v t - . . . I . . ' S - " ' , .. . . - KlapB..ffi 1 i T T A L ES .VI ' S L E EPV-T I M E THE TALE OF f MRS. LADYBUG JY ARTHJJR-COTTAILEY CHAPTER Xlir. Jennie Juncbug. Jennie Juiicbun w a froticonie fut pron. And lie wii a great ji krr. The juke thai flic tyvel uut w (hi: She oJ to. bump into jiro)le that were (lying IhroiiRh the ir to bump into them ami knock ihini, spinning, upon the ground liciiiR much hfiivirr than many of lur nrinhlior, Jennie luiichmr uf firccl little from auui iolliioii. Ami he never o'ulJ umlcrsUml why anylwtty nhouM hml fault with her lavonle nit. If a Ixxlv objected to her roiiKh lay Jennie junebug only ljuk'Sfil heartily. "I don't miml whrn I take tumble." he wouM retort. "So why ihimhl you?" And if the vntTvrer complained tltat it wasn't the tumble that hurt, no much as the shock of her hard, bulky self. Jennie would huke with merriment and crash into him again. . Keatlv, it was useless to try to reason with her. The safest way was' M tome ( Mr.. Lad bug's "other neigh bar irmietimea remarked. Hut Mr. Ladybug never, could be- L .He T'eleaed her iiutantly and a tipt'f that Icnnir had a SUilflc BOOT) trair-utilct it w.tjf good nature. I'tjr J sue wa always reany wiin i-iuu. no matter what anybody taxi to her.' It was seldom that Mrs. Ladybug hesitated to iipeak her mind right out to a person, if she happened to disapprove of him. -Hut she had. al ways kept out of Jennie Junehng'a way. Jennie was many times bigger than little Mrs. Ladyhug. Mrs. Lady bug trembled to 'think what might happen to her if Jennie should ever hurl her fat Iwly against Mrs. Lady bug with a dull, sickening thud. "If thai.cvcr happens." Mrs. Lady bug thought. "L fear I'll never (re able to do another day's work for Farmer Green. It might be the end of me." ' Now, in spite of her fears, Mis. Ladybug had even more than her share of courage.. And as time went on, and she saw .the awful havoc that Jennie Juncbug played with the trees, Mr. Ladybug reached the point where she couldn't any longer fctarid by silently and let Jennie Juncbug riddle the leaves., ".Something will have to be donel'' Mrs. Ladybug declared to her friends. VI. can't :c,ompct Jennie Junebug to stop. 'She's too big for nie to handle. ,'. '. ,"I'm going to have a talk - with her," said Mrs. Ladybug. "Something will have to be done!" Mrs. Ladubutf declared to her friends. to avoid her if possible.' especially after dark. For then was the time that she preferred for her rowdy tricks. y ...... j "j-."J,. Mrs.' Ladybg' couldn't abide her. Not '.only did' she; dislike Jenrfic ''TtmcbngV jokes. She disapproved of her treatment of .Farmer Green., For Jennie Junebug did everything bhi' 'could to ruin 'the:-trees on the farm.-': She ate their leaves and that v.us0Jie .thing . that , Mrs. Ladybug rouMii't forgive irr , anybody. ' "It's a shame"? Mrs. Ladybug often said "ItV a 'shame, the way Jennie Juncbug, riddles the foliage. '".Here. I vofmyJ hardest to" save .the 'leaves by Tiddingthttrtof- tiny in " sects 'that feed . upoir ithcm insects that suck the juices from the leaves and 'make them wither. And there's Jennie Juncbug. trying her best to destroy the leaves that I save. It's enough to make aii honest ..person weep." ":': v;; Perhaps Jennie Junebug wasn't so ' TadT at heart; "as Mrs. " Ladybug thought lrcr. Maybe she was. merely a -gay, careless creature who' never stopped to consider that she was ..in juring'. Farmer Green when she hurt his trees. At leasts that was what . "WHY Does Iron Rust? . ; Exocrience shows us that metals react in different ways' to;,the ele ments or substances which come into contact with them. -.Silver, for example, will tarnish when exposed to air which, contains even a slight amount of t sulohur-r-wmch is the reasdn that table, silver is harder-to J eep brighf and attractive in winter when the furnace is going than in the summer when the open windows provide an abundance . of fresh , air. Gold, on the other hand, will pot tarnish under similar; circumstances and neither of these metals reacts to oxygen in the same way that iron does. r " ' Particularly when a considerable amount of moisture is present, thus emphasizing the effect of the oxygen, this element attacks the surface of the iron and combines with the ex posed portion formula a thin scale or covering of "rust," 'which is nothing more than oxydized iron. . This- conv hination of oxygen and iron is, how ever, much more-porous than vthe pure iron and therefore permits the moisture to sink through, and attack the portion directly underneath, thus reoeatinflr the process of oxidization until, in the course of, time, the enj tire piece of iron-is eaten away and , crumbles, into flakes of scaly rust, 'unless .the surface is protected from the' air and .moisture by paint, or some other covering. : . Copyrlrhh 1K1. Wheeler-Syndicate. Inc. Dog Hill Pargarafs By George Bingham Slim Pickens happened up on the annual footwashing services at' the Hog Ford , church' 'last Sunday. Which adds truth to the old 'saying that opportunity ' comes to all at some time in life. ' '" ' ., Miss Rosy Mosclcy played .very sweetly and harmoniously? on' her accordion at th -school entertain ment. Friday night. . After -she. had played all she knew she :sat back down and leverybody. applauded- and said -she-ought -to be on the stage; -v J . ''': , ." ',..' ; '' Jcffcrsbri : Pollock, and ."wife were aiming to ' ltave' a. .fan'iily 'group pic ture made. while, they were arfiound- f , r . .. ing Billows Saturday, -'but they couldhlt get alb the" children 'jjuicr.at the same titte.;.' ''!' ' III If Try ' wholeaome) ; enj of Coffee this j' af teraoon. about 4 rdiodk . It brings, comfort and cheer.' to the hosj .office worker, the fagged sh opper, and the tired hoiisewife. .' JOINT COFTO TKADE : rtmUCITY COMMBTTES K T4WnStrMt Nvtrk . CQFFBB. -the unrvemi mn Jack and Jill Honey-uer ' Jack's eyes sparkled like the stars as he rushed in. kissed her with double the usual ardor, and threw in a bearish hug for good nn-siure. "What is it, honey. "Guess, Jill, old girl, can't you guess r" lie demanded again, still crushing her in his arms. Mic smiled tip into his fare.' "Oh. I bet I know! The office save yon i ranc. hi- sjefTt-Vf appointment swept !.; ljVAwy Sy, now uhi yuu guersi ...We.". swceincari, you aej mv to guess. . 'Jlolv cats, I didn't suppose youd guess like that."- Hut hit gay spirits swilOy re vived. . "Of course. I knew they ought to be giving me a raise " "Long ago,", interrupted Jill proudly. "llut when the old man just caiually mentioned 'out of the side of his mouth today that I'd find the increase included in my check to day, say honey, I just felt like flying or floating out of the .window." She patted his check. "Now we can gtt .the electric range for the kitchen," she said, practically, "and we won't have to fi:ss with coal aiid kindlings, and ashos and soot, and " uei inc evint-ne ji"; tioned with well-simulated surprise. "Say-" - "How much of a raise did you get, old crlzyMrat?" . "Eigflt a week increase." "That's just, splendid." "Ought to . have becu 10, though," said. Jack,, man-like. "But eight is a. lot of money, when yoii.consider it's just-extra money" "But I'm-worth it," said Jack in sistently. .She patted his check again and kissed the cleft' iu his chin,, a trick whiclv-Jack, to tell the truth, thought rather silly. "But if I had gotten 10 a week increase," he said. thoughtfully, "we could have afforded a real ' car, be cause 10 a week Is $520 a year, of course, and " "Real 'car' ' repeated Jill puzzled. "What are you raving about, dar- lin'?" . , . . : ... ' f "The 'car' the said" shortly and tantalizingly.' '.- . "The car what'ear?" " Ohi' didii't I tell you ?" he asked tc'r with'- a bland .provoking smile. "Gosh,''; my .Wealth- makes me ter ribly fprgfctful. and careless. , I ah 1'- bought- a1 .car", . a -motor-car, - you know, 'on ;'mj":way- home this after noon." . "Jack,-arc - you . joking ?" v:. "Joking,?., '.I should say not. ' I bpuglit.'.'a car, : It .-will be brought out tomorrow." - " -' His Jtll?girt "didn't' know whe'ther to laugh or ''Weep; ' ' ' : ..'; "But, honey, it's ' extravagant." -"I bought it' cheap." ' ""It isn't the first cost " " ".No, I know, ' J ill dear," he said, "it's the upkeep.. Old man Noah . ... ... 1 ' ' 1 : , OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOHF.R 15. 1P2 rr, i n i xi l . bin 5eeKSorK Jtk ! m i 1 I. ! " lo a hi ramny 17 told -that to Mivm hunched the Ark," Suddenly Jill's U. fell. "What i itT demanded crossly. "What it t iiowr" "Oh. and we can't have the dec trie range for the kitchen " Jack threw his hands in the air. "Now. ain't that just like woman r" he akej the world. l'piat- l!t. TliumiMtiii Kmiiih rke. . Maple Mousse. Itnil one large cup of maple nip until it ropes. I'otir slowly over the vsfll beaten yolks of ritf lit ck'R. beating conttautly until smooth. Put into a double boiler and seuld, not letting it boil, Kemove from the fire and let it become nM. then stir into one pint of whipped cream. Turn into a (reeir, i.uk well in ice and salt, and let it stand for three or four hours. Nut Bread. Three eupfuls of flour and t'uee tcaspoouful of baking powder, one Uhlcspoonful of sugar and a tea spoon fu! of salt are sifted together for this bread. Ceat two rK and add with one cupful of milk to the dry ingredient. Add a cupful of chopxd pecans or Liiglish walnuts. Mix and let rise in pan fr JU min utes. Bake in moderate oven. I-gg plant and dahlia shades arc being worn. Ill Mother and Seven Sister Ami Urotheri Stranded In Omaha. Carmen, 15, black-eyed daughter cf Mrs. lUlilo Diaz, is seeking em ployment to supHrt her mother and seven little hrmhers and sister who are stranded in Omaha. Superintendent Wilson of the welfare board i assisting her. Car men's mother i confined at St. Catherine's hospital and three of the older children have been sent to Livirvievv home temporarily. The (our younger children are' being cared for by a family on the South Side. The Diaz family wa sent here by the sheriff at Mankalo. Minn.; after Mrs. Dial's husband had been arrested and sentenced to jail there. The family was penniless and two or three of the children, including a baby less than I year old. were without shoes. Carmen said she be lieves her father will come here to help them as soon as he is released from the county jail at Mankato. Saturday Krh Pi llara Roast, xr lb... Drr.ard Spring 1 Chlrkrn., pr lb Specials .22c .270 THIS CRITIC ALSO LIKE v I Salvation y.-.. I. ; - - ' "ft will- continue to be one, 'rit the most popular . playa America haa produced. Neits story is mo reunion 01 - 'lf .-if 'hundreds - of VOOr' i women,' not only to save their : nusuanus,., out, iu uuuis . wn .little world a happier, 'ulace." v -. . t - 1 1 N, ' .Morning Telegraph That's Urgn No. 2 ." v To See It at the. .. STARTS SUNDAY Vermont Maple Sufsr. just In, per lb. eakf 39c Holland Herrinr. guArantewi 1921 packed, all mllkera. per k--ftS "Daisy" Brooms, Just few down left, each .49c Toilet Kleen. a reyular iHt ar ticle, on special todsy. two cans for a, 27c Best Creamery Butter, per lb... .46c Florida Grapefruit, fweet and Julry, 6 fur SSc "Katmor" Cranberries, tb ISc Kaney Mirhiican Celery. S to talks in bundle, earn ...XSc Freih Spinach, per peck SSc Krc.li Green Heaas, t quarts for 2Sc lcehere Head Lettuce, solid heads, 2 for 25c Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 4 lbs. for a. ISc rPilliibury's Best or Washburn's Cold Medal Flour, buy now, per 24-lb. aack j Salada Tea. Green or Orange Pekoe, ( per H-lb. pkt 43 1 Have you tried our famous "Break- 9m9mOBWKm U 1 1 1 -f T? TfTl fast Blend" of Santos Coffee? It's I C'lT'I-Ti 1 4 W 1 B I Jls II a real coffee. Special at 2 lbs. f wfmwft, I 1113 SCI -1 71 1 for age. 1 mitJU H 1 ls. TA 1 til Sell Skinners Th Higheat Crack Macaroni Egg NoodUs, SpafhattI asid other Macaroni Prod u eta Friday Orders Mean Early Deliveries Saturday SOMMER BROS. HARNEY 0188 23TH AND FARNAM Boston Markets 113 North 16th Street. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE -'.' Oouglat 1089 Combination No. 1. 100 lbs. Fine Gran. Sugar, $3.00 6 lbs. Choice J. K. Santos -Coffee 2.40 2 lbs. - Uncol. Japan rtToa, 1.20 2 lbs. Fancy Cocoa ...... 1.20 1 lb. Best Black Pepper.'." .60 1 lb. Fancy Cocoanut .... ;.40 12 Cans Fancy Sweet Peas 1.90 12 Cans Fancy Sweet Corn 1.90 TOTAL .. .....$12.60 Combination No. 2. 18 lbs. Best' Gran. Sugar. .55 3 lbs. Choice J 11. Santos Coffee ...$1.20 TOTAL ...,..$1.75 Corn, Peas or Tomatoes, can 10c) Per dozen cans $1.15 Fancy Peaches, No. 3 cans, 25 Choice Cream Cheese, lb-..19!4e) White Naptha Soap, 10 bars, 39s 10c Ivory Soap, 4 bars for. .30J Lux, per package -10c) P. & O. Soap, 10 bars for .-630 Flotilla Toilet Soap, 2 bars to . 1? a box; regular 15c quality, - 3 boxes for ...'....... ..-253 Pride of Boston Flour I 48 Sooch'a Best Flour,. lba.j,l87 8 lbs. Fresh Leaf Lard ...-03e) Lean Pork Roast, lb. ....12!4e) Steer Pot Roast, lb 82 Lamb Stew, lb 5"2ci Lamb Chops, lb. ... ..;.'.. .122 Choice Legs of Lamb, lb. ..15e Sugar Cured Cal. Hams, lb 2'zt Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. . .21e) We deliver to all purta of thu city. Write for our price list. Mail orders , filled at above prices good for one week. Check or money order must accom pany orders. rteftrpnepn: Corn Exchange National Bank. ' - - We Sell Skinners Thai Highest Grade Macaroni Egg NoodUs, Spaghetti and other Macaroni Produata Special for Sunday Marmalade ; r.reea Case plumm isi ' enebea an eieellent a;il natloa af flaTr tar acrfect Ice cream. , 4 . ; . -. S . f . ''" ' ' '' ' " i Ask Tour, Bealer for Dcltcla. ' , . ..': . . v. irtrtlrtfSayClr - " - - mmmm WASHINGTON MARKET TV t 0.n2. A TTnetetl ? I Special Ivory Soap Flakes, per box. . ; . . . . 8c CiXLTa OUlUUaitl vuiuj " vo. ............ -w- J Crisco, all size . cans, . per lb.. . .... .-W.'.: 18c I romnhpll Snunj?. iDer can. Il9c : Farreirs Corn Syrup, per gallon. . . . . . .39c.o Thm aamo ooel acrrka and the same' ? : ;- r I t- o I WHITE E -wm n wsx f n EARLY C 33c P U I M I U t o 42c Peck EARLY 0HI0S Per Peck Pkjs. TWO-MINUTE WHEAT FOOD 2 Pkgs. for 11c Wheat Basko Flour Selling More Ivery Day 24 lbs $1.00 43 lbs......S1.95 it i n m ' CRISCO Mb. can .lite 3-i w ' can . . . . . . .; .52c 6-lb. can $1.02 MAZOLA OIL Pint aire 29c Quart 54c Half galtsn size ......... ,98c Gallon size ........ . ..41J4' Jelly, '7-oz. glaej". .'. .'. 122c Peanut Butter, .lb.,. , . . . .18e Pure Fruit Preserves. 22.oi. ..';.".,l..A.......S8c CANNED MILK Basko, large size .lie Carnation, small size ........... c Carnation, large size l!s Eagle. Brand ........tie Basko Butter, lb. . . 48c Alamito Milk, qt.. .10c Fresh Eggs, doz... .38c Basko Macaroni 3 for S5o Basko Spaghetti 3 for 25e Basko Egg Koodlts 3 for $3o Cream Cheese, lb. ...,.8e Brick Cheese, lb 30c KARO SYRUP Vz-b. Blue Label ....10e 5 lbs. Blue Label. ....... .28c 10 lbs. Blue Label. ...... .53c 12 lbs. Red Label 11c 5 lbs. Red Label ..31c 10 lbs. Red Label 53c SOAP P. & G. 8 bars 50s Lenox, 12 bars 46s Diamond C, 10 bars....... 37c , 5 SNIDERS PORK AND BEANS. .16-oz., per can 11c No. 2 carf, per can 122c No. 3 can, per can 25c' 715 . Bo. 9th St. We urn v WE CAN . HELP YOU Fill All Mail Orders 715 So. 9th St. LIVE BETTER FOR LESS where he it confined (or havlne poi- " Pnrinfn i7nd.i session of whisky still. , , , . -,. Curiam roils may lie Mrd The Kre Want A4. Are the HeM tliruu.'li the ta.iiitf ( a euiluin far Business ilootteri, I mora easily and with lcs risk ol damuKC u tl niuUuor lace if the (iiik'tr of an old kid lilove it slipped over the end w (the rod whiili en tera the casing (irsl. . -ns Eans.scoU'2 Patrick BrST til l ill - - , II UNGUES I? . . ' K al i K Douglas 3940 Mama' ' V UVCNTEKNTH ATS... T an re We Deliver To Any Part Of the City Here's Values That Talk for Themselves Rolled Rib i Qe Roast Beeft1 Fresh Spring Chickens .... 23c Fresh Ham, Half or Whole 18c Pork Shoulders, per lb. ...'....."".;:'. ..'...-lZVid Roast Veal, per lb. ......... ..........15 Smoked HamM, whole or half, Star, Puritan and Certified, ler lb '. .27 I'ot Uoast Beef, per lb. 9 Pork Loln.Konsf, per lb. '.17'A6 Cigars Just Inside the Door Cigars Camels 'or Spurs, carton 81.09 One-Eleven. Heech Nut, carton ........ .at, 35 Mozart Sublimes, 15c value, DO for. .154.85 Adelalda Manilla, 100 for ....83.25 I,. R. Hand Made, in for 81.15 Whale .Smokins.' full lb. 4e Imported Cherry Pipes, special- .......5 1 V Saturday Big Candy Special JllshopN t'alarob Candy Fig 75c talne. . . . .49 Assorted Chocolates $1.00 value. Ib. box..;. 65 Lyon's Assorted .Chocolates, Glace Fruit, tim Talae . . . .. ... ... ......' 31.00 Homemade. Fudge, 25c valnc, box. . : 15 Molasses Kisses, per lb. ........... .......20d Jumbo Salted Peanuts, U. .... ....... ...... 20C' Ortman's Bakery Products ' iDhocolatc, Caramel, Cocoanut ,. 3-Layer Cakes, each .. .i.. . , .. . . . . .". .50 Raisin Nut Bread, 15), 2 for. . : . . . . .25? Assorted Cookies,' per doz., 15, 2 for 25 Danish Coffee Cake, each.. .10 and 20 . Omaha Maid or 10 lbs. Granu- . Uted Sugsr for ...... 91.8S for ; ....... 56c 10 Bars Crystal Soap for 58c 1 '10c bar . Creme , Oil Tree with every . . purchase ; CAF.I GOODS SPECIALS Extra Fancy Maine Corn, per doz $2.20 Maine Blueberries, per cn ...... .30 - Per dozen S3.50 Pens, 'Tomatoes' and Corn, 6 cans tor... 73 Beauty Sliced Pineapple, o. i cans...... 29 Pet dozen ., '..83.25 Del SJoute Prunes, 5-lb. cans ..$1.05 Sardines in Pure Oil, 4c quiility.... 23d Batter, Best Creamery, per Ib 47 Yellow Cream Cheese, per lb .;... .23 New Comb Honey 25 Brazil Ants, new crop, 3 lbs ...50 Almonds, S lbs. for .35 Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples, box ......$2.98 Navy Beans, 4 lbs. 292 Ankola Coffee, per lb. -40 3 lbs. for ....... 'i....... '.-..... ...$1.15 Famous Santos. Coffee, per lb. . ..22tf Special Table Supply Coffee, per lb 30d 8 pkgs. Advo Jell '.'... 254 1-lb. can Calumet Baking i'owder '2Si I 5 S?1T i Saturday Cracker Th Highert Crada Macaroni I RnPPial Ejr Noodles, SpschatU and I llcn'e Fairy Cmeker.. II, ...tK C' r 0?lt aaaoii athar Macaroni" Products " Oraliam Crackers, lb. .154 J . Free Delivery , to All Farts of the City. ' Phone Atlantic 4603 : Open Saturday Till 9 T. M. Mnll Ordrra Filled "v " V ' r ' ' 1814-1C-J8 Farnam St. " V ' Mnll Order Filled Fresh Dressed SPRING CHICKENS, lb. .... . 23c Pig Pork Roast, per lb. Pig Pork Loin, per lb. .....17'i Lean PlK Pork Chops, per lb...... 244 Steer Round Steak, per lb ........204 Steer Sirloin Steak, per lb." 254 Steer Pot Roast per lb." 10 Hr Steer nib Boll, per lb. 54 Prime Rib lions t, rolled, pef lb. 22'!4 Fancy Young Veal' Roast, per lb ...-12',44 Young Veal Stew, per. lb ........ .04 rounsr Veal Steak,' per lb. .............254 Young Iaml I-css, per Ib. .204 Voung Umb Stew, per lb .64 Fresh Made Sausage, per lb 154 No. 1 Skinned Hums,' per lb. ,".244 Sugar Cured Picnic .Hams, per lb. ........ 13 4 4 Suirar Cured Bacon, per lb ...18H4 Cudahy Puritan Hm. half or whole, lb. ..JtHVi Cudahy Puritan Bacon, half or whole, lb... 304 Thomsen'a Dairy - Maid Butter, per lb. .. 464 ' Danish Pioneer Creamery Jlnt ter. lb. ..4o4 Country Creamery,' 1-lb. prints ' . . . .41 Rei'Nut Butterine, per lb. -. . ; 22( Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, lb. 25 McLaren's Cream Pimento "and Nippy Cheese 13t: 2 for 25. Checked Eggs, limited supply, doz. 31 Saturday Grocery Specials 48-lb. Sak . Oooch's Best , Flour $1.89 I So. 2 cans Sunbeam Pork and Beans . . 10 lbs. ' ' Xamo Syrup 430 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar, $6.35 Fancy .104 Tomato Soup, 104 ... Cigars Just Inside the Door Camels -or Spurs, carton...' SI. 69 One-Eleven, Beech Nut, carton ....SI. 35 Mozart Sublimes. 15c value, 60 for 84.85 Adelaida Manilla. 100 for ....... .83.25 U R. Hand Made. 25 for SI. 15 Whale Smoking, full lb. 484 Imported Cherry Pipes, special ....... 5 Campbell's - per can Gooch's Best Macaroni, , J.lbs. for 254 Large pkg. Rolled Oatq 244 Imported Extra Fancy Sar dines, pure olive oil 104' Large Ears Crystal - Whlta Soap, 10 bars ...594, Fresh Premium Soda Crack ers, per lb. 144 Graham Crackers, lb. ..154' 1 ll. of Cocoa free with pur chase of 3 lbs. of coffea si:oo Have you- tried our Premier Coffee at. per lb. ....234 We Guarantee It COLORADO WHITE POTATOES, GOOD COOKERS, PER PECK 35 Extra Fancy Tokay Grapes, square. basket... 63 We carry Fresh Mushraoroji. ' Alligator Pears, Oysters, Plain Kohlerabbis and Quinces. FRESH FISH and OYSTERS-R'eceived Daily Jast Received, a Shipment of Houston Skinless Figs. Tha Kighsst Cnufe Macaroni Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and other Macaroni Product Extra Fancy King Oavles or Jonathan Apples. per box ..,...2.90' Fresh String Beans, per lb DON'T FORGET ORTMAN'S BAKERY MssseazezBaaBaaaLanasasMAaasnV' W07 DOUGLAS STREET iojsjBaaaaao IE sssaa a aaaaaw o eaaa t 6