. t 1. ; :, : J 5 Ms ;.r. It? 5. v V n a n it i" it r- it F $ -r - i& - t -: u ir n 16 TUB tffcK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBISK 15, Etiquette in the Home dj LORETTO C LYNCH. Some people imagine they ran save their good manners for oemiont, forgetting that good breeding call for good manncri at part of one'; daily life. , A boy from a family who- nevei recognised the need for good man ner! within the home was sent away shout year aso by a devorrd godmother to a military school. 11c returned recently upon bii first vacation. So reipectfully did he anic when mother and iter entered the din ing room that the cnatlrai, un-havcn father and older brother did not have the courage to laugh at him.'' The habit of taking IS minute be fore each meal to make hiimelf pa tentable bad become part of the boy. And juMt about now the others have caught the npirit. Perhaps in a couple of weeks from now they will wear their coats and soft collars as a mark of renprct to the faithful little mother producer of the family meals. And when you go to vikit in the other woman s home do you re member to write the "Brtad and Butter Letter" after you leave? This may-take the form of a few hand written lines genuinely thanking the hostess for her hospitality. N'o mat ter what walk of life a truest oc cupies it is expected that thia letter come. 1 don't blame a hosted who told a pale-white lie over the phone when she said there was no one at her house to receive a certa n young man. Mr. Youns Man spent three weeks at this womati's home last summer. When the time ar-( rived for him to depart, he care- fully folded h's bathine suit and casually remarked "Well, so Ion? after all thcr' ain't nothin . like the citv." . ,'. He lacked the courtesy to write the hostesshe made no effort ta give a little treat in the way of a couple of theater tickets to the two ladies who had entertained him so hospitably he was just a thought less, tll-hrcd young man - and he wanted the world to know it Sometimes, of course, it is the hos tess who displays bad manners. A rather well-to-do young matron in vited a young woman to take din ner with her at her country estate. The guest was a bit dusty from travel and straightway went to clean up a bit. After 10 minutes of toilet making, the guest hastened to the dining room only to see the hostess presiding at the table with her hair done in curl papers and the rest of the family eating voraciously. The guest- had not even leen apprised of the fact that dinner was "served." Vet, I honestly believe that these '-'l-t d'd not intend to offend.. They were just ignorant of the simple laws of etiquette. Recently-- I saw two women al most come to blows concerning the adoption of a little Polish emigrant boy. Each wanted him. He was'not good-looking, ffis clothes Wire shab oy. cut ms rcscecttui manners made him a joy to be near and good looking children were passed-bv, while both women' wanted this well mannered Jittle 5-year-old. ' - v Autumn. Sing a song of autumn, ' -Tramping through the fields, Drinking in the odors That September yields. ! Ribbons of witchhazel. .'. . 'Neath the woodland trees;. Perfume the wild grape Wafted on the breeze. ' Corn-shocks rustling softly, 1 Pumpkins big and round, ; Flocks of noisy blackbirds Swirling" to the ground. ' Distant hills are hazy, , Oaks and maples red; .: Sing a song of autumn Ere the birds are fled. Tut. More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE HOPELESS When informed by a learned cugeniit,' That In going jn quest of a wife, The lady to court was the sinewy sort, Who had nerer been sick m her life " , I made a proposal to Molly, ', A maiden whose health is all right Made of muscle and grit and so physically tit She could give Mr. Dcmpscy a fight. Then along came another eugenitt Who advised me to pick out a Jane Who, though lacking in grace and not much as tu face, Would be the-e with a three-decker brain. And so I proposed to Priscilla, Who may be a trifle antique,.. Qut w ho took five degrees with the greatest of esc And who thinks both in Sanscrit and Creek, t .,' Still aiftther jfugenist apprised me . N ' That beauty, one's aim ought to be. "They needn t know books if they've just got the looks; Pick out a peach while you're picking," said he, . So I asked for the hand of Patricia. A damsel whose azure-eyed glance, . If v.w own it should meet when she passed on the street, Would throw you straight into a trance. And now I'm distressed to discover That the kiud of a spouse one should find If the race is to be what eugenists foresee Should have all of these features combined. I've got three fiancees already And my braVs in the deuce of a whiil. The wife that I need seems elusive indeed. For there never was any such girl! , DANGEROUS . . There arc altogether too manv h'or parties in congress just now. . . CAGY , The ex-crown prince says it would only make trouble if he went back to Germany. And he knows for whom. t; ' . .CURIOUS Food prices of tea rise above the average but never fall below it. (Copyritht. 1931. 1)7 The Bll Syndlctt. Inc.) Common Sense Things You'll' Love To Make By J. J- MONDY. , Yourself And the Kids. Vnu fathers who have young sons. if you want the lads to be chummy with you, you have got to treat the bovs like real pals. - " if you are cross, bossy and arbi trary with them they are going to prefer other company. Even at the best you can do, they will want to get out in the world of society their own age, therefore, the heet wav to interest them in your self and make them forget the differ ence in age' is to? get acquainted. Take the boys into your con fidence intimately. If you go for a hike, find put where the boys want to go. - -' Give . that little growing man a i-hanee to increase his ideas of the world by using some of his ideas in ; regards to your walks togctner or on his vacation. No use to pump in things in which he has absolutely no interest. Find out what your boy does like, and then lead him along to take, in some of the things you like, and get together that way, not by ordering him to take what you select for him or get nothing. Copyright, 1921. International Feature Service, Inc. , ' Parents' Problems Should little children be allowed to talk "baby talk;" or should an effort be made to teach them to use ftppy-Tr'immedHat i This poppy-trimmed hat is most attractive for the fall. The hat it self is of black velvet The poppies are cut from bright red patent leath er ot good quality oilcloth. The - lines on the petals are long loops of black embroidery silk; the stamens in the center, yellow and black French dots. With straw-colored em broidery silk or worsted make the wheat-shaped forms between ths poppies. A poppy-trimmed hat is easily and inexpensively male and is as fascinating a chapcau as one can want for fall wear. . Copyright. 1SI1. Public Ledger Company Jewel, Flower, Color Symbols for Today Bailey the Dentist Established 1883 Painless Extraction of Tcath Dr. P. W. Bailey . Dr. Bertram Willamson - .. Make Dentistry Easy ler You ' 703 City Nat. Uk, 18th and Harney A NEW YORK OPINION ON Salvation Nell: "The heart throb has been retained in the filming. Miss Starke's expressions of sorrow and fear and humiliation rank ' high in the season's personal accomplishments of, this kind on the screen." New York World That's Urge No. 1 To Sea It at the RIALTO STARTS SUNDAY the correct words,: pronouncing them correctly? A persistent use by a child of un intelligent talk should be looked into. . It may come from one of many causes. There may be a men tat twist, and ii this seems evident the child requires the attention of an expert. There may be difficulty of enunciation due to some physical defect, which can be' corrected. Again, the child may live in a world ot his own for which he has .in vented a language not understand able to adults. This is interesting and amusing, but the parent should not let it go too far. Some of the new veils are sold with celluloid rings to hold them in place. Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. I. KINO. Tbt Wren. It is an omen of good luck to have a wren build in net near the house. This, with the exception that it is also considered in some sections bad lurk to kill a wren, appears to be the only survival In this country of the mystic character which pertains to the wren in Europe and has so long attached to it there that trotessor I'razer considers the ceremonies at tending the wren superstition to have "come down from a very primitive paganism." The ancient Greeks and Romans, the modern Italians, Spaniards, French, Danes, Swedes, English and Welsh, regard the killing oi a wren as sure to bring disaster to the slayer. But notwithstanding such be lief the annual custom of "hunting the wren" was to comparatively re cent times universal throughout Eu rope and exists in a modified form in many sections today, as. for in stance, in the Isle of Man, where, on M. Mephen s day, a wren is annu ally killed and buried after its body has been taken around the village and srown to the inhabitants. The ceremony of killinir the wren differed slightly in different countries, but was everywhere rather elaborate. This annual slaying of an animal con sidered sacred and not to be killed at other times is a custom found among many peoples still living in a primi tive state, and was once conunon to primitive man. Frazcr says, "The- worshipful animal is' killed with es pecial solemnity once a year and. be fore or after death is carried from door to door, that each of his wor shippers may receive a portion of th divine virtue that is supposed to emanate from the dead or dying god. Religiout processions of this sort must have had a great pure in tbt ritual of European peoples in prehis toric times if we may judge from the numerous traces of them which have lurvlved in folk-lore." CopyrlfM. 1111. by Th WcClurt Nrapapr Mmdicat. Where It Stated Up to the time of Elisabeth, stairs were constructed on tut aptral elan and special towers or "rasas were built to contain them. The straight stairs, or "flights', of atalra, were introduced in the latter part el Eli Economical- Easy to prepare Richest in Flavor" MACARONI , It does not cost more to phone your want ads to The Bee, the charge rates are' the same as cash. "Visiting Hands" Unsecured by washing dishes YOU can now go out in company with hands that show no trace of houttworL Keep them out of harsh soap suds bynajnt; Linn. This remarkable powder deans jmr greasy dishes quickly and keeps your hted smooth, white, and comfortable. Its secret is told by the lemon fragrance. Linn also softens water. Let your hands show what t relief it brings. Our guarantee gives your money back unless you are pleased. For your hand's sake try this new discovery today. Thousands are now using it O. W. ELDRIDGE BROKERAGE CO., Distributing Affals 1318 Frnmm Strut. Ttlbn$ DmUt 1JI , 10c and25c In Blue Packages f Your GrorVrS O H.lrUarnMC. By MILDRED MARSHALL. The ruby and the diamond are the rich combination made by to day's talismanic and natal stones. It is believed that those who wear a ruby will be possessed by the inex tinguishable flame of ambition. It is also a gem which -preserves the bodily and mental health of its wearer. ' By use of the diamond it is be lieved that social ambitions can be achieved. Ancient superstition has it that the diamond possesses the power to lift its wearer out of ob scurity to a place in the sun. Light blue is the color assigned to this day. Since it is a hue belong ing to Venus, wearing it is a good augury for lovers. - The gardenia is today's lucky flower, but it should never be worn by a blonde. (Cprriht. ISSl. 'Whcir Syndicate, Ine.) Many of the new fur wraps show a combination of brown trimming on black fur, kolinsky, sable and dyed squirrel being the most popu lar, -, " ' ... For Thick Heavy Hair Use Ccticura , Tmatmsnt: Touch spots oi dandruff and itchmg with Cotkora Ointment on the end of the tngcr. Neat momina; shampoo with Cnticura Soap and hot water. Rime with tepid water. When joa hare made your scalp ikia dean, awest and healthy then wig your bait become soft and thick. BmkiSMarrwSTU Uhel SjeBJ l.eliiMio.5oaaiw Omaha's Leading Cash Markets i For Quality Meats and Provisions Quick Service Lowest Prices 1 Mail and Express Orders Filled From This List 212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St 4903 So. 24th St. Extra Special Q T( IX for Saturday V J3 j Sugar Cured 0 j) U 0 L (L suvrnea 11 1 yy I Hams y or whole 22c Small Lean, Pork Shoulder for roasting 124c 11c 124c 0) 6) , Choice Leaf Lard Special at Choicest Cut Beef Chuck Roast Choicest Cut Sirloin . V-v Steak 20c Choice Lean. Pork Loin J Roast' f 17c Choicest Cut ' Round . Steak 20c Fancy Young I, . Spring . .-. ' Chickens 24c BEEF CUTS Prime Beef Rib Roast . 17c Choicest Chuck Roast. 12c Choicest Rib Boiling Beef for I... 8c Choice Hamburger Steak for j...l5c Choice Corned Beef . . 12c VEAL CUTS Choice Shoulder Roast . 14c Choice Veal Chops . . . .20c Choice Veal Stew .' . . . 12c Choice Veal Legs.' or - whole, for roasting 20c Choice Veal Loin, for roasting .. . i... . . . . ,20c BUTTERINE Swift's Gem Nut. ... . .23c Cudahy's Rex Nut ..... 23c Fancy Creamery Butter 45c PURE LARD Cudahy's Puritan Lard -5-lb. pails ......... 85c 10-lb. pails.. ....$1.70 Pure Lard, per lb. .,. . .14c CHEESE Fancy Cream Cheese. .25c Fancy Brick Cheese ... 25c Large Dill Pickles, doz . 25c j New Sauerkraut 8c SMOKED MEAT DEPT. Fancy Breakfast Bacon, : . or whole sides. . . ..24c Very Choice Sugar Cured Regular Hams . .... 23c Choice Sugar Cured Strip Bacon . . . .... V . .1 .18c Choice Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams, per lb .... . . 28c Cudahy's'Puritan Breakfast Bacon, or whole sides, f or , . . . . . 36iC Armour's Breakfast Bacon, ; Star Brarid, or whole, f or . . . . .,. .36c PORK PRODUCTS Choice Boston Butts . . .19c Choice Spareribs .... 12c Choice Pqrk Tenderloin for .40c Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. 25c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs . . . 25c Fresh Pig Tails .......lie Fresh Pig Ears, 4 lbs . . 25c Fresh Pig Snouts, 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Made Pork Sausage for . . ;. . 20c Choice Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs. ........ .....25c Choice Fresh Pig Hearts,: . 4 lbs. .....:25c Choice Salt Pork . . . . . 18c CANNED GOODSiDEPT. Fanby Sweet Coii,ilJ cans, .'..".for . . .:. . i'-j . .35c Fancy Early June Peas, x , 3 c&ns 40c Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 356 Fancy Sardines, 5 cans 25c Fancy Pork and Beans, 3 cans' T. :. .". . . . , .3Sc Fancy Pink Salmon, 1-lb. talis :.15c Fancy Red Salmon, 1-Ib.' tails . . . . . ; ; . . . . j . 25c Fancy Lima Beans, 2 lbs. for .-. . . . . ... . ... 20s Swift's Classic Soap, ; 10 bai : . 53i White Naptha Laundry Soap, 3 1-lb. bars . . . 25c 60 1-lb.bars '. ; . .K25 SAUSAGE AND COOKED MEATS Choice Frankfurts... ...18c Choice Wienies . . . ..... 18c Choice Polish Sausacr. lCc Choice Garlic Sausae . ICe Fresh Liver Sausage... . 15c Fresh Bologna Sausac 15c Choice Minced Ham. i .22c Choice Pressed Ham . . . 22c Fancy Summer Sausage for ;. ..22c Fancy Lima Beans, 2 lbs. Evaporated Milk, 3 tall cans .35c Eitra Special for Saturday Sugar Cured SUMttaicl aMth's rtifn A ftaircaje, then, bjmms strictly tfes iacloinrc of ipU ni italr, aot the suir itself. Tits word comes from the Saxon aitiiha, to anount; hence itrthen, tiaycri, tairs. . . tJeafftfht, 1(11.. WhMlar tralleata, Im. Bt Want Ads. Get Rriulia. Spinning th Wb of Fate. braw larga web sa sraaf sasf toik, then writ (onuses ta tlx different sections. Let ' cat h nest Din a ton between tha finiert. Wbea it stops, his fats stands rtycalw Hits arc being wont to mates (ht hosiery. i .Dorveni Valuc-Cking Slort JL VJJll1R) . EOWEN'S Value-Giving Store Astonishing Values For Saturday Buyers $ Rockers ! Rockers! An .Offering of 100 High Grade Easy Rockers at Sensationally Low Prices Quartered Oak, goldea finish Rocker Large and eaay, beautiful golden Oak Vary comfortable, quartered oak. fine grade upholstering.. Mission design, full guar, oak, with genuine Spanish leather t m.es Get Your Supply of Rockers Now Never Before in Our Merchandising History have we offered such High Gradd Library Tables at Such Low Prices .This popular design Colonial Table Is of genuine quartered oak throughout, has large 26x 42 top, roomy drawer this table an Ornament in any home for. $17.95 0. Clnally Priced at M1.60 ,.Thls beautiful genuine quar , tered oak table, hand pollshsd plank top ttxit. with large dore-tall drawer for $18.95 Originally Sold fer ftl.M Guarantee Glass Bake Ware Will not break in the hottest oven I Pie Plates, 496 Owterd Oapi, lto eat ptii, ct Dining Chairs in odd lots at less than cost price Think of It, American walnut and mahogany Chairs, In Period styles, with genuine leather seats, that formerly sold for from $12.60 to $15.00 each, we now offer In lots of from one to four j - for $4.65 Taborettes Magazine Racks S Fumed Oak; J8 in. high, 10 Inch top. Just the thing for the fern or plants 39c In Fumed Oak; stands 28 in. high, has 8 convenient shelves, for 95c Cedar Chests 14-In. Colonial Chest . $11.85 It-Is. Brass Trimmed Chest .....,.......$14.75 4-in. Full Brass Trim- . med Handsome Col onial Chest .-.-...-$28.05 41-ln. Genuine Walnut red eedar lined, Hope Chest $30.00 Drapery Department Specials Filet Curtain Net in ; white, cream or ecru in neat all-over effects, per yard -37 '50-Inch Imported Madras in '; Beautiful color effecta; designs suitable for any room, per yard W.79 White Bed Spreads A. lot of 101 Taney Bed Spreads; regular liO value, for fl.Ti Brass Extension Rods slse. Adjustable Rods from 80 to 54 inches. Complete with fix tures, for, each ....... Use Bowcn's Ouarantced z ' $n.50 sC Howard 8t, Bet lSth and 11th. . aMld Bp wen Oaaranteed Heating Stoves "Howard St., Between J5th and l6Qr"n' ' 11) I