKERS., CHAS. J. OOLPSTEIN FUR CO., 16th and Douglas, Over Fry's Sho Shop, Telephone Jackson lisz. Out-of-town patrons write us your wants. FOR sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool Dun- dee suits, cheap, alteratlona free. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS, Northwest Cor., 15tn and Harney Bts. FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. CNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 303 8. Uth St. Pourlaa 7388. BEAUTIFUL large atole. 2S; 1 large mink rape at a great sacrifice. 3028 Davenport St. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented snd repaired. 8ole agents for the CORONA. Oet our prices before yon buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1112 Farnam. WK buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, eta Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. Uth and Douglas. J A. 2724. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1978. rOR SALE CHEAP Winchester 12 gangs pomp e-un with leather rnse, hip boots and bunting clothes. All new. X-63. Omabr. Bee. DESK. 8-i :h. flat top, quarter-sawed oak. i. xcellent condition. Kenwood 1143 or Atlantic 352. FOR BALE Car lots applea and potatoes. Kverett 3. Smltn. Salem. Neb. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, nsed decks bought, sold snd traded J. C Reed. 127 Farnam. D. 3143 WANTED Bids to aupply 30 to 125 do. smelly rresn eggs. e to 75 I ha. corn - fed chlckena weekly. 31 at Hor.ard St. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. CIVIL aervlce examinatlona Omaha, tkc- tODcr-nevemDer: positions ll.4oe-Sl.400; ago II apward; experience unnecessary; for free particulars, instruction, write J. Leonard (former Civil Service ex aminer), l Equltabio Bldg., Washing ton. D. C. EXPERIENCED office management, par- cnasing, oonsKeepmg. auditing; ase married: salary according ta services rendered: excellent references. - iiui X-6. Omaha Beo FATHER hbr gj 3k?HS nk,T fe?J WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. I'llHlTION by riper if nerd advarllalni ' window dlply man and window trim. mar. In all llnra; aood refortnera. Hoi X-IT. Umaha Ur. MAN, 23, wanta any kind of position; references; now receiving dlaahlllty compensation from gov't. Box X-.l, Omaha life. CHACFFKl"lt. mechanic, 14 years axperl ence, drive, repair anything, married, take anything reasonable. Wood, 701 Park Ave. WANTED Position Ford mechanic; had 13 yr. factory and service atation xp, liond starter generator. Bog X-71, Om ha Ilea. 10XPF.RT Kordson operator and saleaman, wlshea to conned with reliable Ford dealer; go anywhere. X-70, Omaha Ilea. MARRIED man, good business .'iperlenit desires employment of any nature. Must make connection Nov. 1. X-IJ. Omaha Ilea. POSITION WANTEI By experienced I vulcanlser. Can furnish reference. Rod 1631. Ray Fleharty. Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED typist, mimeograph oper ator or willing to learn automobile or eletrlcal trade, 120 week. Doug. 7377. VOUNU married man wanta work. What have you; experienced tlms keeper or collector? Room 421 Milliard Hotel. INTELLIGENT man wsnta light employ ment with reliable firm wnero lis can learn the business. Doug. 66. CAPABLE ad and job printer wanta Job: resident of omar.a and homo owner. Address X-66, Omaha Bee. FIRST-CLASS house cleaner, guaranteed first-class Job at .reasonable lirlccs. Jackson 2714. J. Bradley. YOUNO man with unlv training wanta clerical position or opening aa specialty salesman. Jackson 2477. BUTCHER wanta Job In small town shop with Intention td buy Interest. w. U. 272J Drexel, So. Omaha. EXPERIENCED Burroughs Posting Ma chine operator desires position. Cull room 423. V. M. C. A. WANTED Position as salesmnn, ex perienced In soft drinks, references. Tele phone Douglas 4511. MAN with peg leg wishes work. Janitor or firing boiler, active ana capaDie. box X-ei. nmaha Bee. WANTED A lob as pastry cook In cafeteria, hotel or club, 30 yrs. exp. Box X-80. Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED, truck driver or ware house man wants position, married. Box X-77. Omaha Bee. WANTED .lob aa truck driver; 1 yr. x- porlence. Wei! acquainted with the town Call Wal. 2973. YOUNO man wanta position as truck driver; ran drive any kind of car. Atlantic 132B, SOLDIER confined to wheel chair but capable to do clerical work, experienced. Atlantic ztso. POSITION by married man four years practical business experience. -. A-J4, Omaha Bee. ELDERLY gentleman, active, healthy, wants work for light pay. X-72, Oma ha Bee. WANTED Position by licensed fireman. Single. Middle- Janitor work also, aged. MAN with ton and half truck wanta haul ing or steady job. Council Bluffs, Black 3721. EXPERIENCED corn hunker desires job near Omaha or Co. muirs. rnone Aiar, 4679. AN old man wants to work In exchange for a place to sleep. Phono Kenwood 5101. OFFICE man. 13 years' general office ex perience, aged 32, married. X-75, Omaha Bee. ' WANTED Position as night watchman; experienced. References. Kenwood 1JJS7, RELIABLE and experienced watchman wants night work. 1718 Podge, room I. YOUNG married man wlshea work; any thing considered. Slosn, DO. 8046. ENGINEER and an all-around man wish es position. At. 1S.)4. Female. TWO young ladies will accept position of any kind; experienced in clerical work and telephone operating. 606 So. 21at Ave., Apt. 21. EXP, ateno,, seven ' years' grain, three commercial, desires position Immediate ly. State Alary you can offer. Box X-79, OmAha Bee. SITUATION WANTED By stenographer with six years' law and abstract ex perience. Phone Council, Bluffs, Black 8721. EXPERIENCED woman wanta house keeping or cooking. Atlantic 6879. 2003 Webster. CIVIL service clerk desires clerical posi tion at once. Can give references. Call Atlantlo 2688. PRACTICAL nurse wishes engMement. Can give excellent references. Mai. 3504. WANTED Job mending and comfort mak ing, box A-78. omana nee. Laundry and Day W"k. COLORED lady wishes bundle washing; called for and delivered. Phone Web ster 1508. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED demonstrator formerly of Minneapolis. Minn., wlshea position; best references. Box X-69, Omaha Bee, HELP WAN1 ED-MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED COMBINATION UPHOLSTERER AND CARPET MAN. v APPLY TO HOUSEKEEPER, 12TII FLOOR, Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED Ollera and patchers. cabinet makers and hardware trimmers - on phonograph cabinet work; steady work for competent mechanics; no labor trou ble. Apply the Brunswick Balks Col lender Co.. Dubuque, la. MOLER BARBER COLLEGES. II 3. 141 n. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Implement salesmen to handle good staple article for state or coun ties. Must have references. For In formation write or call B. J. Laraon, care Hotel Onant. SALESMEN wanted to call on farmers. Previous experience not necessary. Ad dress district salramanager, 337 Leflang Bldg., Omaha. Neb. SALESMAN Office equipment: one big enougn mat straight com. will appeal. Write, don't call. W. B. Stemm. 421 Paxton Bldg. SALESMEN Five of tha he-man type; experience; drawing account. Kaffir Chemieal Laboratories, 119 North Six teenth St, YOUNG man able to sell gaa appliances. all alter p. m IBS Boutn 21th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED I experienced corn buskers 4 cents per busbel snd board. Good corn. Come at once. Farm Bureau. Cherokee. Iowa. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladies to learo barber trade. special rates and inducements. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. UIRL wanted fnr factory work. Epeten Lithographing Co 417 & lath St.. fifth floor PaiaM Otoe Negialaroa) liruVtATom Ihicic iij- ' 1 ,, IO-ir - ' LaakB.aaaaaaa.alaaa.aiaM -- J L i - ' , I ... II I.,., , Ml I R rS Help and Situation Wanted Advertisements Ad not to exceed three lines or 18 words. , They must be taken to The Bee office. Can be ordered any number of days up to seven. Advertiser is expected to notify us when results have been obtained. This offer applies to only residents and employers of Omaha, South Side and Council Bluffs. If you need help of any description a maid, salesman, stenog rapher, clerk, skilled mechanic, common laborer, The Bee will bring you a competent employe without cgst to you. tHE OMAHA BEE. Main Office, 17th and Farnam Street Council Bluffs, ISth and Scott Streets South Side, Philip's Dept. Store, 4985 South 24th Street HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Organist to play iteed organ In church. Web. 1120. Stores anu Offices. GIRLS to iakeun shorthand, tvpewrlttlng, bookkeeping .etc. Personal ir.strucUou. Vou can qualify quickly. uoug. 7774. Household and Domestic. WANTED White girl for . housework, small family. Good wages. HA. 01,33, 3504 Woolworth. Mrs. O. II. Pratt. WANTED Housekeeper, 1 In fnmily, old gentleman, nlee home In town. G. fi James, Pllger, Neb. .GIRL for general housework; good sal- ary. 105 8. 33d. Miscellaneous. GIRLS An opportunity to learn short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, etc., quickly. Positions furnished. Call Douglas 7774 or write A. I. B. E.. 2d floor, I. O. O. F. building, Omaha, Nob. HELP WANTED. Male and Female WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning, strictly modern. Call or writs 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short band and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1685 for Van Sant Scnool of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. 'OR SALE OK TRADE An 800-stat pic ture show and vaudeville house In a. town of 6,000 population. Now la op eration with everything complete and In first-class condition. Long lease on building. Splendid opportunity. 1 D. Eager. Lincoln, Neb. BAKERY for sale, doing good business, must nell out this month on account poor health. Price 3800. Douglas 9563, 4014 South 13th. WANT to hear from owner having buei ness for sale. J. C. MoConney, Ter minal Bldg., . Omaha, Neb. Rooming Houses. 8-ROOM boarding house with fixtures complete, rooms full, 3250. Web. 8462. FOR RENT-ROOMS. 'Furmsncd Rooms. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room dl rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms in all parts of the city, A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. LARGE nicely furnished room. West Hanscom park. 1 block from car line, One room furnished in mahogany, the other In ivory, either room would p.o commodate 3 people. Tel. Harney 6710. LARGE south sleeDing room, nicely fur. nisnea, not water heat, opposite creign ton college, walking distance, reason able. Atlantic 6873. FOR KENT Furnished room; gentleman only. Private family. Near Crelghton college. 708 N. 27th Ave., Har. 4963. CLEAN warm room in private home. HanscOm Perk district, close to car. 1118 South .12(1 St. Harney 1039. NICELY furnished south room, close In, good location; gentleman only. Garage privileges. Harney 4268. NICE room with eleeDlng porch, accommo- date 8, also a nico small room, 1 diock to car. walnut 257a. TWO furnished rooms. Convenient to car line and high school; gentlemen pre- lerrea HA. 3S8I. MODERN front room Prettiest f.lile dis trict, suitable two employed, 320. Ken. wood 3348. NICELY furnished room for two. and board. Walnut 1244. Housekeeping" Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms is the directory furnished to Rdvertlser anu room hunter. Call , at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in an parts or tne :tty. Board and Rooms. AT. 4544 Large f ront room.- nicely fur nished; walking distance; for two, 18. 3877 CALIFORNIA 8T Board and room for two. Harney 0734. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FIVE months. 7 -room modern, oak down- atalrs; every convenience; piano. Kfc.. S07. Unfurnished. NEW 2-story, 6-room house in Dundee. MORKLL. Atlantic 3623. Vacant. GLOVER & MODERN 5-room cottage in Ralston, :1, two blocks from car. mono i. i. u. Stewart. Ralston. 10-W. SIX-room cottage and garage at er Lake club. Phone Web. 2932. SIXTY-THIRD St. 1142 N. Seven-room modern house. Walnut 0446. I-ROOM house modern. Inquire-In rear. 1937 So. 15th St. 6018 8. 22. Nice four-room house, v. .,11 Jackson 3380 after i o'clock. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. NICELY furnished four-room modern apt., close In. to party buying furniture; terms ar cash. Pms !33i, AtlauUo 6i-(. Ft J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FUt L PACK Or tOLOKS IN lilt sUNOAV kit. .FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished 3 and 8 -room apis, steam heat. Walking distance. Hrown Apts., 608 No. 21 St. Dg. 6i4 Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Apartments Available NO. 18 KINOSBOROUQir. 2538 Dodge St Consisting, living room with wall bed. dining room, kitchen, bath and U resiling room. Kent. .. ,165.00 NO. 216 TURNER COURT, 3Iat and JJodee 8treets. Consisting of living room with wall bed, separated from dining room by French doors, kitchenette, bath and dressing room 175.00 NO. 10 MONTICELLO. 520 So. 31st St Living room and wall bed, dining room, alcove, sun porch, fine bed room, convenient kitchen and bath. One of Omaha's newest and best buildings ...,895,00 Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents". 17lh and Farnam Sis. Atlantic 0544, EVANS St., at 24th, 5-room apartment, all modern, heat furnished, janitor serv ice, ISO per mo. - -A. P. Tukey & Son, . 620 First Nat. Bk. Jackson 4223. Evening. Peterson, DO. 6170. THREE-ROOM apartment, Dundee Apart, ments, 50th and Underwood, $60. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, Omaha National Dank Bldg. rJLfcJOANT- close-in apt., for two per sona n hlirh-claHS apt. building. Rent only 865. Jackson 17H4. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. ' WANTED TO-RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED 6 or 6-room furnished houso or apartment In desirable location on South Side. Mrs. Cope, room 43. Doug. 6872. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT Store room suitable lor good retail business. Call shoe store, 308 So. 18th street. FOR RENT Very desirable suit of of fices. Apply room 400, 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldfc. - MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., llth and Jones StS; SEE F. D. WEAD. Ill) 80. 18TH 8T MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE' MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ; Separate locked rooms for household gooda and pianos, moving, packing and ahlpplng. . I , JEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO Owned by H It. Bowen Co Atlanttr 8400. ESTIMATES furnished on storage A mov. lng. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Globe Van & Storage Co., JA. 4328. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St Hauling, all kinds: 1-ton truck. WE. 4008. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. 4-YEAR-OLD milch cow. Har. 3803. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SCOTCH COLLIES. Fox Terriera. Toy Poodles, pedigreed stock, ressonable. Parkway Kennels. 2802 South 13 FOR SALE Fancy English bull pups. AT. 3044, except Sundays. (04 S. 18th St. Apt. A. WHEAT screenings. 11.25 per 100 lbs., de livered. Wagoner. 801 N. 16. JA. 1142. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FIFTY used cars at cut prices; cosh, time or trsde; prices from $75 to $600. Ford bogles, winter tops, -, GOLDSTROM'S AUTO SALES CO, 1318 Harney St. AT. 1714. SOME bargains in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 15th and Jackson Sis. DO. 3500. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1920 FORD COUPE, in first class' condi tion. WESTERN Al;TO 8UPPLT COMPANY. 1918 Farnam Street Ask for F. .. Smith. frflrao-ps we build are attractive. O ,irriiiHneiii. low priceti. permanent. low priced. MIcKlen Lumber wrccmng wo. cd. 6555. 24th and Burtiette Sis. 1 t TO i ton truck for I2.. Cash or trade for anything of equal value. Pel ton Garjge. 201 Farnam. STUDEBAKER special six touring. 1919. excellent condition, good paint, six goou tires, cheap for cash. AT. 1451. L'HEll rara bought, sold and exchanged. XfiAWVan AUTO CO, 221 remain at. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FORDS- FORDS. I'OIIDS KXCI.l'SIVEI.Y A F1SW REAL IIAflUAINS IN USED CARS. 1917 Touring 1105 1920 Touring I 1921 Touring 261 1920 Roadster , too 1921 Itoudeter, without starter...... 16 191 Coups ..... 390 1121 Coupe, almost new 1919 Hednn, excellent condition, re- finished 350 1921 Sedan, a lino, t new 500 Every one of our cars has been thoroughly Inspected and Is In first-clusa moclisnU'ul condition. USED CAR CO., OF AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS 2059 Farnsru St. , AtlsBtlc lOil. FORDS FORDS. Auto Auction, Saturday, Oct. 15, 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. (Tolnf out -of bunlncas cars, Ur?K, acceBnurle, Gillinsky Motor Car Co 25 No. Main St. Co. Bluffs. WHITELYSK itadiittore. He .120 So. 13th. Autos for Hire. WHY not rent a one-ton truck and drive . it yourself to do your moving and haul nlg? It will save you one-half your moving bill. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 2362. Repairing and Painting HOLLY, expert auto trimmer 812 S. 24th, FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St Paul. Minn, FINANCIAL: Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 3716. We have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. B. H. LOUGEE, INC, . 638 Keellne Bldg. 8100 to 310.000 made oromotly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your properly? List It with C. A Orlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. To buv or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg Jackson 142.6 THK old nellaula Real Estate Office. UrCAGUE INVESTMENT CO, 1506 Dodne St. 'Douglas 1345. LIST your property -with FirNDERnURK BROTH ERTON. Douglas 6C00. 801 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. BIRKETTieiiV lr ESTATE' Sells, Rents, Insures. ,A . . - 'T, . T ) ) la1r..n ,1 C . , LIST jour properly, vacant or improved. 916 City Nat. Bk Bldg. Jackson 004n, PROMPT sales of your real estate, we have many buyers snd solicit vour Dull ness Khopen A Co.. Realtors JA. 4228. CONSULT us If you contemplate building. or wlsb 10 buy or sell tjmana real esiaie C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat. Bank Bldg. DO. 8787. FOR real estate. Insurance,, rentals, see P. .1. THBRKN8 COMPANY, , 605 Omaha Nat, Bk. JA. 2182. THOS. W. HAZEN Real Estate Rentals 0 McCague Bldg. ' DO. 8330. WK will buy your property. oeo. r. joiNiss i". 232 Keellne. PO. 635. wltt as rt'DTT'CNTTr" Realty Co List UliULiil AVJf0r quick results.- 1418 1st. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. Mark Martin Insurance, real estate, loans. 1046 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. TO buy or sell real estate see tjiover ft Spain, !8-z uity nauoMi oi Jackson 2860. - ' 1 N. P. PODGE CO.. quick sales. DO. 0829. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. LOTS four, and five In Victors Place addi tion to tire City of omana, luem loca tion for apartments, deal direct with owner. Host offer takes them. Write or wire or phone J. M. Bedlent, Grand Island. Neb. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WANT dry goods or general mds. up. to $60,000 to $50,000. Will but In-up to $10,000 cash. For particulars write J. A. Elton, Fremont. NetK - REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WE can. no doubt, exchange your- farm or ranch for Income property. Write us . now or phono - BROWNE & TRACY. 542 Securities Bills. Atlantic 2360 WILL trade my equity of $5.0110 in fine farms in Valley county for good 6 or 7 room house. Will be in Omaha a few davs. 260S North 61st. Walnut 3426. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee Bungalow. Immediate possession. Nearly new. 3 rooms, mcdern. Oak and white enamel finish: oak floors throughout. Beamed ceilings; hot water heat; perfect con dition. Lot 60x135 ft. Paving paid. Pries $7,500; reasonable terms. Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS. JA. 1428. 1120 Ciy Nat. Bk. Bldg. DUNDEE HOME LIKE RENT. New 6-room, 2-story, strictly modern home; choicest location: owner will con sider selling on practically a rental basis. Mattson A Smalls, DO. 8102. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. Drop, no colored, KE. 1408 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West EXCHANGE that vacant lot with $100 n this new 4-room bungalow; partly modern; ' good neighborhood; balance monthly. Wal. 5J04 or JA. 0486. UNUSUALLY well built modern eight room house, screen porch, garaae. At tractively located. Call owner. HA. 0696. 11 EST offer made buys 4177 WaKelty Ave,, fine T-mom hnnralow. 4ahedral district. Creigb. (, Boa, J A. 0200. Drawn for The Bee by McManut flsH-tr-gst lull . Ir'miiiFM1 Oarvlra REAL ESTATE IMPROVED WeTtT WEST KAIINAM, I'KICK. 17,500. 12.000 rash buvs sit .room strictly modern home. Large IK log room and fireplace, diping dhiim and bedroom and handy kltihen flrt floor. Oak stairs to four corner bedriHutia on second floor. Tile bath. Stairs lo floored attic. Full t-ement basement. 4i'ot furnace and ptumblng. Pressed brick foundation Paving paid. One block to Yatea school FIIvC A PRICK. 119 City Nat. Bank Bldg J A. 2419. Montclair Snap. Ik-autlful south front lot on Lincoln boulevard, low price for quick sale. It wilt pay ynu -to Investigate this. Call Ursnt Benson, Wslnut 1640 evenings, Benson & Carmichael, 843 Paxton Block . Atlantic 3610. Leavenworth Heights Special. A lovely 2-story, 0-room home. 4 years old. oak snd enamel finish tile bath, swnlnts, south, front corner lot. Prlrs $ii.'io, terms also, Schroeder Investment Co., J A. 3261. Ill Railway Exchange. A 6-ROOM HOME. A brand new, strictly modern, home wnil beautiful oak floors and finish Just 1 block to cr. South front, nice lot. only $t.7f,n: $1,000 cash. Call (.arse. do. 7112 days. CLAIRMONT Six room modern home, oak finish and floors, east front, paved atreet, convenient to car and school. Owner will sell for $5,850. Walnut 020L 2414 No. Forty-fifth St. SEVEN room home facing Bemia Park, $8,000. Easy terms. Harney 7003. 1 R ROBINSON , real eat ts and invest ment 642 Ptn Trust PO 8097 P E BUCK A CO buy and aell h m. North. $9,450. Located In Minna Lusa. we have a very complete six-room bungalow, fin ished up 10 the minute with built-in features, Including fireplace, china cab inet and elc, oil burner now being Installed. Located on the south front lot near 30th street and has good ga rage: tt.0119 will handle this. Call Mr. Hanson, WA. 1189 (open until 9 p. m. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 8380. 3302-4-0-8 Brand. Th. Bldg. MINNE LUSA. Owner wants offer. A fine home of seven rooms. Splendid arrangement of rooms. Has all the latest up-to-date built-in features such as fireplace, buf fet, mirror doors, tils bath, etc. Will make (erins. Liberal discount for cash above mortgage. If you are looking for a real bargain In a fine home, let us show you this houso today. Chrales W. Martin & Co., REALTORS 742 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Atlantic 0187. NEAR AMES AVENUE AND , 20TH ST. BOULEVARD. , Go.jd 6-rooni all modern house; hos small garage, With extra, large lot; south front; paved street; belongs to non-resident owner, anxious - to sell sell quickly and priced accordingly. Price $3,950; $660 cash. No trades con sidered. For location phone us. SHULER & CART, Realtors. Keellne Bldg. Doug. 6074. 5 Rooms and Breakfast Nook. Near Miller Park. A dandy five-room bungalow, finished In oak and white enamel. Large fire place, built-in kitchen cabinets, re frigerator room. Full cement basement, floor drain, etc. Bast front, beautiful view of tho Missouri Valley and Bluffs. Phono Mr. Hudson, Wslnut 3124, for apnolntnient. R. D. Clark Company, Realtors, AT. 3531. 402-3 Securities Bldg A Special Inducement. From $6,000 to $5,500. $500 Cash $60 Per Month. A reduction of $500 to the party buy ing the first ot three hrsnd new, beau tiful 6-room, story and one-half bun galows fnclng Fontenelle Blvd., over looking the park. Words are not neces sary, come and see tor v-nuraelf. Call Jaekson 355C or Atlantic 1910. evenings. FINS HOUSES FOR COLORED. We have severat excellent 8-R. houses we can sell to responsible purttes for $260 cash and $35 per month'. D. WEAD, 310 8. 18th St. AT. 0161. LET ME BUILD VOUR HOME. Have plans and lota; about 11,200 cash will start you on the road to own your own home. Bos X-87, Bee. BUYING A LOT? Half Price Auction Sale Saturday, 3:00 P. M., at Ralston We purchased at a referee's sale hundreds of beau- . tiful home sites in the walnut groves at Ralston. Saturday afternoon, October 15th, we offer from on-i if. four lots at auction to the highest bidder. No reservations. Lots will sell for absolutely the best offer. Terms. 4' On week days you can have your choice for about ' one-half of their real value. One-fourth down, bal- ance monthly, 5 discount for cash. HOW TO GET THEREi Catch Papillion car any place along South 16th street, Omaha, or go to South Omaha and transfer. Forty minutes by street car, 20 by auto. Homewood Realty Co. J. T. O. STEWART, Rasident Agent Raliton, Neb. Telephone Ralston 10-W Federal Home for Soldiers Pro Grand Ma ml Dflrgution Urgo tiowriiur to lliitliire Plana Fur Institution. saussFsaaassBusssss Lincoln, Oft. 1. (Special.) A ilrtt-itatioii from (.rami Ulaml called 011 Governor McKrlvie (mluy to a.W (or a recommeniUtimi that the statu lolilirr.' untl sailor' home llu-re lie fiu(orttird into a national homo (or aohlirr and sail'im. The ilclrgHtion pointed to inch action bv the utivrrnor a an ecoii. omy move and alto a a mean of isettiiiu more uovernment numry i-pMit in Nebraska, and aUo Grand Inland, because llie nppoilion i if the national con"rr ap. I iTove the plan the government 'i'I I spend hundred of lhitianc cf dol 'tar in improving the institution. I Andrew of Ne Jiruskd v.a rejiorled lo be worklnir for thv carrying, out of urh a plan. The (irainl hlaml tit linktion which ralUil 011 the governor 10 push the project inrliitlrd: John McLrllan, Mate representative; Have Truil, member of Hall comity board ot commissioner, ami Dr. Ilert Dahr, representing Grand Inland Chamber of Commerce REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED North. HAVE YOU A LOT AND $6007 ' We can sell lou a house of seven rooms all modern, well built, on these terms. liH-uli-d at 210 Ames Ave. House 11 well arranged for one or two families. Pries $8,726. monthly payments on bal ance. Call Walnut 6711 tonight. H. 8. MANVILl.B. REALTOR. AT. 2403. III I'eiers Trust Hldg. NT:ArT"277h and EliTeun, new. all modern, 6-ronm bungalow: complete, $4,780. Easy terms. Atlantic 1640, South. $4,500. Pisotioally new. partly modem with oak floors and pine finish. Thla la lo cated Just north of g on 36th Ave., in nno of Mouth Omaha's new additions. Is now vacant and the purchaser may have immediate possession. Can bo handled for $500 down, balance month ly payments Good slied lot and ga rage. Call Mr. Mitchell, KE. 079 (open until I p. in.) Amos Grant Co., Realtors, PO. 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brand. Th. Bldg, NEW BUNGALOW $500 CASH. balance monthly, buys brand new bun. gulow In south part of town. Oak and enamel finish. Butlt-ln features, full basement, completely modern. The Byron Reed Co., ' pouglaa 0?7. 1611 Farnam. Trackage. RIGHT In the heart of manufacturing, 81x131, with truckage on each aide; chut to depot freight hnuMes, 7th and Leaven worth streets."" 8ev A I Pled Thomas At Son Co.. 604 First Nat'l Bsnk. Acreage. Acre Close to Car. Florence, $950. $50 Cash $10 a Month. One block to car line and paved road; an Ideal acre for fruit, poultry and , gardening; now In alfalfa. Can show any time Sunday or evenlnga. Call Webster 40.18. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Atlantic 0050. , Miscellaneous. Are You Interested in a New Home? - Ever sine tliore linn been any build inj? and rh long ua there Is any builtl- . ins you will alwoyii hear penile nay that they are not building Iiouhhh aa good na they utied to, Any hon-'ct, fair mlndt'tl perann know this U not true. DuildtnK. ika atiytlilnfr t 'xv, ha changed and advanced with tho tfmeM, and while It ta trun all UulMlnff are not aa well constructed a lhry mIimiM be, we wan to any fiat we ure build ing homes of the right hind miH 1f you are interested in building a ii'tmt. all we ask 1a a. ehntice lo a how v u ou; construction and if you are nut ' km i lu lled we certainly will not ask you to buy. Call ua Btid we will tm Rind to talk with you at any time or place. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 llrandels Til. Bldg. Society Women and Servants attend our auctions. The goods we offer come from soma of the most ' exclusive homes in the city aa well as the ordinary homes. In buying a choice piece of furniture or the, common kind, you can save money by" attending our auctions. For example, on Saturday, Oct. 15th ONE P. M. we offer among a wide variety the following: A big lot of Simmons steel beds in all finishes, new Do Luxe springs; congoleum rugs, wal nut dining suite, Queen Anne period; walnut bed and dressing table, wal nut bed, mahogany library table, heavy oak library tables, dining suites in fumed oak, buffets, din ing tables, brass beds, rugs, mat tresses, springs, wicker furniture, overstuffed tapestry pieces, gas Btoves. heating stoves, etc. STEPHENSON'S 1509 Capitol Avenue Atlantic 5265 nosed